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Whitby Chronicle, 8 Jun 1888, p. 8

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county Council. Met Monda. at 2:15 p. m. Memersalipreentexcept Mesu. Tren. outh and Bruce. The cierk read tbe minutes of the laët day ef the January sesion, which were cenfirm- ed. The clerk read the foliowixg communica- tions :-A. iengthy report from A. G. Robin - son, C. E., who complairas that the new Nar- rews Bridge near Orilhia, ie not built ina strict accordarace with the plan submitted te the county council, but that it iu the most disgraceful expenditure of public money hie ever witraessed, and auking te be reliived Troi ny responsibility in the matter. Ti.Grand Jury's presentirent at ast asuizes. From the Provincial Secretary regarding the amendmreçits-to the lique: 1 ws passed lust session of the Local liuse, fastenirag the wbol? expenditure of enforcing the Scott Act upon counties so long as the fines col- lected for its infraction are sufficierat.te cever the. expense incarred in its maintenance,and that ira case these fines dont sufilce then the Local Governet wiIl pay one-third the balnce. The report of thq' County Auditors. Copies of petitiene frein the county of Welland disapproving of the bonusing busi- ness arid aise regarding ce-tain eci ecl aindments that ceunty baraker after, were rea4, in the hope of gaining this colincil'e approval ira order to proes these niatters upon the. Local Gevernment'u attention. Frein the North and the South Ontario License Inopeetor's, the former askmng 82,- 240 h latter $2,225, te inforce the Scott At during the. coming icense y.ar. From t he Prisoraer's Aid Association$ showing what work that bodY is accompliuh- Fnrein Jailor Doecker giving jail statietics for the past six menthe as follows :-Total number ef prisoners conflned ira jail frein Jan. lot 1888, te June first, 48 ; of whom,t males 41, feniales 7; insane 10; at June lot t) were ira jail ; ceet of maintaining prisoners 81 cents per day, A petîtion froin North Ouatario Fres Institute-asking S25.11 Formai IUotlohg and notices of motions w9rQc PAae<fl' or read about routine affairs. Mr. Murten, eeconded by MIr. Lark, mcv- ed that the. Co. Treas. be asled te 8ubrnit a detsiled statement of the cost st enfercing the Scett Act ince it corne ln force, ef the snounts received frein fines, etc., an'1dt inagietrâtes be aaked to mk artrnut da>e of the fines inflicted so far this 3ear. how rauch has bsencoc"lected and tu %whr paid. Adjourned at 4 o'cluvk. SECOND DAX'. MORNING (4fU6îN. Met a, 11:20. hlenibers ail prescrit. The fo11çwing ,ýùStnunications were read : Froiîï'Thon. F. Belcher, C. Ei., Peterbore, regar ling Narrews Bridge, staLing that it lu a good one and dane according to contmact, and that everything connected with it im perfectly eatisfactarv. Frein .1. B. Dow, Sec., nf the new Provfn cial Association of High and Public school trustees, enclosing a numrber of resoluti uns fer the council-s perusal and asking for- an expression of oeinion on any inatters en which the councîl nuigbt fancy the schoel iaws need tinkering. From Mrs. Herbut Allun, widow of the man wlio shot biaseîf at Whitby s few weeke age, asking a rettend for her late hus- barad's license ausara auctieneer, as it cotild net be used after bis death te wind up his estate and another had te be taki or the administratur te seli off the balance ef the. stock. Frein Henry WVhitney, commissiouer cf Narrews Bridge, enclosing about $700 ac- counta et the various parties who wighed te gtapull at the coîînty's leg in cen nection