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Whitby Chronicle, 8 Jun 1888, p. 1

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t I. -~ ta IIITBY ONICLE. Wth calm Printed words, great thoughts, and untining industzy, s f - Poaco, Prognees, Knowledgo, Brotherhood. 9A YS, osuce ess. t.Cou., OODS, yies of ioods. lI ise and S. Corne le znoney. Vo. IqL VE I a Seif .geniiYS- t'les aul placeS. dl Throat and Cataract Gran utia. E En zzI ou~ 15 nDITS tuk sud heslth >rento, Ont jo1 0lbe ck of roods,- 'ERS oduce. STORE Ul'cers. #ON, sud bola arc apurions. rk No. ene, lot No. 28, i 26 in the 'ot fBrook Ives tif lots. L No. 22 lu lot# weît e oocln, 'ont. LE r»y. VOL. XXXII. WHIITBY, ONTARIO. FR Established 1856. The Leadinq Weekiy ln Ontallo countyl1 SUBSORIPTION RATES. Bse. Subecriptions are always payable at aoffice of publiostion. I Steam equipment and beet furnished Book and Job printing plant ini Eastern Ontario, capable of executing &il classe. of work f rom the large poster te the amalleet handbil. Special mention îs made of the unourpaseed press f acilities of TiRxEmioN. rcLuz, with its oelobrated N. Y. Cottrel cylinder prose and other modern conveni- ences. very erder receives prompt, care- fui attention. TEIRMS OF ADVERTLSING. Firet insertion, per Uine, 10 cents ; each subsequent insertion, 6 cents. Displayed Advertieements are measured by a @cale of solîd Nonpareil, and charged aooordingly. Advertir3ements sent without written instructions inserted until f orbidden, and c harged f or fuil tim e. Ordoesfor disoontiuuing sdvertisements muet be in wrting, otherwise the publish- rreiwili not ho responBible. - a liberai discount for oontraot advertise- ments by the year. Copy for changes of contrant advertisemeflts shouid be handed ini net later than Wedneeday ; and notine ~of anyintended changes shbouid be given before Tuesday noon. Other advertise- ments reooivod ap te Thureday noon. Business notices in local or news col uni às Five cents per lino weekiy. Lonaie, !0 ets. par line Weekly. Cô6rrospondence solicitod from Él parts of the Oounty or nighboring townships. correapondents are requosted to eend in their communications as promptly as possible, HENDERSON & GRAHAM, P ropri etors. J OHN STANTON, Sup't Mohanicai Dep 't. JOHN E. FAREWELL, ILL.B., ýDBBRISTBR, Ceunty Crewn Attorney, sud ounty Solwutor. Ormie,- South wlng, Court Hous, Whitby -48 - JAMES RUTLEDGE, I RRISTER, &o. Office f ormerly oc- Io upied by Farewell & Rutiedge, next to Beyal cIel, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID ORMISTON, B.&., A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN Z.Chsuoory, ConveyancOr, &o. Oprc-In the Office seti of lhe Post office, in MoMllan's Block, Brook Street, Whitby. ly-I0 G. YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., QABRISTER, &o., &.-Money te Loan 3.. Issuer cf aniage Liceuses. Onrocz-Smi11's Block, aejuth cf Market, Brook St., Whitby. Jan. 22,1878. JOHN BALL DOW, B ARRISTBR-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR .>in Ohanoery, Conveysucen, &o. Office-Deverll'm Block, Brook Street, whttby. MONET TO LEND-Prly5te Fundio,- n sme up 10 8800, ah a bow rate o! in- terest. (ly-62. LYMAN ENGLISO, L L. B., B ARRISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN ..OPiuory, Cenveyslkcer, &c., &O. Sini- cee Street, Oshava. iUebitale P. GORDON MELDRUiM, physicisu, Surgeoensud Accoucheur. Office mn,-8 le 10 a. e., 2 le 4 andI 7 to 9 P.m No. 8, THE IlTBBB.