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Whitby Chronicle, 22 Jun 1888, p. 7

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th, ho (le- Viy ing re- est ho lar re, lier loge, Dublira. Whence Ooloun8Came. A veli keevra artiet gave me sanie curions information th.e ther day re- garding 1h.--sourcoes from which tbe coloure au. irade ln a p&int box are de- rived. Eivery quarter eftIhe globe je rausaoked for tRie materlal-animal, vogetablo sund miueral-employed ln thoir manufacture. From ih. coohinoal insect8 are obtain- ed the gorgeons carmine, s e ll au the orluason, uoarlet carmine and purpie Saphia lu the lnky ffuid diohargqed by th. outtl. flmh -te reuder thie vater opaque fer ils ceucealmenl vheu atticked-. Iradian yellev oh lu t rou the camel. Ivery biaok and boue blaok are made out cf ivory chipe. TRie exquisite Prussian bine je got by tuslng herses' boofs and aother refuso animal matter vith impure potassium carbonate. Il was discovered by au accident. Iu tb. vegetable kingdom are inolud- ed lb. lakes, derived frem rooete, barks aud RUMB. Blue black lu trqan th. chareal of the vine stalk. Lamp black leseaot from Certain rosinous substances. Frein lb. madder plant, >hioh greva lu Rtindestan, la mannfacured Turkey red. Gaauboge orne tfram lb. yellev* sap ot a Irei,. vhich 1h. n'-atï#ivesf - Blar Catch inu c0Oceunt ehl. Bav sienualu tRi..ustural ,ath tromý tRi e usgi onrhogd of Bienuu, Italyi. IRa*.umt"r iït e pf oen aud lobnirnd. TÏ 1h... regetabl» pigments U5y ýPrebab1y b. madedItdiaïnuïwhieWý-le Giants in Thome' Daym ,&MONO TUE ANARSOF TUB CENTURY, A Bu- CORD 0F WHOBU PROPORTIONS 18 PRE' SERVED, ARE THE N'OLLOWING :- 1 Samuel MaDonald, a Sootchanan, nick-uauied «'Big Sam," vas 6 foot 10 in height. Was footman te Prince cf Wales, died 1802. Alice Gordon, EsOeX, Eng., giantees, 7 -foot. Died 1737. Annie Haneai Swan, of Nova Sootia, 7 foot. La Pierre, of Stratgard, lu Deumnark, was 7 foot 1inchR. Henry Bluaoker, 7 foot 8 juches, snd Most symmetrical. Born at Cuokfleld, iu Suesex, i 1724. Geaierally called the l'British Giant." wae, exhibited in London ira 1751 Edward Bamford, 7 foot 4 inches. Died 1768. Buried ira St. Dunstan's churchyard, London. Louis Frenz, Freuchwâ n, 7 feeL 4 inces. Hie left baud i3 preiserved in the mueeum of the College ei Surgeons, Londen. Martin Salmeren, a Mexican, 7 foot 4 maRies. Porus, au Indian king, who fouRht againet Alexandt-r, near the River Hy. dasper, B. C., 327, was 7j foot high, with strength ina proportion. Uleinrich Owen, born ici Norway, 7 feet 6 inches ; weigt300 pounds. Edward Melon, 7 foot 6 inches. Born at Port Leiceeter, Irelaud, 1665, aud died 1684, heing only 19 years of age. James MoDouald, 7 foot 6 inches. Native of Cork, Ireland, died 1760. Robert Hale, 7 feet 6 inohes. Born at Somerton, Englaud, in 1820, sud often cslled ýhe "Norfolk Giaut." Died 1862. Fraudes Sheridan, an Irishman, 7 foot 8 inches, weight 22 s3tones (308 ponude), girth of chest 58 inches, diod 1870. Bradley, 7 foot 8 inohes at death. Born at Market Wbeatou, in Yerkshire, Euglaud. Hie right baud is preserved in the museum of the College of Sur. geous. 1798-1820. Josepb Brice, 7 foot 8 inchos. At the age of 26 yeare ho wae exhibited in London, 1862-5. Hie baud conld span 154Juiches. Born at Ramouchamp, iu the Vosges, France, 1840. Wa. some- Limes oailed Anak. Cornelius Magrath, 7 foot 8 inchos. He wae an orpban sud reared by Bis. hep Berkley, Eugland. Died at tho age cf 20 years. 