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Whitby Chronicle, 22 Jun 1888, p. 8

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Our ttaw Leer. hlnsif anld sated te Hedgeon thal ho (Hope) OurOttwa ettr.would have no .thlgt show for hi. vhéat ___ If Hodg!oaretune:g the orders as vas -e-ee (<onarregnlas cornspe n. sr.hrfrHp frd~)that hlm 1uhare cf thevbsaât lu the ail o d b.wortb O1'raw June 19--Senator Cieinov cf thiS a certain sum-at somnueh per acre and se clty bas a great soheme batchlug beneat bhi. much lem bubel-and si Hodgso*zigt massive brov. Ho vili movo adxt sssiSon te gir. bfis n:)tsat eigbt menthe, sud vbhen lthe mrate a Federai District cf Ott'iwa after the vheat vas delivered lu the fa»l give itu fashien oci tho tUnited States District of and take the note back . This Hodgson dxS Columbia. 'The idea is te draw a ine 10 or and gave a neceipt for the baga. The vhest 1.2 mile% eut frein Ottawa and enclose* the nover grw sud thre vas nons te givo upia city lu a circle thui distance, at ail pointe, t ho fail, ur did Hope or nyue ois sek for fo6m the Parliamont buildinigs. Thoterritery suy, until the note vas due, and thon Hodg- tbus set &part would bo governcd by govera- son vas notified Ly the bank te psy $240, . mont commission, mîtici aiOrgaizizatin thouoeh hoailegos it vas a $160 note ho saign- ceasing t eoxiet in wtav, ull, Aly mer and ed %e refusci! payment, but offered te psy othr pace inthelintrdr this the $160 note if it vere produced. By this sohomo tue Governiflat vo'ld minitaifl te the note had got inte Wilke' handesud roads, erect bridges and generally repiace thoehoie uod it as tue innocent third party vo municipal maohinory aijprosefltta is tence. rosai se much about, who eau buy a note at a PROTESTANT UNION. big shave and is not supposod te enquire if it TheLeaue f te Rse,ýî'ich1 hve ,,is obtained by fraud. The evidenéecf Hope Tho eage c th Roe, 'hic I avebe-and his accemplice Janes vas givon in a moat fore noticed in tht. correspetidence, ha' brassy and sharýer-like mnannier, both crea- headq uarters in Ottawa and Mr. Wicksteed tig the impression in coutthtteyvra one cf the chief promnoters has îi;sued a letter pair cf brazen scoundreis. A ng other as Part of the pro gnda in which hie urges oitcfueedneitvsamtedb the folowing: "Thie British and Protestant Çointsoftht ho hd nly t wakenthonte on better haif of the Dominion shouid drop cniion that hhdolv as e b.tihe nt n onherwlmiti i tinesh andu oit fel against les. in its collection, vhich made hum caoevr. ,eing rts aadaseii a e ne matter vhich vay this case vent. party vhose aiu should b. te obtain ern The def once put in the pion that tbey nover cessions and privileges which the Protestants signed the $24 note, and that even the are entitied te." $160 note vas secured by f rand. The cas HALF A CENTURY AT A DOOR. vas ably handbed by Mr. J. E. Farewell, for It is a saying that civil servants seidom laintiff and Messrs. J. A. McGillivray and de no nver resign. Michael Nauoeton, ÇY. H. Billinge for defendant. The judge is aa doo eprt tePiy uii charged pretty strongly in the plaintiff's innr dor eepr t tio Pivy~uniibas favor, but the jury vas only s short time' et ceiobrated the fifteêtth anni versary cffidgsvedtfotedfnc ,is appontmeont te, this post,. For haif a lnigavritfrtedfne century this t)li, oreot snd stera guardisu Weir va. . P. B.