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Whitby Chronicle, 22 Jun 1888, p. 6

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M6eired. Wh4u ryAun Dollinger got thi OUIO àowzth&z on'InjuflBÏy 1 wu gld, ter I like -ter 560 a gali mùii' ber honeet way, 1 heerd nmre talk in~ the village about her ftyln! high, Tew high fer busy farmer.folke wth chores ter dew ter fly,, But 1 vald no sorter ' attention ter a&H the talk ontel 8h. oome in her reg'lar boardin' round ter visit us with a Speli. encoisee My Jake and her had benrnisvr seuce they could walk, An' it tuk me aback ter bear her kerreotin' hlm in hie talk. Jake ain't no hiand st grammar, though h1o haint his beat for work; But I se* ter myseif, '<Look eout, my gai, yer afoolin' with a Turk 1" Jake bore it wonderful patient an' said in a mournini way, He p'sumed he wae behindhand with the doin'e At Tjun Bay, I reniember once ho wae askin' fer eeme o' -my Injun buns, An' she eaid he would ailus say, "Ithem air," stid ' then isj" the one&. 'WaI, Mary Ann kep at him stiddy, mornin' and evenin' long, Tell he dameent open hie mouth fer fear o' taikin' wrong. One day I was pickin' currents, daewn by the old quince tree, When I heerd Jako's voice a-eayin' "Be ye wil-ter marryT me? An' Mary Aun kerrectn'-<'Air y. wiilin', yeQu h'd Bay." 'Iý w in a plum, Our Jike hie put his foo 0ow «Iowomen folks is a-goin' ter rearrangin' me: Hereafter I eay crape, them îe, calk'late, an' I bo. Ef folke don't like my talk they neeedn't hark ter wliat I say, But I ain't a- goin ter take no Pase from foike from Injun Bay:- I ask ye f ree and final, 'Be yo goin ter marry nie?'"f An' Mary Ann sez tremblin', yet anxious- like, 1-I be 1" The Rugg Documents. CONTAINING TUIE EXPERIENCIE OF jERUsISA RUGG IN SEARCH 0F A HUBÂND. PART I. (Continued.') AUNT1 Ne 23.-Heurs AGAIN. And who do yen thiuk was thons?2 Wby, it wss Aloeiry Jane Perkinz, Old Soi Perkinz'e yonget gai, sud a lorbie bigh-flyorasj,lue. I aeked ber wbsl sho wanteti, ase.simpered, sud gig. gcied, sud sud eh. wanted ho luquiro if Mr. Perkiuz was in. "Yes," ozI, "he's in, sud be'il sbay iu for lbe present!1 wbah do yen vaut ot him?2" "Ho invited mu te go te s Party over te Browun's with hiru," sez se, as bold as brame, 6"sud seeiog as ho dldn't coe to lime, I thought I'd jest stop over ana se. wbat had beiated hlm 1,' "Invihsd yen le a Party, dia ho 2" sez I; "yen hebaeh bzzy, yen i yeu'd orlt t be bu, belh of y.!1 Jouathman," sozI1; "muil it'oesible Ibat yeu've look le gIivatung other wemeu, sud youn lavfui weddod Jerushy emlli in the. venid?" Onuatrai man JAIs thie Imne ?"1 Jonathanu looked shopisb, sud Alminy Jane isffed in My facs. III lboughl yeu'd gene off with that pediar," sys Jonathan, "sund, railiy, I tbonght il wasn't ne basin te take limne by the ferelock, sud-sud kinder bg a looking ont fer a second vite." I waemailnsd a baller, but controlledl my temaper. V've gel s good desi ef eultrol about mue wben I take a notion. "'Almiry Jane," evz I, "yen go homo" sud take off lbom flumrydiddiez, sud holp yeur ma Pool appies le, dry. l'Il take came ef Jou'tan Perkius. I'rn le berne mysoîf, Dow," sud witboul waitiug to bear whal she bsd te say, I bsnged the doon le sud lockod il. Thon I wsub back le Jonatbsu, sud yon'd botter believe I gave bim a sing- isg. I gus ho vished Âlmiry badl been in Halifax store ho had seen ber. Hoeasked my forgivenose as humble se coula bs, sud sed he'd nover, nove: tray trom hie belovod Jerusby &gin, aud I lurgive bim. .Wo'ro geod frlonds uow, sud Joua- than is sas meek suddoylen ra man ae 'ever yenu éeed. Ho don't meushun Almiry Jane nov, but I've beamu oedl thal she lakes on vondàntully about hlm. Land sake 1 il $hs only kuowed vimal s suorer be is, and boy ho swoane vheu bis corns je titched, seod tbauk ber stars that I ougmback vwhen I did, sud pnrweulsd mattere trom goiug sny urder. P. B.