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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Apr 1888, p. 6

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PART 1. Âuxr Jiaauuu'Tn"KSGIVIG. Thanksgiving ha. corenesd gene, sud I'maa .nigh alive as I ýo" nb. and not b. dead., But l'i dean tuekered Ont, and feel ase if I'd soit my stock lu brade, laking in mys3eif sud my rheurnaike, cheap. 'Tain'& ne amall job te have a Thanke- gii'ing. It -teck me , tres daye le protiars for il, aud I guess it'll take vàe tbrep weekô astore uiyjiflie will gît over being siff. 1I-invited Captin 8mallcorn, and 1ke- wise Parson Powell snd hie new wife- net that 1I' wanted the Powell@, cow liai 'b. bsd bèen and married tbat littie addle-pated chit-but becanse 1 thougit I sheuld lilas te see how the pareon would seoi, nsd wst *Mre. Parson bail get for a best drese. Rightinlu he midet et my preparatiens9 oeou Beaiah srriv. He'e teWaebing.- ton helpini'run the gevero ment machine; snd ho brung a vonng feller with hum by tb. came of Dizong with, a reddieh head. Alter tbey coin@, noihin~g would do but Beniah muet invite àÂnny Day, suàd Ellice Qraut-two of the neiLgbbor'sB gale. E. sed tbat ho aud Di-zon waui. ed te have s good time, sud il wae ou- possible te hpive il unlees there was -eoine gals preseni. Beniah le a terrible feller fer the gala. I thtnk bes gel the meet human natur &board bina cf anybody that ever I eeed and ho ean't eeem te enjoy biesesif un: lisss h a@sosmeRais, round. ÂBd 11, ne iscue Diton, h. seenedti tebe pretty muci deorEllen1 his way et thinking. "Wby me Ail Thanksgiviuaz day forenoon I was abill! 1'" bnsy sa bes n lu oyen lime. '4Bliy or Ellen Sophia, ebe Cooodu't feern te ne wnsesth help ça. muai. She'd gel ior bauds haint your1 ti u ntallereti age 10 make 'ern muci differg soft,, sud oe.had ber bain rolied Up sPo10Bu eam tigit Ibat ber eyestuclaoncul ike a &a me t choketi rabbit's nsuahi wore au old t as c siik bsndkarchor tied ovor ber sara aIl I bard thi tie torenocu. 8h. didn't like te do talkiug, and netbiug &beut the eooking for fear sî. (aster. Ig ebouid stain her banda:: sud ce ewaa _Pun a sc eawilliîng te de thinge thot wontdn't door. 0fc stain ber bauds for fear ah.e bould heat hadn't bard ion face up. Alil ah.e old do by way bands witb of ieipiug me, was te string off long te be tieklec words, to git herseif lu practies, I1gpese "Waik rit &fore tie eCompany «et Slie., lil CalilMO& Jeet s Id gel evorytbing niceîy Walk rite tarteti, sud tie kitcen -uwae arnelliiug aoreeri lilas a firetelss e nstenater. I bappeued re.El tu look où eûte iiwiudem sud thon. was soupe lu tt lie Widtier Spriggue a eoming up lie piters, sud road 1 Si. waa droit up, snd oe bail like eue, ani liai evortssting blaek sachel et bai-non Msnriah, I't kitoen tuets her arm, snd I know.d'aie wa. a gounR r« yb somewiereete spenti Tisnh.giving. îIgravy. neyogr lieugit et ber eoinu te cOur 'QQ, " obae batsomelbiug or notion made me festen sBonîd euiy the door, sud pp eut linougi thse wantinge tu 1 wiudr-cuntlng. And uiy goodnees, if speli. I'11 -f se.did'l tua jute our gale, sud inaro sud looka st rite up W ithe front deen I 1 tioughi I e nt ebould bave