YOIL un". , t h t ib. t a I esnnot ses wlzst hsrm th.re Ã8 Insioh' ihiug-oauyoù2 ,ý ' But mother bee o verY wroth; Sb pies" take 15 back -now do It seema f0 me quit, naturel For lies to meei that way, But mother laya it'. very wreng; Bo take 1* b.co,1Ipray. Andacore to think cf it, I'rn sure That several tunea 'twao dene; Bo now, b anake it rlght, be ure To take baek every one. I would net have yu think it's me; I de netocars a mite; But nmother's me particular-. Please take thein baok te-night 111 -PAULIXE Giu4 A Oold Day. I vas sitting down by der ses von day, Vatching dheise wafes mit derIleedlesethi play, Und 1 vos a dinklug, und vondering, me Dot omevon was dinktng perbaps toc me. My thoughts dhey vent pack te dot od nlght, To diasmarne peach in der pale moonligi Ven I vos a-vondering te aiqd fre, Vatohirag dhome great wafens cere and Und 1 dinks et a leedie, meffi dimpled hma Off those ISedle focîiprinta Ii der ud, 'Und 1 wua a-'Vondermng of-veLle dot '. Mapfe 1 Vos dinking off Âdam's Ifu; Und vatching, und dinking, vot houldj Dhere on der shore off der plue-bottie a But von fraulei. nomeselveet, und happy,i gsy, 0ohn towards me up der sandy vay!1 Und by shinga I1rny heart it vos peat I vesse0 Primn fuil et shey at last, For che kept coming ridht oup my vay, Und cheshinildt me aliveet, ait I hear1 My : 116h, Hlans 1 how happy I vos to e You von coming down te, vaLk mit me." Und py shimmy grashus I ail dhose freck] *und tan Vent valking avay mit dot odder man. The Rugg Documents. CO'STAINING TUE EXPERIKNCe op AU1 JERU8HA RUGO KIN SeýHR0F? A HUBND. PART I. (Continued.) No. 19.-JONTH&w AND TE Wwc SPIuUGGxS ELOPIL. 01 ai IL h ses >neî apei adel ut go udt, net o les rNT Dw of Mit1 lhe lbe il Id th ib. in 0-s e* I expeel Ihal yen, anti aIl lb.he9,l your toike, lhongbt that wheu yer AnI Jerneby gel marrioti you'd boom Ilb lait et heu, but it haint se. The day et my mauriage wsuiut t begionng et my diffikiltiee;, anti if leva I'd bave kneired nasmnch et Jenstis Poîkins store that day, au I de now l'ai have see i hm lu Halifax or an, otbsu place Ihat lb. nameofet ilbogir' mli lthe»mre btter, uford I voult have pllghled hlm my Irougb. But men toike is bern te deseoav,an( vomen tolka ho e. deseaved, and boli sete of 'eni glnerally seema o hlke it At any rate lIve noticeti thal s vemai who <ils marrieti once te s man liaI' ugby-ternpered au uin, if h. only bsp Vpenusteaile, .hs's jouI as ueddy te îakt anotier man s bougihouerfuel ont vas s boru angel. For about a week aller my marraga, everythiug meut on s;smootbly asa uevby-ied se*ing machine. To be sure, I eold'l help se.ing Ibsi lu com~e respecta Ihbad matis a bail bar. gifor Joualn oulncr e.airful ven i hogel te sloep, andi if evor1 happened tLa iecbh lm ascodemîally, he'd swer e tot make per hai stand up. Séesel il vas isoorms.Antirite boen 1 vint te <ire wMy Young voleinda and toiler cibhuens a lillbe pie«. of adti vIce Don't ever suy et yen marry a man liaS has getl ra If you do, yollzepeut il Is@Bus usedbthiùthaîocornu va& cannal by tlghl boots, but nov 1Iam imoltl lfftthat they'robrung about bYýba tomper. Atasny