ÂCI~ltitRON-ST., .. C. CRAW FORTH, VETERINARY SUBGEON. Graduabe cf tire Onlanie Vetenlnary, Col- loge, Tornuto. Ordens hy mail or telegnapir promptly atteirded te. .Office at residence o! G. Apres, opposite Dr.B»ogsrt's, Dînas streeti Whitby.- LIVERY and SALE STABLES, IBOOK STRIET, WHITY. Gooa Bigsu a d ooerses. T«re o onable. -ic-ç~m --LOI ste with Langley, Langley & Burke, Toronto,) ARCHITECT. Desigus for Churohes, Villas snd Cot- tages a specialty. Drawinge prepsred for ren>odeling oxisting structures. Opric-Firat fiat over Howse's Drug Store. P. . Box 202,'WxrTBY. Domninion Lino et Royal Mail STEAMBHIPS. LIVERPOOL SERVICE. From Montresi. Frora Quebec *Vancouver_ .Wed. June 13 .. .Thurs. Jun. 14 Toronto.f....Tur. 21 .. .............. 'Sarnia......Thur. "28.Frid'y. June29 "Oregon..--Wed. July 4.... Tburs. July 5 Montreal...Thur. 1...... BRISTOL SERVICE PoR AvoNirocTi DocE. Ontario from Montreal about Wed. June 20. Toxse 64" " id 4 Juiy 4. Cabin Rates f rom Montreal or Qnebec. Froni $60 te $80, according to steamer and position of Staeo oom, with equsi saloon privieges. Second Cabin (very su- por accommodation), $30. Steerage at loweet rates. * These Steamers bave Saloon, State- reomu, Muaic-room, Smoking-room and Bath-roome amidshipe, where but litIle mo- tion is kilt, sud they carry neitLer Cattie nor sheep. The Roome are ait outside. The accommodation for Second Cabin on these Steamers is exteptions1ly gond, and weli worthy the attention of tho travelling public. The -'Vancouver" is iighted throughout with Electric Light, and bas provedI herseif to ho one of the fastet Steamers in the At- lsntic trade. Paîsengers can embark at Montreai if they s0 desire. DAVID TORRANCE & CO., 6-enersi Agents, Monitreal E. STEP'HENSON, Teiograph Oiffice, Local Agent. % hithy Allanbi*nE: Royal Mail Steamers. Pure Hoeebore, -AND- Pure Pari rs Green FOR SALE BY CHEMIST and eUGGI8T Tooth B rushes, Hair Brushes, Combs, Per fumes, Tooth Soaps, And alotber Articles necessany Vo the Toilet, are kept in good variety by W. R. HOWSE9 Chemist and Druggist, Whitby. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, GLAGO,,THORLW B Su ,>R ARRANiGEMENTS. - if à Steamers Frem Halifax. Circast;iàn........ ...... ... 111th May Sarmatiaxa ... .... ...........17h May Parisian ....... ...... -.... 24 Il Pcolynesian................ lst June Sardinian ...................th"« RATES 0F PASSAGE BY MAIL, STEAMERS. Quebec to Liverptool. Cabin, EK60-00, ;7iJ.0 suLd Z-80.00 according to acconfluodftLou. Inteî-mediate, $3Lî00. Steer- age, e20 00. Iteturu tickets, Cabiij, Q-110-00, $134J.0'1, sîsO.ou. Intermediate- $60.00. Steer- By olynesian, Circarsian or othen extra st.eamers, Cablu, 850.0, $60)00 sud $70.001, a.c- cordiug to accommodation, intermediate, $30.00. Steerag43, e2000. Beturu tickets, e'i0.00 $11000 and $130.00. Intermoidis.te, *60.00. Steenage, $40.00. Liverpol direct. Catile. Pige or Sheep are net carried on these steamers. IMPORTANT NOTICE. Cabin, Intertfleoiste and Steerage Passengers may go on board at Mlontreai. By this arrangement passengere are enabled te be com!fortably settled on board th1e Ocean Steamers within only il heurs raîlway jouxney frein Whltby. Passengers, taklng th1e Mail Stea.mer