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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Jul 1888, p. 2

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£lsd Itetau A is feehorse sud bgRy _'oi Mcud&y oerbing £1 uniwaàmiugtoop i Eiliott's livery* Put Eope, 10 goý ti Oobourg lie said to forward..Bcmi trunka ho hsdl loft as the DunhaTI House. Not jroîurning at thé t11w speciflodg OcOmounication wi à lb' Duuham Houge twas made by telephone Wheu it vas' fonnd ent that. the mat wus s fraud. Parties have boon soni lu ail directions to search for the supý posed bluet, but up bo the -time of goinj 10 prose 'no trace cf mnuor buggy have beeu féuud.-Gu&ùle. The towu olerk ha.l reoeived a curiouî document. Il je a bill cf 1he casse o the trial of Ed. Bic. whioh tbe to wn ol Port Hope viii have to puy. The amount resohos $250 sud that expense th. tovu manot psy when it might bave iailarg portion been saved if the trial hsd been beld aI Port Hope by our Police Magistrale. --t je a pret uiff bill for lh. conviction of a thiel and il seeme au injustice that Port Hope muet psy for tùc puniebruent of a oiminal *çhose field of operation vau over th. United States aud Canada.- UXBEIDGE. The coutract of mskiag the trick for 1he Agricultural and Park Asocoiation hms been 1le li r. C. Rasseil for $575 and h. hua lready commeuced woak. Mrr. John Bovere -bas the contracî of cuttiug and removing underbrush, loy limba, dead lyses, &o. On Friday lasI Mr. Pnkertan, a Brook firmer, aud lits vif. vere in tovu villi a large qusutity of butter to sel!, but su accident befeil thoin that, &aside front injurig them boli, Coim. pletely dotroyod lb. value of the butter. r W hon opposite the reuidouce cf lMr., J. M. Whltlav, their hors. vas frightoued by doge snd i loso ime thal it takes te relate the occurrence, it hsd th. buggy- upet, the top sud seat boru oetthe Occupante bhrovn eut sud injnred, sudîitaelf stretched on th. road un- able to gel up. A. baIl Indian vas notiood bore on show day lait voek acting as a tout baud. Mouday's papers oculsin -th. aoupement thal ho vau shot ,lu Peterboro on Snnday aflernoon by s cavais man oonnotd vill the sains show. The. Indian, s fiue spocimen of mmnhood meairng 56 luches around 1h. oheet, vams eriously hurt suddvws taken 10 thé hoapit&L. He gave hie usme as Simon Elijali. The man vho ebat hLm w"a sPhiladelaphia nuamed James F. Fsrley, aud ho lia probably i»su the lait of bis native City if 1h. Indiau dieu. The wound is ou the loft uide jusl b.lov l.the &hnb. Whuls ber. 1h. India bld somme people that h. only birod viti the show for s moubiandsud a going ta quit as lie didn't 11k.il. I ýý TPhe Oillis T,îmua l nformed on.lthe beut autboriby tiraI the Grand Truuk vay G.vlcmmeoce tb rebuild 1hs . cýhicbu oel Ibis fail. Thé nov loto, 11 b. complobsd by June, 188, sud1 fururir accommodation for five bu drod guosts. On Mo day or lu at Mn. W. Donoglino fJE=e Ounear the boum- darvof Enily, aoideully ebol bimuelI vibir a revolver, vhils shoobing birdi. Tii. bail sutened noar the thigi sud oonrsed dovuvards. Mn. Deuogbâue vau brouglit to Lludsay and plaood under th. car. cf Dr. Poole. The bul. ltvus prob.d for but oouli sot b. fouud.1 Mr. A. P. Dovlil, our genial county mrovu atorney and clerk of th. peso., met villa a erion soacident about a wêeék agoWhile holdingsa hors. or a Metihéaonohùaull Iviet e hbler a 1ev lmesrond bs ingera. 