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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Feb 1888, p. 6

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-w, I - .4 * 8 g ** ~ . . 1- -, * . -* - e -- -4. etfe'DOM o00 »M rw=»er , NVXIE TMZTE a,18 Ob 1 mother. I heur the Angola 4 Ou1ila me freru Afar, And the ¶. autif ni galesof Heavez Are standing ai1 ajar. 1 helr the Deaih Angel * Kn.ooklng et the gâte for met 800ZL I muet b. Tea y To cross th. Jauper Ses. 1 aeeyour tears are fallng la your heart se full ef pain To think yon- littie Ocre, Will not oomo back àagain? Maybe you viii ho lonoly, When tbe patter of my feet Âre ringing on the pavement 0f heaven'e golden atreet. 1 amn se sic to-day mether, Do take me on y our knee, Wîil the angl be weary Wai ta the gates for me? Oh the pain iune bard te bear, Hold me closely te your bres.t, Solon y eue littiegOcra Wil1 b. lihe land of rest. Don't hoId my hand so tightly, Fùr you and I muet part, Godinlu nly tellin This 1die from your heart. Nov, ing te me ge aweetiy. &s yoQ Bang long lime ago Abouatthe b autifual Angelas Whoae robes are white as snow. 1 feel b ly baud of death Prenng cibee to my heart, Why, do yen trocuble, mother 1 la fIt gebardteapart? 1 know lIl soon h. geing It la ge dark and oold, rm near the water's brink, nov, 1 heur the Jordan roll. I se. the Savieur standing With outatretched arme ti mc; In my new home lil be happy# -Par eo'er the Jasle Sea. Now place me in my littie col, And kiies me %Il Igood-bye, But dion't ferget the day, mother, Yonr littie Cora, died. Mms. SQUES, Bewmanville. Rer First Love. UT TRE AUTEfOR 0F ""MISS LETTON'i LOy:RS", "Till£COUR88E 0f TRUE LOVZ,," RTC., ETC. CBAPE& VIL. (Oontinued.à Mr. Allau Pauaoefortlh bad Doolin. Vlted Mr. Elliot go oompany hlm on -,ie long voyage wilbout lbink1og tbe malter weil over ; for Mrs. Pauricefortl s»d herdaugbt.er, Aliee, vere to, b vllh lhem duriog the lime they iulend. ed so, apend in the Mediterranea. To have throwc Alla. lu the vay of a de. iietal would be tbe lasi lhiag Un. Paummeeforth would have lietened t., but go. brlug about an alli*tDoe wih the rlob, good-looking Mr. Billot was seme of, whiob ahe upproved. -&iib. waa thrçe.and.îwenîy, a tlu baudeome blonde., with largenmre- wbat expressionlés. eyes, good festures, »ud very prelly, aligbtly-projeeting t..lb. 8hb*.rlooked 'er'brlgblt 'and W Blk foi ber nesi blos erge, vitla dari b1luee <ot balt t correspond peroh. .d upon lb. top lot berlfair bair. vheu a salor ;, but. I suppos"ýe h. poor hi uddils have not suh good times sftec mi ? I d&»" 857hbey ýs omnelimes lo4~ 111 duce my ubeydo," esowquloed Thon AlIc. questioued bina wllh a prety portlnsoety about vltere he bsd bec s if bis puti vas of immense lu.i Âuad Iru. ' Pineeforth, mninedlupile of her sea.eîeknes, sud wwmiarked to ber' bueband - bal Ajoe - ~stdelllydelcmind bloue Do And indeed the girl's br, .4oesla. -monoïbly obe.ved George. He' m sûmli hie eolatebee. oethe il 10", 6u bt sbi a""&,bes-psevem te bMM slmqmê Un- Sce~ioniU.at ohiier limes Helen'a 1" 6Iteiev.ebeho#sê bora ffirl1agt m*., bsd matie bis i *[ very ce y, Trevor aokuovled plalbllvbly,10 Lice h dipositiuOfet bsmouiey hsd- bea "8h.simly ~u'h.l is~-i lameou4 atb&,ssurprise te him-Mc. H-facyel &W naur 1 bi»Hoever, every' Mau -knew. 