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Whitby Chronicle, 27 Apr 1888, p. 2

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fenolxr Exchanges: On Tussday -*ýveninq orne, person entered Lbthe dn uiasoowsle vbich is usually kept looked, snd let looe a fat heifer, purehased the pre- vions day. Some emart fellow in an impisb spirit of frolic evideully let it looes 10 get s joinson Gardon. It vas fouud n'ot day on ithe farti wbere it vas pnrhaed. Evory Young ma ini thevillage firmly believesIt hho isoc c 50 ute as t e ains ptendid revolver shot if hoe culy haëlpraotios. Every day for the puet Wek the bang cf exploding osrtridges sud the scisl cf second clae povder hua beea borne away on the smriner breezes. Iu theso latter day. nmre ighty uselese bols are oalléd revolvers. Thé- vif.e fr. Geo. t)oidge, who lveson lii. Kinéston road oasa of the village, t$vit a serions accident on -Wsdauday .vncing of lait v.ek. 8h. lhad the' miefertane t fillait dowu of lte bralu. &lthough the tait. vas t serions one. vo«0 plees.4te l.su that th. e o«veulag ig ly, Wie'Ur. liez. Sheppard aud lir. Sandy Burrili ver. droeung the simbers for tie stables and drîving sheds tb b. sreotéd by Mr. Oharlea Ley, on Tuesday moruing, Mr. SheDpard'a eoouder came ia contact vith the.aime liat Sandy was usine, and ho mslained a ratheravere fli;eb voud. Th.eut vas a diean ene, the aie being very sbarp, snd it vais neoessary to sew up th. wound with turse smâches. Mr. Sieppard'o shoulder viii be rather stiff for a tev day.. Somne of ont hardiest oltizeus have alrsady coormenoed flehiag for suokers. The vay it i. don. la tc, procure à net, a suit ef lait year's clothes,- a botule of "1ced liver oil'. front Toronto, and thus armoed, the fishermea vide in tbe river. The. suokers amel lb.heood liver ell-aornetimes te fie hermen tube a eni1d liomsles-and corne uoszng &round, and are bsgiied luto th. net, sud soon eui their career lu the family fuyioq pane Tii.esobera are not sup- posed te have ocine up the river yet, sua fishiug .eount pay very veil, al- Ibough wvosare informed on. party triod it a "11buri" lutI veeb, snd m.oured a couple. Tii. mani vho vades dovu the river vhile lte water je se cold as It Dov le, muet be very plucky, net ho fre. from ,Iieumatlam aud cousomption, sud, above ai&U, muet b. very fond of W. hum aou the Mest excellent Suéberity tlIai thlb. ntention te »1ais. PhoMz.IlkefroCInils old &shoot lte Oouoich oetelte aSUi ts fermer glory snd, spiondor. The. gentleman Who WëAs te Promoter sud fixaI <over Mout, public sa rited sudeergtic1 pi ergns 0f al l te oontemptible mou under !Othe suo, the vont cof the clan i. lbe vite-heston, aud any oommunity whieh hua o. c is clie ia Its midet, oughî $t> <be lhîngs se varia for ltaI Iubuman brute liaI ho wouid fiud il frein an heneal Oro Yeomnnsaital doxen or se ommon baru-door fovis, inretnum for vhio hoe vuete givo tb. Owsr ort h.evis ea settlng of egg hop sney breed oetbheu.