Sio,ýb w lè",. to 0 o&0 th muugg"orW"vinâ > 4h, owit i Drà - sIeigli.Ad Af4aM sU g nozi du#Y*lOum» b aéarh ounso' ~rMy. 1i~ wu- in; a tahoposihat l RUs ophi'brà a"-ewbomdait -Withïtheo pi4 inusa, Oi.I¶Ip oothache vounlekop bh o homo, but ihat Id kindor piivaioly boaght b b Wsav% b hoonbouçil a, u godure droýit, hdiu'î. 8h. vruaas eli 1h. noxi day manniod ti Boaeà ththy ohude ils sweefl *0 rut s over ah. uv as-luthe voni. Nov I . 1boub-s» mllia vory big mousIiïý Vuilébwsattnhno ave heteihihoI oait iput this sud thal bogether, sud th. Thy yoluaev.s, gnest of the groe- over lhunler a'iveoki* 1afub maùth bogua 10 corne ver ,'e!I Amd vMtt or her, the oee1Jlove. W. vêt tt be>h.Iiwo., Il wuaia p fs.fal odtlyen Ooùld have kriokoâ I vbohlieligts id hadve >' toppish affair, ail tn a teut, sud there me down& vith s foathor aud ,ucthi 1uj ai ter lng iend ibow lay$ vas more lions and ligotsansd beia tnisi 1 Whule fromtietmaà and criblera hau, yen 1raid, shako s I had th. bd maro harnesod ribo.ùp 0f binAs, the notes stick ai. I Iied le o asn girih. as thougi, and madie up ndy '»iud Ihat 0f heavon-tsnguî warbles sweetly gus, possible, and soreeohêd out. sud grabb- corne what would I'd follet 'eni t Abiove ie bsbbling river', rush. ai the dooior!s arm, aI éerything 1IIt v.s1goti soighing, .sud vs vont At bil br bouy fce i,,seesi. Re likes vomon ibsI wsut te bo over Wiho groaad 1k. the wind. W~ The dearest oee on eanth'te me. proteoled. I 10 toJutnkevllle I aaked a man-ltai No ued te wat- B -y sw al&Stigo h w»5 sitiu5du the poivzer cf s store, W. stnd oeihera i ae, seat, a tam. bear ca nIog. Il Vas squirîing torbaoker.jnioe at a bamp.posi We san oupnglieter dck the s glade, part et tb. performauco, sud I aspoeoand hitting il every liuio, if be'd seeti the hein vas as harmbesa as a killen, aylhing et a bine hors sud à a wbite A.nd boock downý the sing1ug 'tream, but j thought il would be a good chance cleeigi gotng past, witi a brff. bonil Where boe.and 1tien.ttes' ht-dantsgleam. tleshow bow îimid I wvaso I gave a sud pink liee itlem'e 1 Toe bord sntan> 11111e yell sud swooaed auni e edoolor's And ho sed yste'd jeet dri, ovor "I love lie., love tho"-u-ýweet te tel]l nzm 0Eie ugn' The seord t lai .i@ knovr o weil. A.ny what did b. do ? Wby he joui I put 1h. vbip ente 1h. old mare, squat dowa behind me and Elien and in Ivo minutes vo ami, ai Mng- She plaoka two.evs sud bonds te ihbrow Sopiier, sud bogged of us nett o ltg- s'. Th ioui.shat ovary g. lai savage onitor orne a aigh hi'», 1Ând jesI as ve arniv'd up dri, s wîaeher tG3aybossash. dida't te! veil t e umm- abigh it la sred-hoadod vomi» suâd p W. eh "theurinso andtbli dulight, michi1 f-our childron in Lit 1The voman lbokied, Tl hd*holdoe hein frei our slght. Thon I oun» ngh to, sud îht'oved am'if oh. Vas despntabout-surti, 1 oeIknow lite naines yen gave m nbiialehivthdi t u v tlec ilen asA srtngw Tus lY barquaos upon lie wave. awsy-sud poor. dot Hippie ho rePi sud itéther eue, whtc oia sbaby, vas - 'Taa ninesud ne-oui as agiosi and est a pop, yelliag- ai th. top of ils veto. Heow sw4etby iwino permint I gave him, sud sed heon so 50 4111 Ibis Eider Muggins'?" sez the Thoue two small worils. Our lives e'sn so sonry ho b.d eeob a spell vitbhi. aluna- vomin-c.lesu ent ef brealh. Wi l feu ogellien weal or vos. 6pick, beoassus. o e d o