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Whitby Chronicle, 8 Jun 1888, p. 3

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utd, îweÎto&. iiassrable, bothP 'prleuoe a-ýe r L~ing, or ofrêO ýtOnaüh la the lae ter or bad taataa l, dl7zzne* , requ çht. " toatIng pc 8 prostrationS or temper. hot flueb, y 8enatins sb îf eals, wakefne,C, hing 81ep OfStji, sr t'"a d , o r 0firm consffierablo flUMbS i are suffterng tfri nie- JItS bi'eotne, tbq, sîiei tiii re64 n h l uu. Ifni i htubii ind'ilistlinp. it iniitte ry vui ',Yled1val DIý ,j tipou the Livor. a« od- pur'ît iiîg 'Irgn etjtig ttpil îthe v ite. it îrouote4 -1 im a a t , itîl dtisrii jc~ Attl*gtte, Chilis and OU Ietdici1 Dis, or . I:tiltiiin to th« C 1. i "by thia n] . "iunder 1t I iani. rTt I tur, EcemiU ei'i Ni-e ith ýolore or flQ ainoud '13STHE LIFE99 ',411gDr. Plerc.i% scoxcr>, and goo hi '%i II lie estabIlsbe41 0 Lunlgullî8arroeÀm edy, en laken l Fs. rom itsmer. trribly fatal-dlam >,w world-fame rem-. rce thouglit arlouly' IMPTION CtE"but too restrklv t_' Ita wonderful coin- *gthening, alterMive billouB, 'pectoralt, u îîrequa"ed. not OnI rîption, btut forai ie and Lûnigs ~aMtI Catarrh Bron.. :)ghs, anîd lkTndred t reme*dy - i1.OOvr ix Botties mups for ]Dr. Plerce4q Addresa, idical Associations 'ISUFFÀLO, N. y$ nise so long bsflln ad ph asiien wh o nthyng9tealn . 'itis no longer m, wben given u by t lie found iun U soothes the mein- med and posoned 1 disease, and pr- d tightneea aoec lii>' it. FANTEED Lionta, ont. tional Bolier ý & Portable En' K\ ine s. Boilers ahsulutely satfe, eTt ei. aeapted for printing officeS, sausage grinders, cheese factories and grain crush- ers. Siz-es fromn 3 to 12 IOrse ý4Power. Send foýI ý descriptive cata- j log ue. R CLEANER. 1 ry powder formn eam boilers, save9 ds of fifteen hun- n using it for the r 25 or - 50 Pound Irences sjý_n t frec Excelsior Jioiler ain St. EastIam nd am tw upC The Homiletie Rniew for mue la f.ly upto, the avêrage in pobnl of làilhly and bomillOi value. Dr. Mut- raof princtu a, bas a grand artioli on .'Hbistorioal 8tu'aieds, »~S of value tLe the preachêl'. Biahep &%. O<>îvland 00-1, discuus l'Âpologeties in thé palpit,," deprecatiiigtheir froquent sud jndisriminalte use. But Bloomburg completes hie very achoiauly presenta. lion of the Religions and Moral vlewr, of ijorace. Prof. eBcodde givea a very interesting sketch of the Theology of the GermiUniveroities. "Were ail Mankind from ene pair ?" is discuesed by Dr. C. S. Robinson in a light Borne- -1- -Sadaam..inu tofl flthodoml w. ri codere. Dr. Pierson's "Gîneter cf jeme" itqre rich and full. The sermons -eight in il-are moetly cf a high rder, beîb in a litérary and spiritual anse. AmongIz he -tepresenlative preschers are Dre. John Hall, R. -S. Sterrt, O. P. Tbwing, J. R. Millet and F,. M. MeChesue>'. The Prayen Meet- ng êerviee ils fuil ef thought suad une- tien ; the Enropean Departinent is un- nst1>'y readable-sud informing ; Homi. letice snd Pastoral Theology, Prof. Wilkinson makes hetpful te ministers ; and Dr. Ladlow cotitinues te make 4 SLnd>' Table" attractive. A fuil index eses the XVtLI volume, %wich corn- iptent jndgas do net hasitate te pro. nonnce.an advsace un previeus volumes. Pnblised b>' Fnnk & Wagusle@, 18 and 20 Aster Place, New York. $3.00 pet year ; 80 cents per single aumber. Washington Letter t('rom our rogular correspondent.) NVÂSHINGTON, JUneOl18t, 188.