-vhuoh ho etki*ioýLt Induoe tue theegs me, thl le utusm a nner, -a broof et elthy, ibis. un*mltakably oft1h. e Y OU»ýeuà e si is*WB bons 1 *y tlerneon, s middio.sge lai nnder spIitualInfluene *Iti ,oatloieal Hmb oft li *-tiïibe piaposoet tslmalegal 4rudlasablst lte Grand Trnak Y.is g-Hovta t mhOb n aie tpq, vo tubeyouZpa*w umbsoc le te sthé" Thurosday aftonoon some li111. boys ver. playing vîbi a large- ysllov dog ovued by Mn. Woe. Snowdon, vbwen a Young son of Mr. Wm. Brundretbo bap- -pened te puas by viti s stick lu his baud. Witbout sny provocation tiie animal jumpéd on he, boy sud elîber with his teeth or clava bore thb.Rtle fello ws nos. open. The attoudfiug py. sicisu foand a couple cf stilcies neces- sary 4le close up thb. vonnd. l i. lhougbl tb. dog did il lu play. sb.oià net of a viclous disposition, thougi lie sigit of the stick msy bave excîtéd hlm for a moment. On F'niday morniug sabout eigil 0oelock s psrtrîdga, wvils hati evldenly "lest itu bearings,> Bev sgslnstthe drsvng-roomti vndov ofthèb.rosidene. et 1fr. B. B. Bleue, bblàul.r, Qd amaslid the glass. ýThe blow'slanned t.é bird, but-when lMr. Stoe w ent ont, tu pck p he bird, fittisrd up sd tvled uain te pas.ltrough tle breken pane, bus t I cnght Ils liiifeabers lu an angle of lb. broben gises'sud nmade Il. oscape. Wiat ddtle bIrd of lte vildorness vaut léal advioo for, or whyva wu t seunuduly luxionste togel mbt a stev2 Richard MeBride issun adept ut resd. ing otier utenas obaractens by lie hamps on tbeir beadae, iadeed h. is muci botter at that than judgiug his capmcity for onu-jaice. In pisin vende D'ok gel drunk Saturdiy nigil-meen- eyed, iu tact, boosus o e ouldal noog. nis. Offleer 8t9evarLvhen the. latter un- dentook te aselat hlm te the police sa- lion. Dick rn.sed vigorously sud sboutod "Pur.'iioaI1 Pur-lIce1I 'ut b.iug' robbéd!1 Tiey're killung met1" at lie top cf bis voie. Bo fougl sud tcre airouud to tie extlA'nt cf hie fall muscu- iar doveloputént, but vas fiuslly cn quered sud lau4d la lb. celle. 'Ha' vau dismimaod sth a varulug neul day. Thé police forýe. is-nu milii Initer trouble, livinst upv on theïr bande an action for..51,000 for tals@a. enes snd impnonmeut> brougit hy Mr. C. W. Baver, in e 1>oisf M 1r. Thos. Molful. leu. Mn. Savoo ais litITiiuday nigil bis client, vho lia s relired furmer and occuples oee tofMr. Baver'. hoe.... vas valkiughoute vien arrsated by Offleen. MaGiuly and Stewart, vie for ne cther nesson viieteven ttanlitIh. vue a atrauge: piaoed bluithlu b. oek. up over nigit and dismu.sd hlmx neit morniug -vithoul glviug hlm a trial b.- fore lh. police roagielrsbe. Mr. Me- Mullen ha. iuetructed. Mr. 8ev.,. b enteraseuil for $1,000 against tie po. Iloomon. Il js erttsnly dfiffeul te ob.- Hoeve th&& the. oup#tablos vonld arresl a in withoul a pasa=&naea u Ibis soeemu te b.o .pplled by au .utry in tho regîster ah lb. police court te lb. offetthIal Thos. Me3Mullen vas arreet. ed aI 2 s. ut. sud eoald net give &ay àa.. coont of ia.lf.» A vigoroue bunst cf s fivo inch valet main took place -at about oee 'elock 'rsrdsy nagit, à short distance senti of MoDonnel street. AUl of a sudden vbirr vent the pumpu and thismnuin charge of lieut soon knov tien. vua ecrv e. se utevhere sud hefon. long Mr. Martin wvstilthebreak, sud chut off tle valet. Tii.piece et main lIa eti beggp vwbbtei lmvs. tlaetô;. lue.BIeIop &3f.yIln ftwrlicg slàhe9fsotoWy and crmey liI. lsown bfly for the 66j lm w~ eare Mr@. T. W. Dale rebarued a fev day'- ago frin ý Indlauaspois, wbere as Ite Was atending the.