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Whitby Chronicle, 22 Jun 1888, p. 1

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---- -~ HITBY With calm Printed worda, great thoughts, and untirlng industry, VOL. XXXII. WHJTBY, ONTARIO.FI advocate Peaco, Progress, Knowledge, Brotaicrhood. DAY, JUNE 229 1888. ate witb Langley, Langley & Buike, Toronto,) Establishedl1856. ARCHITRCT. OnioC tl Designa for Churches, Villas and Cot- TeLeudingNeekIy in ages a specialty. Drawings prepared fer SUBSRIPTON RTES. remodeling existing structures. SUBCRITIO RAES.Oruîce-First fiat ovor Hoes's Ding $1 per annum in advanoe-81.50 ether- Store. wise . Subsoriptions are always payable at P. 0. Box 202, WHITIT. ho office cf publication. Stem euimen ad bstfurnished Domlifiofln ofe Royal Mail BookandJobprinting plant in Eastern Ontario, capable of executing ail classes cf STEAMSHIPS. work f rom the large poster te the smalleet handbili. Speciai mention ie made cf the LIVERPOOL SERVICE. unaurpassed prese f acilities cf THE CEmoN- ICLE, with its ceiebrated N. Y. Cottreil Frein Montrosi. Froin Quebec cylinder press and other modemn convenli- *Vancouver. .Wed. June 13 ...Thurs. Jun. 14 one. vryode eciespomt cr-Toronto...Thur. "21 ................ fuies atteio rcevsprmt cr Sarnia......Thur. -2tý..Fnid'y. June2-9 ful attention. *Oregon...Wed. July 4 ... Thurs. Julv ______Mentreal...Thur. 2.... TERMS 0F ADVERTISING. First insertion, per line, 10 oents; each subsequent insertion, 5 cents. Displayed Advertisements are measured by a scale of solid Nonpareil, and charged accord ingly. Advertliernente sent without written instructions inserted until forbidden, and charged for full time. Orders for discontinuing advertisements must be in writing, otherwise the publish- ers will not be re8ponsible. A liberal discount for contraot advertise- mente by the year. Copy for changes of contraot advertisement shsonld ho handed in not later than Wednesday ; and noticne of anyintended changes should be given before Tuesday noon. Other advertise- monts reoeivod up to Thursday noon. Business notices in local or news columns Five cents per lino weekly. Locale, 10 ots. per line weekly. Gorrespondence solicitod f rom sdi parts cf the County or neighboring townships. correspondents are requeted to Rend in their communications as promptly as possible, HENDERSON & GRAHAM, Proprietors. J OHN STANTON, Sup't Moohanical Dop't. JOHN E. FAREWELL, LL.B., B ARRISTER, County Orown Attorney, and Connty Solicitor. Office,- South win.g, Court Houso, Whitby -48 JAMES RUTLEDGE, I ARRISTER, &c. Office formerly oc- >cup ied by Farewell & Rutledge, next te Royal Hotel, Brock St., Whitby. DAVID ORMISTON, B.A., A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR INI Ohancery, Convoyancer, &o. OrneCZ-I h. Office seuth of h. Pest Office, in MoMillan'a Block, Brook Street, Whitby. ly-1O G. YOUNG SMITHq, L L. B., BARRISTER, &o., &c.-Money te, Loan BIssuer ef amiago Licenses. Ooiui-Smith'is Block, isouth cf Market, B rock St., WhlCby. (Cf-6 JOHN BALL DOW, B ARRISTER-AT-LAW, SOLI01TOR in Ohanoery, Conveyancer, &o. Offlce-Deverill'5 Block, Brook Street, Whitby. MONETY TO LEND-Private Fund,- n sumo up te $800, at a low rate cf in-. torest. (ly-62. LYMAN ENGLIS09 L Le Bi, BARRISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN B harncory, Oonvoyancer, &o., &o. Sm cee Street, Oshawa. £Ucbïrad. P. GORDON MELDRUM, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office hours,-8 te 10 a. mn., 2 te 4 and 7 o 9 pi. No. 8, TIEE 'lTERILACE," BYBON-ST., WHITBY. M. C. CRAW FORTH, VETERIN&.BY SURGEON. Graduate et Ch. Ontario VeteinaiY, Col- loge, Toronto. Oideru hy mail on elegraph promptly attonded Cc. Office at moidenceocf G. Ayrolsopposite Dr' Bogats, Dundas streot, Wbtitby. SEBERT EIRGS. LIVERY and' SALE STABLES, BROOK STREET, WHITBY. Good Bigeanmd Good Horses. Terme nos onable.