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Whitby Chronicle, 30 Mar 1888, p. 2

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An- eI& .. So.firom pgr exchaAlgou.J Ras the-tes agenàt:bangoà 1h. othet Our Miller lhasboughit fsnd2ons trotting, maâ ie 01181th. "MSYflOWfl.9 look but for quelle. Mr. -Jouese tarted for Brandon the later part of the week villi fourtean anDlendid hors.. BAISana nov knovs w. are ne't efrald bo meet, thean, as the trainer had th. baby elophant do«u te tbal bnrg one .v.ning laut veèk sud dared ont 1h. basket carrier and a ev ethers. 1Times a 111110 dul ibis week. The Oav.nalI met vith an accident cesiag oonciieuable dslay. but Ibrougli 1h. en.rgy "ud perseveraace ot Mr. Mitchell It Je in u uuieu eider again and aIU parties nay rely upen gettiug their work-dona aIthe shortest notice. 1 vas quit. surprised white la &eh~ bora on 8aurday of being accused et tslllug»1t4 trath about tbe féoolbal t.am. Tb* accuser vorked op bis SelOto cnob a pîcli thal hg thougbt L"d *bale' bis wel#ht lu vild cals or hl# &%W» .ould take pidx .d le Gisu, Wfthin a t1ev miles le the norîli on tb. Bobbésygeon road Mr. Wm. Boven r.csally @hot a volt. Mr. Frank Reid pnrcbased the skia. It le a consider. &blé tiùie simo. a volt vas found in Ibis neigliborlieod. [t vas a largeo anime) andI in fine condition. A cleigh load of Maségalonge vas pur. ohsed troua the Indiane, by T. Gilgore, on Wednesday. The load coulaint-d a nusaber ot v.ry large cnes, th. fineat veighine 26* Ibo. The Indiana scac lli.ua tbrougb h ico near tb. mouth et Pigeon rivgr. A very large quantiîy havre baen caught in Ibis vay and slip- peti to'Linday and Patoîboro', in tact se large a quautitys tlat some persona question the propristy o! the lav par. niittiag sncb vhoiesaie slanghter. 8priag, genteseprlng, in taking a pr.liminaîy canter, previolui le getting doua lo verts, and cougli physia as hot. lug a genîle.boom. Orovi made their appearanse on monay, sud fiepp.d arouo4 &tu 6 m.iaucboly mopil lits. Othelo,muttering tle cava, lhe cavi. mSy sopi. 1Ur. FranksRet'. etoivry -waggon aloo puat lu an apa ce on Koadry but it did not lokas as eujoyiu-g itiel!, il vap goiag over for repaira. andi cave tbe impression et a v-et voman in pattenseholding up ber elothes (rom -1he slah. Yfs, spring, -bsautiral spîiugz, la ooming &long, and vs viii soon be la liaI diatreising sesa sou Wheouui'deer old mothers delight in ftllîug us up wyul saresparilla tes, vsryiug the potion yul enîlplur and treaoie, vIsa tbey feel a litîls extra un- - asy about oui ondition. LUqWSAY. - Beveral bd aie. « e ap-year fever have otcurred, and bave been gaven Up as hopeleges. Thediseamo je catchasu; sud, ît la reported the attending phy'ai- clan basi tent Pasteur'a rrmedy a de- lusion. Mr'. J. Bates et Winnipeg, a former popular issîdeu& ot Lio2dsay, returned gobuw loa Vdoesday evenang, accota- pale by Mcaq. Bases and ber sister, Mlis 6Lyons. 1Jacts" intends to again tale up hic recsidence bore. and wili assme the leadership oft he Citizens' band, vhrst -ail the boys are pleaced. 'W. noderstand Mr'. George Molilgh hbu reigosd the postion of baîliff et Lhndsay villi tuse vet ofbeominst goesal agent for the Sylvester Ditu. Co. 