vior , 'eS '* W « k,teton.. GENT-SI w book, Marveis of thoi and graphiedê uderful in eVery: n the worid « Ltvens, centainà , aud and sear worid's greatest' remarliable ph6.' of nature. sn. rai f eatu res of t&(& aelerigtica cf the, Irds, insecte, etc"' ýion o! the Atlan.. reanls,,and cf the~ se of the -Deep;ý plante, singulsr, world o! waterg, ýt, etc., together ;NA 0F THE 'Y SYSTEMS anunox'0I, DPD., fine erugravings. H-ING 00. ORON TO, OIST. tarpor, Esq., !ving exaniined, 'riety of Sewïng the conlusion old by L_. Fair- aÈe'as in xny Swill net easily -t rnuch longer cbam heexi taken as possible. I te parties want- ig machine. I Li somne menthe ractivon. <White Sein n fully endors. ,i fully recom- faniily sewing aiurs than any et, and le the .NKS, tbis District. und on--file at Nýewspsper Ad- ýt.), .where ad- nmade flent NEW RIGS. STABLES, TI3Y. rTH, L :S, TS, ITS, N --SUITS and se. 'ON. DlîICLE st EusGdqs.. U insot P- m, te 12 me ~,E.ubI~sl O «ddate, lumý,.>or tliaIeountain aüiphurlo or -ph oýphatlloiLsolde. J SIKETCH 0FOPTEE No?41NEE. In viow of theso fuce ssuioly 3ail housowives shoulli exorcise the bare 0f Genoral Harrison, the Repubiosul tualis, we know, uow exoroisted by1 omjne for the Preoideuci t a nowspap - somo in the seleotion o! a proper brand or ropreqentive at 1h. conventilon the of baking powdor., 8h. who doe. net other day. wrote: do se, whether tho negleot is the ro. El-Senator Benjamin Harrison, of suit of igtiorance or reoklossnoss, ean- Indianla, was boru in Ohio. Hors w. net free herseif from the. responsibility ese a public man who is net only a for the health, perhaps - life, thhreby deacoef in the Presbytrian ohuroh, but endangered. No bousewife need be a Snnday school teacher beiles. He ignorant of the quality and composi- je by ail cadde1he most, popular Republi- tien of t.he article wbiob mie uses te can in Indiana, and bas been the leader leaven ber bread, biscuit and cake. cf tie party tiare ever since lie deati The officiai reports o! lhe goverument of Oliver P. Morton. Sîrange as il n'ay chomiste, wbo are oerlainly uriprejudiô- appear, h. je net an elequent man, uer ed, bave been publisied and show very ie ho whal je termed magnetic. e for. elearly the quality and strength of aIl gots nanel and faces, and is oompletely the baking powders in thie market. The cisstittet Of that quality known s policy. Royal Baking Powder, whieh is acces- N-ot being a temporiser ho eave yes and sible aI every band, is reporled ab- ne, and thon turne bis attention tb the. olutely free from lime, aium, phos. neit man who desiies to se. hlm. When phatie acid, or any injurions ingredient. he je announoed te speak a throng is It je furtier stated by the meut emi- present to bear hlm, and great je tie sent authorities on food hygiene that enthueiaemn when once ho begine. Ho food leavened with il is more whoie- je sure cf tbe loyal Support of every Re. some than wben raised by any ethe pbinin tbe State whben ha is a candi- method. Its use therefors is te b date for office, and of tbe inuiepen. commeneed. Il je te ho regretted tiaI dent votersaiseo. The secret o! hie ne otier baking powder, whon there popuiarily iea h. je i a master of de. are se mnany in tie- markèt, some of tails, net only ini politics, but in law and which will find their way int use, je overytbJng else. For wny jears he free from a alo! these substances. Tii. lias been oesce the meet corispienous official analyste assure