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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Jun 1888, p. 3

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w-sP ited, Ute de, bo phys, S0 a' Lmnse ef îg, or of Ilgene.. tl in the moru.. r bad ts.te in Jutess. trequent loating specks " -itratitin or ex.. or. hot lu8heis, slions. sharp itidt Lure, cofà wakefulnes. or Ftdoop, constant. or of imupeud. Lerablo nuimber sutferirîg frotu on 'îl'lies-.or ýs wolme. the î-lîgte iree. m- ltir gravie 1 in iiLl rî,oouer [Itdlcal 111e- il tht Liver, andI tirifv-iî*erg-an. 1 ,iig. Ir is iîiil)titI'le Kd- Igui. -nîg ai- t',it .i s ,h) tîlý:dItlug up CI i il Isand 1Icdiî-aI Dis. by this *u nder Sec-.4 *i uts in iialiiount rkf ~LIFE.89 .ýr>., unît g't 1 t, Spirits. vital W c4 ,tal lieod. 1ON, .îîgrn is arretî3et ta îlein r-- ty fatal gltcemo, 'ril-tainod ri-- muagbn serious1v restriclti ve for on1derful coin- ning. alteratii-o. . ttrt antd tnotl. litt oDly 'ii, but for ail Lungs. Ble-ýd. Short- s, apîd kintîrel or , Siîx Botr les tfor Dr. Pierce's res,. FALOI N. Y ml1 Boiler Portable En- res. Boilers solutely safe, Onomical in el, adapted for uting offices, usage grinders, ýeese factories td grain crusb- s.' Sizes frein to0 r2 horse ýwer. Sent for scriptive cata- LEANER, y owe forai f fifteen hun- siug il for the or,50 peund aces gsent free celsior Boiler St. East Hamn. a4ager. * T-11 d sud I UpOS Bobo, noms WashingtoflLetter (Fýrom ouir regilar corresponident-) WisINGToN, June '22ad. 1888. Lt ]bas been diflicult 10 ket-p a quorum in ejîher Houge àOtcoogrese Ibis wOek. Q)ur lawmaâk6i : &vu been bueily attend - ing t b lelb Ovt 1ret,<n h.bicago Cori ventiefl. The Sm,e' ae*P, ClailY, oul scaroOly have pi c- ý enteà a more langui j or ligtless Bppeai âDoe or shown more indif1ereflea 10 ordinary legitalative bupiness than driring the past few daya. There were three poseible Iresidenuai candidates in the Chamber however- Senator Sherman, Allison and Rawley -who lent interest to the scece:I was noticeable too that these gentle- muen could not be conitented long in one place., kit muoved around, in and eut of the Chamaber a@ if their thoughtéi were elÉ,ewhere. The Senate has nover bmen accuseti of beirig illiberai wit lki te peopl.-'~s noney, and soine recent voting 8ustains its record for generotsitsx Lt bas passed the bihl approptiatiug $500,000 for the Prection of PD adtiitiongl fire.proof stTuctUro tor 1km N nial Museuw. This le on the Rronud that increased tacilities for t;ibpiays are neeued, the prescnt structure not Pffording sufficient zoom. 1It also passed a bill appropria- tiig $ 160,000 for the purchase ef a pueumnatic gun for tbhe War Department, and it is ikely to pass another carrying aum appropilâtion ot S100,000 for tte Construction of a wuarble portice at the wpRterrn front ot the Capitai. The 1l-inse of Lepresenta'ives, on the otherbah&ud,hlas bad a rbarp dis- cussionl about sp udiug bo muoli money. It was 0V the Congressional Library building wh ich is in course of erection east of the Capital, 5ý3,000,00t> were appropriated fur its erection wben the plan wis pas'ed, and now four or five Mîiion nmore' are wa'ted. Sume inemn- bers held that 53,000,000 W66 Lo bu itme ultiruate copt of the structure, while otthers thoucylt tliat S7,000,0t0 aud even Sl1,000.000o would not be excessive for a Nationpsl Lîbrary building bere. Ilepresentative sawyer, of NwYorh- referred to the new state building aI Albany, wbich was comunenced to coS1 r4,000000o. Lt had already cost 816.