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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Jul 1888, p. 4

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SPIRING -STOC IjUST REOEIVED, -o- Try a Paokai on your walls, at>d you'l neyer ui calsomine or whit wash again. G. -Es GIBBAR] se L. KEDICÂL HÂ ONLY i oo PER ANNUN WMhy, Frldy, JMIy6, lu l'a useetfO'Dounell vs. lb. Loudom (Bng.) Tina s.,lno$ s mexoitingas il vas exp.eite tom ont. lTh. Tisa ohorged th. lrish Land Leas vith havicg-bad a had nd utho butebeiy elz yeari ago of Lord Cavendish and under. Becretary Bark lu PhSeulPark, Dublib, sud among other menlloned Q'Donol as havlng countenauced ibe Ihina Prom the manuen lu vhich thé eue ih golng alogit appean masf the Timoi and O'Dounel voire pUling theïr headi iïgethen m.rely t. harm the baue. Tauz Americans an. goiug ,quJl>'on vlth their PresdentIalelelio eM- palgu 1, , are publlshing plolresOf theh uospéctiobadituesuad vide, and buctiug up tlifr pedigrees. Prom what vo notice Il Booms b us that the mos meriorloa blood ou.e au pohses lu t Bluetes1 Muet -corne dovu froin those vho wev etonbeltand bob abaud à 1f4h.- "aut t 7.. Of10 descen daniofet b. o'Id MnUlBdltsh'ïed -no-e thi luln ..t. 4P eaud cf thent a, unies.I mtay b.ihat ïBey had a baud inu'the Amenica butbery of 18685. But the day bie "cominq even in the States vhen neal-menit viiibe reqaired. and thon mon like Cleveland vWi alwayg vin. A great ÉmanypsopinOanad a r.r feutully alarmedIoer lter. mîgh4 >o var lu Europe and -a 1ev Turku or Rus., stan. get killod. There le a good doal &id about a prospective van, but 1* la genonaly notic.d -th"t thoso bo talk no muoh about fghtiug are blou h.. fore theysleaàblov. Ifthere are a"y people in Europe, or any othen dia tant part et thoevonld, vho vaul to tsawoa*" othen's bafr lotihsm pfile iu- toIt md hm ât.ti Thasbthb bt a ealmoi coul &Y, at. miii. a fus. Oma a kom XI oantllckauybody a»d la mot tlkug ftght, go v. ueed Dot Wrrig th. h.aod tenu ornes tho pï«neulgsd for a holiday. Ail people onga@Mote a olive abot, lu mental or pbÏysa, aithbo bttet fon a 1ev veeka, on oven a lev dayauneat, vih a change of soenety audsurtundingu. Borne nminotaiffond thecosîof a .lengtheOd tnp tixemhomes; but thete ae 1evwho are net ablo *0 labo a day off ocomn toiy. For thooite ou Iqito a v.ek ortoatuip dova 4th. 8t. Lavreme. oruptblk«t il -provide theo e. .d chance. I3ct eo aad, eomifort should be sought1lu smmeerme, vboththeslat trave ro tor a day. itlu rquW o tm tive Jasbot, change Item home 6cones, vani-1 dem tm onyaMd cure. L a g a a s a n qo -h r u e r t i l 'l It l'h. pressent rate of intereet ou monoy sud the large suais valtlng luvestmeni lu bbe banke bai raieed te question amoe athe sitisus s 1 vhethew it sitould net h. tabou advantage ef to seure a ne-conaolidation of the city debt on a more favorable bus than the exùiilg one. l'Th. lait consoidation vas made in 1879, vhou the Ontario Legialalure gave the cii7 pemIssoS nenev lh. deboulures asthoy 1.11 due at 4 per cent. T'helait debentures eovered by tbé met tali due iu 1906 and bea.r interesl at 6 per cent. Iu rougla figures the promeut ciiy debt amenais te $8.500.000, bearung intereet as follova: 84,000,000 ai 8 peucet., *1,50,00 stper oult.,wa$lbthe- aling #,00,000 st 4 per cenS. To tibl may b. adied 81,000,000 deben- tures tb te put on the market this year *0 cuver Court Elous. aud City Hall expenditune aud ebben similar vonku. l'he lait sui vii eaU for lntenesb at 4 per cent. lThe ixéessud ftvés as they fai duo Ste llfted snd ' nplased illa 4 cents. 