ete ot d Wl, il muses ont l " oz Th PnsnaePikeMg. RAme addw>' sonfidiog ohilti. wundoting viii on airth ah. vas bore n %________________ A cooning home liai day vo mol vtth for. s catascrophoy. Jost afttor vostaried, #,The Lord grani I bain'ltee olaie 1" The Rgg Dcumens, tle dooior's hors gel ukeent ithila sbaby seez @e.,and I soi amen-on ni>' ev The ugg ocumntfiý--' korridge liat como out ofts bîck Street secouai. «»AMNG TM BXEMNO OF UNTviti a woman a wbeellng ofet i,sud ho W. boli Veut in logoîher, snd 1h. *NTINIG TE EPEIENH 0' ANTsel ont on thé dead rua. The doctot sigit tiat I eeed wss enuiffle bave de- JBUSA UBBAND.RC O yelled, sud I, sudFiloea Sophier, sud sompeseti any veman tust vsrn'l matie à HuSBÀNDailHeurbtas veut s fying off te noviere o eit eilhofethfe wiibseoes.t JÂRT I. (Continuedâ~ I suppose, for vs nover gel 'oni agiu!1 Thon. won Ellea Sophier, and liai And sfter Ve'd gene s 11111e wsys the '»oi» deosteful Dr. Milwoed, s elinin' p: No 15.-A CATASTROPHE. doseor dropped ible reins, and wttout up Iu the floot, sud Eider Mnggins vas I kueved I should gil bim bssk ag'iut1 a word juapeoto t1he vsggiu sud a matrying c on ss fat as éver ho t Mîjneiîc sulbldmeualni' Hppe r I o1xpesi ho bai aneiher speli t of ubtil.i z7or e atil nay owa oucé more.Et iîso hstanmick. Poortfellow I Before 1 coulti ssy s word, lbe ted- t shuli av aileeaay Upon liai, Itoktho roignesasd hestied venin sprung forriti holding a, mI ab longa"fai ud aaymn ers after L'd titd a spoil te stop the hors tho baby, sud lie lireseliter cidrea 7 Iîd ina m oean oe ihanti oouldt I' grabbed lie vhip and hanging ente ber gountanti gnabbing s ome>' istg Sn, ud b. etn ~ give hirn a out i vih h. bull sud ef it the duclor by tlb. an, elie scrooohed Ihereof. Ev e ay Ia ss e ingow uhal bruug lie blood andd sys I: ont. 1-PM bheossE udmre lessor pasem a'a w "'Go il, old aag. If you eau rua faut- "Stop! Eboeser 1 Wbîî dogeslis d, Bogre.. las I oa rde, lot me kaow 1" meo»P Oh, My beioved buabandi1 have ni Ella Spher i.b.dlielotishe Andtihe noso b. dit ie biabe leobey yen forgot your owa Haunai Jane ?- n povorful tva daye after Dr. Milwood erders. (On vo veut, liekel> cut- Antiohéeh. rowedoeeara rouad ishie W wuohertava> froraont bousso sud.- lceu Bopiier asoereeoiiug, and I a nosk sud bld ber red noue in bis shunt. Io vas eorcnaing lb. hors.bzzm1n diât>'. Oh, blessed leothae i î acîiîîybuo'I foit as if I could bave buggod Ellea W.caïn te Wsterborough viblage. I nover seeti nebey look sebseopisi Se Bopieor ven mie bega te conaplain Fvery body rua oui sud yelled, and as Dr. Mfilveod titi 1 Fust ho vas ted audo vul oaaippoulis el b ehook thiageat thle berse, sud six sud tien he vas pale, sud lion b. as&0 Vat peygoi e bot tabetrions seizeti doge tolloe e usa bath. vmtn'î so.cslm at aIl. Elleu Sophior, Proi meuht. Îde li ng, but lie telegraft itsoit ooulda'l have ai. soroamoti, sud feil sgasts the 1 endoste irsvI lke lthlniago, sud kept up vithi us 1.table, aidupsol tbo ap and &bout a ordrs o tave lie ilctotn, ani1 The tevn pump happouedto he in peck oetlinlypes, seshelle, and plasior bu gnouho beyd fo hotoo theredthewsy, and as vo didn'ittuaOui for ef Paris este anti doge.ti gOlnosehe obeed for i, and teok h*, ef course vo vont slsM agaite Whmit doos Ibis mnau 212" saked El- Y0 cotsdlenvvagn u ia~ il!1 Pro] g0,om bo'» huata. vsggtn abatte vas dot Muggius, cioking as b.d as @ver sac bnôkie., se Vas lie back slrap oetthe Tho cari sud via..!,fethl.ean yon UV a ohishena ia lad -st gel l roi harase ; sud*s ofMoes e sovdcpnunaisdJ oeuth bec foui et iegh. bon vn't&vin 1 . ef"tsH m tMtunvey adiurtvoy 1 *'Mom su.,"vbY.