witii' the building cf the new a)ridge back there. A number et hawkers and pedlais sent ina a petition asking te, either have their license fees struck off, or else have like ainîunts tucked on egg-buyers, sewing mach ine anl or&an agents, snd aU sticb peop.le. The commrunications were ail sent to the Mrr.rto ites. id dran through a by. !aw te borrow nney for ceuinty pur- poses untîl the ccîinty rates aie cellected. The Wsrden left the chair at 12 o'clock. AFTERNOOr. SI'SI0N. Council îmet at 5:05. On motion of Mr. Christie leave et absence %vas granted for three iiionth,3 to Co. Clork Farewell. Mr. McRae present.d the report c f An- gus McKay, comimissioner et Talbot~ River Bridge, statirag that the spring freshets had damag.d the bridge, that $10 hs.d aiready been expended and $80 more required te b. ex pended. Moesd by Mr. McKay sconded b yMr -Smitii that the Clerk oft tus coun ty b. re- qlured te asic for a return'f roin the proper par- ties nhewing e.ii fnes Lrapoeed under the. Can- ada Twraperarace Act known as the. Scott Act and ali fines paid. Aise al tees paid to justices et the Peau., Police Magistrates.8olicitors, Commimiioners, Poutablee and witn.sses, And ail ot ei parties wbo received mouey eut o e idtund, the ameunt. paid toe=c anad for whiat purpos or service, ince said aet carne inate terce ina tua county, uuch re- turra te b. made tuis session or as soon there- aiter as possible, and tiiat a copy of the marne be furnisbed .acb member. Mr. Murton thourht before this motion was pased askira& for returras et such a sweeping nature, 14 would b. a good idea te, have it specîfied whii ot make out thialre- turn. Mr. MeKay 'laid if ne returra was asked fer, noue would ever b. made. He tbought before se mucii money wau asked from tuis council there ,hould hb. mre information handed IWa Mr. Sinith uayo the. Scott Actis a perf et Mr. e ltmssnrg jte fores robbed the ,vari<us mnicipalities of large- revenues aaad no* thst there bre hle uma on heuJ and larg exffnditurea being made, h. thiraks the council siould have smre detAiled infor- mation about the matter.' .1Mr. Mowbray said if tuis motion is te b. voted upon ho would ic. to have 14 iin such shape that it cun be done intelligently. Has ths council any legal rijt t back it in askig for tuas information ? It wouid looku hike a por method et doing business te asic for work tis couucil ha@ ne right te dlaim. Mr. Milier ays 4he Act in a prfect farce. If theze partes may .cet C7.1 sUrneof mney ira fines and pay it ent 1ga, withhut accou ugrit to sn , ten the Act is a b*ge farce than -eo it te bo. It would notbe se much matter if only a trile we aukd, but here were have a dernd for over $4,5W0. Messro' Lace sand, Murton suggesed that hoii. bte ta. a no.nddo st e ecfyWho THIRIWDAY. Warden took the chair .4 11.15 e'clock. Minutes of yesterday confirmed. The cierk submitted returna cf convictions and fines ina Scott Act cases impoued by the différent rnafistrates sino. Jan lut, 1888, up te Jura lot imait. Referred te Pmance Cern- mittee. The Warden left the chair st 11:45 and an informai discussion teok place regarding the now detunct excursion preject until dinnei, tirne. A.lErMNOON SSIN Warden took the chair at 4:05 o'clock. EDUCATION. Mr. Larke brought down the Education Committee's report te, the foilowing effeet : That the Wellanad Ce. Ceuncil dees fot furnish enough information readagits ucheme for promotion examinations ir uchools te enable tEhe cemmittee to, make a report. That the cmmittee is of opinion the re- cemmendatiens of the new Provincial Trus- tees Association are