'bout ý"bi "B.o il seeo, cspouded Lice dry. b. wiebed don, wiîh hlm, sud 'no m ly, asabe glaunoed. aIMise Le'Breton, hiad a bmttec righî than Mc. ohayic who va ooking up intoMc. Eiio'es eeeiug th&t he b.d made aildhiemoue faoe-. disgasitîngly," as Alioe desorib- himaeif. edûi aftervards te ber mother. To hie vife he left au annuity Of foi Miss Le Breton had ne meneyl but hnndred Pound@, 10 be psid qbakrter], ee bhd groal confidence lu bèr ovu lu advanco, and a no'm OetwIo bundre, attractions, sud vas detecmiued le pounde 10 b. paid ber ou, lesviug Bei make ber fortune in - lhe matrimonial fard Sq4uare:* To bis niece ho eft Ià market. 8h. hiad yet to disoovor life interest OetwIo tbonsaud punil - "wboY' Mr. Bllot vaansd vat ho baid ua Ofe fifty poundle'on leavix in the way et vorldly goode ; aud Ibis Bedford Square. The cest cf bis pro latter question v as soon elved by Mc. pecty, ever oue hundred Iboueang Pauucefortb, vbo inadvertently bold pounde, he bequeatîbod b Loudoi Mru. Trovor ail about biw. borpilaie. Hie mansien iu Bedfori "C0aryil Oomrt sud several lbcnsand Square, wilb its contents, wBs ho b, a year 1" ejaoulaled Beatriee Lo Breton. 'seid vishin thýree menthe and lhe pré ",Why,it seeme ah if Providence tbrew ceede 10 ho sdded . to1he char * abli hlm in My vay. S.. if I don't fascinate fund , after payiug ail bhi ut aud las bim V" fui debte. Mca. Psnofocth'e plesenre in berj Benbam glared vildIy. Wasli ter tour vas sitnply ended from the lime no mention of him ? But Mr. Hanrvej Beatrice Le Breton joined lhem. Ail b.d-evidently corne b lbtheclusioz ber echemes for Alice vers fruslrated ; Claudia toit incapable et motion ; eh but, abe bsd le emile ou snd seem per. w as almost paralyzed with cage sudiu feetly plaoid while a. tempeet ragod diguation. vithin the maternai bosom. It vas lufamene, outrageons!1 The IIMuet aaY be doea net seotm te sure vil! muet be upset. 8h. muet gol foc ber," ah. mid ene day to ber bus- Holen bo proteel againel it. Sho ce. baud. III believe hoe vould -cather iained uffieeu ommaud oier hereeli take 1te Aline, but tbat uitlesruti flirt t. retire. direotly abe baid reeroîd -won'& les,. hum alozie. And you kuow, fcom th. fim sho.ke aud, sgaixing the Alan, mon are snob fool." hall, eh.e ped wlldly np-etais. toe "Thauk.you, my :dear. Isu sure dcavln g.room, wbere Helen sai tber lbe sez wojald be grutifled le hoar yeur davenport acraugiug Borne Papera. assertion 1" "Well, whal do you tbink, it le "«Oh 1 yen know vhat I meau-lboy Yen cau'l gnse-yen viii neyer guosu are .o essily flsttered 1 Now I could lu s a swindie, a eoea, a ehame, à tel! Mr. Elliot, if be marries Beatrio, cruel, ujuet