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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Jun 1888, p. 5

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NBW DBSIGNS IN Crape Stone, Broches, Earrings, Bracelets, Fob Chains, lien we -. Single ýESS GOODS, ihem ti ni nthis ang how inauy re to show lhow ptitlon lieuses i ne of SILR le by the muany -but the ouly Ladies' Vest Chains, Si/k Guards and A lberts. 8# BA RNA RD, BROOK ST.) YEN ýoriumg the ciseapest for Roots, ýd 8/ippers, :3lelling we are '1e6 much be- a oredit. Our "hitby a.nd the nng, attraotod- i Slippers, EAR! a-tho faim- QES and oheap. ~ied bootse prioea, NEAR, ,GoOD. ed to psy.. iteroat on rW. mark SOOTS DON£. - WHITBY. hium of tu Se Pick gres FRIDAY, JIJNE 29, 1888. Mrs for1 met LOCAL LACONICS& and gai: WHAT 18 601NO ON IN AND AROUNO TQWN-A wli BUDGET 0F LIVELY LOCAL NEWS8 GLEANED fa'( BY CHRONIOLE REPORTERSBt "A chel'sî amang ye, takin notes, ir An' 1.11hh o'11 prent 't foi BRaooKln< andi Columbus Preabytertun J.1 Snnday Bohools helId a pic-nie st Cor. vici bott'e Point on Touday.À Tusi Autum AliAsises will be held st S8. Whitby on Monday, September l7th, lui Justice Bose presiding.th Talc Autumn sittinge of-he Court of TI Chancery will b. hold at Whitby on Im Monday, October 29th, th. Hon. the T] Chanceler, proaiding. Os MR. Wm. Bryce, publisher, Toronto, WC sends ns copies of "4Eve," and "DIr. e Glennie's Dughter," twc cf ithe mosol readable novele we have had this sesson. Long live Woe. Bryce 1 3 Trw local train forinerly Cobourg toth Torontô was last Monday __changedtota(P run tropa PeterÉborc o, 0Toronto, ,via m Port Hope. By the present arrage- B ment morning trains inn from Port 01 Hope te Toronto via Peterboro, and be from Peterboro te Toronto by way of Port Hope. Itla sCobourg'5 funeralm this lime.e IFir artown Conneil would moud a o deput,4t- i to Port Perry once and see E thew .-er their streote, it would rn settle tb. olti fashioned sprinkling A whioh at present teasç - th. duat bore. fr At Port Perry they bave a four-wheeled 01 wagon and a perfect floodi of water ai shoots from it, making about an inch cf mud. Foui limes s much water le d put on tb. street at the sane expense, not only doing away with dust but Y' rendering the streets cool. c Tan report cf th. Art echool ex. mination has orne te haud and shows that 22 Certificats were taken by the Colleglate Institute pupileseasfollows: -Model Drawing-Wm. Campbell, Wmn. Greenwood, Arohie Yl, Minnie Page, Jno. Simpson. Perspectiveb Drawlng-Albeit Dale, Geo. Richard-. on, Chas. Vi, archie Yul., Fred Westlake. Geometry-Magiê offey, Fred Johuston, Eva Moore, Chas. Vail. I Black Board Drawig-Fred Johnston.r Freehand-Walter Richardeon, Archiet Yule, John Simnpson. Abert Dale bas1 been grantd a grae B. seacher's cer- tificat.. AT the lut regniar meeting cf Whitby Division - Sons of Temperance, tb. foflôwing officers were elected :-W. P., Bro. James Abbey; W. A., 81.1er N. 'Walson ; B. B., Sister Xi. Wilkinson; A. R. B.. 81.1er G. H3alleti ; F. B., Bic. S. Martn ; Trea.., Bro. W. H. Bewell ; CaIc. os"Jo-- sn--Cen., Siste -<f admitalloàoflb.st.adInes n 1h maroh ers laulp& i.The dînât- pal streets vere $,ated tf*u" tb inlabrou<Ihtyp t. -thedrili b# trwo e. U oua a4ul m netioet hle visita dowa town became must appea lever und fever, and bis obppearance ing sncb rei bore the traces cf fatal dîsesse, as vas manly cotsi froquenllv remarked; bul, as il per. almool eves aIly happena, hope anud ambition prop. s"jeri5" Il ped np tb. dying Young man, anti until é0tting 1ho1 neoenîly ho lookoti toivard W aà probable foott" fai reoovery. Like many others b. trueetiladies b "Im thme fine summer veulber veult rsaew not, .bok his streugl', and, as i. oflen the cas, il borrd way brought him bis -release. No Young 10es vimile ma»n arunt ova commanded more re.aitihemn, a speot. Hie funerai s place to-day ment of lb (Fridsy) mi hait past on. o'cbok. (NeTIC.