of value and that its meeting rendered goed service te the uchools. The conimittee reports favorabiy upon the Provincial Trustees Association motions eon maray questions, and especialiy that te have tees coinposed inalli gh sehools and collii ate institutes except ira cases where the fifth clasu public uchool work lu dons ira the lowes,ý fori of high schools and ira uuch cases fees uhould net b. charged ira that form- et the hi gh scbools. The committee expresses its pleasure in concurring ira the recommeradation of the tssociatien that mors attention be gi-ven te the education of children in subjects bearirag upen the work ef afterllf. The. lest clause ef tbe rprt recommends the appointment cf 11ev. .M. iaieo Durabarton, to the Whîtby Board etfiiuca- tien ira place cf 11ev. J. J. Carneron, resig- ned; and F. Ypirneld, Eqq., te Port Perry Board cf Education ira place et W. J. Mc- Murtry regigraed. The report was held over at this stage the comrnlttee of the wheie having obtainecl leavo to oit agairi. COtIeTTrRZASVRER'5 BULDGET. The clerk readl the report et the Ce. Treasurer as f ollows : MITIMATEI) EXPENDITURE FOR 1888. Interest on Debentures Du. municipalities non-res. taxes Jury exp. and Crim. Jus. amo. Crimina I witraesses Constables CIL. of Peace and Co. Att. Ex"rl. teachers and pupiis 'ialary schooe: Inspector 0o'. Ceuncil and Warden Salaries-Treas. Co. CILk Caretaker Sa.ares-Jailer, trnkeymatron,etc. Salas-ies-Cen>nterlî and witnesses8 Caretaker Narrows bridge Lrinatîcs Jail exp. and suppliesl l-igh and Mu>dcl schools Treamurer s exp. postage etc Regmstrar's supplies GX. prop)erty L'rim. j us. Auditers Prov. Treas., e.xp with Itunatics I xîtere,4t Printiniz Co. Auditers Ref und sch(ool lnspector- Crier Heatiug Co. buildings Salary Ce. Police Magistrate M iscellaneolus N arrowK - Bridge Scott Act N. Out. Total ESTIMAME) RECEIPT FOR Cash ira bank Cash ina Treas. harads Aue. and peddlats' licenses Magistrates fines' Ref un-riReg- office Broken istone Surregate jury tees Crim. .1118. accoucti' Scott Act fines Total Bal. te fie provided by taxes $12000 92289 2-500 63 6500 1250 C ) 2'250 00 185 0 0 850 Cw 1050 90 175000 17500 169-50 50 00 2w00 4200(0 Ï5 WX 5m00 300 C.) 200 00 100 (X) ~0 0 1070 100 00 750 0 85o00 1312 83 1400900 2424 79) 22e) 15 14022 66 s $37220 350 66 6000 50 0 3m00 40 O00 60 0 3,5000 4 'w 00 $13022 66 21000 $34022 66 Its superior excleneproven ira millions ef homes for more hn uarter ef a century. It is uued by the United States Governaent, Endorsed by the heads ef the great Univerli- tis as the Strongeat, Pureut, and meut health. fui. Dr. Price's Cream Be.kirag ]owder does net contain Ammonle., Lime, or Airan.. Sold only in Cane. PRICE BÂKING POWDER CO. 2(5W Toux. cHICÂGO. ST. LOUIS. rinancial and CommerciaL O)ffice Of Whitby CHTRONICLE, Whitby, June 8, 1888. 1 WIIITBY MARKET Sprlng Wh a. Goose W he aî.... ... Flour, per owt ...... Ba ley....... ..... Rye ............ e au........ ..... Peao, black-eyed . . Blne Pe au..... ..... Gats.. .. .. . . .. . Ra....... ... Aleike Olover se Ried Clover seid........ A.pples, per bbl.......... Tomatoes " ...... potatoes, per bag..... ý.... R gguB............ ... ... Rlidesi, per lb . .......... Pork, perowt .......... Turuipe............... Ceiery, prds.. Chiokens, perlb... Turkeyu, per th......... Ducks, per lb ........... Geese ver lb..-.......... Cheese................ Wood ................ Shee sking ............. PRICES. $0 7654$0 80 0 7b (9080 0 67 ( 0 70 2 00(g 2 50 0 65 40 75 0 . 