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Whitby Chronicle, 16 Mar 1888, p. 1

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i IIITBY WIth cali Prlnted wordB, trealithOUSU-ls tubîtb i broni t, atéwith Lançe3afley àBr Igtabhah1ed 1856. ARCHITECT. reLeîdInîWeekIy lu Ontario CouDty. eigefor (3hurchis, Villas aDd Cot- SUBSORIPTION RATES. redeng exlsting structures. Glycerine Jeuý t1pert annflm ini advance-S.6O other- OFuIoZ-Piret fiat over Howee's Drug 0 Wise. Sbscriptiofls are always payable a% Store. b*. omee of publication. P. 0. Box 202, WRITE?. Sttiam equîpment and best furnished 0f VI Rok andc Job pring lnt in hast B B LEGH Onitario, capable of axctn U classes o O L IH workf ro th large potfter to the amaet haudbill. Special mention je made of the A Set in good repair, for sale, Cheap. Unsnrpased prose facilities ni Taz CnuhoN. P. HOWARD ANNES. An Invaluablâ Preparation lots, =wit iecelebrated N. Y. Cottreil Whitby, Jan. 5th, '88. cytinder press and other modernD oovelai- fn ncs.Evl ode ocivsprompt, care *-S oa fuil attentionl. __Dominion Lin8olfRoal uai FOR SALE B TERMS 0F ADVERTISING. ViPret insertion, per lino, 10 cent@; oach aubsequetit inserUtiu, 6 cents. 1) wpi ayeaAd ve rtioements are m eaRnred by a -icale o1l solid Noupareil, and charged acoordiuglY.i AIverti.-euiente sent without written instructions iuserted until forbidden, and obargod for tUil Lime. Orlutrëo r discootiuuing advertisemnents muet ho in writig, otherwiee the publish. OrS will uot be responeîble. à. tîberel liscount for contreet advertlee- mente by the year. Copy for changes of ontrat %d ve rtise menits shiould ho hended iu not 4iter then Wadnesdey; end noti,-e of anyinteuded changes eboula ho given bef ore Tuosday noon. Other advertise- Mentis received up to Thursdey noon. Business notices in local or news coturrne Fiîvecoente per Lino weekly. Locale, li t& t. per lino weekiy. Corre3spondance solicîted f rom aIl parts of theounuty or nighhoring townships, Oorreap<¶ndeflts are requested to send in their communiciationesas promptly as possible, Proprieton JOHN STANTON, Sup't Mechanicel Dep't. .5. J NE.FAREWELL, LL.B., B ERRISTR, Connty Crowu Attorney, sud CouÜty Soicitor. Office,- South 'Wîng, Court f-louse, Whitby -48 J&MF% RUTLED)tE, 1 )IERISTER, &o. Officie formerly oc- )onpied by Farewell & lfutledge, nDoi oe Royal Ilotel, Brooki St., Whittby. *DAVID ORMISTON, B.&., A TTORNE'Y-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR I1 .t.Chancery, Conveyiiicer, &o. Oprrcs-li) the Office south efthle Post Office, in Moblilafl' Block, Brook Street., Wliitby. l-l G, YOUNG SMITH, L L. B-9 1ARRISTERP &c., &.-Mefley te Lesan B Issuer o? arriage Lîcensbes. o,,îcz-Smith's Block, soutb of Market, Brock St., Whitby. Jan. 22, 1878. (t1-6 JORN BALL DOW, BARRISTBR-.AT-.LAW, SOLIOlTOB Bin Ohanoery, Coriveyaflcer, &o. Offie-Deverili'm Block, Brook Street, Wb.tby._ MONET %0 LEND-Private Fund,- n sumos Up to $8000, sI a 1ev rate of in- orest. (ly-62 LYMAN ENGLISI09 L L. B., BARRISTBR AT LAVI SOLICITOR IN B Chancery, Gonv.yanlce, &o., &C. Sim- 00e8 Street, Oshawa. P. GORDON lMELDRtUM, -physiciail, surgoni3 sudAcouncheur. Office heures-8 tO. 10 a.2. Sto4 and ?te9 pi.