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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Jun 1888, p. 4

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ALIBIS SPIRING STO( JUSI RECEIVEL -o--- Try a Packaé on your walls, and you'll neyer v calsomine or whii wash again. G. E. GIBBAIRI NEDICALHA ONLY Si oo PER ANXNl Whitby, FrIday, Jâme 29, 18E FiROM the Rav. Dr. Parkor's ramai on Snnday laat, in his sermon toi young ladies of the Ontario Ladies C logo, we judgeand that rightly w.e thtl thal ho je au onthusiaet in th. oaus. woments righte. W. think noue1 lsa for him on thmam oount, as w. i P. h. ise te- Dy rks the uko cf the in the same boat, but whilst that is so w. muet aày that w. are net se enthusi. suio s tebelieve- limaI th. grapting of the franchie tewomnuwill' prove à panaos for al th. social il!. undor which thoy are laboring. W. have yet te learu thtt womn psy bigger wsgea te 1he servants ini their empicyxuent than do their huebands ote .young women employed lu thoir offloos or shope. -.Women are th. heade cf th. housobold sud the. employer. cf domes- tic help, sud yet whst do we find ? The maie servant employed by bis master goees te work ai 7 a. m. sud je given an heur ai neen, within whieb to digest hie dinuer snd prepare himeefor bis atter- noon work whîcbhob.eud s a 6. The female servant paid by the same master but controlled by the lady cf the houe. ris ai 5 a. m. sud retireastaI1i p. mn., belweeu wbicb periode eh. ie net ex. peooed, uer je she alloesd, te take oe moment to e beoî or put forth on. effort, savo it b6 iu the interesi ef ber employer. Evên in tb. cause of 1cm- pernne. we have yet to learu that à greator proportion cf womeu volera than eofomen outi their votes right. In tb. efforts made ho reolaixu talion women mib e oity ef Toronto we know for s <sol ibalt the burdenonfthlie werk fol! upen thbochrietisu gentlemen who organized the movemeut. Women make great efforts to save their brothers while wo fear they beave ibeir istons tle tae arsetofthexusolves. On.etofthe invitable reaulte cf wemen enteriuig lb. lista againet men is tht the wages of men are noduood eut cf sympathy fer thai paid te wemeu. Thus low wageo kuocko wags sarnorseoftheb.mals per- suasion ont cf thse matrimonial market te a degres tisatini alarming,. Young men witlk rodnoed wages and iunreased obligations -teoeiety wiil tbink long sud seriously before takiug th. final lsap on low salarie.. W. are in favor of giving woen &ailhelis.ghts tbey do- maud, but do net approve of Iheun avail- ing thomselves cfa&I! given Ibexu. Wbeu s womau takes a man'o place iu th. venld she dos il ai th ise sk of rmain- ing numarred, fer soins min is ont cut and cannot vsry w.ll support a wife. "Swoot Girl Gra4uato.ý COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES OP THE ON~TARIO LADIES CIOLLEGE. Could that ambitieus mn, th. isto Sheriff Reynolds, who built the noble p il. "Trafal- tr Castie," now the splendid hoen.of- the Ontarie Ladies' College,-with the intention tht it should b. ancestral lu his fanyaproud heritago to suocoedng geneop tiens,,-ccçuld ho "Rovwst glimpfos cf the meon" sud kuow, as «'AU! th. world dees/ of the a1rsdly suocesmffl euateal rk belug, doue wi" thiel turretedwall, no deubt h.e woiul4glow with .atifaotipn aIlb.hemi nd blein hhnàeU that I f atebd sesoed bis laudablo d6flre te'mmoili.the u em of Reynelds. 