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Whitby Chronicle, 4 May 1888, p. 8

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<Pro ur vegularoonu.ponMut. tW ignore .th-% .e p )no f tmmyla.t. Arw pi'il SI.-n~e dbaté ý. n 8r ltt-b s euDwOSêJ*rW&= Pt tW embrol Chiarles Tupper's bud a'nee h itiehe u.. " iha ' th mon cf t héIi towu1 le eb Qanmos ý. 1 bvn faed h wuld no dom,al*jfM the main features cf Sir: Charles' !tatement tiirn *!th n'y perminl friends., Bither ho l. whieh i. the muet impotant item cf bakn..a n'ntally and morily *ncapble of rlsing in u sions.abuve tii, level cf personalteor oes the TH&E> AST FISCAL Tu"E. cae ho hem underae dom. notafford grond The total revonues for the year ending 30 on whxcii W ret an argument. I have ne Jans 1887 were$W5,93 or an unereaie feur but tbat~ my esnal friendo by tis ever the. estimat. cf 8455,0U Tii. estiinat- tam. have taken eemeaure cf the. mamcor- ed expenditure for tbat y.ar loft an antici- reotly. pated defloit cf 830,000. The, actu %l ex- "A Looker on,"-rather an odd designa- >penditure only exceeded the estimate $57,- tien tiat for uno who takes 50 warm a part 8W0 and the. deficit of $M0,000 hms been turn- in tuas contention-can oeo difference be- ed into a surplus cf *97,313. tween criticising the. subj.ct cf a preacher'a 0 *r~H£ PRESENT P180AL TZAR. rcinarks and criticising th e preacher binseif. Ooming te the operations of the curront Hie asks "wbat weipbt woud letters ary if fiscal vear onding 30 Jun. 1888 the total signed by John Sith or William Brown, revenuei expect e b realîz.d were83U6,- if the aforesaid John Smith -or"* iha 4000made up of oustomu *22,50,000; Brown we-e net up W Lb.e standard socially. exc ise~,400,000; rmiscellaneous 87,500000. me-aily, religiously, or financiaily.»1 And Up te date the revenues froin custema bas furuishes thbe answer "'None whatever.» I fa]en off =2,000 as cornpared with luit quite a-gree with hum, John Smith, or Wm. year se that ho would net expect more thau Brown,under such unfavorable circumnstances M2,000,000 frein customns, and $36,000,000 -and ail the more if ho had a litti. personal froii ail sources. The expenditure wiil pro- spite to vent, -wouid withbold bis true naine, bably bhoii round numbers *&W,000,000. and subsoribe himself "«Stranger," "'A1 TE. ALMCA 70 OU&~ Looker on," or sometbing cf that sort. 1 * Taking thé fiscal year beginning'iJuly lat Mr Fidier, I venture the. opinion, wouldi next li. estimated the, revenue as follows -_o equit. capable of standing tii. bardeet cuetois *22U00,0, excise *6,650,000, rn.s- rnoce t'À" looker" on is capable of d.lavering,r ceianeus ~'7O,00 r atot~i stinaed r.- and, were it n>eet for bu' te do se, cf return- venue cf *38,90PA00. mg thein witii rultiplied force and effeot if Tii. estirnates now hfore Parliament the. oowardly felow b.d expoeed blanselt in amouunt W *8,421,440t but ne suins have the. open field. '-But wbat ions. in there many been included for mail subsidies or steain- way an a Party that pftrsistently denies that ahlpseubventions. Tiie amounts for tissqe h. -bas been attacked talkng about- huruam seorIcet and the. supplementary esiatet standins bard knooksa?I 4Will ttbro l t wn abou Wtii.bal 42,- Dr. Eatwood ai"A Looke,- Qn» 'canet 450wii iLlatboghtjut aoutbaance tue but b. awarc, hai net adnitted that "there revenue cf X100 hrs been àsteady faling off in bis (Mr. ) Tiie intereSt on the, publie déit, $10,0W5,- fiock. " I asumed that wbat my oppononts 000 shows an inerease cf 8116,000. said was trua. I did net thon knew ayj We are in debt in Engianid for ternporary botter, ad I was unwilling to question tmr sbcmmodatuon te the oxtent Of £19000»000- veraci'ty.1haevr tlybitodte l Sir Charles attended tu h isca h u ste very reverse cf wbat ehoyi utringency cf lait summer, the. short crOPS mn bave stated. I may bere add -that, I b ave Ontarioand the bad effeet of unusual low- net thought iL wort e, t aiateto nom cfwatr o to leibr iduyrjand tW anether misatatement, it