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Whitby Chronicle, 25 May 1888, p. 4

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8PRING STOCK JUST -RECE.IVEDU -ob- Try- a Package on your walls, and you'fl neyer use #absomine or wIhite- * wash «gain. G.E.GIBBAIRD, A~E1~fl2, OHLY di co PER ANNUM. Whltby, FrIay, Mal 25, 1888.1 Lâoa Landsdowne.,Sir. Tuppor, Hon. 0. Ifowat and thefr frionds loft for Bug- land yest.rday. Pressing publie huai. mou proested tbom from waitiug tli momotize in Jue, vhec vs oighl have jolu.d the. party in the. tnp. W.eaus- mot alvaye have thinge Our *vuwnay. ÂTTOUUTQ8K8ALmovat loft for Uuaglsa on SatuMday 10 pp.ar befors l. Prv700ouneoin iithe Oseof th. à"ami ube O. 1The dispute l oào éme in r«eette 10 IdIm lm" us.Tho. Dominion -Gvmermnt gave tb the lumbor oompaul the. d..d of ime4ni Iulaau Ids, and inhouait of th. ]ProvuoalGoveompet Ur. Movat edaims t us Indiesnoyer reiv.d- & titi, forthe lande fromn th.e(lrovn, amilthal 1h. Dominion Goverumnent bad therofore no powe o bbestov the Ilas UPOn lthe ooany, as siil linds b.lonpod te,1he Province -cf Ontario. The osu.vas tnid IOsgoode hall snd a dolson as in hfavOr f the Province. The' Supreuis Court st Ottava oomfraod "tuduon, ma thle DouinonGEkrnment -nov 7appeals 10 lh,* Prlvy Coumin hEnglad. KMa. Daimt bau bom teturued fer Buet Slme a uluhserof Agriculture vIth. .utppoltl.W. mollées tmam7 oM oui ezibsuges vbo shout"dtoule "oasai hoaum for Ur. lao. Dryden, nov thu4 lb.e ppointatutia*.looîf Ur. Drmxy manaaire& Mots, av lua la b* rPr"lai o 8 *wblsIo ovm by lb K vatgoermet h .loting 11 Dow dKime .W> mvnthno * flvamLa.a*a km teditemroir0 irhat is a buekeihopý bat'it bu, tO iffeuty ih pohulng oun Who are h P;Itrin 1 0of! blcé ise. so It aubes Il Cquaily a crime 1toqument on. or 10 cvi IL. Town LO"as BàioeaL the barber; craniauaovor- hauled, alorsped sud shoru. Nrw stock of gel sud fsuoy buttons eàt W. G. Waller's. PowIMa & Go., are offeing apecial lu- duomeuhs in their clohhiug departuLt Fon fine wite bulohers linon go te W. G. wallons. Mru.uuavboomiug at Dominion Warerooms. * ETEÂ good velue hn ladies aid ohild- roe hoalory, doublo bull heele aud boas eit W. G. Waltew'a. The. Royal Hotel Barber ahop le lthe place toi gel aehair citeor a il.eas6Y shave. Go to R. B. Oormeck's ton- jour base bail requtailtes, snd other aportiug goode et leus tien Toronto prices. LAmas sud childrens gloves hi pure .11k, taflots end Hale. hhoad Mh blaci sud golou at prie.. lover liaim elle. vhere. W. G. Wallon.. Use Dr. Donenveid's Great German Hair Magie for baldnese, psay bair, io for sale by a&U draggieth. The annuel mxeeting of the Whitby Mleohaulcst Institut. viii b. held on Wednesday eveuing noit, Bti liaI. Bons naîvy bluesud gwey Halifaz tweed suit. u il a11 es, fin. goode, aI lowost pries. W. G. Wallons A. meeting of lovera cf lacroase vili b. held et Bey@. hotel ou Frid.y even- ing, to organize a club for tho tovu. AÎK toses the fine dieu sgoodu vs are ahoving at 11jo., 15o., 20e., 25o., sud 85c., ailib, sud braid trimming e. match. W. G. Wallons'. Toz nov idoe% adoptod hy Powell & Go, of heving sapeoi 'ai bargain day. has pnoved a big mus. JusT reclved a comploe n ew stock et m.n', youthnanad boys strsw hala, large assotmt,, prioe. lovait. W. G. Waltlon. à veil assorted stock ai !ew pnicea i. viat yon flnd aI Dominion Ware As« for the durable bld gloves evory * i gueranteod. Sold ouly by W. G. Naw aesontmoenlt chenil!., .11k trim- -inngsansd -fringusih blâck md brovu. Besi goode st lowest pries.. W. G. Wallons. To tho.. vbo xnsy read the. piper W.dnosdy Dghto ve migit Mention the basbsIllmatison the 2ith on the Whltby groandà. 