# 19 BBBT BROS. RI GGS & IVORYý, 8. E cor. Ring siad oege Ste, Tort~o>. JËMREUT TX3T]f. .8 i 1 tllfl Gold 8BOM. » Vancouver. .. . NVd. 1-... .Thurs. July 19 BRISTOL SERVICE FOR AvoNMOUTHa Docu. Ontario from Montreal about Wed. June 20. Toxse 6" di di tg July 4. Cabin Rates frein Montreal or Quebec. Froin $50 te $80, according te, steamer and position et State Room, with equal Baloon privileges. Second Cabin (very su- perior accommodatien), $30. Steerago at lowest rates. * These Steamers bave Saloon, State- roome, M asic-rom, Smoking-room and Bath -roome amidships, where but iittle mo- tion is felt, and tbey carry neitter Cattie nor shoep. The Roome are ail ontside. The accommodation for Second Cabin on these Steamers is exceptionally gond, and well werthy the attention cf the travelling publie. The *'Vancouver" is lighted throughout witb Eiectric Ligbt, and bas proved bersel.f to ho one cf the f astest Steamers in tho At- lantic trade. Passengers can embark at Mentreal if they Bo desire. DAVID TORRANCE & (JO., General Agents, Montreal. E. STEPHENSON, Telegrapli Office, Local Agent, Whitby. 7PLlan Bine Royal Mail Steamers.1 LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW. S ummER ARRANGEMENTS. DATES 0F SAILINGS. Steamners Frein Quobec. Sa.mmatian ... .... ......... 28t Jane Paxisian....... ........... Lth i Polynenian ................ th Jaly Sard.inian................. l12th Circassiau................. 2tb RtATES 0F PASAGE B! MAIL STEAMERS, Qneboc te Liverpool Cabin, 50, $60, $70 and $80 accordlng te, accommiodation. Intermediate, 630.0, Steer- mgo, $20.00. itetumn tickets, Cabin, 690, $100, $130.0M, 8m5.00. intermediaCe. $60.00. Steer- ago, 840.00. Cattie, Pige or Shoep are net carried on these steamers. IMORTANT NOTICE. Cabin, Intermeaiate and Steerage Passengers may go on board at Mentree. By Chie arrangement passengemfi are enabled te be comfortably sBettàed on board Che Ocean Steamers wtthin only iliheurs ra.ilway journey frein Whitby. Steemage passengers booked tc om frein Glasgow, Belf ast ,Queensto*n, or London, ame rate as Liverpool. Bristol and Cardiff $2.00 extra Passengers and heoir baggage are put on board h. Ocean Steamships at Qaebec ire. et ail exponse. Parties sondlug for Chir friends lu Ch. Old Country cmn obtain PREPAID PAS- SAGE CERTIFICATES at lowetratos. For Tickets and ail other iformation, appiy Ce W. A. Yule, Agent, Express Office, BROOK ST., WHITBY. 1888. 1888. SPRING AGAIN. And if U B lookiug for a 'Nie. Paper for your Parler, Dluuig Boom or Kitchen, jas8t eall md se. my Stock which le THE LAW-GEST AND BESi Ever shown lu Whitby, couiprliug the lat- est deslgnesad coleminga im American and'Canadian Wall and CeiIing- Paper8, Decoration8, Border8, etc. AUl kinda of House, Bign andl Frea. cos-Painting, Paperhanging and Ca #omining dons on Short at Notice. put up in thse butmanner. ~~W G.WL SON.e il Con- pure Hellebore lure Pari rs Green FOR SALE BY P no R. O!I CHEMIST and DRUGGI5T wHiTirzEY- ooth B rushes, Hair B rushes, Combs, 8, p T 7 K 4 CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, Agent foi' W7itby. Wriçjht's fiheuma tic Remedy, FOR SALE BY !l i IOEI, C hem/st cà Drug gist, WH ITBY. DOWLl N'S Pepsin AL NEWS LETTERSI ioxîcLx Correspondonce. BROOKLIN; '0 veterinary R. Hickingbottom is kept on ian. In the short ime sinco ho g9a td ho bas bailt ap a goed practice. -tS& ,watt CIII I tell you," much can ho sec lje by skill and energy. ~A.drew Cook died very suddenly on Fr1 . and wau baried on Banday afternoon TPtha 1 nf iMtion .han, nnlaid heavflv ndeaylaut tiýieiclenoo in To .