rats, aIl b.d. temporel folka bas et 'em, The ft. thingl taI Joushbsu tit afler'Oui m'Arniage, -IbiStI ousidereti onohulsfisu like, vas telsi nte '-ie tan e o ui match dogWuthn ed, Pt, Rover le s rosi nies smlable-dup. Sutia 4g, but biis tsi la tobhlm vil- pollticeuasd reliai un u le a <romper. sou-Ait £.h'pin*. He'l beuaoest SuYthlng if yen lt is 49 111lome. But l lit-anmd helsîAviug. Ti.milumil Jobatisu btrea ente 15, Woe omarleti, anti jumped , a bus -calvos, ant Jonathan grabbed tie 0eker, mad sUoh a lIme as hbey hat - of 15u yenover, asel . Rover -ho toe. Jonsthaue tro Irenloom n.g soif maa.we.a 'ein.botlu ,liey upsot 1Mu, dlothes-ho" f et l yironomeal otus. riet.uthebaflre whiih vua sîIg plue oen ouhle open bouilli, andti w.r0Ifl, wuas a bbliug'oui the blsulng shÃirts sud pillar.es., hiiy bouchot over lie olti, ~ ~ a bt%'mialookng, 91 t6ffèrrand fo-i' ooe Iguesu finie stold till. That cbook Wvau 'ir-leom> n the ofsMuly, ani l U 'o sfut ïMik, snd il l ie frens Dom, till Mlidle of nèui vsWek, sudneveu« te breauhe. im imad, *sud 1 opetsd lbeut.l '4oaiq *ad dulv 411 Out -ai 'te piouî f i~ eiir'è èSîa '1 *1 E d i 't , - r. fi "(.raebons, Miss Smith 1" sez 1 "wbat do yen mesu ? The Wîdde Sprigguns 1 If h. did do Ibal hhinl he'd botter not show bis hesd in thes, îogious, fo--" "4Ho bad youî green bautiboindo: bis aîm, sud a reti carpet sack ilu'hi, band, Sam sti." "My greeu bandboi 1"oreamot iI "Ithat'. lbheue habati adMy golti chau anti rnygoverumoul bonds mb 1hi. A thonuand dollars' worth 1 If he'i mati. off wilb thom, VUil toler hum tc the onde et the airti, ant I11'ilava 'om, or lVIl bai hlm jute shoestrsîrl!' "He dessus. il," soi Mis. Smith, "lThank lbe Lord, I hain'& neveu gel took iu wilb any cf the desateful sect calleti MaunPt" "4Yen iantet i hm younlf," ses I. "Yen wanî overy man, anti any man yen see 1 Yeu nouw yen do, pou olti apileful eut yen 1" snd off I inn t e si if my groon bantiboz wau ludeed geue. I wu!1Ând ailmybonds, and my golti chain along mi h . ,1Oh, geodus gracions misey 1" ses I, "'wbaleveî sa! I do ? I wieli I'd nover boom bain, or, liaS boing hersa, I'ti nover sotel sonte JouI. Peukina. Oh, rny poor green buntiboz sud my bonds t', Wa,rn'h I ieppiug ? I rallier .gnu if yon had seeti me slap thinge round, von wouldn'I bave rocolntui- eur lamb-like lempereti Aunh Jorumhy. Au we% Miss Smeith, ah. wus se awfnily tiokîod Ibal ube moulti have steeti ou ber heati if ube'd been a boy. Aller- yard se.telt Mis. Watson, oe eoe my nolghbors thal aie "toit 11k. the moisi,- Irigged myselt u il IIbasl., b.d lie eid mare Isokeiet mthlb.waggin, sud diiho tie usiirosti ithout delay. I ackedthelb depol man about il, anti larneti beyoud the satider et s doubt th#à t.botb Jonathan snd the. Widam Spriggins sd thok the keers liee h migil diore. Boli of 'em Lad bongit tuokotefor Boston. I got into the train 5u Boom as Il cuva along, sud set oeil. I vas md snugi tejhave it somnebody, or bioke somethug; anti if 1 oould. have gel holti et Jonathan or Mis. Sprigglne ai tbat nitl, 1 uhould have eqmmitted regicide eot*'am, ant om* e 1marSon. prnipleti