-Jonathan gel uigh abont-kick. sd imte shoe-slriugs w-ilh Ibal Weaver mare yesterday, aud tW-day I've been sàudsoid ber fora yokset eteenso. Made a poid bargain, I take il , for it vas ,cboap te, gel rid et ber at aDy Pries. If ve'd koPt hor a week longer, as lis se mot yer Anul JeruebyvouÏld have bees a widdsr. J. R. P. No.e. 2ý.-AVtT, JgeanSBSTS,.OUT -FoIR TEE WwriE MUSTÂINB. Thons iisens that- I swaped Bil Wesveii Mû _ lefor: ilve sold t o Hatcb,, sud got,-evemty,'llve ,,dollars for tomean , bwhvaosjtosb ltesyAvpdollars naore'n. '1 izxWtéd le reseave. I oulùdu'l, hav'e lot Tom cbeated hioeell se, butlie's thW-sbiggest speekelator, Ihis ide:of ths, ,Eocky Mountama, sand aljea takes the sêviaxttge of every aoyh trade; and 1 thoitght mébby be-d b Bleseed tefand4. vkas mant enf ht But I hMn#t a-geing le be éosetdovu about it 1 $,ot ýb bhalz11 abiouId b. tà,omàrt f.mms e piske nypeifouï- happy beoadse 3oàathan Perkiun la neo botter thau b. ort ter bot1 Thank the Lord 1 I'm iu full possession oet-my facilties, and I gnoe I eau manage 10 gel aleng, snd let bim elsy le home, sud emoke sud est ail hhere je in the bouse. That'e juet whal ho likes le do. 1 After I'd get bock from Nisgsry, 1 toit kinder onsetled like-just as if I hadn'l seen aIl I wsnted te. Geiug out lbere'seemed te set me out te go some- wberee es. I've heerd a igbt about tho White Mountains, sud I've allers wanted te, go Ibere. But hbings nover seemcd le work jeel right fer me le go. I wanled te see for myseif. Folks lie se now daye Ihat yen oan't depeud ou nothing. Even the allymnack bas got int the fashion, for last Tbnrsday 1h sei, "«Cool sud wiudy," sud my seul!1 il was the botteal day oft he season!1 It was Bo bot that I bad ta put on My short gouud sud pull off my stock- inge; sud Parecu Powell auru rite in sud ketcbed me in that trim. I nover fuit soesheapy ip y lite ; I'd bave crawl ed jute sa kno alie if tbere'd ony been eue layiug round handy.- I didn't dare to go te meelîn the nez& Snnday, for fear he'd tbink ef m> bare feot aud short gouud rite iu tb. sarruon. We bad a kickiug heifer thal I'd oalkeriated on seliing, but she fell mbt tho vel sud broke ber ueck short off, sud uobody wanted -ta bny ber. If I eonid bave eold ber I sbouid have hsd considerable more money le bear my expeOD8Q than I did bave. I ooncluded to oi te ohueses, sud scheese is prihly high I gel ton dollars for bolh cf 'em. Wheu I Oum te look intomy pusesI found I hsd oue hundred sud two dollars, sud two tweuty-five cent ecrips, aud a silver three-cent piece. There wamn't nothing special le bond. or me frein geing enly thal Niece Mary Jane Harker hsd teck it inb ber hoad le git married about Tbauksgiving lime. I wam opposed te il. I don't think it'e a gnd plani for youngz folks te morry till tbey're shurie et a bouse sud s place ho keep a pigz. But thon opinions differ, sud Mary Jane bas beeri dreadfuliy tuk witb Andrew Giles- for full twe yea4e. Hie lives over te tbe