1740-1760. John Bnsbby, et Darfield, 7 foot 9 inches. His brother vas about the sanie beigbt. Joachim Eleozogue, Spanieh giarat, 7 feot ton inches. Exbibited in Lonadon. Captain Bates, cf Kqntucky, 7 foot 114 maRies. Ezhibited iraLondon,1871. Hlarold Hardrada. Norwegiara giant, uoiàrly 8 feet. Gilly, a 8wede, 8 faet. Es.uibited as a show early in the ninetôenth century. William Evanq, 8 foot at death. Porter ta Charlee I. Died 1632. Charlemiagne, noarly 8 foot. Ho could equeeze together three herse ehoees t once ira bis hande. J. ToIler, of Novv. Scotia, 8 foot. Died 1819. And generally ho gets it. "1And se the ice creamesen i. upen us agai, George," she said shyly. "Y.." ho replied ;, "I nover pick up a paper nov that I do not expeot ta find soine avful case of pcisoniug. Joans-Smith ha. joined a life assur- ance eompany. Ju the place for him ton, for he's got enongh toeutart a dozen companies. Brown - Enough what ? Joans--ssurance. Waiter-Wil yen try a course dira. ner P Country groom-Ne sir; ne course dinner for ne. Bring us the fineet ene you've gel. W. do't corne down ta the city every day -,do we, Ma. tilda?2 A Ohicago womnanu coedted with the quiokeut divorce an record, the eperation takiég but ons -mitnte. Mer marriage lie muet bave been Ouly a slip knot, Instead 'of 'the Igood aild- faahloned kind warriated to'-aip net. Husband-Tbe veather probabiities pred lot fair weather, but the prediction - je wrong ;,it le going ta rain -9m=ycoern pains me frightfully, sud that aigu nover faile. Wife-I knov it, se I shah net attempt ta go eovn tovu. Your corns are sncb a oomfort to me, John. Oharley-that was a geod gain et poker wo had laut nizht. H&rryý-P~it rate, boy did .yen cerne ont P (barHoe -Ten dollars- ahead. Htrry-Hôlw did yen figure il ont tbAt Way P Ton borrowed 82<) dl4n'lyen e tat n Ohri-Yes but I onIy lait ton et ,L -0Fatber (instrrtlng bis hopeful)- N îov. mv po#u, w4lSiro ,vour -mt.n 0f real ultrainarine but litti. i. found ini the xmarket. Itlel obtainedfrom the precieuts lapis-laiuli and o*mmande a fabuleras prico. saltjeldn Obinose white i zinc, ertisodn of mercury and cinnabar, or native vermillion, je from quiekeilveror r.- Iowaz State Regiater. Wit and Humour. Crowod ever-Th o orn i feld. Warranted to wash-A. Ohinaman. Aà model man-K soliaitor of patents. The joker knows how te pull the guy ropes. Why toil fire alarmn belle when a good man dies?2 Thoy always keep an oat bock in the feed store. Some mon are born groat, othors achiovo great nttority. Corners are as diffionly to get in tbe street cars as in the mnarkets. A. man may not have a stitob to hie back, but still bave ono in hie sido. It is "1touch and go," with people Who incautiously handie electrie light wiree. "The organ is supplied witb "stops" but unfortunately the piano bas none. 1"I1 passed some 'queer,' and here -I arn in prison ail on accountorfeit," ho Bighed. "Irish sLow," sèid the restaurant guest Faith, I amn Irish, tew" said the waiter. It may be said of a man suoceseful in love ; He carne,lie saw, and she con- quered. Life is shor-only four lettere ina it. Tlxree quartors of it "lie," and the haif of it an ,if." Mamma-"A.nd Who dwelt in the gardon of Eden, Freddio ?" Freddie- "Oh, I know tbe Adamees. It dosen't mattor how tough looking a young man may be, a geod looking girl ie very likely te break him Up. A woman with two songues has been diecovorod in Alabama. She becarne a widow at a tender age. Soulful youth (languidly)-Do yen eing "Ferever and Forever 2" She (practically)-No, I stop fer