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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Jul 1888, p. 1

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HITBY RONICLE. 'RDA Y8 eat sllccesig for it. - Con, )f 'OODSJ styles of Goods. bo Wise and ices. Cone- Y., oartmnent. Ltle money.4 o0n L on 15 days triai; T. Bàxnu & col, but a SellPgenera- times anxd places. s ail Throat and 3, Cataract Gran ýdesa Tus Eru rrzLison 15 sAmy book and heaftb Toronto, ont y arc bpurlous. ACK-EY, led Wheat, first-clas beat Chop al for oti. patronage,. LiING (CO. oller Mille. Ur is better 0 nt. to, Eng. treaL. euebéc. Srit ', Bug.. WIth calm Printed words, great thoughts, and untiring industwy, 'ï dvocate Peacs, Prorosa, Knowledge, Brotherbood. VOL.a XXXII. WIIITBY, ONTAIRIO. FRIDAY, JULY 6, 188$.80N Established 1856. heLeadInq WeekIï lu Ontario County1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. 81 per annuin in advance-Sl.50 othor- wise.f.Subacriptions are alvays payable ai ho offce of publication. Stoam equipmn and besi furnished Bock andJ ob printing plant ln u ateru O)ntarle, capable of executing ailclasse. e vork f rom thé large poster to théesinallet handbiil. Spécial mention i. made et thé unsurpassed pMOs f acilities et TRx CimoN. ICLE, Wlth itS olebratod N. Y7. Cottroîl cylinder proesand other modern couvent- onces . Every order receives prompt, car.- fui attention. TERMS 0F ADVERTISING. Firut isrtO, pOr lune, 10 cents; each subsequent insertion, 5 cents. Displayed Advertisements are measuired by a soaie of solid Nonpareil, and charged acordinel. Advertsements sent wîthout written instructions inserted until forbidden, and char ed for full time. Qrarfor disoontiuuing advertisements muet bo in writing, otherwiso the publish- ers will not be responsiblo. A liberal discount for oonti'act advortle- me nts by the year. Copy for changes of contraot advertisemonts should be handod ini not later than Wednesday ; and notice of anyintended changes should ho given bof ore Tuesday noon. Othor advertise- ments reoeived up te, Thursday noon. Busiîness notices in local or news columns Five cents per lino we.kly. Locale, 10 cts. par lino weokly. 0orrespondenoe solleft.d trom aIl varts of the Oounty or noighborlng nsPo correspondents are requested te send in their communications s promptly as possible, HENDERSON & GRÂHÂAM, Propriotors. J OHN STANTON, Sup't Moohanical Dep't. JORN E. FAREWELL, LL.B.1, B AFbRISTBR, Ço=ity Orowu Attorney, ï£ad 9ouaty5Ifftr. Offie,-o" uirh wlng, Court House, Whitby -48 JAMES RUTLEDGE, J3ARBISTER, &o. Office f ormerly oc- Boupied by Farewell & Butledge, next te0 Royal Hotel, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID ORNISTON, B.&.9 ATTOBNEY-ÂT-LÂW, SOLICITOR IN OChancery, Conveyanoer, &o. Opiîct-In the Office south et the Peut Offce, in MoMillan's Block, Brook Street, Whitby. ly-10 G. YOUNG BMITH, L L. B., BARRISTBR, &o., &o.-Money te Loan Bssuer of arriýge Liconses. Or,îozs-Smith's Block, south et Market, Brook St., Whitby. Jan. 22,1878. (ti-6b JOHN DALL DOW, B ARRISTBR-AT-LAW. SOLIOlTOR in Ohanery, Cenvoyancer, &o. Offio-DeverliU'u Bleck, Brock Street, Whiby. MONET TO LEND-Private Fundi- n smom up te $800, sta a evrat.etfin- terest. (ly-59. LYMAN IENGLiSU, L -L- Bo, B ARRISTBIR AT LAWs SOLICITOR IN Chancery, 0Oev.yaucers kc.,&e. Sim- cee Street, Oshavwa. £UebicaiL P. CORDON MELDRUU, pliysloian, Surgeen and Accoucheur. office hours,-8 te 10 a. m., 2 te 4 ana 7 to9 p.M. No. 8, TUB '<lTZRBAE," BYBON-BT.9 WITBY. H.C. CRAWI'ÇltRTH, VBTBINABY BREN Graduste et the Oniari vleterlflhrys col- jege, Toronto.