us, however, men beforo lb. bar of Indiana, and tial aIl except the Royal contain either wbile hie cliente, by the way, bave been lime or aluni. The bonsekeeper who numerous, ho je stili in moderato cir. regards tie healti cf ber ioved eues enmetance. Hie mental graep je on. sbould not only ordor the Royal, but cf tie wondsrs of lioe who know bum, make pereonal examination te bo sure and hie capicity for organization je hie liaI no other brand je sent ber in its stronget qnality. Wbon he i. conduot- place. ing a case in court ho dieplays supreme skili in managillg his case and lu ro- Wit a.nd Humour. markably eflective in cr6o-examinat ions in hie political camnpaigne b. diepîsya Thero are tee, many humoriste and the sanie genius tiat disîtinguibshis hetee uittle humour. legal baIlles, &ai ha e isnaliy aeIiOss- Mueical eomposere are frequently ful in ail tiat ho undortakes. Blunt as troated in tie most violin't manner. a wedgo. coid a@ John Sherman le alleiz- The dresses o! engaged young ladies ed to be, a Ciriétian gentleman and a wear eut sooneet aIt th. waist. seholar, ho leads in Indiana, wiile brigit oraters and bail -fellowe- weli-met The boarding bouse ohieken je; not are giad to foliow where'er ho goos. very apt te recal ny tender memories. Short and etoeky, with ligit* hair and a Teacher-'What lu tie plural oJ coierlose face, ho le nota handeome man ohild ?" Boy (promptly)-Twitl5. by any meana. However, in hie case, as When a singer'@ tiroat ie raw you in ail othors, bandiomo je as handeome cant expeot her songe te ho well dons doe. General Harrison is 55 years A western editer refera te Col. Ro old. Ho was hemn on lb. old home- hert G. Ingersoll "the great anti shoe stead o! his grandfathei', William lian. Henry Hlarrison, niti President of theIih dtra wsebeelk United States, whicb wae near North uleeioiiwsebselk Bond, on the Ohie river. Hi. educalion, summier botel, Lhere's pienty o! room s and hie wife, were secured »t Miami tbe top. University, Oxford, O., frem wbich he If yen envy a raschl's succese you ar, graduated wieu ho wae 18, wiere ho aie a rascs1 in ail Bave bis holdues wae married hefore he was '21. With or shrewdnees. about $500 in bis pookel and a !amuly The hen, stupid as; she is, bas on on hie hande ho journeyed te the City redeeming virtue. She neyer forget o! indianapolis, and a few days after h. wbere ehe laid a tbing. arrivod lier. bis law office wae opeued A New York finm advorlises for s anrd he was prepared te (1, business "-oak cashier'e desk." An eak osbi' titi usînes and despatcli. Hie bair wonld be eue wio "blave' of course.. was very white, bis le2s véry short, aud Th ifroebte aos u bis bead ratier large fer hie body, but Tedfernebwenam sea he wont le werk, and evan if i. did a concluisientisj illuetrated hy lie diflei live for yeare iu three plain roomte ho eut wa: s6 in whicxh a woman jumpe waiss eoseful and net asbsmed of bis thou. peverty or of the self evident fact that Stranger-"Wbat je Ibis 2 Ink,pen cliente would be gratefully and cordialiy sud paper-oue tae What wîi reoovedby u nîht rda. Ntural- 1 -_ av ynh&Adte o ome ?" Law cessions, Qodlove Orti, lie Republican associale (le leglees man begging nomine. for governor, withdrew from tie streot corner)-"EHow's your hu lie ticket and lhe State Central Cem- nous ?" Leglees ma-"I ocant kie mitteo put- Harrison ou iu hie estead. Two in oeechair-'"1Ducky The genersi wae in lie pin. foresîs of "Whatty ?" "Do yen