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Whitby Chronicle, 27 Apr 1888, p. 6

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ab, g4eiùe0iàéW'à Ooe of tes; dtî»nm th.i*wlithàl fii tt* emu Bê woiiId pAke profit on a ungl.plb; - la buslioe I~lt te bd" g ie Wbal ne u e, ad bees known tu bite a fig ta iwo, And chauago. board nl1 for asahingle nuL. AU that h. hâd ha ready held for aie, His house,,hlm tomb. what'er the law all, .And hie had gladIy parted fromn hi. spouas, Hlmà one ambition stili g.tand gsi,ý Heowveuld ama«t yeur ve*7 ghôst for debt. Ili store looked righteouu, shold the parson corne But in a darir baok room hs peddlsd rmm. And eamed M&a'am Conscience, if te. 'er would scold, By ohrlsteniug it wlth wàter ore b. sold. A amali, dry man ho waa# who wore a queue, And oes white neok-cloth All the week days through- On Monday white, by Saturday as dun As that worn hoeward by the predigai son. The Rugg Documents. «ONTAWING TRU EIPRRIENOE OP JERUSSARUGO IN 89"O0F0 A ult 4D PART 1.- AUNT1 * s * j 'i le * I * '1~ sud . va oea bals b:w whon- 40esdh ai",oe laknlig Cn agio-, "ad hie yelho4 pldewhlsker.,sd looked asuif buttér weiild'lt neli l b 4«18 thonesauything lu My bUne to-day p," ho bsg sn, but ho dldn'1 fâinish ip the speeoh, 1for I grabbed hlm b;y-the ceai. talesud behd on. "4I've got ye," se 1, "yen desateful, peddler eau, yen, sd l' .gwie 1 bold ente yen tii! yen psy me bsok Ibat ion dollas hat yen se good as aIdee away fnom me,"' #&Wby, my dear madar-" e he, but I didu'î lot hicu go on. "Don't dean rnadam'me , ses 1; 4"I waut My eoney ibst's wbat I vaut-; sud I want il rnithty quick, tee 1" Wltb that ho tumned te rau, but i held ou, aud juelthen Squirs Budgell ho arn,, sundhe beaded hlm off for -me, sud Rover, lb. grest deg, he feli te jumping and barkiug, suddarnong useail w. Rel lb. peur toiler lu a llgbt fix. Ho pulled ont a ten dollar bill.sud Ibruet il ai me, sud, giving oue jump vhioh lotI lb. tati et bis ceatiinluMy haude, ho lsped ente -hm utarn d Weobli u p hie boss, vaseout ef olghî iu The Squire hiso ougrstulstid me on gitting baok my mouey, sud luvltsd me inte thelions. t. gîtu mre supper, sud viLs as eweet as citmun prosarve aIl the eveuing. The squire jes avidover, thongb, te, be surs, hie vifs hain't besu dead but Ibm.. menthe, bat thon peopie Ibat is eocsidenablo tar dov n in thevalset yeans"s tafford 10 b. tee, long s- courtiug. Hle's s ikeiy maon, sud if hs sbonid take s ikiug 10 me I deu't kuov se il vouid b. my duty 10 blul bis. lifo by s refusalIoteahane hie lot. Yonnn, oxpociantly, JiEiugl U ui. P. 8.-Thât hast ton dellar note vas eoutrfsit, tee. l'y. made lhem seat- tala jute a oushion for my litt1. rookiug obser. Il makes a nices-ue, nowVvl'e gel red pieces ot elotb round ente il. Squire Bnggshi callel hast night, sud sol dovu in il. J. B. No. IL.