AL SPRING STOCK JUST RECEIVED, -o- Try a Package on your walls, and you'll neyer usel calsomine or white- wash again. G. E.GIBBAIRD, KEDICÂL HALL@ ONLY Si oo PER ANNUM. Wkltby, Frlday, &prll 20, 1888. *College Concert, April 2th, at Town Hall. TimEi - isoon thiug about the mooey market ini London, Bug.. tbat iu difficlt so understsud. For inatance Wheu ol.i Kaiser Wiiheim unvs iok the prioe of stock. feul in sympathy wîîh bis physiosi condition. Nov thst Kaise. Prederick is down stocks again begmn to take tutnbIas. Wby shouldtiesal vapa b. sao? Doubtioeuwheu each ou@ dieu stocke go Up again sud sue vortb equslly mis oeo be by were wbile be vas living. Af 1er a long sud suooesufol carer in pulling vool over tbe .eyes oe the Pro testants of tisi Province, Arebblsbop Lyneb boas niw ini band about a u mnh us ho eau attend to in toroinc bis own *o.religionisLe into suboeission. The Boinanists of the oîty of Toronto bave to eome extent expresged té deoire to etact separsie sobool trastees by ballet, but Elio Gracel backed by a olorgy vbith are saidtat be more oreaâturos of /~-is, bas (orbi iden the ballot. Ho e i boud to know for vbooe esob mu votes. At the prosent time there i. au eleotion te the separate sobool truetee board pendiog, andi the Arabbiebop bas ordered Hou. T. W. Augilin to be eleot- ed, the people's candidiate being a citizen usrned Dubar. 0f course the open voting mà kcs Aniiu's election mure for the, Câtbolios dare not vote agrainst the prelâte's wilibeg. Maoy Toronto papers snd polifiomans, wbo have been on their Èbees in adoration of Hlis Grace tor years, ou socount of the Oatbolic vote, are nov beginuinq to veer sround s littie sud festen tbeir wesitber eye ou him. W. fisney the. time bas about -coame veu bath Catholios snd Protestants wilI be con- vinced the separate ohool system je neot Lthtiug for Oà nsdt. OsHAWA Reformer: <'Pifty years ago yeuterday (Apuil 12th), was the anniversary cf the judicial inurder of the Canaidian Patriote, Samuel Lount ansd Peter b4atthows, who were executed in Toronto for partiipatig in Lb. rebeJion of Jadicial marder 1 Oanadian Patriote 1 Loa snd Mstthevs I Sureiy il we cati Lonot sud Matthews patriots, we msy cati Riel a patriote aud ifvweosli Riel s patriote ta wbom vould we apply tbe- tertu rebel ? Tbere léascsrcely an in- stance in history vhere a man took WhLat *uight'wbuId-lelters carry l ifuis i>y. John Smith or William 3rBovia, If -the aforessiTiohn Sm"t or William Browu wene net up te, the Bstandard -so80Ã"Wj,,, monslly, religlcmusly or fiuauolaty? Noue wbatever. Miglit just sa wel expeot th* editon of a paper to have his leaders signeti by the writers thereof. .The" ides la too asurd. There lies been more or lesu said Iately lu the CHRoNICLz, lu conflection with AU l Saints churob sud its inoumbent. I for eue, failtoW se wherein anything offençive bas been said. Io the persno f Be, Mfr. Fidier no much more saored titan that of the Dean 0f Wycliffe College, that it je an unholy thinir teo iticise hie pastonate? And yet when the latter's sermun was piokedti t pieces reoently, tn one of the îeadlng papers O! Troroutoi we do not hear of the congrega- lion of hie chunoli belng convuled with shame andi indignation oven it. Does the congregation of &Hl saints set iteif up as the salt of the diocese? Surely Mr. IFidier je net se sensitive that be omnuot e tand a few bard knooks. Dec. ho