s.. p . f a -r OrrsonMt r»E Nw3 GOT. luoffîiaiý- irclee ie cf oburue lhe ap poinîmnent cf the* Marquis cf'Lace- fevus Yioeroy cf Ila, 84a bgb offie grot inpechmntfuraished Burbeè sud 8h.ridaaetheme for Ihoir eloqu. *ba. M ,G.vercor Gbueral cf Canada Lanedovue receiv'eso$5,000 a year, a, praty big, plum; -,but sVicoy cf fli h. viii recpive *125,000 a y.ar, a plun pudding iteelf. The. eccupano>' of Rideau Hlall seeme ratier te h ave boom foreod on Lord Staaloy cf Preeton, Who, tie câble sLaLom, was reinctant te, acoopt lh. Position. Anyva>' ho bas accepted it aud vs mustashunt for Lie nov king. He lu a handeeme mnu wearing a moustache sud a ouri>' brown beard. He,. married aI lthe age qf 28 aud in the fater cf sevorsi ohildîen. W. have nu information about -Lady 13Sn.> except tbat she is the daujhter of an earl. Lord Stanley' ie said in Englsud te bs an "inevitable"lu inpoli. lics. Tii. PaU Malt Gasoilst said of hlm: 411t le undoestood that ne Cou- servativoe cabinet vcnid b. complet. wathouùt'him, sud "ii la a- the.publoc kaowls on Lii.suh«ýject2' H.elnsb a lm it ta meover vlaWilliam the .o Goqor aud cf bine blood hbas the bînsat. The. change -vii b. a D l.asluexoitemont lu Ottawa ".0 .. Lord Lansdovneha. by -hie dignifiod domoaorand participation jinail phëasesfetCanadian lhf. von lie respect sud iiking of th. Canadien peopie. tUfl OLDES? ONTÂRIO RAILWAY. The oity counoit of Toronto ha@ just adopted a motion toeesîd Mr. J. B. Bobineon to, Eugland te, attend the meeting in London on the 28rd inet., of the Northeru Railway Co., aud te op- pose the amalgamation of that road with the Grand Trank Railway. Very few are avare that the Nortiieru vas3 the firet raîlway in Ontario, hsving been ehartered nesrly 40 years &go. At a meetine cf citizen« held in Toronto in Jue, 1848, for tb. promotion 6f the sohemne go boild a railway Mr. C. B. Gaowski ststed that plank sud mros damized ruade would b. sufficieut for Can&as for the noit 80 years and liai it vas insanity sud veakusasin ally. one te, think of railways. Col. GzowsLi livedl 80 years te see 10,000 mile@ cf Canadian railways osrryioas 10,000,M0 paOsongers aunuaily. Torouto'. popu- lation vas thon 27,000. Lord Elgin vas thon Governor-Gonersal sud on the. lôth Oot., 1851, Lady Elgin, befor. an immenso orowd, iuruod lb. "rt sud of the pionser road. Lu neinlg the ceremoy the London el .Jmirad Newse said : "The. lhabitant. -of the. troisu sud bitherto imperfoly audewshod regioD of OCanadahave net autil reeeutly avalied themeolves of th. moder advantajces in publie improve. Meut.» 8uch*was Lb. Northoru's à n-bTTiCIA'S nIBOacEm. Hsuy J. Morgan bias got im dis- ae. H. es ch oiot clerk le tbe d»- parimelit cf th. Bomrtar>' cf "ta a salry cf #2,4W0 .a year. Re appears to.e b bhiud in mouey matons, 1k. man>' ou.>' ivil servants sud mm. menti>. &geo outrived by sitering Lb. date of a chouque, bdrsv byeoemouths' ipsy lueu». This vas mer.!>' gettalu abesd of urne bqt for dolng iL tis Priy Conneil reduced him to the rank cf a Orst.feiasork à *at asatn>'of $1800. Korga n laa -iaugily duck- sud voil *kuovoi e .heulhor oethéie auual Oan. à dieu Wogbslr, s verypvaleworkvom f Wre.no The vote t t h. 8oott Ast in> 16&h, .l1884 th, vote stod for 1774; .aaustlO1,* Mii:oty ot78. Thoe in hfl peneoisintinW. whith ay poisibly xfterete". figures. Purliamsut will b. asked t. ipoorpor- à te a Joint stock ooepay to, eounruot a rïiwaybdie.over teriver %atveeu Detroiit and:Windso r. l Int.r lb.' jiak i.. gr.atly delaya the' Ieviathar "*&m.orMYlîng Ltr ains. The 0. P. e,. apply for power tooarry, ont thelr.in&etion of building a braaoh fr-om a dbuÃri b Olaremont vhich vili pr"a.ll# onnsot Toronto wflh the. main line. -, receipla for lanu. of vbih spirite omc.