aI Mou- treal wiU iesve Whiîtby on taie luesday mors- ing, arrive at Montreai1 Tuesday'uight, sud go aI once on board th1e Ocean Steamers. Passengers takiig 111e Mail Steamer at Que- bec, leave Whitby on th1e Wednesday mornlug. Steerage passeligers bcoked teon froe Glasgow, Bel! ast, Queenstovn, or London, same rate sLiverpool. Bristol aud Cardiff #2.10 extra Passengers and thinr baggage are put on board the Ocesil Stesmihips at Quebec free cf ail expange. Parties sonding for their fnienda in tic 014 Country caua obtaiu PI-LEPALOPAS- SAGE BTIFICATES aI bovest rates. For Tickets sud al cher information, appl-y t WA. Yule, A edmr SrrpcaQ qOfhine. Mi urda on i mi oi iw ick an el el wu ) tt l [ou Be1 &t. hai ici4 Io@ de~ Ci Dn bra Hors e & <attI~ IFOOID In lots te sait pu.chasers. W. IR. HOWSE CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, Agent fo~r Whitbij. Wright's 'u 'BROOK BT., wIMBY. 1888- 1888. Chemhé SPIRING AGAIN. w1 And if U B looking for s Nice Papeor o ____ peur Parler, Diiring Rooe on Kitehen, juet ean suee my Stock wiii h' THE LARGEST AND BEST Brn inl Whitby, coeprislng tire laI- est deelgus sud oolorugs lu pe s Americ-an adCnda Wall and CeiIing Paper8, A-eà 1 Deooration8, Border8, etc. AUl kinds of HousaS'g&adFe-Dw11 e'.Paint'gs Paperlurningand Cl ominiflg dono on $lwortt No««c. - Windoàw 8hades andpting- RBoumr, -- put %1$ in the beat manner., fiheuma tic Remedj 2'OB SALE BY 10E! ni stgDruggisi H IT B y bis nwia rothei ke u ùld ne Ibo Vit h&y àeeu bst ,if 3of th 7y $01 diOtiï h )gs Ui th. pri 't1 .Pe_ '2JIJE 8, 888, IWSLETTERSI id ,Tos& McBrien spent Sat- lay her-a,. but Bd f ailed to get ý.1y smmii..0 s&ue-abseut.' ýisâi bout gel 'the iame' ý,ofnei1 hOuwe oompielied. Cg at"JohnA, sp6ak qtck if you wiah te Mg a te drw a parcel out ig for 211te cnvnience of det aef that place, but ae b wil net convey hon 0131. sud hie 'fairxoeewould net' b. in Une proposed way. S0 yen bal to shorten laber je net met eily. KUiBALE. D mu ril e' in1 dl a c reý gri li loe Ta RI lowsl NO. 26. Boy. 8.0. Philp jr. ef Érooblin, conduot- yoan, mlii nov ithas become notod tbrongh- od services lu the othodist Churoh Sunday eu&s eouuty andje loked forwazd .te morni.ng. Rie subject "'God's power-to, Cane wit à as mucli expectancys the Toronto for usIl vas hsudled in a maaterly vay Indastrial. Tis yoar extra efforts iii b. Sunday evening, Boy. L. Philp preaobed put forth and a grand day'. sport wMllb. a temperance sermon, polnting eut the mure te, feilow. Tell A. G. net te disappoint evilo of the.'IL quer trafflo,"111ie spoke te tire uq again Ibis yeaé but te have himuefifnlu point. A very apprepniate sntirom on tcm- read:nDess- te givo us assistance as oniy .ho peranco vas rendered by the choir iu geod la capable of giviug. BEOOKLIN. OUnOli ProoedJfge. B. P. CampireU Rhq. arnlv.d home fromThre Court et Be-vision for, te Towsip of Booi«reeon Saturday evning. Whiby met .1It,", alpussu e e aay s au. 1 a Il" Animber et our boeswlr are loyal te thoin Queou sud country v1ii accuhave -te, don the. rd ceai sud shouldor th. rifle sud propane for, camp. They stant for Niagara ou June 121h for Ivelve daye dni The Rer J. A. Ounmichael looki veil on hie returu fmmtUe Nortir-woat. Ho arnr- ed home on Thursday evoning last fromi Portage La Praire wvire ho has been ne- leaving a brethe- lu 1he profession, whe lias