- Friande'Iaritoj Miéieuoary Convention, se. sud Mise 'Wright, of Pickering, boiug lie appoint,. ed doeases from Canada. The Charci cf Bngland yl sbortlyr ereet tie S'pire ou the nov edifice. ?heý bnickwork, vilchisI.already up, ta sixty lest high, snd the voodvcrk viii' h anotior sixîy, msklng l U l120 s. W. uuderebaud there i. tsikofet rot- ing a baud stand lu somo conve nient spbt ou lbe main stroe6% ioro lte baud- eau pratiq# in the open air occasion. ally during varm veathen sud uthil saie time afford tovuspeople a :ploi. ure whlch v. have ne doubt vonlê ,b. greatly sppreciatsd. Aboutbye o olook Wednsdaymurb. a.g U . Qae. auzpbeli, preprietor eof the. crpdtfi ater, dlweove.d from Ise bedrooni mindev -thàtaI -b. W»i -fonadr vas on fare. Ho -gaVO the alSrman& in ashort time the fir»bre- gade vis ou the.*oelasd the englue il vork. Notbiug could hé doue towards. saing lb. foundry vioitwua v ass ru linder box, but efforts voe suoesafally- made bovards-keepinag tb. are. from spreading to the carpet factory. The. viud beiug in thé rigit direction, frcm lie souti. blew tie flaies over the pond. Tii. fire vas undcubt.dly lb. vorb of au iuceudiary,sa lie building la net in use. The. proporty is lu liti. galion belveen Go. & Robinson and th. fire wiul doubîlesu complicate mal- tera. Ts leas. is &bout $200. Duriug the paut mouth the. (amily of Mr. Alexander, living on tbe lUth cou- cesuion of Markham, have beau lenuib. ly affieted. 1Mr. Alexander, bie vite, moyen oblidren aud the nurse, vie came eut frein Toront-ten lu al- bave beau promstotd vibi diphtheris of a vory contagIons sud malignant type. Dr. Carleton vas csllod te, attend sud prouoned eueetof1he oase- boy of savon yesrs et ag.-beyond hope cf réoovery. Ho died eu lie s.eond day aftor. On.eclii., chlld, a boy stoar. iy Ivo yeare oid, saotamubed te lte force of th. dises.. afler tbf.. day.' ilinees. AUl 1he rosI have passed ssfely tirougi lte vatons cf affiction sud are nov convalescent. No nov cese&havé developed smo. in tbi noigbbood sud vo trust lb. dread- ad dsa. lias sbsted.-oeomist. 1Yee Iuhli break ltse agmsu as s*pd folding ber arma sud oking de- fiaIt; 114t i. realy be ,Mach trouble tocon- vere ithm : ho'&a s.dem s a poat, and tlake 1.ho hsd asmouIhfllaIfetmai. Do- aides, Il. way ho, hawks aud apita la dis- gnshlngY Dont1 breakth. engagement for 11.1; jtell.hlm.to ta".Dr. BgaO i "'WeOUrl'il Uhim. I do blis t .beo off, fbr il U i other respects hou» quit.teeto oharmlng." 0f courue it cured hie cairrh. John Rysu, a.oabriver, vas ahot y ester- day ia Newport B. I., by Policeman Lamer, while resiabzng hm. mes FrieasamTestUty Mr. G. H. Vougit, of Pelerboro, Ont., sayte, thst hie friendu m eaubslify t i&I bsa n ui etofIndigestion, Constipation and TorPid :âver by usina Ive and a bauf 'OS5bOhais op iUadapted tocbidy.n bal lreSommend I aps ur tnoanyprescrption &MRutme. MHÂAECHURIL D., 218.OztfdBL., Sol~n . y. NOW- 's I Se Stomacb4 Diarrhoea, ;Crueation. KUas Wormas, gives uleep, sud promobesCl Tac CENTàuE Ooxpu<v, 77 Murray Street. N. y. THE TIME TO SEOUBE A GOOD TW'EED'SUI-T AT PRIGES NZYER BEPOB BAOHD IX TEB TRADB. 