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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Jun 1888, p. 2

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And LttoeB stolon frot..îOur Exchasuges Acocuple cf peAky cs,s have gel mbtô lias habit ef ete. lit & Mr. 0. Dale7. - ohiokens sand .atiag them. W. uaw hiîm iyiug -iu amobueh for thema tLu other' day, aud judging fromu the mur- -dorons ieoking rifle whioh h. wrt'- urie- iagt we îhink hiti ohiokene wilk ,ove a dangefcu. luzary fer telines in future. A gentleman 01f$iei village found as 11111. parosi on th. street thes other day aud lefi il aIt tei office. On open. ing il w. found encioeed a treBesof dark haIr. If thie beionged tle ge lover hie shouid be more moderate with the. sheara. The tbeft ot tbis beautifnl tres muei have dieflgured th. hsad on which il grew. If, however, this curi of hair le vslued by someone s a me- mouto of tihs dead, or of a friend far away, il will b. reoovered by oalling ai liais office. The vault stolen front the safe cf lth. Spick Mille, in Ibis village, ounlths nigiat1 of the 12th, was found Saturday lest1 under "uonîerI about haif a mile wesi of hems Ther. wae alec a emall biiodie of reciipta--wh.lch no intlligent burgiar wouid huve lake. *The. bar wahh whxoh the ,.iiI 1ko opoided was lying byl, itl balIiag bera swolua frein 4 h.e isl amlth shopoon lebe nigati cf liae bur. giary. Tb eduesIl Upoint loward To- route, but liait signifies nothing. The. work was doné se clumeily liait To-, roule profesionals migiaf institule pro- -oeedings for libel againss us andd esore -heavy darnages, if we insinuais theyE had anytiîg te do with Ibis burglary.i 4 report cornes st elait tiares tramps boarded the train comiug weet lia. chier nigtat Whitby and proced- ed te make tieaselves conitortabla. The conducior and a brakeman aret said le haive interviewed tbem, aakiag1 Ibat lhsy declare their intentions. On. of lths tramps tbld them te mind hheir1 own business, and in support cf bisf commaand drew an ugly looking re-1 * volver. The traiumen decided te leave them aiclng unlil Pickering was reacia- ed where they parposed arresting them, but th. tramups jnmped off th. train et lie aurait of th. grade est of bers. The stcry is czauuecied enough, but w. wili uci siake eur reputalien on its lrath, sw. have been unable 10 in- terview the oouduotor or brakeman.- News. Some cf Our loyal Young men, unable to vait for lias 24th, cemmeuoed their frolies ou Tussday night a set, mucia te tiae diegusl cf lthe moespeaceful dispos- ed lumaberers. Innumerabi. flrevorks ver.ezplodsd, and to ebow Ibeir loyal spiritl, a sîreet Iamp had te b. smasiasd. Ou Wednesday thes Obief Constable paid a vieilt to hee. loyalisîs, snd, ase a reauît cf lias fracas, lia. lovu alliacuaiaaving no use for it, is lias owner cf a nev iamp on the cerner cf King sud Simoos The burRiame muet have a iiking for Mayor MaGes. -Beenlly h. had a cap aud oeai stloin frm lias bail cf -hie rosi- deuce, sud during th. vinler an at- tempt wae made by 'burgiars bo enter thiehouses. -On Meudy moraiug last, th le famiiy vers &gain eurpris.d ho flnd tiaI ancthes burgtar had made a mid- cigiat viil tote promises. Several dravers vers ransacked, aud oue con- taiuiniug sil~sVeraevas loft ounlias flobr, but liae oulv article-found maissing vas a va% candIs. Evideuliy lia. in. truder had been disturbed, sud mode a hast>' mtreal villieul having lime le procure su>' articles cf value. The next burgiarthast visite tliisbouse. viiimeet vitiasi varin ecepion. Tia. 241h cetebraticu paused off ver>' -quiet yesterd*y, the only disturbauce, belng liae fire oraokers., The sports. con. alstsd cf a cricket and a bas. bail match. Il vas a ft.td'day for tltler bt sur oiokaeesusffsred igucininis defeat. The cricket mnatch vae belveen Pioker- -i#q *vu Oshawa, th. former vent te bat, snd when 1h.elde vas relimed, liaey h.d made 99 moue. Oshawa tho en e-aI t bat, 'aud sor.d 26 in lia. frot inninge, sud 58 lu ýthei. .Oond. Pickering that.