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Whitby Chronicle, 30 Mar 1888, p. 3

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T1 aetofotal tests ini the, tate's' cof ovarious articles or food bave ahttract- sd wob atteitiufl from tht' publie aui _~ ~ ~ ~~î t ielISiUi he nQW* lp*pêe. Tiae fraude in the manuufactur of btiking powdors, and. the detSTW1ined efforwt6 t forca variont; brande of alln powdors upon the market, have ciiueed the aut horitit s of aeveral of the State tb look partiolari! after this clage of goodti The Ohio State Food Commis @ion h'à;e ezained thirtv different lraude,and of thes.e found 20 made from &tutw. Snob a larg~e number wae flot atnpected, nor wae it snpposed that sowe ot the cream of tarter and phoe. phato bkiug powdere,woemn- facturera ire ropresefltil3R îhom as pure and wholesome, had become eo dàt-r iorat*-d as they were found to be from the nqe of impure ingredieuts in thoir compon ting. As many o! thes.' &dut tertited brando are Bold in tbe Domin- ion, the report pçt;.'.'AeA a local intere4%. Tho Ohio Commnission mide tests for etrenut.h andIpurity, a13'l declared that bakinku powder the tet-aq it was of course tb.' pnrpet-which, being of of feotiv* sîtreniztb. containt'd residnon3 in amaillst quatitipt;. ln the baknug powde-rt auamed tho fnlowiciz percent suft; of repfiduum or iuert malte? were * PWR CENT. OP NAMIC. RESIEUUTE. ETC. ]RoyaliCirpam of Tarter PoVdtrl.. 7 25 ('11eve4and'e ....... ............ 10 18 Zlpp's4 Cryetal alum)........... 11.99 F-terling ..................... 1 6 D.Plie"(;. .................. 16 Jersey (alutmi.................. 160(5 F ýýrest ('itv ,aln m)............. 24 (04 Bilver Star alum) ............. 31 88« Do Land's ............... ..32 52 Foraford's (Phospha~te). ........3i49 Kenuton (alurni'................ 38-17 T'tie nature of the résidnurn baars di. irecty noflthe quegtion of bealth. That in Ro'yal le dê-cared tob.' perfFet. ly hartmlemp. In the capo of the aluti pow fiers îti e oueidered hurtfol, vot th( amount folnod in îhree of the cr.'am o tart.-r powl.'r5s-Ci @veland e, Dr. Prie.'i 1 and Stprlin&,-SveraRed morp~ than tha in trio Crystal, en altim powde'r. Thei importance of the information conv.'yp(lI b dies fiLzrp;ee eabe undet etoôd by a simple cnmpariu.ou. îTel for jnqtanoce the two firmt named piw dors -Ihe Royal aud Cleveland'. Th jnt-?t7 mLatie? or rel-xtuflm foundi CIeveland' j seon te be about 3 in moro than in the other, which im a di forertes of 40 por cent., the Royal ba-u purer than CI.'veiafld's by the eorre pondinu fagure. The relative ponit! all the brande eau be oomputed in lit WashingtonfLbettr (Freni aur regular correiipondcflt. W&sRINGoToN, March 23rd., 188.- Tht C.uldrate seldier was the iuto- cent cAupe of quit. a breeze lu the U nied St st es Se ra te on Tueesdsy. The "11bloody shirt" vat;saianuintioduod, sind au textended dobate foilcowad, aIl in oceosa queues e! Benabef Blair'e iategt bibt, jukt introduced, providin4z hb t in &ppii1ntVt@ t u civil servicesposi ions, .x-Coufederate soltiers are ta be pro- ferred ta other Coufoderates. 