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Whitby Chronicle, 24 Feb 1888, p. 5

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Tb* iet mig n rder ' when tho ' moestlmg OP'.d ass tht e amount 0faibmnlbae sstained by tLb. ràtsl0o1 PaMadis. IR8t11as dëocrihed Iset week. ýBrother Gardner #&id that a sareful efittuate )itd basa~ made by the *ouiitte, msd tho damage would neo fail far short cf 88,000,000. The cluabý would have to bear every dollar cf this le, as the. ineurauce ouly ovored fire. Over 100 aored sud historical relies which could net be replaced for any auin had beegh dostroyed. It was a bard blow a.L Lbe nurse of tbe club, but busi- uses lweuld net b. interrupted for a single heur. Even should Lbe hall ho deatroyed tb. nert meeting of the club would b. held in the Ooumnon Council ehiamber, and permanent quarters weuld b. b.êd within a wook. Nothing had thus fiaâr been heard cf tb. vandale, and it wae probable thoy made their escape. It migbt ho that human justi-o would nevèr overtake thein, but there was a bereafter frein wbich Lhey ceuld net escape. The hall had been put in shape alzain, and duriug the neit few day. Giveadain Jones snd Dresdful Smith would proteet iL, eue watcbing by dZy and the ether by nigbt. Eawh hsd beeon armned with a ehot.gun filled te the muze witb buck-shot, ebjugle naile, marbies, carpe&tLacks snd lead niokios and the marauder who gel with- in half a mile cf one cf thein would nover attend another wsrd.csucus. MANY T&NKS. The destruction cf rêlias, as etated luSt week, wss telegrapbed over the oountry, sud the mauy frieade cf Lb. club bestirred theuiselves te replace the museuin. The following articles were received during thé week; Six swords, wbich were more or lesa worn by Napoleon ou bis retrest froin Mescow. Five relies from Vsly Forge, al cf wbich wcre usod by George Waebingtou. Various lps. botties, caudlestieke, padocks, boot-jackesud jack.knivos ueed by celebrated privâtes ase tbey sailed the ragiug main. Tomate cans, cday pipes, pocher- obipe sud cbecker.boards wbioti were nmed by variffns crewued beads frein the thirteeuth te the aixteouth ceutury. The. secrtarywae iuetruoted te retèuru the thanke cf the club te Lbe varions denors, and Le publish an appeal te the oeuntry st large te ountribute furîher objecte cf intereet. CONDOLENCE. Letters cf oundobeuc e veoanune- .d frein several'branches et Lb. govotu- meut, frein a score cf different sections, sud froun nearly 100 houiorary mem bers. IL was noticed sud vbispered about that noL one single missive bad been reived frein s iember cf Lb. Logis latere, sud presqntly Waydovn Bebe. arcs. te a question cf priviboge sudf oailed Lb. attention eofLiie club Lo Lii point. XVas it beanse the Leilature was jeabeu ftLb. Lime.Kilu Club, sud exnlted over the great'disser vhich had coin. upon it. Tii. question being declareil open for débate, Col.,CabootgE said h. feIt s pain lu Lb. regicti cf bis beart Le see s greal legiélaLive body anmmated by sncb s principlo. So kuev sevoral membene of the. preseut Legielature, sud h. hsd gene eut of bis way on varions occasions le show that b. did net feel aàbovt; thè. Frein tua date te the yesr 2 000 ho would nover speak Le uer recognize s inember of Lb. Stato Lngisîsture. Sir. Junkerford Waiuiugtou had always respect*d the Legielature sa body, but ho ooaid do se ne lonicer. Re owed s momber cf thaL body $7 for iisy