10 cents >âodioon Âi>oau Four houmsby getllMg oMe o! lb. .b..Who f batv addetl over 19200 to Ise lady largo stok G.r L=m aAhis 0mades umau. isthoioe laussoetGioelph vil visit Té- roulo on lune lotiehn th"expol b ouldo the province i he iealisêhenie line. Bome of Oui yothbfl aspirant. For au')tuer soui buwu To dwell th bloskd oM uw Nesr the oterual Throbie. > Kan caOv rdnear'hm Wbeu grim Desth, that111Dsre, Hasdanother victim found. Ho lied fte t lits'. battie braveiy, Nobly hd hie work been due. And nWhbuaheardin- etle accents: I#4Re<bi "-thy crcwu, oved #ou. Many of my wayward children Thiou hast brouglit into the right Ped my lamIba, aud tried to Iead them Iu pasturea green, by waters brighl. WVife sud daugtels, lions aud neiglibor- ÂlAUwillsadyvmhm now ; But we muat, withouî a inurmur, To our Maker's mandatq bow. H ow the atone ehurch by the railroad, And the achoolhouse ou the M14l Bhlal eaoh mies that faithful shepperd Now, by Death, »Me cold sud stili. Put white Miles close arouud hlm 1 Emblem ofa aaptted sou!1 Place hlm near his loved viueyard O'er beueath yon grasy kuoll ; Where hie pravems teach the leaso To hie friienda bothaensd old: «'¶oflow closely inlu iootatepe And thus reacli th. Hesveuly FoId." AN oLD PunL Churoh Noe& Ifs . EGermai oîlortained the cagp~o o.,thho DialrLootlngo01th. elh~ church onùTo&dy. Tii. Whltby District meeting of lthe Kethodist churcli waa hold ou Woduiesdy' lait, but haulug le go te pros on Wodne. day night early we were unable te get àare- port "ii woek. Thé Rêv. 1Mr. Abraham wiUl preach to the ehildron of the. Ssbbath sohoci at St. Andrews on Sunday mormung aller which a collection wlU b. taken up for Sabbth achool purpose.. The Rev. Mr. Barker preaehed a moat a propriae sermon to the membens of the ixe rigade, in the Baptist ehurch onSun- dayf oveuzn lit.The.discourue was hlghly ahrcit y the. Fireman snd was listen - :àt ihmarked attention. Bey. N. B. Wiloughby called aIt ta office on -Tuosday te make tome exlana- tiens regardlng the rumor, spoken et m our lait issue, of friction liaI lias bean stated te exist beween him sud Rev. J. F. Ger. man.-1Mr. WiR o- hb r sas liaI h. aid Mr. Germanhave e adèeoulvlewu at times in regard te ehurch affais, but ouiy in s businessway, sud lie thinke lthe rumors of d isagreeent vers started by people who did net fully uuderstand the malter. Bo tir as the 1.1k o! 1fr. Germa'. leavlug haro th18 you a . onoerued w. are luormed thon iin uothhng te base sai satemonts apon, ms ho uas soepted a unanimous ne- queit from lie tabernaole board te romain. Tory lof IteMs. Une o! the strangest cases eofaccidentai deali evor Ironan suuaid le b. th. oaly on. of its klud on record, cccurr.d lu Cin.. oiuakn Tusdy. Tho violini as Wiile,.uenagod