ý ail comuttops>' sudbeta « yeI 1"Hooz the witem Med that the colt got sheeri atai ed*ilN y iug etmolases, anti a box ltaI mesa'. liaI Ibis man7s Dame tae bene. Prop e»tma ver on Jeîustoa'soîoîthes. dbrougil ovon le thé villago, Viii mer Brown,, aud ha's MY lawfi t wyd. dà i soin orckes@One fiai, dmre matches, toi busbaad, sud th. ftlionof 1h.,. 1 ipethogo ssl.ouaie fl.5* *'anapthiney su lv i ofr me fout ohidrn. nsd of tbree more thit I T -vtl io e Aensu ldA 'îan Rllan,- - iat1IL Bpirot-uiApeseIio ulâl va% Ob vtlollôhà l .»-;ta~ ~r s The be atud o vas splendid, E n No.I S PT I A ES U. A , MI 41w iv e s, a 4 I a l'h. eldu m&.8 ovée somo hmniplan Wà bhd gel doue taktag ýo» eo îr g.suiî~ hPo~ilià dbh S o- h*e &*W m noux a minuit; sud tfierei'-v as kindén bamotag myseb twttou lie hi. ~ sud I gelto ùroteà hlm iiialéép.od og.Iv .hi >a Wb"n lej g qu ..ibo u b ogue. T4e 1WsII auls, sud I laid the settmoap ento hi'»b omivs istttfl oouléo tEbe ôw, isvi. ,a 1111 ho vWs"asprend_ a sty cmi tViii ite ath*t Dr. Milýrçoo. I &o t h â ott i b»-~ît is..g, u uDootong,I" elez 1, 'yu go$ uke."te lib ho moca as anus t pavdpa-*D.MiIwOe iashoyet bish ba Ua ý94bëi-dïby, sud s eio.Akid, hast ié-cam' reeoryed hérue, la hes. régions Bome. alsohieoea.grl-s ;&frleud oSMià Oe-gel . ould bave bebteveti bin; for, accord- -:'Elouà Bopbitrot basheu srkA wvpek motion ta. bei for ftansd gel hetohet i ing 1 hi«Sioy hmr~oih a.oi*,"dl'va nursedbier -vith i#l.aI lu aon s liI iteiiiteoea e tainifrona bulding as elsam sgin. tom t. bt npwni urw 4a .1 hope yenn & 'I mach Obdooomp«e - al by 44 ianeveriast.. "ord onerbouat ow 8,' ttaai4- "to " u - _ j>'>' bilaI oh BfdsY7at hie Own stableall d4 u e0aY-TR a"d to Jas. ahandai .Wdnsa-t0 = Th ' s-Âe iMokenzlestnoo; te1uag- !GatB!an l& Mrthe night. VridUy-to Weile tarinf, ______itoh 'yrtefor"noon ;to Aloi. O m eren's AW h- b= e for the niglt. satnrdy-to Ju. OAPITALq 02#,8O0 , . Davidaon's toi~ noon;-and tebhis own, stable *111 Monday. A NNUAL INCOM E,41,600,OO O. OorIsowafl Agalb(OIyosfle.) Prperty of Wm. Rioharon Sn,(om. ÂEFarm Property and Dwelling t bus, Ont. Moday-leave is. own stable, Honses a Spiecial y. &y low rate. Easy Jo. Vailnt', 2 miles norili of Oshawa 'and ternis of payment. Simple plicis. N a l o n g Br d c o n . W h t b y t o R a y 's h o t l V t - v x à i il c n t o s . P m p ' e t t bytown, for the night. Tu _ IS to Viit.s f vexa i odion. Bemp.sremod Jiotel, Brookiu, noon ; to Win. eRiceshoardsonn Besue oud Sonls, Celumbue ati nlut. Wodnesda to net inmure uni yen. know our terme sud Daniel addn's, E.W&iby, noon ; to im. conditions. Enquire of B. R. B. H-&Y- Belth'e tor the night. Thursaay-to Jas. WÂ.BD, Our Genera! Agent for Southi On- Heronls,;Týaiiton noon ; sud to Bobt. Mor- tario. Office in Whitby-Part of D. Ormis- row,veS rd con. Darlington, 'for the night. tc»z's Law-Offoe. All bottera addresed te Frlday-to Queen'e hote,,Oshawa, floon;LO-BZ 8,W tb P.Otireiv adtoheWn tablne Udénilyda.)prompt attention. Etesldence-Hain Cet- Lawr'aEarn Grdo <Cydodai.