but b. woeld nover psy iL-nover. Judge Shsctilfofrd Jackson gave notice hhat ho wouid ssk basve te intro- duce at soins feture meeting a resolu- tien *caiing for au investigation of aIl, tb.ecrimes-sud offencos oooenitted by th ii.lsîtures cf Michigan -durng the. laet forty yoare, sud sovoral ether membirs. spoke vith mnach feeling againel that body for-iLs apparent viut cf sympatby. TREE BIIMET OXIT. The. Seoretary thon r.ad lie follow- 1JEI)QASTRS 8OPMEMOOL' OF PHIM4OPHT,. J CoNdom>, MAss.1 Brother Gardner: Sir,-We notice by tel6grasi frein Detroit, IhaL anlotiier attempt haa becs made te wrek your Lime-Kiin Club. Accept 'Our symupaeties, aud lu case w.e au help Tou ont on't ho a!raid te nvrefer a requesl. 'We are now distributing a lot of eut philoocphy arouud the coqntry f ree cf charte, snd have ordered a large quantîty sent te yen, charges prepaid. , Witii respect, 0o. s. P. "IL vas verry kind o' lem," reýliod Brother Gardner, "sn' de 8eokrtary wilses dator thiauks arl' duly velum' ed. Whoun-de philosophy cornes, v. yul spread iL on de sielves of de Ifleuin, proerly labebed, u'ié-Wil~ no doubt attrset à greal demaI of slf Tho folloving letter vas thon mub', Bue. Gisaxus-Tei ail the' lues 7our club te look cuL fors eoloroêtIl calling bimmeif Lord Jereino Mard *ho là nov headlng for thi" Iai c Cpu. He is 40yearsold, cardéue gà 18 loft eye, han, ne frouVlceoth, sud tnu ins84ho Walks. ]levWU bors 'weeks vîth vhst ho calledIse lPu" kiboagint a tfy eut box, eSry .e-» vhore 4t vaeiniasd tha P" '"A intde a ipple. The *tut>f hidei ,ulOurfoot lne lime.' Lordè véo & avm-y ore on. ui lv bArsu loà S,&sd iL lû blioved ho hm ma Detroît. Beya.o! bien. * f Lelord, sund if b. bti -ab Ls i7b, viii very Uýk.ly hiai SRO. tbondsriog d...uth. thé- it ctuy isN au4g l,121 aoodeI*lt1Ira'-vet hg' ,h ho 'swatýlowo4 them. ews hrfr that nh oahbr ebssotsunbt insiste liai ne eShortago ýhue oo-6cuzwed. e ois on bad sud Lhe meney, rer- fore, le on haUd with Lux. Whiteo ho \csu'L producé iL, ho ham;n' 0 oonvertod iL te bis own use nor iuientionally' biddeu iL away. The. brancb i. dwvided lu opinion, aud an appeal is theretore made te the head-ceutre. l'Wbite de club can't biame de treasuror for galpin' 4own its monoy," replied Brother Gardner, after s moment's refleetion, ,hoiecsn't blame de club fur wantic' hum te gnlp iL np aRain. Lt ar' my decishun dat a speshual committee bas de rigbt te, stand biai ou hie head until iL is prov- ed dat de reovery of de caeh is a hope- legs caoe." DON'9T WÂNT ONE* Pickles Smnith didn't want in take up the. valuable time of Lbe meeting, but be had received several bttere frein Prof. Brinkerboof, cf Louis ville, offering te act as weather-profit for the club at a sunal monthby ealary. H. didu't kuow how te repli', aud would Liiere- fore ask if the club proposed to empley auy sncb pobsouage. "'No sah," prornptly replied the presi- dent,- "w. ain'L se rusbed wid bizness dat we can't wait tilt omorrow Le kuew wbat de westbor ain gwiue trho. You kmn writ.c to yonr frieud dat wo dean' need bis sarvices, an' it migbt b. well Le eall bis atteneben Le de fact dat pork au' tators amn gwine trho mighty high neit spring." MISCELLÂNEOUS. The librarian reported the nuniber cf almanace on baud at 11,240 sud ho aeked that the suin cf $3 b. apprepriat- ed for repaire iu bis departunent. The Committeeono the Fishereis re- ported ne progross for the la8t three menthe, but signe cf good fiehiug in Lthe epring. Tbe keeper cf the bear-trape wae given beave cf absence for two weeks witbol2t responaibility. The jauitor reperted finding a bon.