deny that there lias been a steady f -Ring off in I is fieck, as Dr. Eastwood, I think admit. ? If lie soknowleiges tbe tact wliat lias Ibrought it about? Lt cannot bo the innate Icusseduess, mc ho speak,of hie congregation IFrein wbat I know sud have heard, 1 bhould jndge that there muet ho good sud substantial reassns for IL. Whst wss the* ueply ofi1Mr. Fidiet wlien it was- euggeeted .by hiefrlesda, eariy in bisincnrnbeucv, tW retire f romn the sceno as. grcefuliy sas le comlti? It ts ne secret. He wouid preseli W empty pews before he veuld, lbave. Obusa tien sentiment 1 BmPty peve, lndeed-by a&U acoonut.; arly celebrations andi mi day celebrsttns vfth theit race for bout places at the 'rsiI b«y antlquateti tabbies seem pewenie" W ftU tbhem up. Even eveuing andi midnight oelebratious, as lie dearly loves oe"Il them, voulti ne doubt fail. Wherein is the noble christin ex- ample aud great gift cf charity exhibiteti by Mn. Fitiler? Do we ever beau of &Dy of the neighboning clergy occonpVing bist puipit or exchanging pulpite with bim ? How mauy limes within the past year, say, lias ho ozlended an invitation te the lucumbent of St. Gfforge's, Oshava, or him if Breoklin or Ac!Pokering. te fil bis pulpit? Do wo ever hear of him visitiug any parishionere outaide hie own immediate set? Ttisl enongli fer Mn Fidler if eue attends cccasionally any other relieiu service hut bie ovu. H. is put ontuide the pale et once. sud yet. lie himoteif in a suppcrter te nome extent cf the Ontario Ladies (ollege-s Metbodiet ergaulzation. People aak these queutions anti it le net greally to b. wonder- soi at, wliv veulti net ho attend the Bishopa confirmation at the eburob. Oshawa, reeently, the revival services hald lu Wbltby s ye%r or se &go, or wby le it ho holde hlm self alec! frcm the meetings cf the Bible Society ? Snrel y ho in not so esten up wfi th vanity as te thiuk that nething gooti eau ccme eut cf sny phice but &Il Saints Wbere je Ibis christiau union that cloniosi dolegates te Men-treil prate 00 about wbile, lu se-sinn, aud wben tbev re- hurm home to-rnw it ni! liko a cloak put on for the nocasion. There insomelhilna rotten snmewhere Sunt hé sooner il l e frreteti u aud the romecly applieti the btter vii it b.. As I have alneady lntimat#ti1 sud as moet cf your correspondenu almil. there ls a sorpw 'ornse mowhere. TbeP disaffect.. cd of Ail Sainte a-e eithhr rughinq headiong to desttruction, or Its luuel a very grearnt)matigneti parson. lu thA me4uhlune solot are loft te cdrift about andi peirlali for 'waut of spiritual fond. beiause the pridý cf the mou tubent cf Ail Sainte wili net sliow hlmn te put eut a *&ving hanti te anv except 'bose beonuing to the charmet eirclo. Tf ilta riqht for a minigter cf the gospel In set hipueif in opposition te a very lotrire m.jnritv cf the People, tO preaoh doctrine that iu diepleasune fte tbf-m anti ln spits- cf thoir visthes bnlèl on te bis living uhowiune nsof !hat christian mutnseu oke'i for ln a servant cf Christ, I1liav- ne more tu sav It ln ait và srv well fetr people to sav that surh unattfes shu'd ho 4hsu -oa havenan #...VI v+.&e1%en thÉ ED. ORRONICLEC. SiR,-Your correspondent W. 0. Bast- woed soee te have set up for bimaelf a cer- tain way only f rom which té view "Stran- gesr'a§" letter-t hat it la' a pereonsi attack un Rer. Mr. Fidîsu. t appears frein the letters that have lately been putAished inl y4sur that s number differ f rom him in,~ ohtZpîcn, sud tW sncb sn extent that iL is qiît. evident nov lhe dwcter ll.