'Ur. - Moifag I la populr i il fairmer@soft&ailclasesandti viiimake a splendeti agent. We understand Mr. John Maîthie is zw b. appointedt te Tiue àf'fitilud division reptir sbops at *Lintisai are gellins te tofirstolaessabape. Several atitionai -machines havetbanu puin pis.. and inago are being angsd in, applo.pls order. Tbe ebopu -are meel oanveuisat, aud in a meni b or tvo, vhou everylhing is finisbed vili b.soecond te noue. The industiy i. e muost important ons for Lindsay. Lait-Saturday vas pay day as Llnd. sai t ori tc Miâland divielon -for tni momîi t oJanuary. To. ebeque fer 'h several pay.rella amouatedti te eau ,07,000. tobruarvilaa short n-u Tue eotal tcoma mentIsexeesdi.9 8,000 and 49.000. 0f the -17.000 paitiout ewi â ie4sb gle Iiiiin th e lir.a", eth s inOuomgaeiq weit àrud oaiesybtet aPenyivania frnt ika 'lIfor- bina Dext suinder. 1E. lis h.oprniou of exporersthafew hu -ndrd ft. drilhing wouid dizcover .11. her*ior -a maenc larger supply of gai. Au Ottawa despatch elates thai1Mr. Jas. Stevenson, U. P., has urga upon the'Gavernanent the . aeoeity for huv.-- ing a nov drill shed eroled inPetÏer.' borougb, and th. Mlinibter oflMaitlaý bac given a promise that 'on. v wiii b. buil, ouditional upon 1h. lovanasalt- ing a portion of lhe s:penditure. A boeuse in the aorth. end tht dose flot bear an enviable reputation, vwas badly wrecked 8aturday niglit by a number of dranken hoodlpim.. Win. dove and doors verseoeeashed inpistol shote fired and the air made bine witb blsphsey and fon.onoabeoaths.' The mater viii b. aiavestigated befori 1h. police magistrats, uh.agh ilteà sala the polioe.have gol hýold of, the wrong teaot boises, 15IM -or- 1800. evas la lovat'Ill a late boni, &adj I i i ad, beocme inloxacated. on leaving tb. botel ho apparentiy lait bil coutrol et himesif andi mlovodth îe boises te go tbeir owu vay. Tbey vandere tot Littls Lake and feit imb an ice-bole-an opeing canseti by tho ouîîlng out of ice for storage. BotI herses vers drovned and Jackson hlm- soif vas drenobedti t the shîn. The boise andi cuIter stolen (rom tb. shed efthîe Snowden HRouso Mouday nigît vas tounti on Tuesday on the river rond about five miles soutb ot tovu. The bore. vas leiounrely vatking to v'ards leva vithont any driver. Il in suppose t tebave beon takea tram the shedi by comne on. vbo bad ne othor means cf gsttiug home, atter- yards turneti adrifi. The cvner in veîy glad te ges back bie equlpage, but et lb. emre lime he'd give a gooti demi le knov vbo playedthIe Irietson hlm. Tbursday naerning about fias olocts a lamp explodet inlua bedrootu aI tle 46Paai" Lanndry, sornsi Water sud 11noher streel., ocupîsti by oeef eti girls employsd ia the establisueat. Sbe hati loft the lump bnrning ail night, intending te hake tle eaîly morning train tîom tovu. Sb@ vas avakensil by the eiploion, anti yul rare pre- senceetfmînd tkirevthIe beticiethes on,- tho blszing cil, exîinguisbiogil iA n a tew mainutes, hersait sustaiunag a fav emnail burns. The carpeté a chair aud part efthîe blankoa s voe destreyed. Fears are expressed ibel tle cpring treialets viii