-n hie romains were bought h. ~ Friday for interment. Ho wuas me cf the Beethoven Lodge No. 165 1. O. ., and they tegether with membere fro~ ugham, Port Perry, Whitby and Os attended the fanerai. The Rev. J J. . t, merber ofthe:order, conductedfn sermon if the Methodiet chumch. The yail emplars cf Temperanco aise lose Mr. ElliotC an honorabýle member. Imost sudden death Chat bas occurred ho seme time la Chat et Miss Alice 0 On unday morninq she arome and as «" wtih the houmihold duties and about 'dlock was aken down with infiam- - Medicai aid was îmmediateiy pro- ou but fe ne purpese, about eighteen hoü* -aftemwards she was a corpse. The fa teck place on Tuep'day frein the rosi- de f.e ber brother-in-law Jas. Hoar, -wh" se diod Cc the B. C. cemetery O a. The deceasod wuaua estimable o woman apparently in gocd health. > oholya death bas caused mach s y for Ch. affiicted family. The-- fa waa largely attended. - '*arm of fixe sounded from Ch. dimec- George St. about one o'clock on Tues- da on arrival it was found Chat a bain te Mr. Goldabro was in fiames. T gt snob a start beforo any one got Chat nothing iCh. buflding couad be. eut. For a short ime Mr. Wheel- sien wu. in mucb danger, battCh. b brigade as asual did good wcrk and 'etreain cf water on th.hge s .. had a buggy in Ch. bain whioh od and hie los will ho censiderabie ne bkad littie or ne hiuurane. on Ch. b gMr. Wm. Duxant aIse lest some Wiower. stered in Ch. bain. 'Cause cfire net exactly known, bat possibly a M a pipe did the misobief. baseball match playod bore on Satar- Cween a club fmom Whitby and oui notaltogetheisatisfactoiy. Wbitby t te bat 4 w-d sucoeoded lunpiling ap boys ýýteïnibly, asspeokliliwu ri tixed for on uin. Play was reuumod and at Ch. end of Ch.efi.th the score stood 20 Cc 9 i favor of Whitby. Then Cwo cf Che Whitby contingent began te kick about p mylg any more and asedUpeColn te tekr h. gaine, which ho did against Ch. proteste cf Brooklil club the membeme cf whlch wanted te play the match eut. Under Ch. circamestances Ch. gaine was f orfoited te Brookli and oui boys rightfully dlaim it by a score of 9 Ce 0. WhiCby certainly oatplayed Booklin, being bettor !u vem 'rspct. O ui boys apparntly lst Chirrhod.sand.plyod wetehedly. Most cf Ch. runs were made hy wild Chrowing and badil leling by our boys. However wiCh practice w. will have a gccd club. A few games wlil Cesch Chemn coilnees and preouce cf miud. The retuin cricket match hotwe.n Picker- ing and K.lnsale waa played on car groandu last Saturday. Careftil work vas don. a&l around. In Che finui inninga Pickering made 16 uni; Kinsale, 28. lu Ch. secnd, Pickerng mado 21 and Kinsale 17. Steven- Éon and lowbmay bowied for Kinsale, Clark and Camemon, for Pickering. Tho grandout pic-nie cf Ch. season 1 The Andloy, Brookliu, Dwvidsou'a, Greenwood, Kinsale and MC. ZMon public sohools Wil unitelin holding aUnion publ'5Ohol piU1iO on the 29thlit,linCh. beautifu iove of Mr. Wm. Clark, hotweer, Kinsaleoand Green- woo teCcwhîoh ail are most oordially lu- vited. Some cf Ch. beading crators f Ch. district vill b. preseut te deiver addressos, voci almie will add te Ch. day's entertalu- ment, wbile ample amusements will ho pro- vided by ienseof football, baseball, cricket etc. Lt le expocted Chai an association cricket match wvill ho plmyed by Ch. Kinsale and Bovinanville clubs. To add Ce Che viaconsf the day Whithy Cornet Band Dirinî the same- aftor. iiooîn, Cher. vii ho an -èeiting sulky pbongh ompetrtion among Ch. Flbeury Manufactar- iong9e.and Ch. Amezîcmàu Coinan ,cf Âyi, i>aAoining field o! Mn . B.elleyjr Sbould auy oetCh.eachools,> wMbierreh.nto- libae nàtoiseen Cheir *vayolear Ctoaccopt, " ivitei te jeiiluths demonstraticn now sent te dosgo# hey wlll-eertIny be '*vol"ced. COLUMBUS. Xi. P. L. Grass ison he sick liet. Sowlngtur iseth.eider of h., day mnm Cameouof Califonias le vwutlug, tr,"utîM Purvos. Thstoz e,-wo-ftCh. Mohodat huioh dlusoon be-poinp»leo- PORT