- Orders by mail o telegrapb Promptly' attended te. Ofie ait residence of G yr.,Oppm5ito Drl Bogart'u,9 D=ods *,mMt SEDEET> Li VER-Y and' BAL BRO3iO PTI Good Zg ad0à Roi -& - -&- -POST ate with Langley, Langley * Burke, Toronto,) AsR CHI TE C T. Designe for Churches, Villas and Cot- tages a specialty. Dravingi prepared for remodeliug oxisting structure& Oict-First flat over Howu's Drug Store. P.0. Box 202, WRITBTr. Dominion Lino of Royal Mail STEAMSHIPS. LIVERPOOL SERVICE. FroxIg Montreal. Froin Quebec *Vancouver..Wed. Juine 13 ...Thurs. Jun. 14 Toronto....Thur. « 21 ............... *Sarnia......Thur. "28..Frid'y. June29 Oregon....Wed. July 4... .Thurs. July 5 *Vancouver-... Wed. 18.... Thuirs.July 19 BRISTOL SERVICE FoRa AvoNmouTri Docx. Ontario trom Montreal about Wed. June 20. Texae do d te si July 4. Cabin Rates frein Montreal or Quebec. From $60 to $80, aocotding to steamer and position of State Boom, with equal saloon privieages. Second Cabin (very su- perior accommodation), $W0. Steerage at lowest rates. ' These Steamers have Saloon, State- reoms, Musio.room, Bmoking-room and Bath-rooe amldihips, where but littie mo- tion in feit, and they Carr neltLer Gattie nor sheep. The Boomesiate a&H outuide. The accommodation for Second Cabin on these Steamers in exceptionally gond, and well worthy the attention of the travelling publie. The *«Vancouver" i. lighted throughout witb Rlectnic L'ght, and has proved herself te b. one of tho f,.test Steamers in the At- lantic trade. Passengers can embark ati Kentreal if thoy sn desire. DAVID TORRANOR & 00., General Agents, Montreal. B. STEPHENSON, Telegraph Office, Local Agent, Whitby Royal Mail Steamerse. LIVERPOOL., j LONDONDERRY, __GLASGOW.j SLUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. DATES 0F SAILINGS. Steamer.. Frein Qucbec. Sarmatian .............. Parisian ................ Polynesian ............. Sardinian.............. Cirncaaàn .............. 2Iai June 28th i 6th July 1Lth 19 2th f RATES 0F PASSAGE BY MAIL STE AMERS. Qnebec te, Liverpool. Cabiu, 50, $6,0, 70 and $80 according te accomnlodatîon. Intérmedtte, S80.0, Steer- &go, s20.0o. iteturn tickets, Cabin, Mr0 $100, $18o0'1, 8150.0. Int.ermmdiate. $W0C0. Steer- &go, 80.00. Cattle,- Pige or Shéep are net carried on these steamers. IMPORTANT NOTICE. Cabin, Intermoiaté and8tserage Passongere may go ou board at àdoutretL. By this arrangement passéngers are ens.bledl to e b. omtettably settled ou board the Ocean steamers vithin only Ubhours reaway jciruey frein Whitby. Steerage paseengers booked te or tnom Glasgov, Belfast, Queeuitown, or London, same rate as Liverpool. Bristol sud Cardiff 82.00extra Passenger. sud thbln baggage are put on beard the Ocean Sieamships ai Québec froe et ail expense. Partie sending fer théir frieudu lu the Old Country eau obtain FER PAID PAS3- SAGE OERTIFICATES ai lovesirates. For Tickets sud ail other iutermaioi4, apply te W. A. Yule, Agent, Express Office, BROOK ST., WHITBiY. 1888. 1888. SPRING AGAIN.1 And iltU BRlokin* 4r a NicePforte your Parler, Diu!ng Reoor on Kitch jitcian suueo my Stock wbich us THE- LARGE8T ARD, BE8T Esén ehowu lunWhtby, ce r nslg thé lit- est dedas sud oolonlnga lu AmorIffan and Canadian 4UJDa isfHo-etc$~ Pure Hellebore Pure Paris Green FOR SALE BY V.'