1Seustor PlatIthought that the bill htd s pretty tnfortunate ti I ; it dose mot give the Confederate soldier the Brot pefrencfe ; it does mot put him abeat of the honorsbly diocbargled Union soldier s mimht be uodersteod from d.tid fe atone. Lt imuply pre- ferea tbe wouudled sud dieabled Con- federate le soins other kinda of Con- In the discussion Senator Hale said il Wb@ apparent tbst the bill proposed -10 ai plote eConfoderate aeldier a prefèrenmce wbiob le4 nov given by law to the loyal veteranseof tbe'Sortb. EBt 0ould net couatensuce snob Lexislation. Booster Plait fortber mid th&% the bil 15coied siervice in the Coafederatî .ray s meriterieie. Be We ûùnwilý ling te vote on sny proposition aveved ly favorable to a Confederate. soldier si enob- A. nomber of Bîmitoes ere le( tuteutiie debate, samoo« tieoe oar BeArry. [iddleberger, if smpton,D tmieli sud Q.'erge. The Nov Heoupebir Booster, vbo interease blsf in ovei: goud 0c,,ume, aud sdvooa*tMessby legipe lion that seems-kind and generotis an bunmane, viiethel! It be mc extuemel hOonstîitiOflSY' or net, etated that ]b ba i ioroduced* thîis«bill on bise oasr eponeibil.ltyi believing ilte be a simç mobsure efjueisOe. Re vassýiffiE thbt la makwng appoitlfefts ef me wbo were dialoyel, justice bas net bet donp tae i.wouuded veterane. C).bngress bs given no attention lb. question of prohibition ii c o week wben Booster Coiquit, o f Goc gie, wiip bas takei q'uits s promine pbrt b tbe proÉibitiof moveoibit im ul.tata 'at.roduced a locàil opti 1 lu tbe. District of Columbia, wbenei 10,000 inhabitanta of the Disrict ab p.îti<ii di Chief of, - oli o teor( A member cf the Sonate Diati * Coixiittees suieatedthat il would Ujors bhuminems like ta obtaifl an expi Mion of epluien tbroulgb.tbe Polios partment by a eesovitf oity. lu this way, the snimu . people coula beuîearlY ,uouab dé M'îied ,as for or ,ginm' probibitioù, fu tire legisiatiofl vitbotit rebortiuul tb. questionatale 0asbëiuot ,of a pap 8p~ov,9fW~ ~'~oý,%igb fié mlystpo snd la it~preparic 1a btha t-t'wi w &iili .Itt'C AN*v Utopbire CoUw'»ffla politold irél* by 'evea . ies *of "Ba-iereU4t1r The 11. - * *rroluof t Ift Prer. jnýtbfhiâ i4 vo11Id Bl lsiug t! he wereiUtêh.aot1 oZhs 'In the ýearly pOt*of tilu s ek ,%bere WSagre*t crow4 ln tho United ,a&t*..- 8upreme Court room b ier h de- I cision in favor oflb.heU11TeleihopDO Company. The court halId that âihere was notbing te show thJbt, Inyonad~ iuveuted an apparaltis *Pot b that0 invented by Bell, elthoungh' VfbxisioD by electrioity badl been iruuaoitt0d,,,by1 wire prior to 1854. Lt beÏâ that ell1 diecovered the principle, and Dlerfected it. There is nothing requiring tbe operation of instruments before on. patent issues. Lt i. the practicability of the proces htibatbh.e hown. The. W. 0. T. U. are holding a week of prayer in this city with daily ser- vices at different churches. Mies Francis Willard takea a prominent part iu these meetings. The women are nearly aIl here and are nearly ready for )eir great In- tArafltiOtISl Concil, wb ich begins on Moud ay, and asets a week. To morrow they will give a public receptiofi at the Rigizeflouse to let the people see 4W hat manne? of womefl we are", thone were Miss