-TRII GOUNTESPHIcT BIL. Maseiful hevinge 1 Wae even peci mental ternalo etran *ki se deosavsd sudl insuiied store, on seue? I deo laie te gooduosa if I es sa ed lin pedlar'a carl s comin' lowards our 'ue, aay île o' day or night, I'11liosd np the old icun sud-shoot il-lb. pediar I mesu. T've baid my feeling@sotnua&Il le yieoeeel I've had my lisant bnoke-yo, eashod up jute iuob bits t sud I've ismut, as Watts ou lb. mimd ses, Ibat "A man may emils, sud mmii., sud b. s Thatmea, dity, how-iived thiof et a Engoue Sephnenine St. Miguei-(and, by thé vsy, hie real nuies is Ticu Green sud he's gel s vifs sud tour ohildren over te Beeoh Ridge-tbsl viltainous nas!bau doeavod me ecel ensocnt- ably. I wish I'd been hem sa eau iustid of à voman, I'd boaevbip hlm vithin au ii etofbis lits i1I'd make hum visb Ihal io'd bave vont "1te b. au auget" in th. dayset hie bsbybocbd, store ho growed ap jute an ily.longued, lying, Iesbtl lin pedler 1 Yen sée. the.vay oft ilva, I vent ovor te tb. corner te gel my gonndg, sud 1Igin Mn. 8tinggsnnuelltuât bsn-dollar bill. Ho laffed wheu ho eoed il, aud eed và as a eountortelt. I didn't soe.ne ueed cf iaffiug, mymoit. 8cm. telk@ allers1sf if youR bave any b.d luoli. As I wva s oming home I overtooli M1ariah Smith, sud I looli bon in jeet le ses wbat th. siller vould have le &&y,, sud if yon'll bolievo me, vo hadn't eose.fer sfore she told me, with s sghl et blnsbing sud aiuîtsning, thal the beanlifulesetpodlor oalled at ber hous liaI sfterno*u, sud abs beggod me net tolelo t i, but ho' bailod dber au m ge, sud kussed hon baud. I rsylier guesa 1 vu, sorns, but 'I didun'l 1ouInle Marish. I maled on the. Wlddsr Spriggins, lbough, sud I tound ont liaI the rsoally podier bail been making love olerono. And I eahied st bye or tbre. oîhsr placées,sud lambutthabt he!dmade s fauaovsr overy gi h. ceeerosi. -I rzary thsuexI xuorniug sud hitoh. .d up lhe bois te lihe llgblcarridge. -l'Id masde p my mimd t l er-,4h peier Mud make hum give me good mousy tor thal Ion-dollar buLor olse lake lie wothbofet ilont et bis bide. 1 petthe lbod sg up Ioersnbuit jog. aud kept ilunlg s&U ths vay if suy- body badiseeu a pedler viii a red carl &ad 's vite boss vith yellor aide. vbiébe, ansd, s 'q* e sek-li. "d arnout vowybody bâd "Meenb". I vas on ths nighî Irsolk, sud I priai- .d on asltais eveor Ioould.- I b.ad a J 11 iugr-susps aud nome turuoveus lu oâ tbe vay, for 1 oouldu'l afford the *w. te stop samyviire tor dinuer.. *fAt,Jpm tlas nigb ustI kstoIu K imgzps.eot ared rou onith top et a bibiasliftl, piesshosd, sud 1 knoed il vas lb. carl' et- My talas hovoyer. I put spur e e Y hors, figgfalively spsskiug, sud ssy v. vent. "'Hall, thons, yen hUn peier 1" yollsd 119 ai thq tp et my huage, whon I ,gqse mieh that hhougbt ho ouid bo0" MO. jIR. b elpped-d s uoh 4st.ý uquire, I se e n bave."os "Etab"tlyl" ses hg. And Il'y.-s favoi "shall b. vsry bsppv to obleego yen," sez Il woudering vbat on airth the enitIer msunt by being so round- about. MesRugg-Jeru8by," ses hbll'y.v ma de np my mind te take as parduer 1 I arn weary aud deêolate in Ibis val, of tsars. Bine my beloved Matilda weni te jein the seraphe I have' felt like-lke a receler about Tha nkegiving tme, jwheu aIl the pullets le being mrade, jao ehioken pies 1 I've been a widower Berne tiiii--" .,OThree menthe and fourteen dsys" sez I. "And I'y. been lonely sud fonloru, an~d I wan'l a vife te sae myjey-gsud serrors, sud hep My elothes in repeir. There hain'% bardly a bution ente auv ov rny garmente nov," ses h. "I'm piuued toirether frôrn top-letote 1" sud bore ho gin bis unfortiait noue a verv 'big blow, sud the pins ffew in every di- rection. "IThon. 