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Whitby Chronicle, 22 Jun 1888, p. 5

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MOIKUNI ~IWELRT I NEW DESIGNS IN Crape Stone, Broches, Earrings, Bracelets, Fob C ha/ns, Ladies' Vest C ha/ns, Si/k Guards and A lberts. 8. BA RNA RD, - WHITBY. BROOK ST., FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 1888. LOCAL LACONIC%, WHAT 18 (iDINO ON IN AND AROUNO TOWN-A BUDGET 0F LIVELY LOCAL NEW8 GLEANED OY OHRONIOLE REPORTERS A olueV a %mang ", takin Dotes, An' f uith hemU prent it. Twice sino. the volunteeru weut te Niagara have rumors bein pread hors that some of them were drowned. None of thons reports are true. The boys are ail right. GOLLINGWOOD hbu tWO natOW lgai welle. An expert gai man sbyse oe of them will give forth .nough for a city of 40,000 people. That îown will nov ta". a boom. Whitby's boom bainont etmrted yet. Mesers. R. Snow, J. Wlllis, W. Thompeon and Wrn. Gold viuitsd Scugog on Monday ovoning and roturned Tueeday night with a fine lot of fieh, soino lunge being of enormous aise. A big crowd came to look upon the catch. "TuE firet ice-cream cf the season," was advertieed in this week's Bowman- ville Stateacn to corne off samSanday school party to-night. The seson com- mences late lovu thoro, but they keep il Up to, the middle of January, and thus make thinge corne riglit.. Pickering cricket club pîmys boe.te- day (Friday.) Both th. Whitby and Pickering clubs are playîng well tbis year and the match should b. a good one. It would b. a good idea te, try and fix up nom. soating for the ladies ai these ail-day matches. Ton or twelve heurs is tee long te ejîhoer stand up or lie dowu. Two of our lova hormemen, vho figure in their owu estimation ai pretty handy with th. stringi, found them.- selves in the ditch between boe and Oshawa the other night. If it had heen aiment any of 1h. other boys, people weuld have sad they should not be trussed eunt with a bore until thoy play horse a vhile vith th.eohool children. TaeE Bovmanvflle Btateman bounte a fuchsia in i te viudowv 18 monthie ld, 9 foot thereo iqches high, 8 feet vide, mnd bearing 185 floyers. This proves thas office obeb a great fertifizor. W. tried ail kinde &round the OHRONWLe, but nothing vould grow excepting bur- docks, which neem to, take held nioely in the gravoyard bohind. Snakes, tee, fiouriah the»e. "TEEEE'B s ummat wrong soom- wearen."9 The Gaette did net eaU us the "4opposition rag" lait week, nor did th. Port Perry Obaemr br ave anything to ïay about the 'OmmomoLu olowa."o ÂAnd, botades Ibis, weare» lnflâmmd with BUNut? 8uiias AT iàA . tAN» 7 P. 1K. NIT Sundsy moning beglsning ai 10 0 c1ock, lb. paster vill (D. V.)- con. duet the second quarlers B. S. lessons. P. M. The subjeet upon vhioh ho vili preab is-"The Tre, sud ils Fruit." Mr. L. Fnirbank's bai removed hiu effice for tb. sale of the "Wbite" seving. machine- from Brook St. te, hie rosi- deoc at tie corner of Dunduan d Kent St. Parýfesviii pisse. cmll upon hirn there. TERRE an a net a very large attend- ance an 1h. Roman Catholie pie-uic at Pickerng on Tnesday. The amuse- ments ver. indulged ia juet the smre sud a roueing dance held mn tb. orouing. The Wbïlby contingent vaited for day- light te corne homo. Somz lime during Tuesday uight or Wednesday morning s panty cf