1F7er, lough net no untônded, the- building cf tatcaatelated'reaidenos skud the imperovemneut cf the spacicus greunde 4bout its ooinlnsding %site hau îudireotly preved te o f t le richet cf ondow- zsuette lb. camse of woman's education hi Canada. The firt festure cf the commencement exorcises wus th. recital before a select and W09 ien i yerson U R i riday *e graduates lu elooution tissesMiud Mùao, Emily Liok ud. «Plorence ,Washington. The setaâ wa Lovegraduàting goiwus of chastedeuiguý wm womoruby the 'far trio. Emohof ltie vonnR hdieo -frnnted t thaL-th .1.. .,. pictro iüdeed and look«l as if, they felt beiuig thts out alrt -thor fialexhibtion. The physical trsiuiugof the1o ladies cf the collere je inoneway neg e ,and we regret wth.cothers that crcumstances were such nas t provent a propos' display cf the work aceomplihed lu Ibis particular. 5UNDAY SEBMONS. The Methodist Tabernacle wus condor-' tably fied ou Suuday morninfr when Dr. Parker occupied the pulpil sud proached fi-cm Deut. xi-4-9, hie subjeot beinç "The Religieus Instruction cf *t he Ycun. Takiug tbe passage rea,clause by clauso%,thoe Rev. Docter elequontly aud forcibly dis- cussed the great -Scriptural Truths thst are. the educational forces ef mankiud. These truths were classified as Doctrinal sud Practical, sud eacb as sot fo th lu the text wus in turu carefully deaît with. tPhe doc- trines that underdie the Christian religion wore emnphasized with great force, sud the professing christian wau adinonisbed te bhar- mouize bis life witb the great Biblical Truthesud te guard giut the tendeucios of the age ef shod ly Theooogy. N c e e e 'J ci Froin 10 te 12 a. m the vocal and in- strumental recital of lbe graduates in their repciedepartinents cf musice ok place and wae listened to by a large and truly appecit.ie adiece.The singing of Mismes McDoolland hiede nd the playing of Misses Johnsten and McHardy wero in each and every instance rapturougly ap- Plauded, and on more than one oc- casion crated quite a furor among the audience Both young ladies were desery- ing of the xnarkod appreciation bestoed, and it Must have teen rtif ing indeed P~ot only te Dr. Rare at e CoUrge oadbut a4~o te the musical faculty, s0 ably presided over by Professer Harrison, te note the en- thusiastic reception thus accorded the Youg ladies on the occasion of the trying ordU through which tbey were cailed upon te PsA". The fine art exhibit was open for inspec- tion and criticisi frein 3 te 5 p. m., and many availed. themselves cf the privilee thus sccorded thein. The exhibit lior water colore sud pencil drawing was far superior te that of -3ther years, and this we "s wth ai due respect te the alumus whose work has aderned the Coilege walls on former occsions. The great, sud te our mind the mostimportant, Moature cf the ex. hibit Was its originahity, bcth as te concep- tion and as te treatinent. The student cf art who desnet study frein nature, sud nature alone, ie taking the direct road te (all ure, and w. weuld bo dereliot inueur duty, if we did Poct advise all te throirtheir ce ios to the wind and returu toetp rincip os. In net ene singlo instance won there pro- sonted te our view among the large collection of oollegêexhibits i piece cf work that was sot original in every pticular, and w. muet commond the faculty on the determin- ed stand they have taken in thi particular. -l 1 Pr-Îàë-v T E». O-- Et.AI to Dg n )w id se ly 3d 6n 1. )e t- RYI OIItJ o 0 $ tettoe ue l ama PW WHem'LîLttou lùaèpuïd ad U. Rare suteed fromn Professe ,the 4te hd cou thom' srà"ge tm" o u dopartmoeut'o themlry Proy-ided, wluit the othe socc-hges ýgo pied uhm t a tsatfor thom in thelbody dcii.by the, , cf.the hall, where le aray &%=ebled a M. L. , ro large-audience itting iu quite xpoctatiOof heiug the "hj the rare -treaut that wù lu* store -fer them. Caîg Ohé There, were present mauy preminont prosearhl h fren aditansoi n. o ranthe ueigh. ligh degre.of boring Republiedrawn tcqother, no doubt ,iug cf thé ME I)Suy roï eatretovitiuthe flaIdictory fer bol triumph of thoir daughtera wlbo 1Usd.spnt sauer -pp years cf study ithiuthe Qelleé wall,, sd -a.in tiue.lu partly f rom a dosire