fainieti ay 1 Inover wsa eh.weul.r me dseusmposed iu my lite1 1 wooid't oIwastudru have hon tiere wheu the caplalu vas seom ite e1 goiug e oben. refor a fartb ri.1 I1.18 Boulai t eoputilI, suad oebby welup Ioa aftor eh'd get tired et rappinR sie'ti go Roud, sud1 suyad ulula tien. waen't uobody &0 Alexaudera hum., eboulder, a£ But Dises ia wauted io have a little mY iead. fou wii hon, hosid, sud ho belgaetiof 5y be 1 M41 te lot bim go«eute edoor. If ho sophia wum didu't gît hor off luneolimeoneu ed Boulab had give me a nov goarsd t Bo I s.d no pt~ittîy sOn mure. is vit. à Dixo», -h. vent le 1h. door, sud ggldjm lb t.1ipg- and thon bowedandStn o so~ ké e4«znu'muler" I .4 ~i~L Ie1t or 1wâo*t éép aonia bc aug oei at 'su îîroigh the or et rouoflb.hh sstlug400W dloon. wSba a tOe ~4.frma'sm 1orsevnhomp ef cari Uffoq dir dt 7" es se" o' tWelk I recolse you 1" l st az~t akes no dlffomooe," es h.% i~4e uI ehalinover forget you t"l'sud tien f" U h. lad his boud outo hliew.ekitt aud mon 1crn B1*M ,asd BnidgeMi ~ ha~4 b. b~t~mes h.,or', 0 alggling. #!I csled te eo Mm. Bag. t1h DO 0 iydenlbdatu," ses he, 16NÉk "~~!P Eaugst iiifeel dlisttd, becaus e e ome t6e h eutnot s"0you, but th. tact je it lesel tistai eue val rudentu 0le$ 70ou ter hie boug 1o~eue asMn. dnd a, slady of your b.sutir sud aI- 0onewaulai S#G»d gracions," mitsaa,, fvhst dd ~.i~ O4 you man? Wbal rialak.i#l tyou sp u p ho the boit 46The ,'ùk of fiw. malipooe,"é« sho, ~o o 1 malDip1.z t sldo you mesu ?'0"A i l]t ses hi.,,h.îbàt elmiaog te6hbrdhht ébeiëuldlet heIp h014iog jt. 8r@ lbere wks &o hauoe ïk makiug .tikIr.wrutobl Weall "ses eh% - ýft s se'd rapped' avay - éiddý for, ýbàu eaî 1 Miil.r': I gu athere haint uoliody lu thi. kitohisu. Mre. Rugg je, rogrnaI smmers, fer I emeli turky, sideenle le ie, puddens, tbough il rnay ho fa8, l'Il jeet take ent Mny kuitting sud set down ente tthe deor-step sud wait."e Tlm s1Ite myseif, "yeu'1I wait. 1111 doorneday store Il'il lot y. in." 'il tellilier liai I nover tieught ef her b.ing agoing le have o'ompany," se£ Se, etill aiking, te herseit; "l'il tell ber that 1 corne over le git ber te show me about that or. night-gound yoke. I kuow she'e asked Captin Sinalleoru on purpose te *11der gel bina on a eting, sud I'm determrned se eban't do Ws" I eghook my fist ai ber bbreugh the. cnrting, sud telt irsif I ehculd buet if I eouidn't let off serne way. And jept then I beerd the ratiiing cf a wagcn. I lietened sud lu a minil I knowed lu was the. captin a ceming, for oeeof tic spokes in eue o( the front wheeis cf bis wagon je ioie, sud lbe wiole seuar le dreadfoi loose lu tie ribbits. ""Lswful zuarsy," soi I-"Ellon Sophia that'e lie captiu's -wagon.", "'Metbinks I bear lb. rumbling of hie ebariot whoelis," &ozae.. III shall have te open the deor," sez I. "Ohb, dear 1I1de wieb ho badu't sa cm. tlii e.gel tired of wailing. And hoemin Lu bis old gouud, with boies ie botb elbowî cf lu; sud rny water- fail, sud the heft cf My bau nup staire %ý fh- -rw r1un-J---ou-goà-e61e a ?" sezs e.; I'M on diaii- Snet," sez I, "yen deu't look ban I de; sud lbe captin beau, eo il dou'i make e once." n Sophia, cie nover stopped out, but sooed np @laire &s eould aceet. oe captain anti Mie Smith a d tiaI hurrieti me op tbo ive my heati a ici or lwo ,Iean apron, anti cpened lie connee I pretendedti tat I 1'ena kuocan sd I sioois ' er belb, sud made believe d nigh about te, death. te iu, captin!1 sez I, "sud en te take keer et yen hois I int the frot rom sud tdlf wbile I git dinuer in en Sophia bas gel a horniti- ,er. te eqalu through ai it makes îwe photons just A tires a.usîavral an lite. 