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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Jun 1888, p. 3

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Thi.eklDrPwdr D-monalIi oyJ7IOIL TEBTS TO DITERMiNE4 TRZ IST. -WHY TBXST&BRR UPORIOR LEAVRE. INO àGETS.-TBE USE 0F OAR. BONATÉ 0F AMMONIÂ. Dde of cases- 1 distrewinir tlut huaIid4" i"(lie8 for the "s. N'ecrIpiion lis grvilt ad 'of tvistifno- * ld batlt' Aliueildvi is a t specîfle fol iUng toilI&c Ilot sysIt'u. wor!8, ouI1LIt."S ~gîrI5." house- Ietble wornen Prescrlptâlaf ng umtqualed qlpheaiing .où ', se une- in and eub- 'tabitiîty.z ex- spasme and .1ptolis Colin- 1 and orztnic N'e reîrtitihing et$' and sk- esc ptilon eb elicrvtuily and ekilifui anSV deic'ate i'tâble trIilst < ystem. For U.u. AD tait re 'lot crt" a (11il puttv an ll d îsth t ikeri s t i'eny 04 Nit. z e 'ion ng batllsug ;cians, Who ktoa lbevi- (longer an [Von up - id in OUl the mcm- A poisoned v,-and pro- IEED ,Il Boilier ,tale En1- dapted for ig offices, e grinders, factorieS ain crush- Sizes frein 12 horSe *Send for ýpive cata- ANER. 'wder form ilers, saves tuen bisa- it for the -5o pound sen t fret: or l3oiler .ast liam. er. The offàiiaRi >Inyses by Prof, W. G. Tuoker, of NewS York 8take , lhaveafferdi ed gogne of the muost veluable evideno. yet preduced relative btiith actual characte! of the food and druge ini every day U8e. Somne lime since Professer Tuoker was directed Wo anatyze the. varieflS brande of baking Powder and report which was the pures& and botit. EBe procnred samples froin the grocere in Albany, and after a oies of ex. bsaaive tilsts reporbed thal Lthe Royal was tihe purout and best of ail examained. The. accutaoy of thP publisbed report being quetieued by a local manufac- turer, a reporter af tl'e Albany Journal obtained as follows ini that paper; b'Doctor," said the roporter, 'lit appears thas on.e o our local baking powIeS r mnhtuirreattempte le dis- c5redit the. report somne ime &go pub. ijshed in the Journal with reference te bakiug powderui, torwhioh Lthe mualytical ex.èminatione were made by yourself and Prof. Masson. Were your analyste and opiniou prinLued correctly ?" "They were," replied '.Prof. Taeker, literally." 6'Yen eey, Doctor, that tiie Royal baking powie.r is émpetier to any othftr baking powdser whieh yon have expàmitn- "'Thatis m y report."~ "Whertiin, Doctor, onsristt this superiority whicb you flnd in the Royal over othor t'rands?2" "As stàietdla my report, in the erest purity of iLs ngredieuts, isu thu uuiqnest- ioued propriety and whùlesomeuess of tiios. ingrod totet, in the. extict propor- tions et the saine, andthie chenuial scouraoy and skili with wbich tbey Lave been combined. As I eaid bêfore, il i., -1 bolieve, a baking powder "nu. equaied fer psirity, strongli and wie- "Dootor, the Journal'i lady resder8 wonld 1ke yau Le inform htem what are tbe peculiar virtues of a good baking powJer ovAr ,ther and more old. fais- ioned rnethods et raisiag oread, biscouit sud cakme ?" ,"PTht woubIl rFquire a long answer, isompthirgp in tLf nature cf a lecture. Buttfly, however, the advsntage etfithe Royal bakiug powder over yea8t, con- simse in the c1rneker work it accomplishes, ini Lie prest.rvatiali of gsame ef tic beai elempntse ofLie flour, wiei are destroy- ad in the prod notion eft he carbenie acid gas by thA use of yeast, aud in uhe a Solute certlàinty et sweeh, ligit and digestible food. Over other methad8 te) quick raisirsg, the. menite ef a pure bsking powder are great. It i6 alwaye ready for use, the s&Cid and aikali are combiued in exact proportions te pro- duce. definite resulis, or te reader the langeaI amoenaI etleavenirsg gas sud beave nothing more tha a neutral residnum, which is not tbe resaIt where cream et tartar and soda are bougit separately andmiixedinathie kitcbe-n, for ib wili .