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Whitby Chronicle, 27 Apr 1888, p. 1

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/ HiTBY Wth calm Prlnted, vords, great- thOught8s adtfrling lnduftryo, P«es Progreas, Knowl.dg, Brothorbood. VOL. XXXII. WHITBY, ONTARIO. F Established 1856. The LeadInq Weekly InlntM110 CaOUty9 StYBSORIPTION RATES. pper annum in advane-4t5.0 other-1 o.Subscriptions are always payable at ho ffie 0 pulication. Steam qupet ana bout fnrnished Book sudeVob printing plant in .haatern Ontario, capable of executing afl classes cf work f rom the. large poster to the emallest handbilI. Speelab mention is made of the uLnsurpassed press facilitîes of TEE Cimof lobE, wlth ite cel.brat.d N. Y. Cottreli îyinder presu and other modern cenveni- Onces . Every eider receiven prompt, care- fui attention. 0 TERMS 0F ÂDVBBTISING. F:iret insertion, per lins, 10 cents ; each subsequent insertion, 6 cents. Dispiayed Advertisements are measured by a ecale cf oid Nonpameil, and chargea socoordinizly. AdvertlgOementU sent wthout written istrutions inuerted until forbidden, and oharâred for full tirne. Or1ers for disonftiuuiDg advertisements muet be in writing, otherwise the. publiah- ors will not be responuible. Aliberal diacont for contmact advertise- PPmonte by the year. Copy for changes cf *ontract advertisements should be handed S in not later ths-à Wsdnesday ; and noti<'e cf anyinteiided changes aboula b. given bel or. Tueuday noon. Other advertise- mente received up te Thumsday noon. Business notices in local or news colune Pive cents per line weekly. Locas 10 ets. per lUne weekly. Correspondence sclicited from &Il p arts of the Oounty or neighhoring townships. eomepondenti are requested te send ini their communicationsi as promptly as possible, HENDERSON & ORAHÂAM, Proprietous JOHN STÂNTON, Sup't Meohanical Dep't. 301HN B. FAREWELL, LL.B., ARRISTBR, County Crown Attorney, JAMES RUTLEDGE, B ABRISTER, &c. Office formerly oce 11 upied.by Farewell & Rutledge, nexi te oyal Hotel, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID ORXISTON, .- A TTOBY.AT.LAW, SOLICITOR EN I.Chancemy, Conveyancer, &c. Ou',c-Iu the Office south of the Peut OMeie, lu McMillan's Block, Brook Street, 1Whuthy. ly.lO G. YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., BABRISTBR, &o., &.-Moncy te Louri Brook St., Whiby. ,.hu. 22,178. (if-i 6 JOHN BALL DOW, B ÂBBISTBAT4AW. SOLIOîTOBR Office-Deverhil'a Bloak. Break Street, Witby. XONEMY TO LEND-Prlvute Fund,- in sumo up te $8000, ut a 1ev rate cf lu- ierest. (ly..52. LYMAN 1ENGLiS11IIL L- B-, BÂBRRISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR TlnE Ciiancemy, Ccnveyaucer, &o., &c. Sim- uoStreet, Oshawa. P. GORDON MdELURUM, physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office heus-S te 10 s. m, 2 te 4 sud y to9 p.M. Vo. 8# THE"TB&O,"BRO0B. I WHITBT. . .ciRÂW FORTH, VÃŽTEUUU.BYSURGEON. êriduaie p!iihe Onturie Votemnuy, Coi- Orders by mnail or telegraph prouptly oàltendsd te. Office ut reufdenIce etfG.Ayreeopposite Dr. Bogartls, Dundu' treet, Whitby. SEBIET BROS4 LIVERY and SALE 8TABLEB eBOOK 8IET HT Gool Ris end*goodHrs.~ri~ sonable. .. . : P C DST.1 ate with Langley, Ldngiey & Burke, Toronto,) ARCHITECT. Desigus for Clinrcheo, ,Villas and Cot- tages a specialty. Drawings pepared for remodoling ezisting structures. Orîc-Firit flat over Howse'e Drug Store. P. O. Boit 202, WHITBY. Dominion Lineofo Royal Mail 1888. STEA MOHIPS. 1888. LIVERPOOL SERVICE. Sallinge between HALIFAX and LIVR- POOL, Fortnightly, via MOVILLB. *Or *Va Tot *Or Toi *Sa *01 c regen... ..go. . SÂILING DATES. From Baltimore ..... Tues. April 24tii. Frem Halifax ...... Sut. April 28th. Fmom Montreal ancouvar. imnia........... ýregoti.. .......... lancouver... brnte ........ ... ,arnia .... 6........ ýregon ........... Wed. May Thur." 96 94 Wed. e Fmom Thur. May. Fri'y. 4 44 < Thur 9Lii. 17th. 24th. SOuh. Quebec lOth. 18îb. 25th. Siet. RATEKS 0F PASSAGE. Cabin Rates fram Bultitore er Halifax. 0, $60, $66 and $76 ; accord ing te position Statemeem, vith equai saloon privileges. DAVID TORRANCE & CJO., Geucrul Agents, Montreal. E. STEPRENSON, Telegrapii Office, Local Agent. Whutby. 7Allan [ine Royal Mail Steamers, Li ,IVERPOOL,9 LONDONDERRY9 GLASGOW. Su B xiARRANGEMENTS. DATES 0P SAILINGS. Steamers prom Haifux Circausu ................. l111b May Saimatiosu... .... .........17uii May Parîsian....... ........... 24tL1 6 Polynesian................ lt June Sardinian................. ?th 1, RATES 0F PAS~SAGE BY MAIL STEAMERs. Qnebec te Liverpool. Cabiu, $60-00,0*70.00 a.nd $80.00 according ta accoml3,0d5.tiofl. lteimedîie, 530.0, Stéer- &ge, $20.00. itetinh> tickets, CabiLu. $110-00, si3o.ffl, $15000. lntermedis.te. $W.00. Bteor- By pu.lyne"ifn, Circas"iM or other extra steamers, Cabin. 5 00.$O 0 and $70.M a4>e cordimg to accommodation, Intenmedîate, M3.00. Biemrage. *$W.00. Itetimn tickets, 0W0.00 $11000 and $180.00. 1nterMedi&te,60 .00. bteerago, $(!.00. Liverpool direct, Cattie, Pige or Shsep are net cartisd on these stos.flers. IMPORTANT NOTICE. Cabin, Intermeiate and Steeffle Pussenger mm.y go on hourd ait NontreaL B) ibis arramengient passengeru are enabied te t comortaly sttled on board the Ocean Steamers îî;thiu cnly Il heurs ailw&y jcurney from Whitby. P&ssengerb taking tic Mail Steamer et Mou- treal wil leave Whtby on the Tuesd.uy mcmn- ing, arrive at Montreal Tuesday nlght, sud go ut once on hourd the Oc.>au Steamers. Paengers taking the. Mail Steamer et Que- bec, leave Wbîitby on thie Weducsday mnriîng. Steerage passiengoe booked te or tru GlasgovwBet.st Queenstevn, or London, samne rate as Liverpool. Bristol sud Cardiff $20extra Passengers and thbir buggagc are put on hourd the Ocean Steamahipsata Quebec lme cf &il expense. Parties seuding for their friends luthie 01<3 Country eau obtain PBEP,&D PÂli- SAGE 01iBTIFI0ATBS ai lovestrates. For Tickets sud ail other infermation, apply te % W. A. Yule, Agent, Express Office, BROOK ST., WHITBY. 1888.t 18889 SPRING -AGAINd- And if 1u B lohing for àa-NKlePapor tom youm Parler, Diniug Boom, on Kltcien, jusi ealU and séecme,,Stock THE LARGE8T A#ID- ýSESTl Elver abovu lu WWit'bYi,epr4I*1the lat- est deiguani oelOltfolglM Ameia nd Canadian W--ail and CeiIing Pa&pers, Deooration,-Bordera, etc. i -Wùidow Ski put up inth A. C. 1 a 1 . kgandi Cai LT i A t lvatt's Glycerine Jelly Of Violets,1 inI~abLé Prepar2ion fortk Skdi. POR SALEB B !l RI CHEMiST and DRUGe2I8T - w IIITBy"- »ooth B rushes, Hair B rushes, Combs, Per[ume8, rooth Soaps, ma ail othber Arti%& n.ceuary to the, Toilet, are kep in good van.t y- wl. IR. HOWSE, Ohemiat and Druggiut, Whitby. THORLEY AIorse & Cattie FQOID ln lota b smit purohisems We -R. IOWSE, OHEKISI AND DBUGGI$T, 4gmat for WhUby.- Y,* APRIL NEWS LETTERS.j r<IL Correspodance. DBobson is very iii. L wof London ia visiting at hoeyellow. D atch sat1 ~h levshot vlteiiamoteedat Wo- 73é T. Phire hasget Movàinto the oh erlyoceupied by Mr. Gourtice and, vi he no blackmth Mr. Prayu, le do*a gond. business. i Bev. Mr. Barber huas aunced that is i> ect next Sunday at 8 o'clook wili be _61- Philip'e pmeacbing on the proper tub -e ?sud vas it eff ectual Il OurVeterinary, Dr. Hickingboitom, ha alreidy eetablished a gond practice. He is a1w7q hustling &round and I hear bas goà mcess lu