1 yoiU se bow it is 1" ses bo, gatheung of 'e p. 4"nd yenou ant belp seeing thal a wife would b. dread- fui bandy ta bave." "Land cf favor, iequire,",gez ITIlbow yen do talk 1" sud then I'sigbed, sud played with theà tosselson my soutag, sud tried te look and act se silly as gale ginnermlly do under snob cirournetancos. III knqowed I should bave your syrn- pahy V' ssd he, giviug rny band a litile squeeze. 411 corne te yen jflit as I wonid have gene te my own mother, if oe h bdbesu alive 1" "S8qnire Budgell," eed 1, 11I don't nndereîand yen!1 I arnseverai yemre your junior, aud yen epeak of me as if I was your mothen 1" "sDon't be put ont! prsy deu't," sez the. squire, ezousing birnself; III used figgerative languidge, ef course. I knov yen are a youug sud handeome woman 1 Tour husband will b. prend cf yen I', "'Good Lord 1 Bquire t bowyoentalki1 I dedlans 'ou make me blush clean le, the suds Cof My tees V' Thon th.esquirs b. lafid, sud gpv. mue ré udge lu the niba, sud ses h. : "11Mme. Rugg, wbat do yen lbiuk about rny changing rny condition?2" Land salie 1" es Il how sheuld I kuow ?" "lNov dontI play off 1" ses Itheeqpire, "1beosuse if yen do, I shail be afeurd tle sl yen. l'v. boon hene sovenal limes slready, but oouldn't get np curnidge te te11 my bysuensa! "INov, equire," moi 1, ReuIly equsez- iug his srm, "boy foolish ibat vas 1 I'm sure tberems notbing le b. afoard oft!"1 14Welll" ses, "the faci of il le j.st th. I vaut le move My vifs home Ibis veny wekauand tto boM -a pailful ot Upl-s itnDoi tfal. e fond et appheUM." d~a éLsud ocf geodues., squire 1" ses 119 "II nover oould git resdy ou snoh s short notice le b.e marrlsd 1" IlOyntby is pritty quicli after hon miud'e tmade up," soi h., l"sud vhou I a-3kS---ber-if - ah a -1 n -d - b.-re-s2y Ibis lb.sq~in kokd a i~ fead t onld ~ama lapd, up 1h.e huey -gosnng Lik a rsu e cês, n4 uà sOecon th. -hl We m aafin., sqd lb. burniug sut a falliug oPwnby Ithe bushel. (Tomb otisued.) The oetenso of auargery bau Made vond «,Ml progrosu lu modem urnes, ihés mosI luiféei ud délicate 6oPen popeasas Caa ive, bien pemanentlyor led. I shaU b. gýadio teend.wo bo:zleofý iày, r.medy lrÏilgto any e yu- eaer *hï.1bave coisèump tion if'-they wýilI send Mel'their Erpreia and ýP. O. address.-' .Bespeetful, DBi. T. A:. LOOtrýMi 87 Tonge mireet., Toronto, Out-15-ly. Five of the persans whe wsre injured b y an explosion in 3. lHelen ooiliery, in Eng- land, have d41.. Give Them a eA che I Thatijete say, your lunge. Aise ailyour breathing inachinery. Vsry wonderful mea- ohiusry it-is. Net enly the larger air-pas- sages, but the thousand cf littie tubes and cavities leading from them. Wheu these are clogged and clicked with matter which ought net te be there. yonr lunge cannot hait do their work. And what they do, they cannoe do well. Cati it coid, ccugh. croup, pneumenia, catarrh, ceusumpticu or any cf the famiiy of thrcat and nose and head and lung ob- structions, al are bad. Al cught te be got rid of.