-Wm. Weir is a fariner cf State secrets bas seen mnany public mon near Raglan, an'l the C. P. R. i.sa railvay and miany ministries pass away ; it has beon whose dealings with the Dominion cf Canada al ene te hum. lits aSe is sevenýT'. The have enabled our Govorument te smpiy test Airet GorQrnor hé served nerws i Jhj ; credit abroad. Weir vas in the sot cf Çoihorn~d rlving a team across the raiivay track north ofe tRagl[an soma Othree inonthsaovhen a É% ui2if TIAzg train -'~n alois ng .Si lilaa nA of h rses, on July jet. po,,toffices ini Canada viii be divided into tvo classes: meney erder offices vhîcb viil continue te render accounts te tho Department, aud nov acceunting offices vhich will render ne account8. Iereaf ter postmasters viii net retain hi.s slary f rc m the recei'?t8 for postage stampe ; It wili ce paid te hu direct f rom the Depsrtmeiit. GOOD-BY MR. XCLELÂNÇ. Mr. MoLelan Poëtmastsr generai is, it je officiaiiy knovu, te, takoe e ieut. Govern- orship eftNNove Brunswick. The Hon. Arcbibald Woodbixry McLelan i. 64 years of ag.lwae boru in Nova Scotia in whose Asseblieh sat froni 1&58 te the Union and vas Rhortiy aftervnrds called te the Sonate where h.ie st until 1881 when hoe entered the Commoils. Ho has been Minister cf NMarins and Fieheries, Finance Minister sud P-oet- master Genersi. Xii Nir. MoLelan vua cenepicuous f nilure as Finance Minister it is only f air te bhim te say that lie has been the tacet industrieus and reforming Poetmaster General since Confederatioii. This is the tribut. of officiais cf the Lepartment vîth vhem I have spoken. It is said that bis successer viii ho eniher Hou. G. A. Kirkpatrick, Q. C. or Mr. Patterson cf Essex. Mir. Kirkpatrick is ex speaker, la marriod te sldaufhter ot Sir David àacpherson and lives in Kingston. Mr. Patterson cf Windsor i3 fresh in the public mnd for hie opposition te the course cf the roverumneut in the Baird electien case. .LORD AND LADY STAN LEY. The unostentatious demeanor sud friendly bearingof Lord Stanley bas favorabiyimi- proed the people cf Ottava nccustoed ns vevwere te Lord Lasdowne exibting ail the bomage duo te a Viceroy. Stauiey's request for a quiet outrance wben ho firet arrived abcwed that h. felt hiraseif k> be in a democratie oountry sud bis driving up te the installation altos! of the guard of houer prove! huai te ho abovo the fusesud feathers of a red cent display vith brase band accomnpanyvrnent. 1 think Canadians vill like this disposition. Lady Stanley bas a vinning personaiity sud an agreeabis insu- uer net tinge! with su offensive gracieus- neas. She is cf fairconmplexion, embonpoint, or vhat ordinary foike voul! cmii stout or fis.;by- The aides and staff are nîco agreeshîs feliovs sud tethoprogseat ail events this viii be'agreeablensws as ail viceregal in- formation fetters tbrough the officiai staff. Capt. Bagot the muilitary secretary vas un Ottava with Lorue and, ho it vas vho gabllantly stepped the hermes that ran avay witb the Princess. Lieut. Stanley, the Goveraor'u inoustacbed sou, bas gone te Englaud te rejoin bis regiinent, the Grenadier Guerds. Ho vil bovever again returu te Canada ini a year or two sud spon! the balance et bis fatbcr'u terua here. MATEES IN QUEBSO. Ottawa baîig separated frein QuebecI province by oaiy a bridge vo vatch their proceeings closely. Treasurer Shohyn has Jut delivered his Budget speech in the Legilatre.For 188U-7 thora vas a deficit of #"A4,000. Hors la an eatimated surplus cf *500for the cong Yeun. Tboy viii 'pend 3S000in subsidies tu railways. Wr.HQgý m. McKsy z. a rich reformer cf Montres! vho bas pivcn mcney and great serIvices te bis party who bad qn o insno f aoknowledging thein. In ordor therefore te de hum honor Premier Mercier appeinted hia a Legisiative Couaciller which gives hlm the titIs cf Honorable. It vas well knewn that bis heaith vas teeo poor te enable hlm to discharge any public duties and ho resigned lu a day or tvc. Mr. J. A. Wsrd, vho oppoeed Sir Dorald Smith at the sot general election ha. been sppcinted in is place. At La Kermesse in Montreal Houn. J. A. Cbapbeau drew the portrait of Hon. H. Mercier bis pelitical