altes, at the, i tote, Buffsbjo leuee lu iltc0t ing renmedjes -nialludksE. 'lte- resow lt, otr tg 1 cuts anîd trot ln thé o"er et; whiab hs4d the uxit WC thîe roelie an ot reconnnen ýt port oct-spe, te- vig.oratitig 1 fsaPpend ord wr Prescriptoion» %lu alayinl w2e4- lil1ty, irritabllly- hysteriaaspasema ous nymptotme cen unctlonal -and or-S. It induces refsh Ital anxîety and~ ~rite Preri.ptit uedtîlne, caretu erienced and s1:3i te, womnan'sdIll* îreiy vegeta"ble lui .ctl ha rînlesu t i e t ticsystetu. F mgieci. trom whatev mach, u-rcuu1etion, ctj ptoms, 1Ite use, ln,5 -nl vxu,uucuýtcd au4 0 1(-À, excesseive lowIrâ rnutirl rupprrsffeî tue woumibweak. -I q i v - opgesl1 fl.iovar A prenioter 6t ffu ihoul. ~ Fa -rit PM sa8fe reut-dilal ku good restitri. 19 vuînable ln Its t soi-dors and des bter and moet 0ttI 'haune"If Lte.bu use o0 Dr1 loa ry, snd ..aul 1x~ iratîve PelleaC Rduey sud Ba4 d use ase 41, i the systeni 'Iptlon" Le isteoq I y druggtat, usa& tee,' frouithoe tu '% Rtlstactlob lu eoe u;nded. ThIa guara- n the bôttle-wxpp. out for umzx, yeam e-se e) edt ledical Asocatleia, t. fUFFAL.% sel ~ELL"! pproached for onee aud QuLlty. SFREE« Guel1ph, ont et »anu mend hen have tboe ADICÂL Cul > 0 STorw km o blatuoe ,ctd for Nu eau traussot ne sud a-L frein Wwshfi1s r Pho,tib ,Pîket*lbU, or not dus tit pu aPtmu~ la ~i b.repart ofithe Ohi* 8tlà *Ddî ob sows &lrg tnoaeit of residante ilopu~tty .elit inLu niiy cf hFà 1 tiols. Thà e à 4Urea gir nby lb.coin-' oîvîn'...........118aret ZiP5Oytal......... 199 sterlinlg............ 2.8< Dprs Crity'............... .0d Fovrntar ............20 De LaSdis................8:6 The question natiirally arises in the Md ithtoiigbtfui cousumerm, Of bBdosthis imPurity or reaiduum ntirlîe caseeof the, ft,>L èà d powdear tiaore bas been reoently given hresutlofaisu sualysis rm"de ~bv l?r9f. F.F. Ubà udiûr, Of ÇolULLtiia Ccdcele, N.y., late maecuber of the New York Siste Boeard of heatb, wbich partially supplies the mîsding information, and Se th@ LnatiféboUrers oni ti, arîiou'ar powdter are ckutiitiotily caliug for the publication of 'l bu ingredients nsed in bakiflg poWdtwr@, tberO eau be neOOb- jeoiiot, o te ls toenfft here. Auioug L'O ÎIituf î' Prof. C4sndler foud leveland'm powder ta coutain a harue samofletoe' Roobelle Saitt', 5 49per cent. flimef, witti ialiiiatarch eand water, quantities noet s&ed. Alcn is a aubstauce Ieolarelby the bighest aiboritiet3 o bo bertful. If ibe balânce of thie re,,ilcem in éli the powderrs uS[ned is made ep largely of alem, as ibis leknown le be ine Bome, the public vould like te know it. Another offi- ciat te8t that shall go qeite ta the bot- tomn of the matter seeme ite b. demand- Curreult Literature. Frank Loolie'n Sundai, Magazine for Msyîe a valuable sud iuserestlig nun- ber of ibis fauvorite farnily -mouthly. 