> tage, Blyron street, Whitby. 2 Property of Wmn. Richardson & Sons, Colunm- 'l U bus. Monday-leaves is own ftabe,Oolum-W bus, for Chnn's hotel, Brookiu, romain anl niglit. Tuesda--James Dlokson's, Myrtiew noon, and to goltIs hote1, Manchester, adL n o n a c s il romain ti Wednesday noon. Wednesday t] afeno-oWm. Coates,' C!oatea Settie- 9g. ruent, for the niglit Thursday-Raglan for elf~ ~O noon ;and to his own stable for the ught. --.Lfe Com pann Friday-to Thos. Wilbur'ti, Darlington, sud n remain ail niglit. Saturday-to Jno. Hep- -i brn's, noon; adto is owustable tilI MO-. This Company issues very desirableorrne dlay. ef Lite policy, and lias deposited with the h Royal A.bbey ]Prince (Clydodl.> eceiver General in approved Canadian i Proprty f Major Hodgso. Port Pery, Ont. securities over $100.00 for ach $100.00 of ti Modayleave hie own stable, Port Penn, iahlity, thas affording ABSOLUTB se- P for Bray's- hotel, Epsom, noon; ud to 0 hi.b Mausion Honse tTxbidge, for the night. .unay. Tuesday-to Iesskdale sud romainai Parities 'aesfrous ef assuring their liveo right. Wedmesd"y-to Udora, noon ; sud wil find it te their advantage Ce conult reý Valentyne for the nlght. Thursdsy-to the understgnod beore assuriug elsewhere Wi Sunderland, noon; and to Manilla Station for the night. f'niday-to Seagrave and re-FA O H B N main aIl might. Saturday to his owu stable, JOHN A Q H B N Port Penry, until Mouday. General Agent Laird (Y Ralth (Clydoadabe.) Whltby, May 18, '86. -Iy Iroperty of Geo. Hicklngbotten, *r., Ashburn. Monday leave bis own stable, Wilson 's Hotel E Asbbunn, and proceed to Hodson's hotol, Raglan, for the nxgbt. Tuesday-to Chinn'a e hotel, Brooklin, and romain ainight. Wed- ati # t à , nesday-to Bay»s hotel, Whitby, and romain ail nigbt. Thursday-to Lynde's, Âudley, c and romain ail night, Pidny-to JoB. Har- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 6 bron's Âudley, noon; sud to And. Hicking- bottom 's, Balsanr, for the night. Satarday -to hie own stable, Ashbunn d romain HB WESTERN BANK 0F till Mouday. T CE CeA Fandango (Olydesdale.) colDA oporty o! W. H. Pugh, Glen Major. Mon- WHITB Ys ONTÂRIO. day-Ieave bis owu stable, Glen Major, for mo.ý L, Joues' 8th con. Pickerng, noon ; sud THOMAS DOW, to Jno. Dunn's 7th cou. Pickering, for theMa ge. T night. Tuesday-to Jno. C. Jones', 71h con., aae. T Pickering, noon ; sud to bis own saUble for Whutby, Nov. Tili, 1882. ly-47 th o n ig h t. W e d n e sd a y - re m a in a t is o w n T__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ stable ail day. Thnreday-to Jno. Palmon's, reP 'tb cou., Uxbrid,-e, sud romain ail night Mai Friday-return to his own stable . Glen Majo;~M NE O L AN f u an eantl odvmonng. M N Y TObO N ai Erakine (Clydesdalo>ba lPerty of Thos. Wilson, Brookij, Ont. Mon- 0100.00oo FOR INVEBTUEI4T. Opii lay-lesve hie O%-n stable, Broolin, for AirrI get ey, noon; sd te Rays otel, Whitby for the ON REÂL ESTATE SEOURITY. tha iight. Tuesday-to t ioon; sud Central hotel, Oshawa, for tho At lowet living rates of interest. osu iibt Wednesday-to Goo. Nesbi5t's, E. ng ffhitby, noon; sud Wm. Ratdliffs, B. hty or the nght. Thursday-ýo y Money eured within 10 dayS of &p. pr(" on; and Raglan ainight. Friday-by way plicaton. gop ofMyrtie to Âshburn sud romain anl night. Apyt innuday-retum ntoe sown stable, Brokiln d romain until Monday. JOHN AQIAB N Maladoe (CAyQ«HÂBSON A )pt> Of Alem. Cameron, shburn. Two Whtby, February ith, 188. 