foc. Whst vili ho do vithitM The goveramfent vili asa billreiiev- ing Mr. John Whyte of Megatic cf the per- meni disqualification impoeed by the court luths Megantio electica. GeNiERALNOME. The Newfoundland delegates vil arrive hem in Séptember., 1As annenced in this cerrespondence lust Jauuary,.bo w.ould- be Sn=atr Schultz has' been sppointed Lieut,-GOvOrno3' Of Mani- ý The Coumtqsa cf Cayen hba rrived bers tospend a «a.with her son the Hon.I O. H LAMMbent w li unemployedin the Civil Ber- vice Js a third cam. clerk receiving $700 a on bhie turn frein flhhing Hlme Eceiloncy vil open, the Ottawa a irat Lanadovue inces anuary ltt4Opn68uding settlers bhaye sived lina"& A laew club cld the Ottavwa "opened vithout giving any sigai cf appro&ch T damage i. set at S20. Th e ue swpost- poned until the 28th te be board in cbalm bers. N. F. Patterson, Q. C, for plaintiff. Anderson vs. Kester.-This i. the second hearing of this case in this court it having o7 uped n day in the Decenber sesius, at which time the jury disagreed. Anderson i. a inarbîs dealer in Oshava, and Kester a far- m-0r in Markham. Five or six years ago Kester's vifs disd and his nepbev, Forsyth cf Ciaremont, ordered a $45 head stone f rom Anderson. Pnymeut var vas nover made fer the stene as Keî%ter aivays contended it wus net made te order, until lust year when Kester got married again sud had moved the toinbetene avay troni his vwife's grave and piaced it urti the rond. Thon Ander- son put in a dlaîm for the stene sud $54 for the vork dons upen it--$99 in ail and enter- ed it in the Division Court cf Markham. The case net coming up thers it vas transferred here vith interest onough added te guve Ceuuty (Vourt costs. In this instance the jury gavesa verdict cf $W<1te plaintiff. The costa ivili foot up te severai hundreds cf dol- lars. J. E. Farevell forîplaintiff ; McGiliiv- ray & Cjhapplo for defondant. The action vag taken te recover $130, the prcof a buggy eoid te Bunker in 1884. Porter gays the $130 was te te pazd as bonu as Bunker sold somc vood vhicbho thon p oused. The wood is nov ail sold. Bun- kergsys ho was te have ten years straight credit. Verdict for defendant, alleving him a full ton years for payaient. J. F. Grier- son for plaintif ; Wl. Billi ngasd J. A. McGiilivray for defendant. Notes Arouad tii. Court. The court of general sessions lsa& great demi like the coanty councîl in one respect. It takes a long time to get very littie done, and that at a learf al expense. Fiv6 days last week the court sat here withnut a single prisoner being convicted on evidence, and in only one civil case, (Anderson vs. Kester,, was a verdict secured for the plaintiff. Nearly every action, either civil or crininal, seema to f ail through. There was a queer case of Porter vs. Bunker. The buggy wa s old in 1884 and payment cannet Dow, be enforcedl until 189 4-ten ,years' credit. Uniess Mr. Porter wi»hed te leave a legacy te the neit generation, ho had botter sold the carniage for $5 cash than $120 on such long tick. Some of the barristers use old out-off gowns in the quarter sessions, sad reserve their good ones for the uaszes whon "me lord" runs the court. It sureiy "ou1d not cout theso mon much more to aiways vear rwns ithout tatrs hanglng about their There vas a protty ever boy in court on Friday iinmg eidenoO lin the ueed wheat not ou. Wfiethe boy was glving bis ovîdence Mr. Farewell held up a diagrai of the far= buildings and roadway At the defendant Hodgeon'u tarin. "In this the barn ? --aùed the lavyer, polnting te the diagran. ,"No,""aid the youth, "thatsa the picture of the bara.»Later on Mr. - F. askewd if the faki rs'hre had dutch harness or colls hamne. "Il vws leather har- neuoms, aid the boy. PersonaL Blev. J. F. Barkorr an 'vtesaudother roreetatives oft e apistearect FeonFaDa attenffing their assocltion. Mesura. Arthur Johuston and! Jue. Miller, Pickeoring, left here fer England on Tuesday te purchase live stock. Mr. J. D. Howden sentwith thein for a hun&red sheop. May they have a ploaaut trnP. I M Ylnaaial -sud Oommi »Ofce of WhilàyCmII Whftby),3u ne 22,: dsil Wheat ........ #0 75 Sprig Wha.......O75 leur, per cvt.....2 0 Banley..........O66 Bye............045 Peau.......... O56 Peas, black-eyod. 060 BluesPais.......ae.......**000 Osa.........086 Ray..........1060 Aisike Cleve;r seei!....4 50 Red! Clover sedu susai à 0 A&pples, per bbl ..........ao a1 50 Toiatees " ........ 10 Petatoos, per bag.... . .. .. 10 Bggs................... 018 Butter ..............o...O0 18 Bides, per lb.........ooo.o 006 Pork, percvt ..........60OU Turruips o.àé . ..o 0 15 Celery, perdels ........... 0 Chiekens, per lb... . -.....Oa 00 Turkeys, per Ib....oo o....o 10 Ducks, per lb .............O0 10 Geese per lb.............O0 08 Cheese.................O0 12 Wood ........---.. .....46m Sheepskinu ..............O0 40 Calfskins................O0 10 la . .F ODDFELLOWS' EXCURSION, nQouncos an excursion pr Steamer Hastings te, -z4isby Camp ôn Dominion Day-July Sud. The boat lmavea Whitby at 7-L .8 .. kmong thé ma.ny attractions at this popu. bar resoit on that dlay , viii be the opeming cf the Grand Nov Tom ple, lu wbich Sir John MoDonali! sud eth or distinguishea speakers viii tako part. Tickets $1.00, te bo had cf M. Murrisy, at R. & J. Campbelb's, B. Madili at E. J. Johnston's, and W. R. Howse, at the Drug Store. W. DICKR, J. P. OWENS, Chairman. Secretary. N L f l~i Ik:hy: IEW GOODS JUSTIN# adies' Short Ve8t and Queen Chains, Brooches, Cuif Buttons, &c., -ALL THE - 4EW PATTERNS Gents' Chains arnd Cuif Buttons, WVatches, Clocks, and Silverware, Plated Knives and Forks Mluch redVtceJ, in Price. Vatches, Clocks' and Jewellery Repaired. JAMES JOHNSTO]Ny BRn<TK-T«EBT.WHITBY. 1 JNI FAUn GeneralhInsrmnce Ageult.- Agenttfor Phoenix mireOffie, London, uns. Pire nsurance ÂaoainLnOi n Citlze's Linurance CoinpaiyMontre&L. Qube ie urane company, ebroà. London& LancashirelaceLOndon, Eâlg. w ~AKI NG PGDER MOST PERFECT AO Ite superier excellence preven l millions cf homes for me than a quarter cf a century. It le used by the United States Goverument. Endorsed by the hends cf the gront Universi- ties as the Strengest, Puret, and meet heaith- fui. Dr. Prxce's Crem Bnkng Povder dos not contan A.mmonis, Lime, or Aluin. Seld only in Cane. PuCE BAKINO POWDER GO. In the matter of W. JT. G ibon, of the Town of Whiby, in the Couny of Ontari, Grocer and Crockery mer. chant. AN 1NSOL VENT. Notice is herebygie that the above named W. J. Gibson eidon the Sth day cf Juno, 1888, mako an assigurnont to me cf lis estate and offects for tho benefit of hie crediters genoraliy, in pursuance of the Revised Statute. cf Ontaro, Chapter 124. And further take notice that a meeting cf the creditors cf the above named Insolvent viii b. hold at the Walker House, in the City cf Toronto on Saturday, the 23rd day et Jute, 1888, st il o'ciock in the forenoon, for theejurocf appointing inspecter. and 91gividrections for t ho vinding up and dis- pesai1 of the estate. Ceditors are reqested te file their daims vith nme, duly verified by affidavit, and! vith sucb vochers as the nature cf the cas adrnits cf on or before the date cf said meeting. Dated June 8thp 1888. ALEXANDER DAVIPSON, Assignee, Hamilton. WALKER SÇOTT&LEES, Soliciters, Ham iitehi.-27-2in -- CD- M fig hrgiinm BARGAIN Royal hrgziD :-: S WEDNESLA YS and SA TURDA YS, DCi~TFT.T. e? Ti~Xl7 n i,'ri~at success. J.. ~../ YV .L!JLi.L.i iX~ ~J'...' J. IL'..' Y' - --- - VOL.