was sgopalably tj said that by .conorny and prudence Canadaerronsous ituat "Ail Saints" w. in a would woon recoiver frein tb. present strin- itate cf dilpidation. poney, and warn.d merchants againît oves biwie iutwti lr auec ut unpotations.wie ue nth eynaueoftet BHythe withdrawal of the large deposits case know more than I do about "tie cus- ta frein the Savinge bank tbe capital account sedne," acquired as woil as munae, of one di bas bad te me _cuLof ordinary revenue aarm .d O6b. Ofctded.cOgiftom e i d tuis necositate 1 the. ban cf £1,000,000 i dberuhoscde.0 Engiand aiready montioned, aud it will b. My friend l a cused, as if it were unoe. le neoessry to make a furtiier lbmase oon as Lhng persOnal Le buanself Of assumninaaposi- la the exact ainount requir.d i. ascertained. Ition of superiority, and tlaer.by tacitly rn.m Sir diierle. ended bis busineus statement sulting ot.her clergymen. Hia accuser ought berm and I wilI giv. th~e selient peintse o the t. know bottes.I ho will take Lh, trouble latter half cf his speech. te inforru himseof on Liie point h. wil dis- ki No tariff changes are tu ho mpde asper- cover that tuer. is a principle involved, and manonce in the fiscal policy is necessay to tat itisot bcause Mr. Pidler is do oaten indues tiie investmeut of capital. Up with vanity. You or I, Mr. Edtor, may Tiie avremp luty on United gtat«s m. net turnk proper te take part in any cf the~ ports is 47 p. c. as agarnst 28î p. c. in Ca. streot diepîsys cf the Salvation Areay. Do.s$ Mad&. tue army tierefor. considor that w, bave The iron duties lmnpOsed lait year have ptsa ligbt upon it ? Net et ait . L beon gonerally apprOV..LUa toc mucb gond sense, tee mucb respect CouÎfederArat aba greatly increased inter- for its ovu 3pinions and practices, te carsa poicial toade.1 brans button whetur we de or net. Lt Ti.fisiiriosl trety bus diapelled a, dask iwould receire us courtenualy ne doubt wore elndoneu orizon. we tW do se inauanbonest spirit, rejot.. over A duty on steoel rails is net et prenant ad- us as two brandu pbucked freinthLb uruing visail.. iL may Le. But i f we don't do it tus Army It is madueuand folly te disans. unr..- wiil b. quite content te ho simply let alune. T.1 tried r"eprocity as tue Americans weuld Tii. fact timt Mr. Fidier la a supporter cf $]p Dot grant iL even if vo Adopt.d it. tue Ontario Ladies' Coliegeti writer witu oc 1 e made tue Amoricans a unrestrict.d arnblusbing effr'>tesy employsasm a veapon 21l oier cf gRetes freedora cf trade but tiat did against hum. An unaiuiàble chld evidout- Bg 11et cOmmit hum to-it as Wo detaila. ly ; with bis fist in hiseoye, sud bise rnauten- a, ÀAPhicy Of reciprotY WOuld be nngrate- "08 gnmy wLtsators and iuaed witi ps ful tWEugland. passion, hoewon't ho plmcated no mett ep am I<YHÂRI) CARTWEIWS spumen. viit may be don. to Plians hum..B Sir Riobard Osrtwrigbt said Sis Charles', Eryclbaiusadmddy l BlaiO tak about uusestricted recipcocity vasin- tiens wt bratis rad bot paycels t tueOs ~tiwberubbish. Referring tWSir Char-afle by antiquâtod tabien saipow«rlsusAI leswmtesAtWbn<onc UISsits jW611 tIr.. UP. » If Lhe attendauào ho aiBe ySir Ekoadid " hé Lrngit -Sig «" I hmuboue sad wha need for a rOcs? 1 deurndLim violeomealtratouaanAre tuer. any boit place attire rails ? What Tà for ppim. but grreunaste bertc t ogi. mneant by antiquatod taibies«? Dams" i.p.l fo hm Dain viiLi.hng Bsfellew -Le compare Christian vomen no ichard made tb.o pints:lne yu-u. ldetI oudsonB Tiie deficit cf -lst oar cf 8300,000..alose r y nufu ortunatsenI ou hae Hi Tii.proentrt. avemddd 83000M»&bout iL I Link IL vould provevey amus- Thelrésdirectha" ud rua0in. The deutationvwu asked, I under- indiect à-s.covery vertientmmd. Lihatit LvaMlaein 6V a The. relative expenditure of Canada as verse u1ighLtien v er. the. fine fooliela vws -geat.r by tas tien that cf Englaud or tue gn w o teck vitu thoru lampe but no -cil. Unted States. 