*lwaye coeur w here tIbis is don. thatoÃ"ne or lie obber et thos.esub- stances will predeminate, makiug ithe foed yellow, Leavy, bitter sud nnwhe!e- some. Besidets, tbe cream et tartar whic eau be precnred by thie boue- keeper is moehly adultrahed, adding te tLe unnertailly oethtie reenits or the nnwiioleiîomeuesseoftheii.food. Ail tbese difficulies are avoided in the use et s pure, properly.made baking pow. der." IlWiiI baking powders keep ? How long wsll tbey hold their strength " 1 "If properly made, natil ueed. A p.artect bakiug powder muft Combine superlative trength wihh power to ne- tain il indeûinitely. Baking powders generaily are robbed efthtie neceam"try pneserviug agent in order le give pre. seul streugi, on else Lave them effi- oiency iargely deetroyed by lie addition of large quanlities et noun b prevent premature decomposition. Thse method by wbich Loti îLes. qualities are re. taiued in tise highest degree producea, tie perfect article, sudtbila I believe je fully accomplisied in tie Royal bakinit powder." ."Docbon wial about ammonis in bak. -ink powder ?" "Carbonate et AmmWa la sometimes ueed in thieLigiier clasà of bakiug pew. dors." Iltie injurions on obi, : ionable î~ 1"Nonsine Quit. lie conlray. It has been nsed for generations in the funsI food. IL is a vory volatile agent. Heat entirely evolves il mb ugos, lboy ing no reaiduujn. Wene il used in suffloient qusntity te ido thse entire womi ef seration, I am' inclined te believe il would b. thse aome of lesvening agent#. ,'Ibs cengin sud metied of prepamatios ore no more filthy ihm: are the origib sud prepamtion of bmead. AH'ile hla about ammouis bkiu g, pou doer, m ils~~~a - bh ogmI. tii.veiet. mubbisl à. mndioggraos binseif wb.u b.e edi - biraei t. aMy mcii siatement. 'il -i rulb, or preludicelbe Igiorant 4r"'n hfoi or dn inUAMÏiD«t5 iUt In old =Udý WBri B a 10 t In lk Is there a, Surplus Revenue? On the. ohher band il may be asked, Wotl a private corporation coneidOr itself iu possession of a surplus revenue from us ibuinses, which il would Leeat liberty te deal with et ite owa pleasure, if it owed a large sum ef money on de- mnrd within a short peridodfet ime?2 No sonnd bueiness man ciould be fouud who would affirm tint, under suci con- ditions, s private corporation could ruake auy more suitable uîe oethtei revenue reoeived in excese et its noces- sary expenditure than te spply il te the paymeut ot ite debt due ou demsud, aud to prepare the way for making pay meut of the debt soon to beceme due et a date flxed. If tuis reasoniag be applied for tii. prement condition etftthe United States, il wiil appear tiai the Governmeut je notet a i prement Lime in the possession of a surplus revenue in env iru. sense. IL owee on demaud that enm of meaey whieh IL; repregeutued by the evideuce et deit, known as leqal-tender notes, and commouly ealied greenbacky. Ia erder te hi. abie te psy îLes. notes ou demaad wiien demand je made, the treaeury of tii. United] States hoide a special reserve et $ 100,000,000 in gold coin ; but the amonut et noies due is, in round figures, $350,000,000. The United States, tiierefore, owes substan- tially $250,000,000 ou demand, for which it hies as yet made noespeciflo provision either in gold coin, or to any eceaside-rahla eziert evec in sîlVer coin, whicb enu b. matde available fer anch paymen t.