tiink I am w Miohigan at lie lime sud did net hear lng any pregrese ineonrling ?',4"W o! the. change until ho retunud home. I sionld day yen are holding y Reoiold hie friande ho wenld ho defeat- own,"t ed, but he made a vigorons etrngglo "Brown sud Joues ain't neo nnd nevertieles, eny le meel -the fate ho ohums, amIn'they Smih? I nover had predicted. In 1880 b. snoceeded oee akiug a drink witiout the ol Jopepi E. McDouald in 1her Senale sud "Exaolly old chapple!1 Booze served witi bonor until 1886, whon ho !ieud." in turu waesncceeded by David Turpie, An original way o! ensweuing1 a Demooral. questions il a lime : "Here, Bid may darling what'e lie lime c'ail The Danger Before us. sud where lie pertaly pudding ? eighî (ate) air." We have already sluded to the im- If Nora Twiggs, lie servant girl *portance o! iousekeepei'5 paying more Portland, Ore., who reoenlly fell attenioin le the kiud e! baking powder ta $2009000 will eaa lii office rieed lu leaveuiug Iheir bread. hieis je har o! soinelhing greatly ta ber a malter te wih w. canuol draw at- vantago. W. are a baolor. tention tee oflonbeoauee il le eorne- "liaI ai al you eau give me oea'. lbing wiioh involves the o et eriuesthe tramp . "dipperful oonsequeuoes la lie gonoral body o! pleadedntý . ilaat'.". "Ãe.rtaintv nol p ne tB I te the r-a I 'Ou itr Lg." Lit mal on 'Si- Ok.", lak' 7611, onr o! see bher u' lwe ldy, beir will ut!- 1o! Pr. maukfnd. Tomporance apoelles toll usple w i iîa bg ea, -sdler.l ayenfud*ho frIl. eau have sas uany dipperfuls as elalemoenl-hhStt here te diseuse, boti y e " moral and PhYe isinluIii.inloxioatiug Ayen 11k.."endsine fr onp ; aud lu th same way lier. is A v unse enesigned fr oh diseaise, slow pe l âaobut certain, lu 5rmY m sleeeyapoce 1h. lme sd ai leaeuin agethe mnzzt ie sattention ta attraotod by teployedlndman !laeie homaes- ~a smll gu : Drop a penny lu tie Ibisye ienîlue cithuloes n loI Sud -ses lhe gun go off." Nhs opnient. to svere for A lady writlng 0on kCiein,sys that lioe.manufacturers Who place lies. a kison the freuad dooes refernceý peisonous alum and lime bakiug pow. for tie no1t.- Btioeanl doesbeforo lie publie Wltth li su- adose net sposk vory highl ifor lte lu. ange ltaI they are Upwr-azud wiolosome lelleot of the man, Who -doos lithe kisa- articles.u h bllto!1h th Of izig. ouci sII6emetbIs snob bsking poWdos "My sou," sali! lie' &u4dUIun parent,~ are largely used lu te-prepaafonD o! suaday waî'vs ' it i-î r'- I foot!, ant lu Ibis Va>' lte.,olsoious dnin6o p,' tshe reply ufthlie fout ingredjonts ase aMonit. th.e eMMyearoldbut 1 ag, ;0 i>w.. 'He. * without a suspon o! Ibeir- rsè .tuoebléthh îms.e a1b ±butd' B, madbv oD oho b."--'Pe autvol itbo.a seep. Mr. B. (uneaily)-rDid t.1 Whal did IagayP Mrs, Be-lt souà dead like "Iauto up, Jak pot." Mr. B-- Ç with admirable preisence of m d- Yeu, my dear, 1 had been discuelsiig Volapnk with Jones. TI4e expression whieh esceped nýe in my- sleep meana "'God bleus our home." Would you know tihe keen deliglit 0f a wholesome appoitIt. Unrestrained by oolic's dire, Headache's ourse, or fever's fire, Thoughts morose, or icy chilis ? Then use Dr. Pierce's pilla. Dr. Pierce's Purgative Pel lets-tbe origi- nal and only genuine Little Liver Pille; 25' cents a vial. à tional Bnkc wseduefoted000n tNew York, ktu.rday, and tbe forger arrested. In hie Vegetable Pille, Dr. Parmelee bas ven to the world the fruits cf long ientifia research in the whoie reaim, of edioine science, combined with uew and inuable discoveries neyer before known te an. For delicate and debilitated Qon- itutions Parmeleo's Pille act like a charm. aken in smail doses, the eff act is both a mie and a stimulant, mildly exciting the oretions cf the body, giving tene and igor. Frank Brown, a Ieading citizen, of Noi- se, N. Y., was arrestedl Sunday on a harge cf bigarny. Part 0f The Hlousehold. 