Ivo sud s hait pears. The hitle toddler vent tesa hydranl m = rIand, standing upon is tees, m to close his lips over the -eud of the noouie of the dydraut. Tien h.o d ou th.eval te ilstuifaa"t fores.6 chU'. lolives eemed gl: i I. lbe noosie it auch coàalveues i 1111body huug ?OWN WALL WHTY MOANDA Y ElrQ. MA Y 28thil The dalinguihed Ir" iCo»medau JOSEPH MURPHY lu ain Masna's vesl et aiu Wi KERRY GOW- STELLA TEU. TON,. Ad"a etrmg omp My uumarthe mms- mRa W. G. DAVIS,* Prises900.., 600. sMd 7" Dà1Iuoeveflu vi --t«t hue ( o Are Friend8 to the Public and F068'to the-high-Prioed Competitioni. Our constant aim is to benefit the people byý constantly offering Bargains. what we Advertise, we mean what we say. W.e onld give you a lisI ot barcainis as long as the moral law, but space prevents, however here are a few aud when yen eaU to se. lhem, others wiIl ho ishown with pleasure. Black Cashmere, 2SoqL, 80e. 40. Speelal lines, 44 inohes vide, 50c. Double widlh Nun's Vei*ig 88 inches vwide, 500. Black Nun's Oloth. 20c.9 250., 80o. and 85a. Our Black Goodesud Mourning Dep't. is tlb. largest and best assorted hn levu. 7c. DBESS GOODS. 7e. DRESS GOODS, 7c. 15c. DREBS GOODS. 15e. DRESS GOODS, 15e. Theso are cembinationa of Plain sud Striped- Goodsansd make a handeome Dresa. Corne and see lhem. HOSIERY 15c. GLOVES, 20c. GLOVE S, 25e. GLOVE'S, 15c. GLOVES, 20c. GLOVE S, 25c. GLOVES, Long Gloires, Short Gloires, Big $ 1.25. Josophine ORDERED $116009 We show 20o Nun's. Veilig, a!!. Wool, 20e. 12 diffenent Shades lè choose from of Ibis lin. 25e. Jersey Llama lotll, all Wool, 25e. tbis line. 17 Coloringg of *80e.. Freneh Foule Clotha 80e. 80c. Faaçy Self Stnipe Tricoîme Clotha, 30c. Beautiful ShotMoireSilks, ail the newest shades, te match Dress Goods. Gorgeons W&TRR. ED PLUSHES, seling fast at 81.00. 20 different shades, selling tast aI 85c., worlh 8100. We cannot begin to quote prices for HOSIEBY, suffise 14 le say, if there is honor iu man, or virtue in good Goods, aI 1ev prices, we mean le he masterg, f the situation. Corne and see oui ST A 15e. GLOVES, 20c. GLOVES, 25e. GLOVES, 25e, Gloires, Little Gloires. 0.1.25 'Victoria (Jut, 4. Buttons., Every Pair, Guaranteed. ND 150. 20,0. Kid Gloires.* OLOTHING. A GOOD TWEED SUIT MADE TO OU-DER FOR CALL AND LEAVE YOUR $1 18004 MEASUREO THE HI-VE OFf INDUSTR7.ýY AND ENTERBPRISE, Eo08 tý> Whitby PRIINGLEP8 TA ILORING Dry Goods ES TA BLISHMEN T, *R Oo v :nI One Doîr fast of R.-8novps Cn'cinr Where lm ien.1 lvays be keptinustock a Splendid Amurltmeul of Olotisaeofil binds,: whib-w bemmd. up i Iu iuuagoomi style by J. R. PRINGLE, FA RMERS, The Boss Tailore. TIIRE8HEIW, AND-- MILL-MENI FIND IT TO TEIR &DVÀNTÂGB AND PiROFIT TO USE MeOýOL es os-, Emporium. Ah!1 vlcooeo, gprkug-llm, Oôvinioni.ami Tiiheau. h yen bring ui ~~v u varmgshovon, And tie hem of your gwoments s a odWed -Tii-, pnig ,beaulie yaksfor lihe-girls mai lie boys, lAnd eanlh. groveuh g"a ulhout bille o« lrom lliny bhru buds novwnarpp'd feU Tii. lovol ilwbndavJll bon be üüioWi. tvL A-RD I N E~ Guaranted. -m Whitby by' THE o: XÂCHINE OILS. not to ianawi Maohine 01, CyliderOu.It h - '-i ou-twe&ail81 ýIE;Zo

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