meals. A. echoolboy gives it as bis opinion that a soboolmaster, like the artistie pianiet sheuld have a light easy teoch. The-population etf Texas ios about te double up eoon. The watermelon sea- son has juet oened with bloom. Jack Goodfellow'e email brother- -Jack ie there any paet tense of due ? Jack (gloomingly)-«"Yee, dun." Women are contradiotory creatures. When they @&y they will give yen a piee of their mind. thsy vil give yen ne piece. IL is aetonishing how pretty the hornely girl you bave never seen can look wben ehe jeseftly taking nengense to yen threugh the tolephene. Women i are freqnntly debarrod from acting on echeel boards or chnrch boards, but tbey cari have a- complote menopoly on the wa.s-bobard@. Very olten the man who bousi with Gen. Sheridan'. cendition showed grati- fymng improvemeuts te the action of the heart aud lunge. He]m, Hnl ts. Mrs. Robert Williamson, cf Glenila, Parry Sound, Ont., saya, 'I could net keep house witbf>ut Hagyard'e Yeilow 011 at hand. I have used it in my faIlyfor Croup, Bore throat sud a cut foot, an eau highly recommend it te everybody." Miss Ciars Weed, aged eighteen years,, waa killed by lightuing Wednesday aigRit atÂAberdeen, D. T. A. esnal ope Io one that is based on proviens knowledge er experieuce, therefore tRiose who* use B. B. B.may reasonalbly hpe for a cure b.- cause the provieoxperieuce of -thesands Who have = ed , shows it te, have succeed- ed even iu tRie wcrst cases. Premier Mercier i. Ravmng trouible with bis Irishi supporters. A. Nov Ho0me Treatanot tor-t" i"ÙOet The, nicroscope bas preved tRiat tRies. dis- ceues are contagions, and tRialtbey are due te presence of living parasites in4Rie interliniuj membrane o! thie upper-air ~Ausegeu and- eusF- tachian tubes: TRie emibel .eientigte, Tpu- dal, Hnxey audBeale endorm Ibis, and t4aeo authorities cannot b. dis utsd. Théereglar mcthoid q -treatingtiiec disamesbas be~nto; apfe yù îîjftent rméd w eek1y, and __e NYe on r diglet TIEY ARE PRILOUS, BUT CONTRIBUT# Tp RS'ME CONFORT. Yonr do net etate whether yen are married or single, and, in fact, yen do net Bay wbhich Bex yen hail from, vritesý Bill Nye te a correspondent who hske about folding beds.* Ail these things I shonld knew, ina order te give you snob' advice as would reju,,burse yen fer the postage gtamap wbieb I find oancelled ina yonr letter. I caunot sail in > and blindiy give advice rigbt and left witb- ont kncwing something about the case. It has only been a few weeke since 'I advised a correspondent, Who wiseod te earu a livelhood, te go West and break bronches, as it paid well and afforded muceh calm enjoyment te the contemplative mind. Afterward I learned that my correspondent was a widow Who had oassed the meridian of J8f. People Who write for advice should always state their sex, It dees net tako but a moment te do se, and may be of incalculable vaiue in arriving at a conclusion. Iu Washington the folding bed je greatly in favor witlj the girls Who are iu the government employ, I arn teld. A. typical American -girl in Washington will take a hIl bedroorn at $4 per month, furnish it with a riohly capari. soued fol.iine bed, whicb acte as a book case during the day, aud with a dis- tincruished waebstand, 50 cents wortb Of chintz, 85 cents Worth of cheese cloth, a ptiper of tacks and a bnnch of violets ebe will make the establishmént look more like homo than the $30 room of a great, cottrse man, Who tries te fnrni6h his apartments by means of a haircloth lounge sud a meerschaum pipe. So