- handled umbrella iu the weod-boi, snd the saune provedto b. tii. article lest by Sir. Walpole seven menthe mgo. The meeting tbeu adjourned. duoLL There are some very qneer boys in tbis village. Wbeu th.y canuot b. pro. vided with the presence cf the fair sex aL their social soeemblies, they conire- gaLe joyouely at Lb. resîdouce of soin. of their bachaelor frieads aud iiold a real oid-fashioued stag-o suce. Last Friday uight Lb. resiàence of "Patrick." Manilia's "Prince cf Bachebors," vas favored by their presence sud tLb. "ligbl fantastie" vas doue justice Le in regal old-ticue style. Everybody vas uher. frein "Neil" cf Sonys, te "Bob" tem tb. nonîb. And seldoin bave Lb. boys had ach (un. The memnory cf ius ;oy. ounuesa will abways be frosh, fragraut sud bsngbable' Seldoin dee tiere. bappen in sny neigbbothood a mach more distressiug case cf death by exposure than happen. ed in ttus vioiuîty ou Weduesday mnoruingofset week. Mrs. Clendeunan, vhose maiden name wag Dstzeer sud vho ie a sister ef Mr. L-vi DeReer liv. ing eass of thie place, was found by Mr. Neil McDonald about a mile soutb cf cf thjs place neariy frozen te death. Lt je believed that the ntortunate woman vho lives nearly twe sud s bal miles fromeinL.place she vas fouud, bas lately becomo deranged in ber mmnd, sud, iL is eojectnred, se, net knoviug vbat oh. did, vaudered aimlessly frein ber ions., sud, becemiug benuinbed sud oxhanated, Lay dovu about 'lwo footI frein Lb. sloigb traek ou lb. roa.i a short distance fremin to evuineon enb 8&h cencession cf Maripesa, vberceh.b wam found lu tbe moruiug. Upon f&nd- ing ber, Mn. McDonald immnediatoly proceeded to hie rçeidenee a few rode dietaut, wheres a n proeering help, Lb. unfeuate vo ulsu wae eonveyod, wbore sho diod muiide othalf sn hour. Tii. romains eeeburiod ou Friday. A ladicrous incident oetweeu a couple oif frais ta-esmen ccurred here -rocont- ly, oe o f vicia made s bravo attompt to sou i chioth a lino cf fruit treos. The latter. s local m'n.uentered le 111o spilnil cf1 tie joke, sud alloved hie ce'workor te uover Me specimnene ho- ton rev ead imeol. IL la ùo. loes te say liaï lhe enterprieinlg agent foît soinewhet .aioniahedt snd sbook tbe mow 01Ouf'on evoff hi foot s quickly . posibl e .tck thie sfter- nOOO et fo hm, a «ddlerbut les a. h p e vi e L .. n s u. i lIS becômé i.np gay -,briekerlu connequncO. The 1.oo rop ibis year la, oocide 'shi7 'bolo-w lt. --Sragf, but" whit orei e I, s à(fn- c#l...quality. yoti ansd îmcr poople then, »ver are, m#klug prstiou# for summerby- gol e al sgood snpply of theocryshalý -bloàke ;maUdb oo okpal:sûrýyý 1 et ' Si bi nm*iî-gJetiDé uilnüw, butý tenQof oIolds,- îiftuons, opizootie,;ind baeted baniLs. ,'A5ih for -wter., ÃŽ oe hrs f- lb. deer.hue#ti-gI trouble.,bas sprang tp np uthis v#iite. The oLbër, day a law*defying JIOItor shot a door. Ho lefL Lthe caresse wiiile ho weut- toe t means tote it Lhomo. But whilo h. wae gone, suotier mn came %long, w1#o happened to-bé.