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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Jun 1888, p. 8

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Vereheadtththé d.epeut zepraes1y 100 au clasmesof iii. oègmnualtyo sud wilh * iew to g9ig roevepr.soii Ga thoerepoSe Kvj, uio n ,*was Iuvited 1budiiE tb mesS lie major sud therý lesd*ug Jus @itlseug At the t"0 &id pl#@e abc"o a&k k =04#ueuliob.d, the hfoilow*iug sure. 0 Wu piuentsd te hlm, acoompsuled by Breg. a 901d huutlug oaa. watbh udas Wel! OUe prs aili umepure meta:.. 1 low pr Mai.R. H JÂKBON:The DIiiS8m.-Il vas viblifeel- lc lup 61 he- ile eg et that yozrm lc blVada in Whiy nd su ùdy h rm sny your reslve te sever YoUr connections with ASK a1 comnManty witb h hh u have been s8 oeo 1ong sud 80Olâely iudentlfted. Tour âasci-chk1 tijou with the town of whitby bua been a Walter long sud aunorbeue, sud oue ilit Use« yen eau submh ttu e clobetcruiny wiih.. ai ont the uighteui fear. Tour uuaelif.i devo. forsale t'on te the luterta c f the tewra, beili pecîi fr al and fflerai. ha$ contilbuted mach t. the (JERI PleaSure and pror-iyof is citizen., sud lieu ou MxouruboaUdreaene h. fe bruh oy and gladiesa t. aanysa desolate nBt: heu8ehed.î Tour removal ridm Our 1midasiof buoin 61 ,%6iesmin. t taBuseoL alna la hÏy beau Tx *6et- su4sn.,r.sd e,.5biakmuoh ir lhiw b. diffic tili l .1lbut vd s4celyouWd SrUsi onvI son gaer ar."=" you lu VaUr uMW hb«, tf*lauds *ho, yul provo a5s pecial 4ôand sudIU e jeons jou hav reved te prouadi thomo frein *Whcmyoe nov dup moilih teSeparaie. W. mauairecordca zhoiel aPPreciatien of!-the amiable qualteu of md sud heari posaesed by her who ha.Te ma Ile the cenatant sharer cf your joya sud rema Iorroveansd aise express t. jeu the ho did not c thiboth ah. sud her intere8îlng famÇ fot h MAY long bleàp et. leanhporsud a It Wu c o0eort te you. We aak you te accepi thia Prldsy a gold watoh sud Ibis purge a. a alight me- mente ef our regard for jeu both a. a prlvajte vere puI Citizen sud & auanofbusines.sud w. trust yen vill always look back with plesarosund satisfaction te the mauy pleaSsut jsyeYu 'pont lu Whtby. We new bid v'ou a heartyV sud a hoarti.fet fareveil sud vieli yen Gekd- apeedlu yar nV enture. Whlby, June f4*131888. . major. Mr. Jameton, who wau deeply sifoot- ed by the kind eXpression. of friendahip aud sisteetù aatede a suitable reply. Short aud bighly oomplementary speeches ver. made by Dr. Gon;: Muloe.. . B. Dow, D. Oruaiston, W. B. Hloweand othere. Mr. Jameeon leaves Whitby taking with him noue but th. kindest wishes for bis future auceha. 1Mr. Jarneson wua u active @ad entbumiaato member of the. Righ- land Club of ibis town and onu Mouday *veuing the moiuber a aembled in full- force.,sud after enjoylug as more than uunliy interesuing programme of Scotch Songs' and dano.,, gsthered &round aud ealJ.d upon Mr. J. B. Dow, the president, tb r.sd the, followlng ADDREss : oR.. Tamao»#, sq.,- SDusa Sm4-Tlie meuibers of the <Whitby Hlghland Club" nuits ln expremslg the d.pregret vith vhlch ihev asu edupon te- bye fue'b.- pL Tofyt M s faction entertiam eby tbem fer jeu as a mm-sansd in au speoladegme,sU a memu. ber e h.Club, st vhos. moegetins our plea8l veiesud oheerfl face neve fu.l ëd t Il ateiaiy te the .ubeymenî o! the ean u. Whilé expreaaig their mor- rov ai t lug vzÈh the eclub la confi- dentithâsjour euergy experience sud lu. iOgit wu netf m euln o yntat aucea u l!.vh.chjeuse igly deerve; sud jour brother members knowev velits jour varr hear ut d bazitable hsud muait 00012 a&hb« round jeu a cie of tte sud Afeelnsefriends, wherevr«euna M"y u turehome epiftt M",liesrty. feu O va haff " he