. 10E! CHEMIST and DRUGOIST WI~ITflY-- Topth B rushes, Ha/r B rushes, Combs, Parfumes, Tooth Soaps, And ail other Articles necessary te the Teilet, are kept in good variety by W. R. HOWSE, Chemist and Druggist, Wbiiby. P, -à u6U Horse & Cattie -FQOD Iu lots te suit purchasen. W. ]R.eIIOWSE, CHEMWIST AND DBUGQIST, Agent for WhW>by. Wright's fiheuma tic VTa LOCAL NEWS LElTERS. cUemoLa zCornespondenco. (To la te for lust wuek.) Mrt. an4 Mr. J. A. Darlingten et Buffalo, are visitlflg Mrs. Danlingten. MisseAileLiîke, et Toronto, in vlsiting old Moinda here ibis veek. Mn, W4 A. Holliday bas been spending a fev days. vmction in tho clty. Miss LU! Campbell arrived home from Rochesbwé,n'. Y. on Woduesday evening. Thé 8ýÙ*atlon Army, about tvsnty strong, *tteindod a camp meeting near lak a" sunday. on@ éît.@our couneillors sud su old voe- rau ai the bar made a raid on oeur unusual- ly quiet YÏ11age eue day lait week lu search for the «ë 'ter. They ver. repeatedlv de- n mdý ludlat getiing disgusted sud ex- ceeing14"a they started for Columbus, but, by ê e vitter minsefetcommuniea- tion th" ' they expected,the noeet their visit 'ehe thore betere thein. The pro- priotor of the Columbus bouse beingjust as înnoSné4as the majorlty et hotel keepr met tha*b viii suother refusai and tCrhey were obllged te head tor homo with dreop- ing spin sd parched ibreata. Whiby mnust be. l'a petylard place vhen they have te sndout a member eft heir ôooucil on an e»ieuneoe this nature. BrookiUn sud Columbus Preabyterian Sabbath sohools held a union pic-utc ai Corbet'u point on Tneedy. The day vas everytblng ibat could b. wished for. Il a ile more Urne bad been given for pre- paratien ih vo'ld have been much boiter attende& Six boaau ver. on hsud for the accommodation of thcse vho vished te take te the vater sud ver. képi oui. Thé leadi th"ivont from Brooklil voté arng- ed lu the usuel vay, the boys iluoee rg and -he ladieinibheether. Atfev boys howeven, bad courage onough te got lu vith the tairix, sud eue yeung minu hen hé got nualy-home actually pluckéd up cenr- age.nough te put bis arn areund the young lady'. valet siting non hlmsud pexld luinkeeping fithere mucli te ibeý amusementi e bmloada, aud, et course, suprem»-e lgt of thé young lay. All r. turued ve i atsfediiih the days outiug. The te& and concert glven under the auspioloi<ihe Methodist Sabbath school bores netoiontirely te thé credit etfa&l parties ooimnuéd.No oeeeaufind tauli vith ilà te&. The ladies alvays give good ihinge tna ibundance. The concert vas, vuto~2xétoaaeypo vith "eoharacter cf thé place. t h JIA neaiher point non merl nai suashanly aboyé b.lug vortby et thé name l'<siy." The attendaaoé vas very alight oving part- ly perbapi te the veathen, but, lu my ,opinion mure te thé itile désire people have of everlaulungly aitendiug tes meetings. A Utie teliov named Bers moi a b.d accident heme Mouday night. Hé là about tvélve sud bas a greai liking ton thé rail- vay, -being alvays om band vhen .cana are belug shuuted te aieli b oy the couplings are mode. On Monday ulght atier the chuntlug hé stole a ride on the bock oetihe tendernte thé dumn. Wbdes runalng bock te thé sheds ho tel>off sud vas rmn oven by thé engiuesusid ténden. Hie1 'ei;vas