- WIRITBY- . CRAW FORTH, VIIBRIAR SUREON. Gradalio! ise ntalo eteiiary, Col- lige, Toronleo. Ordars by Mail or. telegmapia premplly le. Office aI roeldince cf G. &AyroîppOite Dr. Bogart$i, Du~imnt uy LIVRYndSALE,,8TA8LE&s 1887. Sailingt4 0 regon . Vancoul 1Sarnia, Oregon V ancou, Cebixi so btet J STEAME WINTER SI between BALI ýL, Fortnigbtly, SAILING Ti Lver. RATES 0F1 n Rates f rom Bi ), 465 and S56; Lroom, with tqu DAVID T0RB Genera E. STBPE I Lo kilan -- li f ý0 IHIPS. 1888. ,ERVICE. W FAX and LIVR- via MOV.tLLE. DATES. CH From Baltimore qes. Feb. 28th. 64 Mar. 13th. ci di 7th. From Halifax Sat. Mar. 3rd. 44 té 7th. T 44 si3lst. TOo PASSAGE. eltimore OR Halifax, eccording to position iel saloon privileges. ÎANCE & Co., à Agents, Montre&l. NSON, Telegraph Office, cal Agent. Whitby ti;_0%V% % CToi ni I -I fy iOwI~g% ---------- umozux 10sneouee'sobrsidenceto Th selm m einsii l.BatiI th~Mâlter. lýi lis deo obn"oh g1U reens. Tbeewll 1 0 s ade .Olhyi b~ ~~ po -wÂev.suzBudjMth1& bout the mater, pri!at.] .18 ud7;0p. w ho iUie a sheep qeton WUao suse uabrbaptiseda t the close cf the seic c v urnebge, ev ia ervibe. -Stouehousesd abeIa ney called glo'nehoùoe a& Bprlg__ nd à thiel, tht b. stated. springwua s bad aS Wîilson wýohoi -~- hoeD off , OnOegaonUIODor 14k r 1y 10l i en-e à, 0IIg- wdilà,' h oebc md .rcbl . ea ioie t8, bfor ch. 10E!, YEMiST and DRUGGIST ith B rushes, Hair B rushes, Combs, Perfui ýoth Soaps, LIVERPOOL, ÂAnd ail other Articles LONDONDERRYS Toilet, anre kpin g GLASGOW. WINTER A RANGEMENTS. W . R . E DATES 0F SAILINGS. Froin Halifax. Chemist antdm Circasiin................. 25th Feb. Sarmatiali... .... ......... loth Mer. I'olynemiaUi..... ............ 24h Circa.siBii................ 7tb Ap'l. __________ Sarniatien ....... ......... Lt" Noueo f the abeve ete&rners carry cattle, sheep or pige. RATES 0F PASSAGE FRO%4 WBITBY to Liverpool or Londonderry via Portland. Cebia, 661-10, $76. 10 snd S$8610, accord-.juL ing te pos u ofetstaterofmluItermedie TO 188. 40. stee-age 028.40. Wbhitby te Liverpool or Londenderry vis Halifax. Cabin. $t2 8, $77-86, 87.86, se- coliding te position f, cf tateroil- lut ermediate, $3840. Steeragi, $2R.40. I lnterinediate passi gers booked te or freinno SSteerage pabsengers bookuid te or frein Glasgow, Belf ast, Queeistowu, or London. arne ratesas Liverpool. Bristol snd Cardiff $210o extra Passengers and their baggage mr put on n beard the Ocean Steamship m i of &Ui ex- pense. The lasI train connecting witia tises.u ~ steamers josses Whitby 8:10 Tbursay i t o« Paruet sendlng for their friends In liai Old Oountry enu obtein PREPAID PAS- SAGE CERTIFICATES et lowetlratei. For Tickets and ail other inlemUiAliOU w R spply to W. A. Yule, Agent, Express Office,, «M Ur U z Agmefg TWO SCHOLAIi'6H1P8.0 'Web4ve for smb et Ibisî office Ivo sehol- arehipa of Toronto Business College, sud shail dlispose of Ihein te eny persen whe igihes te attend tisat institution. Il is a good opportuflity f.r twe yonng mennvise wish tnIl ph up their knowledge cf busi- ness metisode. Apply at tise # EXL OU TORS' NOTICE, Notic h hureby ven.l lrunee sec. 84, cap. -107, la. 8. 