t. eujoy WCt=wa f ullY je olauDireéto «Peeted Md w1hat proved t eb, thie mua. ~oi~~u-l Ml eyùb. te mon. The c.vm wuiý ,lr1 - f rm 1 to1 ON. m Rerso HAY w fi-ou 10 ene1ofa. mrylingeru Hall wa the en h eo ndmic alheigasoni the oujoy teecondTmusicalrctal gvnt thessibles. Thmoe etaumehut f poile, o ten ameor deightul tan t given atuthe ine heur o Mis syD adinelu-ongdi Missses Mcfyan lw sudn coniu ud. Missne Mcard su ad-th senrt cetibuteongthe ouertmeut sud-tIth effo r soilotn hoasemebe resentbynlb worasi fron.east h peono oNcTaEsion. Ryerson Hall was filled te overflow with i elite of Whitby and neighbering towusi cluding a large contingent from the QuEm city. The young ladies presented a beaul tu] picture when assemblod on the stage ai the audience itself wus among the finest ai moet briHliant that hau ever witnessed tl intreti EremOMEN ssCEMtENwT h The 11ev. kir. Libby of Myx-tle openi me proc-eedings with pi-a y n, afler wbich E 1i-O for a short lime adcdreseed the audien a matters pertaiuing te the Cellege sudi ri-k. Tbe ]DISTRIBUTION 0F PRIZES Hi fon W( Iu the eveuiug the seating capacity of t! Tabernacle was rather severely taxed 1 accemmedate the cougregation assembled 1 hear Dr. Parker's sermon te, the y eur ladies of the College. The Rev. gentiema took bus text frein Esther iv-14, aud dre, frein it mauy lessous hoth iuteresting -, a instructive tp the youug ladies, fer whosç speciai beuefit the discours. bad evideutl been prepared. The Dr. fully establishe, tue tact that Esther is net tbe only woruat whose country bas perilesuad gest needE Nor us she theoonly queen te ho crowned Our own country bas queenly girls te b foùd d d rowued, sud ho trusted the mein bers of the graduatung clsas were of tha number. Wamau bas a work sud s realu aillher ewn. God desigued ber te ho sud 1< do what ne other eau ho or cau de. Hei tçentleness sud ber self -sacrifice elevate bei unto a Kingdom et ber owu. The contre versy ef the comparative merite et man sud womau should ho relegated te, the Dark Ages frein wbich it issued. It iseneougb tc kuow that God made both, aud they have each their own excelleucies. Womau'e geutleuese is the gi-est element ef woman" power, sd ber heart is the gi-est secret of oer streugtb. Iu order that wemau may effeot the work peculiar te ber realin she muet tiuderstand the times in wbicb she lives. Oue of the realuns inte wbicb womneu are in vited je the wifely Whatever other kingdem smay attract there is ne realin more attractive or more noble than that. One of the meet divine sud most noble of wemauly ambitions is te hoe the wife, tbe champion, the guide of a noble inu. Look at Queeu Victoria the queeuly wif e of the pnincely Prince 2osot and at the Dowa\er Em- pi-sosae Gei-msny, wbqse wifely solucitations sud woruanly love for the most bei-oic cf sufferers have won for ber the admiration of ail lands, sud see if q ueeuly womeu cannot ho wifely as well. Look at the wife of Ex- President Grant sud mark ber devotiou, or at Mms Gar-field sud note bier self-sacnêce. Take tbese two uncrownaed kingB sud their wuves sud yeu 50e the brightest instances cf the wifely devetien of queeuly women that modern histery produces. One ef the gr"t- est excelleucies of the laIe distinguisbed statesman, Disraeli, was bis excelleut wif e, wbo euteu-ed f ully inte bis public s well as his prvate lite. Look at t he pi-osent Grand Eld Man, William. E. Gladstone, a blame- legs, an abIe, a grand man, wbe owes bis graudness te bis grand wife. Among the other i-calme al]uded te by tbe 11ev. gentle- mîan as those te which wemeu are called, he dwelt more particula-ly ou, were those cf Christian oudeaver, Educatien sud Practi- cal wou'k, but wse regret te say tbat, bow- ever williug we May ho, our space wtll net permit us furtber