carry -avay tbe bridge West oft thisvillage. Mi. Jue. Wootiauff shippeti a carloi ef caille lasI veek, avereging 1484 pountis. Somsbody'@ dog claseti somoebdy'c kitten up a teleerapI paie dovu Oburch sîreot on Sundey, andtihîe animal re. mained np tIers autiMcday atter. neen, sîudy-ing teiegrepby anti the boni moins o! getting doua &gain. A ammIli boy-andi a fialbiug polo solveilie prebiem. . Tîere are tev coanary villéaes #hioh, walk soesteadily foiverd se Pîkerin-X. We lave n boomis bers-no fesmousb. room grovîl-bat in an enl.rpiiig spirit ot pregrese y, ksep betsering Ihe ceudition cf tle villaeueve business plaes tanti mev rosidence.. go np sv.ry surmor, andt tIse buildiage are sub- stantiel aff irea hiel adora lb. slreetls on vhiol lhey are biaii. K.ep op thla spiriltati ve vil-y*& rival Toroto- News. %- Tb@ revival meetings, vhioli ver., belt in utho Eaglieb duerci for the laut vet enicti lait Tuesday. The ohnrcb vii veli ate6tsd i .lb.heservices. On thl t 111 mc., e servi.. espeoially for mon u shelti.The mou eaa b. brougît out after a&l, for theocburcb Mu-.O'Nil . sectinea @ ealt build- inig to e b.occpist by 1Mr.1madonawl, vho inîeds îemoes .articles Iliere,, anti cetiane ie île wveli bu*iaýt.i Thie Bei. Mr. Addisea vs.Iuýcd-lait veet, for - ot tseoping- ail bis valk éoent. W. are teltithe cemplalil vea mails by on., wvIefeil a&ptihurt bimosîf. Everybody la s »Wlaile bere il t as broae'ýhed lhe subjeêt- ol 10 rtriaruOt ta whrose accouba hlid sxeeedsd th e more -1an teeped. h r flgurliftl .~,ek "Rtl mils *iSd TIaqloo pi~pesiouof lb. pisce ; oc Theasla b êin. u as thëwy pmïisel.Bmosrab nào éffeot apou thein. They sd 0uutsa s te th* exteut of the vary. 8m a b aaedn property vau grat, wbus ollisti A th. ou3ly thing smashed va o. key boulie. Oertialy, lb. tirsil I tender thought it prudent btire his rou, wbule /«a bével of 48r»4 the only intoxicat -là I1h. ehouse. speedily fdlepoeed of by Ithéo ob. , naerning 1h. boàrtehderie10& da before, Magistrales Marin'l- *Dn- Wu. biai,but as th. chef vituese-tbs bartender-vas net preseaI. the sai vas dismisspd. [t lis itflb. lâuer @ver soos is face lu Ihal VWMInty &gain, a Scott Adt case will resuit, anud tskhng on.@- lbiag itb another, lîseemi0 tIat whiskey-selling ia net a very gréaI suoceus t the Meunt. EKOW te select a IWlfe. Goot betta, geod nieraIs, gooti ceuseand gooti tcmpcr, are tue teur essentiels tornla gooti vife. , Tisse are the indispensable Aller thein cornethie miner edvanheges o! godbloos, ecocmplishrnents, tamiiy pSi- tion, etc. Witb tie fint feur, mM=nr et viii b. comferhable and happy. Laokiug eltier, it vil) b. in more or lssdegrea tailure. Upon geeti bealli dependa largel>' gooti tempe! anadgood looki, and te corne extent good ceuse alisesastue but mmnd muat be afleoted more ci lois by the weïk- usase andi wbirs attendant onu ifaeltia. Young man, if yeurnwife is f alling tale a Mlie cf invilidiom, firsnt a Il hl yte rsotere ber iealtii. If sinle IreublePti i deblltaing temale veaacsbQy Dr. liero.'s Favorite Prescription. [t vIl cars ber. Prosden OCarotuetbsreceveti a messag et condolence ah the deatu et hie table from tue Queeu aI Fborence. Gî1e Thom A Chanceil Tiat is te say, your luugs. A1WoSU YOMr breathing machinsry. Very wonderful ma- ciinery it la. Net ouly the larger air-pas.