W. H. laClub" RU E MLI>I088, INO. IBÂLL IDOW, ' 1 rniary. . Prealdeni. Kw. lsn. oazfe deeply gralefulte lb. membeo lb. .lub for th. "musny ut$. of kkd»u.en ibs sd for<mer oo. smions shown tehlm bYilsm momubors sMd assurd Iban lish. who oeusivaj keepaspoî gresn lu hie. memoryq tii.4 WIdiby Rgi~ -4 Club. à bh"t siab"* auds umd ith. slnqlng of t#Âuid lang Syn." ,oloeo Mr. Jmeno»n Sslu svenlng vlî hbis old finds of lie HlgbIand Club. 8z,.Ibave bsard -l rePorled lu Wbu sd Pa' 'kewlug ibistIvas the ps¶ v,;bo Iodgod lie'cern l gnt ioioel.kese.rot Pisklcg fr eont ,6ht"oS Sibe 80otSAt. Tbies report Usle bave be.au oiroua, by 1u. t. WaltuFil is ~ ~ ~ -u aiKaheeo Ba 1 ree'd. Dow, loek -of boy.seauitd se.b. liet W. G., Wsliers. m a u loves ieo9toa1 ,rices ai W. G. Waltor. Royal Hotel Barber shop in the to get ashah enut'r saie. essy te se.e our dresa goodu ai12h, aud plain le match ai W. G. Peu, bIck-yed ........ Bye.Oie ,, sé..... Dr. Dorenveu<rs Great German [sgio for baldness,grsy haïr, ie eby a&U druggisi. DIT Sale of Harem, &o., by âne- kSsardsy, June 80113, cemmeno. 10 o'ciook, at J. B. Phip's plsce ces, Brook le.-82n RE vas no b"usinss radacted of mpor tano. ai lhe .Soiool Board uay igbl.f.' Baulay's oommtWuîto- bsourthle rqolried-4hsj srbiiinu ould kely haye le determine th3e value aide go bo expropriatedt as the oi îbe high a prie upen theni. tter of building s gymuasiumn ome up seulter. vas ne report e ommitiee having itin band. rdered thsl the sehools close ou afternoou nexi, and several bille iaed for plyment..1 F mw h '4K11P' Absoliately ý,Pure& Thies powder neyer varies. A marvel o! purityq sUrengîhasd vholesemmeus. More mecomleal than th.e rduary bina,sud canuot be sold lu oompeition vitli the mlatitude of Iow tost, shoert volght alum or hoCt odr Sold on i can. Bakià PoderCe., 106 s»al St., N.Y., FÂRK TO LETqt Composed ef 75 acres on lot No. 1 nerili end of the 6tli con. Pickering, sud 50 acres on lot 84 nerili eu e!f1theOM cou. Whutby townshi~-120 o! the land ilu. high uttifo oultlvâio Good brick, dvelliug. good ont. hoeues, ivuobarus, qui. large enoagli t. heMd a yss rop, gooduatoe.stabllneaUnder both. Possession fluai November next. Privilege o! plovlug a! te harvea. GEORGE JONES. WhtbyP. 0. Jtin u wDp lOOO-h1. FO*S-LBANK TON FOi AEnYACTOI Tho lmm unerluedbasatructed Levi sonl by ulie Auctaon, utepeie I&teY O= pldby &1 AU ovi l h Tovà 0f Wtby, *the wholes ý "iok c Gyouels iauvrOokey l.,as Wedneadagr, 4t/z Ïag <u/ et At 12 oeloekno Groceries - # 1776 18 ! g B . ..o. a.. ... Mpp6:s; erbMt,. .et* bot ý81i 0 PÃ"WI tiCOS.IîIrriar-rua, g vo Butr..........018 0 Ceperdsper 000 oos! G8h.UM I People bring us their money and get the most for i Tkoe, per b... '010 0O10J .acKEEP' stantly adding new Goods to our Fine Stock of Duck prlb ..........0 0 16gj Ohes. .......... ..008 @* 010~ ......Oete 1 ta O010 uitslur rlor eceIlonce proven inmiosf nD W ood *ose... *.. u..40 01* @ r o m ore ixah ma a arier et . c ntu _ ry 040 a0>60 ed by he aUnf te % j a G/QN a nd SULIA A/f? 0Q .00 o nd ersedbîheothe raIveonIel.~. .e. . .h01 0 *e0t i c seh htS rande M ostes i ajtI . co iu ,f ui Dr. Prce's Cream Bak ng Powder ., 1i 1 J ± s v d old ot oni Cn Ae. aLm, rM Sd snoi cnalumns a imo Au Consisting of thebest. se;ecuions anft aest. ty I~ . O F >~vy~x.BAKNGOWDRO. Sape and Fancy Oury 01 OODFELOWS'EXCUORtON. Iti MO atter of W. J. G ibonOf the Nwltu epyut aemny ob Ontario lincsapment No. 11, Oshsaa su-onrof , iy nteCut f Nwltushl o osv oeD nounces an excursion Stoeramerocer mr.corne and 800 our new styles -andget ..r low pics t e, Grim sby Cam p on M mini JJIy . nuy ch ant. " I1 b 2nd. The boat leaves Whltby at 