- Tbere je j ust oee sure way te get rid cf themn. Th.% je t.o taesBaschee's Gorinan Syrup, which auy druggist will Bel yen at 75 cents a bottie. Even if every. thing else had failed you, you may depend upon thie for certain.- It le reported that Mr. Chamberiain bas decided to permanently sever hie conuec- tien with the Liberal party. Without a Dbubyti There in ne deubt that Hagyard's Yeilow 011 je the best reznedy for Sprajns, Braiss, Soe Tbroat, Colds, ]Rheumaýtis;m, Croup and all Aches, Pains, Lamenese and Bors- ss. Lt is used ext.arnally and internally, and should b. aiways kept mn the house. Miss3 Bertha Evard, teacher cf a echool er Fort Wayne, Ind., was acoidentally burned te, death. Irer rough conditions of the 8kmn, Sha4mpooing the head, Pimplea, Erup- tion and - 8kin Di8ea.ea, %ae Prof. Loto'. Btdphur Soap. E von the Gladetonian organe acquise in the honor dons Lord Hartington by the city of London. FARMTO LET. That vsry desirable f arm, ai present oe- oupItid by MiLS. RIORDÂN, being cern- pos&1 of Lot 26, 8rd Coni., Townghip cf Whitby, adjoining the Corporation cf the Town of Whitby, and centaining 190 acres, more or lese. Apply te Dayiui Ormisten, barriater, Whitby, or te 1h.e undersigned. Immediate Possession. 18 -8in. T.- H. MoMILLAN, Oshawa. HOUSESFOR SALE. Twe good story-and-a-hbalf bouses lun th. Town ef Whiiby, new and pariiy buiti cf brick. Stone foundations. Seven rooms lu each. Bard and. eoft water. On. minu- tes walk from post office. Convenient te churches, echoole and business places. Alase fi,. and a hait acres cf land wfl fenced. Âpply te WM. NBEWPORT, Mar. 1à, 1888. Whitby P. O. F arm For _.sale, 100 ACRES-LotaitCo, Scott. A fisit-elis armin every respect. 6 miles from Uxbridge town, 1-9 mils fom church, sehool, blaeksmiih shop sud pent- offie lu the village of Sandiford. For fur. ther parlieulars apply te JAMES HIRD, gr., admimiator of ButaI. of Wm. Bird, Loi 8, Cen. 4, Scott, Uzbrldge P. O. TO RENT OR SELL. Tht valuable farin, kuovu as " Beaver (Jreok Parmi,"g adjoining Port P"rr, cou-' tainlns 900 acres; 140 oleared; ne waste land; clay bain; ood buildingsr with sien oolar; os ;vin trear; wsll feueodpossession lmmediaiely;* termi easy. Âpply te, N. P4' PATERSON, Souici- ber, or T. J3LUND, Proprietor Port Perry. IFO0R S AILEI O R TO ILIT. IN THE TOWN 0P WHITBY. largeBo#ldBrick Reuideuce vith hol lov wabis. TougobdaI'zedrooma. fStsbliug ai. taohod. IH acrae ctfland and alotof11,inie fruit ies,. Bolwh brdad o atr Keys" May ebâ ud froeMay. Ln u prmssmay .b. uupeciedanAýytutu,. -Pou. sesaI once18 . Apy eezoherP. 0i. àl gw Zondon 1nsurance zOf GIoatBrftain. CAPITAL.. 