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Whitby Chronicle, 25 May 1888, p. 5

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XUW DBOIGNS IN boap 8toeop Broches, Eatringa, Bricelets, Fob Ohaina, Ladio' Veat Chaîna, 81/k Ouards and A lbert8.1 de Se BA RNA RD, BROOK ST,. WHITBY. WIJbtbu 1fljrnick.l !'RLDAY, MAY 25, 1888. LOCAL LACONICS# WMT 18 806118 ON lu1 AND AROIINO TOW-A boDBET 0F LIVELT LOCAL NEWS GLEANEO ST CHRONIOLE REPORTER§ A hzel's amsng Ys, takin notem4, Au, faithbelil puent 11. Ths general sessions cf tb. peace vill open at tbe court bouse hors on Tues- day the 121h cfJoue uorI. TounG Gibuer, uhoe se mystsriously diapp.ared fiom- hit bome, 9M11cou. Mlarkhsm, buasubohard from, asud la ail rïght. Re As vorklng fer a farmeze às Whitby Tovnahip.-Eo isùt. Tws ceiebrated Jos Murphy in to, appear An th. mu-si hall beoe on Mon. dal nlght neat ilu 'KEeriy Gcv." If a peal name lu the cties go..for -uy. IblngUtfMrphy shouid dîav 1the- biggoml os.eeu boe- foi msny y.ars. R. Ai ssld t. have made baUf a mlin on the latrsceved a latter from.bite Obla01 Police, Buffalo, "cklg it the spilv Irue shboul esrhertAllen sholln M self r.oentiy lu Ibis tovu. He statoï lu 1the latter that il vas believed th1e re port &bout th1e man havîng commilte suicide bai beau gollen up as a hem: tc stay lb. action cf the Ameriosu polios Whs a dfferent cties have tue varianti for Allen" ehargiug -hlm vitbhigW larey. The Pickering Nesiays 111e resc the. OuomeLa has nevor been fortunali anough ltoures steady cemiespondealm at Piokeulngsud. Bmogbam As bocus tha people lu' hi ..plaes dou'1 choc. tchlp ny aper Isl ote b ljugy 0 car spicy UtIle coo.m As a srs uldéà msà makes ot t beunr a vs - u hat objecton Il basmleo o sý«u nug lb. nevs cf Piokorlaç 601 3grough=ansd pabuhibinq litsc W. vould net carsif e0 ypae -Obanl ad eda OurapndzetW»Perbi af the sIolioAta b.rmous a a i vomit amouailo mueit "de ti ov rplace lahipo e e guityoci dImmw- I$AaOIseuef < SooIt, muid, uhe -boing * lminci, be *a Uel. te o cenin algl -ebot evem Manlmilud penitOU lila, hotoie -th. former. aev e.niâhwu msui or «b amu lta il«Ms 'f e a i Il I. a r. Il r hi j, 4 >1 b5 Le I. 's soui on Fnldy aveulug May, le followfug v»»eimutd as off Keysloue Ohapte! No. 8u, G. K th. enaung yar *- Bx. Oomp., W. 8a Bous. A. M. BOUS, 7 3 . LGOI E "M. -VODonVaui " A. G. Had, sn " Tho&. Doverlil "To& WMit wu i ave to t f svo ghers of 1. 0., for z H -J SonbeR Pe. S 1 v8 imits e show- Shadee 1-t ýlorings of 4f Stripe s, ail th. WATHR. nt shades, Goode, st m. Corne We are nov ehowing é Dee À W_ sinal h eaigColora Nov Stock -of plain* an a Foy Strle"DeeeMatrias, ithPlan Goode tb match,.for Combination Suite. OUrSoko )esGoel Lnequaled for style ana Valüue.. New Black Cashmeres,ï Black Henrietta Clothe Blaqk Plain and Fanoy Dreul Gooda. Complote assort- ieto Mourning Godeaws ys, ini tock. Nev elJaeck Sateens, with plain to match, novLwe siitiesadSos e hmbrays and Printo. of fiisn# vwil ho hsId lu thebrick ineé1. log bous, Ibs. ills w thef l. ova of Whitby on Y'irs Day, May 27the sai'0 il a. mn. One or more mcinisters expeot. si ed tohb.lu. attudmne. Wu ha"e le thauk Wm. Bryce» w publisher, Torotoj-or veil printed opl ioes of two of bit latelt publicatIons a in Ui.lns of noveis, 4"Qradlsd lu a' Btorm," ansd "A Womma' Face." W. have y.t tle read ou. of Mr. Bryos's 01 pubicationm Ihat s Dot a good Orne. J, Mr. John Godfrey, of Bobcaygeon, p the oelebrated