-T _À4 exhibition game cf basebali vas attsmpts ai playeet IMn. Gee. Bicbsrdson's faim, 10:01 b<>b southvest oet Iis lova, on Fmiday . at Wo: ste w belveen tbe Town Lino Blazers and oead i Base Lino shbNine. The field »sleut, TusNit eti vSP a meadev vitb grass e elong Tetaperang that speetaborshadti t. ather.game -.asoxi la froui sbe root of, a, lfr-oua Iseïapli folowlag 1 poIs. and -ttsis. The b&Wtey 'and lbhetUnion strlkos perobed themselves on boxes'of lthe Domi anti clher raiseti stands 1 .b s lke o nItyonce se cMime by bY ýhi, e. lb bi en metin Toi -ad fikeltrsfounti elevations on stumps. membùri The Blazers vent to bat fret ant qooreil attend Iblu -l rus hFilipe starbetipitoing foi of Obio; -1 . he iosbut isemetihinmelfon-flndiag of N.,B,, b hs coult nôt piioh a ba inathe.dlrsotion Mssono 1i oftb tteis, but thakt a&lw.e. 114 au-d-Gov. Car ge atlost la tbe.hay almioet every lbrov. Wagner 1Thea in torm açimof lb.eIiê-,tSktheb, T. Le O b box M mýws bstte1Ouof iuctiEde EL..M-' 1SlBorey madte a stand 1bewr auê putý lime, ~ I 'Oa.nt. &ttAlbethe 4hnlma4 a~m 19«. Je ré XulSON. t, G OoEwâr1 c LT BEAviORSAT lA. K.e » 7 P. M. Whal'm the me *psutor vill(D. V.) preaoh ne Wpond s enV.w * ay both moroig ns su evealng. h T.ser bote-a. mé &"Christ The Wîy!" nTetynz 14:9, p. m. ""The le that vas ma mit. nB . R t," Jue. 1:4. British (lolumbu FuERz tômatc s sehools cf the town close to-daty. onions ai Mathel m Lacrosse Club bas receiveti m Tan«sle nov iation tram Stouffvile te play thero ramn sud every di [onday Dort. greater crop in t' .sc Highland Club -gave Mr. Jame- Ous congratnl a farewell ou Monday evening lust. tendet te Mi. J. immber tram Âshburn atd othes Loue Hay, 1upon es voie present. niage, yestoîday1 e@ Entrance Examinations viii Tus grocery b n ou Wednesday ut i P. M. There Jamescu bas be, Rbout 120 candidates ooming "P <> b. carnied on b; Institute. Malheveon. sp notice some postera aronnd lova Tus commeni in excursion b Ibte "Gyglorama," Outarie Ladies' bt at the Gazgette office. It is the Most succeel ably the cyclorama, Taronto, that fBret ta luttthb.] ouant, and reminde ns cf oui cotom's ith enthusiasti î-feiî" sickvalkg cf vhich il spokeWTust Whitb3 Sple cf veeke go. àho wl n lui town basebail club intende ta petero ire n and win back the laniels itlolst oU 1evteof $on T ýen's birthday by trying 10 defeat leu e ofvante .Etnas of Taranto on Saturday oe*ho ak. ýrnoon. It viii be au excitlng game sxT Moudalk il prbabiity.O'Brien wants i Lcorporal and guard sapent paît of hie galiery.' arda&y afternoan attempting W mest commence aba n. Taylor, a deserter cf 1h. Wbitby continue with 1 apauy et camp. He founa refuge in. Ho la fully prel coilar of Mi. W. R. Havee's ding WoMyCM re, wbere au unsuccesaful search foir b aycm a vms made. The redecats had lots SOTT àct- [un lu the chse, but failed. here Weduesdu 3evenal people fîom here diove eut Wo againat th.e1 ýkrn nThursday eveniug .last to, keopeis. Iu Il ,end the gardon party ut Mi. Robt. Thothfnof c8 ývriil's, Pickering. The social vas a Thesuera ut