- fers won b>' eueluninge sud 15 mon.. The visitore botia batl.dl and flsldsd ad- miarbly, 'but thi.home tbain vasvery wsak in botia. l Ia.the ming lias MnMldrs'Base Bail club vent ho Bow. manvite vhere the>' played a ver>' fiue Rasmo, sud von lias match b>' a score cf 12 te 8. Baker and Power versthi. 'batt.sy for Oshava. lnthe. aflemnoon the.#snustiaut liat veut <r Bovin. vilýl ps>'d a base bil match on lia. MouMaer's, Greuade bées, viti a club Imm oruok. Tihein. club iaad tIMage &bout, ail hir àovu ay, scd von 4th. r mmt" by aOscor$ af24,lb11.B I I I haviLg outhast date w.onld, red albud day," and would gouerally supptement th4 report with sme remark about il beiniq a blanked uighi Iorridsr. 81111 t Il ;o wu could have atood a lttle more h .t ana net warp in the. centre. This PD gbas been lias oideel for yîsars. I, 's net very censcting le lhiuk liaI winter will b. reachb,ing for ue again in four menthe. The new <rrival's remîrk on Sunday liaIthis wes ",ia. woret bloomin' froze up country hed ever struck," seeme almeel justifled. Thank Heaven, our wood pile -wili hang eut tli J111y. One cf tlime unfortnnate events wbicia periodieily starl a communily, occurred in the. fàmily cf Mr. Wm. Blain last Suuday eveuing. The facte are lies. :-Mre. Biain feuiu idispoeed frem cola during lthe aflernoon and about four o'olok asked her neice, Miss Black, wiae is staying in th. bouse, lq. make ber some gruel. The requet wae complied wilh but lia. young lady was unforlunate in the selection cf lths oalmeal. lunlias baok pîutry wae a plateful cf ostmeal, whicia had been mixed with "Rough on Rale," or some snob poiecn, teo lear tie place cf rats. Mise Black teck tlii plate aud tasted lias catmeai. Il made ber i11, but net danerusy. Un., Biain afler having dai* 1. <et oomplgàiu». of feeling- uwell, and -àskeL Mien Bioï vh.re ehe had'got the oatmmaL 8h.wae bold sud aiment wons imb convulsions wheu ah. realized liat ah. iaad laken poison. Mr. Blain overbeard lias conversation in lth. next room and immediasly ran off for Dr. Corbett, wiao arrived at tb. scene about 5.30. The. Dr. encceeded il laking alliahe poison off Mre. Blainsa etomaob, but in epite cf liais, and after linuering cigiat heurs, fia. spark cf lifs iaad fled. Dr. Corbetl dees net ascribe lia.ftali erminalion te poieon aIal, but te lia. exhanelion sud frigial wbicia took possess;ion cf liae deceîsed lady. Mrs. Blaiu did net exhibil anysymploms of poieening previcue te, ber deatia. The. yeung lady wbc made lths un - forfunafe mietake ina regard le liae est- meal cannet b. blamed at aIL Mr. Blain has th. sympaîhy cf lia. cern- munily is hie terrible siftiohion. The tuerai teck place on Wednesday and was largely attnded.-,Newa-Letter. EOECAYGZON. Tiae Eariy Olosiug by .iaw came iute effeot ou Monday evening, sud viien, aI eeveu o'clock, lias conelable tolisd Ibe ourf.v bell, ias stores clossd thoir docre wilia commeudable promptitude. 