-Fromt "The Surplus Rev- enue," by EDWARD ATKINSON, irn the Popular Science Mont hly for June. A Bustle Decisiou, à decisien wvilaicanuot tail ho 1inter. et;t the ladies iu the bigbeet degree, vas rendered Mondai' by Justice Jette. A tew weeks age, Mrs. E. Blumenthal erdered a circular trom Mr. D. Selitrer- seeéki, merciiant taller, et Montreal, aud whea the cioak ws finiaiied, the. lady doclared tiat il wae a miefit, sud rtefneed deiivery efthlie same. When tb. mahber came before thie court, Judge Jette very seusibly decided ta leave the malter et lbe alleged misfit le an expert named Riveel, wbo la a practical ballon. The latter Ibis moming forwarded, a meet elaborate report te tise judge te the effect Ibat the circular le quite th. thiug around the. ueck, but 100 nàrrow around the chest, and ailtise way dou n. "Witi an ondinary sized bus'ie," the learned expert gees on te, explain, "lite, eloak wonld probably ineet acrosa tise obeal, but would very lik1y Le àa uttle tigbl. Tise buetle vomn. bevever, by Mm. Blumeuthal vas a little too large, sud ilesize conaequeubly affected the. flting of tise coeak, from the. cheal downward." MIten hosring the report the judge sided at-onee vibi the experl, and dis. missed lie case vithhombte, alleging tiat the plaintiff iad net taken th. meseure in acoondance iti the dimensions et tise ladie's bust1.l. The.cosae, ilt i n necesaary le, add: hia created a greal deal et inberestinlu ailoriug, dresamak- ing and milhineny ciclii.. Wit and Humour. klwaye cernes out on tep-Hein. Il ia te b. p.nsuuned bialt the Christ. ianized Indiae are &Ul Lo cinral people. The yonng man vith a elender setary should ohoose fer hie wife a girl of emal! vaste. Kisses are saitto b. fulof eloëtsieity but don't be afraid, they nover miiook the. parties immediately iniînterest. 1Some theatnical managers do net sncceed as weil as otsers prebably -b.. cause lhey de net gel sgood s show. Bie-"$Darling do yen love me ?"' Re-"Do 12 I viii yen vere a two hesded girL Theb's ail I ousy11 There ita ain knowlng boy to make a promise, sud again in making ne but those oe unaukesp. In the wet-She-1"Did yen ove- se. a finer sunsettisu ual m n tise euet -' H.-"'No, the. sun never set in fý -F'ogg explalus limecas Umrhyrmeeeffeot fet i.ono-The sèecet lies*la -h. okin vatlaloai &on iu tiers.- s'I4ehhIug 15 ver Io684" singe Watt -Whbibmpag.Wonder If lteuer buOe r-,e 1u theý«a blggut utrswben And 80 My son yen wish te know My idea ef perfect happinese is. lb je te b. as weli eatisfied with the. thinge yen have as you are witb the thingze yen have net, but yen wîeh yisu bed. Wife (who bas bad ber photogrtibh taheti-I thirnk thie expreFaion about the. rnonth, John is tee flrm. Husband -A trifie perbape; but it was probably an effort for yon te keep il @hut, my dear. 0f suffering relieved je as many day-s. Corne cause in the. aggrgate as ach suffering as any single disease. It ie the magie solvent power ef Putnam'a Corn Ex- tractor that makee it speedily succeestul in remnoving corne. Take no substitute, hew- ever highly recommended. Pnînam's Pain- less Corn Extractor iz t.he beet. Sure, sale. and:paainlese. A gang af counterfeiters have been flood- ing the country in the west with 65 notes ef tie Bank of Briih North America. Mr. T. J ,Humes, Columbus, Ohie, writes