4 052 ()55 (4 060 C w @ 40 66 00Q ( 0 00 0 86 40 40 10560 @(il00 4 50 (4 75 4 00 46 00~ 60 2 00 1 00 4190o i 00 4 1 12 0 18 4 2.2 0 18 C4 23 0 06 à 007 6 00 46 20 0 156(020 0 00(@ 0 62 0 0 Le 0 12 u 10 4010 0 10 0 O15 08 010 0 12 (@ 010 4 00 @ 655 0 40 e_ 050 0 10 @ 0 12 VIEWS AND FRAMES, Ina cennectien witii hie reguiar photo- grapbirag the subsoriber wishes te eall at- tention toe .views et private residences, which are taken &nd framed at lewemt living rates. !May 319t, '89 W. E. O'BRIEN, Photographer, Whitby. $4yOOO TO LOAN On Farm Security, for long term of yearn, at 6 0Addres, Box 244, 25-2in.Whitby. THE NÂARftOWS. BRIDGE MArrER on inotion ef Mesure. Bateman and Bruce, Mr. J. B. Thonipson, Mayor of Orillia was heard tefore the couracii regardîng the. charges miade aainst Mr. Baternan and hirriàelf, the. coinnissienerts wio have just tinished building the Narrows Bridgeý,_by A. G. Robinson, C. E., et Orillia. Mr. Thornp son read documents at some lengti anid made an eutended statement ina defence of the. commiss-oners claimin the work was pro erlydons. Pla;Ins eihGâe bridge were ex .hibitedhowing " itte b. a very haradsome and subutantial structure. Mr. Murton gave notice et a motion that the Wardera b.inst'-ucted te grant an order ina tvor et the town of Oghawa for the share cortributed b y that tewn to, Scott Act Police Magistrate Horne's salary, bis con- tention b.îng that ira cases lice Oshawa'ui, where the. tewn pays a police magiatrate te do its own work, said tewn lunet lhable for any part et any otiier police magistrate's salary. Couneil adjourned at 5:15. Ames Hudgin, Toronto, writes: I have been a suiferez heom Dympeposafur the paut six years. AUl the remedies I tried preved useleas, urtil Northrop & Lyman's Vegeta- bis Diueevsry and Dyspeptic Cure was breught under my notice. I have used two bottles with the beet renulte, and can wÎtti confidence reoin mend 14te those afftiot.ed lu 1ik. manner. Manitoba farmeris are reuumirag threshirag openatiotis. 0 se Q 4 a ~ .0 ~ i -2$ 3 .~ 40 E" -dl Dl - gags JOc >< ' JOHN FA RQUHA RSONY Agmuto Oîuils nurncm-Copany, Mertreul. QuebeePt71» suamce Cmay ub, 23t» Ire InsuramScorup=ar iy, a$fr&, L»on & tLaabir elordon, B]4, Ha&mitora Provident &LesufiW. zàmo,~ I mÉIIim Lii NIEW GOODS JUS TIN. Ladies' Short Vest and Queen Chains, Brooches, Cuif Buttons, &c., -ALL THE -- NEW PATTERNS Gents' C7tains and Cuif Buttons, Watches, Clocks, and Silverware, Plated Knives and Eorks AMuch reduced in Price. Watches, Clocks and Jewellery 1Repaired. JAMES %J9OHNSTON,, Biti'K-STaREET, WTIITBY. 0a- 0 0*i, (P0 >b CD .- e.-Q 0 3. -ze* 6. -e fwp c 0 Ce ce fig largalu: Riyal Iargiii: a maD-AY S, WEDNESDA YS a nd SA TUIWA YS, POWELL &cols. People bring us their rnoney and get the most for it. Con- stantly adding new SP/INO Go ods to our Fine IStock of and SUMMEI? 00098, Consisting of the best selections and lateat styles of Sgtaple and Fancy Dry Gooýds. Now let us help you to save rnoney.- Do be Wise- and corne and see our new styles and get our low prices. Corne and get your share of these bargais right away. Special Inducoments in Clothing Department. Boys!1 now is the tirne for a good suit at littie money. Corne in and get Our prices.; POWEL THIS SILVER.PLATED INSTRUMENT ne. Gretest Discovery of the Age. Price - - $3. THE cou ORIENTAL CATARRH IMPOSSIBLE UNDER ITS INFLUEXCE T.onycatarnh remedy ever offered te tthe public on 15 days trial; a wtten ante. given with each instrument, W. T. BÂnu, & Co., 155 Queeu rtfflet Weet, Toronto, Ont. THE GREAT E:YE AND LUNO RESTORER Actina lu not a medlcîne or a dugusting lotion Or powder bail, bt a If-genera- ting Vapor asily and pleasantly applled a t al heurs, tires d places. ctao. 2 -Qýuickly relleves aud. thoron hy cures al otaa Lun4 diseases. Actas No. &.