1db iseli'l sud light reading, grave sud gay, pro&e sud verso, are fouud iu ils ages, sud ithe many beautiful illustra- lieue add te the interegt and vaine cf Ibe text. "Luxurioce Raiiroadiug," by Arthur Vaughan Abbott, i. very enter twingly writteu, sud conveye an im- tmeuse amount ef information, whieh le oubanced by the many illuetrations se- eompanying ît. "Tho Beuinuiioge of M>eriou work in Norh A frics," telie tbe story of missions in Tuni@, Tripoil, Algeria sud Morooco. Au article on "Bloideiberu," by M. Wilcoz, will attract attention, for many Arnerican Pcbolars b ave been ednoated in the fameer Uni versitv in that city, sud "A Pembroeo- sbire Parson,' by George utiugteu, je a moet eutestaîiii acootint et qu ecceutrie clergyman of the chicli c0 Eugiaud. Two short stories are givem in tIie numbjer - thebrot, a remarkablE oes by Mrs. Genokal Wallace# "Tbm Firet Cînderehla ; a sîory of the Bec Pyramiâ," sud the other, a prutty loy' tale, "Paasy Wiilow," b-, Milie W Carpeuter. Dr. Taimage's sermon le i strikiug one ou "Tbireh in a Caveau,' and thore are wany other gocd tbing lu verse aud pros, aud 'afine lau vigerons hyuu tue on tle hat paue bý 0. Wenbam S nitb,te the hyoeu"C0rew Him with Mauy Crownus." The firsi of thrs. remarkable article on "'D ,1rinism and the Cbri,-ti-à Fmi tb," op riuted frein "The Guai dian," viii appoa in "The Pc.pelg Science MontLly" for May. The atiý les are anonymous, but are uudeaeto< to bq wrîten by an Oxford tuoa, ai Ibeir appeoirance in the lesdiug ahurt journal et Euglaud siampg thoir ertb doxy* The writer reRards Dérwinis USn accepted doctrine, and disons ils relation te religzion yulh a clearus sund u juul upprecialion cf tle tonal ,rý,und cf beth tle clergzy sud tle m of scieuos which are toc rarely ispit ed ilu leatingibis quesetien. *LittcWa Living Âge. The nuub of T7he Living Âge for April 7t1 a 1411 coutain Mystioai Pesimîmi ned;a, sud The Pregrenseet Appi Science sud ius Effect upon Traite, air Layon Piayfsir, Contemporari aboponheuer and bia Moîber, 'om Bar ; ThA Study of Euiel Literai! ,Fortnightly ; Coryat's Cridities, 16 Na~tional Revtew ; A Few Word@ French Révolutiourîry Models, by J Morley, Nineteenth Century ; Lr Tnrkiorb City, and le the bottoux ef Channel Tunnel, Chamber'; Ma. ter Moriron, Bat urday Review ; dru-t guoticisu, the Secret of A' andear, sud Sir Jampo Paget's Cet sien on Bphlif cf Science, Speotai The Great Yellow River, sud WiiI Bsà nnep, Let.aure Heurs; Rablea &M Depr The Moocuseonit, sud The« pesuion cf seedesu d Plantp, Nat: Annie gesse Prector, Acadmly ; auarei's, Westminster, Si. fan *velwncbes ou Mounut St, Beril LtiLftiard;! yul "4A DesIMan's1 desioetkth l oe.-of- Bepreseut kA. bjvet lad growU te .fltonmonoto\ý nous, -but ditres>sing. Thie orderi I pcf th. ayeasuannys on tsibete motib go adjourùandsudte à arocees, together with tle brlnging lu of delinqaelît meuxhera te ithe bar cf tle Honse, by the Sergeantast-&rms, wbere tbey atre requiared le give excuse for their abience frein tle sessions of Ihat body, bave c oulmnued ne w unînterrupledly-tot ton days. During tbis lime there lied been uo legiulat.iou in tbat end of thie Capital. Business lad been utrly stagnant betfl in the Houfes and in the ELOUse Gem mittees. And wben il je remem- bered thai Congrees idie le as expeneive as Oougrees busy, sud tht under any circumstancofi it comatshIe tai payera of the Oounny ai the rate of fretu *5,000 