'Th. hors,,tulgbtoed lu nomne vay, threw hp ish.ad wvit i a erk traI dislocted severalof Mnr. Derlin'a fingers. à, seionsud probsbly fatal afflent ooourrsd 10 lin. Livrenis Duke, plèbrer, Wedueidsy afernc. e. vas vo*rkiug'for Mr. Gicvdsn, vho is building a bouse for Mr. Gnovley, Bait Ope, aud.,viril, ongageti lu plasterng miseed bis footing-on thl.-caffold sud vspn..ipltated le 1h. floor, 1he lMU .b 4.abgIbm.. nb. su-ad pressing thon unupon -tbre beansd lunge. Heovas oonvoiy.d b ovwansd la nov under thes cars cf Dru. DeGrassi, Herrimn an d Poley, who enteilalu' but very shit hope. s or cery. On. evenilàit v" weks about 9:309 several ycuug =en vent dovu te -thes emno. club 1>051 houa. 1 balle. on. of tbo lwo Wéaia * excellent svàiumcr, viruie .other wu a novio sud Omon- O o e. r' e B 1~ i t I f t. igaw-%FÀ61q a# ý quia* mùprý Our Zichanges. r George LarraIt a eohoolboy had gros! f sport ou Woduesdsy, sud il vas not bmucli cf a day for fiehing either, H. t sohemed echool, borroved s flsh pole 3 without leave, slipped off a log sud vas *nearly drovned, lostbihie bat, foughb hbis chum sua knockod 1h. bar cut of himn, got ue ast ah liaI liepicked Up 0on the shore, sud a glouioue old wolloping vlien lie reaohed homo. George- ex. prossed the opinion, privately, thal lie liada'î had oninoli fan sino. 1h. day ho vas ohnistened. Mesure. Godfrey and Gunsolus have Ihis veek, a psrty from Bovmsuville, inclu.ding Mr. sud lits. Wesley, Dr. Boîli sud ire. Beti, lMr. Etsil, snd Mr. McRay. On Weduesday,, the ladies lad a day ont, sud lauded a number cf fiue base, hsndliug their rode sud reele vith great skill sud dozteriîy. Ou Mouday Mr. McKay -performed eue cf the foste cf lb.he sson, by lsudicg sà 16 lb. maikaznongo, ou an siglit ounco yod sud taokle. lb vas a fine pioce cf play. *iug, snd look juettlwouly minutes by the vatdli. Thé flsh vas thon com. pletsly exhaueted, suddvau brcughî vithia reach cf tls gaif. On Sunday nieit lait. some permon visited Mm. Samuel Grabre'. gardon sud pul.ed up ailthelie uons iu' four. large b.d.The b.d. vore astbleuBOft. long snd the osions givig evory Pro- mise cf a flue orop. Laut year another geutlemanuin the emrne nighborhood b.d sman chiokeus kilbed, sud hlm potalces pnlled. Stop. are te be laken to disoverthle perscWho is éc lav. lessly givon, sud vhen caugît, a vhol. Borne exempleo iu.ld b mde. Josph ally snd Albert Emazer, yonng men cf South Verulam, vere bronght befors His Honour Beeve (rabtree, ou Wednosday charged vitI iueulbing Mur Eliza Ring sud Mary Bur gess. The ladies were passing the Bapliat Churoli on Saînrday niglit, vhou TcUy oaught MaryBuffles ansd Fraser boock Mrm King by tb. arm, eaoh declanuthey would se. th. ladis hoe. Ks.Klg 'book herséli' locie. Fraser used bad language, and' Mrm.King vuiabout tempasixobho remarks wlth s fev oobble aton.s vhen thre Constable vent over sud- the Ivo mou rau sy. Afler hearing th. ovidonce, the Magistrat. flned euhcl$ sud 008t3 cf #2.60 escl. COBOURKG. Myra Reynolds, a ycung vomnas vbo formerly roaided lu Cobourg, but vIe là ovd oarbeten PlMacfe Y«»an stucs, wvIesah. vau emplcyedinl Gills & Go'. oolisu mnilse, vasdrovu- *edvwh libaîinathe river at Iai pluon ou a voulng., Hsr boy vus neovred v.aly nutes aller, but létewuaseximot er body vas broughl her. for. bliis Cmmpbalblcrd HoraW :-"A y ouag mm e aed Clarke-viro bhs besan e. sidlug lu Gampbellfrd for a short lIe, vas sent te th. oouaty goal on Wed- sasdy of lait vsek, ou s6cage cf tak. lng 00r-om a-folUw bonrder a$ tirs neuldace c 121r. Naico. IIS tria bock plac, belonsJustice. LeVoscete on