te t ollow the cloquent divine. Hie final werds et wisdom addi-ess- Jd te tbe graduatiug clasm were ul et in- spiration, encouragement sud advice, and miust bave sumsk deep down into the bearts Df ail wbn heard them. .9 ý "l wMffl j onsiuting cf solos, dus, ovur-fl Fderod by ah leutel, hi7t-dféïfI ladis, w~ b itly ex eclxe&. I nedal inlinsotrum-ne"taluu«i M Hardy sud Miss Johnston, we oa=o an enthusiastie recegtî*cn, geon wauier that given them in e mcrninr. Thbe et ly poetio tezuperamont o cf ahwa full play sud s delicacy sud fluenct'ô£f i tien resulted that was truly dinUghtfuL. dee" all the youug ladies proved conclu ly Ibal the departmonî of instrurjî music is lu excellent bande, and ffrein lag number whe sbcwed decided - picncy, we would jndge that this departt is more popular Ihan ever. THE ALUMKNE BECEPTON. The reception given by the Alumua the Close ef the concert was a moôt, briU aud a meet enjoyable affair. A large m ber cf guests-respouded te the kind 'in tien et the young ladies1 whodispeusod t hospitality ia char gmanner. L refreshmnesconsisitnig et ueats, cakeos, etc.. furuished by Rai-yi Webb of Tore were served durlug te evening by Alaumuoe in _person. Several toastsy submitted by Principal Rare sud oeQ aud responded te by gentlemen preseut,, seemaed te vie witb eue another in praù the achievemeuts ef the College in gne aud et the alumne in particular.__ T hec pany dispersed about 1 a. mn. M. L. A.-hMises DalgleishMark, Henry, Gregorv and Blackw4ll. M. E-M.sses Pratt and Blanchard. Itr. tai Muic-mjssesMcHardy and Jolintton. Vocal Music.-Misp %Rielde and Me- Dowell.1 Gold Modal, given by & H. Janea, ]COQ., M. X, Toronto, for highest standing"lu MI L. A- course.-Ïtlss Dalgléish. PrinciPal's Silver Medal, for the seond standing in thd sa"ne course.-Kimjs Mark. hiGovernor.Geneg.al'à Silver Modal, for hihest standing in the I .courmo- Miss Pratt. .The Cellege Qol-1Modal, for highSt stand. ingin course in instrumental mnai.-Miss Silver ,fedal, given býy Mr. Hàrison, Musical Director, forernd standing, in saine cours.-Miss Johntton. The Stockton Silver Mofdal, Fgiven by L. T. Barclay, Ilq.9 Whitby, or higest stand- ing luCourse c fvocal wueio-MIseShÎeldis. Cllfge Silver Medal, for highet standing i Elocction c0ure. -Miss Msson. Cellege Silvei Modal, for -hig' l.' standing in Cominercial coulrfs.-M Rpert. Silver Modal, gîven U r. Rupert, St, M"ry, for higheît san in Att course.- NMs Shields. -1 A large number of art studeuts wore pro- sented proficiency oertificates awardedby the Ontario Edpuotion Departinent as*re sult of the Iste Art school exeamnatien.ý During the swarding cf the me"alsI*auy hmghi 00M limnt. were paid the. recipiente sud the Wllege Faculty ou the sces$a -ied, attended their respectve eëfforts._ ýThe Rev. Dr. Dewart cf Torento, addresae4 th:. graduatingc si temu ompmoiav 4 5 2 Goods Emporium. they oordiaily invite the public to inspeot A fair share of patronage 8* e and Slippers. kindly solicited. No trouble to show goods. Ail orders promptly delivered. ByCash Buying-and Cash seoing we are aul3u keoping our priées muoli b.- - ow those of stores who gîvoe redit. Our MATH EWSON BROS. býurlwpzcs IT L &N W R HO S .Our shelves are nwsokdwt PI/NGLE'S TA IL OING ES TA BLISHMEN T, &iiad Coarse ShoesWad Blippes 3 8 2 7 6 meng- ive. aens the profl- nfent i at liant vit&- icee the iero Who oin- àear lIed that the i- bui- ose the e )n- Ion iti- Thon wo draw on tbe figures again-singling ont 8 and 5-wbich maakes 85c. Wo thon put them on a lino of SILI& .PLUSH whioh wo have lu ail the leading shades, and again tb. drawiug powors of the figures are noticeable by the mauy people that cail on our silk Plusb-and s0 w. continue te use these figures, every lime making them tel-but tbe only way te do