'II bave used I{agyard's Yeliow Oil with Luch satisfaction, for Colds and Bore bhroat. I woulu not be without il at any ost, se I look upon il asthe beet medicine oldfor famiiyuise.,, Miss. E. Brambail, herbrooke, P. Q. There has been no mate riai change lu leu. Sheridau'à condition since Thiursdaý. Sure but not slow.-People who have sed Dr. Thomas' Eclectric OÙ te gel rid of ain, flnd that it is sure but not slow. A ough oven, cf long standing, le speedily ontrolled and cnred by it." Rheumatism, neuralgia. corna, lame back, a.nd swelled neek rapidly disappear when it ie used. The Exnperor sud Erpress made thonr forinal entry into B3erlin Sunday night. Con.sumptiofl Surely Cured. Te THE EDITOIR: Pleaso inform yonr readers that I bave a positive remedy for the above name< disease. i3y it8 tinlely use thousands oi liopelees cases have been permanently aur ed. I shall be gtat-,t send two bottles o: my reznedy FREE to any cf your reader who have censumaption if they will senk me their Express and P. 0. address. Respectfutly, DR. T. A. SLOCLM, 3' Tonge street, Troronto, Ont-15-iy. Public ronfidence in the pacific desire o William IL. bas been strengthi-ned. Home Hints. Mrs. Robert Williamson, of Glenilt Parry Sound, Ont , tesys "I could net kee house witbout Iiagyard's Yeliow 0Ù11 hs.nd. 1 bave used it ini my family fc Croup, Bore throat and a cut foot, sud ca highly recommend it te everybody." At Leon, in Mexico, 1,0(1 bodies cf viý tima te the flood@ bave been recovered. A Reasonable Hope la one that is bssed on previous knowledg or expeiience, therefore those who use1 B. B3..may reasonably hope for a cureb cause the proviens experience cf thousaný who have used il, shows it te have succee ed evena in the worst cases. Both France and Auïtria.Hungary ha secartd large war cred its for immediat-eui A New Hem.e Treatment for-the Cure Catarrh, Catarrbal Deafflel and Ray Foirer. The microscope has proved that thesed eases are conte.gious,.and that they are due presence of living parasites ini the interlini EMBROCATIUNm FOR spEAIN, otTRE, AND 5P±IfT1S WEEN PORING. FOR oVER-REÂOHE5, OHAPpED HEELS,, -w Dir. C hase O Hae a world 'wtde Tputatlon as a physician FOR BREN ENEES, IRtITes, OAPPED nocEs. and a tbor. Hie Mandrake Dandellon Liver FOR BORE SHOULDERS, BE BÂCES. Cure le a triumph of medicai ekili, cuing ail FOR FOOT ROT, A»D SOMR MOUTH5 IN ORE? diseases o the Xidney and Liver. ~LMS SYzmI'-OM:S 0E FOR 5PRÂIN5, CUTS, BR1ISES IN DOG5. Distressing aches KIHY O PAINTIan pains in the SPECIMEN TESTIMONIÂLS. back ; a dul pain or welgbt in the bladder and Prom Hie Grace the Duke of Butland. base o the abdoman ; scalding urine often ob- "Beîvoîr, Grantham, Le. 1, 1879. etrueted; frequent desire to urinate, especi- *Sr- mrcto eue ally at night, among aged persons - hot, dry rs-lia'RolEmoctni ue akin, ]?ale complexion, red and white deposits, in my stables. I think it very useful. dropsîcal swellmgs, &c., "RUTLÂND, Master of Belvoir Hunt" SY2s.IETOS S C "astie Welr, ington, Herefordehfre, Pa n UT "hulDec. Srd, 1878. LIVR OMPAITIder blades, Jau "Gentlemen.