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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Jun 1888, p. 8

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ETOD BAS Tnu"H AT, êmm Wl GQI à LII'?LD or AUl" OI. MaTron LoN,-If Yeu, have a letter sent in flnding fault withb the way the town by- aws are enforoed, stick it in the iaper. It wîll do good to have it printed. Il i1niake sorne people smart for violating a by-law they blaie me agood deal for it. But if thejy know that I arnpestered with com- plaints they oan't find tault. I like t me the by-laws carried oUt,bUt I can'tbrnayo;, and magis trate, sud constable, and ail at once. Stick ini youi letter as faiAt aa you like, and Ill peak to the constable to lok sharp after the cow by-law. STHDODORE MoGiLLIVRÂ,-Say, can't we haie a pic-uic or two this year aud spend a day or two down by the lake. This ils the jrest town to work up a pic-uic or anyi- thing olft he kind that I ever Ba. ar1y in the eaon theY l"'go in for putting it off a while, and soon thèy ail say it's t.oo iste, That's the way il goc every year. PoSeMTMM InHewDBN,-IL beats all vbat cheek then. country editors bave. Tboy walk rotind towu with as good clothes agi people wbo psy for them bouostly. They are always look ing' for information about nornething or other aud pretend tbey can illuminate the public mind. To ueo the strut of thein coming into Lb. postoffice a person would aliuost faucy they were ex- peoting a letter or a pont card. .Oom .ANIiE,-What's wrong witb bav- mug a suumer drive built froinutho hartor alf)ug the sboe. W Corbett'à Pont. It would be avfuily agreeshie sud healtbful to pans #long thât way sud would do away with the. dreada =d danger cf railway cronainga, as arngesvoulnovr have tW cross s trn.ck excopt over Lb. bridge. It oould net cont s big pile cf moboy sud would niake the trip Wo (orbett'se oe cf the nicent drive@ I know A Busn<rs MAN. -(yesterday it vas rain- ing)-Tbis rain is the only satiafactory kiud cf s street watoning scheme wertb a cent. It p as loug al Lb.hestreets sud giyenthem s recing-uot dribbliug sud sptteriug around like Denuis McOrohan, letting iL fly bore while sorneane is watcbiug sud making ber go easy yonder wbeu there is ne pernon round. Wli dou't you go in for s big tank wagon like the Oshawa fellowebhave, drawn bÏ -two or four herses, carryiug àa amaIl ocean ol ater and fainly drenching the etreets. About four tiues as mucb vater sbould be put un our streets as tbey naov get sud at very litle additiousl expens.1 declare, it maken me tired to look st Lb. sprnukliug sud pstching our otreeta geLtvo or Lbree imes daily, sud thé worst of it is at that, there are ouly a f ew rods along the, main streets on wbîch tbe dust te settled, while perfect sterma of dusit corne sweeping along dowu frem both endesud slong il. streets. It is very litti. better than a waste et rnoney. DuIicAN McDoNÂ&LD.--I arn trying to work up a scbeme that 1 think vill b. in Lb. in- tere.,ts of the public at large in Wbitby. TheotWwn ovus the market buildn, and of course .very rstepayer is interestedin rnak- in msrucb eut of it sas possible. Nov, I thîuk we weuld geL the pont office sud custems office establighed there-the pont office viiere Esywards are aud the customs viiere Newbury'a flowers are. BoLh cf the8e put toget.ber dou't pay $-150 rent-iigbt f ree sud une axes-wbile. I suppose $500 or $60 could b. geL frern Lhd Gevernuient for the use' cf6.place fer Lb. two purposes 1 rntioued. No sir, this isn't a schemne t capture Lbe postoffico f rem jeu fellows ini the north yard, sud put Lb. public offices next door to oursél vos. W. are workiug s'16lY lu the interent cf the public. (Oh!IDuncan, Duncani1) Jaox Caà.