been taking a trip for hie liesth. ED. CHRONIOLE. ai i 01 lE a si IC EJ bii gai eh( tht As sec wi te on hi se wi tl S] se R nr lu 2. tc ti i b: a~ PI, 'c tI cAught lu Une maChrnery sud swinm ron stikln e ii n l th. groin inftcuig d n7uHe D. MoBien's 401 acron f 611 v tiro l i. ý;died ithe folbow lng e . H leaves a vif. sud everal oblldros ho oUrU deug veil.1Sote retallov eau. iris uniorlunate deali, iWha hve Une B'rerythlug la bnlsk and lively sItirhe seat sympathy efthlie oomunipy. cf governxusnt, th. Scott Acte iras amagica On Saturdsy evenug' lait, shount sercu ffet on smci places. opcogk, lie résidentsinluthe nelgliboreood Mr. Jas. Taebkiniras houngt a niice plot e! Chunci sud Brook streets veZOthOwlnv ce laud tiuom Mn. J. Oriaten, a gone foreed ite a sdate o! exolteiment bp lire rsportthat î y tire &B. .C. for tire sum of 0$M. Un. T. suelghteen mentis old airild belonging te lntends toeest salieuse sud Bs e boome s Mr. Geo.leak vas poisened. The report perManoul nmident. rov tobe nlytoc Inn.. Il sOu »a tire 8 cm . n folkes liera wh e .'clog sloved LM il .Lsk vers lieuse c.1 g " mu f et .lg prelty ve heved> lu a dunlng tie pnecedig dayos r u ie o irl itoktr.srpteens torn*hydre- cureE aq4uantlty cf cil o edan le b c-rrphobisansd called inluruxvillage .,and the. bedisana dby a elatake, leftIt i vPi"n. imnod, vrhb edoiroui c! shoiong -hle neseliof tire chid, wvie evalov;eà suffienil klllprononnéed tiredog' esd and gol of jit tékiu awleregimOAt. Asmaon as.b»nce tosirotî't. il -wu dieceverea tir t -h.e hild W dPar-. tak",QOftIie dsSy fluid Dr. Brewn W&ie csled u sd medatey ~Tire prooed ofthlie lite'Oam4yera r'n _8PHig Who aMtnaendnst>altsvices er.about 88700 - but lb oisonhad ~naWOd u bthe thas Il6 a son as s Be>orid lie uulrutineof- daly lti t6r tir.n ia ...1 noh4in f -imnôntanea te -~ ~~coIE~ e~seie uap c )WLI N'S saa;e9--..W. Msccions.ia. .Ruesen, mon- rd all, sd 4o.Beekett; 8. -obman, omit- 'd from romr -lot 18, 711con.;- T.' Proctor, snitted from roll for lot 84, broken front; T. laage, oniitted frorn roi for part of lot 28,M11 en. i J. Bolton, assesse& for wrong proporty; &.RBichardson, wrougfufly asessed mer dog; a.Potter, wrongfully assessed as tenant for t 10, 61l cou. ; J. Sadier,, omitted from reoll is owuer o! lot 18, 611con. - J. Warren, im- properly a.ssessed ou land; I&rs Nathan Ar- aold, tiot properly aesesue&l on land; T. Wil- 3on, omitted rm 1the roll as ovirer ; James IL Delong, emItted from, roll as tenant for art e! lot 23, 611 con. ; A. Sdtnervuile omitted rm roll as tenant. Some of these changes were made on account of Iransfers sud re:ý movals sirice th1e asaessor completed bis labers. Mr. Wilhis, seoonded bj 1Mr. Calder, moved that 111e asssment nel for th1e present year, as now revisod sud ammended, be suad la, herey conftrmed by Ibis Court, sud thal.1the- Cour do now adjourn.--Cayried. -The Counoil met pernsuant te adjournmeut. AUl the membens present. Beeve iun1the chair. Minutes of last meeting wero read sud. con- firmed.. Communication Beach t' re ex- Venditure on town lino read sud laid belore coundil.