0f1h. 6 petronte 8400,000 loti due almou immedis ansd viiib. r.. neved on lis boule, _sad lu Jepuary auoîbez e wo,000 bu t. be POUd iî- the same àme. It ved rqui -a speclslat ofPortiamenî t reeteé sixes W vtfouteand la lb. mnd of mâny municipal exper t la lujust a queu@"on ve*th le LWUIlatuto ouRdi grantt"hiPo ver t. litectye lHapplly théesix«ssre aul isdt.e% Md Win &Ul be nede.med wvtiina 1ev y..n.,Il is aise a question vbether thé bole et thedebenturesveuld bho vlllg te aurrender a 6 puo ent. bond ti»getlu rtin a 4 Pe enut. .Thoy vonl lua eh probability demaud an *qnlvalut for the lmoicf 2 pet- coul I I I hamd ire 1eLua 4ern1sabout a "é At 1he ProhIbItIoncm ontion in )blontisalBey. Dr4 Sutherland w*enl ln sttongl for a thtnd Party., Thie Ide& oeeu tebeoet a gooI naate m*peranc Inen vwho 10.1 thmat tby vonld m gond Rendort of apoltuicolpsttys but Il iýt don' iiany vho one bouomtly taboîg t. 'advance temperanos vork. Toro a àgood Isuiporance Manuor probi. bitionieti i. t *slthat is. neoossay lu ltse ' 1tn lelsaifé oi%~n Âuothei a a med Plack bas been MOl enough te maks *an allempt te mavigats th. rapide lu Niagara rivei and loat bisehIin 1a heeffort. Ih eau. mot h. regarded as being a <neat loi. 10 the commuaity vhsn se Ioolbardy a fellov ii drovned lu suobaitomnd sot, non le Il a groesmh"fortune that ho is eut of the rond, for tboso fellovs vho altempt Ihee rokie soat@ canneS bolp but lead mauy morseie 1h.hejava of dsath, if esouocel. To put ou euough cbeek Se defy fate ih mot an asot ofusnh greal menit assoma ef theus mon sup- pou.. Il la a ulugular hing boy mon vfiiitube-their hlu nthait bauds for ltse sake of empty applaum. With- lu th. laittonu y.ariseveal eofIbis. reekeus mou have RosI their liv.. sither tnying Se ride the rapide or *0 valk virsa even thom. TJ Torouto's Givie Debt BEm AXOUNT T ITaOr WESAN» IRATE 0r INTEKET T BAIs Tu le Thursday 1.the buit4, ad lb. voi ul moing cf9Pnlday lune UhV"; Oitosv mmb eiuirrayboté y p* mat, aer. Doon ai ouiuio bobool pi.nto Ovling b the oloudy uonangIl vu MMc until about mm ta apoc.o f si Baud 40ol7 vendlng its a Y owpi1s tho l""",t grève 0f wS.. Olark, Say. wuc ed hna a oumil. 0f tlit arovse, tbi muln 01, i.h .1t~d ly uin am I Il hout eeondi best-andreceied - e#eràl bïule and enues On te lace. lThoy vois paried by epeoan,othenylse il la bard ton»y, hat migit .have been The Royal Templars VII ioda pi.. umc ai Oonbeteipoint, on Fnda&y 18&h JuRy. lTh. commites of manage.ment vMi endeaver te make ail arrangemeont. necossary and a Pl$""#n day *q-looked, forvard -te. Membora are aI nt te invite Inoenda té spend th. day, wih ithem ai the point. I hope 1h. pro. prisIons of th. OxuoNîcLu vil onoidier titemeelves included ini Ibis, invitation but vould Unagepn them tbe nec.sety of placiug the "fighting ]Md." uder the cars of a proper guaàrdian. W. vould suggest ihey send to, Port Penny for that particular Individu&l T'h. baebail match boe on Monday beiveen Oghavwa and Brooklin dnev quite a large Boamber of! speetaton among vhom vas a goodly nuaiber of lhe fait.sex. Brookiu presenled Balley and Cooper for ballery but Cooper couldn'î hold Bailey and Cutllwli uo wu. playing short veut mbib te, box. In lh. begiuning 1h. Rame pnomià ede be closely, oontesied, but seil progiessed Oshawa Jrev ahead and. ai thrë-Iose the ecore stood 22 te 89 i lu sava' Davor. Fielding ennoi e es aumnous and cesuly 10ont rboys.lTh.e«arn., hovever, vas au improvemont ou Ihat played Iatsly vitb Whitby. The umpire vho came vith Oshawa vas veiY impartial sud Ihore vu usOely a word of kioking heaid. He made erroi but vbat auplre ever satisfies evorybody ? Il je greatly te tlb.-dis- crodit of one of Onur Young men. that ho tried te pick a rov vith the umpire.' Speclalons must nemomben that lb. umPite ià the sole judge of the play sud the ouly person vho ought te, or lam buy righlt to"Yuaye"«ytbitgluelhr of tb. captaini. Theue ames are play- ad fon fen and necreation sud no bitter feeliga ought tW be alloved tb corne 1 thesu"dam ; mohis itte be deprecat- ed that the umpire vas iusultid and abusod by a pomson ho nover playm vith us and vho bas not coutibuted onec0«$ to Ourclub ud is »Sa mem - ber. Our boys vauiito10h.dlatnotly mndéesood thateutuideru are net thank- ed lt tem luterlerence. Tbey viah tb assure the club froiu Oshawa Ihat thoy heard of th. mev vith deep regre aud t. place on record the taet ibal tb. elnb aud umpire behavoa 1k. gogee Mon. Mr. Ais" Gros., of ObiOs<O. 