-H.re vo are yenuse. Iu Whitby to-day sud in Cobourg to-rnorrow. Alwayn ou the move doiug sometbing. Auj littlo jobs thore ite W do, is doue witb neat- nous sud dispatch* W. always wear as goed clothes as Lb. weather sud business wiil per- mit. NANCZ Mn. Joshua, Dobaon sud Mn Thos. Gr-s ham vbo bave bath beop ceufined te thein bodm hately are nov slowly reovorng. E. B. Stlckney & Sou had the =infortune to lune their bandsorne stalfion "«Youîtg Rifernan," on sanda>' tast. Lt seome the. horse got loe on tbat deudndrnixing amonglie othen bor.ead cao cf ils for. legs broker b>' s kick. So seven vas the. fracturel"athle.valuable animal bmd te ho ahot. W. underatand Mn. SBibine>' hed su insurance of SM0 on bita. As Mr. Hi. Lamb of Ibis villdge vas ne- tunnin g home foouthie store on lie evea- logof Monday uts, havwu est upon by a couple ofltramps v i..intentions ver. evldauiyvwoous, sia>' lntied bard te r.- havaour riad of about forty roda cf plow- - lina iehchh ad jui punchased. Afier awdurng smre pr.tzy rougi handling, Mn. I4sb anaged 1o tnlp one cf bise pponeuls tu len lettiag fiy bas nlgb tralgil from tie uhoulder ho seul lie otiar ma to turf. -rhay got up out cf lie dus$ msdden but ne doubt vier mon, sud quietl>' minci Zf, l.svlgtiaetrvietonin* possesson of the, hd sud lieplov-line. lIt M not oflen mi uocourrenceasulta ies place la aur ieansd lte vay Il enddpei vao rie0 tenon of lie choir" uhougiti dom.séeauqueertlia sporson Who acie an muci lue a lBon Mtala reity a Lamb. Our anuiverm'pie-aie sud cocert vas ver>' good sud very vel atended consfaer- Ig the amont uen s numben of ahirso- lins medistely &round ut. Varin amusements ver. liulged lu, dung lie ieruocu frp untfi 5 o'olcoek ai vbloh heur su exira ânte tes vas sarved b>' the ladies. = tsl banq Snihad lUr. Spouce 100k t antirusd thoecIair, Jultroduoed lie ,pro gramme ii fv*ell itegai m arie. Bal U. )W«màlaisesddesed iithetse- dtoi.W for "itat 1r bioi dialoguas, redk àsu rcItattns aMd longs :vwra zeundared lungood style sud màa lika inanuer appreclatf 4-A.:tri.b>'liaMisse- Dafée andlir.Hsggermsu taseoaiit>' vorli>' of mention. Ti.ehairman ook 6oc"asiot Very ifgbly cmlmn le.yugladies en thein exàellont sluging. Th,>'Most cernll>'demevêd aven>'vedof corn- meud&tiUud are to ho hhsnk.d font* so abIe sud vifiýngi>' sssisting la lie pro- gramme, Duniug lie concert a ver>' pleas- 139avent rbcok p 'lce vioh spesis mach -or ltary ,eioos in la hhou>' - ihoir lu beld eMn.Buenose obaif ef Masnr u esenld tualmusical- bcd> yuls g aoeansd the.applaus. vhloh -»=Cve sovo*ed tii luhie eyes of a&l liey tgll ue$d tie presenhation. Tbe9"th ww er7 well kepI sgave Wl. Esmey Wvo, VAL flned $19 for 164a ng rly. a IWleO .r M OOon IIIè 841h. 1Tii.prooméc- sIe va ,.y goLThr.e .1 lii. iWs ttei.englue. Pool rmusziooii-paoeiu fesare of the day'. Pr1 vas the drù»ling of the. volunteers&'M. ¶. Frank- lii was prea'nted viii aaMh -for diillng On Tuomday afiernoon while the. men vwere at work, ilggth le cellar for the. Methodisi Ohur, l4e sraper ini the. hnda cf on. of themx turned up a human, okul. Afier ftuding ouitlth lere an no doubi about ia havlng ai oue lita. belongd te a human beiii. nlire party became ln. terosied sud a vigorous stearci vas made, witb the resuitt ual a s" boue, au arm boue sud suother skafl vas foind. The. oldeat resideuls have no recoilection of th, grounds baving been used as a grave y&a, and il is sapposied thatlthey mait have be- longed to the. noble