0. thatoreditoli at Other" havinag elaisue st James Koiray la.e of liseTouwn t et WisIbY, in thse o>uy cf Ontariflo neu.eê ed, t iia their alamoi. dulv vurifliýt te cu»der useti on ;ood maiey >' > LOWSE, kCa ttie: 0:D it purchass RD D)R'UGQiB Wh Wky .~1I ~ae~èn 9).,PorPerry neiigborly ëbaracter, and that to 4 i" ifi Ulï Bigelow, Fasweltl Dow, Voerr, J. A*. teok tbeir sheep' ont of Btobehouos 4 b ang- t h. other McGlivray, Smith, Rutledge, Theo. fiedsdtokhe hme itth 1h hLedId this probably lhe McGillivray, anud wany ohr.Ter mtra osn.Other men were1 eake a better ook as thew. W ai no s'rtgean the mater of law- bronght te prove they had ls&IO fu e-uesha eured the services yen. their mising sbeep aI tohue' fo &ve Mnts eGRAND JURY. and in one case oee asuidy captured, sé _tbe farm. NReportsesay ho AA.RON R058-FOREIK". oep cf bis on the'cars and made e but he doserves thern Sonehonse giVe him one in retumu. ooa man. D. J. Adam, Joshua Body, Richard The case was vey iteretipîg te far, cf 1h.Chak Lke ootallBlight, Arch. Currie, Jos. Crozali, L. mers ad han been much taIk-d about, a onWedusdayove Colline, W. J. Orozier, W. H. Hoyle, duringthe puse sumûmer. Abter boat- o. n ednsdy eenng R. Hubbard, Chas. King, Tho@. Làw- ing tbis evidonce and much more the of ffler folowd.Thee er, D. Lick, P. McEmchetn, F. MoRise, jury retired, Hie Lordship having e ttndnc sdfrom jn0* M- hr-th ereoGe.careiem in favor of defendat, athey will have a stronger Minty, . M Brien t Thos. MOCOnuelo andi bronght ina a verdict for 'the de. 18st yemr. Ws wish them jno. Russell$,Wim. G. Bt. John, Chas. fence.-Paterson, Q. 03., for plintf Thompeon, Wm- Walker. Oo.-Att. Farewell aud Lonunt, Q. ., for pp ild oys ou Baturday lake «s. Scott et al..-'Oase entened, defendant. rnfootball bm failed to te colleet a note f $800. The parties Wiaosva. Diney.--Sander, UO tun.Their net omiug reide n and areund Souffville. Scot the eese aet case. Disisuleîeh -i W t mre Of te boys as became indebed te Yak. for 800 and Wilson v. Balso.-SMnder. Bmw -VeecheFen up wbeix a good gave bis note st one year backed by as Imet îwo cases. Dipmissed. sémetook place. Would lke oe Watson. At lb. time-the note wus Major v.-Canada Permanent Le. play owiII. drawn liere appearu te have been a nde Savinga Co.-Acion fora&eged mnudertmuding $hat il vaws te mnuudervaluation cf pmoperty jecuduol. cf1aIwe bokd oetbree years if Scot coulai net pmy it ing a sale under a fayot oý f sýalé o6â-' linos ls eehal soceing wassooner and Watson WUs te b. helti imned là a mortgage. Plainifcou.- tht wek, . hve b. on-good for it as bmckêr durîng 1he wbolo end hl1.poot eudhv blocked. hroe years. Ou the face cf the note been soId $2500 întesd of $900 a wa ýv blcked "eue yemm" je marked off and 1"three the case. W honueuevau callýd pln. -Molhdist hav decded 0 yers" ntered in itas place. Yak amye tif waflot in court sud'teatina 4ue ohurch ou the old Wes- this was done by consent aI the tuiedismised. Bbbelsfrpani;Bae lrot, sud have commenced the note as m de in 18789 but Scot Q. ., fo defendant. th'santi sud stone. Tbey amys not. About 1h. lime h. note vas Lfah a tae-cinb Plba dqwn the B- . mOOm dueUSott gave 'Yak. a chattel mort- plaintîfl te recover price cf -work 4 ouae to lse of the lot. g ,e for1h. amont of 1h. note sd vith.stumping machine. Boferred fb uerOs of Geneva cheese factory other debts, but did not get Oie note. arbitretion by consent. MoGillivray on Konday thre 4tb met., for Whou the chattel morgage was due atc happe for plitfù aosn season'., work by the Scott was solti ut and gave another Q. . anti Raines for 4.foudit., 04 M os n. . 