-Ai- thongh the subjeot would s;eau'te be a ver>' promiy oua,ounr iawmakers et the lower brandi o! Congreshava had aà great deat of fun discnssinu the Appro- priation bill propotied te incrosse the Chapiaifl'8e siar>' (rom e900 te $1,000. Repreaentative Browu, of Indiana inquired if there wae iucreased nacas- it>' for prayar, Mr. Springer, of Illinois, replied thal membere had ne ides what egrest power was required te bring sal vallon te sncb a body as e ifouse of Represan tatives. Congrese man Gros- venor enggested that if the morasse b made it should not ha a permanent tbing, because the next Houes wouhd net uead se mach prayiag as the pro- sent eue. Another flippant member, Mrý Strube, ef Iowa, waulad te know if il wss, necassar>' te bave a very alet mai for Obaphain. Another eqnediy fippaný membar tromn Miohigan, ane*Vered lis it lay( took s bigb order of abilit, to deal with au immature mind ; there fore h hbouglit lie flousa Obapîsit sheuld lie aa nuoetconsiderable abitity Thon Mn. Hflman, of Indiana, the s calied ,watch dog et the Treabury, said $10 s day waB tee much fer th House te psy for prayer, sud th rnsjority voled wilb him le Ibis effec ri The talk aI lis Capital on Monda wae Jndge Thuaeman, o! Ohio, and Il Vice Prelsideno>'. Some few membel tbougbt Ibal Lthe udden prominea' bgiven te Mfr. Thunran'e; nagns meaul Seut.-and- Iried convention. In odb werds Ihat the Presidaul bas said 1 weuld like Mr. Thurtpan ou the îick aud Ihât tha convf'ntion wonld a ascoendingiy. "The office of Vice.Pret dent would net conter an>' addition houer on hlm," @&id Represenati, Campblsl, of Ohio, sud il doses sa Ihat Mr. Tb-urman's lateet famnone mark that "ail he carad for uow was soat in heaven," woutd provs Ihat had gene entirel>' out et polies. AUi lenet waii witb the tariff bll. wiil bave s bard lime if il gae thtong and wilt1comaeut, if il comOa ahil, a batterad conditioni. Doubtlest democrate efthîe Houes, however,i toleralil>' weltlsied with their w( s tle. In il. main teaturesethé1 seunsto e bsau acceptablee measu Ihese do canes&dais>' audcurve péacé Of soeéto, sud the ±'ostrn Qeneralshil SUppi>' spécial délivi fer thé same. 1H. a1se propose ameud the pool-seliig bill, t exs ibm provisions 80se as prevént bel of ever>' kind in the wholér Disttic Columbia. Thé preséni bill prol betting oulY in -tbe oitiés Of W&91 Ion, sud Georgetown, sud of cours people have cml>' te go setesi the beundaties te patreulizO the 'pool-:i The Pension business ig a perpi eue. Senators are puzzked ovoi wdw business. Sénatot Oooktél Mîinri, bas bosu dovelopini m atb'C-malical facuil>' iu discoerim cuin act that, while ibère are 895 w1dows of te Médcan wow ans, tt are are 11,881 widows cf st f theswarofl1812. geo 807 farîher we gel froni thé var lb. nurnéroils the wudows bomo. .