Susan B. knthony'a words. The fricnds of Oea. Hancock who have been active in their efforts te taise sufflient money te preseaI hi. widow with a bouse in this city have at lust met with succeei, aud the presentation will take place on the lot of April. Lt ie a handsome brown stoue and brick structure, of wbich Mrs. Hsuocok will take possession at once. Disrit.Itms Midlaud bas; made a port of entry. Thorubury woolleu mille are running again. MattbeW Wrigbt, of Thornbury, awns a larRe 1"robin rookery." 167 Golliinwood mon are puttiflg moiney into the oil well there. A third paper for Collingwood ia tal- ed of, saya the Stayuer Son. For atealiung a band cart Daniel Cou rsey, of Oak ville, stands committed. Callingwood had cleven firea un 1887. SBeeton, we are glad to eay. bad none. Mrs.'Mathers, of Msirkdale. made maple syrup Saturday, Marcb 10. M saford, Thornbflry and Colingwood are deputatiofling Ottawa for barber grauts. Oak auciei wDAc Psp T0,1& Fiý ville- Sing Ce SORb 'ýThe popsorro Iope.r umuu ou Me~ ~ 8! yvote 478 ' t' Ena~O2ty f~85-O àapoiù Mr. John' Douglsasobief f. Polic.O'Irno Segn t Wb"&*w je i ýquiton amith's creek, that pen4ling the, iprlng foo.In Ltheu&autieFlOPter.ý boro0 onil a eod lt ote 7 t Peterhoitn police st a aalSry Of $760 year. Mr. Douglîsa is eaOf the moat efficient chiefa in the ,provinet alma Peterboro will net regret geotting him if ho accepte. No ou. cen desoribe 1he sufferingiu aed by A.sthma eicept those troublea wlth the compinUt. 0nueriokage et Southeïu a&sthma Cure wiJl rell"ve any case. Double realment in ech package. Gen. Boulaner!s asOe was considered by the Court Of Inqulry Monday aud it la ¶1nerally supposed 1hao ecision was agaiît Deafflesa caused by VCatarrh ie qulckly rr- leved by Nasal Balm. Heada.he cacmed bv atarrh ia quckly oxired by Nasal Balm. The Manitoba delegates ha interviews rith the Ottawa Ministers sud the C. P. B. nagnates. W. W. MoLellan, Lyu P. 0 ., write. :-"I ras aflicted with rbeurnatism, and had iven up ail hopes of a cure. B y chance 1 aw Dr. Thomas' Elecuic Ot recmmended. immediatly sent (fiftY miles) sud pur- haed four botues, ad with only. twe, applicationse 1 W&& able to get aronad, sudd ithough 1 have not uaed one bottie, I arn early weli. The other three botties I gave iround to my neighbors, snd I have so, nany cal for more, that I feel bound to relieve the afIlhctcd by writing to you for a tsupply." Emperor Frederick wisbes to bestow a de- coration, probably the Star of Hohenzollernf, on Dr. Mackenzie, funtioe o th boy gow e te ru ei perftomaiofte.boldy peole o uer fr perorance.indeone topidity fof h irrand condtgpation, ahorpdive r e- cdr iapdtuonsthipation aof bbc stomach, bîle-secretifl organe sud bowels, with liortbrop & Ly meu' Vegetable Disoovery snd ]Dyspeptic Cure, f rom wbich aid la neyer sougbt in vain. Lt works wonders as a biood purifier. The Pope le displeased ou account of the mirepreeiita.tion, of bis utterance on the Irish questionl. The Medicine for Liver sud Klduey com- plaint.-Mr. Vitor Auger, Ottawa, writes : '41 bake great pleasure iu recommending to the general public Paîtaelee' Pille, s aa -.l r.