*1,88 le g*seilul ltoe.o à J A OW OVER TEE IRISE. ! Two a orrespondente, i". K. F,"" and "Oconnaught,," hbs been brushing the dft off euch other's garments over the nome Rule question in the local prose. Thofirst is Mr. J. K. Porin emploi ed In tii. publiec service and Mr. W.-O. Bauge publioly etates thst Mr. Foran told hlm 8ir John- Macdonald bail wri.t. ton hlm a letter tbreatà unR bis dismis- eal if ho did net stop writing on the subjeot, and added Mr. Foran, 111 find that, 'Oounaught' is no lees a pereon tban Capi. Streaffield, "the Goavercor General'. Secretary." Thie csueed quit. a sensation but Mr. Foran writee to tbe Ciiisen thaý'there ia no trnth in Mr. Bange' tsîateacà ente. What ho did say, ho writee.wasthat were ho in the sovernment's employ in Engtend ho would have to reslitu if ho publicly es.- ponsed the Home Raie questions.- CANDIDATES FOIR TE fOPI. The. Eteoutive le at preseult renew- ing the ovideuce in threecases of capi. tal punishint. They have decided h thNe iocentral prison ocviot vho. etabbd tii varhabmu t ngon thb. 28&b. Tii. Sd casei. that ofMtlin cf ObarlettovP.SE. I., vhoIi rrined a oôufiding girl aud then. murdered hor s a pest.ring nisnoe; sentencsd te swing on th. lOth proz. The. third case je that of Qamble fouud guilty in Toronto of ~asing ah. death -by- aber. tion cf pour Lizzie Bray. A. petition in GambIe's favor is being oiroulated. NEW OdVALRY SCHOOL. s a e Sir' John'à food b.o ooked vià i>Mr. At Fort Worth, Tex.. a a e prube and sbould Lb.y heat Mr,, Laudi. For'Bronohitis sud AsUuns, try Â1l.nsa er'l room viii 8ir Johnf, ga. iithe M@. Lun; Balsam;#, h. beot coughprescription ber from Q asbec we uld b.-aspbyristed. - kanvu. Tuse ulising cf nalursi gtas in Ottawa There vas nu diuordier I1h eting in je a great solreme cf publW iecouo0my. Trafalgar square, Lendon. More than two-thirde of th. ernal cavalry force in Canada are in Ontario Yet the. only sehool uf instruction ie st Quebee. Leading officiais therefore of Militia Department favor tbe proposai Lu eetïbIish a cavslry sohool lu Tor.>nto. OUR STRONG PORTERS. Âooording to a igb military anthor- il>' t whom I vas epeaking the bas- tions sud earthvorks cf tb. Quebec citael are sadly in need cf repair aud if moder n us von emonnted a di@charge wonîd cause the surrouudings te crnm bis. Re thieks tb. goverement seould better presorve the. keo f British Amerioa. PEESONS AND» THiNap. The petition oagaint bMr. Hudsipetb, M. Pet for Beu Viotônis bas been formaily vithdravn. Au important meeting cf the Dom'n. T.oep'ce Âlliance viibe beIJ ie Ottawa on tie lut proz. Twe New Brunswick oustoe offi- ciaIs have been summouod 10 Ottawa te acoonn for r.ported misenduot. The halls cf parliament are heing put i13 ordor for the approaohug ses- Mion. Bîir Job.'. firsI vidil le tbe Anoient capital lasi woek ou tb. occasion cf the, Carcn banquet vas bis frtrs"esicthlb Riel agitation. 