'Il talas yen riteijuatei iboy me about m*kiug the. bvenu 1" sezse, "I neyer il viii gravieu-uovsn. I rbother yen t and l'v. heen oe a borrldsoope for &. long -go rite lie lb.hefrunt roem, il witi tie cap"in1" anti off Batitotmati,but 1 couldn'l Pnohlzn. I had te «nria anti fixe th le dinner, andti ten I air@, aud «et jute anolier pol ou my hsaïr, vitb au inrl s isnging over ry lot id a $sla nxibion tieti rouud titae tiisW»adid, Ellen adreaeeti, sud Duxon sud 1arrived vii ltie gale, àud oo'Ome Psnup.Powell sud, Lod if yoa'tl behieve it, aee a. mach au over, aud mi, n on tie floor te play viii and eh. bdwuliisRO t eitom tsf il. Ând ber bi nming dowu ber bacla iu s ,19about se-big seas speck ,uDe' ail onto, the tablesuad Bomehbov -or .other hhey a feomed t* hhnkia Iwas a lving pesëtilence- snd they'avelded me sif 1I>were à odoriferouis Augean Étable. lu m.y, nezi lil 't.11 y. a1si abott 4thetr base picieus. YneaRUG No. 6.-TEE OHROST. As soon aï 1 sot eut te open lhe munit gale te speala te ry onezpected visiteraý iiey ail yeiled eut fer me -Bot te coe auiRh 'emi1 Thei, conld amefl it, they said. "Srumell what ?" ses I. I don't srnel notiug extraordauary except gooso, sud goos. geueraliy ernelle oncosumon streýng wb.u it's a oookiug." "&Mre. BRg," ses the eherifi with diguitude, "1yeuhi b. iudited sud sent te jail.", "*Whst On sirti are yen ail driviuig at ?" ses 1, begiuuing te feel as utie riled. "What ie the. malter 2". ."dMalter enôugb, or wiil be. before yen geltirongb with il," ses tbe _-wyelq "didü't yen kuow tli t Iere le afn for epreading t V' 6"Spreading *bat ?" ses I1; I baiu't spread uething excepl smm.jelly ever Our fiasp-jck-" "4We o spreading heralipoz," mes sue of the. elete De, aolemuly t "Onu-ho 1"1 ses I111" guese I begin, le emneli a very big monn;e 1 Mr. Dixon do corne eut bere, sud ixplain te Ihee feikaib at yen iaiu't gel the emaît-pox l'" ",Dou't bring bring hlm eut 1Itu oes in tbe air 1 I feel dreadful taaitet the stummaci, Dow," ses eue of the mon. But Dixon he come rigil cul, and snob a s.atteriug se& liere was ef ai tbem men 1 But as scon.se began ta talla they aIl crept back s little, so's to bear what he eed. 44MY friende," ses ho, I regret ex- tremoly tbie misuoderstanding, altliougb it bas procured for mp the pleasure et your acquaiutance. I told sud estim- able lady et youn tewn that 1 was frein a trnail pex bospital, but aie was sa frigbt.ned by h libat I did net have s Chane te tell ber that-it is nearly fige yeans sinco I came from said beepittal, aud thon I waa thon. as a surlleon." "But she*s dowa eick with, h.," ses thb. eeifi. e 11Sick witb s fiddleatick 1" ses Dixocu. ,lit'@ only ber imagination. "Walk in friniedt," sez Beniah, "walk in, sud have a drin2k ef eider ail round. TisnagZivinig day don't cerne