-a sèt! Lier residing in that neigbbood, sud ho proiMptly sud penbape nuwisely, con. fioeatud 'thé veuison, teck iL home, -and eut iL up for famiby use. Now hé is tbreatened with dire prestecuticu, botii for Lheft sud fort baving gaine in his possession eut cf season. Ho ackuew. iedges biesost and defies bis accuser. te de their worst. What the. final reel cf th. case will ho, iL is.difficult Le fore- aset, but as ail parties appear te ho equ. sbly culpable, Lb. maLter will doubtiess b. dropped by mutual ceusent. But s kuowledize cf tiiese facte meveti the law-abiding citizen Le ssk, «"vbere i. aur Raine Inspecter ?" 0f course ho cannet bo everyviioro at once, but cenbd depu- ies or sub.debutiee ho appoiuted in duf- forent places where the. law je kuovu Le b. violsted ?-Timea. OluTeut Literature. Mrs. S. A.. Curzon, the author cf "lLaura Secord" sud ether. poome, ns eontributiug te Lhe Canadian Advanoe (Toronto) an original drama cf mueb power sud intereat, d.slîng with the imapertatien cf marriageabbe girls cf good ebaracter frein France to canada in Lb. ime cf Louis XIV. The Ad- vancè aise publishes Dr. Wilde ser. Meus in full. Littell'8 Living Age. The. numbers cf The Living Age tor February 1lth snd l8tb coutain Sidereal Photography. Edinburgh; Count :Cavour, sud Dr. Jobnson ou 4reland, Westminstfer; Shelley, by Mattbew Arnold, A. River of Ruîned Capital@, aud Dethrouing Tennyson. Nineteenth Century; Elk- Hanting, Fortnightly; A MagRyar Musician, National! The Thre. Evils cf Destiny, Scott"#; Malitt, Gentle- man's; Coeear Borgia, Blacwood; TJ2ackers3 's Lrt.,ttrs, Time ; The. Calam- ity in China, sud Proesser Bousmy Pdice, Spectator ; The Possibility cf -a Smili War ini Europe, E&onomiaf; Atmoopherio duriesitios, sud Ice-boat. iniz inthei Gulf cf Fin laud, St. James; Perpetual Motion, Nature; witb Lb. conclusion cf "Richard Cable" sud in- stalments cf "Souvenirs cf an Egout," "A Financial Oporation," sud "My Uncle's Cbock," sud poetry. For fifty- two numbers cf sixty-four large pages eacb (for more than 3,300 pages a year) the subecriptien price.($8) i. 1ev; while fer $10.50 the publisiiers efferto te nd any one cf Lb. Amonican $1.00 montb. lies or.weeklies witb Thte Living Age for a year, both postpaid. Litteil & lC., Boston, are the publigbers. Thmne are questions cf importance b.- fore the. Amerîcan public ou vhich (lie- grees cauot Boon sel or appesi Le the eoveroîgn people Le adopt ameudments Lo the. Constiiution viiich vil meet tiie van te, or enable Lb. National Logi- bLatr. Le, doseo. Ou.cf tiiese i. Lthe ImmigraLion Question, sud there is a titwely article on the subject in Frank Lealie'8 Popul.ar Monthly for Match. Au îilustratt-d sketch ef theo late Lady t$rasey sud ber life on the yacht "Su- beeàzn" vil b. appreciatedl by al vie enjôyed ber cbarmiug books. "Tireo Typical Ameriau<'-David Crockett, Bdu Handin sud Thomnas Corwin-give Mr. MeOsun s Ibome whicha ho troats admizably. "1A Finiahod City,"' what Lb. people cf A.uuapolis eau the. Mary- land capital, sud iLs quaint old homos sud vaya aad by-ways, are cloverly de- picted. Thon. is, toc, s brigit -sketch cf Hindoo women, by s lady who lived amcng thein, sud vrites of what ah. knoe by persousi expoeieuce. We- find s bit cf advsutune inuthe sketch "lu tho Triceaof the. Axuriosu Lion." SêDoleanad Doîl-makers" ia a carions treatise thst wviltereet.tii. ycang aud amuse their eIders. Tii. article on a Lump cf Sagar treats lb. subjeot in. s popularly ecieutific manner Liai ean- net failte intoreat. Tiie atories, adieu- Lunes sud miner sketches will straci roadera, .old sud young. Iu evory point cf ,vlev, hua a is theMost enjoyable -nuoe. bit- cf tic moen