- anlOOsd thero was no tA.ihugo hovî înuch more it would oost. Ile did noi objet tb a Na!tinal Library buiildiw1 costîug 5,0,000loo, but ho tbought thi ides so prevalent of making Wasbiratoi the cetitre of wealthy and social displa] was tbe greatest ourse of the Nations Capitol. Se said thirs idea had growi so that any man in public lîfe is force( to spend more than bis elry in orde to maintain social relationsa. Represe utative Milliken derided tb penny wise policy, aud argued that a thelibrary is growing, the ide& is not ti erect s building to-day but for thie nez huudred years. Ho iusisted that an: change of plan in order to save mone would be foohs8h, and declarad that h would not incur publiec ondemuatio, by votinu for sny cheap structure. After ruch wrangling, it was fil aecided l'y a vote of 114 to 50, on more than a quorumn, to P work o the Librmry building, to abolish th~ preseut commiseiort, repeaàl the sot the waspased s--At the So.ýq£nate an to formulate a plan for the prof osed eý position, wbich appropriâtes $23,00 te bo immediately available for tb.e e penses of this board. If tbe projoot b. proparly carried oi it will b. of great benefit to, the connti at large, as welas the city of Waal ington. Lt will eetablish bora a PE manant exposition wbiob will illustra the progrees of the arts, sciences, i ventions and industries of ove Goverument upon the American Co tiuent. The Philadeiphia celebration of 18 t0 commemorate the Centennial of 0 indepencence as a people ie the, on international exposition evar beld this country s yet, andthelb goo t t resuiteti from -iitle .1111 appare tbrougbout every avenue of trade s commerce. The exposition now pi posed ie in honer of a sf111 greai avent in the world's history than t formation of lhe United States. will aise, be*up on a muoh larger soi andi stili fartber raacbing ln ils resul Ourrent Literature. The Suprame Court of tbe Uni States i. a tribunal thst exorcoises immense influence, but is 11111e kue to the people. Ausburn Towner, Frank Le8lie'8 Po>zdar Mont hly July, gives a very înteresting &co et tho justices, the room where tbey lu judgmaut, their residenoeis, asç as pcslraits, views, etc., that will o1 ap the judicary tb al, lu "ThaeRi of lb. World," Noel Ruwbven takas an attractive subjeot, and treats it i: most fascinating manner. The faa rides: Bois de Boulo-gne, , i1 Parie, J ten Row, London, Central Park, 1 York, the Vienna Prater *nd Berl ranownad I"Unter den Lieon," 8Bi day ses lb. w*eals4y snm# f.eslop dubig by là e*igaRt tQîËtidi fyslidspecimens- of horsefi <'koutuoky'saBirtbpl-." abspua qurin ir b~.jý- *0pi o rsd w. se. the.-,Braictrea homes etf John and Johc Quincy Adams, their tomba, the portrait qnd home of Charles Fran- ci. Adam@, as wall an notices cf lbe tamil v bonorat sud asteemoi. -"An- oient Irish Metal Work," "Parues Wo- men," "The Safety Lsnp," -araesicirter but attractive rirticles. But one of the meat remaykable in Ibis excellentu umnm- ber le C mille Doui's "Ad venturas of a Yeuug Explorer." Lt us a sîory oftIhe six ruonthe' captivity of a yonug Freuchman among lb. Norm»d Moors cf Western Sabara. Il le a tiriliug naratir-. cf real expahience in a country bitharto unkuown te civilizet menu. The Popular Monthly uet leads the reet et the moufilies net only lu vari.ty cf articles but in tbe menit cf the atonies Clarence M. Moutelia beginning lu Ibis a new novel, "Tha Grave betweu he6m"; whule the shor'tkr steries by Inde, Crannell, Sackleford, Cacsedy, Berferd sud Noe Daly are atiaplti leo tbe Iambet ofahi classes et readers. Three