lamper or other meulai have matie me out insane. sud goS me sot (ras, sud, ie daiy n memenaor ol the matie7 tons a4sof dllars uto iesteLolihi alu bu A.long aowara nient the keers stop- pedastsa uttle statio, nsdsRiMAU nd.l iroman g0l lu. 8h. hsd ber vail dom, ad h. b.d apees on ; but 1 knoved 15 rlust b. .outhan, for h. b.d s green bantibox on hisarsmjut the @à sian sd vt as getting durklasasd the l*aiewsaun's lit utI ul vspm*theas to my man ;and *heunhoesudsb, s ot dlown onto on.esaisMd ho put Isa inn ~ ~ ~~t arut a Ilk have <oms I -ris sud pouneti upon hlms , Upset. lmg a fatlolti oman i bSas rynt squeeze hèeseif lao'se0" th&%,: n' big enug fer ber, _sud kuoaking1 a Me51 býoy thst vas yeig, oi)ranges, apea eandy," dëean th nowhsrs. But r1vwa Sou oxoitedt testop for rles. colar iîhoneba d uMY bandbox a ud l'y ga o l m y box ;,sud 'i l y, yuuob d i s ] o r b i d d srre ied tpr igo w~r; su d if v , T 1. Y tlè >1; ore ve es lo ner bis Iof he<istd$wso oot~euacrost the. bïaok, aiz * fier 1h. train enai on sud le«&nm alous $hore luthb. dsi'k i a, tratge place, I theuglit I ehould h ate f"id sway, but I didu 's. - I muet live te punish him sud, liCi, arUnl widdermomùan. So -I uboulder- ed my umbrili, sud.after esiing aturi- over, I tradgod oùnsar th trai.> Younutruly, No. 20JERUSET Rt07 G. TIne aselonMad it-goS 10 b. i o'lokaniJouathan dda' 00, backt. 1, lot i k1d <>of usy about hi, but, l i .pted, ho a oshr poQUiingof it-out, lao Ididn'i -makej fou., Ijeat veut tb bodasud ae ihongh 1 muasa-ýy I miaseti thai 1una ing Of hie onaocontbly. lb vas ail that it sesemed as-if som,ébody w dead in the house. Amybody mov eau b. Ionesoine nlghta wVhen Showf a good aubier about. It la as muý Company aus aihrashing msobie. In the morning, whsn breakfast tim arriv, and Jonathan did uot mû. h lappearaoe, I begunte f..! Conside able Oneaay. I thought it vas 11k.ý as net I was a widder &gin, snd cooldn't help woudering whether wouid bo boat for me to have my bla4 silk gound trimwed with orape for SI f uneril ; ors, if it wouid do just as w.l te let the satin aud velvet utay outoi Yen kuew folika oau't heip thiukingg snob thinga, eupeoialiy if th.y happe te be woeren foiko. I wau jeui goiug to have the bai sesrohed, aud the goose pond draggec te ses if my misguided husbaud hs net ..uug or drowndid hisseif, wh6u i corne eld Mariah Smnith$ a looking a ssuotified as s newiy erdaiued u4ini, ter. "Where iu yeur husband Ibis moun ing, Jernshy ?2" soi ase, takiug off ho apecosud rubbing lemi ou the ukirî ber aound 0 1190,a1eut round uornewhero'u," sez ] opoakinR a@ noonuarnea s if I'd jus seed hilm; *,ho allers goos eut airiy fo a waik.'" "Oh 1 iu ho ?" sez she ; "then th& oouldu't have been him that brothe: Sam seed tek. the keers for BostiO iso uight, along with the Widdei Spriggins." Wbast makea the olci falloir semurlysd WO*ituiqiÎâà ît, or à Uver pe bati, Ma. blooi la dimedeemn4=, foUi. ISaenOnRgUto mk'u'4*o.