col have been affiicted for oome time with Kiduey and Liver Compiaint, aud find Parinele'. Pille the best medicine for these dliseases. These Pille do net caue pain or griping, and should b. ueed wbenua cathartic is required. They are Gelatine Coated, and relbed la thse Flour ei Licorice te preserve their purity, and give themaa pbeasant, agreea e tt.. 1' s N e e I Lient. Gardon, R. N.. admirai eftheii fisherisprotection servioe, hau befi Ottawa for Haliax. A. D. Neyes, Newark, Michigan, writes: -'I have enquired ah the ding stores for Dr. Thomca Ectectriec Oil, but have failed te fiud i. W. breught a bottbe with us from Quebeo, be ith s e aly Sene, sud w. do not want tobe wtsout it, aimy WlfOte treubled wlthsa pain linbth.esisetlder, sud notiing else gives relief. Can yen erd us affime ?" .Mr. James Fisher, Q. 0., ef Winnipeg, se nominated for Russll us the Libera inter- est. Haowit Works. The mode ef operating ef Burdock Blood Bittera je ihat it workm aI nansd the same lime upon lhe Stemaci, Liver, Bela sud Blood, le cleanse, regulate and istrengthea. Hence.ils almost universai value lu cironie Complants. Another advance in wheat in expecbed ahortly in MIanitoba, sud farmersi who ield their erop are jubilant. The Deaf Rar. Alter eLght yesrs suffcrlng from Deafness, se Lad iat 1vas unaLle te attend îo my business, I was cured by thse use of Hag- yard's Yellew Oil. Wstls gratitude I make Ibis known for tie benefit of others affliie- ed. HAMrBicardo, Toronto, Ont. Hon. MIr. Poster, lthe Miniateroe Finance, hia been eummoned le lb. dying beçl of is tather wiso is very iii Casauptonsur.iy cure& To Tm E»n'roit Pleas.iulerm pour readers liait I have a positive remcdy for th. above mamed diseas. By ils limely ude thoumande et hepeleus cams have been permanently our- ed. I shailbe gladto enul two botlles ef rny remcdy mi te any of your readers viso have conslumption if hhey vil! und mre their Express sud P. y address. Bemctsiliy Di T. .4-. SLOCUM, 87 Yonge streol, lNronto, Ont.-15-ly. 1 The. Roman Gatisolie ohuroh anthorities of Mentreal have retused te acorzdChrins- tian buanal te s suicide. ft mis An *aTO The Point. Dyspepaïi ;sreafl. -Dlsordered liver ta misery. Indigestion ta a oee lo good nature. Tic humais igestive apparatue io»s et the meut eompnioals sd. ondeul l uga- lnexieteuce. teaiypuetetidr Greasy>tood, tuio">12ed 100a'oc,a cookery, mental wonry, l"Ie'-ursirrgu habits, sud many ether thinga vIbh ouglit net t e b,bave made the Ametoa people a nation et dyspepties., But- Green'st August Plom;ir hbu doue " v-euderful work in retov7 - ugIbSis sa& buis, -s andmaigtise Amt'an-Mpeople1 so0 hy hathhcman ojo., aiek Méalff au2 Uippy. lut Green's Augusl Pkewer brings th t hé bo dlc. ev'Iy'te s -u wie 4#bnil*hlngJ7 W. bave just reoeived a oopy ofNxux- JMM FOILTY-TWO C0F OerLVnc'S PPUiLà. REINnG--ýpriee only 80 oSnts--oonta- ing bhe following eight etoie&-.alI oom- ple te-tho prie. of emoh eue of which, ifemsued in book forn olbefm 75cenIats t$1.50: IlLwoul .Frnk lin'a Vlotory," by E. Van Sommer; "lWill He Betiray Ber," by Mn. Henry Wood; "Faithlese or True ?" by a popu- lar author ;" «IA. Strong A.dIvooate," by a popular author; "Misjudged; or the. Troubleti of a City Man," by the. author of "Hie Only Enenwy ;" "That Beauti- fui lady," by. the author of '%Dors Thon.;" "SBeen in the. Moonlight," by a popular auther: ",By-and.By," by a popular athor. Ail of the atonies are printed in large type, with handeomne colorsd covers. This heuse now cdaims (aud with justice) that they give more reatding matter for thse moiney than auy otiier publisher in the United States. We recornmend our readere te buy the. book and see fer theme9elves. The price is only 80 cents, aud je fer sale by ail -newe-dealers, or wiil b. sent by mail, poat paid, on reoeipt of price, by J. f3. OGILVIE, Publieher, 57 Rosie 5Lfl3e, New York. G L JOHN e-t-her ln -&-box. -Boitd4nhbua ew -sigb woftbr 10, tae. ils isacewith "Boot.g 1Blaoked in- ide." Tii. new sigu re.