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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Jun 1888, p. 1

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IIITBY P~op.ss, Knowlodgo, BrotkierhOOd s WIth calrn prlnted words, groat thoughts, a»d nting induMsty WHITBY9 ONTAIRIO. Fl _& .A.IOSTr. &te wltb Langloy, Langley & Burke, EstabliShed 1856. ARCHITECT. III m4~I Designs for Churches, Villas snd Cot- TheLeainqWedl l Onari Cotilt a a specialty. Drawings prepared for SUBCRITIO RAES. Tredling existing structures. SUBORITIO RAES.Opi'c-First fiat over Howse's Drug $1 per annur n l advanoo-3l.5O other- Store. wiso. Subsoriptions are always payable at P. 0. Box M0, WuxTBT. ho office o! publiation. Stem euîpeýtandbout fnulished Doiniiotn Lino et Royal 1Mail BookandJobprinting plant ini Eastern Ontarlo, capable of oxocuting &il classes of STEAMBHIPS. work f rom the large poster te the smsilest handblll. Spocial mention is madeocf the LIVERPOOL SERVICE. A unsurpassed promu f acilitiesos f THa E CNte- ICLUS, With ils clebrated N. Y. Cottreli Frein Montresi. Froin Quoboc cylinder press and other modern conveni- *Vancouver. .Wed. May 9 ...Thurs. May 10 enos.Evryordr ecivs pomtcae-Toronto......Thur. 17 ............ oncatesnvrtri rivspompt, *Sare- a......Thur. 24..Frid'y. May25 fn atetin.'Oegn Wed. 30... Turs. 31 Montrealý.-Thur. Jui. '7.......... TERMS 0F ADVERTISI:NG. *Ne.ncouvei... .Wed. -l3E... .Thu nJne 14 Firt isetio, er ine 1 cets eah BRISTOL SERVICE VOR AVoNMoUTH DOCK. Firset insertion, e6in, cents;ac Ontario from, Montreal about Wed. May 9. Displayed Advertisomoflts are messured aiRtefroMnralrQub. by a sos.le cf selid Nonpareil, and charged Cb ae ri ote'o ubc AdvertiseUiente sent without writtén snd position of Stat.e Room, with equal instructions inserted until forbidden, and salooni privileges. Second Cabin (very su- chargod for full time. perior accommodation), $30. Steerage at Orders for discontiniiing advertisements lowest rates. must be in wriing, olherwise the publish. These -Steamers have Saloon, State- ors will not be responsible. reome, Music-room, Smoking.room and A liberal discount for contract advertlse- Bath-roome amidsbips, wlxere but littie me- montis by the year. Copy for ohanges of tion is feit, snd tbey carry neitt:er Cattle cenîraot advertisementms hould be handed nom sheep. The Rooms are ail outifide. - in net later than W.dnesday suad notifie The accommodation for Second Cabin en ef anyinterided changes should be gven these Steamers is exceptionally gond, sud beforo Tnesday noon. Other advertise- well worthy the attention of the travelling j monts received up to Thursday noon. public. Business notices in local or news columnes The -'Vancouver"' le lighted throughout Fivo cents per lino weekly. Locals, 10 etis. with Electric Light, andi bas provei berseît par lUne weekly. olcedte hoe one ot the f ast.est Steamers in the At- Oorrespondence slctdfrein ail parts lantic trade. of the County or neighhoring townships. Pasmengers osu embark st Montres1 if cormespondente are equested te send in they si) desire. .their communications