Ridge long witb big Pa, sud tbey gel scqrrainlod le singing ekulo. Ho used ta Ireal ber on applus, sud spmuce guru, sud cerne home witb hor uigbls, sud thst'e enufi ta ruake s bool et any gal. TIers hain'h many beaux in this place. The war took off a good mauy young men, sud Pigeon Holler je8sebarset 'em as a beau vine je et besue &long th. latter eeud et Novembor. Tbere's only two oumarried mon for Ivo miles arouad, and eueetflhorn bas gel the deliriens tremonidous sa bsd thal wheu ho drinks a cup et tes he spilis tbe heft cf il ail over bis shirt front; sud l'othQr oee jeseventy-five yesrs old, sud goos wilb lwo cauese! I'mn tbaukfnl I'm snsrrisd, if I bave gel a poor stick, for if I waru't I sbould have te exorcise oey iuginity terribly te find s parduer bers, I Rues@e. I've lalked le Mary sud Jane liko a fatherbut il hsin't nne -er; emmind's about bow thinige vas, sud oe.ss.med mighty veli pleseod. 8h. siled he'd been a wanting th. dreadfallest te take a lower for a long timea. Bhe'd gel a nieces second oouein's brelher'e widder, rby the namne of Joues, lImat lived to Sandwich; sud lhiy's vislbed-ber time sud -agie,,'sud allers «iuWvtlsd ber'pevwer. ftt le make 'em a vieil. And Saud. wich woldbe ît. on our wsy. 1 ,,But 'loek4er,"Mgz I; "thal col. ton,@ gel W o bsud.ft" "Land of pily 1"' sez ae ; "ltako il slong -in îhsklvered aset.sd 9 k yer carde aud card it syen go &long. Y.)u'Il wanl eometbing le attend gte Yen know whal tbe poil sez-'Ssar fluide asliossumtbin' atilI for idîs feiku -todew1"«I'm a-s:îug ijobrssd,-ru othis1 aeaÙ4tat-*Mb k s a decdai*righl on t 6 spot., Wed soe mail lest s week frein lb. next d y. - Johathan wusehoppilu', but I tld brn okèe.p cool, or I'd have *s ivoirs rAnd he vent ou nto ule -cbarnuand took te shellin' bêýesdtaklg bieseif.t 1 gel me s new goui ansd' bs il Sruffied 1oiesu up as blgýh s îber'. va suýy gouad-1w**hk le sew,.a ruffie cule sud wbsn il vas doit.-Iýlook.d exacl] Iike'tbe. wimiuflk ih. lu lb, aggyý £ine vilb it on. 0 lMary..Jàne let me bave he. ev-ha, ~ndEiîy is IanI bmsa My,~* I iad m ln ibadbzsd , bI& balidbo, ud 4My IÏvered bMetwitfr toe cottia il, and my carde, and a Maohel' of turnovers, sud an ambrillar. Iity had a vaise, with her Vtb&et gid and fixings jute is, and thon. he had a pot of quirrel jolly and a 100,ie of pounde of butter in with the coto~e for she .wanted te carry something 10., the Jones family thatwe wfas a goIng_ ta vieil. 8he had had a good sized oarpil-bag, and a green papor. box, and a parasol. She qat ovt te carry ber pot dog, Ginger, but ho was brighl enuf b-t gil hisseif abot the day afore we stairted, sa thal th. lixpence and troublo was savod ber. We went &aross Lake Winnepeseoge in a steamnboat called the Chickkorry- woy ; and they bave the nicest biled onyne hat over yen seed, on that boa&. One of 'oru will scout yen for a weck. As seen as we get eute the boat we wont on dock, aud I teck ont my carde and'wenlte carding, and Hitty tihe lit ber pipe, for she'e an awfnl emoker, sud went te work on ber rmg. I'd carded quite a littho heap, and laid il down on the floor, when ail aI once there corne a puif of wind sud sent il ailing rite into the water 1 I startrd af ter it as fast as I coold trave), and I wae se much in ekirnèst thal I didu't.