-I use the Royal Embrocation dico, shailow complexion, a weary, tlred feel- in my stables and kennels, and have fouiid le ingno life or energy, headache, dyspepsia, vory serviceable. I have aloused the in5ligestlotÉ, spots, pimples, &o. Universai Embrocation for lumbago and rheumatiom for the lat two years, and have HOW OURIED. suffered very littie since uulng it. Mndrake and Dandelion are nature's Liver ,B. H. PRIoE, Iieut.-Col, Master of Rad- cures, and when combined with Kidney renie- norsbfre Hunt." dies, as in Dr. Chase' Liver Cure, wil almost 1 positivelyclire al l Kdney-Lver troubles. lt ELLIMAN'S ROYAL EMBROCATION, acte like a charm, etimulating the ciogged1 liv*er, strengthening the kidneys, and invigor- ,*Sold by Chemists, Stores, and Saddlers, ating the wbole body. Sold by all dealers at Price 2e. $i, with Receipt Book, whch alorie i8 worth the mofleY. ._ KI ON EY only Kidney-Liver Pm8rfmde. \~ UIIESL MRQ LI RTheyact gently yet effectuai- " loyment. Te cure Kidney E Ll VL D4wn Pl LLS £ivertroubls, headach, bilb r r liuones5, costivenes, &c. One pll a dose. Raimu MAT i $M I.U M BAOO. Sold by all deers. Price 25 cents. S PRAiNs. BRIJises. SrirNEs. SORFE TH ROAT ..- Coi -0. I i' c HLSTrC o t. O. FARM IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE T'heSfest. Quickest.mnost Ui a Wai r iron plow, Patterson gang po [ ,r pa ed 7 d Ciayton root drill, land roller, Ayer's iron ILL ~ barrows, Whitby harvester and mowe LU» 'NIZ~ fwagon, rack, horse-ho, Honey fanning '-SLu GH.ENC AN D. Smiii, double eett harnees, etc. _______________ E__N____LA__N____ d F~.H10WAýD ANNES. Wbitby 1 April ôth, '88. 1 AUTHRS &coxEXHAUSTED VITALITY8 AUTH RS CO 5 TLFEthegreat Manulctures of Medical Work of tbe age on Manhood, Nervous and a, TSSE I Pyuîcal Debility, Pes Dp T SSIES ture Declie, rrors of AR IFCILYoth, and theflfltOld io on, 800 pages, 8 vo., 125 presripio!r LIMYILU adiseases. Oloth, ful guI, only $1.00 by Ana Appliances for aifl mail, sealed. Ill. sempl fre. e ai young - Dfointus o l. u-and middle-aged men. kend now. The man Body-Spinal Dis- Gl n eeldMdlaadd1 h eeDiseanes of the author by th. National Medical Assooia- Kuse and Ankie, Knock tien. Addresé P. 0. box 1895, Boston, B. oelo egCu Mass., or to Dr. W. H. Parker, graduate of Fo Kee, Be Harvard Medical Goilege, 25 years'practice Ls F tec in Boston, who may b. oonsulted oÃ"nfiden- d.ALSO CRUTCHES. tially. Specialty, Dieeases of Men. Office, à - No. 4, Bulftnch Street. Élis- B to ciaU., Huxley and Beale endorse this,, and these authorities cannot be di",puted. The regniar method of treatina these dîiseases bas been te apply an irritant remnedy weekly. and even de.ily, thus Ikeeping the delicate membrane in a constant state of irritation, allowing it ne chance to beal, and as a natural censequence of such txeatment not oe permanent cure hs ever been recordo<1. It ile an absolule fact Ihal these diseases cannot be curod by any applica- tion made ottener than once in two weeks, for th. membrane muet gel a chance te heel be- fore tho application,. le repeated. Il is nowe sevon yeare since Mfr. Dixon disoovered the parate i catarrh and formulated is new reatment, and since thon hie remody bas be- corne a househeld word in every country where the English Language le spoken. Cures elTected by him 8et'en f/cars ago are cures tili, ther. )uzving been no rotura of thé disease. So e gL are these remodies valued, that ignorant Imtatiors have starled up every- where, prelending 10 destroy t1prsto wbCh lhey knew nothing, by remediles, 1he resits ef th. applioation of which lhey are equally ignorant. Mr. Dixonsi remedy la ap- p[cdonly once in two weeks, and from on. te bre. applications effect a permanent cure i the meet aggravated cases. Mr. Dixon sends a pamphlet descnlbing bis new trealment on the receipt ofe temp to pey postage. The addrese le A.. H. Dixon & Son, S03 Kug-treet weet, Toronto, Canada.