-ds: Lawn Lowers Mendi th- .Bear, The Maun with an Only acn-"Whbt kind, of soholéa sdo yen tun sont at thié institution ?" Principal-"'Those Who don't study."' Young baohelor-I e ee Mus. John Shermnan saya American mon are th. inoat indulgent hueasde lu the. world. Married man-Hâumpi!1 we have te ho." A Chicago woman Who didn't know how te open the. deor of a street car kicked the end out snd eecaped. The bigLer tàud the. isevier civilizstion ai- ways telle. H. Who courtes ad rune say May live te court another day; But Le Who courtesuad will net wed May find himaeif in court inetead. A. three-year eld Maine bey, wbile elidiug down a bill twe or lire. weeks ago ran inute a barbed wirei fece snd cul the cornbrsetfLis menti fully two juches on eseh aide. Thinge grow wors- and woree in Buesia. The. lateLst outrage was at a concert in St Petersburg, by 48 pianiste upon ý4 grand pianos.' Heousekeeper (negetiating fer a pair of dncka)-"'Bnt yen don't weigh the head and f&et do yen ?" Batoher-"Oh yes, madaru; we weigh everything but the quack." s Ri eady-made Men'8 and Boyl SuitB, Gents' Furnishings and Underolothing of ai Kind8. INDESTRUCTIBLE HAIS 1 HAIS 1 OVERALLS!1 HAIS!1 Latest styles ini Hard and Soft Feit Hats VERY CHEAP. JOHN FEIRGUSON, Dundas st., Whitby udIPERIAI CREAM 'TRA PUREST, 8TRONCEST. DEST$ CONTAINS NO ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES, or arsy injuries mater"al. TORQNTO, ONT. E.W. GLLETT, C.rCýAGO ni. ---c v«um s J - S I * LIVER COMPLAINT I IBiWtOUBRES 81K EADACIIE k KIDEY TROU BLES - RHEUMAT18M 8KIW DIBEASES and an i i I MPURmEOFTRE 8L0OD FROM WRATI- ERCAUSEARISING Price, 7ft. (withP11,1) DR. HODDER'8 LI-PTLE LIVER PILLS, 'Véry imai sud easy te tae.) NO GRIPING. NO NAUBEàA. soldo everee. Pria', 25 Cents. THE MON UN IWOIME 00-j PROP'8.- TORONTOONT. WOLFENDEN'S STEAM MARBLE WORKS, W HI TB Y The. Subecriber wishes te convey 10 hie myFriendesud, Cusiomers hie sincere thauke for their liberal patronage ia tie pasnsd te assure them liaI he has better tacihies than ever fer execulizig all ordere entrusted te him for Monuments, Headstones, Siate and Marbie.Manties, A.nd any other work in hie liue. Alil Work guaranteed firetiolses. Prices te suit the times. SI have now meved te my new p1aWe of business in" Smith'e B1ocI, uoutli .1tii. Market. IR. WOLTERNDEIN.. DUNN'S' 11Eý COK8 BESI T'FRÃŽIEND REOVEDI t OUR ELEGANT PREPARATIONS. Bemaember we manfacture and aet.he sole proprietors of the. foflowing apeecla.lte and tliat tecanbehad from neoher source. h1IencAe 0O FOR SALE BY ORUGGISTS. Correspondn =tiol coufidential. Consultation upon &U elrnodisease Invited, NO CHARGE except fou medicines.AUl goods sent secure froen obeerv> tien. Toronto Medicine Co.., TordttSO nt. HAIR COLORINO Ounaect Oon artol e rep ar a heflted pe Black, -Dsok Brown, Medium Brown1 Chsent Lgt 0hestnntit GoId Blonde_, Ah or Bod Cendre. end memple cet hair when orderizng. Fric., 0&.peribottie. 