Builets ini Him. THE EiNCOUXTER 0F A FATHER AND SON SHOT BY DESPERADOES. A ehootiug affray, which may resuît iu a murder, occurreti in the Village of Sreetsville, a subnrb ef Toronto, at 2 o'clock Saturday morning, when Mr. Graydon, shoemaker, raceived lire. bullets fromn pistole flred by twe burg- larB who attempledti t enter hi. store. Mr. Grsydon's store abute upon the sidewalk sud lias twe front windows, witb others in thEý roar. Thora is a varainda in tront. On eue sida of the store sud separate 1 from if by a luna is the t,ývo-storey bouse in wbich Mr. Graydou ant ishi family reside. The. front upper room on the sida noit te the store is occupied by Mr. Graydon's son, Mr. W. J. Graydon, a merohant in the village. At 2 o'clock that morniug, just as the younger Mr. Graydon was getting mbt bed, lie observoti two mon sueaking along the grass by the eidewalk as if flot te make a noise. Ha watched themn aud saw thewn go on tiptoete the fur- ther cf the two front windows cf the Phop aud peep in. Thon they looketi through the ethar windew, sud waiking a few steps te tho other sidaet the shop, alimbed over a pioket fouce, evi- dently goumg te the rear. Young Gray- don sroused bih fa-ther andtiheb. wo went downstairs anti ont by the bsck door et the bouse. They had net been thora a minute before tbey Bsw Ibe tw<> men at the baok windew ef the shop. Just than the dog commeucedti l bark, anti the twe intruders matie a breask acroas the yard for the pioket feuoe.. Mr. Graydou ant ieissou rau dowu the lane botween the bouge aud shop anti ont hrougb the gale te tb. street. When tbey get OuIthey saw ene man about f fty yards dowu tbe street. The. othor was on top cf the pioket fonce. Both Grayden'e ruseat towards the lat- ter, but as they diti me the wonld be burglar pn1leti a revolver anti fireti di- rectdy a& the. fat ber. The builet tii net take affect, but lodged in a hitching poet a few yards away. Again the des- *perado disehargeti bis pistol. Ths lime ha bit bis tuark, for a bulat sauh int Mr. Graytion's body just tinter the. rleft shoulder. The wouudeti man tiid -net fali, but matie a dasb forward only te receive anothar bullet lu the lfit forearm. Ahîhougli thus iDjureti, be gr&bbedt h. man anti, assialeti by bis son, thay *pullet i hm off the. fonce 1< -the grounti. They jumpeti on hlm and~ bad bim securaly pinnedti ler. for a few moments. Thon the othar one wbo was standing down the road commano. fet flriug. He discbargeti four aboli . wbile the eider Mr. Graydon was strug- Elgling witb 1h. firat fellow ~aaint- îiE fance. Ona of hasoe took effeol lu Mr. Graydeu's loft lkg, and ha feU te thE tgrount. - t "Here's my pislol," aid No. 1 Ut s young Oraytien as he lbrow lh. pisteý -o te b grounut, evidontiy deirous ef gel ting away. * The sou .1111 kept s boit on lthe fel Iew, the twe of them being ou on thel ,t bat, Graytion bahind th. othar withhhi yarme arount his walst. "Shoot tii *oter-owu t" yelled No. 1 te No. 2 -With great presenoe of mind Graydon swbo was au easy target for the. aboli swung Na. 1 around se liaI if the otha yfiret bis pal woult raceiva tb. huilat They tngged aI esch other for a feç secoands wb.n No. 1 broka away ang v'n jisîoi ware brougit tb Toronto, Mo"d lu morning by young Graydoc, who eaUl br at police beadquarters 'sud gai ýnt Det.otiva.Iiiipector Stark a ful 60oon ait of the affair. H. la unaibls,' howevî li to cIoaeiy desribe lhe mec beoam sun th. exitemênt attendant upon ,ti ~Baffaàir. Both wam,of uaedium hà.1 op tout build, sud one. h14 A Mtber x a. complexion.Sofrheotcieo