vili!" se. iii lead hlm a dance. In my "1Wbat i i ?" aaid Helen, ebocked eyou @ho baun't eue redeeming quality, at Claudla'a exolamations. Ibougla of couree I aokuewledged ber "Four buudred a year to you-he beauty. Ho vould b. vretched wilh int.eresî cf s plhiual, vcetehaed, meaz ber." two thousaud pounde ho me V, "4For my part, I don%'t tink be is a Helen breatbed a eigb ef involuntary msrrying man at ah!, mamma," observ- relief tbat the wealtb they kuev bo -ed Alile, po$eaeeaed badl net come te ber. Four Mises Le Breton, bovever-, ibouebt hundnsd a year and freedom moant differensly. ý, Meanvbiie the BYiPh vealîh ho ber, foc her laslets vere ono*more aped ou hec vay farîher snd isimple, and the day.et biter peverîy a fartber tm o EalAnd. b.d no& been forRobten. 8h. vas eocry 1%aw a briglat meruiag lu April; for Claudia. Y.t vhy sboula se a soft shover had refreabed tbe eacîh baveogo0 onfliently coented on ber and made oven L"udon squscee look uuole'e fortuneP fceeb sud green. Mr. fRobecrt(Jbaytor's T ecniu6 etwe. manuion in B.edford Square bed ai b Tobtoheud ee w. blinde oarefully dravu dovu ; the sun- shine oould nos force ibm vay juote .The Ungod'y Buate. * dark, dismal coomà. A slrauge bush 0 b.dl talion upon the bouse, for à dread- Lait Deoember, tboesvas», grand 19 ed visiter bal entered ihal unannouno. balhtlunb vodding lunlbhevllhaget b ed, sud lu au upper obamber lbe mai- Little Falas, lu the Biat.etfNew York, 0 ter cf tbe bottsebold lay desd ; hiset* wbiab Capîsin Erio Von Alexeen sud 1. querions loice waesilent nov foc Captain Poily Bryan. efthîe 8alvatiou ie v idvv.silnru.b icr Aroey, vere married. Tbey bad a big Hie ido wu ittng i th libaryproiess-ion parading the alcools, preoed- -resaesdlu ber weedî, vhile Claudia-. ed by a dram corps, and bad a balle. oppotsite ge hoc-dieouased coolly their înjsb lime generally. Poliy vas bnxomn probable prospectesud vhab tbe con- sud talc go look opon, suddvas alto. tot letof ber uncieesviilvould b.. geiher lb. most prepoéesesing member 0,I 1am sure M(r. Hiacv'y mlght jual t obte fârnale contingent of the Salvallon aevell tell*§ .at One.- WÃœtast'u b. us Army. Bul Polly-is nov n lu digrac, of vaiîinu tliithetuera isieove«c? I sud thecause oet Ibaldiggrace ie ber idure oiay b.obas provlded vecy band bomle. Optain Poli7 being good look. s omely foc you, Belon ; but h'. juetsel as b.d Ibe eommon instinet of hbora. vol!le v, aru yon Ibat lb. buik et his for dc..., sud boou., abs r 1efuse' le bvealth vii oma to me."$ disêoard ber bastle ah. sud'ber bnsbsnd * "WiIli ?" sait! Helen, sbseritly. bave been texpelled fcom lb. arny, sud 41I ahan't ontinue le li v ee iIexuso nTds vr rnho Thon"'sh9 hbo*igbl of Heury, hber lut OpauAeeuaat i ePhy but 1 teuit!edrhjy lvod!. broîbor. H er Intimai, thât thor. a s som Vëryý lite muet b. agent lu trylue te flot! bin, crooket! vork lu the BlainArMY 1u! if . e livet_ d MC hitehiy suad thuýt bey viii make il belt- or -t.he vealbyenb 'oi eafen,! o re foethey gel Ibrongi lbf be hto er lU.'