9- Mac: eans old. His service will ho con fied te the i mtdnmeofmares. WUIl stand et bis moni u stable, Kinsalo, most f the seson, IYI.JNÈY T L A mc utwllacopn "anaWlpart of the MBoac]at T L A Ime OnRea EsateMortgage at Low Rate wit ng Plenofean (Cleveland E3y.> neei prty o! Major Hodgsn, Port Prry. Wl]] Bo DCMyAbbey Prince (sees above) on bis ~boit t ugh Beach, Umbridgo, 8cott,Broc, A.... ..A. Mi à ariposa and romain ever- Sundays aietp the aaaLa n aig l nstble, Port Perry. ion>' Of W H. Pugh, Gln lajor. Mon- Ce0T ~-eave lis own tabp, Gen M jr fo OFF C - er eri> Boo, W i y %br.nocu ; sud by wayGo! fBroolfter OFC -VrGri' lcWib vo]] Harrison%. Salem, for the n g t. er lesay-to Joews otlBrugiainon;vertfi TORONTO STEAM LAUNDRY. TU sHITiCoLLArgn TOU4t. Nw ~ ~ iliTmi e&io hel ~ i -L U MBMEBOHÂNT hBUILDEJ. Doors,r8ash and Blinda. LUMBER, whobosab sud rotai!, or hy the car boad. .Pbsulng, MouldIngs of every ideocnlptlOR4 F'booriug", Sheetiugp ShebvtugBe-sawin, ihapiug, Turntng, Sonobi WerX, et.,, et. N OW BEADY-Our new book, 11E art], Ses sud Sky; or,. Marvoba cf tir. Universel'; being a full sud graphie de- icniption et aU that ita wonderfub in ever %ontineut of the. Globe, in the world watons sud the Starry Hoaveo, oontaiuig brilling adventurea on land and se&, r. iowned discovenies cif-th woild's greateié spiorers iu ail agos, sud remankable p he. iomena in eveny roalin of nature. m >racing the otriing physical featuros of tha laii, tho pocultar ohanactenristi'o of the iuman race, of animale, birds, insocta, otq% ioluding a vtvid description of ithe AtlaiL o, Pacifie sud Indian Oceaus, sud of the >olar Seas, the Moueters of the' Deg, esutiful seashelis ana plants,$ uinguba îhos sud dwellers iu the wonld, ci wators, 'mankable Ocesn urunts, etc., tegeibu., [it the A4M4ZING PHENOMENA 0F TRB SOLAR AND BTABRF 8YBTBMB IBY EENRay DAvzNiPOiT Nounopp D.D., 2belishd wih oer 00 IN nivnS 1XFORD PUBLISHING co. )rBia< T., -1882- P laom 1* May concern.- rhie io te certif>' tiat having oale paired sud usoed a great vanioty of SewinÎ ichines. I have came te, the conoluilea lt the White Machine sold, by L. Pal,- akîs sone of the bout -made, as inu my mIion it iu a machine ihat wiU. net easi4l' oui of order, and wiil last muai bongde n moat machines, as cane, bas been taken prevent Wear as. much aà possible. 1 honesily racommend it ýo parties wan- a good sud Iastîng sowing machine. 1 ohased one of the White's saine moiti. >and it gives everYMetiefaction. -1887- ruer fve years use -of the White Sewing chne in my tant!>' 1 eau fnily endors. above centificato sud can fnfly reoom- ad the machine a a famil>' uewing uhne coots bei for repaire thuAn " hine I have ever bad suything te d b. MAJOR HARPR. old cheap, as the. cheapesi, -and is the- eto the bout. Solo Agent for isDistrict. EIS ÂE nyb. fà und onilbe MA Ueo. P. BoweIl & o's News'apé,A aoing Bureau (10 Sprîà ce St.),- wiere ai. sing contracte may b. madIe for Lt mao TOarONTO3s,O. YO oum 'ERY -and .SALE- STABLES, DUNDÂS-BT., HT C.CRAWFORTJ.., RBT - OLAïs - TUINOUTB Punnabe ou honeNtc. ai Iha ogi I rplindioulir, stand.ýwojrd I p*ilea of MyWe soc rbs. lber gga-ma bu h111 whsî î . CO. JORDAN ST., TORONTOs 0191. NIM -Arase, -