Tu.sdoy- The Yoma fteaoca notbbeîîduced tor.mak 94thon»e Sud whle hmroha haapasseduuth«Me in indolen9e. ft aents r»side in the. cirenm* a 1h.baanyard oft Mr. Robent LYiùaOf t Enmor. Aàno mukcsuas non tls ideluthe yardsud thenbrillît r $iSof Iti 8nLrs.ff it IàufiIsa pýd*o cf olbip vida ves bszlg .symrZay vbea uns, 1Th bousem Tu1p8'day e ,Int al ont 5:46 Mr. 8am.r6ttorr ,r -k p.ye u wel 1 kno4z, eu1#unt of the t~a moï Let~ n ont 10 Haâ1 urtôon'-n auxiliü#y tra!n, and when,-relt" ig temptýèd îo"ijnp oa t iiorosdu gon Vioîoîia ave. neait hee-gl stbe distanéêlibomev wold b. shorteced considerably libere. !.by. Eiher the speed vau too great or ho vas inezperieuiced in Snob etfor hie foot caught i some "yan d he va. thro wu ý the ground with terrifio force*kuoe àhýim- -tn""as. When pioked up ho vas bleeding profuweoy from a number of bad gashes in his head oaued. by contact with the sharp atones snd gravel, and one of hie eare vas badly tbrn. Hoevasconveyed home and Dr. Hood, G. T. B. physi. cian, vas quiokly i attondance, under whoseocars ho je nov doing voll. lb vas a daugerous feas tb attempt, sud is far tco common. A fog cf uuprecedeubed denseneu provai aI GiJ>ral4r. CONSUMPTION CURED. Au olsI phyuiolan, rellred fro practic, bavlng bad plaoed l is bà auds hry au Bail lndia misslouazy lb. formula 01aasimple voetablo remedy for the speedy sMdpem anent acure cf GourumpllcN, Boohbs Catarr. Aslutis &ad ailIbItroa _ma Luug Affeoust , iti<>5 e smairadialcure for Nervous Debû ity smi noqvouusCern- plaints, mter harg lsbed ils vondenfu curative Povois l.- oussudm c01ciss, bau foit Il bis dnty tb make ut kuovu 10. bis sufleriau flva. Actabsi h.»4", clv sud a desire ir ellevehuan f.rgI irr~n GeM"*Ëan,Puo Bimauk msath. pouce of Ebrope ii sol b. diaturbed. Prof, LOto's Sudphu.r Soap i. a de- Zgtul toîMila uruj msWOU as a good curative for akira disease. Railway Time Table. GRAND TBUNX AND MJLÂND. Timae B11l, Taking effeol May 2Oli, 1888 Gorge WESOT. No.i. Expreamo........... 6.414. m N'a. 69 Fuut Ex. 10.10, ("aiY exoopt Moud'..) No. 8 LxmI Toronto ...........2. &m No 16,1ied ............55P. m NO. 2, Expreus, MIËU........ 749 P. m Dsily excpi Sundmys. No. 1, Xxpress, ai......8.am 0o. 5, Expr ,F ... w.....100 ate NO. 7, Loca......... .m .%IDLAND DIVISION. "IWO 000O un àna................ .ne7adt.05p.meld:od i l- ..4.05 lip. mngth hâi ~th -te acld lAêssh.bpe numerou oM«, by èufe of- &yér'asr *aipsrlll,eateéb.a Ietmont -boingo~ The UMàyo*rof Qlt.tago haé appoip-ted M:Ellen M. Duhela moeeo Education. Maria Mitchell, thb"'astro- nomer, ie a sister of Mrs. Mitcell'. hueband, sudalber ovun cousin,* Mre. Mitchell, has long been intereeted in educational affaire, and je veil known s-& aliterateur. Mies Bestrice Olugeton, who wae oue of the Most prominent sud'active philanthropistsi Sootlsud, died sud- denly lest week. O. founded a Con- valescent Home and a Home for In- curables, sud, by meane cf bazsare, ebe raisod 6255,000 for thoso institu- tions snd othere in vhioh ehe took an interest. A PullInuTime, SavezSNine,1 Dr. Pierce's Pleaisant Purgative Pellets are preventive as voll as curative. A few of these "Little Giants," taken at the riglit lie, with littie expense and no incon- venlence, will aooomplish what mn dollars ana much sacrifice of Uie will fail to do afler Disedse once holde you villi lit Wirangap Constipation rcieved, the Liver rglted,the Blood purified,. vil!fortfy- s.galusl foyers sud al contagions diseases. Porsons intending travel, chagn