as promptly as DAVID) TORRANCE & CO., possible, euerai Agents, Montreal. ~os e. ENDERSON & GRAHÀAM, B. STEk-ENSON, Proprietors. Telegraph Office, J OH STATONLocal Agent, Whitby Sup't Mobsuical DeýL. « l Jj@ in e JOHN E. F&REWELL, LL.IB., LIVERPOOL, BARRISTER, County CrOwn AttemneY, LONDC Bn Çllony SolioftOr. oficoe,- Souths JAMES RUTLEDGE, D A.RRgSTB, &o. Office f ormmrly oc- DATUS 0F I.oupled by Farewell & Rutiedge, neit Steamers. te Royal Hotel, Brook St., Whitby. Circsseian ....... Sammatian ... .... . DAVIDoRMITON, -&-9 Parisis ....... .... DAVD O MITON B.., Polynesîsu ........ A TTonRY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN Sardinian ......... Chanoor>', CenvoyancOr, &o. BÂTES 0F PA8SAGE OurîcI-In thb. 1Oie south cf 1he peut Qnebec te office, in MoMillan'. Block, Brook Street, Cabin. $W-.00. $70.001 Whltby. 17.10 aCCemMnifton. Iiit __________________________&ge, 8OUM0 Iietiifl G. YUNGSMIHi, L L Bo 30.0% $simo0.0.l G. YOUG SMIH, La. B., om _ A RRISTBR, &o., &.-Mene>' te Loac B Isuor ef arriage ces. Omcu-Sinitb'a Block, uoutb of M arket, Brook St., Whltby. Jan. 29,1878. JOHN DALL DOW, g3ARISTR-AT-LÂW. SOLI01TOR tu lumOcery.-COufveyauer, &o. Oafoe-Deveirill'a Block. Brook Street, Whtby. MONET TO LBND-Private Puxsds1 n sumosup te #00, staI a evrate o!ini- LY A NGLIBJI, L L. B., 400 Stroot, Oshava. £UtbicraL - =-w,.w w~TT steamer, Cablu. 850.( comd(lug te accoinu $30.00- etoomago. MO( 8110.00 sud 815)Oe liteeg.640.M0.LivE CatIl. Pige or r] theme steamers IMPORTA 10< iVatt's Glycerino dol/y Ti 0f Violets8,, "h Invaluable Preparation for tm 1 FOR SALEB B ra ni '1, CHEMIST and DRU0G18T iwIITE:sy- Mooth B rushes, Hair B rushes, Combs, Per fumes, 1 bwaeirslJ. i rpi çf)n- :)NDERRY, GLASGOW. Frein Halifax. 11.1.. lih May ..... 7th MaY ..... 24th .... lot Jane EBY *;LAM STEÂAKLSE GL iverpool. suad *80.00 according ti benediate 880.0. Bses riediate. 860.00. Steex rcassian or ethor eoui 0.o $W0.00 sud 070M0, se modation, intermediati ,0. Retum tickets. 9WO0 0. Interiediat% . 0 rerpool direct. &ieep are not curried c &NT N~OTICE. And ail cîher Articles neeoSeay tle Toilet*~kp s4P~v!.k W. R. HOWSE, CheminaI aud Druggist hlY. - s. m0 Cebl3. tmaâl' n SaflPassenr nmal e~n board at àMontreal arngement pasueri lare enabled te b. comlcrtably .t.tled on board the Ocean steamers withlu only ilhours flilWa J lmrey frein W hitby. t k M f t m &tl n Passngelrs takdlug1.MilSemr iM trea lesbve Whitby on 1he TUeUday Imc- lng, arrive at Montroal Tueuda> nWIgt sud go at once on board tise Ocen Steamers Passengori taàkligthesMail Steamer at Que- bec, lesve Whiîby on the Wednesdy mini& Steerage passen gri look.d le cm frein Glasgc, Bol! ut, Qustavn, or Loudon, smre rate s Liverpool. Bristlasd Cardiff $2.00 extra. Passegerusud their bsage are put oun board the ocean SteauauhiPB at Qu.bec froc o! ail oxpoume. parties ieniug fer their tMouds lun1the Old Couutry can obtain PBBPAID PASa- SAGE B UTIFICATES stlovestratOs. Fer Tickotsansd a&U other ifr lu annlv te J>y8oinsugenAnccoucheur. SAT.A,. Vule, 10.. i.9 214 sudAgent, Ekpress Office, o.8, THE «gTBRACE," BYROS-BT.» p0E