'A Good Suit made to Order for f$ 12,,00. A large stock of Scotch, English and Canadlian Tweeds, Black Worsteds, etc., to select from. A Special lime of HEÂVY TWEEDS from 50 to 75 cents per yard, suitable for Business Suits or Boys' wear. A FUJLL STOCR 0F GROCERIES ALWAYS ON RAND. Highest market price paid for Butter and Eggs. IRe.C.% W E3ŽoE;o ",T BROOKLIN, ONT. ARCADE, TORONTO. ABOchool Thoroughly Equipped for Business Training. BOOK-KEEPING, PENMANSHIIP, BUSINESS CORRE SPONDENCE, BUSINESS AR1THMETIC, CO0MRCIAL LAW, MHORTHÂU» AND TYPE-WRITING PRÂCTICLLY TÂUGHT. FINEST ROOM4S IN CANADA.. Bond for Circulai. Âddress. ffC. O'DJ.L, Secret ary. A Positive Cure. 1 A Painless Cure. TACTS FOR XN 0FrLLAGIE MauveSof Hemttg, mnd Keébhlae eretMooles Who sr. broken ftova trenlb fo abuse vil and in So. 8 a radical cure-for ne dobiltg.organlc veakuea, involuary vital îIce.Oi tO. - pm wcx N. 8Saou> in Usm.-Wa.ut,<of enexgy, vertige, vaut et pm dirm ocf slgbt, aversion to seity, vant ci. confidence, avold"eseof convors desire for eolitpde, tleesuessasd lnabillly tb fi: the attention ona 'swtllr o tovax4oe. deeression et'apirits, fpd"leoe, nlou f znenoryexcitability o taeie na*.rrboea, enlom of di. asminal tuiçl-be resit oe- e1i-ause or mtl ezcï- tOee Auubition. eu.ie.btenes nlpiall of Lbe b.ar% hystoriêtselt toai okbing mlsîhol ,dltlrbinÉ, Ç'Ms,.l. o re ml yr o t 1t innoetlyacnlrd.li ot the sprino ûf vi htOree 'I twiion evryfonction vanes uinequsuce. ,Seteulifie wZners and the elnt et insane asyluma nitla u scniblng tte .ffette' of oel-abus. thq gros1 insjâe vssted livas wbich cane under their noticé,. - If yen are fncr tn ('h & duties ef business, n 4t *a onlieen4oymnnt# of lite, N e " uca tIaefoclufaa'yvie. 11fyoiz adveinood An Oarso. 8 Wl11 glvyen -full vagc atnentb.!t Eyen are brotkea Obva, pyod"y -mr11 from eaàry tleartt« reni; f gnrance sud fdlly,, send your mddrem ands10 entsn Instamps for .i TretIls. lna-Bock Form on Diseseusfe Man. '-8eA.io aud a-sera honobse;v dresman ommunaouabto, U V. J4J8<»Nb 47-Welllaton 5$.,iC @I.T -A x 1ý WIsdeuaUs la a'f.10t @M"ale -mgfA E IA,)E s mens f'r Infaelts and.Children. Dô you fel* du1L Isnguid, lowspltd lit, leas, and indescribbly mlserable, bth phyi. cally and mentally; experlence a senne ot fIuflneas or bloating after eatlng, or of I gone. ness," or. emptinesa ci stoinaoh lu the morj. Ing, tongue --coated, bitter or baild tante la moutb irregular appetite, dlzziness, frequent headaches, blurred eyeslgbt, 6"lioating specks" before the eyes, nervpus prosétration or eX, haustion, lrritabillty o! tempeur4 hot flushes, aiternating witb chIil sensations, sharp. bltlng, transient pains- -ere and. there,ooId feet, drowsiness after meas wakefulneus, or disturbed and unrefreshlng sleep, conn, indescribable feeling of dreadc, or of ipn. ing calamity? If you have al], or any considerable number of these sympton3a, you are suffering fýroM that most commxon of' American maladies- Bilious Dyspopsia, or Torpid Liver, assoclateil with Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. The more complicated your disease bas become, the great er the- nuxnber and, diversity of symp_. toms. No matter what stg it has'reached, Dr. Pierce's Goldien MéIdical Discove wilf subdue it., if taken accordlng to dire tions for a reasonable length of lime. If not cured, complications multiply and ConiumP- tion of the LungA. Skia Diases, Heart D ieeasý Rhouinatism, lCidney Diâease, or other grave maladies are quite hiable to set ln and,-sooner or later induce a fatal termnation. Dr. Iëlerce'ls Golden MlUeâca Dis c overy acts pow23rfully upon Ibe Li ver, and th.roug,,h t1hat great blood-purzfyng.