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Whitby Chronicle, 4 May 1888, p. 3

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Pader tiie direction of the. New YoWk MieBoard 4, fHaitl, eiëhty.fonr lioirmt kbIdka Of Baluîi powderti, ailfroliug ÏmU tbe brande that obald be féind for sale Iiitht Stage, w.v aub- muitted 10o examination sud'an&lyuis by Prof. 0. F.QHÂIu»LX14 s member 'of the stage Bard snd President of the MKew York'-:Oity Board of fleaIîhb sasîsted, hy Prof E»wÂnn G. Lova, the. wl.kuow 'United States Goverument ehemist. The officiai report shows that a large nuinher of the powders exarned voe fnund to contain alum or lime; many of thom tb snob au extent as go tender thern eeriouily objectionable for usq in the. human food. ÂIum vas found in twenty.nine samples. Tbis drug i. employed in baking powders to cheapen their cost. The presence of limje is attrIbuted to th. impure cream cof tartar of commerce %oedilu their manufacture. Snoh cream of tartar'was àise analyzed snd foud leo contain lime snd other impuritie.: in seme samples te tb. extent cf 93 per *ent. of their entire weight. All tfie baking powdere of the. market with tb. single exception cf "Royal" (otinoluding th~e arn sud phosphate powders, whicb heve not the virtue cf even au impure cream cf tartar), are rnpdo froma the sdulterated oreum ci tarlar cf commerce, aud oonaequently ecutain lime to a corresponding extent. The only baking powder yet found by ohemical analysis te be entirely free tram lime sud absolutely pure i. the ,"Boyal." This perfect purity resuits frcm lthe esclusive use cf cream cf tar- tar specially refiued sud prepared by patent processes wbiob totally remoeve th. tartrate cf lime aDd otber -impuri- lies. The cost of this obemically pure *rearn cf tartar ie muoh greater than sny other, sud on accunt cf thie great- or cosi i. used in no baking powder but the "Boysl." Prof. LovE, who made the. analysis cf *bskiug powders for the New York State Board cf Health, s wll as for lh. (ioernment, s sys of the purity viole- sorneness of the "Royal": "SI ffnd the. Royal Bakiug Powder .emposed cf pure sud wholeseme in- gredieute. Lt je s oream cof tsrtar pow- derof a bigh degree cf menit, and doos flot contain eitber slum or phosphates or other injurious substance E. G. Lovac, Pua. D." Lt je higbly satisfactory to tb. bouse- keepers of this viiuity, viiere the. Royal Bskiug Powder je in genersi use, * ha taheb.investigations by tb. analysis i Massachusetts, New York sud'Oblo, the. only States that bave thus far taken action upon tIis important sub- jeot, &gres in cls.esng it as tb. purest and moat efficient bakiug powder in lbe market. District Items. Ou Bsturdsy .>f&ercooxn maI Io youxig lads, hired * eue et McMurtry'is Livery rigo te go le Newcastle. Oun e- turning bouu; sometime -dnning lbe ~ igbt, tbe bore. drepped dawu ounlthe road sud died.-Bowmanaville Newg.. fi oboqI teaober lu Cramabe township vas lately fined #i sud ceeta fer slniking on. cf bis pupils several limes lu inte Campbellford Hersîti: A, young touple were msrnied ah oeeof the man- suons cf tbe station neigbborbood on Mouday luet. Aller the cereny lthe happy couple took their departuro on hbem vodding tour ever Ogilvie'. lbill ou foot, lie bride cannying ber bridai tronsietu under ber irm, te MaKenzîe's lelauti on the. river Trent. This ls the.latesi cledte. àA syldr la goiug sabout among Onlanlo farme"s bnylug caIlle vbich he paye, for vlth good eequees. Ho e nver éall for hie sttle sud the dupeti faruiers won mid o ut thal lthe receipta thêy- signiet are notuclsfer nsny limes Itheasut of tb. choques. Farn erssouW hoo.p e os e pen sud bho areful about Liie * poporsthey aign. * mong tlie eWho attouded lthe cen- ferena. of Qu'akeresses reoenlly heId at Induanapolis, were Aima Gonld