8cm. few parties did nef quit., catch ou tethe transceudental beanty cf liae thing, ho, vil, a gentleman Who came in 31101 as lb. bell lelled te have hie home s iad. Il vas ne use, lias door cf the. smithy vas cloeed, aud ail ho could gel vas a oopy cf By.law No. 98, for hie cametul perusal on lias vay bomne. The busri- nefs mes appeared le revel in lias inno- vation, sud il vas a plessanî sigiil b see liasm *zarcieing linlias gardon ameng lias tomate plants and onieus, or irnndling a five dollar baby in a, tveive dollar carnage, and enoying lia. deligbta cf demealie felioity in the bosom of tiasir familis. Au attempl vas made, on gatnrddy merning, te burn liae Forst Houe. Sborlly afler four o'clook, liecater thiinking it vas lime le gel np, came dovu te ligial lie fires, sud en pasiug tiarongia tiae arving rcem found il full of amoke. Tiiinking that periaaps some- oe had gel up hefere hum aud sharted tia, fit., b. veut ijuote akiloben but sav thast liassteve vas Dot lit. H. Ihen notioed emoke smiuing througia lia piaakse t lia. plalfom oulside, belveen tias Hous. and liae Barber Siaep. and aI once veut sud voke Mr. John Hender- son, Who came dovu and mi awt hst e was fir. in au otd kitcheu under the catving rominhea.basemeDl. Alarge crock cf pickles being eI hand ho edahd il entoe laaies, sud subdued lia. fir. «I1l some valer vas brougial. A fol prinl w&4 traoed &long lhe aide cf liae lieuse and ont under lias stable. Mr. Thos. Gilgore reoeived th. mmd intelligenc. on Thumsday momuing, liat bis brother Samuel iaad beau, drowuedl thie day provioes. The body arrived in thae oesing, suddvas buried "Ibi fes. ncon Friday. Aboultiahres veeks &go ho lefI home sud eugag. on Slrisklands dmivo cf loge, under Mr. Davld Ultobie. On Wednegday the minu ere. alkinig over the. legs as tiey flomted dovaBEt'. Crsek, making their vay 101th. caboome for dinner. Gilgors vawu lud some distance bohind, sud 1he insuneirest i attervsrds reotteoted hsaring a aptasa, but book Dno"tio f il -iltlbh hume. AfIn dlnerGlgore vas missed anud ounlia. men returilsag hi. bat and ~ike poislo iee fournd foahlntàg -Mi a 11111 ildy. Si"mchas Ibeaumade, -and iu a evw both ody wu dî»ooes.d, ho 1 140u *rps isoi tod town aianladt 7n*d&' md a owd put 1tle the lake aI Ms. Biaok's gros ,vhasf 60,000 las.troPt-. *Ee', But 100OO~ tt.Lake ,Blunoce atI Barrie lias Th4 being unablo to.Éuida'or _ýçéù 4«1'be suin si the ruit w .sly away. If iulsuded for a practili j; il wss a very feoliia OflO,'t'Osay the leasl, Judgment was 'given 'Wedü- ,day aftemnoon in the now celebraled C c ý_ f rBrady ve. Sadier suod Dondas â,! a dlaim for damages le land in 0p-,on, lias river, caused by placing board or brackele in th. dam at Liudtmy. De- cision in fayor cf plaintiff Brady., The case was tried ai Lindsay, and rebleard' in lb. fu court cf Queeu'e benob.,-,wilia lb. above resuit. Mr. Hugi O'Leskry sud 0. MBes Q. 0., for plitif; 1Mo- Intyre and Stewart snd S. K. Blake, Q.0., for defendant. Mr. James Wilson, corporationpound-. keeper, is a paineaking, pusiian sd withal conscientions officai. "The towu by-làw reade that cwe munning at large should b. subjeot te divers penalties, sud if il is possible toes one min to enforoe it heoe ias e>péesn. Wiaeu ho halte upon the. broad slçosof tia. police court enîranoe cf a morning dleep in a brown af ndy, oiaewing the. cud cf refleclien and ias suds cf bis muetaches, il is veil te bearue-if yen bave a cow look afier il,'Tiare. times a day ho makes a foray îalo tb. différent yards, anud esdom W rnels frein. his"Igaarohes" empty.habxded. Tho ea u ,d orth -warde u.'siê b. e di-mncetproductive. Ey the.-way, it is reported. Ibat tbe aforesad zealous offciai suffered a griévous dis*oppàint- ment on. day reeully. Whilsit saun- l.ring about in tiae norIa ward ko.épiug a sharp lookeut ter casuels hoe esped emre distance off tiare. goals auda.