-ergs., c1eanses tue system cf al blo- taints and IMn, puritice, frein whatever cause arising' IL I çqually efia ln acting upon lbe Kld- neye, andi otli.r excrctory organ;ce% ig streugthuni',il afnd heaiing their diseases. A an appetYii., restorative tonio, lb promotes digest icn a i iu* irition, thereby buiding up both flûsà ti -d -strengthi. là malarial districts, tbis- wqondturful med.iclne bas gained great celebrîitn iii uring Fever anld Ague, Chilis and Fever, Dtub Ajue, and kindred diseases. Dr. Pieree'lis Golden lYedical Dise covery CURES ALL- HUMORS, frore a common Blotch, or Erviption, to th worst Serofula. SaIt-rheum, " Fe%-er-sores," Scaly or Rough Skin, in s1 at,~ll- diseases caused by ba blood are conqw~ by tbis powerful, purifying and i~ ~n medi- cine. Great Eating tueera >î' w~uai under Its benîgn influence. Ejspercia,- Las it mani. fested its potency ln curing T(,tw(r, Eczema. Erysipelas,4 Boile, Carbuncles. Fore Eyes, Serôf- ulous Sores and Sweilings, Hip-joint Disease. White Swelbngs, " Goitre, or fThick Neck. and Enlarged Glands. Send ten cents la stamps for a large Treatise, with colOred plates, on 8kin Diseases. or thie sains amount for a Treatise on Serofuloils Affections. - "iFOR TUHE BLOOD OS THE LIFE." Thoroughlydéeanse it bjr uslng Dr. Plère's Golden Nlcd.itai iiscovery, and good digestion, a fair skian, buoyant spinis ia stregth and bodily health wll e ettblied. which 18 Sorofula o e IcLun la arsa and cured by thlsremedy, iftgkeitm earlier stages cf the diges. From its mac- vloum power over-this -erllyfoal disom, when firet off erlng Ibis nowwoi-fM'ed rom- edy to the publie,-Dr. Pierce tbolugbt serlously cf CgWlng l its "" CoxsoeTIoN XCMM," but abandoned that nom. as Iclo restrictive for a medicine whlch, from ls 3;Wonderul com- binalon cf tonle, or ie lea or biood-cieassng, anmti-b ions, nutritive r n, 5Un lot4 oni CJronie uemoth1 Liver, Blood, aud; Lunes For eak L 1lting Of! BIood short- new f Best '01ýàa1alCaterrb, Brou- foe>.0O bancents la Mam ~rIres bock on Co ummptin. 4i9À 0a, r WorisD lsewtta Ascain ~ BE LL" sud tie1 Unapproacled fer laue8FRMEL And ltem s t lth oue. eof gan on T deoorn. ver, In the muoeh lutereat beginnin& of The finI s revenue r*for *5S oeadeby CJairman cf sud exponeut cnsalon prom aud oxhausti if il vears u -soeéextent ~he Presid vst « gpiva his feanless we ek. Senator St tmdueed a bi Justice Waite aponsibilityv, aolély-i, * widowa of C vidod for-, t vidova @of ei Il le belie bers, aI Ibis of Vermout, England, h vacant Chie! that bad the AssociaI. J3 wonld donbt Gray, of De is liat of gentlemen la side over-the tie Supreme oDusequenfi Ro.Gre. wobas re Mt. Sterling Prohibition Whilé spe quoI. from ingbon pape option m=&Y m et but and irrepr pledged- 10. alcehol. T _Bepublican' afni ie -lityofiýp

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