- The Reevé lefI 111e chair mer- eue houx. Council resured. Beevo lin1the chair. M. MoTaggart, Esq., was jxsent at 1eeven- Lug meeting and roceived eroil forthe M road division, S. Medllaud, J."00 aud John nielep, sr., were appointed coma. to expend M5on hill opposite lot 21,4t1 con. Mie Reeve, J. B. Disney, sud A. Wilsouwere- sppelntedl coma te expend $W0 on town Une of Pickering, in 7111 and 8111 cens., provided' Pickering spends a like amueunt. . On motion aill1the memibers c! the econeil were appointlod corne. to build a now bridge on th1e gravel read iun1the 5111 cou., known as Phenrrill's bridge.- C. Calder, Wm. Young, sud J. Wilis, vere appolntod comae. terepsir culvert ou aide _lune<W between lots 22 sud 23, Srd c04. The Beeve, C. Calder. sud A. Wilson, were apy ted coma. te expeird $100 on townùlino e!Bach at places te fiernutually agreed on» b y comas. ap.ited by Beach CouXIroil, sud 111e' above nameô corne. ý- C. Cahder, Wm. Duncan. sund J. Wllis, wore, appoînted corne. te expenil$2M on tewnUlne,, Srd con. ;Pickering te expend a 11ke sum. on motion, Thes. Dufi was allowed te (do bis statute labor in read division Ne. 26, for land statute lu sald division. J. Morrison, Wm. Karr, and S.-Moffdland.n-*6' lots 32 sud 33, lu 8111 con. S: Medland, T. MeBrien, sud J. Bell. voe appointed coma. ho expend *2W on aide Iirýe between lots 34 sud 85, lu 4th con. Tire Beeve, Wm. Carnegie, sud A. Wiladir, were appoluted cerne. te expend-*8W ou aide Une in 7t11 aud 8111cons.,betweeu lots 30 and Sl T. MoBrien, We. MoBrien, Wm. Fowley,and S. Medland, wore appoiuted cerne. te, expend W5 on the5th cou. between lots 32 sud 88. fie Doputy-Beeve, sud C. Calder, were ap- peluled cems. -toeipend *20 lu éréding sud &yolng oun81M con., opposite lot 29, sud $*2) cbite lot,2t on the 8111 con..- John Davidabu, George Ros,and A. Wilson,9 were appoiutied coma. -le expeud 0?W on-9th-. cou., opposite lots 31 and a2 Ou moîlon lb. Boove wae autienlsed, te grant his onden ou the Treasuxen lu favor o! a numuber o! sceounts amounting te *6888. H. Biclki, BE. Smith, sud S.' Modland- 'vere: sppoinlcd comai. te expond, *10-ou 111e 6111 cqm. - opposite lots 1M The Beeve, 0. Caidor, sud S. Medlsudi veir. appcluted cees. te rejpair -washeut oAcppeslte lot 18, con. 7. Councilacljournedte meot n- Fýlday, tire 18111day o!Ju1y,attwee'clocký.- town on Saturdsay Ilat itre. D. Kennedy of Oolunrbus, Ohio, in, visiting hon abâter %Mn, C-has. Kiig. Mfr. sud, Mrs. T. ýJ. lo1uda6y, BeookUrrp celebrate their ailver wëdd*n on monday3 irext. - Mr. Y. -H Smith, tormerly ocf Ui lw.n,ý buit nov. of Toronto, hu s been vitbgn9"~ Biler__the pût two week. Mr. B. F.-',ampbeu,, iunsenymauh(l ter$ N.- Y. returned. to BrookirinS " ; lust,-e reports business boomia4g. J - ~r .MoDerm o'te &I oftr MisDë;.-ý I viIl b Ibistown o l~m a$ ~s Iumiina he ia lw- à ft *.soýbm. ,leaiig vayforirbit -up snewtaàble sud lw 'ërïtPirny, l lllg rIi~ ièdy~ fo? Diai i - 1 Brotherbood - Knowledge, untiring industry, w Ar tpotiu re mabhiner outh Oiravl mte enough 1 eft hsnd Ionm wheel. o dlock lait w te ceme.hem vwearp and W( sh. vent toih there fondi asieep. .nati wenl 10 ubs rn houte. While Mn.' a planiiig ma Faotory on 'I . . f - 1 - - -IL - __ __2 &I, - 1 (tf, 5 aAGLAS. 