82,500,00. Co. "2NUAL INOOME, $1,600,000. MAXE Farm Propýerty and Dwelling Hloussa a Speoialty. Vsy low rates.. Eay terme cf >.psyment. - simple policies. IN vexibtions conditions. Prompt. settiement of loses withiout discount. Be sure yen do~ net insurs until you know our terme and conditions. Enquire c f E. -R. B. HAY- WAItD, our Gsi eral Agent for South On- tarie. Office in Whitby-Part cf D. Ormis- ton's Law-Office. Ail lettere addresedte Lock-Box '78, Whitby P. O., will receive prompt attention. haisidence-Ham Cot- tage, Byron street, Whitby. 21 London and.Lancashire Life Company, ThisCoempany issues .-very desirableform cf Life policy, and ha. depeeited with the Receiver General in approved Canadian securities ever $100.00 fer each -Sl00.00 of liabiity, thus affording ABSOLUTE se- curity. Parties desirous -of assuring their lives will find it te their advantage te consuit the nndersigna-d befere assuring elsewhere JOHN' FARQUHABSON, Whitby, Mey ]8,*'86. -ly General Agent1 T HE WESTERN BANK 0F WHITBY, - ONTABIO. THOMAS 1DOW, Manager. Whitby, Nov. ?th, 188. ly-47 MONEV TO LOAN'I 0100.000 FOR INVrE@TNENT. ON REAL RSTÂTE SEOUBITY. At lowest living 'rates cf luterst. Money seoued within 10 délys of &P- plication. Apply te JOHN PARQURARQO1N Whiby, February lGth, 1880. 9-. MONEY TO LOAN On Beal EBaate Mortgage at *Lew Bats Interest. -&.E'OcST- Appraiser for the Canada Loan and Savlng. Oc., and agent for iii.,Western Assurance C07- OFFIOR-Over Gerrie'a Block, Whutby .jw opa C'od , c' à Z:eE amg.romGr:sBl1k Dooi,àh"and led. LUMBEB wholesale and retail, or by the car load. Plapin&-Mouldinge of evsry descriptio% Ploiïi, Sheeting, Shelving, Be-uawing, ehapÈing,Tu'nig, Seoel Work, eto.,etc. AG8ENT S!AG ENTS! NT OW READY-Our new book, 'l'arth, *kSea and Sky; or, Marvele of the tYniverse"J; being a full and graphie de- scription of ail that à. wonderful in every continent of the Globe, in the worid cf waters and the Starry Heavens, containing tbrilling adventures on land and sea, ri. nownsd discoveries cf the world's gresteet explorera in ail ages, and remarhable plis. nomena in every realin of nature. Em- bracing the striking physical features of t1be earth, the peculiar characteristica c1 fiLb buman race, o! animais, birde, insects, etc., including a -vivid description cf the Atian-ý_ tic, Pacifie -and Indian Oceans, and of the Polar- Seas, the Monsters cf the Deep, beautiful seasheils and plants, singular fiehes- and dweilers in the vorid cf waterp, remarliabis. Ocean current.s, etc., together with the ÀJL4ZING PHENOMEN 0F TH#~ SOL4R A.ND S!TÂRRY SYSTÊMS9 BY ENBy DAVENPOBT NORMHRop, D .D., Embelliehed with over 800 âine engravinge. Liberal terme te Agents. OXFORD PUBLIBHING C0. 5 JORDAN ST., - TORONTO, ONT. Certifloate of Major Harper, Esq.. of Whitby. -1882- To whem it may concern. This je te, certify ihat having exemined, repaired and used a great vsriçty of Sewiug Machines. I have come te th. conclusion that the White Machins sold by L. Fair banks je on. cf the beet made, as lu my opinion il je a machins that wiil nuesily gel eut of order, and will lest much longer than most machines, as cars has been taken te prevent wear as mnuch as possible. I eau heneetly recommend ilteo parties want- ing a good and