but once a year, yen know." "'Are yen sure thai there baiu't ne danRer ?" ses Mn. Jenks, the fuîtuselect- man, taking bis handkiercher dowu trom bie nos. a miDuit. "S1onnd s a Run," ses Beuisi, "sud if yen wcu't lake my word, boe is Parson Powell te tell yen so, toc." The. Parson h. made aà littho eumchy, aud thon i. madie a speech ino wbici ho buuug iu lie word Providence &bout a dosen limes ; sud tien Boulai passet the. eider, sud everbody drinked abeok baudseail round, sud tlinu. swhuciusd if every oueetf heuxmeoudidn't kiue &Hl tie girls, sot on te do lu by Hew Mariai Smith did giggle sud himper wbeuttbey came t ernd bow @h. piretended te b. awfol mai, suda --& --- *;&cUed ted"eh ailteh. ama» ousisy. -'Boder the vay i la cloar1NO; speeu"lton, neoetiano, big returus i If yen ma1ki mcm of makid euhavemoe- wbero -weakuas-dons t fosai ail t4ises -ailheeua. ourblood Je out»fof rd.,. A: u1ogIqudviS nq *irplIjou ik$eslI)t41e'~dolh uap tise nod; ix men I ovosy sd soon pOr., fresis S oocourus Msh nyote dtbe, Irish. UiO rTassdinare aOhise uexeepi Bnidgoe, sd -the, jU~dby ïsu auexpected opencfgaM-ý pc'derlu auL cm ouSaturwlay. s Bin. Jo00*, the uisonifl; 4e0«tf*Wb IDMIral'IÇ T.Sr ~tan eng ýwyom sSili; sud tIoL TsÉt'r suad Bii8d SMeauigbWfia.-b e 'eeiolre d tise tovam. btkuown. Sol4 iiy a&Ugrocom. te o«r " i. 'Durrng'-the psstweek $weive-hudrel' ,us., alloanighlng erhbadeOae trlsof Kother b-G, ws'iWs )Rf a Pi t flgtîs i.erminston viil.ouvluoe you Ibat i Léh~ren ed O îistý lý b lý. wU-known 'Pve &I oe fCue 0d,&d iLu Gaugow LondonIn rac Co 9troubles. slas B. Malcolm, chargea wlth forgea . ofGOt3rtbi #76, note, was sent up for trial ai Btaâeiord ÂITL on Baturday. PI Lj85AW 4 amIJy Fvlenê &ANNUAL INGOME, #185Ç000. Dear Bir,-We bave uged Hagyard'a MÂKE parla rprt n Deln Ylw Ou or 0 ethroat and od sdHouseu à Speeialty. Very low rates. Easy lwyoan depenli on it tb cure. W. aisc terme ot payment. simple jpolicies. No use it for sore ehoulders on aur hors.e. vexatious conditions. Prompt settiement Mrs. Wm. Euaghey, Wilberforce P. O., O nt. -of logse. without discount. Be sure you do While engaged in felling trees, Mr. Clark net imeure until ycu knew our terme and Lane, of Gainsboro', was struok on the head conditions. Enquire of B. B. B. HAY- by a falling treaud fitally ixjured. WÂRD, our Goiýeral Agent for South On- tario.- Office in Whitby-Part of D. Ormiâ- F3ariers wilI fiud "Maud B." Condition ton'. Law-office. Ail lettere addresied to Powders invaluable for use i the stable orLokBx7.W tyP.Owfreiv hen coop.prompt attention. iteeldenoe-Hain Cot The completion within six weeke cf ail tage, Byron street, Whitby. 21 the bridges on the Red River Valley rail -__________________ way i. premised by the. Manitoba Govern- meut.INSURAN CE!J A Ne0w Home Treaiment for thse Cure pf BATES, LOW1 Catarris, Catarrhsal Dean... sund Say Feyer. ADJUSTMENTS LIBEA.L 1 The microscope bas proved that these dis- LOSSES PAIl) PBOMPTLY I esses are contagions, aud ;hat~ they are due to preseuce of living parasites in the. interlining Companles among the beet lu the world, membrane cf tue uuper air passages sud ens- such ais,t te.chian tubes The eminent scientiste, 'Tvn-1 caUi, Huxley