141L k ,,Frsnk realestato m orta go, sAD & 8 ou , h e,- " Y U ._X qw i a~5LE.yemms from 1878 andi thn giving le six Ohancery sittinqo bec 0e Mortgage oatioai .yeare te bome outlawed i eldbYaek'e Vritfo lini o nogooti by lait (Chistmas. But Ya s 81 e8 nd s eul i'lteresi.. p t, vo Who ame tbey of suob a sigbt caîlod ti aSBott'e place last fanl and fintiQ< j litf doles lu diguise the fariner OB ? îg Se.Boti plcking om. ie a They arc those, wbo cameine ue ht gesse, an di by praising hem up indue- 4 Z M U à I T o our viii t ic m ake ap u - . b erh e m oitma e him &a pre ent eto ne.-E I IIÂ 5 5 5 Who are hy who look me straue? He loemediately ondersod it. ou the Qii~ .Becr.Idcmu o sur.ly net of human bera? note vhih sî neary outlaved, sud shooig wrtb lantub todube'an-'- Tret their figure me derange%0ld éi .hr rEmý 'Bnq_ 0, Il they re ht 0f womaU-form. now oued for theawountm ' tetest. 1 à adlyh r . rso e so s p Teil me who these ~It wa anon-jury case ati udgethiemnaroei Tobfsea lia aUre solike aman *wusremerved. KeGlllivry sMd QhP. n ada i4 b ~ wvp la atir so iksa ma;ud sete Wht teand fboss Telahirbrnthir is, h~irhar, pie for plaintiff ;9Bigelow %#for dêfendant.-,itdWbîy *_Uhl Il o show t he. perfect th e, they Oa L an g et a i Wu . P h e rri*a et a A r Aé o »T - 1eueep morr wocbero ' tid &WOre be --foind - B.hïaôàï -* sIlaerU T b oes. w bo l fth eir s wtè m oýp llk o wvra lu W h ihby , B e c h a na th e tiare .9 ro b b in g b is 9tra i , - wý~ To co pe1lb.heboys tb star,4 S arbero o wship sa a a rge p rOPor y e.t.. dBel nta n ud 'tat~ p . u l TliciO W<> ~t t~~ <> P"5 ovuer, tii.a;s oupe otyea5 ago.H. t* g9Ip 1 si3.4ed by lb w illl eW h at se bi ,.b uwl eà big, r9 s hot t biw. :i ô g ., 0aiU *ô',.-i" m- T -aho o ie c mebut 10 î> s e;sP aty 10 tbee-4 10. sud fisarat Pher-. t ë!tt.t nt gon To deosivo lthluquaig tiîî aM&i lra. Tabor~. Kre.Jas- Lag* ht I *r.m*âo. i w M m. E dîtor, eau yen , îuforw m ' R m tt a in4to l sl ý em l w d W b gsdig h~aboe ? W. are sony 1te lu n. Houder*goPor ts Oiro a girl Des fat frow i nB oti sudTh o-%te opuri P e fr golideeaé -oile 19 m ueigborb ,hO lt visiteti quit. ohng ha lfeieursedfr- fait distribution cf the ostt e .an d I ,qua mtly by si Iiar r O & 0 " 0 bt a nda Ies bâen oxer - vh esu s o t e ff Stii. lady'a garb, , Dl Ma# , &ýad t.gapl itir pautalcos, maea vilité'i cI uepectetpro. ý bqio'gr P' te vioesud alsofubtepï Whtkau b Oieatm Aretheyoua bloc alIgiDg the.#ld ilu tir.ly aidint"d itia the fashiouu hà.Me d me u d. As mê' f 11hei "t i ,or do îb y apu a 1h. nIneuw acer e mlgauT4ed si *9 ci~J~ # ~ M»- non-,O s d v i h t10 k e Ot eh e sJoad ,l a sbo v u 1 g aitS4 Ibai-P* p # < v i a n oble, gra nd, sn acc pt blbrav eof W ei en -di net ,:perionc i>.plussre, or au*the lemed, 1 0~kuiUt Hanging Lamps! We. kna . unthiàr, oolm openea riere ý 013 1 . 1 ggist, Whitby. a 1 WIIITBY, V()Tj-' xxxiie £ c gale

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