I really ongbt te know whether yen are a man or otberwiso beforo I can suitably advise you as; te what would bp moat iikely te please yen. There are many varieties cf felding bcd.s now claiminq attention, ses'eral of the manufacturera oi wbich bave ask- cd me to spesk a good word for their instruments, but, witbout namiug any ebecial eue, ]et me say the,> the clinker- built bed witb fore sud aft brmces sud prosent cnt off is a Reod machine. Be careful net te select a tbickset or astb- mnatie bcd if your reom b. Rushl. Noth- ing i. more anuoyiniz than te bave yeur folding bed sndd.nly extend it. self and beg for air while yen are on. tertaining frieude st your spartmeuts. Do net use a patent piliow-sham bold- or at the bead of yonr bed, for it is apt to fetob loose in the mniddle of the nigbt sud ermite yen across the bridgte cf the. nose whilo yen are asleop. Nover fool with this invention unies. yen want te vake np ira the merning te fiud your counterpane delugod vith yeur ricb, warm brames. Yours con- fidentialiy, BuLL NYR. For constipation, "hIiver complaint," or biliousness. ick headache, sud ail diseasea arising from a disordered condition ef the liver and stemach, taka Dr. Pieree's Pleas- &nt Purgative Pellets-agoutle laxative or active cathartic aocording te size of dose. There have been more transactions ini Manitoba f arma lande this year than for severai years previous. Walker iron plow, Patterson gang plow, Clayton root drill, land roUer, Ayer's iron harrows, Whitby harvester and inower, wagon, racks, horse-hoe, Honey fanning miii, double sett harnese, etc. F. HOWARD ANNES. Whitby, April 5th, '88. AUITHORS & COX, Manuf acturers of *TR USSIES _ARTIFICIAL LIMBS * * kn.d Appliances for aJI Deformities of the Hu- 3man Body-Spinal Dis- .-eale,' Diseases (if the Knee and Ankie, Knock Knee, Bow Legs, Club Feet, etc. 1lir hurch -8t., - Toronto, Ont. ra1 LLETT'5 POWD ERED 9 9 PERCENT PUREST9 STRONCES?, BESTO *esdy for ue lua my g tIMMY. For zaigSoap, softenln g;wiin fotnand a hundrel other -uses. d& Sanequabs »0pounda 8&1 Soda '801d by au orocS and Kbugglsta, TORONTO 8TEAM LAUNDRY. ~~ SHIRTS, COLLARBand JUPFs A SPECIALTY. GEO. P. SHÂERPE. BREA mnado ï this Yeast took1a First Prizés a tOntariol:::Show; iiin 887 tàt'saythïatd t 8rase - ~ ~ te st v r d b v t es buckwheat RICE FIVEVN > co mPLETE WITHOUT 49 FoRlaPI;nms, 0CURES, MmD SLMUBWEN FORBYR-REOH5 , OAED HREELS,, WID GALLB. FOR RHEUM&TIOMDI HOBES.. Fola BORE THROITs AN1D ZnFLUENZÂ. FOR BROKEN MMEES, BRUISES, OAPPED HOOKI. FOR BOREBHOULDERS, BORE BÂOK& FOR FOOT'ROT, AND SORE MOUTHS DI 13EEP A ND LAMBS. FOR SPBÂXNS, OUTS, BRUIBES IN DOGS. SPECIMEN TESTIM TATLS. Prom His Grace the Dake of 1,utland. "Belvoir, Grantham, Lee. 1, 1879. Ç"Slrs,-EUiman's Royal Embrocation la used in my stables. I think it very useful. "BUTLÂND, Master of Belvoir H1unt.Y "lCastie Weir,KNlngiiton, Herofordabire, "Dec. Srd, 18'18. "Gentlemeni,-! use the Royal Embrocation In my stables and kennela, and have found it very serviýceable. I have aise used the Universal Embrocation for lum'bago and rheumatlsm for the- last two years, and have suffered very littie since using it, "R. .PnRIo, Lîeut.