'P. eprsetatire lampe cf Lthe congriea lu conclusion Sir ichard meved an tie idflt so pbcue ayvt e ameudmnont Wo the motion Wo go into 'sUPPlI there. HerjnIe s idouestue doputaticun that tuenet debt cf Canada in ý1878 vas1 prored iteef W o etuough IL fell far eshort au *8140,32,000 in 888 *22,036,786;- tb.t tue nrespects Lthe otiorhait ef Christ'. v.)! tue *innual oxpeaiditure va 2M.503.158 aud knownauntituegis. IL actuail eeete have now iL i. 83M,652,0;tuat tie preet sys- expet thei biebcp vowldhasve proved Loin cf tation isnanjeet mand eshows a lin Pttyield tW iLs demand by eaerificiug ference for the nicb consumer, aud that Lbma vitut cause a tsilow laborer, oeeoe hie Rlouese incf opinion that amy considerahie owu CIe" te its bosatility. Tii. biehop psev- addition te Lb. debt sud taxation witl work ej blaaseU fer above tueir valuation, ahiip sud place us at a disadvaetage te nte hm alt osiPro the peuple of the Unit.d States besides pro- A o tLen"aa.vohiprf- judicmng our chances cf secuiinir improred Ail sainte" b. styles himsI elcle. upon me, cotmmercal relation. vith the psople cf ths inewbaL inpudeaatly asI tinirfor a pb- ccm.nbest~W~stH. lieconfession of m7v tith, For*myreed, ào acocuedg e seeousbiltity «W but 0»n. O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ k;ý oEs8moema , Whatever it may bho I Iu net extinguiuhed Rirnpre t Sioaiinct eeumucion the.human, ai distinguisb.d troni the brute, ine f Ld- Th .aul - 'q'.Iuatùxe t take to*ithide n an nfi arM- The. Chicago Gas Trust lk-auilthê b*ë Pour dîstlnDMt hoeof etqartigaa l jre fait iliiCamfi I& iday. Bach soop90dfg day the. oabledistpatàle indicate mocre ciarly thatEperP.- eraok of Germauycannot liv, lon. A leglsltive esobl f 22 eleetled ïâèm- bers intWbe institutedin the Xûrti"et and Manhood Suffrage lntroduoe- Mr. Cha& DrurY, M. P. P. for a.Sioe bas boss givon the. new onta*iepotio ai Provincial Miniater of Agriouituro. The Dominion Governu ent W.. sustain. ed in its budget proposai. by a majority of 51 on Monday nigiit. Mr. Jusi e, Henry, etftthe Bupremé Court of Çanada, la flot expected tW recover trom hie present ilinei. Mr. C. Myers, of Âtherley, Mars, Ontario countys and Thomas Baker, were kil.d by an accident with a pile-driver, si Suttcin on Tuesday. An alleged drummer for the R1ogerps locomotive works of Patterion, N. J., bai been taking in a nuînber ef Montrealmr by Means of bogus choques. Tne Dominion Parliament will b. pro- rogned hefore the. 24ch cf May. There wUI likely ho a considerable reconstruction of the Dominion Cabinet betore parlinient igain aiuemblea. ehias. A. Howard once cf Toroutô, but now cf Chicago, hu aîi llh ois kl1omo0,b b tii.d.ath cfàan uný.t. . avu t~k At the. reusidence -of a weU-ktnowriYsr- miouth fermer on Monday afernSdonIat, rai gathered a large party of gueste, who îad been invitied W o b present tcwtune tho marriage of the farmer's danghter b ,a Voung man living near Bisex Centre. The uinister wus there, the. feaut prepared and Dverytblng in readineee, but the. brldepomm pared not The guests tarried for a âme, but finaily departed. It ieunderstood that Mfonday and Wednesday of ti week wre ipiced -out, and that the marniage, w.. ý t..k. place on one of the. two days, and ;at cwig Wt t. bride and groom mioun-. letandig each other, on. thought Mon- lay w.. the. day deoîded vipon, and the )her Wednud<ay. A brother of the bride eft for Buiex Centre Monday aight, mnd it aprobable that the. marriage was oonum- nated on Weduesday. D. P. Murreul, of Temple, Texte, haubeen idnapped hi Mexicanu near Coleman ýunOtion. National Pilla are augar coa*ed, nilW blui tho,.<>., an&d are thé beat etomach and Liver Psll in mse. Fiiianciaj and Oommercs.J Offie f fWhitby OuRONIClU, Whithy, May 4, 1888.j WHIBY MARKET PRICE S. prlng Wet..... roos Wheat ........... Isur, per e a ....0 ..... arl ................. 'Y .a................. ie, hlaok-oyed ........ lue Pesa............. mbU.......b........ CMÎP alove ss..... >leetPerbi.o... - iaper b..---- arke, pert..... mEkeipe.... .......... mu. Der lb............ .e » . 