- %IU -t_ utnti isieA boo ud ladof er havedoctiored for thà Ist, tbree yeara w1th sllaey u ne brgad. eadung phygî&ioSI an sd bave taken many ýelIneY ut n briade.medicines whic:h were reoommended te me tboohtetits bave caphed np without relief, but sitar taking eight of 50 in fines for Scott Act breakageS. Parmelees il a ut.rlee, u Sbéat@ the record. IIow I f001 a»free trm disease abefore 1 iber Mouroi- laIe Police Mag. for wae troubled." bas tared pap? a Stuif A bill topreenttheeVTrOadng Of vmehs .'rin,ba atdapprt tof- has been xntroduced bu the Hou staiWah- -the Tribune. inglon Snake juice" ;@ whst they eal i l in Wbat reak@ up aPluimber. hapto enguow . M ry w n Nothing braks up a plumbel' so badly as ict or eilig ~to, have te buy sometbleg at a reta i dig lnotang Anti Boette are forming Daer., Nething makes botter or momabeau- ,ciation separate sud apart frem the. tif ai biscit thsu IuperWa Oream Tu-bur % . . Bak"g Powder. Béladby &Ul Grocera. Lunisay sud (OPao mbiaed board Of Tii. jury Kt MOntr6sl MOna etrud health wili er(eet an $800 bespital for verdict of guilty bu Detective Fahey' ceae- contaionsdisesea.Holloway'S Corn Cure la the medicine te contaionsdieeseg.remove al kinds of eorus sud warts, sud Butter lei quit@ a variety in Stfyner, oulyscoa the amail suin oet w.nty-five and people have te est their dry bread cente. witb what grece they esn.-S&n. A cornpmny of Ameriosu capitaliste have SheIb)olrne ladies are giviflgcm- purchased su iron mine ln Lanark Coiinty bination lesp year 'parties snd honey sud iutend to work ià fer &ai l is wcrth tbis sociale. Tee machi sweetus for oee Pring. dose. pro~%a'$ Worm Powder. rcqtêfre Bumpologiate don't succeed se veli 'no otla.,r purgatiLe. Thqy are aafe everywh>re ai n Beetea. In four days ai sr t eoeaU çoeietiea cf 1a Drayton iiesd bandler feit nary suorml. J bump. Tascoît, the alleged urderer, la su p ps- Chas. Beem, a Pickering carpenter, ed te b. hiding lunlt.éuelghbcrbeod cf1the otiei fiagter, fainted at seeing the Harrison Uot Springa, British Columbs.. e blood mial feIl on tbe atove. Hie face k- s bsdly burned. A yonng man loft Dundalk very Wh Iyv o.v sudélenly one day latoly. The. HeraZd WM$ow eays hie liabilities 4150., and big a&Mt$ 5 h4 b @id~tat> about 10 cente. Whffl @ho beemmoMiesube hig bsCastouia d 46a11811and the way lier." vwua a rBarrio,,preacber'ea sujoet- Bunday. The s8 coanty tewa mon firmly believe Lb.e re road rune vis Orillia. A w ofe e-Reeve Thempson, of Malme A. àman named Levitt beat bis vifs tu Msu., shel bimeolf acodenly wlth a ril s- broad dayligbt the other day on Peter- on gîturddy, and cannel recover. ad bore market square in the. presenceelof Afraeeesydiuifyneedu ho scre f ean~,sd.hsavy, try a dose cf Camnpbells Galbai- be Gait pays $18 annnaly per pupil on tic Oompouud. 0,e the basis of actual attendance as Lbtjthedîyau *mpýl ofe e 1. ra Ple public sacools. Acton's 848 public rruük a& Stialford, had bis font .rasbW&by Ld scool pupils cost 95.26 eaeh. atteayenglue ou 8' 1mtnay. en A. aupple Shelburne smitb vent tW The favori1te .medie e itb aSUclasses- >njump ove? bis s.nvil. ais head atrnck P«m7 D&vW 'Palàkilii, te th. scantling above sud he feuI, bef0 b fblm ie lIper ôB.