Dale, cf Uxbridge, sluler cf I. J. Goult M. P. P. for norti Outario, sud Pboebe J. Wrighit, cf PiokerXn. Mro. Dale vas elected assistant -seoretary. The oon. ference wvas kuowusa.the firsI I4alioual Convention'cf lb. Friende' Womsus' Foreign Missiopary Scoities cf tbe Unitedi Stales sund Canada, sud lhe Varicus sesions vers -fullof interesl. Thie revivaliats, Meesre. Croseley sud Rote H 'erclesedthhir meetings lu Belle- ville ou Toesdsy evoning lest. Dung the services Itle,osai! thaï; 1800porions * r ~~bave- profoused il .o. .tak ofenling, colectionu vas takon up on Tuoaday evenlng viionover 0852 ves* pul on ho plates. Tii. totalasme'unt' cf colleotion given the , isl5i as- ovor. e1#000. Tee bartender cf Ibm Quoa o HQIO, Mlllbrook, vac lovaestruok on 0 cadet' cf th.eSolvatiou Ârmy, but* seid i cadet, woald haýve n oneo f hlm unlesa h. loin. edthéIbe rmy. B uSnafluat, hem liquor mxr etfervard as a seoken, sud.profeed oonÏensouà. -This, lotI for parts unowu., Tb'a!fs lu ibthe uoa olý Mount Jpoth. fronutàseetqù la an elogant sud ilféelik bail its -op.ning paper a aket.h êfbis ilthig oi"y t 4, editoï4 Who gives a graphie omount-of th. w.y ln which ho foindsd -bis Rreat Roob4ikb publishinguue' 1888,. MsbiÎdging be viiole halfoontur D*lrwith gli0peeb bore sud t of his work and its oharacter, bis progreas sud Mhi suceese, attendod vith admirably ýexecUted illustrations 'cf bis seversi beaulifuli bornes. Il is a story with a moral wbicb every ycung man in Ameries mîght read and cocsider ta sdvantage.. A ecbolarly study follows of I"kocient Society lu Tennessee." iu whic General G. P. Tbruston, cf the Tennessee Hîs- tonical Society, shows tory conolnsively that &be mound builders ver. Indians. George Stewart, Jr., D. C. L., president of tb. Histerical Society cf Quebso, writee foroibly ou "The Fieberies Tr.aty -a Canadian View," a paper wbicb will command wide attention at Ibis crieie. Extracte from the. "EnRlisb- man's Pocket Note-bock in 1828" are ccutinued ; Jameâ W. Gerard con- tributes a sketch quaint cf a New York dlebatiug sooiety in 1815, called "The Forumn"; Hoa. William L. Soruggs iu- trodices a critlcism called "',Are w. a Nation Witbcus citisens ?" Price 05.00 a year. Publlshod at 748 Broadway, New Nork. Tait HOMILTIC ]Rzvmw for May gives as ils lea4ing article a magnificent critique on Dr. B. S. Storre as a preach- er. We bave flot read lu many a year a Suner exhibition cf the citical faculty. Wbile bigbly favorable, itis discriminat. ing, snd shows the defeots as weil as the grand excellences cf Ibis prince cf preaciers. Il is fromn the smre Peu tbat bas sketobed TalmaRe, Beecher, Spurgeon, Hall Taylor snd ochers. Dr. Ormiston flishaes bis sern.a cf papers on Preparation fortLePulpit. "The Re. ligicus sud Moral Views cf Horace," by Prof. Bloornb.rgh, is a fiuishied snd bigbly interesting paper. "6The Legval Rigbts sud Responsibilities cf Clergy- men, by Prof. Halle caunot fail to be valcable ttecl.ansesfor whorn il le speoially intended. Bey. S. 0. Leonard treats in a sobolarly way The adâres cf Paul at Atheus, Homiletically con- sidered. Dr. Morgan Dix'e sermon ci Luet is s bugle biset ibat ouRbt 10 yaks the ohurch sud Lb.eviiele land. The. sermons of Drs. Hcvey, Storre, Braislin sund Armstrong, and th*t b. Biebop Andrews, are cf a high order. The Prayer.Meeting Service keepe up its high oharacter. The European Depart- ment le rich snd varie8, wbile Homîle- tics, TbeStudy T"jlteMiclaen sud Editorial ffltions are as usual full of good tbinge. Publisbed by Funk & Waguallse. 