diet, water sud clumat., vil and inlualil.,Dr. Pieroe's Ploaeant Purgative Peleta, Iu viala convoniont ta carry. Bishop Walsh vas prcacnted willi a purge of 81.009 aud au addross of welcome on hia return from Borne te, London on Sunday. O1verboard. Throw ail the unwholesome Baking Pow. der overboard and use onI y the Imperla Cream Tartar Baldxrg Powder. Blaie vil conduot in personthe cam- paigu iu Maiue. Corna causeinlolerable pain. Holloway's Corn Cure removea tho trouble. Try il sud sec what an amount af pain is savod. The rRlung rate on preaidential betting at present is Len toeciglit on Cleveland. WII b. Fufy Iet Indications of Dyspepsia, suob ai Sour Stomacli, Hcartburn, Sîok Headache, Rlsing and Souriug of Food, Wlud du thre Stomach, or a Chokiug or Gnawing sensation et th. Ë it fthestomach areflymetby Burdock loo Bttrswhich liai cured 1h. vongt cases on record. ARCADE, TORONTO. A School Thoroughly Equipped for Business Training. ýBOOK-KEEPING, BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCJE, BUSINESS ARITHMETIO, COMMERCIAL LAW, SHORTHÂND AND TYPE-WIRIT114G PRAOTICÂLLY TÂUGHT. FINEST ROOMS IN CANADA«. Send for Ciroular. Address. / 27 0. O'DEA, Secretary.. APositive Cure. + A PaInlese Cures FPAOTS ]FOR lEN0F-ALL GES. MAL .&S5 C . (Ar Mervel of Hsaling. and Kohinowo f Medicinms the seririble conhequeuces of Inlscretion, EXPomurs&agid verwowk. Who arc broken clownfem the affecta of abuse wl i Sd lu No. 8a radical cure for nervous deblllty, orgauie weakuesa, involuntary vital loases. etc. SyxrTox iron wmcn No. 8 SaouLn B Uszui.-Waut af energy, vertigo, vaut of purpose, dimunesa of ight, aversion ta soclcty, waut cf confidence, avoidance of conversation,, desire for solitude, ffsleuaanud inabillty la fi th. attention ou a particular aubjeet. covardie., depreaulon of spIrits. giddines.lais of memory, excitabillty of temper, spor- matorrhoea, or lois of the semInal flild-the reauit af self-abuse or marital. excesa-impo- tency, Innutrition, emaclation, barronnesa, palpitation of the bcart, bysterle feelings' lu females tremnblng, meisncholy, disturbing dreanisetc.«, are ell symptoms o! this terrible habit oluntimes innocntly acqulred. lu short. the sprlng oi vital force havnglait ita tension, uvery fancio anaes lînacsquence. Slntfewriters and th. auperntèndenta of insae asvlxxu, unit. in ascrlblng te, the offets of seli.abnaa the great majority ai wastod liveeawhch coine under tmeir notice. If you are incompetent for thie arduons dalles of busines, ucapacltated for th. cujapi et of lite, No. 8 offersau eacape fr-O th. effeots of early vice. If you arm advanced lu pes,% No. 8 viii give pou Inn vigor aud atugti l onae rke ovyically sud moral y tram -early ludiscretion, the Tremiise û lBokr c f Mas. Sealed sud secure from 'observati. Addres ai! e'nmunicattons t10aL.V.L B ,7WefgonS..,oon. à Man witimout wâsdom lives in s fooE'm paradite. CURES OUARAWEED. REAL THE.SICK. A Permanent Cure. ><APloasa nt* Curez ea 1VegetàbIe.te Axtinoe to the ocdupa±of.-Put up lubyjhe cally aeiled. ,Alwaye s suadreliable. -i liaative, alterative, or purgati, 'these --fttle-, eliet8 give the moat péà uatfsactlon. filus Atckand ali derangement fthe stM- ach and bowMels eprompt- ly,ýrelfeved and =euln PierceJa Pleasant Purgative pelle 1,i e lanattonof the rmda oe ft et over se great a varlety of disam mnay truthfully be said that their action 14 the system launivérsL. jiot a gland or ti escaplng their sanativelu-ifluence. solcj druggists, 25 cents a viaL.Manufactured at1 Jheilcal Laboratory of WORLD's DispuUq MMIDxAL .