~I Auti greet bis bout fdend wtth a $Mwi. The worM-vidâe xeni~ ,iPi*~ Golden Me6«ùDic slooey diaerered11w sd pitom. m'u. oyaercatib6lUý u D. As I gnus I sed beforeI walihoppin mad, sud if I'd bad hold of that con ilduetor foiler by the collai', ho and îl, ok collai would bave purled company ii Ckshort eider. lie It warn'î ne plesaut prediosmeni ýll t 'b lftthere on lh. raitroad tract of standing alone iu "maiden medifica eu tion, fancy free," as the po:t iDpresa Mu bore lb with equainimiîy, yor*An doJerushycoeuldu'î 1' * r:n bd But I made the beqt of il, sud trudg. i don. Every @e ok1ipce tisou sore burgiaror woujd commil rou o me, aud rob rne of rny -'<oi match sud my -bnzzom pin, whioh hua s reti stun mil , anti ceS five dollars grandi a quarter lir e or ago. JouIj th Ofkiud of apin le lempt anybody, 8. I teck the pin out sud bld il in - m rpooket, and my vstch I wrrappedi np Btin rny niRbt gonnd, se that the tioking r oenlda't b. boon, snd stuffed it iutc My satebel anwng the turnovems and bt ginger-unapo. Ir had gene about a mile wheu I suriv at a hou@e, with a man stthiug in ron of i, with bine reuserloonu ou, adababy o12 his kuee. I tbougbîI' sk bhlm fer a drink of walor, andti o te1l me hoir fui it mas t, Noir York. Ro sed he's ne idee irben I asked g hlm about 1he distane. Thon" r in- quired if ho w'ouldn's be se kind and cendescouding as t e tlme hol thelb e baby while ho %vonîte the Wreil xb gel m e a drink cf iraler. Ho aed he'd ne idee of il, sud thoy didn't have ne vol!, only a Spring. t.Wall, yen consarnoti idiot 1t" sez I L"e«au'l yen Ro te tho spring sud Rit me Ba drink cf valer V' He riz anti givo me tb. baby, andi jeel es I iras ottiug dem with il, out inn a littie fat weman witb a reti band- kerchiet ente ber beati. "Joseph Fianders,"sez she, at tbe top cf ber heioe ; "are yen insane, a ielîlng a strange female wernu old Jemirny Arethu8a 2 A shrauge woman as may have the srnall.pox, or the brown-critîer, or the Raitar in tbshead, sud a hnndred other dmisese. Josepb, I'm astouisbed, I ama," snd she grbbsd the baby away from me as if I'd bossa pizen. 1111'S a consarued i uiht oleanor than yen, or' your baby olîhor," sez I, feel- ing a little mati ; -anti if yen was irel bruun p, yon'd keop a civil longue lu yenî hesd." "#Yen impudent otd 'vomau 1" ges uhe ; 1I1 Be now wbat yen vas ne- tu. Yen iras a trying se win my hueband froe me ; and he's jeet fool eougbh o leb ye. I Osaedhlm a «Wüîng aheep's eyesah ty.." "Gracions me 1" sez 1. 4"yen ueedn'i b. afteared cf Ibat. I voulnit n pick y.r bumbauti up if ho laid lu lh. road. 've Ret one man oeMy wy cm omemioes, and if ever 1 gel heMd of him, l'Il make hum rue lbe day." "Nou. cf yeî palaver to me," ses @h. ; lit culy makes lbiDgue rse. I've ucen sncb as yen betore. Leare my promises te euee. A. wornu of youî age tmudging round ulthan umbrili sud a shohel bag, aspeakln% toeatrange mon foîke. You'tio& ouhob.ashaumtiof youreelf 1" "A woman cf My age P'" $oz I.I'm Glenluce (ClYdeadale,) P'rOPerty of David Birreil, Esq., twe miles north et Greenweod. Wil stand for mares during the season at Mr. Birreil'a stable. Pedigree printed on large cards. Young ]Pheoumenou (ClOVOland 13&y.) Property of Major Hedgson, Port Perry. wilI acoompany 4bbey Prince (see abeve) on lits route thOugh Beach, Uxbridge, Scott,Brock, and Maxiposa a.nd remin over Sundays at hi, ow"n stable, Port Perry. Ainiont LaPidiait, (Roadster.