ý netis a nia., slyliah.looking femnalo woman that wae a standing in the way; and the fuel thing I knowed 1 was a lying flat on the. dock with on. foot hung jute pbent sixteen yards of ruffies aud Ibings, aud ebe was a ecreechin' murder and clincbing the arrn of a red- faced mnu who happened te be stand- ing thoeehandy. Poor gentleman!1 I actually pitied hum. His face was ai; purpie as Ellen Sophier's now calice gound. Mehitable she camne te the roscue, and w. soon had thinge rite agio. But the Cotton was gene!1 I got Hitty ta set down in front cf me se'e te ketch al the collon that sot eut te lake wings, and 1 wenl at it &gin Iively. Everybody in tho boat gathered round te se he siffht. Yen wonld have tbeughl Hitty and me was a cirons. 1 had ail my boxe@ and thinge rite 'leugside et me, and a big red bandit hankercher tic-d ever my bat, eo'e tthe little winds et Cotton, ueedn't setlie ente We got te Centre Hiarbor a lelle alter dinner time, and funud a stagoeaiH ready sud waiting for os. We grtbbed our baggage and streaked it for the back seat. A 11111e pale faced, lirn legged' chap set hiruseif do-"nasaide et me, and scrnnched ithe turnover that 1 had in my pooket for a lunchin al le smash!1 Yeu'Ii have te u;prtad yer handkerch- er over yer Iap when, 1 Rit ta carding," mer I, "or thein cico black trowaerloeus of yourn will be u nated." Ho drawed hisseif off. and loeked at me hbrongh a little doubie-barrelled apy-glame, and suoked lb. head cf hie Cane ai the saino lime. -Gil Up thore !" sez tb. driver tW the bosses, and there waa a snddint jerk thal sont mue bead fuel rite iute thee back of a fat man on the next seat, aud made bim veli ont "ohi !" enuif ta oplit sArcthe t ime Nwer Clumbunetaror a is, woman sud hld NeWrd eur evsed tma, thers asd il ne uo p ol e iser.hâ hen h wam o eakcwod timisuccema a largo prcarmnet theso goond wpooplceuad h eror thionhof t; sd ifhheyperpe ad. le-day msne them wound ld doubiese isis toba Ameriof hd nover beon disoovered a sU.t A man will gi ve up uytn iscoe1h.s vendA more readireythan ptthooryin tor exaldmoe rooat ithinda pet ho tFor e-mltslookhat Zcondimptlje incurabl. Dr.ai Pieos' Goen modion inincuvrables Dre thsolsedeun Mthousce et cass surd will ure thsude ore, butoflimes, pedepl curet givs up heireint. eethe-e lease lb. -'Disoovery" wili cure any case ot couumption, if takon in lime. The Hamilton grand jury reornmend the introduction c f corporal puniebint imb lb. penal systom. Amoug tho pains and aches cur.d With marvellous rapiditv by Dr, Thomasa, Eolec- ttri Oil, in sar-eche.. The yenn ame espo- oialiy ubjoot te it,sand. 1h.desarabilily etf Ibis 011 as s tamiiy rernedy lu oubanced by tb. tacttbat it ie adrnirably adaptedd zot onlyt lt he &boire siment, but as .~ lhqrb,diso>raer ofthebwlu es 1et 1h ïï ýv heb. y oung -M-ép- ffieIY subjeel., The grant et î.000 bytlb: QuebeLgi- lature t eb HUsUfersebas for wardsd. If your children aretroubl4vIth*wom»ss givo them Mther Graves' Worm Biler- minator *ste, anre, sudeOeotqal. Tip t, sudb1r~th iprovemeulin yeuoh~ Zames Fli.t, vimile eut hüntiug tsar Pont- bey.5 Horse Register. Przopertyeof Aloi. Cameron Ashburn, Ont., .Mondayat hisowndtable ailday. Tuesday- by way cf Brooklil te Jnc.Morrisen'a, noon; end te Jas. She4nds aI nlght. Wedneday-te John Hepburn's, B. Whitby fer the night. Thuroday-Alex. Moenzie's atnoen; to Rag- lan for the uight. Friday-to Wells farm, Myrtie, for noon ; te Aloi. Cameron's Ash- burn fer the night. Saturday-te Jno. Davidson's for noon ; and to bis own stable 1111 Menday. Corsewal Agsih (Clydesdale.) Property