7.80 a .AN INSOL VENT.adgtyu hrofhe bginrgtaw . o n 'ae m an attrao$ona tispopu . n e o r s a e o he e b r a n i h w y C1e reaai n tuaray, wM Le tie' peumgNotice i eeyzvnta h bv o ! the G rand N ew Tem ne, ilu W liàcla sir n m < s er b 1e ha h b v John MoDenald and eiLer di. hd1md W. J. Gibson did ou the 8ît day oInfemns nCltingDpr b.h a d of M . M urriy , ai R . & J . Oara p b e ll' , i es te u d e f o s or h e e e it ! hi B. MadWilai . J. Johste's, sd W. R. crediors generilly , lu pursuance of the Bowse, ai 1the DagStre Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chapier 124. Boys 110oW i h iefra goR t tlte W. DIC RI, J. P. OWENS, And furher take notice tha a meeting o! s t e t m o o d s i lti Cliaiman.the creditors o! ihe above naaned Insolveni Corne in and get our prices. Chai man.Seretary ' vii be held ai he W aker Houe, lilte City of Toronto on Saiurday, the 2Srd day o! Jurne, 1888, atIil o'clock in the forenoon, *f* for ihe purpose o! appoit0 naetorsad GolùmiIhi azutI e es?::::: O W ELL& C AU THIiONITEsoK ONYS NEW GOODS JU8T IN. Ladies' Short Vest and Queen Chains, Brooches, Guf Buttons, tec., -ALL THE - NEW PATTERN S Gents"Cheai=sand > Cuf Butions, Watche8, Clocks, and Silverware, Plated Knive.8 Mzuh reduced in Prie. Watches, CIockB and JeweieRÈy- Repalred. JAM E S'JOHNSTO-NV eue vîtia me, d.aly verified by affidavit, aud vitlh sacb vouchers as the nat~ure of the case adinits of on or before the date of uaid meeting. Daied June 8th, l88. ALF-XAND13B DAVIDSON, Assigne,, HaMniUoe, WALKER SCOTT&LEES, Soficiiors, Raii to4.-27-2in eu la u hfàlble r m dyf Bad Leg BadBi 1 i , és Ibâ zmdis %famous -foi Goutà The felloviug teetiutouîis speak for Glandular Svellianud .1 9<ib m it i-lh it acta likea> Fr om jtt ITud a r mbU; mnfahcturea&ony ai 78, NEW OXFORD T R3mT Whitby, May 4ih, 1888. by »Il Medicine 7endors Im 1. P Pusa Puiîou C., oreu.,r Parchss*s ahoad lSkok teh.labelon> the. F0185& J. IP PaàuPuaxc Co, Tornto»U the addre. liu I bave:much pleasm,, inu atiug la ____________ No. .1 l, r unceplac.d b>' jeu lu, =y resIdence lait bf a lgvea us coin- tortai su d tifatInwarmùug both upperFT DtE sud lover rooms vila "ee7"temperatureF. L.JG. EENLU f vitout dusi or- gs. W. d dhnt requir. .è______ nu op paies even lu lie coldesi vesiher sudl iake pleaure< lu recomm.ading ju Frnace t. M rendirbore sud elaevhre. U1,(!J1bENWOODI JugeWbîb.MlLLNG .,JGý Pro m A. A PO l, U q -M Slu f & tlu rn of sil gradies of Q at à ~ 16~, 1SpitPeua rahan lour, Crabkecli WIi J. I~. PUSU PUpNAO MayToroito. & liveýafrât.oIaues ilr-nd r Tbrsatest Dovmery cf thefie !PftUA'PUT. W~'4. .~- a 'Puu ~VU Prloe e - T8UI~ ~sostan~nrerî journal. T. BAER&OO. suce( SUOD les o vise and Comae tmenti ORIIENA CATARRH IMPOSSIBES NDER, ItS INFLUENUCE. Zh=onl eatarrh remedy ever Offored te ithe publicoidysfs! s ritn=arntee given wiih ech instruet, .T. of G. "ô5 Queeu. ireet Wei, Tormo, ont THI! CRUTT Em, ANID LuNioRESTORER Atalànets amedicne or a dlgustlng lotiesOr er wdr al, but a SeIf-genera.; tlngV aporeasi y d elo s n pled ai aU heurs, timesa pa e. AoaNe. 2.f& Qaitw ,, àdplm SL N. -Postiveîy eurp-0-a diseases & tieL sO1ratGa Rye»is, nfam.dEja frordfasrh-ba~a TOL. SUBSI P pe~ fE eub" leofeo! pnd mylinerjtremi Piret uti Dlsplsyed à . Orer fif muai be in liber per 4O Iuwel, Oorriiponm of -the Ooual] their commi Possible, J OHN$STAI la'tM DO, LI OUI~1 8'OR ALla Z! I OR and Rlieumstim. r8t BRONOIITI8, OOLJGH8, OOLOBl «, ÙNDO N, ud aolel CIIATDL te cas. oxri .OGAN. 1 - 1 1 1 it. con,:, 'M' to, 0.1 voiz i POR À TRRU OP TZARS. BROCK,.STRBST, *BARGAIN 9A Yti 1 1 Ir L - n dm RUMUIPT STWX

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