'Tozuqntomedt«mII Go. In ordering please specU which y u qar [we guarantee them te gîve entire îatWea6tien. No 8 Impe.rts te the siin the celer and freshuesu of meideuheod; harxnlessand cannotbe detected. 01.25. No. 9 11emoyes wrinkles. $2. No. 10 Re- mnoves Liver Spots. *1.25 No. il Bemeoves plesh Worms. $1.25. No. 12 Bemoves Preckies. t1.25 No. 13 Removes Pimples. $1.25. No. 14 Bemoves Tan. $1.25. No. 15 Remnoves Moles. $2. No. 16 Removes Poekmarka. $2. No. 17 Remeoves undue Prespiration. $1L26. Ne. 18 An absoluteunfailing apecifie for the retention develeiment or reste- ation of the Hair. $1.26. Toronto Medicine (b. THE BUST. No. 19 Ie a .combined internal and external treatment which speed!1y,-d&velepeo or reetores the. fema.le bdet te the proportions et veluptueus nature. Io entirely harmiess and certain In-re-. suite. Price $9. Toronto Medicine 00. Toronto, WOMEN'8 ILLS No. 20 A certain cure for Leucerhoa,or Wbitoe Falling of te Womb, Ulceatiens Patalul Mez- struation, "ýBes.ring down Pains" and ail Dlseieég ani Weaknesses peculiar te females. Endersed by the bighest medical authorities as an "un- rivalled" remaedy. Pricet*9per bottie. Toroto Medcicne Co., Toronto, Ont. FRENCH REGULATION PULLS ? ar superier te, Ergot. Tansy, Pennyroyal or Oiide. Endorsed bythethousandeof ladieswho uElethexn MONTHIaY. Nover faaU, Beleve pain, INSURE REGULABIT,PleasantandBftétual. Frice $2 Toronto Medicine Ce., Toronto, Ont, NEURALCIA & RHEUMArI8M, Can b. cured by nang p c mfte 5&e . , Ite derf ul sale le due te Uic siple t fact tbat It =' ail that i8 olaimed for itfliS P. Terant Medicine Ce., Toronto, Ont. D~ONT. uzes, Bneum Wo erno C ue Sold Evywhere at 25. Beeommened by Eeyoy a Bottie., I amn aequainted vithe b.cemp6sitono, Perrin'e3 Pine Tar Cordial, and' cen recou- mend il, as being the Most effiient GuW Bemedy 1 know of. P. PALlER BBO WR, M. D.s C0' Me {Memberof the. American Public HesltM- Asso0ciation, and Preident-ôot li. xeoûc1 titre Association ef HealtbsOfcrjt Perrin's Pino TirCordial Oo, LINDSAY9 cueweherthe Havlg uvhadl tc ndMiean dnin mu 9=s1te rmss fli tetae DJ J.. Woleàýn reprepared teéfOui Marble and iOranite_____ Monument8, Head 8tones, 4ITTIK8 0F and 'ail othor Cemetery'1l'ork. 'ý, ]Pae wisblng to, ueiase-v find ilte hheirlýnteret la e ominabefore buylng No. AUl orders pomply ftie sndgatlsfaclioi 1888. VhwiEbt~ aIek s- s .IS FEROUSON English and -Canadian MLFDICAr!D- ELECYRIO -BELTàý medicated fer ail diseases et the blood and uer- vous systeun. Ladies' Belt *2 for female cern- laiata ithas neequal. Mens'Bell $3,combined ET IWt and Suspensory 8&. SSeminal weaknesa3 errera ef youth.l ba CURESmaaisood, nightly emaissiens, Etc. The Oniy ac1Ianos q the partb. worn mn rd; *ithout incoavenience. Hnr 1 t imo lSO ftt ronithose cured et temale diseases, pains ln back sud psea bj1n9eneesaeouty, general debility, lumbago, rheumatuem, paralysenuralgia. sciatice deeltie kidneys, spinal diselase, torpi ver, gaont, leucoxnhoea, c, aro i te bladider sexualexiausion, seminal emission8.B sa hei rte«, dyspepsa ostpto ryeip- handsomely ilustrate3 booir sud health journal. Cerrespondeace strictly confidential. Con- sultation and electrical treatment free. Agente we.nted everywhere. Pat. Teb. 26th, lu~ Cures Cuaranteed Medloated Eleotrlo Boit Co.* 855 Qusen St. West, Toronto@ Canadia. a 18 BHOWING A SUPERIOR STOCK 0P cotch, - 1 Tweeds, And other fine Unes of Cloths, for Spring suits. ÂAU garments I mode up in latest style on shorteet notice., il 1 1

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