Us siats of 1he piestel sm the 1hai. TI ~.pigtol la one o01is the cwy Briti ew bulldo" pê4tem l, tbefrga art Svaluable élu. bsoane o!1the 1.ttér ,ii by B.» bebgog hl Idou t-bba bZ 1 ba. rue r.0 1. w.it l 0 d ir B. w kd d ut mg le 2'o àd ni ;et 'w sy kv. Mt cý f Wrîtea a well.known ohemiat, permits 'Ïü6 te isay uat Plnam'a PainiaesCern Ex. tracter naver fole. Lt makes ne osa. ta lu lh. fitisho sud ceuaequently à Don'l you lforget tle gel Putuaum's20Mru Ex- tracter, now for isala by medîcine dealers everywhere. A Monireal court grantod Mr. Portior, a cigarmaker, $150 damages frein the Cana- dian Wovkman, which paparsadviç4ed peoplo, net te have cigare made by a llcbild be&aov" or igwoman spamuker." A IRare Combinatioc. Tiare is no cther rernedy or combinstion of mnediomnos liat meete 50 many raquire- mente se dees Burdock Blood Bitters in ils wide rangs ot power over sncb chronie diseases ai; DyspapBsa, Liver sud Kiduay Complaint, Scrof nIa and ahi bumore efthle bloot. TI be e duri proi defi 'he saine regulatione for oeil fiehiug will enforced iu Behiring's Sea this Beasou as ,ing former years. Delinite W'arulng. egl'cted coughs sud colds so trequently iuce serions retiulte ste constitue s luite warning. There je no better, safer - - 4- . k..h Brouchitis, Sore Tiroat, Coldesud al th.roat sud lung troubles than H1agyard's Pectoral Baisam. The appointaient of Seustor Schultz te the Lijeutenant Goveruorship cf Mwuitoba has been gazetted. iu Bil, Anud Te Tho Point. Dyspepsia te dreadful. Disorderet iver ie misery. Indigestion le a tee te good nature. The buman digestive appavatus le eue of the mosl cotuplicatet aud wondertuh thinge in exirtence- Ilje s eily put out of ordar. Graasy food, tough food, sloppy food, bail cookery, mental worry, iste hourm, irregular habits, sud many other tige wicb eught not te b., bave made the Ainericau people a nation of dyspeptios. But Gr(-en'm .ugust Flower has doue s wonderfli work ini reformiug Ibis ad business and making the' American people so beslthy that they can enjoy their meals snd be happy. Remember :-No happines witiout bea ith. But Greeuits A.ugust Fowrbriugm your druggist for a bottle. Sevauty-five cents. Mr. Hayter Reed bas been appointed te lie position of Imdian Comzissieuer, vice Mr. Dewdney. SYNIPTouiS-MeiStUre; intense itobiug sud stinging, mrost at night ; worse by scratch- ing. If allowed te continue, lurnors forrn, wbich otted bleed aud ulcorate, becoming very ore. SWAýNE'S OINruMENT stops the itching sud bleeding, hoa ulceration, snd lu many cases removes lb. bumrsr. Lt la equally effloacious iu curing &ahi kmDis- eases. DR. SWAYNE & SON, Propriaers,. Philadolpbia. Swayue's Ointmant eau b obtalued of druggista. Seul by mail for 60 Cets-16-ly. hi Se A vouug minu umed Chas. Cochranelet les lîfe by drowning at Owen Sound ou saturday. -A-O r To &U who are sufferlng frem 1h.errera sud indiscretious cf youhh, nervous weak- nasa, earl deoay, les. of manhood, &o., I WwU send a reoipe that Winl cura yen, FRE0F CRIARGB. Tii. esar.mody waa discovered by a rnleelonary lu Seul Amerlos. Saud as ell-addreeaed envalep e toe i. ey. JOsEPEa T. I-mmix, Station ID, New York CiWo Si p d A youug womsn naumeti Blanche Latu- âppo was hurned te death aI Montreai ou Baturday nigit. A8 swcet a.8 honey is Dr. Low'a Plasn Worm SY/M4P, yet "ire te de8tr0oJ and expeis iworwu. Tiomas Smith, aged 22 years wus drown- al lu the Thames aI Nilestown âunday. When Baby wualel, vs gave ber Casionu When the vas a Child. aho cred for Caatoia, Wheu &ho becazue Miss, aie