.esoneifise. Clau. vibw inMeau te part .oornpanvv isiber. W%11, Ihal wua M rlief I There voit! Beutituh vornun, M he nece Came uby b. o:tbiUg brec b.the- loy~sThy beang oye, thay features fair ? cf i$Isd qe bat! uevecbe uds; Wuatklud.,hà aoný th. thorae'vas nolbiug uinomeon -beiveen Endovlu'g lb.. Iii Leaty ra" ibem r;- lire nover bsd beiasu trou t Twaq une evor thus,» lb.. dama, repfled, fii."OûS .paie ibis fao.. hho.foumesbold,1 mg" Znr# mor rase-The 'Favorite Prescrpnl$ of etDr. Piere* houe as the "Y wore on. Tho foliov. -ba h ot!." chage- . - YIC Iý« oev éO:.jIfàc tbe inneral tol caeplm&, Imr*ftÏbieb scenmony IIW1ou40 5IjdW Dosfroy _Tho Rèrmeuort/I may . W R e& destroy the cJiUlre,. «Uae = ffréma >y. Worm Potodera, t/sq emoeal Uin*Za f _____________ ai tOrmaTI 21GW *WBI. W Dr. Sobrootter, cf 'Vienna, maintaalntal iTr71>4 ýt th. disease frein whloh tb. Orowu Prince l Ga&owJoLondon lnmiranoe cc.GL-A ZI.rs', 03Y suffsring là cancer. - A Rae Coblnalon of GreatBritain. PAPER A GBJ Ly There lane other remedy or cembinetion CAPITAL, S2t500,000. -KÂLSOMINER, id cf meilioines that meets se many require- ment. au does Burdook Blood Bittera in ils -A.NNUAL INOOMBe, 1,500,000. -AND wide range cf power over snob, chronlo M amPoet n wligGeneral House Deoorator.'., 18diseases as Dyspepsis&, Liver snd "Ktdnoy MAEFmPreryadD iig de Cerlnt~, ScrofPaul.sdal humera cf the Houses a Spoolalty. Very 1ev rates. Easy 2g blocd. terme of psyment. Simple polc1Os.]NO Ppi wnse rm5,aRi 0- The Jeanite have presoentcd tb he Pope oflseswtou icon.B sure yen do and uipwards. id the. uum of £40,000 as the Peter's pence con- net imeure until you know cur terme and ýn tuibution cf their order. conditions. Enqum.re cf E. R. B. B1AY- Ordlers from the country promptjy rd IPat of The Housbold. WARU, car Go' oral Agent fer South On- attended to. >8 " hav uuo Hagard' Yelow Ql w tarie. Office in Whitby-Part cf D. Ormis- ~ ahati sfdgactfrd' o i su iSor ton's Law-Office. Ail lettons addrsed te 30E' SHOP-First door South of muchsatifacionfor oUsand oreLok-Bez '78. Whitby P. 0.; will recelveM.G .Sih lwofc'bty 19 Throat. I wouid net ho without il st any prompt attention. Rteidence-Ham Coe-M.G .S h9 a fie bty v. ceut, s I look upon ils the bout inedicîne tage, Byron utreet, Whitby. - 21 Whitby, May 121h, 1887. 2- soid for family ueo." MiesE. Bramhall, -------_______________ re Shorbrooke, P. Q. ýy & pack of wolves escaped from Sanger's IN SITR A N'flE ! A flNT et A8 ENT S I.cirons in London Meuday. -w Euu E U IV e A Reasonable Hope Io onu eu hat is based on pre-Viouu knowledge RATES8, LOW! 1TOW RE ADY-Ourneo book, *1EBarth, or experience, therefore those wh ue B B. N.