hunmer and guide of the s Mîdland Oouuîies, was in lovu on t- Saturday snd puid our sanotumob visAit.t John appears in the very piuk of con- tA dition, and is ready to te inhand any E bqd of campera who may wiah te do up the norlberu lakes ibis summer. What ho doesn'1 kucu about deer slalk- ing and lounge fishing is Dot Worth« bosberiuâg about, ho having forgetten it r foi thal reaon. f INf talkiug tW a gentleman from ria village usar hors 1h. other day. ho J said "«The neil lime you have a"Y- a tîblng lu your paper about street-rorer and charch door ttarers, juilt, aeinlu 'h. villages as weii as Whilby towu.g We ait have Ibern," ooutinued hb#, ,,,uda1the verst breede of tlasm are in the oouutry villages, where they havet as little shamo &bout them sud are aa good deal more atupid. Yen ought t10J publiih a liât of thoir Dames onoO sude that would thin them out."1 If you vau t W fld out uhat othert peopletminkof you jus& figure out 1thec lollowing :-FuI doua in figures the year in wbioh you, were bora, lo Ibis add 4; thon add youl ago at YOur BusaI bïrlbday, providdd il coores before Jeu. uary 1, otherwlue your age aI lutI biutib-1 day; multiply resuit by 1,000: frOmu Ihis deduol 677,423; substituts for 1the figures .oorreeponding Isttre of lb. alphabet, asA. for 1. B for 2, 0I for 8, D1 for 4, etc. The reslt vil gAve 1the name4 by vhioh yen are popularir knovu.1 Who e vs 1ud At o and ont hou vo slood lu publie estimation Aà stuuned us by produoimg th. folowing anever: "4A bad egg."9 T». following receipt for the eomposi- tfon of a fret-claiescandai us oid but Fnet bad : Tako s grain of fatrsehood, a hçadful of runabout, lb. marne quaututy *of nimbie tougue, an onu.. of th@e herb back-bitl, a tenapeouful of 'don'l you rteli itl' 6 drops of maliesud a feu drachme of euvy. add a littho disconteut sud jealousy, aIrain through a bag of *miuoslruolion, oork il up lu a bottie bof malevoience sud bang il Up lu -6 s kein of street yaru,' shako it occasion. allây for a few asys sud it wyul b. fit for 8use. Lot a feu drope b. taken bofore 1walking ou and the desred restlt il Sbeard of e"erviere. Uesure. John *Dryden, M. P. P., Arthuar Johueton, cf -Greenvood, smi Robert Kilier, jr. of d Brougham, were lest week at Ohloago* LIL, attendinstlbhegreat event of th. session lu Short BHen.oies«-Mi. 0 Luther Adama' sale Of imported Sotch bg Short IHome, uhere -Mr.-"bluiJohn- ~rè Wbt people. About, a-désin oc u1..nnlversary tMa ounthp nu Monday nlgbi. T" IGê*O#i lesat s good -i.teaitbis resk. -,Theore :vusàs-perai cha organisoid by lh. bu sau..meçn cfeBrae Rte, after à poori ono, rat 1hat coame out W aib blisif on the ildevslk. As va ver.uforluuately -not là us huaI, nt Our cotem musssd a good chanceté taes a etab, sud *1l1f901 bad shout i11, mmsa. Bobi. Wooný& Q.., Oshava, e bave purohaaed ail 1h. pattemus sud other apparalus cf th. esîsi"of the roesph ll Worksi, logeher vith a portion cf tihe building and -lntend te supply repaire for &il machiuery muadeF by that oompany. They aiehave theu Oshawa Mowei whiob lseulalmed oe b. ahead of the Toronto mover. Resd their adv. lu anohr oinain. A wÂSNIG le Division Court Ballifs. -Ily Statuts Bailiffe of Division Court are bonnadIo reluru aIl unIts cf eeutiou 10 tbe clerk vithin 80 daye of receipt. The neglot of Ibis duty bas foîmed a continuai ground ofeemplaint. To test Ibis malter, Mr. A. De Kean, t Barrieter,* of Orillas, brought an action ainet tb. Bailif of 1he Orilhia Court:"#' The iotion u bo hard at Upteigrove before flUs Houer Judge Daninoi, who gave judgemeut for the plaintiff for nominai dam"agensd coste. VOLUKTRICE JAMP.