of Wmn. Richarasen & Sons, Columi- bus, Ont. Mogday-leave hie own stable, Jes. Vailant's, 2 miles north cf Oshawa, and1 aleng 3rd con. Whitby to Ray's hotel, Whit- by tewn, for the night. Tuesday-to Chinn's hetel, Brooklin, noon ; te- Wm. Richardson & Sen's, Columbue et night. Wednesday-to Deniel Hadden's, E. Whitby, noon ; t W m. Beith's for the night. Thursday-to Jas. Heren's, Taunton noon ; and te Robt. Mer- row's, 3rd con. Derlingten, for the night. Friday-to Queen's hotel, Oshawa, noon; and te hie own stable u util Monday. Lawer's Baron Gordon (Clydesdale.) Property cf Wm. Richardson & Sons, Colum- bue. Monday-leaves hie own steble,Column- bus, for Chinnas botel, Brooklil, remain al night. Tuesday-Jemes Dickson'e, Myrtie, noon ;and te, Holt's hotel, Manchester, and romain until Wednesday noon. Wednesday aflernoon-to Wm. Ceates, Ceates Settie- ment, for the night. Thursday-Raglan for neon ; and to, hie own stable for tbe nigit. Friday-to Thos. W%%ilbur's, Darlington, and remain ail niglit. Saturday-teo.H- turn's, noon ; and te his own stable iiMn day. RLoyal Abbey Prince (Clydesdale.) Property of Major Hodgson. Port Porry, Ont. Monday-leave his own stable, Port Perry, for Braye hbotel, Epsom, noon; and te Mansion lieuse, Uxbridge, fer the night. Tueeday-to Les skdaie and romain aIl night. Wedesday-to Udora, noon ; end Velentyne for the night. Thureday-to Sunderland, noon; and te Manille Station for the night. Friday-to Seagreve and ro- imain ail night. Saturday te hie own stable, Port Perry, until Monday. Laird 0' Raith Clydesdale.) Property o! Geo. Hîckingbotton, jr., Ashburn. Monday leave bis own stable. Wilson's Hotel Ashburn, and proceed te Hodson's hotel, Raglan, for the nighbt. Tuesdav-to Chinn's hotel, Brooklin, auJ romain alluight. Wed- nesday-to Rayes hotel, Whithy, itnd romain aIl night. Thýursday-to Lyude'e, Audley, end romain ail niglit. Frida y-to Jeos. Har- bren's Audlev, noon; and te And. Hicking- l)ottom's, Balsam. for the niglit. Saturday -te his own stable, Ashburn and remain tliiMondav. Fandango lydesdalo) Property of W. H. Pugh, Glen Major. Mon- dev-leave his own stable. Glen Major, for Jue. L Joues'Sth cou. Pickering, noon ;aud to Jue. Dunn'q 7th con. Pickering, for the night. Theedey-to Jno. C. Jones', 7th con., Pickering, neon;aud te bie own stable fer the uight. Wednesday-remainet hie ewn stable al 1ev. Thursdlay-to Jnio. Palmner's, 7th con., L'xbrid3e, and remain aHi ight. Fridav-return to his own stable Glen IMajor and remalu til Mondav morniLg. Ersino (Clydoadalo> Propertv of Thos. Wilson, llrookliu.Ont. Mon- ,lay-floive lii o%-;u stable, Breokilu, for Âud- loy, noocu aud to Raye hotel, Whlitby fer the nigtht. Tuesday-to nou; and Central botel, Oshawa, for the night. Wedneeday-to Gee. Nesbi.5t's, E. î%'Iitbv, noon; ani Wm. Ratcliff'e, E. Whitby, fer the night. Thursday-to neon; andi Raglan et night. Friday-by way of Myrtie te Ashburn and remain ail night. Saturday-return to hie own stable, Br-9-oklin and romnain until Monday. Maclado. (Clydesdale.) Property o! Alex Cemeron, Ashbnrn. Twe yeare old. Hie service will bo conftned te a lirnited number of mares. Wil stand et hie own stable, Kinsele, ineet o! the seasen, but will accomipany 'TannabLili" part ef the time. Preperty of David Birreil, Esq., two miles north of Greenwood. \Vill stand for mares during the season et Mr. Birrell's stable. Pedigree printed on large carde. Young Phenomenon (Cleveland Ba.y.) Property cf Major Hodgeon, Port Perry. Wil accom pany Abbey Prince (see above) on bis route through Reach, Uxbridge, Scott,Brock, and Mariposa and remain ever Sundays at hie own stable, Port Perry. 