- People bring us their rnoney and get the rnost for it. Con- stantly adding new Goods to our Fine Stock of 00 0070 @020 a062 @ 012 @ 010 @ 010 @ 0 10 @0060 @ 012 GOODS, Consisting of the best selections and latest styles of S9taple and -Fny Dry Go ode. Now let us help you to save rnoney. Do be wise and corne and see our new styles and get our low prices. Corna and get your share of these bargains right away. Spocial Inducoments in Clothing Department., Boys! 1 0W is the time for a good suit at littie rnoney. Corne in and get our prices. POWELL& S SILVER.PLATED 'HI INSTRIJMEN1' i c>. 5= as s .0 I O T»beofaaest Dlscovsry et theA4s. price - - $3. cou CATARRH IMPOSSIBLE UNDER ITS INFLUEUCE Th nycatarrh remedy ever offerci! te the public on 15 days trial; i writDteu garsntee given with each instrument W. T. BzAU & Ce., lm5 Queen Cret West, Toronto, Ont. ACTINqA THE GREAT EYE AND L1JNG RESTORER Acina Ie ntsa medicine or s dlgusting lotien or powder bail, but a BeII-gcflera- ting Vapor, easily and pleasantly apphied, at ail heurs, times and places, Actna'do 2.Quckly relieves a.nd thoroughly cures all Throa.t and! cgAin dieases. ctna ae 3._Posltively cures ail disoases cf the Eye, Catraet Gran ulated Eye-lida, lnfl&amed Eyes, near and! far sightedness TUaE Eu TREATE» WtuILE CLOSiD. Tnz AcTiNA ias OZD unuimoim wamw BuGu4p£vwmm-oN 15 D>ATB Tpz.. Enclose stamp for handsemelytUlustratedzi>èk an&-bealth journal. W. T. BAER & CO., 1M6 Queen Street West Toronto, Ont ~E~ÂLT~ WOX~ ALL!!! ____ The Poase Furnaco.1 Puify theBlood, coerect !lNXmrdereofth ITbey invigorate aud nestore te beath Debitàted Constitutions, and arei invaluable in anl The toilowi.ug testimoniale speak for Co.mplainte incidentai te Femabea of ail ame. FYor children aiud the aged, theniselves teyare pieeu Fýrein Jude Buraum: Manulactured only at 78, NEW OXFORD STFREET (Iste 538 OXFORD STREET)ý LONDON, and ! sol& WhitbyMay 4t, l~~*by ail Medicine Vendorb throg; u the World. gr Furchauars hci11i lo ock.to the Làbel(onthe Boxes and! Pots. J. F. PEÂss Fimiucu Ce., -Teronto, Mithe addrsss la not588, Oxford Street, London, they are apurfous I have mach Pbeasure in stating ta No. 14 Economy iurnace, piaced by yeu in iny residence bast taLi has given us coin- tort and! satisfaction, varmmg both upper I and! lover rooms vith an even teinperature, use car grates even la the celdest veather, and! tako pleasuro lu recommending your Purnac o tifendi hon. pnd oisevhsre. Tours truly, ' Z. BURNHÂM Judgo, Wbitby. From A. A. Pmft, Eoq.: Wbitby, May dths 188. JY. Pi um ucu Co., Toronto. Geatemea,-The «Bceaomy Warin Ar, Furn.ace w hich I purc dh!font you baut Otol;erhagve me Sod satilftion. It in easybtro = qaick ,tereupond, ani! haras the coul dean, roqairing no siltlng f' ashes.- Aithough My honue l in a vre - possi! situation 1 oib"dne difloullylu keellp- l:ngap acoinfortablo aven temny ratiire froin gae sud dut. I1zalght a o Bythatk the 1*rnaooa vhioh yut agent NMr. Ma- »,tre ha put inin Mbs town sud vîin#ty bave giron goci! satiafao1er- Teara, etc., 3. Mi Ite Le vise. Sube he office of P Stesm equ Book-ana& Jo Ontanlo, a5 unsurpassed i ILwiih il oylldsn presi ences. Everi fui attention. TERM Firsti mue subsequent~ Displaye4 by a scaosit aocordingly. Advertief instructions chargea for Orders for muet b. in ersavull not Aliberai ments by thE oontraet a.vî in net batel' cf auyintenc betore Tues mente rsceii Business zn Fi-ve cents p per lins vas 0orrespon of the Ceuni correspondez their' coin possible, -Sup' M JOHXN] JAI B>cupisd te 0Royal Ho DAV] A TTOBU~ - Offce,ln l Whitby. - Jan. 22* 187 ALL THIOUGH THE. STOCK$ a Oum Lp 1 SPRINO 1 m q and SUMMER 1 1 1 1 WEMY MA T' r4wùBol 0 areat success. 'nAW RAIIAMe ýtl - i-11 Ci 1 R - -PnVU-PýTýT. CIEIICAGO. ST. LOVIS. 1 ý NBW 7ronx.

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