clung te Caatoriaà, When &be h"dChlldres, eh. garsthem CasIons,4 Six lires are suppos.d te have been lbai iu a equail off Grant River, Quebec. If your ebildren are lroubled viti vorma give them Mothar Graves' Worm Extar- minator; esl., sure, sud effectuai. T it, sud mark the. improverntulinu ourcbd Six miles ef Red River Valley railway have been laId' vîi rails. Il1.fiting boots sud ehoea cause corna. Holleway's Cern Cure le tthe article to use. Gel a bottie ai once sud cura your corna. The. presideul vetoed fiva privai. pension bille Satnrdsy. National PiUts will not gr .pe or sic/cen, yet ao a thorotegh cathertic. Aleuzo Smithb, in siol with Italan labourera aI Dover, K. EL; Thursdasy, fatal- ly shot twofmenl. The Firsit Sytuptonhs, 01 ail Luug diseases are muchtli.Ramne : favenlehuess, bs o! appetite, sOea tireal, pains In th. che8t and bacr,ý hotîdacha, etc. In a f.w days you may, b. well, or, on 1h. other baud, you may b. dowu viti Pueurnonla e"-galloping- Consumption.'t' Run ne nieke, but begi îrnmediately te lake Ayer's Cherry, Pectoral. 8ev-orai years ago, James ýBirchard, -o! Darien, Cotin., was sorerely . l.Tii. docters saidhe wus lu Cousuinphlou, and tiat they could do noth Ig1o hlm, - but advised -hlm, asa a laÉt -resort, ýo try, -Âyer!&s-Cherry- Pectoral. -Miter -aking" Ibhis medi.çine,two, or tbree mopths, o, wasprooun edaw ell a». is-hcaltJr- rernains goed 1to th esçni #y -J. a. aloMaManj, Mi . wtes t - 1- SPRING JOH N p OVERALLS!1 RATS t Monuments, Hpad Stones, and al - other Cemetery WOr Pailas wlbl0 tepuMIasviU 0 1. FERCUSON Scotch, English and Canadian Tweeds, A.nd other fine linos of Ciothe, fer Spring suite. AUl garmei4ts made Up in iatest style on shortest notice. Ready-made INDESTRUCTIBLE HAIS!1 HAIS!1 -Lâteet styles ini Hard and Soft Feit Hats VERY, CHF1AP. JOHN FEIRG-USON, Dndas St., Whitbý MEDICATED ELECTRUC ý BELTým Medficated for alI tisases of the blood sud nov- voua systemn. Ladies' Bal $2 for tems.ie corn- laintsaithasneoequal. Mous'Bell $3. combined taund Suspeueory $5. Seminal wea.knasri, Serrors et youth. lest CURESmanhood, nightly ernissbons, Etc. The only aÊppliances glvlng a direct Qurrnt of Ei tricity to thé an b. ..orunigflt or day wilhoti -conveniance. IIund reçIso-Te ti aim tos euedof temale dijleS s isin back sud hipse. aldesud lilm n ?ýetlpt, gnera deWtylumago rhematsmparalysie, neuralgia. scistica diseasa of lhe kidneys, spinal disease, lorpid liver, gout. leucorrhoes, catarri oft lie bladder soxual axhaustion, sominai omissions, astirnaheart disease, dyspopsia, constipation erysip- ela, indigestion. irnpotency',,Piles, epilepsy, durnb agueansd diabolos. SentI starnp for iandaomely Wlustrated book and health journal. Correspondance etrictiy courfidetisi. Con- isultation sud electrical trealment free. Agents wauted evarywliera.]Pst. Feb. 251h, M27 Cures Ouaranteed Medioated Eleot rio Boit Go.. s 55 Queen St. West, Toronto, Canadia. WOLFENDEN'S STEAM MARBLE WORKS, ffl mii WH.-I TBY-e The Subscriber wisttes le couvey le h*s nrasi *Friands sud Custemers hisnee TADTRDI bauke fer their iberal patronage iunb~ CRA RIMVIIIiII aciste 4,b atsu ad le assure thain liaI ho has betld 'acllii- than ever for executing ail orders entrusted te hlm for - ~ Monuments, Headstones, Siate and Marbie Mantieg And auy ocher work lu hi. lina. Alil Work guaranleed ftret-cises. P4ci cs ff-3 1Dhave nowmoved le rny nev place c1 lm a usines in Smil's Block, seti f the . [j MarER R. WOLFENDBN. PUREST9 STRONC0EST, BESTe ___________ GONTAINS NO ALUMI, AM MCN A, LIME, PHOSPHATES, or any