sud Beale endors. this, sud thes eTi.Li VERPOOZ,,, LO.NDON &* GLOBE, suthorities cannot b. di pted. The regrlar Th A AHB, muthod of treating these diseéases has been ta i.LNOBIE apply au irritant remedy weekly, sud even ToWATERIIOOane daily, thus keeping the. delicate membrane in Ti n a constant state of irritation, allowlng it no The. NOR WICH UNION, chance te hesi, sud as a natural consequeuce ef such treatment flot eue permaneut cure ha. ever beeu recordecu. It isau absolute fact that 1O1 m Y these ciseases cannot be cured, by auy appica- Local private funds in suins te suit ai tien made oftener than once in two weeks, for the. membrane must get a chance to heal' be- loweut rates.r fore the application le repeated. It le uow seveu years since Mr. Dixon discovered the W. B,. RINGLEui~ parasite lu catarrh sud formnulated his new treatmout, aud since then hiti remnedy ha. be- NOTABY PUBIxC, comes a household word lu every country hty ,Where the English Language 'e speiien.Whty cure$ ef7scted by hum seven. years ago are sures etiU, there having boen no return of the dieeaae. tn Bo highiy are these remedies valued, that - ignorant imitators ho.ve started Up every- where, pretendlug te destrey the parasite, of ~ V which they kuow nothing, by remedies, the resuits cf the. application cf which they are ____________________ equs.lly ignorant. Mr. Dixon's remedy iSs p- plied euly once lu two weeks, and from one to HE WESTERN BANK. 0F three applications effect a permanent cure in CN D Mr. Dixon sends a pamphlet describiug hie new treatment on the receipt of stamp te psy WHITB Y, - ONTABIO. postage. The sddress is A. H. Dixon & Son, 3M3 King-street west, Toronto, C&nanda.-Scien- THOMÂR DOW, tific Amnrican. Manager. Ccnyo naiWhity, Nov. 7th, 1882. ly-47 Thoraii,188 BI-LAW NOMBER 1q OFo i188.MONEY To LOAN 0100-000 FOR INVESTMÉENT. b A By.law to close t&p and sell a por-0 tion of the. treapa-88 road on Lot 6. ON REAL ESTATE SEOURITY.9 us ii.11I~ on f horh.At iowest living rates of inieresi. b The Corporation cf the Township of Thorah herebv enacts that froiu aud alter Money eeeuredl within 10O days of ap- C the. final paasiug oet tus By-Law,all that por- liatoP tien cf the trespase road ouLot numbersîx1in Âpply tea the eleventh conces8ion cf the said Town- ship cf Thorah lyîng between the. Western JOHN FÂRQUHARSON limiÎt cf a deviation cf the. said trespass road Whftby, February 1Sth, 1880. 0- (whîch saidi deviation ise etablished sud de- l6usd by By-Law No. 4 cf 1887, -passed by the sail Corporation cf l'horah on the. fire i day aifÇQct*ber, ÀA D., 1887), sud, the.Talbot 5000 O tA River, be &ua the.;ame le horeby lo500jd000, aud ne longer te be censidered a Public At ô per. cent. yearly. Terme cf repay r£ Highway Cf the said Township ocf Thorah. 'ment of principal made te suit borrowers.W And it i. fartiier enated that the herein Fiasud second mortgagee obgt.Ad- à OFfIOE.-Over G6Érle'sBlookï, Whitby SonMç vt . 