red men. Âltiiough the. grounde aIl round wa8 dug up, notblng else W«s fouud. Q~W4WOV. Mr. sud miss Reedy are spending a few weeks lu Grillia. Miss Moore, nov cf Toronto, bas been home for a few day.. Mr. Brimmacomb, of Bowmanviile, was visiting friendis bore laut weok. Bey. M. Langford waa renewlng acquain. tances bore last week. Ro lu pastor cf the. Woodgreen Methodiat churcb, Toronto. @Mr. and Mns. Frank Tait sud Miss Tille Tait, cf Oshawa, sud Mn. sud Mu. Robent Gabemon aàulfaily, cf Torcut, spnt, uheïr 24th bone. -Tii. Methodist S. 8. annlveraary on the. 241h vas very suooossfni.Dnnlng the. after- noon frlendly games cf cricket sud football wore plsyed. AMien tes s concert vas held lu the bail. Tii. programme ccnsisted of choruses, recilations, readinge sud address- es. The speakers veto Revu. (0. Langford, of Toronto, sud Oroz cf tuis circuit. The readers ver. Missés. Wood, Montgomery, Davy aud Burns, of Whltby. Miss WoodIs rendering cf«"Tii. Doath cf Minnohaha"l was woll reoeived. Tii. other parts eve furnished b the. scioci. Mr. Hall occupied the. chair. roceeds over #W. The Gov Question. ED). CHRONICLE. SI,-A. by-law passed laat year prohi- biting auj persen from pssturu more than eue cow ou the streets, is net enferced. Can you infcrin us wIhy, or, is iL net inteuded Wo ouf orce iL. A rien ueigbbor bas eight or ton hoad of &Il ages from Lb. yearling upwsrds on the stteets. Uncharitable persous hint there are toc msuy of the Msyor's friends among tb. law-breakers enspecisfly members of the couucil, sud that 1bo 'are net enforce the by-law. The object of the by-law, ünder- abt>od alâ the ime, was Wo remove a great nuisance sud tW pret.ect tb. poor siut the grsing spirit ef the well-to-deWhitby Vasthe unenviablé reputaticu of being oe of the vor9t governed Lowns iu Canada, sud the lawlessness so prevaleut the pnt tve years, with few exortions madg, W riug Lb. offenders tW justice, shows tb, character tW ho weil deserved. Wb.ther the manage- ment of our owu affair bears auj corupari- son Wo our ediicstional pstion, 1I bave the public Wo judge. You, Mr. EdiWor, deserve credit for boycotting tbe luat council meet- ing, for I am tWld iL was eue of th. mont dis- graceful ever witxiessed. Iu conclusion, air, if the COoieLu, whicb is s terroir t evil- doers, vil lend iLs rpipport sud influence, a part atleast of thîialtion et by-laws may besapdont. 1 arn jours. Whitby, May' 28th. A.B. W. East Whîtby OounciL Conoil met Monday. Members aIl prosec t. BReon the. chair. The. inte@ of hast meeting were resd aud adopted. A eommunioation vas r.sd frein J. C. Brown askiiug to furnish momicipaiity with road sorapoe. The counuil reaulved iteafif tol a "CJourt of Rovision" snd disposed cf ail tb. ap- peals. Conueil reaumod. Mr. Hadooek seoonded by Mr. Me- Gregor moved &baitithe assoment roll as oorreoted by thh. "court of Revision" b. confirmed.-Oarnid. , Mr. MoGregor eoouded by Mr. Car- negie moved thaitihe reeve grant bis order on the. iroauner iu favor of T. G. Ormision for lhe sain et #12.00 boing 1 vaine of ivo sheep killed by doge andi proven to the saaotlouci f the oonnoil. -Carried. Ur. Powar eoonded by Mfr. Han. oook moved liai tie olark be luetruet. ed to uotify Mr. Geo. Liesoblto remnovo the sentit gale on th.eaide road besveen loi 14 sud 156lunoun. 5.--Cmied. Mr. lioGregoir moved eouded by Mr. Pover liai ltae sounofilb.a sein- ijteaeofthe a vola $0examine ithe roadbetweaulote4and 5 o. 1, sud report s telhe advisibility of opauiug &ad road si the nazi meetig of the oounoil.