1 Almont Lapidiat, (Roadster.) Property of W. H. Pugh, Glen Major. Mon- any-leave Lie own stable, Glen Major, for Ashburn. noon ;and by way of Broeklin te Loveil Harrison's, Salem, for the night. Tueeday-to Jerow's hotel, Brougham, noon; and by way of Green River te Christian Wideman'e, 10th con. Markham, for the niglit. Wednesday-to MiUler's hotel, Stouif- ville, neon ; and to Ballan trae for the night. Thursday-to Todd's hotel, Goodweod, neen; and te Jno. Palnier's, 7th con. Uxbridge, for the night. Friday-te hie own stable, Glen Major, and remgin until Monday. L. H. Daniels, (B«oadter.) Proporty of Geo. and W. M. terricker, Whit- by. Monay-leave. hie ewn stable, John Bentley's, 2nd con. Beach for Chinn's hetel, Brooklln, noon; and te Pipher's hetel, Brougham, for the night. Tuesday-te Besse'sg hotel, Wbitevale, neon; and te Gor - don House, Pickering, for the night. Wed- nesday-to Crawforth's livory stable, Whit- by, and romain ail night. Thursday-to Geo. Martin's, Theruton s Corners, noon; and 10 Jne. Staînten's 4th con. Darlington, for the night. Priday-tc Hail'a hotel,Ennis- killen neeon ; and 10 Swain's hotel, BIlack- Stock, et night. Saturday-te hie own stable,*Jno. Bontloy's and romain untilMoii- day merning. PB. PAIINTER9 SIGN GLAZIER, PALPER WARAM,j WRITER, HANGERY KAL SOMINER,. -AND- General House. Deborator. Paper furnished,-from bc. a Roll -and upwqrds. Orders from the country promptly - attended to. geW 8HOP-First door S&th Of 0n-G Y. Bmaitlhw ofiôe, Whil by. Wkiby'4prU 131h, M868 8So TOfENTQ(R 8ELiD That valuable tarin, known s' Beaverl THR Glasow &London insurance c. Of Great Britaîn. CAPITAL, $2,600,000. ANNUAL INOOME, 81,500,000.' MARE Farm Property and Dwelling HonsegsSpecialty. Very low rates. Easy terms of payment. Simple policies. No vexations conditions. Prompt settiement of lossos without discount. Be surie yen do not mesure until you know our terme and conditions. Enquire of B. R. B. HAY- WARt>, our General Agent for South On- tario. Office in Whitby-Part of D. Ormis- ton's Law-Office.' AU letters- addressed to- Lock-Box 78, Whitby P. O., will receivo prompt attention. Residence-Ham Cot- tage, Byron street, Whitby. 21 London and Lancashire Life Company, This Company issues avery desif able f ern of Life policy, and has deposited with the Receiver General in approved Canadian securities over $100.00 for each $100.00 cf liability, thus affording ABSOLUTE se- cnrity. Parties desirous cf assuring their lives will find it tci their advantage te conenît the undersignEd before assuring elsewhere JOHN FA.IRQTJIAIRSON, General Agent Whitby, May 18, '86. -ly THE WESTERN BANK 0F WHITBY, -ONTARJO. THOMAS DOW, Manager. Whitby, Nov. 7th, 1882. ly-47 MONEY To0 LOAN! $100.000 FUR INVESTJIENT. OINREAL EBTATE SECURITY. At lowost Living rates of intereat. Money secnred within 10 days of ap- plication. Apply te JOHN FARQUrgARBONý Whitby, Febrnai'y ISth, 1880. 9- MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate Mortgage at Low Rate Interest. A_&A. FODST Appraiser for the Canada Loan and Saving. Co., and agent for the Western Assurance Co. OFFICE-Ovor Geirrie's Block, Whitby oi cm ALLA(IE TRUE WBLUE L.O:L.NX6.168 meots Jhi Tempersuce HAll, L .Iodge reom, Geprxe'e Blook, firsl Weduesday ln each month.SmE &n~ WOÇZPOW DER S. Are plessant letaio. Conait thofr.owu Puratie, e ass.e, sure, -sud et4bctu.al *a.Olt!wnai bldee~u* DominionWodIQk8 WeHITIBY. Geo. Oorziaok, T UMBER XBRCHA11T &BUILDER. L. -A large snupply of Bufiders' Fnrnishi- inge, andail kinde cof Twieted Moldinge, Doors, Sash sud Blinde. LUMBER, wholesale and retail, or by the car load. Plsuing, Mouldinge ef every description, Flooriug, Sbeeting, Sghelving, Re-sawing, Shaping, Turuing, Soroîl Worh, etc., etc. AGENTS! AG EN TS! N ÂOW RUdDY-Our new bok, "E ath, IN a Se I Sky; or, Marvels of the Universe"; beiug a full and graphie de- scription cf ail that je wonderful iu every continent ef the Globe, in the world et waters sud the Starry Heavens, containiug thrilling adventuree on land ana ses, re- newned discoveries of the werld's greateet expierers in ahl agos, and remar.kable phe- noniena iu o-vory realni et nature.--Em- bracing the striking physical feahures cf tb. earth, the peculiar characteristios of tbr* hum-an race, of animale, birds, insecte, etc., including a vivid description et the Atlan- tic, Pacifie sud Indian Oceans, and et the Polar Seas, the MerisIers ef the Deep, beautiful seeshele and- plante, singular fishes and dwelliers in the world ef waters, remarkable Ocean currents, etc., together wihh th. AMÀZING PHENOMENA OF THE SOLAR AND STARRY SYSTEMLS BT HiE-.iy DAVENPORT NoRuRmie, D.D., Enibellished with ovor 300 fine engravings. Liberal ternis ho Agents.- OXFORD PUBL18HING - TORONTO, ONT. Certificate of Major Harper, Esq., of WIiitby. -1882- To who"n it may concern. This je te certif y that having examined, repaired and used a great variety cf Sewizig Machinesý. I have corne te the conclusion that the White Machine sold by L. Fair- banks je one cf the beet made, as in niy opinion il je a machine that will net easily get ont of order, and will last much longer than niest miachines, as'care bas been taken te, prevent wear as niuch as possible. I can honestly rAconinend ilte parties want- ing a geod and lasting sewing machine. I pnrchaied ene of the Wbite's sonie menthe age, and it gives every satisfaction. MAJOR HARPER. -1887- Aflter five years use of the Wbite Sewiug Machine in =iy family I can fnlly enderso the above certificate and can f ully recom- mnend the machine as a family sewing machine coste lees fer repaire than any machine I have ever had anything te do with. MAJOR HARPER. Beld cheap as the cheapeet, and je the bet f hebet.L. FAIRBANKS, Sole Agent for thie District. T 111 PAPER may be f ound on file at I.Geo. P. Rc>well &Co's-Newspaper Ad- vortising Bureau (10 Spruce St.), wbcre ad- vertising contracte niay be made for it NIEw YeRK. LIVERY and 'SÉE STABLES, D-UNDAS-ST., WHITBY. M. C. CRAWFO RTH, FPIRST - OLASS TURN-OUTIS Fnrniehedl on Shorteel Notice. Commercial Travellers liberallu, Zea with. O~IjL O.I.T JOLINSON ln Deuerell1'9s Blook.for you r IDRAWI14G ROÃ"M SUÙITE, Di ING R00M SUITS,- * - ICTCIIEN suITS ~orne POO-TB A.L!E nit in uthe Lesý 4 i da with i Hlei foot 6 EdIv ah Pot died 1 Jas Nativi - Roi ah Soi often Died Fra foot 8 Pounde 1870. Brn Born in nthe geons Je' Loudi 15î il limes Ho w hep 13 ago 01 job: foot t Hal Porte 01: coula sim and Cané lifn , Y bel UR E co. 5 JORDAN ST.,_ NEW RIGS. GOOD RIORSES. PAIR PRICES. IIONEST DRALING. 1 ý 1 , - 1 1 1886

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