* sages, but lie thunaof ett1h).tubes and canities leading trom themn. When theé. ar e ogged and cheketi vIS matter wbaeb engit nul ho b. tIen., Yffl lungs caunot half do their verts. Anti via hhey dothiey canuot do weol. 0eil it celti, ceagI, croup" fRmOnI1. ealanrh, cousumpllon or Mny ihtt y et tiroal sud non sd i.. -su'tW - cructlons, a&U are beti. AU oe itl te go idt cf Thiere is juil euie sure waY te get riti et tuera. That i teta"e Besch's Gemmen Syrup, which any druggistl yul »el you et 75 cents a bot)l.. Even if Mvr>. tuing-elae b.d 1.11.8 yen, yen zay depeuid upon this fer certain. Bothi arties are bard et verts la Norfol counny lU viev efthîe vote on tue repeal of thie Scott Ad, lo e b. aken on April 19. COI4SUMPTION CURED. An old physicie, retlr.d hem preettee, he',iug batiplaoe t dlahe .banda by au, Bot Indue mlacaonary liasformula ofta "ie vegehable:remtedy for tue peedy and ,en- suent cure ot Gonempton Bonhui Catanrli, Aslh-Sma nt:al tiroaudLg A&-otionse, "ais aandi radfi.!OMMs fox NervousDsbIAyaaad ail NervMs cm plaints, uftsi iavtee" Ils vonderf enalepovenel toalis tas a f.lhhlhladuty te mals Il kuo.obit sufeluktflv. AotaWsdbythlsiaaetlv sud adire ileve human u vouiuag, I vil! sendtrof eset harete il au . deurs il, liue relsin GoraaPrsueb or EnguLsh Tbce leotion pe#iin !M. e.Whîil ex-KM. P. &aalslMn. Buidett. K. P. for Egast Rw"ig, wli be trlsdin Jue., To Wbavie esuei hom the errors and Inertcsof yout4i, '.nervous "Uetieanly dcy oisf aholh, vil! sendI a roip# a vl*or.ýu FUIE 0F OHAUI. The getffsWsy vas lsored by a In1la<d 1U u$ -Ameica e* Iaslf - a1xe tulb thev. 3omuwx T,-1""0 sot"lsZni raglauWales andtheti 'Wet fBo4.m foi. Infantsan iro~t. Osid crs0b,0mlptOl km 51>mmrIL . À. AenaiIL D, kKsWr. ie leu fII~d Tàm IAUR&uaCoxràuv, -77 lurray Street, N.Y. NOW 's THE TO SECURE A.- GOOID TWE-ED TIME SUIT AT PRIORS NEYER BEPORE EOBD t N THE TRÂDB. A Good, Suit made to Order for- $12.000 A large stock of Scotch, English and Canadian Tweeds, Black Worsteds, etc., to select from. À Special fine of HEÂVY TWEEDS from 50 to 75 cents per yard, suitable for Business Suite or Boys' wea.r.' ,A FUJLL STOCK 0F GROCEIRIES ALWAYS ON HÂND. SHighest market price paid for Butter and Eggs. BROOK.LTN, ONT. ARCADE, TORONTO. A Sohool Thorougbly Zqui-pped for Business Training. BOOR-KEEPINGI BUSINESS PENMAN SHIP, CORIRE SPONDEN CE, BUSINESS AR1THMETIC, SHORTHÂAND AND TYPE-WRITING PRÂCTICÂLLY TAUGHIT. FINEST ROOMS IN CANADA. Send for Circula. Âddresab 27C.OEASertry A Positive Cure& >1<~~ A aneoCure. FACTS .POR K oNrdMMALAGES& ]DISEU&SES OP PLA 1Z. nm. zLV7cOls a rua O zO. 6, Miio el tHeng, satd Kehlnoor o etMeicices, g.Ii~the teffflbIe .usequemea .fldImts«eetubS Exe M W od yaswowk. Who mi9.broken tow fIn m-hlh...tc o! abuse vil findlin No. ea radical cure for nervous debllity,-orgauwie weaknesp, invol uutary Yital loses. etc. 8!xuToKcs r loi , u u ti »cUHD.