- ionsly crcppiug lias fresia green grass. Heme vas opportuuity te gain fresia lanreie-and nickels-but how te avail himself cf il. Goats are nettobeb trifled witb, saccrdiug te popular re- port, and he placed a certain ameunt of confidence in lias rumor. IH. ai la decided te have ail or non. cf lths vag- rente, forrnsd a lins fof tek sud ad- vanced upon liaseuemy. At hi. sp- proacia the animals, Who in the mean- lime had been reposing qnielly, aroe te look aI lthe intruder, wbo at 1he sanie moment noliced liaI sacia"-g'-oat wae bobt'led to sabout tweuty feet cf rope fastened to a large slone-hsap near by. Let ue draw the. veil over lthe The spoke sud goblinu liai delight To fil wifia terrer ail the nigit; Thst stalk abroad in hideous dreama With wiaicia dyspepias fancy teema, WWl neyer trouble wîtb their ilsa The min wbo trusts in Pierce's Pille. -Dr. Pierces Pleasani Purgativs Pelletas: vegetable, barmrees, painles., sure 1 The Society for the prevenlion cf crime in New York bas begun a sweeping on- slaught upon pool sclling. UnitedPover. Bardeck Blood Bitters u<tles hanomocam- binsticu remarkabie -povers as a houle bioed-purilying, syst.em.eual¶ sd cleanaîng mediohae. It hue ne equ uiàýls power cf ouring âailDiseaesoflia. Stoumci, Liver, Kîdneya, Bowelasuad Biood. ThePrince cf Wela#.11Belian for hctue. A Go" Off« is made by lia. proprisions ef Hagyard's Yellow Oil, wiao bave long offered te, refund every cent szpended for thast r.medy if Il faim I. give sallsfactiou ou fair trial for Bhsumatlsm, Neuralgia, Sors Tiaroal sud &il painful complaite fer wiih it me te- commended. Thestotal valu..cf lias ysar's cash prizes ef th. Dominion Ride Association vil l e $7,168, anu ncrese of p$M. Perfect H..ltb Can only b. ttained by carefuly alb.ndisg loe las uof nature as exptessed in 1he vanta of lias systen. To do ibis eneemes- fuily tequire thie us. cf Burdo.k Blood Billets occaaionUai, to, seure liae regulsi ing and strenglh.ning effecf liais le ùndd medicine. Thes tension behween Busuiiansd Ger- mayins'.d.veloping. 1e3ou Tour -Guar-t Againstadd.n Ccids, irrihating Couga and Sorensse-cf t1eh. Tia. Koep 'àg- yard's Pecheral BalustaIbaud >forthisse prevaieuh Ircules of Wlul.r anc Spting. Itint est safguard William O'Brien address.d 90,000 people Suuday ah Limerck. CONSUMPTION CURRD. Au old physiclan, redlrd froi practioe, haughad.paSed in bis bands b>'au Btail Inda masinar'th. formula of a im ple vegetable remedy for the Cpey u pn- snut Oour f ME M4.ln Bonhil Otarri, Alasud aMbasIsd L4n £.coionUabcase à ostive sud radical ente for liRVOUsDebi an sd a&UNryo.a Gm- plaints, mter iaigtes"ed is uerýful curative povers h htuumfcss a suflexlngfellovs. . cuaeby bhlzmotive s*ud a deto zelâei* -hum 1sfferbà& ,*Illnilia tu a . au ;'àJu.h for InfntIS end Children. 'OSt@wals.owflaaptd tcbfdreta ateacures CoUe, Qonstlpation, [recommend it as superior to any prescitia I our etomaeb, Diarrhoeb, Eructation. knon t in.11 IL APCRMM. .ý âU Worms, gives sleep, and promote di- 111"SOxf>zord Ut, Brooklyn, x. y. I ut Injurions TE CEzTÂuR ComPm;T, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. ARCADE, TORONTO. A Sohool Thoroughly Equipped for Business Training. BOOK-KEEPING, PENMANSHIP1, BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE, BUSINESS AR1THIMETIC, COMMERCIAL LAW, SHORTIA.ND AND TYPE-WRITING PRACTICALLY TAUGHT. FINEST ROOM1VS- IN CANADA.' Sendl for Circular. Addlress. 27 0. O'DEA, Secret ary. À Positive Cure. 1 A Painless Ou mZila, FACTS ]FOR MIEN 0F ALL AGI DISEUSES 0F MANZ. THE GREAXT lf&tfTH RL.'YE »-ERg Marl of Healing. and Kohirmoor of Medicnes, cyxipo2 the terrible consequenees oildseretion, Expomure and Overwork. ire. E.O Who are broken Lown froni the eiff e of abuse will End ini No. 8 P, radical cure for nervoub debillty, organie weakness, involuntary vital losses. etc. BnXPOero M OIR WHTCH NO. 8 SnOr. tZ V UFD.