--Ordsns have been issued for ltheauaidrill at Niagfaa] comrnenoing on th1e 12th cf Juns usaI, for 12 days, aI wbioh 8772 men are eaU. sd, includiug 1he.8411 betallion sud 121h York Rangere. There vill b. five bat- tsries cf artl7inyluconsohion vitb Ibis camp aud &aset1he regalars from C Sobool cf Infauîry, Torento. The principal fea-uree f the dril1lvilbe rie practice sud exteuded oider for skrislg nas us a ack. Some of th1e bard vork lu driliing has been drop- ped from the. regulatlous. JuBT eue year &go th. fret cepy cf -Dr. Obase's uev, lutt sud comploe Reeeipt book and Household Physi- osa" camue from 1the bladery. Ahready tbirleen editions are exzbssedsud Ibsy have plaoed au eider for 6.200 reame cf paper for priuîiug our sprnug edition. It takes over 188 tons (it vould lake a train of 18 cari te carry il) cf paper for Ibis edition sioe.Bach shoet cf paper As 26z84 Anches, sud in the 188 toua thoes are 2,976,000 shoote cf paper. If Ibis vere laid dov» enduwise, il vould make s bsit 26 "uces vide sud over 105,648,000 inches. or ovr 1667 miles long, sud Af 1the pagea vere laid dov» eudviee tbey would make a bell cf about hall tb. disane around th. venld. Probabiy ne bock ever pub- lishedezoocpt "1Granl's biemoirs," ever roached suh su extensive sale lu ee short sa i.e. Mr. Le Fairbanks us agenI for Ibis viclilfy. FTam Wbitby uiick.1 vieited Oshava ou Tburtiday latsuad doolhd11 (les. Boss cI. Hendersa bld. Verral 5 P. Hstch, bld. Hsland -0 W. Gold, rua eut l8 A Lawier bld. Verrai! U F. B111kers et. Bics, bld. VerraI! 12 Vankoughnet, bld. Holland 0 G».. Rics, bld. Rolland 2 B. R. Blow, bld. VerraI! 0 IILLIIET NEW GOODS- TO HÂND. EIU W. are nov shlo-wing ail the leaing ana most fsinb eselapea d styles. Nov Hats, Novw tjv Ornaments, Bibbons, Flowers, Feathers su-rmigW. positively. excel in Fashionable Mi GENTS' CLOTHING made to, order in FireC.laas Stle4-S-rge Stock of Nov Tveeds, Suitin, ~roiiserings. Special atterus and ood Valle.e ; GENTS' FURNISHLINGS stock comnplote, with nov ShiréT Coilas, Scarfe, TMes, BracceKid !nosoi, etc. N.1, IF 8rFEW DEYERELL'8 BLOCK, - THJNK R, TBI. DEEPLY Wb-en you are contemplating a purohase of anything. in our lino, no matter how e imali may be the amount involved. ACT XAI s EL. Y.; By ooming to look over our large and weil assorfred stock- of ail that is new -and> SI D EGIDE To buy of us. QUI CGL After seeing the uDrices and examining the quality of our--Goods, resist them. It is impossible.-to do'botter elsewheréi NO Can ho found. BETTER VALUES' We get the ohoice of the beist goods on-the, Market end.Our iLOW AS T-HE We arealwayB edjos you, Our. Goodsi. L GLASGOW ¼WÂR R NEW Oresm Totaw 5 W ar-a Utile dovu in lhe MOti Iis yack on aeqenof one of oui sol seribeus bsvlu- teppeb.spàp.rý Bu ut he» s 6v - luIo. o>aesed TWs genlama Sdaed tei fflsoet White Drese «"Flouncings 'lvith IndiaIiinens and Lavue to match. Ailà over"' imbroiderios sud InsertionS. Nov Elaek ind Oolored Ln4.Glovea smd 511k Gloves. 11.004 niornesud z brolderd 1girls au& t bus teýir ore, viti ikebs aad be mlud. ià bit oui. sou. And- squiresa our fot, oer cevoer. liange bé ily made- Wbithy r 'or 81M afromI on f Mw% tk, sud si or 12.0. 10 Mnr-a' New- ALI.

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