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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Jul 1888, p. 7

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d retail, r rery deboipti., lng12 Beoai.ahi orket., E1T etc., togethe; ,À op THB SYSTRMs ReD.D., ING Go.- OITO, ONT. rper, Esq. 'g examnined oty cf Sewing ce conclusio- Iby L. Fair~- .5e, asin Ilu -àll flot eaaily muais longer sef betin tuken parties waùt.. bte Sewing 'ully endors. ;uliy recor- nîly sewing -s than any vthing te do- JARPER. aiid im the s Dîistrict. i on file et Ivspaper A d- ýwhere ad. de font W Rios. RTH, -OUTS rlydecd N tIlTS se. ME aS- &wU@ULq 1 U. -Cor. Wit d Humour. o UaII To OIit#A of mc;t roome will bot. p&i e o ih o ,b r t o nf F r i y m o r - il i y D e L Bt aoiS weather propbot prediolet lasf yow ¶Çbompmon fi'uid Neil d l IWy8n e pgt s well ~ ed that th J el e wny~ ohn$ý50,00 s&ldd00818 fo keeping si a Wl o "' hauVwp yan a'in the meutb of luie - Why bouge of ii leo h 1.~e a.*al dwul with aà olean diteÏ, firmly did es make it frty whlle- ho Magitis Sofield, à -inmatej asfnd lled on Sos abroorai Wôuld m was about it-âud provide the' bark in #10.00 and o681à. &ga ..s cnsequeuce ol.ecti piof dut ha otiIbhuge- the bargaiD ? Sthe Iown is now rid cf ibis nuisancé. oçlood. i pt fsemî îybn. týesoîjves would be cf ne use in tbis Orillia might woll b. stylod "the ad ,world, if rogeslêloold only bide thom- mnaple c1ly." When the many thons- When the Princesa of Wales oponod seleS8 efeoflllY~a coller stnd and yoiing maples whioh flow lino bot.h tbe royal caval and military bazaar se doge wbefl it snddenly drops fron your aides cf aimoet svery street in town Wadrsdinnv bne ilwh flgre dyen have but Ion minutos bave attainod matnrity, -the aspect Ibro. bande cf soarlet upon thie skirs. 0o atch the grain. frein tbe lake will b. of a city buit,.o Te on picsesiinoi n W. are rather uorry that buttons on a maple foreet. The maple ity would Maud, simply dreesd in brown toiler. " ladies Costumes are not going te ho 50 be a mcii appropriato'nsmo for Orillia, made gosturnes, were witb their mother. large -this year. Tbey woro comparae- - -and we suppoe folewing the ecue-. Mrs.; Cleveland's passion for pansies tjvely oheap, sud two or threo of tbein tom cf other places that bave eutgrown is beoomiug vory well kuown. Her D would dresi à 5wGmin & boutl as coin. their short olothes, wo shculd have pures.suifera aetSthe banda of every r (C hf fortably as an ulster. soins kind cf a fanoy tille. Washington buckster cr florist and New Jersey mother-Lijin, didu't I Aitbougb our laws do -net aoînally every jewollex who bas; any depigns in Has a world wid: reputation hear thal Young man kise y6 in the ýsanction imprisoninent for debt, they whîch t1ke pansy predominstes. He re l a tr. imacfmdcale hall lasI night ? Lulu (sibyly)-Yesi make it possible for a creditor tc have pretty pancy pin with its diainond di.*ases cf the Ridney and Li, rnaw. Mother-Then ho bas proposed? a debtor sent to jail Io'r non.payment .etnej erprinr avrt nte S«3r FTýOm Lrlu-NO, maw, not yet but I amn ai- cf a debt,-whioh at first sight seeme Jewellerylinesuadeshe bard [y ever I mlost sure ho will. virtually the s@rne thiug ;-but thero is appOBi's Without -it. *KUiNFI COM PLAINTJ "dSe yen Married a Polieki nobleman a difference. The mn committed for back ; a duil pain or weight ir and oficer 2" Elgie-"ale's tweuîy contompt c.f court, under a judgmont Par.t 0f The. Holineh<ld. base of the abdoman; sesidir and oh, go handgoin e d-" bt' ummous, is jailed because ho refuses ',I have nsed Hagyard's Yellow Oil witb stricted- frequent desire te 12 nineb satisfaction, for Colde and Sors ally at u.{ght, among aged p bis namo ?'Etie-"'There it je jin te pay that sum thke judge has provions- Throat. I woula net ho without it at any sidu, pale complexion, red an( wiinog: I cau't proncunee it, Ada- l emdhmal epy fapo cost, as I look upon it as the best medicino rpiaewmg,&. "iWhat do yen eall km ?', Elsie- debtor has no money and no means of sold for famiby use.,, Mies. E. Bramhall, 8Armp"Om --Darlinlg."' obte'ining il, Sthe jndge would net under Sherbrooke, P. Q. P A. speiled dog-Omah.s man-it's a any cironmetanceso commit him. The In Oxford, Ont., the reward for the cap- LIVUi COM PLAINT, dt my teyt me how thstat d yen îold microbe who eau psy