te $7,000 a day, the situation becomes a bi ban- hall Ail tue ibe, firt, reh esze c Steow iy riers of tà ~ heerx~ aarb n arliadià liatigo Mr. 8n'iltalk ýêr' enterlaiuîug? Re je snob a munmie. Mr. Buesringlen (Who deteats the docter) -I have uelioed tlal the dectar takes people off very cieverly. Below are tbree de4aitions which were lauded in aI oee lime or;-suother lu oeeof the publice chools, sud a higb 9chool st that; Turooil-s kiud ef oil. Bandit-a iawyer. Barrisler-a man Who singe in the coir. "1 bear that Harry le gatting des- perate. BRe left me lu a terrible agitat- ed siale hast eveuiug, sud tbreatend ta, do semething ibal b. might regretaIl bis ile." "Did ho ? Tbou il seins le bas reaily made up his mindto aek yen serions. to mary biui." Ail this trouble was over B bill b re- Mnse dnn ihteedr-1o fund, from the federal Treassury, the Minipaa ete (din bavet the ec)-nd ,jireot tai Iovied on the States snd Ter- piepafpi e soyen hve the . o'd ritories in 1861, te raisesmoney for car. afpic obe s e idlent."Bobby " rying on the war. The aet <of 1891 pro- 'ea r : b a sveys indulge t." ebby- vided that a tai of 817,5W,000 wu co ea gir: oeabt -ays t heinuIgstogehe Iected, leaving a balance due, mcssîy t mc u ontîiks. from the Southera States, cf about $2, Mamma yen muet be B good littie 500,000. la some of the Southern obild îo.night, for there are going te b. StaLes thion ini rebellion, collections four mon bere for suppel'." Wee Girl were made in eominîstances from the -"Are they dootore ?" Mamma-"6No property of individuaLg. they are artiete;." Wee Gir I-"Xren't Now the tbeory upon which the pro- there goinq te be any gentlemen, posai te refund je based, in that the un. mamma ' cofloted tai stili stands on tbe Treas. Brown-III say, Duimbtey, Robinson urv books as a debt, w'ich muat, linlbas thregà tened ta lknock some borse justice to ahl onoerned, be oollected or sense juta yen the firet time hoie et8 eI8d ttbu colleoted tai shahl be refanded you. You want to look ont. for your. to the proper States and Torritories. s§elf." Dumbley (contermptuolily- The opponents of the bill take the posi- Pooh t Lt would take a dozen muen likeo tion that as the leviea were madle on Eobinen tao do it." individualis in the Southeru States, theo linj fesred that ail the honoyenekies ouly fair course would be ta find theso and d&isi8s i Dakota bave been touch- judividucals and reimburso them direct ed witb the froet dnring the past fort- ly. Tbey ae o opose il bocanne the night. They eau'% tell about the orange ootton ta%, wbich drew nearly 870.000,- budA ut ibe snow drifts eink down a 000 from the Southern States, tbe con- litjo sud jet the tops of the trees out. sîitutionality ef whiob jsestili hotly dis- Dudely Vanuierclam-" Mise Bond. pated, bas neyer been repaid. cipper, 1 really believe it 'ith the Tbe Senste is working leieurely s canal Lt as îhe we'k dgcnssd th mueon cf wom.'u to Make foots of nlh qestion cfbadting Dk oos eue £mon.19Mise Bond ci er-"'Ye, and i qeston f amitingDakta a *e ou bave no idea Mfr. Vanderclam oelw State, or dividiug it jute twc haires Y dw r t idts ntr