B. HTY WHITBY.18818. f.C. CRAW FORTH, à SIPIRIN G AGAIN. jrqp. m AnadifUB lookiug fer a Nioe. Paper for naateo!i1the Outare Veteinery, Col- your Parlor, Din!ng Boom or Kîlohen, - Aý- ~i andI em mi8Stok, loge, Tcoonto- Orders b> mail Or teblegripb prometi' asttended te. Office atesidemiceofe!G. AytOS,OPPOsItO Dm. Boes ,Dundlsu treOt Whllby' LIVERY and 8ALE 3 TABLES# analeu* 19 3iU1O THE LARGEST AN¶D BE8T 'avoir eOwni vBudOi OEslo. a Amerloan- and Caliadian WaIand OeIIing Papere, AU kvwia o' H&&se, ign ad -Fra do P" <hiipi -Cal THORLEY HYors e & Cattie E'OOID in lots te suit purchams W. IR. IIOWSE, CHEMIBT AND DBUGGISTir Agmi!for Wkifby. -ýJUNE 19'1888. !SLTERSIU Our tcwn boysbad the foAQ th1e fintt ime on Saturday nig] udOitO. Mr. J. P. Stouffer 0f Ibis t Rainy Blvor-dtetc on Thure ~wr.Mr ad fr.obet Monkb, ~land were mffliag frMonda hore Naviatio huopeued on 7 "9~mill-pond aud the row-boatas 11416t00.Roi a oryJumbo axe ai work. i~> 11.. ~24th wawunusuaily quiet hm morne cf our young sports gal ooiUU1 of *eài.rnoeai eux ii Ï fr.SLým1k:Ofim "to'ný I Il Ouri th1e wi Visltot tomie dog paSE the W likesj mt b Anï kuom solieil ordon im e' bo al buy0 4"T arue'o th11e Vaol at. J sholga fox onPla vn ullô eed 1h. e siuoe cf a oSet cf foot. the 24111 very pleuantly paoing m the 0. P. R. and fram appear- la judge thati bi le&afavorite îis. If ho wum as ucoeuful on ho wum on snndav no wonder ho NO. 25. spent a very pieusent day, picnioing at 1h. mil fiying for lake-shoro on th1e L4th izilI.e They look tes in the orohard of Mr. BdwinziDoHart,Zhorn 4t. the people cf this vicinity alwaysfind - very cwnç left for klnd sund court.eous on suoh occasiono. Wday lut1. Mr. J. Brignail, aschool teaýher, reporer lofhe ôl id- etc. etc. of 'Battonville, jpaid un a ploaaant e, last week. viat 1mutweek. Hoe1aIthemarnejdily our beuulW agrosablo boyaue ove; and w. areplue *Corne and to know that hoein glving'gcod, atlfoli ln Ide sohool and mang gocd progra a ere lthughshorkhad, whîich h srivatluudig e . ~cdmc 0WOuroêr M.S. H.- JefforY, aud1r ~B ~ .Lawton, tehr at Audio',have m inv&e ia no on aGrenwocd- ud Mt. Zioiï P. t oute for th our *the houer, nor the pros- î "fair Dominion but resultu in &Ukrescoundals, wharf-rate, murder- ors, despr4des, lunaiiosi paupers, whloh carry ourslng, disoord, poverty. vice, ignor- ance and crime inis irail. DEOOKIIN. The village looka veuic. iis spIï- MIl but thehorrible sidewalkm. Dr. Hamilton ait Joe. Bioil, ofBeai eer- ion, have. goilen ihemeelvea lute a fn serape by îosi oausable-3owetéi,ib d aliempite arrestI ~liotai llaveztonafew"z das g. fiolte lun Whitby alam tbolieve a few cf he "faix sex"I Mie Magie Jobson retured on Satu- .Hamilon u m en convicted anda uned#IU day from the city wbere she humbeeu vieit, sud about $50 Cetts. ludustry hau martd in tawu lig for a considerablo lime. Tue people horme ef opinion thai 1h. lie Balem chair factory. Orders M. Maning cau safely caim ta bhave close0seaaon for flshing lasIsteeO long, ué Prompt atiendanco given ta Mil had lbe earllest potatoem arcund these parts. Inspectr MoDermdtt hars i m.keop-. «x by