PERRY. ABEBUEN. The Ceundil made a sensible move at its last meeting, when it decidod te have a fence bufit acres. the town hall let and te use only the back part fer a peund, and the front for a pleasure gound. Ini addition te the îacing on Dominion Day bore the Scugog and Chalk Lake foot- ball clubs are te kick a match and the Ux- bridge ana Port Perry basobail clubs will play another cf those tOxO matches. Werk i eecting the now railwav-station bore will be commenced the firet week in July As understood long ago, it is te ho bnl at the foot of Oneàn et. hfitween the The dawning cf tho l5th cf June causes more stir and anxiety in thie Cown Chan doos any other day in the yeam. On Chat mornlng the groat _Scpgog fieli-barmel le opened Up and somewheme about eighteon bundied menthe are opened up alec-to re- ceive. This year they ail had a groat days fisbing. The care beetowed by Inspecter McDermctt in prctecting the fish is amply repaid by one day's sport. . The catch on Friday was good, some heoking in as mnany as thirty or ferty fish. Those who had ne luck made their way te, the Inspecter's ship and heiped themeselves te, part cf hie abun- dant catch. I don't believe any place in Canada can tu.rn up as tough-looking a gang cf old mon s infeet the hetel corners around this town. Their faces are fairly purpie with long-soak- ing in poisened whiskey, their eyee big anid like door-knobs and aie blood-shot, Choir stare ie almoat enough te maire one shink back and c1imb over a bouse ruCher than pass them on the street. Hoaven kncws Cliey are a terrible eyesome te those who de not eee the Hire evory day, and for this reason aie net accustomed te it. 1* bave known Chose unfortunate cièstures many, many years, and have seen Chema whon they looked bright and kind cf bu- man, and I always found thom flghting againet any attempt te satifie whiskey-ex- cept by dxinking it. May I-daare I-add Chat I ose enough young mon around, who are pursuig the same course, to7 Cake their places. Oh!1 if a young man could only e i hie youth what ho is te corne te, how many cf them wouid; go and bang them- selves, instead cf fighting for their own min. CANNINGTON. The secondact in the Biown-Liuwood seandal wMs onacted at Sunderland lust week. Immediately apon being releaed on bail on the charge*cf ape, Mi. Brown secuxed a warraint trom Mr. T. H. Glonadin- ning, Sunderland, and had ,Miss Lluwocd arrested apon a charge cIpry. The Crial teck place at Sunde ilb hfore al Ch. justies Chai Coul hb oua. M. rwn inuO heel aM enhohrgudpt v it was impossible foirhm C bave boon &round wheu Ch. alleged crime was coin- mitted. Mr. Brown's son and anothor boy namod Woon swore Chey wero with the girl Linwood at Ch. ime and Chat Choir onduot with hem was eftCh.eincet immoral description, Choix connectien with hem b&- ing at hem owu eque3t. The case fe ho- ginm.ng Cc, lock like a hard on. nowé The meýgstrates couid not flnd lu Ch. evidence sufficiont grounds Co commit thoe.--girl for pejury and acquittedl ber. Tins s le obab- ly h. end cf Ch. case antil th. faU assises, when botb aides wil be heard at Wbitby befomie Ch. jury. ToRONTO. The city's coal is contracted at $4.25 per ton. The now steamer Cibola, mate cf Ch Chscora in ranning. During a tbnnderstemmn on Frlday lest a1 policeman picked up a y7oang bah. which, had presumably faMen with Ch. frogp lu the3 Hou. G. W. Boss and Prof. Galbraith are maklug atrp through Che Now England States lookng Up pointers on educational sabjects. A man vas acoidentaily shot on the IsIan& on Monda y and lse.xpected -te di..- Re was an attendant in a ehooting galiory ana got a ebot in Che neok. In Ch.eassise court ou Monday, Mise Jennie Brennan ohtaiued a judgment'fer $1,000 and coste frein G. B. Wilson, machi- niai, for broach cf promise and sodition. Two ruCher luteresting ariests vwere m'ado lu Ch. city d'ring Ch. pit wek, -ey. W.j T. Wilson,# a mthodimi colergymaixt.du conference ind Mr. Jatmes Oheeseman,, a wmitor on Cle.Empireigthoepartiesbock- ed up. Ineach case Ch.'