&ssOCIAIOlq, Buffao, N. Y. $500 -Ew 'la offered, by 1h. m crs~ ~ og ofD. ae'ata aslCatarrh w heavy headache, obstruction of- the nsuj psae.disoharges falling from the head sud th throat, sometimes profuse, watery, adacrid, at others, tbick, tenaclous, mucoua' purulent bloody and putrd; the cyea aam weak, watery. and Iuflarned; there Ia rlngn lu the cars, deafness, liacklng or coughlnet , clear the throat, expectorationi of offengve matter, togerlier wlth scaba from ulcers; the_ voleelse changed andI bas a nasal twangj, the breath la offensive; emell and taste are lm-, paIred; tere la a sensation of dlzziness, with mental depresslon,à ackn ogh sud g9n< erldblty. Only a few of the bv-ae» sympoms re ikél tobe present im any n cas. Thousande of cases aunualY, ýwlhout msnlfesting haif of the above smtom%, je suit lu consumptlon, andI end l he gae No dlsease lasgo commnion, more deceptive an4 daugerous, or less uuderotoodby phsin By Itsmild, sootInLu and heeabng propetq Dr8ae' eatrhR ed cures the wor casecofCatarrh <601d lu Ihe head, Coryza, aud (Jalarrhal Headache.' Sold by druggiste everywhere; 50 cents. «iJntoM dAgony from OCatarih." Prof. W. RATIsSER,1 the, fjimous- mesmerlat, of 1thdca, N Ywrltes: "Some-ten yearsagV I sffered un&a gony from. chromo nsaw catarrh. My famlly Piucian gave me up m 1ncurable, andsais I- must die. My case »w sucli a lied one, that ever day towards suil. set, my vole would become so'hoarse I coutl barelyspeak aboveawhisper. luthemornint my icoughingrand'cearlng-0f My tbroatwoua ulmoatstrangle me. By the use of Dr. gag*~ Catarrli Remedyui l trée, m:ontha, I was a wel manin, sud the cure bas been permanent." ESCo-tantly Rawkln g MndlspImulg.9 TgoxÂs J. Rusmsne, .Esq., 2M02Pine Stree, St. Loui, Mo., writes: "1 wus a great suffero from catarrh for three years A.t limes 1Icouli liardly breathe, and was constantly bawkinqg and spltting, aud for the Ilas&elbt- monta, could7not breathe tbrouglh the zoetrls. r thouglhtnotblng 'couldÏbe done ûèforme. Luck. nIy, I Was advlsed to try Dr. Sages' Catarrh Remnedy sud I amn now a well man. I belieul Il lobe ;he onlysurýe remedy for catarrl nov msuufactured, sud one*lias only to give It fair trial to experlence astoündlng resuilsa ai a permneunt cure." ThiOrsetoles Cure CatarriL E'RoiBnzm bunijera&P. 0O., 7ounbi4sOo. Pa. saz: My (lmugkler:-ba-eter w- se waaiveus Qlv 0IawD Sage's Ctarh ]Rm U ye-d-sud pro. cure«d-a bottie -for-ber, sud- soon saw that lielped lier; a thlrd bottle effectçÉd a pr nent cure. -She la now elghteen jears odsi tound sud hearty." 1- IMPO0RTAN T NO0TICE I ON ACCOUNT OP ILLNEBS I RAVE Deoided to go out of -the-,CrookoeryBýu8!ile8s, AND WLLL SELL WITOUT RESERBVEB DINNER BfT'A SE!TÊTS CHIAMBEB SBTTSe. CHINWA GOODSY ~AY~WREGLAWAE LAP GOODS AND SILVfl AilLaeatStles sud Patterne Do &édlay lu meurg The best and Oheapeat ûtroceiia OnedO TEAS -AN D,- FFE ES A' - 80 E( The~/m~ Louise Balèing o4rýzt 'O f!uln ~ Vote ou, the eam of su es bill e a tht t;& the- begi The Be enatisfo: ifsvo Dot be1 of July, by the' olber le On T South b been di plants - semi ci .Penn groupei brotboî doub's and- 1 vhom cf Mn. Dey, retary som. for Iftfa»t#eand ChiIdrons [remmend Ita«m4upoeto ».pr.elUoi etS&s~Sow Mac, Dlarbce. CtUD knowo m." . ~ AXM IL»D., I - olba,<foms ileP, mdproSs i 11 o zb et-& &b% y 1. bS mei TuCITun Coxolm, 77 Kurra Street, N. Y. 1 1 ' . 1- 1 PENMANSII-IP,

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