succees, being attendet by np. nseoswrraai] rda of tva hundreti people. Mr. sud ee w fi m. Devenul received the higbest pruise FBom tlb.st their boepitality sud good manage- oin stck af unt et the affaire. m ockoyfpbli rus locather hunIers from the harbor îoaîy pcube ýd th. Clippers cf the lavu played a atoety yuli ,me of basaballou Saturday lu b. old t 50 u àich resulted iu a score cf 24 te 6 in eslstan vr of the latter. Game vas callot ventary prices , he.n on thebfouilb luningi. Mr. Tus mousla )bu Phiip perforoeed tb. tutles cf am - is getting redt re vith diguily and grâe. Charlie sprIng th. ee d Davui Campbell ver. lb. battery vantageocf by ýr the Clippers, vhilst A. Gordon ant ginualuge and i Thompion porfarmod a similar oi- maîkêt with se for the leather hunters, cf laeI veek At a meeting of tbe cangrogation of tovny infanti tJohn's church -on Frlday evening l.dfeec st the Bey. W. S. Westney informet upper 1-pisla iem he b.d deoided 10, remmin bore. A. wi11 be 'i. l ene oet tb. instances of a clergy- another colum sun refusiug au increase cf muiary. nOv nathiug bere are probably 1ev oburches ia crganized On aa vhobre Pastor sud congregalion hibition Assa o®rk se harmoniously together as St. foi uev grouii obn'e Poil Whigby. It le aise stateti in keepiug wv in gýoo autherity that Mi. Westney lestoBbps Of 8a1nsi >miug 10 Whitby ta reside iu future. show viii be Tus Causta yosrly meeting cf th. pectêd, wbem ;ociety cf Fient. meeta iu Pickeing Iooioa big week. pnu esint-a PORLT Hopi F'ray) a et oelc i n the large a grAnd ic neeting hanse authe. sut cf 1h. villago. ion Daàycm ~esies 1.-rg1iar sesios nut10 aVm.Atiletic Spai n thiu , deprtment we show every leaing ana desired 8tyle. Oui goode for qualiy m aueaeno z SATIN BHADk e.-The new and fashionable Dresa Material in Blak and colors. Hnem o~ ana pricês er.ylow. WIBDBEBS MÂTE]&RIÂLS,-in Mueins, Lawus, Inais Linens, Dîess Flouncings ilu elegaut patterns. NEW LAWNETTES.-Choice stý'1es in Prints, Check Sateens, Plain Sateens, etter wvith oui curie-] mk? *i Ezaminationsbea aW 9 a in. Uaneson otarlet for a Wednesday. e., green peau. andi *eon Bics. no talk cf soarcity of a&y pves promisie cf a bis vlcmnity. lations are cordiaily ex. .Ram Ferry and Miss àlb. event cf their mai- Lnrnng. businees cf Mr. B. H. en puîohased and wMl )Y Mesure P. adG. ,ement exorcises cf the1 College Ibis year voe @ful evor yet held. From balls, ver. fairly packed ïc visitais. y Methodist Sunday a railvay excursion ta ùesday JnIy 101h ut the 'r retuin tickets. Any- a cheaper ride Ibam Ibat jay is a holiday, and to hold a celobration at The tournament vili >t half.past mine aud rigor until ix o'clock. ýpred W entertain ail e anting photos. MLagibtrate Hainevau binetigating charges Pickerialz village hotel. he case cf James Gor- 100 and caste va levied. ýses voie adjonrned ta for tbe arr'est cf vit. ied Wo attend. ivertisement in another be seen thatt1he bank. Ur. W. J. Gibson is Wo be 3anction on the premnises ý by tb. insolvent. The >e offerot een bloc andi wifl iuch on the dollar cf in. Lh rgd fl.tv MILLINERY.- We lea in artistie trimniing, new Styles, and work of a superior manner. We are bou.nd to, maintain our reputation as the. leading and mot Fashionable Millinery in Ontario. Our styles are correct. Ladies wishing a fashionable and stylish Rat or Bonnet are sure to be suited witb. oUr work, etc. GENS'CLOTHING. Our reputation for "reliable" Tweeds and Cloths, Worsted and Fancy Suiting, Fine and Nobby Trouser-- ings in New Patters, Fine Canadin and Imported Suitings, and speciaily choie me of "wearable" Tweeds for boys wear. We excel in (Jhoice Tweds, and oui make, fit, style, work and value is first-class in every respect. 