ôlcharge vas dis. oiderly conduot Mu refuslu*g Cc "Move-ono when skod te do se *Dy policemen. The cilergmn d- newspaPer mon are going for Ch olc ith energy. The profsssor thinks the next tirne fb croï3ses the Red Sea h. will see te it that -A. (3. is numbered among the Bgyptians.- Mr. Jas. Balfourjs building a fine stable and making things look nice. Ho maya the boys wont be able te mun off ;with hie ealf on Hallow-e'en. We believe Snow.ball would make a botter Veterinary than Physician as ho seema to Dnom in gayor oats ahPirne.altdman cf lite dloclntpothae g etin pte muaclestoecf 'thn oubstheillagoe- Mr. ,? asdrw eir 0as aboiut-lnéidhedbs ne W bouais uldnI in oc adGea prsperity on te part céf ouh The ondue seoto vige hada lgh misthapofal sptem arte ek.Ttnuhe ha msmeceoe oatfs them ofrtt om w but tho c-aig oy as itl crlesi thrwinawyerhiecigbotubfanie d hel bawse ndthat the buildinhae e a lo infont o iionDayorditakeonshoi wet cpnand glpospe teir shrtaroys. The dpet offtce illone h moved fom mi.ha T. A ishe'. streekM. D. Boer'sa sop.me .deAloi.Wsn the rnew n matte rnibow ier he cdety. in coreowndonce cf hie eightboad hod muet hbee tensivethen ityreqUlhes toGovemn- ontoii aIsrt aagte it.wThe neout oc aatind oinlt eir50 conven s the pheroset oie but te geera pblc re mih hankfr.lexChaton th new postt diot ocdee oetais ihbheoiedati privaten~sie wcen teaim. Thoer l omen oed fas omange aphoThe ehne lcaommn iationth e font and tas he prsont neniugteghn hiyuirew the proabiit r hat b ef om onte i o ie o.P.R.atletheoff ino andhi haivea tiokorcouin.e -m heei DeOuiy Psundastsool le mpsonvigbt mre- teachors aie wanted.-1 Ch. iight man for pathmaster, h. is deung a good job. Mr. Bond occupi.d Ch, pulpit Sunday night last ln th. absence cf By i id who ise attending Confemenco. Mr. Willard le goig te bud hie stome, iighi away. Ho bas lottChe masoni work' Cc,- Vice BroChers. Theai are i womk at Mr». Mi. Loren. RWaW w*,-u Iowa neaily foui yeams eacbing sijoa visiting bis parents home. H. bmoaght a handeome now rifle as a preseni for bis fathor. It ie a olt'. nioklo-platod, isol> gip, walnut stoci, lightning epéator aud ,will shoot fifteen imes in 10 sec onde. -You bot theoioldmans oye.s parkied. Polo csa and mad doge wiil stand a poomr chance now. véry fnef item&. tb. Central Baook fanda. Frederick, Bmperpo f Germany la doad.- William succooda te Che thicue. G. W. Gooafoilow,Rflur Miller, Aylmors committed enuicide on:, Tuesday, on -being arrested on a charg e cf indecent. Iitlmay wîth hie15 yoar old daughter.Lirliàn. J .Doitzi a, Guelph oontrnwMr sud buildor, bas oboped. w.ith a Mîi eHast.,-a Welhgirlwho <- am <> QGuJpJh *bout'a yoar ago. H. loves a wifeau&a ly. Big Bd. RE.0w1o tecka wax mpreàozi cf'Ch. koy cf the maiy station sale Port Hopo and then robbed tihaboom egive f oui yem. Hie aoplie turnoéd Quoeri'a 150,000 Bepublicane fooed -teObicago -on Tuouasy te attend the.oà onvon for. the nomiation rot Choircandifdate for the prsdoc.Tho aeil o kng suit- ablo canddatessoaC uomare oer Ch. military likingsofo!the èw -Ger-, man Empeor. I-eraY. asasmaY blous. ' cause net «i Rli ABomo . yfor DF DowIin's Per fumes, looth Soaps, NO. 28. ýds. and Joule îen-t. oney. Fa. L ys trial, 1& C~o. esat aud ut Gran 15 D&TS A bealtb Ont* Jan. 22,1878, I .' 1>1 'o o -4O o o.- a 'e n i.- 14 I i O ON, r 1Dré Ind ail other Articles necessary te the Teilet, are kept in good variety by W. R.IIOWSE, Chemist and Druggist, Whitby. THORLEY fIorse & Cattie 1 :FOOID W . In Iota te suit purchascrs. R. HOWSE, S. 1 r

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