hie cases. K ketlng vas heldby the. sports lu the. to~i onSatuday evening tô consider the It"sbilht.yof etartmng a baebali club. Thqaumeeed in organizing sud appoint- *d omiîee te canvas for members. The promises, lately ccupied by Mr. Colb=an sd owned by Mr. Jno. Warren, ame nov-offered for sale or te ment. Tuîs le eseirable property being iu good me- p2 - There is a good gardon in conne. tioawith choice fruit trees. Mr. Warren Win-unl h cheap. .L'potograph cf the Orphans Home, with the Orpiians assembl.d cuisido the, lover entrsae, vas taken by Mr. O'Brien luet veek, Anycue wishlng te uee or procure a photo vould do veli te correspond with sîthor ithe boss "8tuffemr' or tbe Beam baud.» A number cf etiier places ver. taka by iii. mmliii duuiug his visit. UMMi Suai. A. Stevenson youngeu dau#ht.r cf the late Chas. Stevenuon aiet st ber home at Tiiornto on Saturday. Hem memains arrive by train bore on Mouday afttoon and vas removed te ber uncles, Mm. Thos. Stevensons, fnem viiose residence tii. funeral teck place on Tnt.sday autwo 0'elock for Salem burial grcnna. Miss Stevmennasuvel knevulu in ese parts iiuving lived on ith. sizth concession until about tve jean@ugo. Hem faiber sud, aise a brdUhmdled but a short titue previons. xàè mympuuhy is t oit fer the afficied OatoToroto, addr.used, a mms metlhgof thé. Buu%y shoe ol solt .01c u s p U Mc . ' Bey.KM. -4Ã"lls cf Elgin ocupied the Preisbyt4rian pulpit l"siSuud6 on ucount of Bet. Mr. Oockbnmnbelng sakedti tetake the Eakîne chutcii cf Toronto for thai day. Mm. Geddaes, organ-isteof St. Puul's echnmab Toment.>, gave a splendid orgau recitul ln St. Pui'.chumeh. hers, last riduy eveuing. Miss Banbridge, of the conservutery, Toronto enderod twe beautiful solos. The ohurola wa very well fiiled. Admission wua iventy five cents. The. Methodist ohurch vusveli flUed laut nght te hemasui e. a native minlstez cf Japan. He__g6ve a vemy doscriptive lecture on Japan sud its missionaries. Ht vas dresed ln hie native costume. It t remarkable, bey vell bc speake Bug!is for thé,short time ho bas tried. The. Mo trne vus 1lest October in Moatreulshorti: siter landing. Tii. choir r.udered' smi 'nAse, mntus in ibeïr usuel gocd style. At a meeting ef the Bible cae called. ci the. eonug ot Wednesd*y, Apn-it 8&.. fa the. parpese cf hayine aletter cf cendolena senttte eparents dte a.toeair,, Mr VWm. No' eau,>uvs oncliuded te for*ari sou. vritsn nos&îte ,hie home l, Auroui The tuners) cf Susie A. ycungstdugite et! the.lote Obarlme -snd Ana. Blveusoi *ormerly of ibis, soction, toick.-pla t Mi Thos. St.vensen', rou vhii , mesidenceW prooeedod to&emaJu rylng-g-r'und whez -the remaineaver. iîne1hro. ? e cse wbo, bas, tltisi hmee jear, been residin ai Thior tou, Simoo c uuy h.ala beena gosituet. mong, mli wbo, he, bar;, aud it bas beon with mach regret ai glcm ha br muni Inndacf blviciait haverectiVod the 01 41l idng c pÃŽouUialy -sud -sud, uddeu el2 279 1888. NO. 20. TOEONTO. greatly mimae. James Bedeau iiiteudâ There vas a imall-pox soarelaiweek c oon l ii ouebut-the ihop viiinôw Account cf a man bciug in the greral h aat oteei cdcac o bohepital sufcéring from- varioloid, t the pa b1sshmitb doctoms proclaizu the danger, past already. On. day laetiokIwaé, ruther amu&- There are ne new d.velopments, emlteigt ay~ an poflifg.'ont week in the.Bey. LoDgley sandai elcept hie Iwruth uen the CEzRcZ COS 7 that ithe Bey. gentleman sends .alefter te dent., Réifia not blame mpêbutome er the ehurcli auîhoritià in# theinito traei-~ d 017ft$i hlm with chailty,, but Only' half4e»nybig47 tien Ottne clergy, and aur. not vote the the opposite way. Tii. question ai issue in viiether the