8fr Chares Tuppor la ezposted bore Ibis veek from Wtsbiogtou. Luot nigbt thc Guverner-General entertsine-d &Hl Lb. militia oftera at dircnar. Lord Lansdowne viii net basve Ottawa tili the. varmveather. Revival servisse sommones.Ibis vék tu tie Metiodist ehoroi. Walson Bros. basve sod their portable saw Meill bu Mr. Caruegieocf Raglan. Quit. a number bave visited Poti Perry the lait veek Lu bear -Shivrsag. If "me .of Ibeinabouid gel Irni' Oont. Verted, soin. of their uelghbors veuld iave mu10» pooket MOney than1he>' bhave at present. The prinoipie event cf lait wveu a lb. aunas sessio e t iet tDivison Sons 0f Temperance ci Booth -Ontario. Tbese»e.&bout fort>' vitlug reprê. sentativ.is itemIounitZmont, yrtie, 6Ieu Mqjor Wi&lbYCMaremont sud Wiluvse,sud &about tburt>' uambers cf home division iltenaded the. sesion in the, aft.muooo lu ie e in afa mass meeting vas ielde sud althepb th. veather vas utormth e ball vas» ewould lhiuk tle. fnmniaure deaiers vould do a tlourtsarng tide le édradlep. Tiioewere more, bbies cauogit their 'freit limpte -of tie vickeéd- ved during tbý pait year. in Ibis nsiabborhoopd, thon'>-ouo.k'gg.d man oould sont ou ý bis fingrs and teei.. JA -dose or two of Dr. Smitha German Worm R-emedy, or Wormeriue, Iwill romv ail wormsa from obhild or à idult, and restore to health. For biloouse or indigestion it' has no equal. Ai druggiste keeëp it.. Priie 25 oents per box. Take no other. Lord Roseberry il trying to getup,:a me- morial ta the late Lord Dalhousie. Why suifer frein weak nerves, wAut o! appetite, and general debility P lettlng the hope of aloep and rest impoilerish tho sys- tenu and thin the blood wheu suoh a really meritorigus remedy as Northrop & [yrnan's Quinine Wine May be had St any drug store. This article le recommendeil by -the hlghest mezubers o! the medical facrnlty lu cases of indigestion, general debiltty, loie of a ppetite, and nervous afteotionpo!ofaIl kinds. It is almo specially beneficial te ohiidreti and delicate females, aud te bus. ilss men, students, and those who *have much brain work. We would say. Never be withoÃœt ItL It will etrenigthen yon, keâp your èystem iu regular working order, sud enablé you ta suoceasfully grapple with the work you have te do. It lu pleasaut te ýthe taste, and eontainu9 nothing injurions te the most delicate constitution. Remegubertet ak for the Quinine Wine prepared. by N~orthrop & Lyman, TiI-routo, sn& "we are sure yen will b. satiafied -that, you hav*e full value for your money druggiati »l ILiê ean ViriulsaonSï#uxday., Prince Bismark bausént hie-photo sMd autogr&ph ta Baron De Worm. GIaria Tua loisa Ia unexcelied for Famnily Grourieu, flue Teae aud Coffées. TE A is Our Specialty Cash and Low Prices our Kotto. Tesieofalilkinds sud prie.. to aIl Lastes, frein 20 to 75 centit. ouarrente. our Teas froua 10 te 20 cent. bettf>r thton any bousie lu Cuni>'. Try them suit w. per Lie PRIZE T-EAS We give with every 5 lbs..of our Prize Tes 60 to 7 5 cents in mny Goods. W. give with every 10 lbs..of our Prize Tes $1.00 in Sugar or $1.25 to $1-£0 in sny (3ooda. Yen may chou.. your ovu prise frm any goods lu Stock. Te parties net abi. te bu, largeý amonas tickets fbir'pound ud.f pounds viii b. given, and visu tbey amonut to,5 Ibo the priue vilbe given. Teas varranted tLe pissa.. N. B.