18 sud 20 Aster place, New York. 48.00 per year : 80 cents Der single number. Tii. Canadia Edawationai MoratMy.j [Tocrouloa: Thé,Canadsa Etinoationsl I Monhhly Publablue Oc. priclti for lthe > Companoy by 0. Blackett Bobinson.] The April isue cf Ibis excellent periodi cal le a partieularly gooti number. The table cf contents shows nine différent articles, fBe cf vbicb an. important original contributions froni emineut Canadisus: firet amonir hem. 1. tbe second instalment cf "Our Work anud How te do it," by lb. Bey. Professer Clark, cf Trinity College, Toronito. The article je cf great merit, sud vonld vorlbily cccupy a place ln auy impor- tant magazine or review. An ableo dis- cussion ou Biblical Instruction in -pub- lic sobools bas receutly appsared lu tie moulhly, counduotetiby Ibe Bev. De J. Macdonnell, via bas beep replied té by Mr. W. D.1 L.8qeur, of Ottawa. The article on 4"DefVe inl Eduostion," by tie Rei. G. M. Milligan, le hiicghtful aia tlmely ; vo hope 1h yl b. very vldely neati. Mrt. W. A. Asie, F. B. A. 8., cf'tii. Quebeo Obseratory, le lhe author cf a carefully wrritten sud interestinu soionli- fie article -ou "The Forces tuut Reduce tb. Almospbere to ile mean oonditlon." -"Discipliné, lu he higb sobool," "IGrevtii pf imier trocs," "Sonipture leesons far oboel sud homp." sud the dépsrtMrýe fe Notes foi Temobers," "OorreescudeÏoe," "Editorlal," "Scbool vork" Cinuling mahhemaîice, oelos, modern langumages,, l usrocm), sud coutemperary Iîterature oocupy 1be reet of Ibis numbor. The montbly dées henour te Ganéda, sud neflecte crediý on ail oouueeled miih it vwbether se eounbutors or supporý- tersaIl11classes cf the camnunity vitt b. proflted by resding thus high ÏIses magazine. pes#9itnîiODUt urej tn: use 01 the xC *tnictèr. Teu4$rs pouniul cornea are 'ýbgiïhse4,oem M bbtitutea Plums shuld b. ùÏkid for sud taken., Un. S'm'artMliufter oet pubilic worhfer fanitoba, vue vasreceniy laid up l the. hospital througb illnes8, ian eeov.neing., KInd Worda Ah True. Mr. John Carier, cf Corbetton, Ont., wrrtes as follove: "Harus.dls YeIlow Oiu bas stood the. test eflen when aIl others failed. Our bouse is neyer without 11, and it vili alvays find a veloome spot on the The vill cf the lats Hon. Thos. White vas probated in court BSturday. The es. talc valned aI $50,000 in left te, the widow. a sure NoUef. I suffered ficm a bard Cough oontracted by damp feet. Havm'ng consulted a local doclor witbout effect I thought I would tny, Hagyard's Peotoral Balssin as a lait resort. Before I had fini*!ed the' fret batle 'Sny coflRh hiad eutinely disappeared, sud to-day.- I enjoy better bealth than ever before. I caui oonscntiousiy neoommend il. Chas. H. Kent, Teiegraph Openator, EBut Selkirk, Man- Lieut.-Govsnor AikirIs villIbis week give aseent te tbe bille for tbe construction cf tbe R.d Rivez Vailey Railvay. A BUeessu eUMit. Sire, I vws troubledl for five yaans vfth Lîven Complaint. I used a igreat deal cf doctons' medicine which did me ne good. I was gettlng verse ail the while until I tried Bundock Biood Bittera. Afler taking four bottis. I arn nov veil.' I eau alc rs- commend il for Dyspepsia. Mise Hattie L. ewiek, St. Willame P. O., Ont. Master)1yWorkrnan Povdeniy laye that K. of L.Canadiane campaigning vili in future b arried on by native talent. Redeemiug Pointe. Nasal Ba"i doos net lrràtateoro cause neezing, doe net requin. any instrument for its use, does not bave any iii effects, re- liev.. fnom the. fret, ond on. 50 cent bottie wlU cure an ondinary case, with ne othen empeuise attached. The caretaker cf tbe Notre Dame ohunch, Montreai, Monday foud a nev-benn f.m.i. child inluthe lever. Ta marrne. To effectually cure a bad Cougb on Coid, sud de il quiok, use Tamarao Elizir. It strikes %t the root cf th. trouble and gives immediate relief. Peterboro goselps say liaI Vican-Genenal Laurent, Lindsay, le te "tIe nev Biuhep of Hamilton. Irever colie, unnat&raiapet&te, fretfu Ime, oeacna, and conmdaion, are geme cf the. effeeta of worm. in Ckiidren : de.troy the worm. with Dr. Law'# Worm ByrnP. The preparation cf