à rate thé '1812 wldows &»are e thons will b. st lésaI20,000 of the the sud of the etr' Washing.tofl bas alway bes poliioal centpof onbiw7,nb~ in Ihe Irest lo:tnighl êW cente rligitWl. We hod W Uis et&* ( o4iioue Ohuroh Of t howoria *èe ooai-M4 ta hqlay1uog cf th.,,or.. net atone if the Divînit sohol oft iefr new University here on 1lut Thursday. If any othet' oity a show auoh a re- cord let il blow its trrfkpe. Wi t and Humour. "I fear I ar nont worthy of yeu. Yen are so god." "Never mina darling," h. said tenderly, "lwait till we're mar- risd." The siugiug shad has béen séea asud héard iu lower Delswate ha>' ibis spring. GréaI aclivil>' oharacerizes miningi operablone linail parts of thé stale cf Colenado. Thé Obicago Board of Trade gyumna. mmum bas -bécome one of lb. aIlulu af thai oorporatloa. Thé Frenoh.Osuadiansusae jo lold a greal convention etI Nashua, H. Rnl the latter parn cf JUs..- A.n ontsrprising bon roosi robber bas traiuéd a dog te enter itonnuesam#a carry off the bird.. Hiert Mosi's bomb manufacor>' bas béen disoovsrsd lau-6 UtIle Oona.cticu 10w», sud wili hé closd. The roia fMr. Oaruoigle's ssel mil are said te hé #6.000,00" aysar, ci wbich ho gels otu.fouklh. MayorGleaon, Long Islasd Ol&y,, reoniiy thirew au tupe$Iwnul epor ont of i. se. newtalPo&êy1,frmabcue neervoul loaina eam geo"l re bot«~fi cents. Ilcures ibev Pt? =allnds uipair. Do:à wait an Iour but send le any - lrug store a.nd gel a trial bottie. Nervilifl6, 1,98, lre pain cure. A etabblng affray ceurred at Clharlotte. town, P. B. I., yesterday, by which au Italiaun named Jacques was kiiled by his cousinl. store)-Boy, I wanl soins plain carde. Boy-Playin' carde ysir. (Confiden- tially) Want rnarked deck ? A writer on political eoonorny says 'lits a littis leak that telle." Yee in- deed, a littie ieak will give us away as faet as an overgrewn onion. Countryrnan (Iooking at under shirts) -Will these gooda ehrink mieter?2 Olerk-They may a littîs at firsi sir but 1 guese they won't after they get used te yen. A startled, correspondent writes te ask if it is true that dog meat ie some- limes canned ? Certainly ; we have seau doge' tails oanned minu>a lima. A meruber of Parliament once rose in his place and eolemanly deolared _ "~Mr. Speaker 1 cannot Bit hero and keep silent without rieing and eaying a few words." After midnight lunch ef mince pie, a citizen complained of horrid dreasein wbich he was chased by pirates, "Mince pirates probabi>" ealmiy .ug. gasted hie wife. "Wbat wouderful patience then fieberman have" exclaimed an eider Mt a friend. Hare I have been watchius thât feiiow for tbree whoie heure an( he hasn't vst hsd a bite." Hle was a lively reporter that statai àIbat after a fruitcess sesrch cf ibret -heurs the whoie of the etoieu moue: ýlwas rccoverod with the exception of ,tpair of boots. Firemnan-"I tell yen she was a dais3 I csrried her down etairs. 1k6e waigk: ed about two hundred punude." Ri band-"Of oGurse she fainted." Firg mn-,No but I did." d IIhear yonrtg Fastleight bas; bee painting the town red sinos hie une' lef t huma that quarter et a millioný itWy anybody could paint the te% in red with a quart ef vermilion. t Daughter-Mamflwl, the chimnq pt eweep on the roof of the houe bas ju kieed ie band te me. Mothi e- -Hlow sbocking!1 Run at once ln in the bedroin and wasb youreaif. Y. Humurons 3Barber-",Do yen tee! ti so razor sir ?" Coudemned man in chi "II -III feel t4omethiug that tees Mo he like a ourryomb than a razen. I1 be me look at it a minute and PU lt~ ot. yen." ay Little Nallie aged 4 yeare wau c h,8 riding eue day. While passing a cen reà tary ebe looked op te ber mother a OSsaid : "Marnas, how long alter tli