> Propcrty of W. H. Pugh. Glen Major. Mou- day -louve lie own stable, Glen Major, for Asburn. noon; and by way ef Brookhin to Loveil Ha.rrison's, Salem, for the night. Tuosday-to Jerow's hotel, Broughamu, noon; and by way ef Green River te Christian Wideman's îeth con. Igarkhaxn, for the night. Weanesday-toMillers hetel,Steiiff- vile, non; and to Bailantrae for the night. Thurmday-te Tedcl's hotel, Goodwood, noon; ana te Jno. Palmer's, 7th con. Uxbridge, for the night. Fridà Y-to bis ewn stable, Glen Major, and romain until Monday. 16. X. DaWleI2, (E4ster.> Propertj ef Geo. and W. M. Sterricker, Whit- by. Monday-leave hie own stable, John Bentley's 2nd con.Reaph for (Jhinn's hotel, Brooklln, non; and fie Piphor'a hotel, Brougham, for the inght. Tuosday-te Bemse's hotel, Whltsvale, noon; and te, Gor - don «Hos, Piekerig for the niglit. Wed- nesdy-te CrÃwtortO U lVerystable, Whit. by, and remain au nqt Thtray-te Gec. Martl', Ternton s Corner, Doon; and te Jue.Stainton'. 4th con. Darllington, for the Bght. FffdY=to BaU's hoteleni killn noU ; and te Swaà n's hotol BIlack- Stock, at iiight. Satrdy--to Lii ovu stable,'Jno. Beatiele'sand romain untillmon day mrnnng. I, 31 ig le )r HÂL8OMINEB, Genera1. WAIRAM,l TEB eE-o Glauow Lodon1rianoo CAfITAL#at_3ritain. CAIA, 02,500,00015001 John 1p, ns E htyfr h ilt ThUrSdaj-AIe. MoKeuzie B tnen eB UnfrZ nlght. Pidayt el am Myrtlo, fer neen ;t i>~Creren'a As- hurn for the night. SatuLrday-te Jnc. Davidmon'. fer noon ; sud te hie own stable till Monday. Coruewafl Agaih <Gydesdae.) PropertY of Wm. Rlcharason & Sono, Colurn- bus, Ont. MondaY-leave hie own stable, JOB. Vaflant's, 2 miles north ef Oshawa, aud aleng 3rd con. Wbitby-te Bays hotel, irbit- by ow, fr h . es TBday-te Chin'm botel, Brooklin, noon ; te Wm. RichardBon & Son's, Columbus at night. Wednesiday-te Daniel Hadden's, E. Whltby, noon ;te Wm. Beith's for the niglit. Thursdtay-to Jas. Heren'., Taunton noon ; and te Rebt. Uer- row's, Sd ,eon. Darllng on, r the night. Frdy u ens1otlOshawa, noon; andtehien stbleutlMonday. LawDe'aBaron Gordon (Cidendau.> Property o! Wm. Richardsen*& Sons, Colum- bus. Monday-leaves hie own stable,Colum- bus, fer Chlnn's hotel, Brooklln, romain ail night. Tuesday--James Dickson's, Myrtle, noon ; aud te Holt's botl, Manchester, and remain until Wednesday noon. Wednesday aflernoon-jo Wm. Coates, Coates Settle- ment, for the niglit. Thursday-Raglan for noon; and to bis own stable for the nigbt. Friday-to Thos. Wilbur's, Darlingtou, and remain ail niglit. Saturday-to Jno. Hep- burn'., noon; aud te hie own stable tilltà don- )00. tagnd'on sandtaWnctsyire Life Company.. This Company issues very desirableform. [ef Lie plicy, anti ha. deposited mi the Receiver Generat in approveti Cauaiaun securites over $100.00 for each $100.00o et liabiity, thus afferding ABSOLUTE se- curity. Partie. desirus ef assuring their lives wil finti ilte thoir advantage te consult JOHN FARQUHABSoN9 General Age: Wbitby, Muy 18, '86. -ly £Uonetar~. TE