-Coarred. Mfr. Haneook seeonded by Ur. Power moved liai the foilowiug amaonts b. paid :-Mre. MeBrien, relie f e W. Gibbs 88.00 ; Hy Biokia,, relief of Miss Moffatt #7.50 ; Jno. MoGregor, relief of Unr. Barr 02.50 S- 3no. MoGregor, te- lief of Mun. Bpenoer -#4.00;-,Tite.Sleap, relief of Jao, &brsm *8.00 ; George Thois, r"aa Md bridges $10.50; Gin.. Thom»s, rpads a»04bridges 42.75; Pi' heridaorod&à4hMIe ps Joo. Asilon, roade and, bidgeï#200; The counoil lieu adjourned- lemeel on te firesiMouday- lb hJly aI eue 0'01o0k P. iM. Bey. M. Gold, of Ibstovataies lb..pul- pile1 Boy. Mr. MoBven, cof Port Pekry, duning a e eksinhoidays Socrded lb latter b>' bis congragaon2. evr. Benj.L* l ,ciq.ui.metho.. duim Torncoto, hbubeen reportea sasnalte i lafltxuie t mmMB fTonoQuhii v K Its superlor excellence proven la zamlons 01 homes for more t.has9, quarter of a century. It in used by the United States Goyvrient. Endorsed by the heada cfUteegreat,'U r- ties as the Btrongest, Purent, sud mont hualth. fui. Dr. Prioe's drea.m Baklng Poyder doos not contain Ammonia, 1dme, or &lum. BoI ld oi n Cana. PRICE BAKRG~ POWDER 00. »,W TOUEMICÂO ST Og Fînancial and Oommercjie1 Office cf Whitby (JI«oLEl Whiiby, JUne 1, 1888. 1 WHITBY MARRET PRICES. bil UWi.aî.............o80 7 BPning Wma0......O76 Goose Wheat .............O0 67 Flour, por ecvi........... 2 00 Barley..................o0 65 Bye .................... 045 pos.a...............056 Peas, black-ayed..........O0 60 Blue Posla... 0 .....*....o00 Gale................... 085 Hay.................0.. 1060 Alsike Ciover se . 4 40 Rled Olovon seod .......... 4 00 Apples, per bbl ...........i1 50 Tomatoes « ." ...... 1 00 Potatees, pen ba..........I10 Bggs.............. 018 Butter... .......... O18 Rides, per lb .............O0 O6 Pork, penvt ........... 6 00 Turnapi .................O0 1à CoIery, perndosz...........O0 00 Ohichonis, per l..... 0 Turkeys, per thb......... O 10 Ducka, pen lb .............O010 Geese ver lb.............O008 Ohe.................O0 32 Wood .................. 400 .hesist..0 40 ~00 $060 080 0 70 250 0 75 o062 060 066 000 n 40 Ueo0 4 75 600 200 1-9o 1 12 22 23 007 620 020 062 0 12 0 10 o015 0 10 O010 5 651 0 50 0 12 VIEWS AND FRAMES, In connection with hie regular photo- graphing the. subsoriber wxshee to eal at- tention to him views cf privaie residences, which are taken sud fram.d at lowestliving rate«. SMay aint, '88. W.B. O'BRIEN 0 Piiotognapher, Wiiitby. $49000 TO LOAN- On Fsrm S.curity, for long term cf jears, Kt 60/0. - S25-2in. Adcireu oxs,1244Z, Whitby. TOWN HALLi Xoudlay, Juue 4th. A LÂSTING SUOOES T" EOIIAL I&» OxLi A tkin8on's Comedy Commeny CHARLES ATKIN8ON 1 - Manager. In the gmet Musical Comedy PECK'S BAD BOY1 AND HMS PA. The. Fimiest Oomedy on ear*h played bcomediaus Who net "simng. Tii. ros- tt.Grocery store.The. Committea umt- ing as i.j. Peck'.. The. gmt paneioman introdu.ing a Briisut 0110 of = Spcaties. &otaiour record. Six 7ars llesding theatres in tihe largeut cWlan sd towum in the. United States "d a mda. NO other conpany eau botut thieMmre. ,Po1pu- luw prioes. Admission 25 sud 85 oeinti_ re- serVed i.a. 60 cents, now on saetai ovie DMugStore. TFO VOLUNTEERScii- Moerîs of No. 1 oompsny 84h Bea# voluters Who haveDot yet reperteasud receved heir unif orme Md IuatiMogo»s for dru pio te ou ito, camp enJune i9t 188, re otiteioda o o s é. B, onmud p j: LII NEW GOODS JUS8TINe Ladie8' S~hort Vest and Queen Chains, Brooches, Guf Buttons, &c., -LL TE- N EW PATTERNS Gents' Chains and Ouif Buttons, Watches, Clocks, and Silverware, Plated Knives and Forks Much reduced in Price. Watche8, Clocks and Jewellery Repaired, JAMES JOH