il is to, have oxactly what yen advertise, and at the price advertised. Se. tb. lime of Satins (in ail the leadling colors) that we are solling aI 60c. Soe the Black Merveilleux wo are solling at 75c. See the Grand Valu. we are giving lu Hosiory. Se. the Extra Inducements lu Embroidery and Lace Departmenî. Seeoeus' offerings lu Glovos aud Hosiery. GALL THIE SOON Fashionablo OF Dry B US INESS!1 '88 SIJMMER '88 Oar store continues one of th6eiesaet purchased the Grocery Business lately carried on in the Town of Wht-NaMelbe p CHANGE DY eb. Il..'arneson, andi uiat theY wWLlcontinue the same in the old stand, The ItlanWrhosDU- Stet 1?- 1.) 3ý mOnnuT mam Where there wiil always be kept lu stock a Splendid A.dirtment of Clotha cf &a iknds, whieh wMfl h made up lu, bis usualgcod style by SUMMER WAR L a di e s a e a l d g S e s - h a CHftDRENS' SR4 The Boss Taior. J. R., PRINGLE, FID T OTHIESHDANESAND ILL-MEN 'IJAR IN 1 I b c i ~ol vo B, [q 'dl ri id, not ho i outwea~r Pu~r Cyliunder OU. Chemistry-W. R. Howse, Esq., Miss (ire- gory; Âstronomy-C. Joheînten, Esq., miss BIa.ckwell; Betany (cllecte,-.. 5. licent. son, Esq., Miss Pi-a6tt; Betany (bockwuoik)-Dr. Meldruj, Mise Hou-y; UMental Science- Messs. Ross Bros. Miss Dalgleish - Elocution -Miss Gra.ha.m, Miss Lick ; Hist,. dEug. Lit.- T. G. Whitfleld, Esq. Misq am.ier; Mathema- tics-G. E. Gibbard, Esq., Miss McDowell Freuch-Miss Champion, Miss McWilIiams; Modern Languages-.E.Y.Johnson, Esq. Misa Henry; English Essay (Graduating Clses- Dr. Carson, Mine Dalglsh ; Pamnting in 011- W. Till, Esq., let Miss Shields, 2ud Miss Mc- Dowell; Water Colors-D. C. Dowuey, Esq., Misses Shitelds and liaison ; iding-Major Dearually, Miss Mabel Walkor ; Ws.lk- mng-Mn. B. H. H1& r. Miss Lick; Phono- graphy -A. . ndeonE. Ms M. Gouud: Harmony - J. W Missar rison, Esq., Mieis Ketchumn; Vocal sud mnet. Music-,J. S. Bsarnard, Esq., Miss Mc- DoweIl; Imet. Musie-Mesen. J. Suclng & Sous, Miss Docker; Inet. Music-Memss. Suck- ling di Sens., Miss Thomn. Dr. la-o, assisted by several clezical sud lay gentlemen sud b ymem bers oet ho -tll- loge Beard conferre degnres on the gradu- ates sud awardod the geld aud silver modale te tho successful candidates. The young ladies locked very pretty in tueur graduat- mgi robes sud padsed tbroukh lb. cereoecny wiîh becozning grace sud diguity. Bach et tbe tainrocipiento was presenled wit b ou- quels e beulflowei-s as se. etired frein tiie tag, ud I imes thé sbower et floral truute wa segi-est as literally te cever t4e platfonin. Jde GALL OFTEN w eFI WHAT and Tai/or/n g The undersigned would respectfally inform the publie that thev havA 1 IfONI)AT Mop-N-INGs RECITALS. Easy-Fitting Boots# CONMERRING OP DIPOMAS. New Goods arrivin-a d&üv.,whini, AWARDING or MMAIfi. THE ART BIEUBIT. TUB Ooxmr. Goods 9 ' Emýorium, One Doop Ea8t oi R. Snows Confectionary Store, The Bo's TaÜor, THRESHER8, A Nù. MIL L ý MEN ý FA RHER81* 1 1 Figures put in this way don't draw much of a crowd-don't interest many people-do they ? But when we single ont a couple of them and put themn in this shape-25c. aud thon put them in our window on a line of DRESS. GOODSP worth 30c., their drawing power is at once neticeablo. And thon wo single eut two or three More aud put them up in this way-12ic. and put thein on a line of Wide-Width English Prints at oui dor worth 15c., and it is astenishing how many people it doos interest 1 Even oui competitors get worked up about it. -T1jÀ we use these figures once more te show how low wo are seiling an AIL WOOL BLACK CASHMERE and the effeot is «so starlting that one of oui competition houses becomes so dazzled and con.fused, as to be unable te distinguish a Union from an AJi-Wool Cashmere. Lad m 1 1 1 m il 1 1

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