abury anycue before their gravestoi le coines up II2 he5 "HIow well I remember," eaid Du ket e as ha prendlybadse h w al"the firet lime that I ever drew t] M-o nce ehiniug blade P" "Wbere did I draw it Dume>' 1" inquired Feat]: v s 1>' ; I"a I a r aff e ." e- Wite. John the nsw maid tlid Sa theaI yen îried tle kisber Ibis monni ha Hnsbaud-What 1 And I paid bea dollar fo say nolhing te yen about nDischarge her at once. Snch a pet ia ne& ta be trused. in A littie girl was .aling green cora the gnawing it frein 1he oob, when are teeth gel entangled wilb lbe cern i Prk "h dear 1" eh. sald i .npatienty. bi- wisl whe lbey-ge &S.-oorn nide1 SYMPTOMs-MoitiIre; intense ltobing and stlnging, meut ai nigbl ; wose b>' scratch-' ing. If altowed ta continue, tumens f ormn, whicb ofted blaed sud uloanate, beooming ver>' soe. SWÂYN'B OQNTXEIIT Msioatse itching and blaeding, hesasnîcersiion, sud in inu> cases renioves the tumons. Il le equally afficaclous in cuning aU 8km Dis esees. DR. SWA«YIB & SON, Proprietoz%5 Philadelpis. Swayue's Oýnlnmnt mau be obtalned of druggists. Sent ly mal for 50 Cents.-16-iy. One thousand more Icelandens are oxpact- ed ta arrive in Manitoba Ibis season. nase, 1aiydcc.>, lis 0f manhood, &C, I wlllaen a recipe litiwml cure yen, PRRLE 0F CHARGZ. Thé great remedy wss discovared by a Missionar' u Sentht Amenica. Send a ulf.addm=5e ienvd1e» tote it Rv. Joaspu T. Izeu, 8taionD& News York Citu. Mantoba viteat le now wonlh iwcnty cents a bushél more titlbwu lutsIaL. A8au'eet ai honoy i8 Dr. Lm"*' PleasanM WorinBetip, yât M" W deatroij andi expel* worm. The apointint of Mr. Devdney telte, IneirIepariment bas beau virlumU>'de. clded on.Z Vhea Baby vw» sBk. w e 8" m aloeI When te.uvas Cbld, she énled fr Catl, When ahe beamue I[@, tbheiun=g teloit Wbm "ho hd uum. slt.gavéthm ùoeia r PRING siTs" JOH N FERCUSON 18j BHOWING A SUPEBIOR STOCK 0P ýcotch, English &na other fine Unes of (Jloths, for Spring suits. AUl garments made up in latet style on shortest notice. 'eady-made Men's and Boy' Buit8, Gin ts Furni8hing8 and Underolothing of ail Kinds.è INDESTR.UCTIBLIE HVEAS1 Latest styles ini Hard a.nd Soft Feit Hatis VERY OHE&AP. JOHN FERGUSON, Dundas St., Whitby meatslatt re r and, wioh bear h conetiol ae f anectricity, earwitey h apprecioate ad ecognleiz as a meanyo curei vansdiease s a eian the foeivri'of s dr 'has'es.Is efct in th ae shrmof Dr. Th eifofas E, both e lgae sond R herifof paie, asthera and lunga, and in varions other healing wayo. Robert jttwett, aged 16, was committed te / gaol at Brockville Friday for attempted asseuit upon Hattie Dunlop, of &bout the same age. Dyspepsia and Indigestien.-C. W. Snow &Co., Syracuse, N. Y., writes; Please send us tan gsose of Pil. We are sellmng more of Parmelee's Pillatitan any other pill we keep. They have a great reputatien for the cure of Dyspepasa and Liver aomplint. Mr. Chas. A. Smith, Lindsay, writes; "«Parmaelee'e Pille are ar excellent medicifle. My sieter has been troubied with severe headache, but these pilla have cnred her." Otto Ahlfd1t, a sheriff's oiffioor, who was * sot in the fight near St. Charles, Mo., Fri- day, was the son of a German neblemfafi. Connumption Surely Cured. To TEEDITOR Please inforin your readers that I have a *positive remedy for the above named *disease. By uts timely use thousande of hopelese cases have been permanefltly cu.r- 2ed. I shall be glad te s§end two botties of rny remedy PFEE to any of your readers who have conBflmptiof l i they wiii send mea their Expresa and P. 0. address.