-Positively cures ail diseases ofthtei. ye Ca Gran ulated Eye-lids. Infiamed Eyes, near and far siitdes tBEATED WHIL CLOsIED. T=n AcTiNm, 15BOLD UsnDElIOua wBIrrzN GuAEaànTEon 15 TauL. Eftclose stamp for handsoniely Iflp.trats bèôkand- journal. W. T. BAHI & CO., 1M5 Queen Street WestiToronto, Omit M-OWERB The Pease Furnace. Tii. followinje testimonials speak for themselveu. Prom judge Buru. hamu:1 Whîtby, May 4th, 1888.I .. PR rxeURNACE <Co., LToronto, I have much pleasure lu stating that No. 14 Economy Furnae, piaced by yen lu my reaidencehast 1.11 han given us cern- fort and satisfaction, warraung both upper and lower rooms with ara even temperature, without dust or gas, W. did net require te une cur grates even in the coldest weather, and take pleasure in recomrnending your Purnace tu my feaendo here anid elzewhere. Yourn trnly Z . BURINHÂM Judge, Wbltby. rein A. A.. Pott, IIsq.: Whitby, May 4tho 1888. J. F. PEAsz FUBEACo C., Toronto. Gentlemen,-The "Economy Warin Air Furnaoe," whioh I purchased heom yen hast Octot>er ha. given me gced s&atation. 14 in easy te control, quiek te re.pond, and burras the ceal cean, requirmuýg ne lifting of afshes. Although my house is ira a very ex- posedl situation I found ne di4culty ira keep- mg~ up a comiortable eveai temperature frie frein ga and duat. 1I might aise-- may that the furnaees whioh your agent Mr. MoIra- tyre bau put in ina tis town and vlclnfty- have glv.*a <bcd uatisfactlcn. Yours, et. .1 A..D OSlT, Arohiteet, IProm IL Carswehl,]Coq.: Oshawa3 May 21.4, 1888. J. MrLIXmuw, Esq., - Dean 8ir,-AIl 4he good thinga yen gala aýboutt4he No. 10 Peau. Furnace wbera yen Put eue la mrnv bouqe laat tan, bave piooved te b.true. It'haburned rio more ceai than the steves Pzeylio:wy - dids, yet 14 w me Mor m a su ïd lu sanrmore co mnortabIe malýune with li tt1Wn tobe.<ut W. beg to annotrace that w. have purchased-froin the JOB]3PH ERALL MÂQHINE WOBK8 R STATE ail theirPatterns, Templets, Drawings, FlI , c e., u eces- sary machinery to, carry on a finit-clas Machi.Shop.W. have ecîktim4ta prine Lthe-Joseph Hall Machine Workn kraown as the Jose4 Hl.a1al rn hpalne cemmodions brick building lmrnediately lun the rear oft he main oeb Hl a Worke, where w. shall kee'p on baud forromPt delvr U lrou 1o eaiefza achines made At the J083PH H4LL MACIEWOBKS. - 4 WB HAVE BOUGHT PARTS FOR A LARG]E NU>%BR 0OF mowuRs BIOM JoehHall M4chine Works Estate,- are sud complethang, - lmlted -ipu4, frii aison. It lu censtruoted in the. saie mariner as tii he mir (w;q.roietr of Steel and MalleabIe Iren, euly eralaiged and lmprove<1, 82 InchDrv Wheel 4j - footb Clutter Bar, Steel Praire; SteeU-xleu, Steel Quai-ds. Tho e n id ýbet Mover hi the. markcet. We Bought the Parts ai a'Rate'onta tla and are, Offering at Low Prices'.. in 1ra for au MAchnssd abnry made at 4he Joseph HRait Machine Wctiks. JOBBING and REP&IRING cf a&U iinda promptly attended. lu> 4 modesat. raies. -R. WQnXSF &-ÀCOW, ALL THROUGH- THE STOCK. -ONON..- BARGAIN new scheme a great success. The Li ý1 per wise. Si h. office Steam Book an Ontario,4 work fro: handbill. Unsuxpaui ICLE, wil Cylluder1 ences. 1 fui atteni T]E First il subuqqw Displa by a scali accorira, Advert instructi charged: Orders muetheé ae will 1 A libei mente b: 0ootract in notila of auyin bel or. mente ze Busint Five-oeii perliue Correu Of the oc c'rreflPC their 00 possible J'OHIN OSHAWA ion BAm to ROYa& A T T0M Jaa. n su te:reu L W cool 'l

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