mail or permonal. I migbt On the 41h cf May he bail a pie for dinner ig the beys ithin lIaw limita. Anl sorts cf, oe f the but matorial sud if made cf new poatles. devioes aur r" ted ein order te -hock; a m be made le hold two. It might 1fr. JohnSinclair eonduotle b.services c ato1h. Tet fune. -rekr :e savo if lniemested oue'm wonld lu tbe Prombterlan oburcli ou Sunday 1aI. ag othSMaoe bl" islead of a "sigle" chair. He siarts ibi wek for A.lgma wbere 1e Beeve Ourla bahm movodbisearo. "mlii srvies halawfl pdi-will preach for the four monlbs until cl- rnachum 0h àr>o r aeêI cant guarantse a long life ai 1er loge e-opens. Ho la a young mn of ability Bast Whiibywhbere hoexepoots Iodea go s.Thomo la net auselesm harn lu sud wiilne doubl make hie mark inuthe- deal botter budiehabu appoarauces xf s Our town fidior was dowr i gt -work te which h. bas been oalled. mied homo. Pmobably whai wi«hh #à for bis bow, and niow b. maxes The 241h p issedff quietly lu our litIle goed msuy farinera around Port Peïry frOis. oui ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b ltlyngtplyteun, ur.The b=ieball euthusiasscongfe.. turning luin helr milk .w .béoaUse o eol sud. ihen 1the tee."IlAs thoe a nIebalgoua hoesdsadmerchants are frais ènomight6 *& g-. l te h.- lit hIe urgbav a sa fo smt te. The batteries were Bailey suan iolsd paya - e pi.9 ,l.wos ýy would make a çbntlo rquet Ici Bowles;- sud Spence sud Cooper, îwe axie-greeso thaica e a ao, b aen eau é lunatie asylum sfl-but I an a gousmTesoe lo 1 te27_ lu gol for omeexybuller--lu légIirnatetrade. vyfrinnsy tomy. Since liast ~e' lees h osaealsugr As long amte sain, priein a pai for au b as broken bis old rmory of bav- fsud 11 he1edblws. hardysovre al sugrgrades of butter, sud tihaiprie,:about teàn ý4own te2 Min. 81 sec., sd. ilff ma.coule toc, high, lb fÂrmers wMlav, ne u»e led by he same traier, wll I feel for a cxeamexy. brtn il dovu te 2.20. . Last wi t r wa abard on. on smie od I notice 1fr. W . C. Fo rman ocines forwMed nage in Brooklin sud their carcasses are. GEZI4ENK.now filling 1he air witli milifemouisweol- in lant wOok'5 Btandc&clwlh .asitemnu -nous. Any inuwbo doosn'l knaw enough of lthe amounts cOf- asaeamm.nt:. -levtea -.upou, ým. Wildmau gel semlausly injumod te bury desd herses eugbt te be lied te theb. he varIonsfronti tree#tbua&ose mon inihe- tbhroeut cf a wagon by a mmm- decaying carcau sud compelled le , ihae Village. Lt shows jiuât'whi la always lb.h sam in twns-tbe:pooro mo.n are aumeuse« s., la s t v e e k . t11e ed o r fo r a w e e k . T h e a ir i s b e in g o r t e r a , n o é - ij e i h o M1odist Sabbath scool are alroady poisonod andê I befi leavo te call1the at4en- cas lte 7b~4 a m or oui cf a face orohe" raungernonte, fox ihor sunual tien f the Board of H ealib tte 1e m ater, b uilose hlm , ad ,£ " -m tb. a um sone u r1s1 euly. people wvbo bave auj dead or refuse malter ol aual ups 1.roimuwr Weiseu eudel tnemaan aound surely kuow lbyhe only luviling Wolocu reidntstoe-asna plague by leaviug îIl unoovered.th poor:,Ones. sud 111he pOOmon lbh. rioh.. Mg, sud general Jack cf ail trades On; No