0a900a490e pmod 0...............4 e C..010 <~ 012 4075 go8080 0 75 *080 067 O(07 200 *270 065 O 075 04 62 065 oo06 060 *068 000 ()00 085 *040 100 a il0 100a o 100 oi, 28 006 007I 600 $ 20 015' O020 000* 062 000 5012 010 010 010 S015 008 c 01 0is O0101 400 655 040O 00 AKINoG Mo4 PFIW MAO' Uts superior excellence proven in millions of hines for more tha.n a quarter of a century. ]Et is used by the United States Goverument. Endoreed b ythe honda of the. great Universi- ties as the Strongest, Purest, a.nd most health- fui. Dr. Price's Cream Baklng Powder do..l not contain Ammonis, Lime, or AIum. SoId only ini cans. PRICIE BA.XIG POWDR ()O. !iUW TORIL OHICAGO. 1ST. LOIS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed Tenders, s.ddressed te the under- îigeed, sud endorîed, "Tenders for Iron Work cf Parliament Buildings," will b. re- oeived st this Departinent until noon ot Tiursday, ths 17tb day oet May, for sandry wrought and cast isou work required for theo new Parliament Buildings.a. Priuted specifications and forma ef tondes cen ho obtaiLLed at Liais Department. Ail bianki in fortui of tendes are te b, properly fi lied np ; sud tenders- must, as teterni, sureties snd etiierwiso comply with the termu set forth la Lie specifications. An aceepted baek cheque fer Lhe ament of Fifteen Hundred Dollars aud- payable te thes orderoettLb. ndereigned, muet, subject te and upon Lb. conditions rnentioned ain the îpecîfications, accompauy each tender. ;Security for Lhe fulfillioent cf any cou- tract entered into ie te be givon as stipulât- ed in thes pecifications ; but Lie depait- mont will net be bound to sccept the bowet or any tender. C .F F R S , Department of Publie Worhs for Ontario, TonouTo, 8th April, 1888. Valuable DweIIing House i Lot. Under sud by virtue et Lh. power cf1slo contained in s certain indenture ef Mertgage, thec sr4ic! ofhich viii be produced- st te Wiee ae, sud upon whlch defalsuin upsy- ment lis been made. there wiu be orea-od for sal by Publie Anotien ethLie ROYAL HOTHL 'tu lb ToWUa.09 Witby, lu the County of ()n- J aturday, thte l2th Day ofAMag, DINNER BETTS, TEA BETTS, X£D, 1M88 t theho. fonfee o'clockite .a!-0x mc ternoon, th. tollovang Iande-snd Woemifes riz: CHAMBER iuT1±±, CHINA. GOODE, Ail sud siiniar Liat certain pa.rcel or tract of laail-premisessaituate, lyteg and buinini FANCY WARE, GLASSWARE, the Townuof Whitby in the Ct suyad pro- vince oUntarile.ancl. omposed ef part TABLE LAMPE, IHAN GIN G LAMPE ef Lot number Tven =Ein he esecond s Concssion of Lh. Tovnebip of WhlLby, bettes LAMP GOODE AN]) SI[LVER6WÂRR kuovu ai« TowvUt number Tise Hindred an veny (72 von a panofkar of Lt -ULeatest Styles and Patterns. Don't delay in seouring Bargaie. Town of W tby. The sid roerty As desir- inl te d on t as ietf h Stee Lb. Baitu e iet, The best and Cheape8t Gr'oupies, Canned (Joodâ. etc, luete tho sid Prvue t W i grpare 1 S - AND - FF E - A S E [- r vithcnutbuidings.c h p r h ieT eS E I L y mene_ ofe s ath i ca Tefaious Louise Baking Powder put~ up expreis'y dante "epiivthnuemotrand s old only by For fustimer particulase apply Wo JOBHUA DENOVÂN W-1 * ~Deverell'à Block, BrookStWtb Ot- BA.RGAIN DAys POWELL& Sapecial Discount on al Cash Saless. c0u- vo] WEDNESDA YS and SA TUILDA. YS, They intend to make WEDNESDÂYS and &STUBDAYS SPECIAL A B/g and WeII-A ssorted Stock to Select From, Corne and get Bar gains that will sur- General Dry Goods. PO-WEL& ON ACCOUNT 0F ILLNIESS I HÂVE Decidod to go out ol the Crockery uies and Go. ie.s. ho offidi Book -an handbl unupfl WI I, fu alan oubsequ by bac&0 aooordh Advex iitrat Vbmait be ers il] mente ) in not b cf any« fi per lin. Corseu I fthei poai JOHN- BUî ÂND WILL BELL WITHOUT RESFERVE tatoeu, Onions,4 etc,- at THÉ BRAZILt4N A1 Pot- IIISLx UPAE DAYS FOR BARGAINS litilliery, Clo thing HAVE DECIDED TO GIVE COMMENCING MAY 5th. ,prise you in i 21-1 commùtiomrg,&G. SALE Co* IMPORTANT NO TICE ! AUCTION N. 81,.;--Wanted, any-quantity Of auteerlfresb,

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