felilows, who ver. jnbilaling round, destnoyed a number cf beautiful floyers at tb. Royal hotel. Il van toc bad, sud conld net bave turnishod the perpetralors witb uSuch fun. ON Saturday, June 80th, oun- base. balliassare tb have anothen vieil mcmi the Atnas, by vhom lbey ver. de- feated on the 24tb cf May; and July 2nd th. Atiantie, champion amateurs cf Toronto, are to play hon.. Thoeetwe games viibl b. hematchos of tbc season sud should atîraot large orowde. THzRE are a numbor of peoplo in town se moan thoy viii snoak elîher oven or unden the fonce, sud vho are se email they eau crawl the fence, te see a bal mateh. Lot tbom ail go te lo-day's cricket match. It je free. Tii. gale is near the norîheant cerner. Tbey have le b. bold Ibis as Ihoy nover vont in by lb. gale yot. TEEt Oshawa indicalor rocommeude Wbibby and Oillia gas-hunlors to study geology. Penbaps that'. vhal thos are deing nai thingi are moving raîher sioviy. Or maybe thsy are vailing fer tb. geolegiomi formation to corne right cf ilseif. Or, lastIV, maybe tboy are quielly going &long sdid li other suc- cenfui gan-findere, vithout botbering about geoiogy. No oul or gas pros- pecters over learnsd anytbing of ad- vanlage te tbem from geolegiae. IT is really mmusing te notice boy bered some people appean te feel at a pic-uic. Tbey eseate have tbe notion that ne outisg is any good unleon thon. is a pnize figbt or a borse race. Tbey oa's vork themailvos dowu te a purely pic-nie point. On Wednesday afternoon at Corbetl's Point thene vers dozens of peopie vho gel the fluet breath of freeb air tbey have had Ibis yemn, but vho y.t toit duil becauns thero va nest a coupleocf rnuaays sud a mas or tvo killed by accident. A pic-uic is a pic- uic net a bufl fight. A grand Union Sohool pic-uiceis te b. held in Mn. Wm. Clark'. grove, near Grsenvood, on Friday neit, 29th. Severmi echoois are joining their forces. The Collogiate Institut, van srongly pressed. te take a day'. outiug, but tb. final examinatione prevent il. The Wbitby Cornet Baud is engagod for the occas"ion. AMdogthe spefakrs vo fi nd vilh vhlob lhe noadîs annuaily trest.d, inaput onstthbeworst time and In the vonet vay. Aftoir being knoeked about during the dry surnuer a barge pon- lien-n uhe fali, vben nneded, le fouad iu the ditchos, choking up th., vater courses. The boulders are preuumed te bo crackod. Some et' Ibom ans, those that lis on lb. surface, wbie 1h. rest romain lu their pnistine rugged- mo, nsd are eÉther roiled uids or be- coeepartlalylmbedded libtseroad bed,' g .ivigi somethlag et the appeanance sud emoclbisen of a luiuip fild short ly afler toppiug. Tira fret game et bannose.plmyed bore for yosns came off on Konday betvoos a Whitby club gel bogther fer Ibis ccasion sud au aggrsgatlon trous Oshava. Our boyis ou1y huuted 1 àp thein oid stics te1 ir.wIis v i-pmele- sd Ophav*m ues a pic-aie, aud vbes il van seen Ibat about a dozen hlgb-b.tt. lug mon ver. aiong viIb shavte back tbsus, oui boys gel read-v t er Ithe proper «rsszlo-dazsPbd"~oorete,ý balblmbeu tvo minutes cut.*et 4bo refere'n bauds Oshmaa eameda goals vhieh vas sot mlowod. lIsu miutes, thoy hed anoiher, àndOm0"wa, mnu vsutod te bel 2 t6 1 on Ibei eluV, wltb :ge takons. U' as e fiat lime Whitby, men-ever tsaned to bat aÀaius, C"hwa, Pu»ma .1kgloves in blaek--sma color's BANI>ELthe barber ; craniumi -over. hbanled, norsped and shoru>. 