sesomr, se afa s umy xprene. kg sud, noee Uxbmidge. Yen are The social gLron by Parson Phlp sud ~bi as reachod bas ever had braina aud bak-, faniily vWas asT*os fulauir. A. vr>'bCoeu bstoois dutys o~aa 8W rk H Hringten cf sud elutesic t'slovdl'hor dam*roa W ad . P. Blair f Whltby, wereolation f lb. good i -IngapovdI~~t>n pumuio! .8utre ade, Maméa 1h» lat t u. P.. _t IWo maGe anu- exeon eanaresu o àe at*eatà ad'héd at th1e esdeao e!fMr. Wm. Wallace north f be, lait We.k M. B. Bettes of Orono smi 19" 111e Smnith cf Bmoiuhm voe the conlmacting parties. As tbey failed ta gwd us bld we canol give particulars. KM. Josepli Ward oippd boui aixty bead 0f catil tamlwek HoIntouded taklng lbem direct le Ruglaud himueif an&~ brhglig back cmre shoep, but owlug te th1e Munaiofhie. vif. l i l»1>0obligsd te »sU hem inMontrel or senaIbeintaa ommission mrcant. Thal youug minufrein Baloom vas hem. gain on the 24th. sud thero vas a Yung Mmi nislgfrein bore ou Sunda>'Whvbe v tbluk oould -bave beau fouud im Baiain. 14evift11e Bslmm nu ouldbring a certain young lady with hlm vheu ho' cms ad lh. Greonbank mam.vice. orna, Webiflk Il vould b. a good Plan. Theneilus report carrent borethai HazTy EIana, vbo vas ssresled ber. laslvinter fortesorting O. Company' oUregulars, ha bées.lailimi frein lb. dofcte of vb"chob.la uov laytg la 1the bospilal lu a dmngerus condition. If the report b. Ire il Is a tis gMace le.le ofiscers f 1the oo epauy ud 1the- eur. .if deserters bave le fofeli 111,fr livue, 1it ho douesina shuman mnor. Xme. Slabback te hoe.&gain taons ber yult norlh. Sain outes. va playlu gnp ulck last lb. w" b ut 1amn ploaedle as>' b.la bolier.eau The brlckverk of. ML Hodgsou 1novsh houa.seccomploted, the carpeuter vo* Winlllh. b. Peshçd on. E. Hodg»ou & son have mode nmre ls- excellent especisll>' lbe latte, wbloh cold't ho beate.'Th ius cialpart vas vol as- tsled by th1e choir, 1(r. W. A.- HLolday sd M ster L . Cu teiL Te p ro e ameuuled le about $O8. Msuy f arxoilimons ver. -t«Moa e, lea sighl on Salurday'lasi the 1k. of vhich-has net been witnossed mince th. l" iaI leu. Il vas whal yeoud sëaabang up go do figlt or rathersa comubinaionet og p sud mmu. Tvéo f Oux mou a-i.é- cniàe bombatante, of vblch e ux village eaum boast,. us.ertook te sele suaia de,g sd chose as ibe field-cf a"ton th1e sixeet lu front of tl. Turnes"offie.AUlbusinesswu ùfor th. time suapeued sud Ihey vexe ot -ong' lu davlng a orov le v ituuusw--*at ap- pesared l obe alite auddeath strggle. The- Tim sma.,li in luhe.iinediate. viadnt hvs morsvàtinteresiea inl the afaii, ivlsd te share lu th. polesnd- 1«:whie 1doge pulbea for lb. head b. veut f& i MR lansd ven ho gel a hald vmas a determiiiedas auy cof Iben. It asnot, jobtunhsud i I The- Central Pa >tiàg e ady fox, their beautif aI t 11ho conuuyansud Furniture Oit TH1E DST Il I I. VOL. XXXIIo j IL. Ote38I. Cou- ods. noney. elfgeoo- Md hplfl 0, Ont ERU %S GHIM a noc«.. rtion of a large, Mlachlent Sfor -3 rfor ibis over in olIar goràm. rates. of 0d8- Brotterhood. Rojmo 01 Toionto, ner i,->#M>Cl- (ti-6 1 1 >1

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