- Ilie8peotfuily, DR. T. A. SLOCUM, 87 Yonge street, Toronto, Ont-1-ly. d A tramp broke into the residence of Dr. 8 M. L. Yotst, near Mountaifvlle, l'a., on y Wednesday night, and was shot by the a doctor. (Mve Them A Chance!1 FI That je to say, your lungs. Also ail your 2- breathig machiner>'. Ver>' wonderful ma- t. ohinery là is. Not oni>' the larger air-pas- 6. sages, but the thousand of littie tubes and cavitie@ leading trou' thai. When these are clogged and choked with Mf matter which ought not te lie there. your le lunage cannot hall do their work. And what " ta> do, the> cannot do wel.. ;n a 09I it cold, cough, croup, pneuzuonia, catarrh, coneumptiofi or any of the f amily of throat a.nd nose and head and inng oh- sy structions, ail are bad. AUl ought to be get et rid of. There ie just ene sure way ta gat r rd of them. Tht -s to, take Boshee's la(erman Syrnp, whieh any druggist will sali ityou at 76 cents a bottil. Even if every- thing aise bel failed you, yen ma>' depend ho upon this for certain. air The relations between France and Ger- ire man>' are reported ta hae greatly strained. LIVER COMPUAINTW D R DYBPEPSI THIE QOK'SBEST FRIEND S10K HEADACIIE KIDN#EY TROUBLE8 REMO VEDI jIVPUUTIEBOFTHIE 81.000FRO WRAY- ERAUEARISING MTIO ÈIE RT SPR8I1G m&FIAUlfI DR. 0HODD ERS J.1yn & .WoinE0 aepeaedt>fxli Marbe an Bant LITTLE LIVER PILLS. MOtumeDl~ ed8oJ8 AUltesmpo in M. Bight's a séeau ' n wM an eare >'tédocteras sfavonrable. (Ver>'ail nail u o as> aýait ~offiùCern te, If041<010 a,~ste~"j YOiI%' bOGRuIPNG. NO NÂUSE. aris'lslig hca" sill Worm Pozo&ra tohes. otrit hU i iD - Ibir juterest t e on -nobéfe'lu aiisiig, fveruit orfretful,. &,ld evirywhere. Pries, 2r oeua, élehee.- l1o deFQinfl1lOaeandstlefm Mr. Chaplesu onleutplatls rakig a TIIIiUNION 'MEDlIGRE me., ROP'8.- Tt)RORTo»,ONT. o on aéfan im as the Pacife coal.. LOTS ~OR SALE IjUSES IFýOR SALE.-NWAhIA? IN W*ITBY. 'Wu 900- litoy41Ld*Okhalhouslunthe téwnof hity, e ad--iaefly bult f Los o se sd lWinuBc1ocbNo ee l knli»s even recumi3 ¶ fT en8ca n. plnt0. one, 5~v&foaue ilce ous$t IfI Brbuu;~on e<t S5n ï$luhsjeich. 'Iard'ani asoft wslmsr. Oüe mluu- walk f aobastcr ues fInienst» sicé, ere-sPlan, nOf hlvo o 6 Èsp on thése n doerne lots 5sd o 6ithet xNEPE , 1 u ,JZW Ter Bro 4,Ou oWprhe én<o plan.bu Whullby1>m O OUR ELEGANT PREPARATIONSe Blemembé! we Msntdàf5it» snd &are lte oie ZwnPrietOrUof lte f flewlug speciMulgLaSBd tAE he can behbadro O 00e6ihr sOurca.3 HEAR NOFOR SALE BY DRUGOISTS, Corrspndenc6 trticonifidential. Cousiiltatiefl* upon aul eludisease invited. NO CHARGE except for medioines. t&loljs ltoin gcune ft="observ> HAUR COLORINa I In ornng pissa. epecify'whiéh yen eUirs s'a guarantea 111cmte give entine -,satifcin No. 8 Imipartg le the ekithe celer and fresel'f of maidanhoed; harmlesseand cann1be dteceO $125. No. 9 Bemeves wrjnk, 8L 62% 140 10 Be- moves Liver Spots. 61.25. ýNe. 11 emoves Flash Worms. $1.25. Ne. 12 Bemoee Frackles. 01.2M No» 13 ReimoveliPtimples. 61.25. No. 14 BenieveS Tan. $1.26. No. 15 Bemoves moles. $2. No. 14 Eemove-Pockti5xks. $2. No. 17 Bemovas undue Prespiratioii.. 