à t his temper sud dm ot neps.w veq particular s' to wiiet hoatta;ks ifit vil ouly belp him out o! the suarl lie bas unwittttuÈyglyjt inte. Lu bis last be refers te tome offensive refereuces W hbis tbenlogy baving been uscd, sud tlist iL showsa ungeutle naniy instincts of the writers.1 thouglit tue doctor bail a Letter opinion cf himself, fer a readinç et the various lettons viii ebow Ibat the vnuters have ouly copied hi., owu vends, sud tbeîi have net usel hbemin au obleenable liogbt. You veuld simoot be led tethbink that the doctor'. thoolfgy vas à tender sub- 15* wifl ln. - @MA "W- If à d.. , lu wînh,. v of a clerywan su v it w iau, Ukthé Jhm golfe tbey wee 'very fat freinm gr& in would thé Pr%. ikeà hieangýelic refermne - &J- plid himilf? "Those Who bave Ieft the clihcb .a e uiabli- todef' -dthem- sel vusshouid tbey mee fit te do -goà . Tbey ayhowever, Preter te tieat thee feee wihthe contempt it Èmente. Tbsnkiflg you., Mr. Editor, for the space you bave so generoualy accorded me, i amn yours truly, NOT A STEANGER. Qollege Conicert, Aprft 2Oth, at Town HaJl. Town Council. Monday eveniug. Kembers a&H pue- sent exoopt councitiors Jue Smith sud Annes. Minutes of former meeting re"add approved. a petihion of Purves Thompeon sud 14 others, prsyiug for s eidevalk on the street leading to the race tracli, vas read sud handedt 1thIe .streete coin- mittee. A communication was réad from Gen. M&uager Hiokeon of tise . T. B. ouoerniug thse doviation of tÃà -Grsnd Truiuk to ocone nearet tbttý-town. IL promised nosblg but ousideratlon of the subjeet.1 The Auditors report vwu presented andi referred te the Finance ocommittes. Coun. Scott, seconded[ by Coun. Hart, moved a motion to imprison aIl &rampe vho sek s uight's iodging lu the oockup. The. motion was voted dowu. Oa motiou of Reeve Smith the. fol- lowiug members were named for the Cours of Revision for 1888 :-the Mayor, D8puty-Reeve sud ouanoitors Scott, Burus sund Jabu Smitb. Coun.'Noble mevpd $bat a committeeq oonsisting of the Mayor, Reeve, De- Pcrty Reeve snd the committee on streete sud ioeproveoeentm, be appownted te consider the advisability of building s eer frein John St (%be neit street north cf the fouudry) in tbe uorth yard te the bay. The motion gave tbe corn- initie. power te employ an engieer.- Carried. The Mlayor referred at some lengtb &te beproupectu aLd bopes cf the tevu people regardinit the proposed deflee- lieu of the G. T. B. te gtive the towu i>etter rail vay socemmodation. He then referred Wtb te prevsiling dipb. thonis and ezpr.ssed some diuestists- ion witb the Bourd cf Health in nos &aking sDy action te bave cases of dipb- iberi* properly plscsrded. He saîd ih vws carrent tslk srouud tbe strete $bat oce doctor b.d attended different caastof diphtberis vithout either hsv. inà t the bouse plaearded or stopping tber memburm of the amfiet.4 friies frein attending sobeol. its.