njurlous a D u'Wim. E. W. G ILL ETT, CHICGO, LI. 0UN' *MLLI=EN COPOWDER THEOO'S ES FREN BILOHEA THE CO SETRIN 8I ' ~)~i - JDNET TROUBLES RHEUIIATISM 8KIN DIBEABES . and a&U IPURITIE8OFTIIE LON3 FRON WIIAT- IERCAUBEARIBINO RIEMO VEDI Hain uroaed the. Stock an4 Machinar *nIeased 1h. premises cef the et1 J. & B. Wolfenden, are prepared te furni MH CREAT SRI MEODICIliE Price, 75c. (wîth Pilla, $1). DR. HODDER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS.U (Vary amail sud assy tetaka.). NO GRrPING. NO NÂtTýSEA.I -od.s wheu'e. - Price, 25 onls. Gents' Furnishings and * - t I 4 I sh OUR ELEGANT PREPARATIONS. B.niamber w m»aufacinre sud arehliesole propriaere of 1he foflowlug epeclatiasud lias liey eube hadfrorn no othar sourc. THEY ARE OTFOR SALE BY DRUOGISTO- Correapendence slilyconùdenil. Confumntation upon a&U eboiodisasa Inviled, NO CHARGE xcepl 109 madiles. Al oda seul scuve frosâ observ5. lion. Terocttl Jedicine Ceo, Teronto, Ont. lIAIR COLORINO mgitenprpraeam s warrautdp.Y- Black, Dark Brow, .dium Brovu, Ceuti, edgt RChuul, ioid BondsAah or, Blonde (Jendrm eaBad Msmplae ofhait, *heu oedering. Prie., $IL per ottIe. !fermola Medicine Co., TOILET REQUISITIES ' Iu ordering please speclfy whloh you reqire we guaranle them le givéeontire asas=en No 8 Imparte tte e in te celer and-freshnesa et msidenhoed; harmleseand cannel be datactod 1.25. No. 9-Bornoyas wrinklaa. 62. No. 10 Be- mores LiVer Spots. 81.5. No. I1 Berneas Flash Worm. 1.25. Ne. 2 Bamovas Prackles. *LM25 No. 13 Bternes l'impies. $lm2. No. 14 Beooys Tan. $1.25. No. 15 Beooys Moles.ý $2. No. 16 Ramoeas Pockmarks. $2 Ne. 17 Bernes undue Prespiration. $1.25. No. 18 An absolute unfailiflg specflo for the. retantien development or rester- aion cf tlea Hair. $1.25. Toronto Medicine C. * THE BUST No. 19 Is a cornbined Internal sud-extarnal treatint which speedily developes or restores the tomaI. bmst te the proportions of voluptueus nature. Is entirely harrniesosud certain In v-e suite. Pria. $. Toreuo Medicine 0e. Torono, WOMEN'S ULLS ,~No. 20 A certain cure for ÏLeucornhoea, or Wbllea Fallixrg ofthe Wornb, Ulcerations Painful Men- struation, «Bearing down Pains" sud al Diseases, sud Weakueeses paculiar te females. Endor"dt by tha higiest medical authorities as su iln- rivalled" rernedy. Prie-*9prbotla. Toronto Medicine Co., Toronto, Ont. FRENCH REGULATION PULLS Far superior le Ergot. Tausy. Paunyi-oyal or Cuide. Eudoreed b y lie tiusaudsof la&dwho use thern MONTHLY. Naver lau, IBelieve> pain. INSURE BEGULAMTY PlasaasdEffactuai. Price $2 Toronto eicme CeO, Teronlo, Ont.~ NEURALCIA & RHEUMATISM- Can bo cured by using speaifle No. 2 LsR won- dorfuI sala le due tea Lmple facl ihat il dos all liatis eclairned for it.l. ueSi. Toton Medicine Co.. Torento. Out. Couff, C lffeqHàisu. f DzrvzozluT BEÂTEINO tandaflThroatanlung coplaints. Plasanttotaka; childm ran are fouid-ot It nsatreileffromeýrft -. dose; eau sud cura So1d Everywhere at 25c. a Bottie. I arn acquainted witb lhe composition of Perrmn's Pîne Tar Cordiai, sand can recem- mend Al as being tie meet efficient COUÈh Leredy I know cf. .- {Member cf the American Publiec HoLalth~ Association, sud Presidenli cf 1he. 1lxocx" tive Association cf Health Ofic,,era of Ontario, Perrin's Pine Ta,' Cordial G. 81TT1N68. T R NMEDICIIE 00.,PRP8.TM GDT HOUSS. OR ALE SU'IT'S Men's and Boys' Suits, Underclothing of ail Kinds. marbie and Granite, 1 LIIIDSAY, ONT. 1 1 18 SHOWING A 6SUPERIOB STOt* 0F itching pues. 4 1 ý44 'l l", ýý 4 ýb ý 1 . 12rhiAh l

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