~ Sea and Sky; -or, Manvelsof the~ ie B. may neasouably hoe for a cure. because AD JUSTMENTS LIBERAL 1i Universe" being a full sud graphie d>L ýt th. proviens experience cf thousandu whe LOSSES PA.D PROMPTLY! oIpîo falta ewueflivr have a ed il, shows il 10 have suceeaoud 0 continent cf the Globe, lunlb.henrd o1 feven izie h. vorst cases. Companles among the. bekt Ihe world, waters aud the Starry Havons, ccntaining snceue" tbriliug adventnres on land and Boa, re. d The Ottawa civieathorities are being de- ncwned discovonicu cf the world's greateut, e Inged with bonus hantera. lThe LIVERPOOL, LONDON £ê GLOBE, explorers in al! ages, and remarkabie p ho. 130e noa.in evory realin cf nature. Bm-- Hr.] obetWlme Hnf eil, The L.EBLO4SHIandbraciug the striking physical fMatures cf the ! Mr. Rbor Wiliamonet lenlal'h.W.4.EROOandearth, the peculiar chanacterjuties efthîe Penny Sound, Ont, sys, "I could net keop lThe NORWICH UNION, human race, cf animalis, birds, inee, etc., b ouse. without Hatgyard 's Yeilow 011 at inoludin a vivid description of th.Alan. hand. I have used il in m.y family fer M~~~ ~ tic, Pacige -and Indian Oceans, sud cf lhe Croup, Bcr. Throat, sud a oat foot, sud OSfl Polar Seas, the Monitors cf lhe Deept b ighly reooemmend ilte everybody." Local pnivale lande in anmo tc suit et beautiful seauhoelle sud plantaBi srgniar _________-__-----------__ lowesl rates, flubes and dwellers inu-jIorld cf waters, I ~ - ...~ ~remarkable Ocean curntnts, etc., togethes. Innvîç' nnS vi" W . Be PUINGLE, with'the UUUJI) LIUIÃ" DUUt1NOTAILY PUBLIC, AMAZING PHENOMENA OF TH FOR Whitby. SOL4R AND S9TARRl" YY9TEM3 1 8 8 8. HNRY DAVENFORT Neuamor, D.D., Embeillished with over 800 fine ougravirige. The Mirror 'of Fashion. Lbrltret gns $2 A YEAR ALWAYS in ADVA14CE.f1 n r. OXFORD PUBLISHING, CO. Sam pie Copy 15 Cents. TRE WESTERN BANK. 0F 5 JORDAN ST., - TORONTO, ONT. Edited by MRS. J. C. CROLY. (JzNNY juNExCNLA,________________ AHaudiome Engiraving toEXvery WHITB Yq - O.NT&RIO. ao ASubsoîr1ber. Cr5fct !Major arpert a. TERM!3 TO CLUBS.- THOMAS DOW, /f 0 FOR CAH COMMISSIONSB. Manager. /f htý 2 0o - - - - $3 40 Whitby, Nov. 11h, 1882. ly-47 3 4. -4 50 To whom il may concem~. 4 " free cepy 10 Club raiser, 7 00 Thie io te certify that haviug - examined, 5 M ON EV TO LOA N ! epaired sud used.as great vanlety of Sowing b~ 50 -- Machines. I have coe.te the couclusion 9 900 0100-000 <> ,<» ]INVESTIRENT. that the White Machine aold by L. Fair- GODRY'S, ah the preent lime lu admit- batiks à e eof the best made, as in my ted by proe sud people te b. supenior ho' ON R]&AL ESTÂTIE SECUEIY6 eprnoh il je a machine that wili not easili any Ladies' magazine iu Amreîc, baviug - gel cut cf orden, aud vii lasutmueb longer the greulest varitty of deparîrnenlu, abiy At levest living rates ef interest. than Most machines, au care bap been taken edlted. le prevent wean a mmcl as possible. I Mone eecred ithi 10 ays f & e "Inhouestly rfcurmnd ilt toparzties waut. Club Baisers' Premiums for those Mnysone ihi 0dyso p g a gooad dlan swngmc ine - who refer ilvr Wre ~<>plication. punchased Ã"Docf lb. Wblîe'às sein.months Cash Commission. AJORNteFARQUHE[ASOIN aMoAJOdRi give ry -GODEY'S bas arrauged le, give elegant hty rbM71 silerplte vae f upnlr mkeu s hlbyFerurylth, 1880. 