(tbe Mayoi) *id net wisbto interfere vîtbtheBoard of Heaitb or utter any unecesssry eout plaints, but feit it bis dnîy to mention tbe.matter ln this couneil in ordear that the public might kuow boy Ibie ffl air were beinit neglected. Depoty-Rpeve Ratledue (chairman of the Board of deHhli) tsad the Board ba.d not bean týffii1ily neuified îbrougb iDs secrotsry. ThI'e Misycu ssid the memberu cf that Board mnuet aIl kuov cf these rumous from <ther---ources. -o PUJSHI. PATIENCE, PEIRSEVERAN( BRING THEIR REWARD. The truth is demonstrated by the fact that after a suecesaful business careet' 10 -3r ~ ?J We are more firmly founded and in a more prospereus position than the fact that from the start we seld at PEOPLE 1888,8 IRICII m PLEASING- Has had censiderable te do with our success. SFPRIrT 10 ever. PRICI 188 We have now on view some Elegant, Early Spring styles, -RAIRE -REASONABI' and we ask your critical inspection.- The Ladies will find some decided bargains at the Dress Goods Co unter. Look ai those beautiful goods at 7e. per yd. Ask to see the combination suitinga at 15e. per-yd, Remember these are bargains that bloomed this Spring, they were not left over frà i'ý last year. o are blind to your own interests-if you don't secure some of thes&. Gooda,ý We make ne rash assertions but prove everything we state ini the newspapers, -wheui; oustomer calls at our store. PRINTS, GIN GHAMS, ZEPHIYRS.-Oustomers are already earrying away bar. gains in these Goeds. Best Eziglish Prints, Fast Colors, Wide Widths.* It is an ac. knowledged faet our prices are the lewest for fine geods. ORDERED CLOTHINC A SPECIALTY Special quality, Special Low Price, Special. Nice Fit, Special in Style. We han aIl the recent Styles and our Goode are guaranteed in every particuilar. Gentlemen and, Parents. will find they can save money by buying their eothing from Us8. Gentlemenî Furnishing goods, Rlats, etc., the -largest assortment ini town to select from. OCymCOME -AN!* SEE THE-M.'j 1: 08 #j Whitby Dry Goods Emporium. «C* PRINGLE'S MERC HANT TAILO RING la 1h. place to get your ordered éloihing. Wé -have iw- stook a- splendid aseortment of oloths of ail kinds, which wiIl be made up ini first-olass style by J. B. PRINGLE, the Boss Cutter. W. G. WALTERB' Store, F14RMER8, Don't-mistake the place, a part of1 - Oddfellows: Store, Whitby. THIESHEI?8, AND MIL L-MÈN FIND IT TO THEIR ÂDVÂNTAGE AND PROFIT TO USE M'OOLLs Aý Guaranteed R-DJNEI MACHINE OILS. not te gum, and will outwear Machine Qils. r'Try our Cylinder Qil. It bas ne equal. in Whitby by aJI other For saleý WX. BRYAN à SON, Dundus Street. THE. ONTARLO- Unezo.lled for Fsmlly Grooerleu, 1ue-Te"an ad Ooféeu. TEA - 18 - OUI? - SPEOIAL TY@. "CA.SH ,-AND LOW PRICES IS OUR MQTTM 0 pistock ef Groces £ud aPr<vlsieufi is Laresr.Better s&ud4 Oheper tissu ever. P-RIZE' TEA FOR: MILLIONS! 84eR-T BA ROAIè À I)MIN19TRATORlWQ NOTI BD.' SPR- NG Ah 1 welcome, spring-time, se vinsome ~ Witb a suile on youir lîp,.-nds teawayoI The peanie tbià hyou briuig us are véi'au ,warm shovers, and lthe m e! your garments ilu broidei with flow'ra. Tlie Spring heauties wake for the girls ai tb. boys, Anti eartli grewetb green wilhiut buestle' noise bd;o *up' Prom lin; brownbaa ow* dic -upon felti, The lovelleat garlandswill soon-beunrl While we wshchonceù sd hoarte, the dear earÃi throv seule bervWhitei clothle herecf lu besuty, 1le fu of cf or de~y te, spru.e- selves, lu keeping withthe whah part o!. outrame change of attire -more tû weary witb.the weight of - iug? ÂndI viseeean Ibi maore obeaplv aud satiefac tban aI BURN 8-- &O00 'Novhe . qîiuly thb'.à si ' 4. Brand INew-Stock: b. doa't ipitend to by Bargi Âme mvu grà ved, A wel Lever 1 Gold Ai anteed Jde LC IlIAT AI The: tiel ol U7. viii- dayi theri thibl TEA HOUS, r9 Gý » i Ud