100 patterno in embreidories te select from at W. G. Wmltern. .TEE volunteers viii returu to-morrow COMPLETER stock of gent. furnishings aI W. G. Walter@. Kinslalssgreal sochool pic-nie is seat Friday. JrJST rec'd. nov stock cf boy'e suite ask $oese. thema s W. G. Waltern. Hosmay sud gloves st excepîionmlly lev prie.. at W. G. Walteon. Thon. -i.s aid te b. a fly or worm de- stroying the. baves on maple shade trees. The Oshawa Forostere' excursion yeseoday only drew ten people from hon.. There vas a emali panty on board. Bowmanville basebali club play@ here Saturday againet th. Whitby nine, vo understand. Tai fruit orop je reportod to b. vory prom.ising for this seasen, in ail Iis part of th. province. The Royal Hotel Barber shop je the place te -get a hair out or a flic. easy shave. ABK te se. our drees goodeast 12j, cbeck and plain te, match at W. G. Walters. Use Dr. Dorenvoud'e Great Gorman Hair Magie for baidnees, gray bain, je for sale by ail dnuggietb. OREDIT Sale cf Harnes, &o., by Anc. tien on Saturday, Jane 30th, commeno- ing at 10 o'clock, at J. R. Pbilp's place cf -bûginee, Brook stroet.-28-2in. TaEz le quit. a bit of graus greving &leng lb. odgo of the sîdewalke on the front street. Bueinees mon should con- eider it s being a b.d advertioemenlte have grass growing in front of thoir doors. WE don't wieh to dictaI. te the veath- en authonities, but would at the sanie lime respectfully submil that nain vould b. quit. acceptable juet nov. Later- On second thought(100 in shade) pleaso mako il pmrt snow-half-and-hmlf as it ver.. MIL ARTRuRS loft bore on Monday nigbl for Philadeiphia witb a fine car- load ofirmft herses, mostiy foun.yean. oldo. 'lb. prime paid are net me good as lait yean, though vo bolievo lh. herses rank fully botter in quality. Wx have on th. doek of our emnotum a head cf vheat, a head of bmley ai a pod ofpease grevu by Ghas. Lynde. &ehbsample i. largely developed and gives promie eo au &andant yiold. Who can beat thal ? DoxuiNoN Day celebralion viii ome off on Mondayjnly 2nd, Ibis year. 0f lh. places noar Whisby, Port Perry bas isnued the fineel posters cf ils raee-moet- ing and big pursos. Asbburn han ils annual pic-uic, instituted many years mgo and mivays a succese. Thero al kindietfathletic sports and pleasurs viii b. indulged and a concert givon in tho evening. TEname cf- cOauslmd 0on,-o letter, aIl vho go there tnom Ibis neigh- .borhood are sure toe ejoy themseivss. S.. large posters sud programmes for full particulans. Lev excursion rates on ail railwayi. Tia Collegiate Inotitute baie bal club wai re-orgauizod ou Thuriday lait vhhe Ii.foilowing oficens voie elected :, -Bon. President Mr. L. B. Embres, B. A. ; P;esident, Mr. A. G. Henderson ; Vice Président, Mr. T. M.- Henry, B. A.; Secnetary, Harvey Germas, Troui. Wm. Gresavood.--JomiîteetMr. W.1 J. Greenvoed, B. A., J. N. 1ih. B. A. The firît match cf ths esses ovas piayed aI j3rooklin on Saturdy lait, vhbhwusclonsd a .stuead ethé. înninga. the scorethon belsg 90,te 9O lu_ tavrrof the coubbet.bys. Mr. K., Oolliisperformed th. dut!..of1Umpir. ln- asort cfgeowanyou-ple.e.iI$.le ha proe.d q1211 nqob$fapory tk all ounezn for Witbe, vhils Mr. lue. Spes-e par-- formed- a similar ssn*So for thé. Brook- lis issus.' ýR«y-and, Coope or ois-tb. rmsk for thi rspeetive Isamo. The p,~ a .ygood for .colts. TIhe 0011" oyseshowed Up. lu'1l.