0- -87 silvr-putedwar of upeor mker seAfler fivé yeara use cf lb. White Sevin p'emiume, the value cf vhioh iu some lu- McmeauuyfafyI a u .uos staceuresehes ver 826 for one premin m. I@aooe~ta ti~ Gond 15 ïtents fon simple cepy vhich viii $5001,000(J LOAN. lii. hei-nsehi»e as a - tail contain îlluîrted preiume wilh full par. TOmn t s a1uiy e g ticulars aud terme. At 6 per cent yearly. Terme cf npyMachine copes isufer repaira h.tan ý-uy Addresa, palnmadofle saitmachine I have ever bLa nythiugle do met _fprincipa aet utbcnroven&' --, Tbe -tsî suvu ànaM«-as lit«oatire haveý beent Ou tlb, liaI 01f-ocutributors fho, the Don'I voiy Ltyouaul tepomntO 1~QROOM SI :arsti SM the bigbrot«et is contrib .Write tOMr. Oovdy, di Wellingtci Sl.$ D i ROM UTS tions iilb. e 'BudIbegha. at, Tt4éonto. Bond s44= £rzel. E î~ t71S TmE OOmWG YEÂR. .--- -Kl~7 UT poc lb. nexi year the, publishf e-n An. L.1Le-B To. 16 8Iories saudurb by -Katharie MQuold, Lodge roona, Gni' lc Patience stsju1eton,, Wm. Blîdeug, Jian W«Ihesdayl in a e ue Bnon raeWsnlrop mxii Corne One, Com-i Tbcmap Bleensà,. the.bicyet ofthelb'y ? hziÇrn,for world ; Neie BIy, authon ct*'Ten dayqi a mil -Roune;" 'Frueiek Sohwatka, th. ArntbcExplorer; Rate ?leld4 the -get1n T th liyonte mormonQusin;F"iOiko ,Mi W # or' Sannna, Beatrice Proeà!ôop 4'- h"~ acterskth , p4pÈâéî_..?aa- -ad -ther W H_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ ndsket! the giý é. - pIaoe, expia ew members of, heir overehes- b eet.Ing. The gi -le men vere id ho alley looking ïBeems that they1 .arpouter near b2 'aud entered by s .the vork oftrevez -Four bear.lrap hocalihies Sa Prc Iook tho buste cf sud Agaet Spi& I.ho Ir-ape,tIlim. destrution. Th rcrsare kepi -orner, and tbe - vrhb whih De -Mississeippi vasi snd tbrougli in 'Wben 1h.e Coun' -t ilas ne longèr more iovo. They then tai the museeum, aul a ppalling. Nt -escape the -t!é svord et WA'shi and the pointî vatermelon cf-1 The cap cf Lib seoimnn unexi bnet of Nero, ai nose vere kntx -beariug the-I cheetut 1" vsi - hie month. A b ad ils roof kia Suscd b-y Dret! w itb Oloopatra, the boucs oet C. jute the steve., CbiÏtopherct ---Revengeesho t hepn, but il *a the hall weire- ran&,ing flrom tocù'down onle chuuk O-f ice emptiet! on- menitieli. - . Keepco00,' Chair andi bei heap; 1the.-lai9 u--nder thb. ste ie ihirty-th - pnlled cdown. vere broen-i avec the tutu ceady te dep - - eening the, vendor -h wbvhn. he as ailer supper fer the moot, I by the-evide: in fn tnd île doizeanit put-forth te, - rpeetiflr, sui days passet! plmas Mise' iPaunefeorth'se e:erolsed toc hic Sbe s.smore $han ou ficet em. Piat promisod ,ýtb .. pefoct-brs verdic gut becnos' nîîgt boming t lb. vwido.' sud the boter, *ho t!eexn probtble tuatîi bjo ermvles position luthlb bskgrôuae q ~ g g - -- 4 -s- -~ I a * - s * - - -- e - - *~~%~-* * - ~ I. , ~U.- - s * *.~ >~ «4k l~ZA~ 4 0 0 . . a 6 1 1 - a a . 41 1 le

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