26,o om th1e toachera and the One of the items in peur Brooklil newe I meaUed aItireresidndc is Une cause, or patof 1the cause, cf au au- tj :, etsq., forthe roseemetonyrnus vnltor'a urigenerous attaok upon a Leents., for atheo public ofyour correspýondent lu tire Times. Iu ordor iravlugfoaUoin nbl1i stM. Sie n i ii ra u hagau u So t.Jofr. R.givo hie an opportunity te censure tie anidndSte Èave hery eac, i~proper pense" I boèg bave te inforni evory- uêidtifb gro e f 1fr. Wm body in any vay imserested liaI Lse the fi lottu No 8,ofr.y .author cf the item refarning te thi> social 1 lt have8 bn Piapplute~ gileon by Une Bey. Mn. Philp. Your conres- 1 Lois auembenspoing pondent iad uolhing to, do witir wulting it.1 aiono roqueet, ilng udg Penhape, air, iti i la amyelery tb yeun sd ratchecroeueto, vîli, in adlie langer n ambon cf pour intelligent read- utces beoen Ie cb. cf eors te understau4 exactly what thons asvu aeteen Il i leupsoofdtohve lie report of tie social liaI produced 1the( aifn Une ldiug oratdtonshaUneliterSTyeoffrte! ffriend "Spice." My use cf locltleng t, A flthiastheoexpression "Pareen Philp." This ila a lcaltalnt.A fretclu SPken e! as being lu vony b.d laite. o b. engagd fr Une day, sud iaalyircw iutneîy susing 1 sud pet eendisiiy invited te attend;iefotuaevarlurvigaolemr G vti ne ~-hineiton vie eau gir. us pinter. l" mattera of lante. G. it th 11fghtnge Tire only tUnn laI car friand can do new,_ is le gise us bMs narne 80 liat on ail future Gneeweo vonu-occasions yonr correspondent sud I cau ceu- ,zsu cfth rfnwO' lu -suith11e m falîrbie judge sud by foilowng inm lie»S aPrse l nt - --;-- iris ezample sa-rfioffeudiug 1he tee-tee seu- They go e ut on Tuedsp, siive 'Spice" sud ochers of hie 11k. Please, .'Spice," viraltesyoDux namo ? I hope my ,Kinsale, Mount Zion sud request viii hogrnted ; net becauso it ilaa ablio schools are going te hold malter o! suy importance te kuew ii name, a woods -o! Mr. Wuî. Cl&Ai, only il vili b. couveuleulte okuow is vien ccd, ou n rd.ay the 22111 ef I vaut lesask ie advice. Il would gave se j nterasting lime in expected mueir trouble sud anucysuco te me. Nov, ndu, swi nsd otier amuse- jusl lilnk, if 1Ibildkuovu tis pensouviren 4w%4a  ddgesseq M el- n i nting lirai Item 1 oiould ihave caliedon, Oua ndac. Be surean& esgarp oorreetion. o*îfii e1 oÎ do but apologize for lie expression. Pleaso AW.L. "pice" sud "sel1.same tblnlers," accept O S B A J L m a p l o g y a n d all o m e te v ith d x a v lb . med W. Pethie, vhile oiling ill-farord tille '"Panaon" sud substitute -y aI 1the Oshava RoUlerhmise Une propon "BRey. Mn." ra, Tuesday luit, vax unfortu- lun conclusion, Mr. Editer, foonthe benefit [o have lb. little flugen cf bis cf "Sjpioe" aud Ivo «"oUnes"-for I se happy a cf[ by being osught in a cog- teluin renot hat onlp tiree pensons (se far as I have learned) have ebjected'te -tire narried lady et u ntil Ivelvo ftrei "Parscn"-I vaut te çÇivathernosuing "0k'stngfr o hLushuand cf the vend. - Il in aooorng to Webster, re fr aie l -erAtl dia clergyman ; onevhojlen dors or vie, Lnn cul vth long At lgt is hceneedtlepreacli." Ouly ignorant sud Len sleepig rong te ret, dvulgan porsonas.vould tiuk for a moment, Ue sleinsg rusbsudrtireond il vss intended for a reprosoh. Ar ticipat- ethet isg: h te ndgSouh. ing being under obligations te "Sgpice" ou oao sudbangoterer bt tirmaltera o-f tante I visi now te sdviehie, iu ail cbsrity, net te b. e nsady te impute Matlew Mmuo vasieodug euvy sud waut of feeling lu iead sud Mattew amue W& feeighaut," to pour correspondent. chine at1the Hoapa Cabinet Youru respectfully, rhuray lUn te huard geing Jane 6Un, 1888. Jmo. spNCE. 1

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