Ïmobrue. a , palling lthe anvil anoeui.codeil ensquiely sasit, came. The =UmlIVBs or- Robert Brooni vas moving a bouceM fn rom Col. Tyrwhittle faim W I3iadfOrd D. om'#Worm s yr' î' en wheo niqely sîarted on the roait up e tapewo5'w -to #1 e,0 k Io êkud nov lies tu the -ditch Ri<>dafO*4I ver A the, Division Court luSt. hm-_______________ hall last veek a ieavs ed 5an der ten, days lu jail fer inet pattiug xilu rit he Co. offer le baillda lelpb"IioniQ be. ftemn1paven lto hobi r6 nieal rTs- leugigt , 9 eralvu rê De- mulal tï tw.n litlh», t?*** the died in lMt. Forait lutSI aturday. Hie- te-vae able to, r.ad, vithoat epeeeOles r tt osm md lhe owera ou aieeeb &à* itrjoke of the seso iitla e~ $i~ Mr. Bd Greno, W Odd -I b ileh arge o ftéSe' bis barteudersud ae brge I oeveed here~.apermanat AuTO C thisiümsirbI bim ess.Desriptivepamphlotl sent free on receipt of stamp by. ýýi Scotch, S. WbihY.*.'*- - -u - PickerngYl. Y S. Port Ferry... - 8 ..8 -,. U2Rde~..22-1if 10 19 28 Be!by -21 8 TOWNSHIP 0F "WHITY B Z fnt Ocf h. Srd 0bnes'Ã"f e h' ing 190 acres with splendid d*eIlibgbhoug% good outbuhl(âi33g8, good orchard, we111V' e, ana in %a splendid- state of' culllvatif This propertY being situated ihgu1 outuide 1h soprtiOn ana withln a mile anid qure fthe town,, poses 'mny .u' ,tgs o h. pûr' h&so-.-'- U bW ali PHÂ. Âpply4to or O;Whitbri Whltby Opv' 918, Loridon and Larcasbire Life Company. * cf Lite policY, sud bas deposited with lb. Beceiver General- in approved Osuadian, * secu7ities over 8100.00 for each 9#100.00 of llability, thus affordiug ABSOLUTE. se. o urity. * artie. daslronq ofcflssni»g thellie Wlin d1t to'their advsntage te onnlt JOHN FÂRQUHÂBsON*ý, General agent~ Whltby, May 18t '86. .1y, W Su ITS. I FERQUSON VINO à SUPEBIOR STOCK OF ish and Qanadian Tweeds, w6OqO~5 )a of (Jbothe, for Spring suite. AUI garments ctp in latest style on shortesi notice. I Readymade Men'8 and Boys' Suit8, Geflt8' Furni8hingad Underolothiflg of ail Kinda. DIETRJTIBLE. -OVERAeLS -- - j A T'.; BEEF, If 70n1, Il C n I g s I c e JOHN LsB HO'M Ând other fine line made , Latst tyes n lsr aa JOHN el Ras EBYOÇAV-N Du,nas t., Wb411 CONS/UER TOUR POcKET&! Don't b. leda way by flaming.avertiimeflts but oà sta TUE RAZIIANWAREHO sudmeeforyousel~5tht we aru sélligoe keyaaGasaee.s undee osfor CshorPrdue. WhteGrnieTe&sBette, 44 j!ioss. st #2.00 per set, nHad ome (oloredTe ete 4 pees tif$8.O p ett 'f CWiI. hiaTeasBetts, 44 pjoo a 4.0pursiB~ tM Io>~R Oups asud Bauceri ai 5., colore inrBtefon e ew~ ored~~~~~~~t ChmerBttO iceet$,5er setl tt as : ~a 'Glsw re "ilg eey~ e, E syGlass Tumere 40c- per Q n, G "J Gbeta 60o. per doent ls Beesuan e~8#iiYIOI S tern. Ou fsUy gooeies i~4h. besi and ihe ohefpe4 *rl u l» su4 r spa ba ï a i 50 erlbwothGo. if >oIx dni?_eiv tgV pottoo, lr&si~ bsontken in eohaugs.We iz-yi : ~~b I5& 1 us bg 1orgi f i-ca and f lore 'isoi air b uem the Ã" 1 FAI nA. LL! ER.~ Wlth I I îfermalI~ an lUTos 1-~ n7ce 1 r Engli rIL 1-1. A b-7 1 tIA'I'ýý 1 HATS -1 tlït-, Co f the 1 Sb Id f -i 1 ;,,-1 J OHN FEIR&U bUl4 e , Dunass st.1, whitby

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