-Want c-f cncrgy, vet-tigo, want of purpôse, dimnese of sight, averâiofl to cýOicty, wiant of couil ente, avoidance of conversation, desire for solitude, listiemeneses ad lnability te fix the attention on a particular subjeot, oowardice, deprn..s"n iof spiritq, ç'dr1inp-qq, Imss of mpmorv, excitability of temper, sper matorrhoea, or boas of the seinal iuit-ite resuit of self-abuse or marital exces-impo- tency, ln'nutritiou, exnaciatio'n, barrenness, palpitation of the bieart, hystmric feelings in femalee, tratnliig, inelaiichrily, dýisttuuuxig dretixus, etc., are ail syxuptoins of this terrible habit, oft--î.iiLler in ý ocently acquired. lia short, the spring. (f vital force having loat is tension, t- very tu notion wanes in con séquence. Scientiflo wr ers and thé superinten dents oi insane asyl'îrns uniite in escibling to the effecta of Feif-abus the great mnajority of wasted livee iwlààcn co 'îe 'mii i ieir notice. If you are inconipetent for the arduons duties o! b1isiiAs, incapacit.ated for the. enjoyments o! life, No. 8 offers an escape froin the effects of emrly vice. If yen are advanced in years,,No. 8 will give yen full vigor and atirengtb. Ifv n arm broken dowu, phyoally and rnorally !rom early indliscrétion, thG result otfLnar ..u and folly, moud your address and 10 cents in stampa for M. V. LUBON'e Trestise in Book Form on Diseases of Man. Bealed anmd secure from observation. Addrocs i; PI t*' nrnunieatlo)ns to 92. V. LUBOW, 47 WeliIngton St. E9., Toronto. A Man woakttou, %ouoi n at~s in a fols paradis.. CURES CUARANTEED. HEAL TI-E S!CK. A Permanent Cure. > A Pleasant'Cure. IMPORTANT NOTICE I ON ACCOUNT OF ILLNESB I RAVE Docided to go ouit of. the Crookory Bu8inos8,l A-ND WILL BELL WITHIOUT RB ERVE ATr. Â&lTID u.T i1:m 1: z 008T-,1 DINNER SETTS, TEA SETTS, OHAMBER SETTS, CHINA GOODS, FANOY WABE, GLABSWARE, TABLÉ LAMPS, IIA'NGINýG LAMPS,' LAMP GOODS AN]) SILVERWAIRE, AUl Latest Styles sud Ps-temrs. Don't delay in seonring Bargains. The M msbape rore, Canned aGod. tc TEAS - AND - OFFEES -A,,- ,SPECIALTY The f4zmci%êLvo'eaking Pow der put z&p ezp»reý4y aÏzd aéoldonfrj by- TJhe treatment of many thousands of caues of those chronie weaknesees' snd cistressing almente pecuixar t0 females, at the Itivalids' Hotel MdSurgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., has afforded a vant experlence ln nicely adapt- ing and thoroughly testing remedies for the cure of woman's peculiar maladies. Dr. Plorcets Favorite ]Prescription le the outgrowth, or resuit, of this great and valuable experienoe. Thousands of testimo- miais, received frem patients and from physi- clans who- have tested it ln the more aggra- vated and obstinate canes which bad baffied the:Ir ekil, prove it to be the most wonderful remedy ever devlsed for the relief and cure of sufferlng womefl. It le flot recommended as a 4cure-ail," but an, a most perfect Specifio foi woman's pecullar allments. Au a powerlul,9 invigoratiiig toute, if imparts strength te the whole system,4 and to the womb and its appendages ln parficular. For , verworked, 64won-out" . run-down," debllitated teachers, illiners, dreesmakere, geamsfresses, "eihop-girls," house- keepers, nureing mothere, and feeble women geneall, D. Perce'e Favorite Prescription legr«eatest earthly boon, being uneqLualed an an appetlzlng cordial and restfortive tomec. As a .oothing andI .trenjgtheflIig nervine " Favorite Prescriptien " le une- aualed an. le invaluable ln allaying snd