1à visiting hie parents thiswvek. mm .AiberI SID<r, of Toronlt.,in ini Whitby visitixag ber parents. MWu R. Nourse, of this tovu, linvlmfing Moenda in oobesme #ud New York. Mr. E. L. Laviaur, of0f Oot. Par.veli p~q a n. sat t. hie. hone Mr the Mr. W. K. Johaston, aohltoo, aftsr uponding a t.w day. n l ov, bals retunzmed to sanit Ste. Mari&. Mu l Jhn0ev.and is. 0ofvesof qMtl Dominion Day.i on h " uo Mr. Thos. Mymi, Jr, of &acebridge, wou [mi. Hendersonor., sud a party of Boy. mnff. Moin3a, took theNoram..fer M.F«o$ s tu lovaIbsvedkthefi&M ettende vhi ntaean maonts. massAmai. ouiuou us p-,a-u and nrsh.ovc e a ddlm vhm lb. Sunl VM i. E . 1aa. L.Le"na"Eauly aMd Miseu mL , ,aui «f Bobese. lri, s. 0. job mitsall olv ffle *10u nssi or ivo. t'cm Go, v,.. u~suWM& wu7WDeKei n suoeca a plèjed-4Asorèt of 010&&th vhlch iji ase up lu bis uai gosi style by TA IL OIING -ESTBIIMN.~ Eaat o R~ 8 oâ h ofotlonary, storet, 4 '5 2 8 7 6 - Figures put in tbis way don't draw much of a crowd-don'I intereat many people--do they?2 But when we si-%j ont a couple of them and put them in Ibis ishape-25c. and thon put themin ont window on a lin. of DRESS GOO]y8S worth 80o>., their drawing power i. at once noticeable. And then we single out two or three more and put theun up in îii way-12je. and put them on a lin. of Wide-Width Engliali Prints aI our door worth 15c., and il la s tonishiiig how !aiiy peoplo il doointerestl Even ontcompetitors ge wýork-ed Up about it. Then -we uise these figures once more bo show hoy' low ve are selling an AML WOOL BLACK CÂ8HMERIE and the effeel le so starlting that one of ont competition houm1 becomes so dazzled and oonfus.d, as to be unable to distinguish a Union from an AII.Wool ashmeire. La die Then we draw on tbe figures again-s.ingling ont 8 aud 5--which maires 850. W. then put them on a lino of SILR, PLUSH wbich w. bave in aI. 1h. ieading shades, aud again th. drawing powera of 1h. figures are noticepible by the mlany people that eaUl on ont <11k Plnsh-and s0 we continue te, use these figures, every timne making thera 1.1-but the onily way to do il la 10 have exaotly what you advertise, and st the prie advertised. BRO< Se. the lin. of Satins (in al l th leading colors) that we are seling aI 60. Se. th. Black Merveilleux w. are seiling at 75c. Se. th. Grand Value vo are giuing iu Hosiery. 8,. tb. Extra Inducementa un Embroidery and Lace Deparlment. Se. our offeringaisin Gloves sud Hosiery. GALL SOON GALL OFTEN LO wuIIAT 1 "A Âc The Win plie a0em TUE -Fa8hionable CHANG#E OF Dry Goods and Tai/or/n g -Emfporium, B-USIN9ESS!1 Th udeéaea-voir--00---- tepblethtt'e hvý pnro~sedthe Grocery Business lately -carried on in the Town of Whitby -by R. H. Jameson, ana that they wii cntinue the <urne in the old stamtd T'he Italian Warehouse, Dundas Street. New Good a riving aily, -which they cordiaily invite the public te inspeet. A fair <hae Of patronage kindly solicited.- No trouble te show gooS. Ail orders promptly delivered. MýA Pi IRINGLE'8 Oiikfiktqne Door FA RMVER8,l N h 'lA 1] To Whom.it fmay Conoern:- BY-Lato NO. -Twnhhdp of Whüby. Notice lsbereby gfren in aoordanoew ith section W ansd 567 sud obsogotos thcreo ci thé Re*ige munieipalotf O7 beownshîp o01Whby iunte 0u of Onitarloiýfntu at a M =el of 1h. siu Council te b. hel& on Mfondag, 8rd, day:of 9ept.p 1882 aI 1he heur oM I ala'aZ.1m-i Lmà4 drow. l'h THI1SO0N,- ýBRO,ýS., ou PRINGLE.-- l'auM political atuosphere of the Dominion io se olean @ as eau h. mt nov. sir John and hie ministera are going around t0 pic-nies at vateuiug places, Sir. Richard and. BilIy Smith, M. P., are buey laying corner stones Ion' ohurches, the Globe sud Empire are numng 1he United States presidenîlal campaigu; Goldwin Smith i. leoluning on Commercial Union lu tho States, and D. P. Burke ih up lu Aigoma. l'h. other politiolons are net of much aouant, and aI amny rais cannot b. tiaced ai present. 7àý7-,7, L â-1 l'ý 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2

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