breken sud bis face baly crushed. Tb le neo u1s = syn bs iipove a vanin t bcos, for bysdou'itake vuing. During 1%"dateruon beiveen heatsi ai the track, a bo burly hoiel-koepér cafle1 Webb tfroin Uxbrig%,made a pase, aithéb Houa, ~ e.McQuay,, sud uodlngae veof.14 ief ibhat Hbn. BonÀ.'is ft - bnt. fr. Webltis afiuelook- ý inguruola filvbut hé muet -ber in mmd hat hé pnsonet on. Ben. 18sac red, sund tisai baisàhigbly.réspécted by Pot, "erypoolei arn, visnin hélà Tory p-Opie u n acotot'bis avlug carried. on Ca ada thn.. acht tIIéranUIce on»in gVI selsehya t iso lot heir hodsud on'Ij'tors tise vannions te ues. Durinw the b" trae.ive ide-Byver. atari- 1 The court ofi revision hers turned out jusi a big a farce as I. predioted. The1 assessor oould net muster the- man- linosa te levy upon rioh mon in accordanceS with thoir wealth,but lets many et them off with a-more nothing,-while peer hardwork- ing men pay nearly ail the taxes. Mr. W- C. Forman, te whose manly and plucky1 action the iewn owes thé present expose et thesé tax fraude, in hounded down aud branded s beim enly a smail dogreo botter than a who informer, simplyb- cause ho belleves every mian should -psly Ie rghtfui shareofe taxes. I nover could see why eu earth- a man Worth -880,0001 sheuld not be sssesd for $8,000-the saine as a man Worth 81,000 le tsxed fer 81,000. And how mon, Who ar e mmbors et tho churcli and censidorthemsulves high- toned citizens, can go te the court et re- vision and ivoar as many lies as a 1ev, drunken Soott Act witoe, I oan't undor- stand either. The mon Who ocnupy gse ai the court et revision and allow snob talseheeda te ho stnfled dewn their iliroats are eithor teole or hnaves. As a rosuit gt althe appeals enIZI 81,800 was addod te thé assessment, w on it in generaily con- cedod 8$0,000 wonld net have beon onougli. The man Whe lies and swears te it te savo $5 or $10 taxes i.s mail enough te be just the. right "is for Port Porry. The Domiio ay Celobration held hore on Moziday lasi prove&Iai s prometets claimed It wouldbe. The veather vas the flnest the audience the largeet sud meut orderly, and the evonte the mest lnteresting that have evor combined te make our Annual Pieute worthy the confidence and support given îi by sucli a largo section ef the community. The (Ilaremont Brass Band onlivened the day wih excellent music. This baud, though sinali in number, je composed et musiciaus Who would doI credit teanyoetour more highly tavored city -bande and we must cengratulate our sister village te the voit-et us, on having in its mldst gentlemen se capable ef doing credit te ithe oommuulty as are thoso Who furnished un vith snch delighttul music on, Mouday laut Prom early mern igugnutil late lu the atternoon, were thée cncessien Unes and aide roade llned wlth vehicles etf ail sorte sises and diserpions fiiled. with gaily dreased young men and ,maidens a&U bound for a gala day at Asburn." The Atbleiomsports egawitbi a gnou match in the morning vhich vas hovever lest sight et vhon the carriages-conveyIng the. girlssud boyset the VelleiNato Institute ver. seen approacbing iu the. distance. The pupîlo vhêoveïeto>teuesfh cutisons voté met 'sud recelvod'.. by the Presidènt, ibthe -eýr udth-resue eftihe Oltieaooïimiteeandhwigforzàh aA ixitelUna ie dal a hdtxiite ltnnier andi évéycâaéver.e Ibea con- tesied. The représentative frein Wbltbyi MtenusThompsoa sud Poeay, cannied of thé ,bulk eit te prise. Ati e o'cloek, a* pro- iesson.vas tormed heaecby ibe Wbltby pupils sud led by iL. Claremnt baud$,sd a mach te Mr. Robent Eras. beguîtitl grove vbore every - pré,pmrtion. ha& boon miade for ituleufn;ùoymeit i he ,largé: numbon asembled. A string.baud turuish-_ sd muslsteor hosed&isetancing to wbih prpoe a~Iagéplaiorin bad b érectedlu theéebaidiint part of thé,grioe.. In tbefieldadiowuinff. 