WESTERN BANK 0O CANADA,. THOMAS DOW, WHITB Y, MONEY TO- LOAN $100-000 FORIK VESTJIENT. ON REAL ESTATE 8ECUIRITY At iowest living rates of hnterest. Money eured widhn 10 days f ap Apliestito ait F 47 Wpphtb ebr Royal Abbey Prince (Clydesdaie.) Prperty of Major Hodgson. Port Ferry Ont. on day-leave him owu stable, Port ýperry, for Bray's hotel, Epsom, noon ; and te Mansion House, Uxbrldge, for the night. Tuesdlay-to Lemskdate and remain alI night. Wednesday-lo Udora, noon ; aud Valenty ne for tbe night. Thursday-to Stunderland, noon ; and te Manilla Station for the night. Friday-lo Reagrave and re- main ail night. Baturdlay te bis own stable, Port Ferry, until Monday. Laird O'][Raith (Clydosdale.) Proporty ef Geo. Hickingbothon, jr., Ashburn. Monday leave hie own stable, Wilson's Hotel Âshburn and proceed te Hodson's hotel, Raglan, Mor the night. Tuesday-to Chinn's boel, Brooklin, and romain ail night. Wed- uesday-to Ray's hotel, Whitby, and remain aIl night. Thursday-to Lynde's, Audley, and romain ail uight. Prida y-to Jos. Har- bren'. Audley, noon; and te And. Hlcking. bottomi's, Balsam, for the night. Saturday -te bis own stable, Ashburu and romain tiliMenday. Fandango <Clydesdale.) Property of W. H. Pugh, Gilen Major. Mon- day-louve bis own stable. Glen Major, for Jno. L Joues' 8th con. Pickeri.n, noon ; ad te Jno. Dunn'a 7th con. Pickering, for the nigbt, Tuesday-te Jno. C. Joues', 7th cou., Pickering, noon ; and te his own stable for the nlght. Wednesday-remnain at hie own stale U dy.Tbursday-to Jue. Palmer's, 7thcon, Ubrdje, and romain ail nîght. Priday-return te bis own stable. Glen Major and romain tli Monday morning. Erakuno (Clydesdale) Property o! Thos. Wilson, Brýookiin, Ont. Mon- day-beave bis own stable, Brookiu, for Aud- loy, noon ; and te Rays botel, Whitby for the nlght. Tuesday-to neen; and Central botol, Oshawa, for the night. Wednes<lay-to. Geo. Nesbià t's, E. Wbitby, noon; and Win. Ralcliff's, E. Whitby, for the right. Thursday-to noon; and Raglan ut night. Friday-by way ef Myrtie te Ashburn and romnain ail night. Saturday-return te hie own stable, Br->oklin and romain until Monday. Machndoe (CIydeadale.) Property of Abex Cameren, Âsbburu. Two years old. His service will bo conflned te a limited numbor of mares. Will st-and ut bis own stable, Kinslale, inost of the season, but will accompany "'Tannahill" part ef the JOHN FARQUHARBOI Appraiser for the Canada Lean andSaving Ce., and agent for the Western Assurance Co. OFFICE-Over Gerrie>u Block, Whitby QO O AMIDAASSK. SAKIIEL MARTIN, Seo'y, Whitby. WRITER, HA4NGERl -AND- Ingo, and a 1 0 Tae -yf TWiited Moldinge, Doora, Bsh and Blinde. LUMBER, wholeaale and retail, or by tihe car load. Planing, Mouldingo cf every descriptcm, Flccing, Sheeting, Shelvi3g, Re-mBawng, Shaping, Turning, Seroll Worýk, etc., etc. AGENTS! AGENTS! N OW RBADY-Our noir book, " Earth, Sou anti Sky; or, Marvelu of the Universel'; botug a fulI and graphie de- scription cf ail that i. irondertul in every continent oethle Globe, in theirorîti et waters anthle Starry Heavens, ccntaining tbrilling ativentures- on landi anti