-If yen vaut pria. tes aivrays ssk for iL. SOur stock cf Groceries i. large, fresb, cf the bout qualitya>iud st prises te suit bard imes. Yeu n ubu>' 11h IL u'.Young Hyson Tes for 25 cents 11lb. meo Cuftes 25 s 4 Ibn.goed Sugar 25 8 ib.. Granulatsâ Sagar U5 8 Ibo. boit Carrants 26 8SIbo best Rasin. 25 8 lb. new Prunes 25 8 lb.. Bonoime.Cedfts 25 8 Ibo. commen Starch 26 r 9 irood Broomu >5 4 18 bsn Laundry Boap 26 2 sansCern * 25 4 bars Dinginan'. Soap 25 2 boxes Toilei Soap 05 Goalil3 Great faliluaorockery sud l.ssvaîi China Tes Botte, 44 pisses, $179 Toilet Sela.frein$15 0 'o $2 75 j Cbl se& <ap@.(çvit iile)90 et.dosei Ail our Giasavar. sud Crookery i equail>' 1ev Pris.. Balance cf ont Christas Goodsi your ovu pris.Tinvar eseper thi ever. ues M. FURS, oxV Men'i Clothi Pri-ces, ire Greatly Reduced. Millinery'Sold ..Regard- less of Oost. POWEL& Con JY Il hib hiaTSo re f s s i I.- CREAM Its superlor èxee11enoe proven in millions of homes for more than a quarter of a century. It is used by the United States* Governmient. Endoreed by the hesds of the great Univers!- ties as the Strongest, Purest, and most health- fui. Dr. Price's Crea.m Baking Powider does flot coutain Ammonie, Lime, or Alurn. Sold on-iy in Cano. PRICE BÂKING POWDER <0O. MEV YTOB3X. CHICÂGO. ST. LOUIS. UIPHOLSTERI NG.- Sofas hpholutered, Chairs bottomed aud repaired. Âny rcpulring ef that kind doue propelly. JAS. SADLER, Duridas St., Whitby. SEED OATS & WHEAT FOR SALE. The Subscriber bas for Sale 400 Bushele of Se.-d Oste sud 200 Bumhels of Goose Wheat, free fronu wild este tares, etc. THOS. aODGSON, 9-din. Lot 35, Con. 8, Whltby Tp. An assistant Laundrese at the Ontario Ladies',<Joleoge. Jan. 26th,18. Apply at College. 1881-Goldsmith's BaII-1888 Intending'pnrchasers ef presents for the HOLID A Y should 8EASON inspool imy Stock, Reliablao oods ai Clos 3 Pruces Bargains lu Watcbesud Jowelry. Beýui- bil Godaslu Dîamond. Peransd Baby Gem ings. SILVER-PLA TED 000080 which ih POWELL & DISuN crsf S I Unet he offce 1 steain- Boo-k sd Qntarzo, cl work f rgn handbill.- xCLU, wit] eylinder Il ineef. 19 fle aitenti by a seale acoordingl Advertiî Iihtr'itioi eharged fol Orders fi muet be il ors Wilin A 11ber monts by t contxacmt in notisla o! anyin before ~ mente recij Businesl rive Cent per liiie w Correspý o! the cu Correspor their cep possibles' "RN a slip! w JOB] Bout sud medium Qualilies iu Slver-Plaled Is the place where you wiliid the largeeft stock of Knives, Forks, Xmas Goods in Town. and Spoons. The Stock is now complete 'n sud K~s.Crockery, C ia, Peruoaallyseeln my Gouda sud buyang GI 8w eF1~ BET ARET, ilk Sd. Also a ful Stock of Enables meS teo fer greal inducements to cash Custemers. FR lJi T d FROY STERS JAM ES JO H NSTO N,I China Tes Sets for $9.50 China Cups and -Sa;ueers>, $1.25- Practi Watchmmksr, per dozen, aud ofther Goode in Pr-oportbion. - BBOO4TRRT s- - EITB £w Corne and see for ~ozroe1ves. - VALUABLE- REAL, E8TA TE WANTED- -Al kinds offamp duo 1,r14 v P. -' *&@- A w. o..D IMOTEL -F'F(OPERTY -FOR ALB. Ti.uuderslgned ha. recdivs ntrcIn froua thir xeutorse!fThe'mas .Ohinne lat. of thb. Vleo!fo~tn Hoiel-eý .tc oie fo sae b PulieAuction o Wednesda11 Pb. 9k 88 At lhe - BjROýL&fl# UE, inà WHR 8ANTA CLAU8'Hi The largest and finesi TOY& AND -FAI I RO~ A WITCE. GOODSI Factô'ry v 4 s a v '--s . ~ e s- -t' t- -. ot CONTINUES ON A.LL ROBES, anci_ TEROOATS at Cost, s and Boys' ULnder-» Below s Gooda and Wools go 9 I 5 . ue: ', e "I 1 1 WIN!PE .R fà 6 Il . A . 0 ig W A MT 19 D.