-Coi., Master of Rad- nrshire Hunt," E LLUMAN'8 ROYAL E MBRO CATION, ESold by Chemise, Stores, and Saddlers, -Prico 2s. Dr. Chase Has a world wide reputation -as a physician an(% author. Hie Mandrake Dandelion . Iiver Cure le a triumph of medical skill, curing al diseases of the Kidney and Liver. '8ZM:P:DrOmLs0E fln" Distreeeing aches KIfEY UM PLAINI and pains in the back; a duil pain or weight in the bladder and base of the abdoman; scalding urine often oh- strlicted ; frequent desire to urinate, especi- aily at night, among aged persons - hot, dry skin, pale complexion, red and white deposits, dropsical sweilings, &c., 8-m:pT-OM280E DII Pain under shoul LKR COMPLINTIder blades, Jan dico shallow cmlxoaway ie el nen lite or euergy, headache, dyspepsia, inigestion, spots, pjnaples, &c. HOW OURED. N1andrake and Dandelion are natuî'e's Liver cures, and when combined with Kidney reme- dies, as in Dr. Chase's Liver Cure, wiil a]most positively cure ail Kidney-Liver troubles. It acte like a charm, stimulating the clogged liver, strengthenipng the kidneys, and invigor. ating the whole body. Sold by ail dealers at ,-1, with Receipt Book, which alone ie worth the money. K IDNEY ol Dr.ivrPll ae LVER Tbey act gently yet effectuai: ployment. Th% cure Kidney- Pl LLS Lvr rubeeadache, bl Jionscostivenese, &c. Oepl dose. Sold by ail dealers. Price 25 cents. FARM IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE IF YOU WANT Choico Turnip 8eod, - Extra Soed Corn, or Good Flour, AT -RIGHT PRICES OALL ON W. B. PIUN*GLE often bleed and ulcerate, l3eoiliÂg Veryi SW AYNE'S OINTMENT 4>Stops the ltchlng andi blicclng,j heais ulceration, alitiî 0 ma&y cases remmoes the tumors. Sent ~' The Won dors of Maglo WRie yen filnd that beatyis failing avy Try "Derewend's Magie, , Te the elderiy man witRi bis looks ln deoay, Try «'Dornewend'a Mage,"O A rich iead etfRiar, Is as precieus as rare, 801 eut.I ou Try "Dornewende's Magieo." TRie iady's mlefertune wRien loui" li>air Try O'Dornewe#d.e'- i. BRie can quickiy, eaaiy cReaply reai,,, Try "Dorenwend's agi., Il imaparts strength sud beauty, And rtis tRio lady'. plain dty, 80XSell .1yen y Try "lDornevend's Magi" Take time by thi. forolock 'sud e.11 beop * 'our evu, Try "Demneveud»l's age? This Tonie, a f allure bas nover jet, known Try "Doruewend's agI Try Ibis mette te Rieed, - Try tii yen succeod, 8e 1 teil yen Try IlDornewend's lMagie. This new famous preparatien. for znvig- rat esustimnlating-tRie grovth ,of the' Raia unI versally s.coeptedùtRie sýhamo-t, valuable speciflc on tRio market. AU DI»AeeftlBOSrether Re- A rich. and rapid*gro)wth of haï~r' oiJ e- low atter judicieus sud*regular týèataièc1so tRial it remains with tRie user aloné * o.-6 cure tRie desired resits;. DR. DO,,nRE.N WIENr.-,8S HAIR -MGIU isold by ail Dugis'te at $1 per bolier f betties teor 85. If net obtainabie ;In yôux lccalitysund direct epc1osing prie , A. DORNEWEND'8 Y 108 & 105 Yônge 3t., Toronlo,: Oaa. Bold by W.B. Hoveoand &Ü Druggluts W Rl T '!. m a k, suýdpa nxi t ~ I IVERSAL EMB? ELLI MA( EMBROCATION,, Ft«Uel'r-, Ln- oo SPR AIN S. BRU ISEs.S'~ri I NSS. C HEST CC) LOS3 TheSaf'eSt Çulckest. most EXHAUSTED VITALITYS on Manhood, Nervous and Physical Debility, Prerna- ture- Deoline, Errrs of Youth, and the untold miseries consequent thiere. on, 800 pages, 8 vo., 126 prescriptinsor a11 aiseases. (Jloth, full gilt, only $1.00 by mail, sealed. InI. sample free to ail yonng and middle aged men. Send now. The (}old and Jeweiled Modal awarded to the anthor by the Nationa,Medical asocia- tion. Address P. 0. box 1896, Boston,D Mass., or to Dr. W. H. Parker, graduate of Harvard Medical College, 25 years' practice in Boston, who may be consulted confiden- tiaily. Specialty, Disoases cf Men. Office, Ne. 4, BnJûnoch-Street.Ilý HAL TIl!T it., - ri op

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