sueful of eut maga- zines. Blesd WIU Tem. Thara lano: auestioin ahent it-b-looa wif BloLc«eorptiiens, pimples sud bc ail yipte-sofau- 'u' xr.blo , TO BROUREA A -Good Suit made, to Order for 1OO A large stock of Scotch, English and 'Canadiein Tweeds-- Blaùk Worateds, etc., to selectfrom. A Special lime of HEAVY ýTWEEDS from 50 to 75 cents per yard, suitable for Budauess Suite or Boys' wear. A FIJLL STOÇK 0F -GROCERIE-S ALWÂYS ON. HAND. Highest market price paid for Butter and Eggse BRQOKLIN, ONT. WIîii.by Wooilcen MiIIlllî, Mlidway betzoee Broodlin and OÃ"Zùmbs, «. We are now pt'epared to make al kinds- of Wooilen Goods, such as -Tweeds, Full Cloth, Union Flannel;,, Sheeting, Shirtings, A]l-wool bed Blankets, - Hose Blankets, aad Yarns in ail varieties and ail kinds of Knitted Goode kept lu stock for the accommodation of patronsB. Dyeing in ail colors done to order.. Highest price paid for ainy quantity of WooI. Ail orders promptly fiiled. 1w. Ddl BOWEIMAN NO RNGLISH STABLE 18 CONSIDEBED (JOMPLETE WITOUT %l>ýELLIMAN'S<ý pouOR PBAfl(, CURS, AND OPLINTS WNR2 POINO. Fox ovER-EAcHUs, CHAPPRI> ExiLB, WUID FOX 8033XTIaM nrMI NassEs. VOIMOMN EUEs, BRUMIS, APPED ]ROCEK. vos SoRS aSHOULEERÀ4S, 5055ACEs. FrOR PeOT RDM# MMD BORE OUTRS iZN5HEEp Pola snr~a, 4CUTa, iuurse lx noce. SPEOIMEN TESTIMONIALS. Prom Ris Grac e iDuke of Rutland. "Belvoir, Gra.ntham, Lee. 1,18M. dtgr,-EIm a'Royal Embrocation lu used in My stables. I thlnkl t very useful. -BT.An Master of Belvoir Hunt," "1Castie wofr, Kingston, Herefordahire, "Dec. Brd, 1878. in my stables and kenuels,.and have feund il very .erviceablo. I have 6180 used tho U niersa Embrocation for lumbagoa& rhoumatlsm for the. lut ivo years, sud have suffered very little ince uslng il, "R. E. Pmxou, Leut...Col., Mater Of Rad- -Slm l>y Olzmitstoes, sMd adi il £5 gN 4-' .c3~ ,!~ iZ0z .~ '- .Jo w oe ~ u-~ ca * ooefl~ 4 0.'? ~ v tIa~ SONil Sil as Cx < 00~ FOR E OL Dr. BZLL'S KEDIQAL DIBOOV=3T A positive ana radical cure for aul Mon'. woaknosses, however lnd.nced. Imprudence sud excesses cf youth or old age yields promptly te, a healthful condition, by nsing. Dr. Bell'. Medjoal Discovery. AlIdrugglsts, ot by raiL La cru! oryl5lBaat 29! h8freet ,NexooVIç, -1 %. V ý itcot ;an l,ïïn matatngtwr* # sc ratching-very distreesin*- If- aâilowed izo couLý nue Lufficu fôr!fl SSWAYNce'S O!N"MrNT ôtnlean leuf.Stops the i ).In~~dleeding,- hea's ulceratlon. u' . in How Lost I HowReord -on the rad4cal o&re of 8piBuÂToaaao Or. lnaaiyindnced by exceas orearlyiAmdWi The celebrated anthor, l4, this- &&ârý able eusav, clearly. demonstratesfrei =hry fare succeseul practie, ýtht thé, alariilcor eequences of oarly ororMay ber illy cured ; peiniting out a c cure, at once simple, ce"a,,uidee bY moins8 cf whioh eveir suerer, no mare- trwhWt his ,condition ma' boy cM hi;ietchoaply, pitely u aiuy i arThis lectureshouild bIÏn the han4a of every yeth and every man in the lazi4 Sent under 'seai, lu a 1 plain. envelopi, ~tg any address, pO8t-pid, eept eOftour centi, or tWo postage 'stAmipWs. Address The CUJL LER WELL"MEDJOAL, 00,69 41 Ain ~Ie* Y ork«*, peut Omoic Bdx45w DRI. D ,,,W -NýIý mit A à S4, 8.u*sS ý,r r « iias. SouTROArý.coLo. Tt$,aest ou lekest.mo>ai ~'%LU IN CLAIN D., rth, te r.,- nDedý 1 My ssiiy ,ken ýe. I eant- .1 ming tlorse L he IT8S hemu Seo t 'j a ~ I 1ar verIa~e ai ou BINE. ,n. Fo-l rouI.- - -1

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