BP.OCK-ST REET, The Pease NSTOIi, WEIITBY. Funa ce. 1 Tii. following testimoniale speak feri From JtLft Burubsu: Whiby, May 4th, 1888. J. F. PEàa E FuxiAcuCo., Toronto, I have muci plessura la atatlng liai No. 14 Bconomy 1Furnace, ptaeed by ycu In my residano 1uMU .1ha given us com- font sud saisacton, vmmung boli uppen sud lower romu wil an aven tempenalure, vithout dusi on gai.,W. did nol requin. te use cur graies even a inte coldesi vomuhen, snd taie pleasure in recomnundlng your Pumace t Mmo rinds hore sud alseevee. Toéumrstuiy,. Z. Bmiým- Judge, Whiby. ItmB.A. &Peut Eu.: Wbltby, Ms> 4th, 18M8 J. Y. Pasu PurnczCe., Tornto. <iaulemaa,-The oncu>' KYWaxm Air Pum.., vhohIpurcbased Itouyou haut Ociobar basmpvn maoc4Saiifct.I isepu>l tocontrol, qmck. te respoud, sud baras la eai c loan, roquliug ne ,M*tu*ng-of sait...A1homb yhiuiou» se lui-a -vérv x- Dig Dargaii: BARGAIN J RayaI Dargain: -: DAYS, WEDNESDA YS and SA TURDA YS, POWELL & OOS..nèW--heme. a great succesa. People bring us their rnoney and get the rnost for it. stautly adding new Goods to our- Fine Stock of 8PBINÛ Con-. and SUMMEI? 00098, Consisting of the best selections and latest -styles of S9taple and Fancy Dry Goods. Now let us help you to save rnoney. Do be *iseand corne and see oui new styles and get our low prices. and get your share of these bargains right away. Speciai Inducements Corne in Clothing Departmenta Boys ! now is the time for a good suit at littie money. Corne in and get our prices. POWEL THIS8 SOLVER-PLATED 19-STRUMIENT The Greatesi iccveryOf t4& Pu'ioe- - -$3 cou O RIIENTAL CATARRH IMPOSSIBLE UNDER ITS INFLUENCE The ,on1y catarrh remedj over offered te the- public on 15 days trial ; s ntton guaraute. -given vith oaci instrument, W. T. BàIn à Go., 155 Qucen Stree4 csToronto, Ont ACTINA THE GREAT EYE AND LUNO RESTORER Actins le not a medicise or a dlgusting lotion or powder ball, but a Seif-genena- ting Vapor, easil ansd plessantly aplied at l heurs, limes sud placoe. Aatns N;.?-fi, =-y relieves sud thenôugbly cures ail Tbroat sud Luug disease. ula No. Eje-i tniae Eues, n dieasud fntih todos ri t a ulaebs No. -Pits niave yres and sate je aseGa Tu TREÂT2HD WMILM OLOSED. Tnu\A m. ÂO iNÂ soLD VNEB O o iu w Gu !AWMM EEov 15 DAIS TRnxax. Enclose stamp f Ã"r'bandsomeIli IustnLl0beok k l hltb journal. W. T. BAZiI & CO., 1W6 Quen 8tre"tWeat, Tononto, Ont Whiitby Chi*na Td SWfirr Is the place where you will fiud the largest stock of Xmas Goods in Town.- The Stock is 110W complete in Crockcry, China# Glassware,- Fancy Goods,l 0f ai kinds. Also a f-il Stock GROCERIES, FRUIT & OYSTERBS China Tea Sets for $3.50 China Cupe andSaca,12 per dozen, and other Goods i' proportion. g.f Corn and .sce for gourselves. WANTEDM-41 kind8 offarmproduce., W. ,Je GIBBON WHITBY OHINA>T STORE - VOL. WVhi tb! SUBSOI si$ par annn o. Subson* 020 omef PU1 te&= equipn Book sud Job1 SOntarloq capable work from, th. 1 Ihandbill. Spoci UgUurpasaold pro reLu with ils . ICylndor preaaa3 enoes. Every 0) bdi attention. TP.Mg FirsI insertio: subsequont, in» Uis3played Ad., by a sosie of solî accordingly. Adiertisemem instructionsim chargodl for fui] . r4ers for dii must beiù! writ M a wilnot b. 'FUlberal, dise mento by theiOy ,>, ontraht advert imin net lâter-tha: of a.uyintended bof ore Tuesda ments.receîvea. Businesis noti Five cents per par lino week13 06rrespondei of thecOouuty correspondlents theiu commun possible, .JeUN STAIE to Royal Hot A TTORM Chane OrnaI-IM OfffceinM' Whitby. GYOi wý3BI8 * m Ornai-E I L jaWu ALL THROUGH THE STODK, ON-

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