9 Bc ncet lu numbers. ILu h r A véither vas taken ad a number to set out 1%- Lbe birth cf eaoh baù vas joy, but the bot veather vas toc, mnch for the a ndtIhey cehlapsoti. Ai eue eau se0 i. thàt the lit11e peler. seen by th. repart iun au cf this issue, there le left te telay the newiy taro and Durham Ex. osation lu ils arrangemenot îds sud su exhibition fuiiy ith tha lime. -Thé final gamaticu with tbe eennty l akeito -morow, it is ex- ia joint meeting cf lbe ions is ta be beid. a i gain te, thé front vith ;ramme cf &ports for Domain- Imprlain g Iorle Races- irts,-Bioycle Bsceà,-Biae rose, - Aquatio Sports,- j'ith a grantd splay cf Thé programme le a very Se, and as Port Hope. a1- ouI ils promises ta the bo go there from. Ibis neigb- sure taeujoy themselvea. Rten and programmes four a. Loy excursion rates rays. 'a Gaxotte suys :-"Ge cul rDundas sIreet any after- c) vil1 bartly se. a girl vho di,8tsnet"On ntidignity. thei tees in or move witb a hips, or they set one foot ,y sud ltme otherinanother." il viii b. seen by the Young e lova limaI tboy muet brie. heu lbtey notice, b.eGomette on them. Hov horrble il &r te the eye of one possoas- énedt ltesa soui genle. Sm. te vitu eséM otion of ry girl la lova toeiag in andi heir bips, andte b me lbem Lr feel dova hay-imowwtau- ce- W. urge uponea lb. imendti Iir mnanuense "anà th. GaxotteMauin la his !Lotthlbm epreadtlhefr time refineti gent. is lookbig D lot neo.jek "Move- sir bustlee b. perooptlbl. h. ycung ladies shonlil net à sooofe t Ibsuahave aaty,, kat Our cotsm, by saylng limai Mrs b.ocares bhie ond oný lb.e a hog. going te var.'9 dongl Divison o et l. oa -of se ii bit l 441h Annd G,. sr-W DEVERELL'8 BLOCK, - --T HINK - - WHTBYO. DEEPLY rhen you are contemplating a purchase of anything in oui lino, no mattor how email may be the amont involved. ACT w'ý s ELY ly coming to look over our large and well assorted stock of ail that is now and seasonable D ECIDE .0 buy of us. QU JCKLY After seeing tho xricos and examining the quaiity of ourGood(s you oan't resiet them. It is impossible to do botter elsewhere. NO Dan ho found. BETTER VALUES We get the choice of the best goods on the Maiket and oui prices are as LOW AS THE LOWEST We are always ready Io sec you and wit& pleasure sgho'w! yjou our Goods. ~2I~TDI~W GLASGDW WAIRHHus ~J I R. & J. OM~E'BEJLL large stock of Summer ])ress G DRESS 000DB. We are showing a brs.id ta match. Alec 511k., Cashmeres,, ShawlB. Iâi. Thread md 811k Gloves, Cotton, Prints, (*inghaxns, .,Seer-8uckere, (Jhi Merne midBsbggHsoPral1 GENTS' FURNISHIN_. Faucy Ties, Collars,-'Ou&f1 Linen ana 811k Hdkfsl., Coll a (uif Buttons, Fancy SÊsOs$oft ia A .Big Lot of Fançy Btraw Ha M8MoIll be Cleari CLOTHI-NQ. Ready-Made Suits ana Single,,G&Vrints.' thé thmng for Wwaruether. In the OrderedOl1othing cepatmGflt- fr,. HR. Frser s prepari 5~Lromnypur hoicofOUlugO BOOTS AND-SHO0ES, A, big and firt-claui stock, tq Shoos, Lpp 2ers - ad idButtoneê Boots. Mem strong woTkiii BB 8 hoos. Boys "i (lirIs strong schoël Boots. .- GR OE E.The Stockje eê iand weil n-seortd. &te 5.1,Gas Cr mi rockery at very Loy Puces.> WtINTED---ÂfY qz«ntity ofF->rmP pluit MILLINERY. 1 PAMSOLS.-We excel in vulue and quality of Parai sols, G-ENTS' CLOTHINCx,

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