eub- uxgnervous excitablllty, irritabillye- huton, prostration, hysteria. spasme and other dietreseing, ner vous symptome -com- monly attendant upon functional and organic diseane of the womb. It înducea refreehlng sleep and relleves- mental anxîety and de- spondency. Dr. ]Pierce's Favorite ]Presçription la a -legitimate medicine5 carefully compounded by an experlenced and skilfil physïiin, and sdapted te womsn's delicate organization. It ile purely'vegefable ln ift composition and perfectly harmss in ifs effects in an y condition of the, system. For morning sickness, or nausea, frôm whatever cause armsing, Nveak stomacli, indigestion, dys- pepsisaud kindred sytnaptome, ife use, in email doses, wil nrovevery beneticial. "F or ito Preseriptioa 9> is a posi- cive cureù for the nost coîmplicated and ob- sfinate CSC.of leuu'ox-hça, ux(CC3s i-e flowing, paintf ii mensfrom lio n natmîrn1 suppressions, Èrolapsue. o r Rhg tti, %i. eak'back, bearing-down snii's hni-e.~sin inflainniat'cen und ben'-t.womhi. flammation, pain atm'] r fresin oVariee,- accompanied with " int-ri!n it. As a rcg,,ul;itoi ind p.'omrter of func. tiona) action, at th-it cic-period of change frein girlhood to womtan,)inrmd, "*Favorite Pre- scrition"- is a î'er-fectl3 sale remedisi suent, snd can produce onli, gnod results. ?t J@ e(qually efficacious and ve-luable in its effects when taken for those dîsorders and derange- ments incident te that later and meet crîtical period. known as "The Change of Life."1 'Favorite PrescriptioR,'5 when takeri ln connection with the use or Dr. Piercesà Golden Medical Discovery, and smsll laxative !%pses of Dr. Pierce "s Purgative Pellets (Little Jver Pills), cures Liver, Kîdncy and Bladder diseees. Their combined use also removes bloed teinte, sud abollehe8 cencerous and scrofulous humors freux the systein. "" Favorite Prescription 9> la the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, undler a positive guarantee, fron the manu- facturers, that It will give satisfactiowni ev«7y cae > rmney will be refunded. This guaran- tee been printed on the botf1e-wrapper. sud faithfu]ly cerried out -for mavay years largo-- >tupé,100 4O&I4141> r i bottlesl Ã"3o *lx, For large.illustrated Treatise on Disesees cf Women (160 pages, aer-veed), eend tenà centa lu sfamps.d Vend': DSDlsssry Medilcal h-- ocation, ma mNain 94.,auF1FALO, N% Te that dread ter,,sdses selong ba~ science and the moetsldfled physicians vio knew o! notbing te arrestueOthmg e mevi- aethingte curem oiran ogra incurablemaadveve gien', uë .b of t. sotàes t ad aeée ,by therýavagaff fU isseanOfe 'vents ii.i Batsa tn ghms ars th.ebest wich aecompanyii Thecfie ed soinêdof -e y, produo character ci Tuoker ws varions brai repot *hie] in Albany,i hanelive ts vaâs the pur Tii. acurai bemng qusi -tuirer, a repg oblained as appeau lia powder mair credit tias n liehed in tlia baking powc' ezaminitior ansd Prof. M --sud opinion " SThey vi "6Yen Say, bsking powi - - That i16x "Wherein isuperiority i ever other i purity cf itei iousd propi ,4 tiose ingetd tiens cf lthe acouYeoy an h ave been c il is, i kbelie equaled fer someues." "Docor, w onld like tepecnliai ipowder ove i oued meti and cake "iThat wd se .îthe t be prest eemejiec lein thep a id gis by iaecîtite ce d estible 1 fo quiok ri ba - g poil ready for u combinedi duce deflux IlkrgBet iml leave noti ïý residnum,>, stances w bcod ysllo eome., - Bi which eam ieeper je the. uneerl unwhelesx theedi cf a pure, der." 1 Witi 1."If-proj perfîot 'be lam il <suera 's'Blook, wmeax. norlh~ ià iufor dna- mat$s e & <ced Prof, L Zgft& 5 M

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