lasting eewing machine. I purchased oeeof lbe White's some montbi' ago, aud il gives ev atisfaction. everYMe flRPIER. -1887- After five years use cf the Wbhie Sewing machine in my family i eau fuily endorse the abeve certificats and can fnu]y reoin- mend th. machine as a family se'wing machine coite less for repaira than a»y machine I have ever lied anythuig te de with. MAJOR HARPR. Sold cbeap a-the cheapesi, snd le the besi of the beet. L. FAIRBANKS, Sols Agent for this District. T RIS PPPR -may b. inid S'~at ÂGeo. P. Rowýell & Go'. Newmaper àad- vertising Bureau (10 Spruce St., where &a. vertieing contracle may b. made fer it Nucw YOuK. 1G(30D 502858. NEKW ZIGS. LIVERY and SALE STABLES, DUNDAS.-ST., WHITBY. M.. 0. CRAWFORTH., nU~T - LA S TUIN-OUTS Pnrniahe hra octi rite hg 1» OereIf-,, E&02,T Eu. k!pt No. Il.--<quns Bueesxa.. Asteà, Févosa. I sed in ey hast ler -kJat I expsoted anrnlbip voUid bappen iafe olong, sud se thons bas. I b.d resson ton lbinkiug tiaI Squire Buggoii aswu nlove vutb me. Any vomân vonid have thought se if ah. b.d sesu bis oye. Ihnongb bis bine ospectsolea I did. Sncb s loveiy ixprssion yen never bebehd t As soon as I s..d Ihsl thesaquire iutersed lu me, I feul te sludying bis notions. If ouly yen eau manage te fand euh s oeaua particirlar *Jeuan sd thon show him liaI yen Ihiuk juat as ho dose, be'a as tiokled vith y. as s cal wilh Ivo tail. And lie mon. epe"lly if bals su ehdiaii 'kiud ofts eau. I toundnot liaI the equins likod pinli best of auy colon, sud I spent hveuly. fiveot outeonpinl i nbbina, jat te plesse lb. coonned old neprybste!1 If I'd s kuovod boy il veuld bave turued ont, I'd bave aeed hioe in\Hshitfsx, on seme othen place liaI hogina viti lb. smre letton, store I'd bsve laid out a ont fur hi. For sevenai dsys lb. squire ho nid ovon te our 'us as regulan as as doc*. Ho- allesame ou bis old y»Uer mare, vili bis laie vite's red aud green plaid gouud, lhnowed soe e hnfur s sddle, snd ho allers veré a bIne surÎâtot hal mighl have ecre ovér la thb. Mayflower, on sny abip tliaisaied betons lb.e flood. go allenrs ang a paiHwith im. Wh ùlkainhob.wb.dho ful on vas~~1 eoen71 el im nd out,'ua t hast I kinde. duoided, tli1k. eOuugbg vas hasbtul, sud did net vant' anybody to 80ssrne tbliaih. Wb.d"M - , ço<uffngI sud se b.obmng Î1h. ýpasi abog ton a kiud et an excuse, as if b.ovas going on su erani.- lis vwus &sfl penite, sud crdya! te me. H. allii bld a story &bout Ive 1qfura liaI bis .grée«fs4ornkille4In Oahsdy d a Inia 0,&' ade Onlt et ,lisemng viith-1ý aiimbesattention l ibe»0verd,ý thouùg ini'I' heerc thaï slony once I'd b it 1ivuy iesIThe,-equire makes a praclio of tehijng ià onu ey A vèek ago làui milbe O=te n>ske bis nanua!-vwst 'He b.d ,lb. lin pi long, sud toeighît ooekb be.tbld the injun story &veio", asud b- b.ed bis nose- se mueliat -il shôe 1ik. th~e top et a go!d-hesdod cane. -1 bad ÛW ~inteebsslreô;moues White vent off :o bed wlnly sad Mlon 't k boaî ina or die ehun f1or aà -pneu Bibi -- e shiOf eu bny a 0 fun .i.te1 szpo kept

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