ballot shah ho lintroducod or Dot sud v. faïgcy ne strouger argument Zâud b. found for is introduction than the. atact haipeople dame Dci voie ai ail b. cause ubey cannai do ge lu accordance vilb their ovu opinions. Thie oity hbu had a teusi et religions scandai for some veeke pa.t, culminatiug lu one 1aitwcek. uhat convnlaed eoclety tbmugbout the viiole province. For about a menti Bey. Dm. Fulton, cf Boston, bas beon regaliug the ours cf lovena cf scandai vith cutlandieh steriecf loemorality lu nnneries sud onuvente, sud lu tuis bas been backeti by the. leading Metbodist clergymen. Bagcrly the atonies have been sulowdad perbaps may have been te some citent imue ; but it remaîned for -ithe Methodists aud aIl otiier church people te learn tiheIeseon cf alwayu cleaning their ovn doorsiepe, for last veek .3ev. Benj. Longley, B. A., cf the Queen St. Mthodisi ohurci, felt compelled te resign hlm pulpit on ac oufcharges cf dcbauciinig à; tmaI. memberet bis congregation. Thouestories about Be#. Longley are about as liable te. prove trc sanreD. Fulton'e about the. nunueries. Beiveenthie vbole cf tiesei scandale,ithe people outaide tbe churches Iare beginniug telock upon pur boast et cbristieuity viii a proper coutempi. =TlL bore ou Fmlday evening the. 97th luet. Tii proceeds to b. upplied tovard turiieing thbe parsnuge.-..1 Atter spondiug nome ton menthe in Mobile, Mîsecum, Miss Lua $ourrah rc- iuned home luti weeh. - 1 Mr. Sbieuhpped a canloati cf fat cuttle andihopby the0anadiau Paclftofotmtis, station ou the 24th luat W. undcnsiand uhaituer. is te b. given by thie difet eunt section men on the 0. P. B. a napper te Mr. Jerry Foley usai Saiurday evàdâa ut &uhbumn.Won'lt uhey ho & dry, aebelug made ut Ibe zlorth pari t ibisplace the. iv.ob amlien, esr.Gllroyedsud ouer «Ch hin "ely aaeth or hou«esasd M. . E T ag at a parti-f tiie matral' on baudte bud ýsu Implemeni ubop--sud a dvelling boue. Mr. Geo -Lee of Greeubauh vaswvlsliing st Mr. Everette en Sunday. Miss A. Evert cf- Whibydoellegiate' qpet Buatdy sud uday uit hoe. - , Ten canuot make me boliove (or suybdy, else ezeepi bfohelors aud eld muids)ib levers nu o oeha dring courthp P f they thiukthey fehy ,are gr9-m ymi lu vould ho uïel" tty t our oortespodeutlu a pe sulay go dorkt publsh SU&lot"er. <mepn. Clinici Notes. Methodiet tabenal.-On nez# sabbatk memuiug tii. Bey. Mr. German, mil) byro qaet, anever the question, "XYsi h possiblt te fali trom gpuce. snd finally peishi Te subjectinlu th.e vonlng vii h "Wmsu that toil.", The Bey. Mr. Hiralva'gave a vM erlu teresting and instructive lecture ii.hI tabernacle on Tuesday eveulugon "1Litelïa, Japan." Ho expecat oretumu toilsuatlv land durlug Jaiy nexi. Town Locab& BANDEL ithe barber; ornlume civer' bauled, sorapcd sud -ehom. ALL shzesi amen's ready made tweedý punis ut lowesi prices. 'W. G.* Walt.' Special lin. of blaok cashmere 44 eho wide at59o.to b, hatiat BssB oes. 15 yards of drese goàs fer *i.OO S8 patterns te eohocue fron ut -Bioss Bre NEcw stock ms' bd glcvesi liea etioheti backu. W. G.- Waltersi coffèe from 50 cie pair t. S5.50. Âse te es tbem. W. alters - NEW styles lu mes'$e-ha d ud'pl 50Osie. W. G.,Walters., Foia-nevest mutilland ibides inui drese géode fok prêsmn' weù irtny W. G. 'Ju~r.eiy4, evlip nos lpsain. eieck mm iAn dd re àui géode, atIVW. G.W94 es nov patterus, whr.W. G Ps r. Doreni Eau Mag o r bi for salMe by a&l dr bine su: W.G.it to upsk hie objeci te hewi iip"n hem c Gïmmnbauki lordc2r'uhat voulti net havm S lesrath er ic smoî1thirk boi oondemu bho sud let me-se< faim ezcai*age. Furnituro Cii I J 1 1 - 1 1 0 1 lowsly

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