tb. liste for tie new electian lu Manitoba viii b. commencot this week. Consumplion garery cure&. To ru BEmea : Plesa lufonm your restion st1 bave là m eremedy for lb. above nameAt hopMm eas fl v uvuey ;__t us eti. 1 " ab glad toer ~wbîWý0fý my remedy rmacle auj cf your restion Who have cousomption if hhey vwiMud me theft xpresanti P . O.address. Respctfuily, Da. T . A. SLOOUBE, 87 Yon ,e-Ïârset, Toronto, Ont-16-ly. There je five feel cf snow .111 on tie ground in the country districts about1 Mon- treal. lu Brutf And To Theo PoMnt Dyspepsia la drestiful. Dlseored aliver le miîery. Indîgestion les afoo le goot nature. The human digestive apparatus la oeeof tie mont cemplicateti and- vouderfl thu*s ln existence. It useaslly putont cf Order. Greasy feod, tougb focod, Sloppy foodbati Qekrmental vonry, laIe hooýrsireu 'habita, sud ma-y othen lhings Which cugil nulle ob., ]have mmd. the Amenloan peop)e s 61to 1e dyspepto. But Green'. Âugnet Ployer bhs doue basiness su md kig th.e&mieaupeoplé se healtiy liaI hhey cmn onjoy.tielr Momi anti b. happy. Biemember :-eo l 'pî>ens vth healtb. But'eeui'uuîim t ployer bringu beahi sud happinees 10*tiysLe6.A# yeur dmugglet for a botlet vny-W cente. Jutige Enr, oethle Suprême Court, vms a itltboterenMonday, but la gradaMiy' vbich cf ted bleed sud ulerate, beaomlug veryeocre. BSvarsx's -OnIXrasU.s'ope lie ttching asud bl.jing, bstî auIqinld lu mauy cases removes the. lumors.Il le' equallyofieonluerg a Skia DIs-, Îai. DR. 8WAYIiR & SON, Proprletorsp, PwwldeIphia. avajuyne'. Olulmeul esin b. O)btmnd ai dmuggists. Sent by Ù"l for 50,' que eJ am'MJ qw f - w . Ne, - oe where yoôu 'wllfind the l1r'est stock of Xmas Goode zg oi The SEtock is now complete mn Crocky, China, Gla8isware, Fa ncy Good8, O f ail kinda. Also a full Stock -Of .gît"' J.Whtby. ..82 IL, Brougham.. Fickeninm, Vii.. 4 ,1. lUbnig..2 'V. Upt.rgrove...2 282 a 8 8 g 'o il 12 9 88,9 S -44 S 918 *'1 1019 98 26 22. oe '22 i i 3.1.8' 9.ly ~a .1 UROGERIES, FR UiT d& OYSTERS China Tea Sets for $8..50 China Cups and Saucers,, $1.25 per dozen, and ,other Goode in proportion. go"' Corne àd d 88for yourselve8. WA&NTED--AII kinds offarm.produe W. J. GIBSO'N, WHITBY CHINAÂ T ISPRING SUITS. --ooo JOHN Io SHOWING A BuPBi~iflSTOI 0F Scotch, English and Canadian Ana other fine Unes of Clotho, for Spring siito. Ail garmentsg mate up ini latest style on shorteest notice. Ready-made Men's and Boys' SUIts, Gent8? Furni8hingeansd t/nderolothing of ail Kinda.. INDSTRCTILEOVIERILLS! HATS 1 HATS 1 HATS!1% LBhBeti tyles in H[ard and Boit Feit Hâte VERY EÂAP. JOHN FEIRGUBON, Dundas St.,Wib eof the uey, igenenai deItyl on, IoIdueja spiadiea 14o snhutlen, aeinjoli n Zanieetrlalewatt re. A PEate&gimes fronts snd ane nov the mIe li previllug styles cf 15 Wo-day the, exceptioné baviug STORE Hans avenrd vide nepulationu as a yie"s aud author. HiMandrake Daudlon lrdve Cure le a trnlumph cf mediaelicungm diseasesaI 1h. Klduey sud Live'.' KIDNEY "COMPIAIN T, he ,?:;s ufpln etweght blsdderana base of the adma; cil dlng ùhieeten ob- etnucted - frequent desire to urinat.. especi- afly a nlght, ameug aged pensons: -e, dr akin, ,a1e compiexlent npd Sndvwh iepol LIIER COMPIAINI, dire, shallow compiexion, aweany, tlrÉed feel. lu, ne ie erorgy edce yppuis. Maudrake sud Daudell on m arenre'S LAve cureej-aud vhen comblned wllh Kidney re-mo- dies, as lu Dr. Chase's Livfir Cure, -yul lmoul pemitivelycuire sU KiducyLiver- -ttroub'es. 11, acte lik. s ohanm, stimoiatlng t 10 lee liver, strengthenlng th. kidbcys, sud' In lo,. slting thewohi body. Soidby ail deaers-st *i, vih eceipt Beek.vbhî sala v b wrt th. mney. K-IDNEY IVER II -SodIbY sU dealers. lPrîe25 eens. - Tweeds,' 'il the iicv ami FEROU-SON MEDICATRD ELROTRIC I à -1, /1,ýýilý --, É i -, .

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