'ames ot b.sbi vers~~ ootne r lané s.by.Th vhole oommu tteé.vêe hitable blu their effrts te make iheathoeatetet thé many yet celebratea l.r, and ihey acceompshéd thein objeôt Thse dancing vas àtppdfor a lbo44'inmé abut 4 P*-m.. sud the.plattorm glvén te the Young gIrl re, ant egies "hbttieu oft c"l. ihlb Berim. Thé oreowd ,rouu& the, ~O m SbOdense ibat ibose four feet uLýly unabWto au Whi ' .30. Eg raceh8 entries, lot, J. Cousins, 2Bud, Smoking Race, 5 entries, lst, E.' Welahp 2nd, D. Poley. Biscuit race, 4 ontries, lai, J. coUline, 2ndl, E. Welsb. Queit mabchs 4 entrios, A. Keer à A. Wilson, divido lai & 2nd, J. Balfour -Brd, Tug of War, 4 ovties, Cap Pearson. Stop Dance, 5 efitries, lst, J. Dunn, 2nd, Phiip Flini>. - TORONTO. Thoexàcursions te Rlochester Saturday night and returu Snnday nighi commono- cd laut Saturday for this season. Thero i. &gain this year tsar et a vater . famine in the city. The dopuliofethe vator Iu the reserroir le notod sud ialked about evory day. The office et Satw6dag Nighe has been tour trnes robbed ince the paper wsastait- cd six mnonihi ago. 0f consse tbe burMlaru got nothing as novipapor offices don!t have mucli cash laylng round loose. Iu -thelunion station lust riday evenings Mr. Lyo, one et thé Contrai bank liquida- tors, vas seized sud robbod ot hi& pockeb- book coutaining $80. A msn umréi Masonlias been arrestod but is net "con- viotod se tar. During a lulat year there vas a con- tinuai couxpiaintagiath ctyple thai ihoy Mldnet :kooepubt thé sreets doyean sud enforce thé city by-lawa, vhile ibis yenr thereusn abig loud -kick atthoe officers -for doing thein duty toWeil. It looki veil tô- b. chargod vlth dàhig thinga tee 61Li Lot them keep people moving on, sud may th couutry po-ce atch the sauxe CoM-, plaint. I mention with extrome regret, the" sad' occurrence which cansed the folliday tamil non boete lose eneof is memabers., Davd A. Hollday vas senteen -yeare old. H' 'wain hMiobigan ibhis summer sud on Thuns day lait vas orking sai savieil'. mnii dam. During the- day hie companionsmiss.> od hlm for a tisse, sn u lily seatohed Ior' nie body sud fouud itliithe vatér. His n'e- mains vere sent here sud, buriod bouide thoé~et bf ie parentesud broth r and aliter on Sonda y laditihe fun.erai procession b.. ing (eeoetthée.srget seen hère fer noe time. Davidvas thé baby et the tamiy. sud the dar in- of;the hestie et bis brothors sudI siers. .They teol i héir lou Try, severely, and their monrning hs won them, the eyrnlpathy etf msuy regretfui bearti. Beveral cf them had net soon David - odr - yeans, sud tiual perliaps theo ýmest sevéro streke that cenld corne-upon them. MrT.A 0&t pulpits1 výitb the Pl churcmhero on sur Théeb eatfi io1i day. asi vas p prejia The farzenanov hai bounmtiflul aveet so trely on baviuq soeél -'Remedyi FOIR ALE BY. R. IGEZ, C he/std Druggi, W HIT BY. DOWLLN'S" ti b ,b

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