-WUUI of energy, vertigo, want of!upm dime... o sigbt, aversion to sàociety, want of confidence, avoida.nco f conversatbin* *ed tor solitude, lIstbessuen and inabillty toux tthe attention on a particûlar subjeot, oo*axdice, depreesion of epirits, giddlness, Io"a of mewory, excitabllfty of bewper, eper miauwrhoea.or locn o! the. séminalflid-the result o! f see U: orr ital exoess-inpo- tsney. imputrition,eomaiation, barrennese, pliaino h emhsei éli tommeleeUmbliug.melancholy, dis4wbnjg reamPltatimor !h ea&Ubymtoeri f ýýeelîIng bbocit, m« es_ soceuâ«r 9.oquîre& In short. tue.,sprlnp of vital force hl*ving a nsoueiery funeon ë eticýe. Scieptiflo writersad the supeaintenets et insane asylumis nuite in auorbîdgtÃ" uhegeço f.self abuse the great maJoritY cf vacted lire. wbie oins under theirnotice.U vif«ouare inoompetent forthe. ardneus dallasme fbusines, lneap"ctte@d for the ..nm6eln o f lIte OýNo* 8 offen- an eheer th oeff ecta o!feavly vie. If yonaim advaÙced in yeairu No. 8 will gAve yen ful vig=ra' cl~ib. If you are broke dowtn,.pliysol and morolly rneaylucetoh ~etù~otlgtoralleCudtol-,sudyour addrèce ad1"I0 -ce l luétampe for M V Lt'uBoills Tretlae hBookPoF e»Diase« f of" o4Sp ednd-,iéoÃœre frm observatoion Addrefis al êummnicaZtonBto ML . V "YON47 Welfl Stne.. Tevloouàtdi Jan Usa utwisdem ives la a toors pard"e.'- CUtIS OGRAU 'HIEU L 11.1 1K. s'A The zreatetof . mauy ,thousnd o of iu t obrole weaknesseS and dsru1 R"ente !oiuiiZ., f M h th Iiv Rotei au cSur i ntitt, Buiffal, I. ba attorded,,a vaut experlonce An nloey 1 a inir and thorougblY. testig reamedes for% cure, o émaii'S ulliar 1maladies. le the outgrowtlJ, or resuit. o!fh- wras valuable experlefloe. TbQùàad5est M. niais. -reoelved' front patienta sund from pli clans who have teted it lnhe more ag vated and obetinate, cases whlcih bai their akIl, prove t t10 e,hoieil wond remedy ever devlsedé for he relief and cure su=ffengwOen. Itlalenot recommended es, "ueal"but as a mail perfect Specifto fw wona' peculiar ailiment. Au a powveful 1uigortii5igtoui', Ah impartae sr ot he iOl8ds5tenU ý and tethe wonb and lits apjJenciaes 'l RarUeum.For verworked, -worn -outV run-dwn."debilitat.ed teachers, mUllner& kers. nus gmothers, sud tolewmm nerll, r. Fie s Favorite Presorptl as in ppe 1 onrdan sd reeterative ton%,-,/ Asapp ]mlg andstrengUst au nervine "Favorite Prescription" la une. âualed a la invaluable n ally ilyu sdsb' huln nervous excltabllty, lriïtItYe huton, prosratlofl, hystera, pa a nd. ther dltieesng. ner voue gymOCeMncoin. moly attendant uapon functional sud organlo disease ofthie womb. 1h Induces refreuhln slcep and relieves' mental anxOhy and de. spondency Dr. Plýre'9s Favorite Per .criptioat la a legitiflate modlchi ,crfuilli compounded bylaw experiencedan sd akilif-a physilan, and adapted te womn'i. dell organization. 