us asud admittiug il s tza 8te8. The yidw r efu htntr iss domocrats are williu g O admit ber as oflon foresatalled us." eue State, but the repuiblicans want te ,agtoaeo agav daseault ?" rnike &as mucli of lber as possible for the asked the lawyer of the proseautinu Wit- ibonefit of the Senate. Four republican nese with bis armt ied up te bis oye in ,f senatore wouloi vote more than swo. a eling. ",No, air il wsn't replitd the il ore cf the delegatea ta the recent wituess. 'I neyer eaid a word, and b. e International Conneil of Women etili came aI me and battered me up as yeu e linger st Washington. Among tli is ses me DW9 à Mr@. Chant cf Eogland, who je going nsmu« rycue 'e ta romain over bere awbile anddsainît 1. i temperance work. Sbe bas given To mm BEIMOR: a several tempeirsuce taîke to large audi Pisane inform youLr readern that I have a sues@ in difierent parts of tbe city. Iu positive rsmedy for the aboe s aoeed e eue cf thoea, eh. said, "1There lene mid- disease. By its timnely us tousands cf d dis coure.; no second gxound lu this hepoeu e ane, have b.. pwus4 ýy fight with aloohol. The saloon muat ed. I1aal bo giaêi's»d twc dil my resmedy rms to any ocf ouréradezu rn be cloeed, its manufacture muat b. Who ha"e opnuaptlon if Ihey viii seMd stopped. It muet b. baibed (rôm 1 methijr Kiprasa and P. C. sddrs.' our liemef- trom our tables, (rom the Respeotfuily, Da. T. A. SLOùuK s 'r s communion itsf, bejere man and wc* Tonge stzeet, Toronto, Ont-16-ly. Su mian dan grew ie the full statue ef Jerry Smith, a negro Who attemlpted i ,r- healîb sud purity." Mrs.- Chant is a assauît a&White girl near Msmphle, wa sr grand ni"e cf Edmend Burke. lyn cbod by a uob Baturday. ic Col. Doon Pjatt, Who used te $&y itobtis Vie& od ouch sarcastie and bisterly brilliaut STMTome-Moisture; intense ltching an, id tbiugs lu the "Capital," and Lîbrarian stingiug, meut at uigh ; verse by scratch eh 8pofferd, wbo can iDtantly place bis lng. Lt allowed te continue, tumeli forum eo- baud on any bock lu, the 0Ocgreshlonal which ofied bleed and ulcerate, becomini m Li-brary, both appeared lesI Uio»day very sore. 8wÂTrNE'bODITUENT 8'OpU th~ mes efee Ie snat - mites n pol-itechiug ad bleedtag, beala ulceratien, an Be bfoe hesoat " Site, n on-,inMauy cases removes the tumors. ) Bes office la adrocate thiD Passage Of & bill equally eflicacioug tu ourinq &aý1 8kin Dl >1. to prehbbt the traýuembsiôo f cbeap esses, DR. SW&TNB & SONiPreprete keu literaturo by mail Ma nt sa pounn. Phîidephie.. Swayne's Oitttent eau I 'y. Col. Plaît said tbeyi;sppeaared lu behaîf obtalned of drugguste. Sent by ma" for 9 cf tbree separats lutoflats -Firsât, th. postafies cof the UoiitedStates vhlb b smal-pi vias tound ameug Italazîs complali of being'overbnrdebed witb the e teerage cf the steamer Italy, whîî bfdmercantile malter; second th., auth- arrlse t New York on gatnrday. inors, aud benest puýlisber9 cf <the coun- , try, who complaiu ' f un' out freight dis- by crmnaticu:. and ibird, tlb.:outraged 1Wen Wbywmsiek, we gave ber Casirta, ~.conscience of th c~unIty. Wheu she ima a Child. se eried fer Cealerùia tù H.ead lb vas u unt toa intelli- Wo h eaelioh ln oCstra iret gence to al he b.9Batide Library pnb. Wheu ahe bea hme Mia. heoipaUmmt.Caor 51,lications, for instaioce, perledicals, sud Wb&êh*CId'5 hvtlUasc ohn, peioîcà 1ýtht. e atn adbecome celowdod wittb 1b1malter to sncb an Ibm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~. . e___a or ota crswulnhv Qeê Victoria Wilvieil Darmnsta, co D lý WHITBY iCHINA BSPRING SUITSB ~~.