-Sclieu- tifle Amenican. It iîs Absurd For people to expect a cure for Indiges-, tion, unlesa they refrain from eating what le unwholesome ; but if anything will sharpen the appetite and give toue Wo the digestive orgaus, it in Ayer's Bar- saparila. Thousaude alpver the land testlfy te the menite of.ýthls medicIne. mrs. s4rah ]Burroughis, of m8 Eighth- street, South Boston, wýrites : My husé, baud has taken Ayer'eSBarsapanilla, for Dysp.epsia and torpid ll'ç'er, and lias, been greatly beuefitedl."- AConfirme& Dyre'sptic.. C. Cauterbury, f 141' Frikiii-st., Boston, <s. writes, that, suËferiflfl for yar from Indigestion3, h. wa at Iust lnduoeed 10 try Ayere SBaaparilla~ and, byÉ its, use, wase BUl LLETT'9 ~ POWDERED (#LYE 9 9 PER CENT PURES? STRONOESTSES?. Eeady or u n la ay qAmli7j etig aC% hundrodothor uses A.oaequale g0 poundasal Soda .Sold iby ail Gro»S» ud Druggti, W.. GULZTT - ~ITu= al1 cmOaG ~&SHRT8, COLLÂRS su ad CUFrs4ScIALTY. ' v6 oax-4t. Near RIG. O GEO. P. SHIARPE. BREUMKER'.YEAT BRAD UAEADmdofti Over xoco ldeshavewi- tentesay tatitsrp# ss eatever used thee., hmesthe irhtes whit- essweetestbead, roils, buns d buckwheat paucakes. BAKRS lanesniy every £ WR lni Canada ae tsl4ng 114 RICE FIVE ÇNS BEEF, 'IRON, ';AND WINE. MALT- 1i IF YOtT WÂNT Choice. Turnip Seed, Extra Seed Oorn, or Good Flour, AT RIGHT PRIOES, GALLON W. B. PRINGLE. tue int«ens itchiiig and rLn~g OU mO atngh-.O eb sur&tchin.--very dletress . I1 allowed tb contiuue tunrfrm whlch- ofenbleed and ulcarate, becifl e ry sore. Stp h tching and bloedlng, *4e 1> eals niceratbi, n. In i 4ý 0. many caues remioves o0 ey the tumcre.Se 't &o< ym il .1> The Wonder8 of Magie When2 you flnd thaît beauty ine !aUingBWAY, %Try "Dornewond's Mage," Tb th. elderly man with hie loekS ilad.ay, Try "Dornewend'a Magie,", A rich head of hair, les preciotis as rare, Se I tell jeu Try «"Dornewends!e Mage.» The laay's miefortune when loising her haïr Try,,'Domnewend's Magie." She can qulokly, easi17 oheaply repair, Try 'Dorenwend's Magie.' It iniparta strength ana bes.uty, A-ad it'a the lady's plain duty, Sîe1YOTTy "Dornewend'i Mage." Take time by th. forolock anda.1111 k..? your own, Try'DorneweutV.s Magie.. This Tonia, a f ailure has neyer yet kuova, - Try "Dornewend's Magie."8 Try tbis motte te heed, Try tilt yen sueed, 8oI01 llyen Try tDom~ewend's Magie:', This now lamons properation for invigo- raIÇ n timulating the growth of the hais. us uiverualy aeoeptedasu the most valuable specifie on the market. AUl DI$mOaSof @the Sclp ame elther mr- Ueve4 or PtmflIty Cured., A rioh and rapid growthef haïrwill f l-1- low a! 1er judicione aud regutar tmetment50 tbatit remini with the. user atone to. e- curte e i ored reuult..-, ,DR. DORENWENDP'S8 HAIR'MAG10. jg sold by illDrug lte aI Pr- bOw ortes 6 betties for 85. !ntebaà ble in youRr locality, eend direct eooigpie Paris ]>fr Worki,.- 108 &'105 Yo9nge :' Torôot ea. Sold by W. IL Howse a ail Dugglst LUMBERl :u on and arge 117 Church St., - Toronto, Ont.