1h là purly vegetable in lf , composition and pe1chlyhrmolees in lis effects ln any conditon o1 the system. Pc mnornng sickess. or nausea, from whatever ca use arlsing, weak stomaoh. Indigesioln, dy&. ppis. and kindred symptomma, its use, in mama& aoewil provevery beneficaL_ - k 61;Favorite Preseription " I. apouIk tive cure for the meut compllcatedan b stinate cases o! Ieucorrbea. excessive flowin& RrTolaauE r, 0 line o! the womb, wea ak. fem- e weakuesanteversion, retroverion, bearing-down sensations, chroniecongesto% Inflammation and ulceration of tilwoib, lu. fammatop pain and tendernes ini ovani% accompaniâl with $"lntc-r-haI bot.' As a regulator and promoter f fine.; hional action, Ot that çiial period of chàng- froin glrlhood ho womanhood; "Favôrite Piis soription " le a perfectly ae remedial ageuj eqal ftaiu andivïlunble An ils effects wbn haken for titoae disordeiis aud derangs. ment& incident ho that lter sud meat crltloel p7<lod. known as 64The Change o! Lite.' ý6Favorite Prescription " when tomea ln connection wlth the use J1 Dr. Pleroea Golden Medical Dlscovery, and amuIl laxative dieso r. Perce's Purgave Pelletas<Ittie iver Pi), cures IUver. Ridney sud Bladde1 dseaeé&- Their combiued use alec> removeS bloed falute, and abolishis cancerous ami scrotulous humera from he systein. 6'Favorite PreseriptIon $9 la the oney medicine for womensold by drugglts, under e positive guar antse, from -the manu. !adurers, that-t wilgive satIsfaction lu every - been 1prlnhed onthe ,bottle-wrappe4~ sud -falth!fly, careéd ont for many years - ag attj M oss)*00 or six, aen 81 BL-UE RiBBOMt 1'IAWAXNOVASCOT RA. - app tn mtWeK'1 li &,.C()Iïèderate Bc ; ferred tW chier Oq fia.ra pety n - eo iihith O re e W80F Se. liait ADI Deeleus miii ~IRi t lU. Braobriduee .uU. 1.11. of an et t'bitIhappensti ai'lb. Qme vrett >à thé ýrailreeti bridge b""90enJiird, bit river anid T'iersek. Tiers Ei-4Perb&ae' me liase tovet a raine eariy 100hut i @ep* Tuvo omnent 'ess I tI 'mgwil, c100 ver. oaa Ibi,4 bridge one 4&Y r.. vhea îe soowv plovî - rainla el Soa -n Oi, ounaan lay dosa 1il*a& sst as andi bosiet ber cliddltiau-Jar t .i-, ss , enspendet le thé,e air,; ilbotIatsela Md. The. other votabe lav dovua ebritirs. She wvas rribly. hors,,AW té <iililvas lilleti. - Che receni official tealï 0&,rious ar tic1 e 0o1 fêoê- pers. Tbe-frauda ilu th àakiag Powders, snd ii iwdéra upon the markel 9 authoriti-e Of sever*l look particularly àfter ids. The Ohio State1 ýn has; ëzàijned tà ineadof these foUni Pm. Sncb a large nu pioted, nor vas ilt ýme Ot the cream of tai iste baking powdere, bittrre are representilr i4 holeom, Iad bec &ated as they were fou te use of impure ingre, împoufl'liDg., As man wated brande are Bold ýD, the report posseseil1 TeOhio Comiiesol treogth and parity, an rnkiog powder the beel e etlve streugtb, contail owdere named tho- fol] «e@ of re@id('uum or ]ERoyai (Creain ofTarter cieveland's ......... Zipp's Crystallum).. sterling ........... .i ..e'........ jersey tainn) .... SilveriSt;i(ln Kenton (alAwM'... The nature of the re rpctly upon the 0414 That in Royal je d Cji_1 ly Èarmiese;. In the poççders it le conSid6r' aîinft found in tbreH tartr powvdere-clOVî l ie Crystal, an alui -The importance -o1 convoyo!d by thes;e fit2 etood by 9; simple <C for instance the tvo1 daers-the Royal- and jingt mattpr or re Meore than iu the otlb fererice of 40 per cen 'Pureir than Cleve an( iponino figure. Tt ait thé brande qoaa bý Washingtt <J'rm our regula WàsHnmaTOl4, Me The. Coniede-rate5 se eent cAeilofquite 1 iud 8îtes8ea Ne

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