1.25. No. 18 An absolute'unlfalil6 apeciftc for te retantioli devéleO>ment or rester- %tion of lthe Raire $1.25. Toron Maicino Go. THIE BU8T No. 19 ie a combincd internal sud exterusi ireatment which speadi>' developes or nestors tae f emale bast te lits proportions of voluptueus nature. Ie entirely harmles5s ad certain iun e- suite. Price U3 Toronto Medicine Coe. Torento. WOMEN'S ILLS No. 20 A certain cura for Leucorrhee, or Wbites Falling ofthte Womb, Ulcertion5 Painful- Men- struatioli, '¶Bea.ring do'wnPaima", and aU iseasa and Wcs.knessesl peculiar ta, femals. Enýdoreed by the highest' medical authorities as an aiun- rivalled" 'remedly. Price 63perbotle, Toronto Medicine Co., Toronto, Ont. - - FRENCH REGULATION PELLS Par supenior te, Ergot Tans>', Pennyroyal or Od. Edrecthethusnoflsdieswho use hemMONHLY.Nevr filBelUve pain, INSURE REGULABITY PleassutandEffeciliai Price $2 Toronto Medicine Co., Terento,,Ont* NEURALCUA &~ RHEUMATISM <lan be cured by using specifto No. 25. LsDewon- darful salec la duse10 ltse sIiple f tt ilildme ail ltat is claimed fenitfl. uS O63Taroul Medicine Ce., Torentot OnI. WEoo!C=12.enm ra rfond of il. dome; andourOS Bàold Zverywhe re at 25Q -a o1çlW- Becommended b>' Evsryboidy. I arn scquainted -with lte compositiuOn - Pétrnin'. Fine Tan ordial, sud eaun romPý mena i asbeing lte meut emfoient Céugh Remedy I know of. Association, asud Presideuioth Bite Erscu.I tive Association cf He4tt O*cof f Ontani, LINDBÂY, ONT. 'I r' [il te and Canadian * Tweeds, MEDIcATIED ELicRU medcated'or ail disesees et ttc blood and nu%- vous system. Ladies' Bell $2 fer female cern- 1 -te i hasno equal. Mens' Bell 8, combmled andminal weaknas5. errore et youlh. lest CURESnaho ng.1 glvlng a clireot ourrent of etriity to the prs Can be wern night ordy witteut inconvenience. I4undrOl '0Te r,' those cured o! female disasepan nback ad bipe, Iiad and Mon tale o n t e r eil, um ag ,rheu. n îm , SU .paralYsis, neuraig. scialica fu b . n a rV o u s d e ly , g e n eri bblia d delm b g o ese of the kidney, spinal dieae, torpd liver, gou, eucorritoa, caarrh te baee a axitaustion, semxinei etuisaons, agthmab&eart disease, dyspepela, constipationl eryslp- as, Ind gsin.ipt fiy.ples, epiepe>', dumb ague and diabeles. Send slamup forc .nds ex y llustrated book s-ud h siitournal. <orresp n e triclI onfidleutis. U 1 litation sud electrical treatmeut free. Agente wated spondwee. PaLUb. 26ti, tW Cures Ouaraflteed Medloated EleotriO Boit Co.. I185 Queen St. WVest, Toronto, canada, 1 1 OLFNDEN'S STEAM gMPERI&LMARBLE WORKS, REAM Tbe BSubsocriber wlstes te Ioconve>'Io tei AR msuy riandesud Customene hie sincene ibnefor their libersi patronage in the asand ta assura them that b. bas latter facities than ever for exacuting al erders Monuments, Headstones, e S/a te and Marbie Mant/es, 41< 11% . And an>' othar work in hie lins. Ait Work guaanteed firet-ciase. Prices le suit the limes. I bave new moved ta My nsw plae cf business in Smith'si Block, sentit o! tbe Market. R. WOLTENDE:N. ALUMI AMM4ONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES, or any injuim imateali. - E. W. GLLETT, TORONTO, ONT. N F. WaG1 LE-, CHIbCWÂID0AG5O, ni.BA I<I I I G HATS 1 HATS 1 1 Marbie and -0ýahite

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