~000- JOHN FERQUSON 18 990WING A SUPERIOB STOCK OP Scotch, English and* Canadian Tweeds, Ana other fine limes of Clothe, for Bpring suite. Ail garments made np in latest style on shortest, notice. Ready-made Men's and Boys' Suits, (Gents' Furnl8h!ng8 and Underclothing of ai/ Kinde. INDIESTRUCTIBLE OVERÂLLS!1 HAIS1 -HAIS1 HAIS!1 L.teÈt styles in Hard ana Boft Feit Hate VEBY OHEÂP. J OHN FERG«UJSON, Dwidas st., Whitby KedICatOd toia ssssoftthieblood sud ne vous ilystem. Lde' et$2for tcuis.e CeU 0 ntr it58 no eque., Mce2etcibn t sud uSex5r exama n FreC U d antm Srastompbt.le tbanks forli, theIMid iealptong fuor f y~~r i eugnam.... - ~,rmn~Vi'...4 S ,niPerT... F21- ~ 9 rbrldge.... 22 V 10 muninglOli.. 28 10 eavear*0U..... 24 il plergarOve... 2~ 19 By Onde:. 3.B.PA~EW * Olenitof -s S? 28 29 80, I i, ~s esc. i 'I -h I BEEF, IR put se, ando «SU» tiblI h.hohbate -appetilo Po f acilities lIa» ever for uxeeu"lg s#ILiera~ Bf~ entrutedtobI&m for" - u,È, Monumen ts, Headstone8i srneegni Siate aný)d Mr!eMantie8, .,sef~f Andi any etherirek l hioa Une. AU Work -gnurteed iraxt-cIass. Pnièe T aenov moeôrei MI' noiw.-plam -ofup 1.em busness fi S ll'e Blùok, souibi cf-lthe t uý11by W*. UQW, 1-1 . Wft &4 H orA OMsa AN 0EFFEO been 'hle averoige bog..breedsr makis MMr COU b~~ ~ 4pý.ih&i ',he lestvaio. U -P'of an fil~ a- -y &bout 3)'. ,rmt jin4, )Une"S c~ & Clare lu i trîlm blof mnedical ski% ouringai'- diseases of the Rdne'yand liver. back;a dui painor weght l tba ddr h base of the abdma ;,ciin neoftêfl ob-n structed; frequen.t desir to>inateespeèi-; ally at night, aznong âged pereons ot, t snpiecomplexion, red and white deposit@6 dro slfwelllflgB, &o., PflhflhIIl Painuder shoUl drblades, Jau dice, shallow complexion, a weary, tired fel- ing no lite or energy, headache, dysp 1epsie., indiestion, spots, pimples, &o. - HOW OURED. Mandrake anid Dandelion are naturels Liver cures, and when combied with Kidney reme- dies, as in Dr. Chase'ft Liver Cure, wUll almosé positively cure ail Kidney-Liler troubles. Ii*ooO acte liko a oharm, stliuiatlig the eloggd liver,. strengtbening the kidneys, snd 1nvi9Oer- ating the w boie body. Bold. by 8il deaiers ab' ai lt eelptBook. whieh alone la wort the mOfley. f4 K ID NEY onlyiy n»-%,lerul-suma'e LI~VER îy. aybtaen -drn,én Pl LLS ietobeedceb! llUOess, ostvensss, &c. One plU. a doue.j Sold tby aUl dealers Prlce25 cents. The Stqk is-uow 0conpleteei m P Vrockry Chna Glss waro, Fa ncyP. Goods,0 0fail kind. Also a full Stoc k GROCERIES, FRUIT & OYSTERS,,, China Tes Sétsg for $3.50 China CuPs mud Saucets, $1.251 per dozen, and other Goods in proportion.- g~Corne and see for y/our861e8.e WANTED- -AlIl kinds of farm prQduce, 1 JI i, '" STOBB 1 -- 1 1 /