sou, re. nowned discoveries of the worlti's greateat explorer. in ut! ugo, anti remarkable pie- nomena in every roalm etf natuiÉe. -Er- bractng the etriktng physicat foutures of the earth, the peculiar churaoteristiceet the human race, et animals, bird., insects, etc., including a viviti description cf the Atlan-. tic, Pacifie anti Indian Oceans, anti et tie Polar Sous, thé Monsters efthle Deeps beautiful seushelis anti plants, singular fishes anti dwellers in the irorîti of waters, remarkable Oceun currt-nts, etc., togetier witi the 44MÀZIN~G PHENOMEBL4OF 2HB EzNiy DAVENPOBT NOILXMsOP, D.D., Embellisheti mih over 800 fmèI ongraviagu. i I 5 OXFRDltret gns OXFORDST. Jonn&x ST., - TORONTO, ONT. PUBISHNTO cO. Oertificate of -Major Hlarper, Esqe, - of Whîtby. -1882- To whom 1! mayj ooncern. This i. te ecertity that iuving exunined, repaireti anti useti a great variohy of Sewing Machines. I have corne te lie conclusion that lie White Mach ine solti by L. Fair- banksiteone ot the beet matie, us in my opinion il le a machine liat mil net easily gel euh et eider, anti mil atuamuci longer than Most machines, as cure hae been haken ho prevent wear us muci as possible. I cun honestly recommend ti itl parties mant-. ing a geeti anti lasting sewtiag machine. 1 purchaseti one efthe Whihe's seme mentie -1887- Aftei five yeaîs' use oet1h. White. Seing Machine iin My family I can fnily endorse the above cerhificahe anti can f ulty recem- moud the machine as a family sewiug machine cost e tes for repaire than any machine I have- evor hati anything te dé wit hea a MtaJQB HetandiPeR L. FÂIRBÂNXSl Sole Agent fer thi. District. à ab1 thie toim vas dri bralSed Arni bridge, ta pare lasse land vi nueit on Dlvid ioSu, iral ev'euiig, saultiug givon hib folomed -'Army b Organ J eau triei ( henBi dfithe tû him a à i -mindhà , Hat inu eau, he ceste. hatien a &go knc or cf Jo vory ilu *John]1 saultifli anti lay mas voi smre v -appear whuiire flourisi fauhion -Bye sm sort-of ont. -( thoy ad -mIub ai fonce., until h Dunes * The the Eç lhe Tà behrs, à thosei eh ani mon il *. the fe rrRsrnayB1 b. totl on-filea: vertiging Bureau (10 Spraoe St.), wiore s., 'vorttsing contractis may b. matie for it: NEW D Y RoBux. N r GOODR andeRU'ES. - N EIV 1G Datei Buoki thati1 IIERUnd SAEST ITBLE M.-N.ICATWHIT PMS C- CAWFTUOTH, FIrBThe on OLABSTURtNoUt. GommrcialTaeslbeol~4a PAIR PuICRS. HONEBT lilALIN.: JOH~ l n Deusrel'a B DRA. Pu B. 1 MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate Mortgage at Lew Rate Interest. P AINTER9 8IGN cJL2ZIERe -MAX Faim Properiy and Dwelliug Houses aSpecialty. Very loirrates. Easy terma cf payment. Simple peioes. NC, vexaticus conditions. Prompt settiernent et lesues without discount. Be sure yen de net insure until you know eur fermsa and conditions. Enquire of E. B. B. RAY- WARD, eux General Agent for Southi On- tarie. Office ini Whitby-P'art et D. Ormis- ton'a Lui-Office, Al letters atdressedt t Look-Box 78, Whitby P. O., wiI recoive promp t attention. Résidence-Hamn Cot- bti General Agei WUitby, May 18,186. -ly PUBLISHING CO. 1 Whitby, Sov. 7tho 1882. IY-41 -m- Li