8 46y-lb*6b dy > Thoui , t. D .M SAtnaeàle f BG-WRIT. General -AND- Houise Decoratù, Papnes' fw'ni8hed-from 5c. a Rol: andupward8.. Orders from the country prompuiy attended to. Ký9 SflOP-First door Southli o Mr. G. Y. Smith's law oefce, Whiby. Whitby, May 121h, 1887. AGENTSlA-GENTS! N OWBEAD -Ouynew ookIlEarth, Univers."; being a full sud graphic de. seriptien cf ail that le wonderfnl. in every continent cf -the Globe, in heý world of waters and the. Starry Heavens,, containing- tlsrilling adventuree ou landi and ses, r.. newned discoverîes cf the world"s'srats explorera un al ages, sud remarkable ph6. nomena ineeyram of - nature. . braclng thé stnlking physiesi teatureseof the' earth, the peculiar charactenistica et tthe- human race, of animal>, birds, insecte, etc., including a vivid description cf the. Atlan- tic, Pacifie sund Indian Oceans, sud cf the Polar Seas, the Monitors cf lb. Deep; beautiful' seashelis sud plants, -aingular fIshes sud dwellers in the. wcrld cf waters, remarkable Ocean currents, etc., togetherI with the ÂMÂZING PHENOMENA 0F THE BOLAR AND b'TARR SYBTRUMS BY HENEX.,4. DA-VENpoRT. Nonaxnnoip, D.D., Embelliiahed with eor 800 fine engravingi. Liberal ierms te Agente. OXFORD' 5 JORBDAN ST., PUBLI8HING Co. -TORONTOe ONT. Certificato of major Harper, Esq., * of Whitby. To wh.om iitmay concern. This is te certify that baving examined, repaired sund uséd a great variety cof Sewing Machines. I have corne ho- the conclusion that the White Machine sold by L. Fair- banks le eue cf the best made, as in my opinion Ît le a machine that wilI net easilÏ get out, cf order, sud willlIset mnch longer than meet machines, as care hai-been taken te prevent wear as mnch asf possible. I eau bonestly rAcommesnd it te parties wanb- ing a good sud laetiug eewi"ag machine. I pureh&sed on. of the White's snome menthe age, sud it gives every satisfaction. MAJOR HÂRIPER. -1887- Alter five years use cf bheWbite Sewing Machine in Mny family I eau fully endors. the above cersificate sud eau fuly reccom- nebd bue mle-iachine as a la ily 1gl machiine coite le.ïfr- ire p.&..tbap-.any- machine I have ever bada üythbi.gt'O do with. -MAJOR A PER. Sgold cobeap as th. cheapeet, "d- lintth. best cf the, beet. 1L.,FAIBA S Sole Agent foriis District.' MW9" eereII'sALooà w w .'oew IRAWIIIG I DNM-O P Ibis, lecture wou atiatiou ot pilo bheen lun lie offéred-a cern-à' for'sale. This h i.was the le-be, sud the 1 inembere prest àttention teatth. The Profesier ,pression as ho wae a amati, as standing out at sorape enow et and tiere wasa mu hie eyee sh, roern. E GI The Professei puebed up bis s the pureit-drini City iu tie laud "M'fy treus, la dat sitovepipe bh bol. ar' a ni cakrry l.t away., yen eau&I p1edg, de police cau'ti bol. war' made a big ceai stoe neas the someti beat sud comi "itunn my1 aide ont," Conti ho Buited the 66What sdo yen yil if I didn9t wbsr' would I, In odfder wordE woold I put de existence? At somethinguese liothianese, - iigbly neoesai nons. See? j'Gnest apple Aig WatkilueSe menti te cure "aEeab lesa fesser, se, is Epines.d Emotiness.1 dis somet4iu« de uotbianeu ERider Toots gi ueof dis -wea &bontlas emai ie drivon out à de Eider goes undor hie arm snate dat Bi fiuanoially ahl pounde oftasuy bat: i\simply1 F lie, Eider,-wl ensyengei before be- loIt "'W. look il W. ie. de ni sud de ïomel galioni i t I I 'r ,i ~; ý-arawer i mo you go to the 1 1

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