ý In this department we show eveéry leadmng and desired Style. Our goods for quality and value are not- ex- celed in, Ontarýie. SATIN RHÂDAMES.-The new and fashionable Dresa Material in Black and Colora. ,HIandsome Goods and prices very low.- WHITE DRESS MATERIÂLS, in Muslins, Lawns, India Linens, Dress Flouneings in elegant patterns. NEW LAWNETTES.-Choice styles in Prints, Check Sateens, Plain Sateens. PÂRÂSOLS.-We excel in value and quality of Parasols. MILLINERY. We lead in artisîjo trimming, new Styles, and work of a superior reputation as the leading and most Fashionable Millinery in Ontario. 1Ladies wishing a fashionable aud stylish Hat or Bonnet are suret GENTS' CLOTHING, MILLI-NERY. manner. W. are bouxid teO maintain our Our styles are correct. te be suited with oui work, etc. GENTS' CLOTHING. Our reputation for 'Ireliable" Tweeds and Cloths, Worsted and Fancy Suitings, Fine and Nobby Trouser- inga iu New Patterns, Fine (Janadian and Imported Suitings, and*specially choice line of. "wearable"- Tweeds for boys wear. We exeel in Choice Tweeds, and our make, fiLt,l*$yle, work aud value is first-classe in every respect. :BSI - 2R w - - DEVERELLYS BLOCH, - -û-i ; 1, THINK - - WHITB3(. DEEPLY When you are contemplating a purchase of anything ini our lime, no matter how.small may be the amount involved. A CT WISEL Ey coming to look over our large and Well assorted stock of ail that/ is new and seasonable D ECI-DE To buy of us. QU JCKLY After seeing the inrices, and examining the quality' of our -Goods you oan't resist them. Itis impossible to do botter elsewhere. NO Can ho found. BETTER VALUES We get the choice of the best goods on the Market and our prices are,.as LOW AS THEý LOWEST We are alway8 ready to see y-ou and with plea8ure show- you Our Goods. MI. 2R GLASGOW WAHEH OJISE! R & J. CAMFBELL DRESS GOODS. We are show'mg a1 badte match. Aise Silks, Casihmeresi, Shawls. Liai. Thread and 811k Glôves, Cetton, GENTS' FURNISHING.' Linonn SId 1 d., Collran sd1 lrestock of Summer Drese Prixte, Ginghams,. Seer-8uokers,' Merne and Bslbriggan Hose, Paase Fancy Ties, Collars, Cui, Brac (Jui Buttons, -Fanoy Straws- 8oft - dJl A4 Big Loi of Faney Btraw Hats will -be CZeared O-'ui1 at 25e C LOTH IN G. Ready-Made Si idS inl aret.Ou rLie the thing fer warm weather. In the Ordered Clothing departmenlt 'Ir. H., Frager is prepared t nkù fitting wsui uthe LÂTEST STYLE, roPyur coe foilreassortmenýt, OÈ I!e< BOOTS AN D SI-IQES. -A big: and fiirsti-olasés stock, to 'eho-efrm Shoos, Slippers, Laued and Buttoned Boots., M-eus strong woridig oots.4-, s 1>1izeW~ Shoes. Beys aud Girls sitrong sohool Boots. GROQERIES. 'The Stock,àe large and weII assorted., Cbiiid Tos Bette, Glssswaro aud Creckery at'very Low Prices., WPANTED- --Any quantu y f ffarm P, m ALL throwisg both Moi oit 'Mdras a.vay" Ormiston tonna on wfslsgId bsaa vas brokec, hie &ho od dluoouteo4nd "i lac. bad Y ont. H li hn sd4nl*yod aà marVeiloun anount ci Ul * 1, glag off on to eo«rhd àêbr*qnj 4rm nrosa th. -other to 'Vmrkto4 whsré bdhO nn -a drive, t_5* 'ODS,- ýn this many V bow many c only de '88 pers, ve are h be- SOur nd the zacted faah- s booheap. pay- ib on1 mark 9 TS' ri" l, w*T ý D IR., o

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