and won't, gets ture cf borsesthieves has been increased by (lice, shallow complexiona myser ooga well-merited punishmnt cf ton days thse County Council te $250. in ,no ife 'or energy, head te ue as ronhl p.He won't eut in Skie nsfectory et Bannie. At thie suit Consumptien Surely CurH W OU eanything but portenkicuse steak and cf Skie Traders' Banik, Orillia,and others19WOR wçon't drink auylkiing but beer. Wbene Paul Brune, a Coldwater mnu, was îast To THE EDrren: Mnrk n adlo dia yu gethimi2 Deler-I bougkit week senîenceid to tki. county jail for 20 Pîsase inform your reudêrs that I have a cures, c and n cied w him, of à tnamnp. dy.Teej on tl faoihn ositive remedy for the above named dies, as in Dr. Ctases Liver days Thee issometalkof aolisi dgSease. By ite timely use thousands of positivelycuire all Kidney-Li Sîranger (iu Wyoming town)-Can Skie judgo's privilege in tii respect. If olesa ae aehsupraotyaracts like a cham, stimulai outell me wkiero Skie village sohool- snob a course was taken, il wonld leave hed I sasesbgave ti s emu w etîs c liver, strengtheni g iths kidj yen hl e ldt)sn tobtlso ating the whole body. Sold1 master livos ? Nary perd. Thi' nigh- oun business mon withoul a hold of any my remedy FREE te anly of your readers $,;lwith Receipt Book, whicl est I eau come to il is ter tltiwkar 'kie kind upon Skie debtors who inake up who have cousumption il they will send thse meney. ,&id live. "Ho undertuk l' tel Hank their minde net te pay. The ten days' nie their Express aud P. O. address.Dr as' a~nu' dartor Beoky that'f-e-I-i-n-e sentence bas bronghl many a stubborn Respectfully, Dl%. T. A. SLOCUM, 87 KIuNE only Eiduey- spi aS,' -WeII th' suow-drops is dead.beat 10 bis onses, oven after YneeroTrotO 5î.LIV ER l aybe t jest potn whore w. setS km eut. eveny othor moasune bas failed. Henry Wilrnot, M. P. P. fer Frontenac, P LS loyrnt. 1 sprouiil(lied suddenly at Kingston. leeSe Lietveess, &c. A member cf the Irishi Houes cf A very peculiar case was heard before Home Hints.enss,&c O)ommoi2s, who was a fluent but vapid Jndge Boyes, aetSkie Coldwater Div. fol t. Sold by aUl dealers. Prias 25 tlken, was rnaking an interminable Court, lest week. The parties in the Mrs. Robert Williumt;on, cf Glenila, speech againsl a bili whicki Cunran de- case were Mr. M. J. Herbert, bnewer cf parry Sound, ont., eays, 1,I could net keep FARM IMPLEMEN7 bouse without Hagyard's Yellow 011 ut fendod. The speaker et lest reminded Orillia, pIf., and eue Bond, of Graven- baud. 1 have used it in niy tamily for hlm thal bis tinie kad expired. "ITimo hureS, againet whom Skie suit wam enter- Croup, Sors throst and a cnt foot, uud eau Walker iron plow, Pat Mn. Speaker 1" oeiaimed Curran "b. ed. The case waî taken Se Coldwater, higbly recommend it te everybody." Cîsyton root drill, land no logsince doue witk iSmo. HeDo w e n attempt baving been made tb The body of J. D. Jackson was found at baoeruoe, thres srenchiug ou eternity." garnishee the Geongian Bay Lumber Vancouver with hie throat eut frein sur te miii, doublesetthrseo, A. sonny retreat- boy's orphan asy- Oc., for whom Skie defendant was work- car. F. HdubeOet anes juin. ing. Mn. J. H. Haoeoond, cf Orilhias A Reasonable Hope FktbArl&h 8. RI The busle is tkie besl arn nomS evor appeared for Mn. Herbant, sud a genîle. Ie eue that is bassd ou previens knowbedge hty p 6 ,8. invented. inuyclept Kimber Johns, cf Ikie a er experieuce, therefore those whe use B. Chioken thievos regard a bird in Skie duel city, for Skie dofence. Tho evi- B. B. muy reasonably hôpe for a cure be- U H . baud is wcntb two on the nooet. doe went te show tSia Mr. Herbent cause the previeus expenience cf thousande AUTR S The gin eau do. net point a moral Lied înpplied Boyd with beer Se the who have used it, shows it te bave sueceed-M but vcry freqnently adonne a tail. aMount cf $150, or thereabouts, knâw. ed evon in the worst cases. M "AlI's well SkiaI ends sweîl," said lb. mng tSkil doing so he was violati If ail so-called remedies have f uiled, Dr.TI man hen he lechwas emovd f Skite law. Wben Skie tineocaine for col- Suge'e Catarrh Rcmedy Cures. igniaokened oye. 1 bection Se b. made, Boyd nefused te RT bis è o amsu -nyO ) puy, on Skie grounds etkia SkicBotts ActA A.I,? "Wanècl or amusun-ay eu cfws thon in fonce, sud goode sold con- A. New Homle Treatment fon the. cure ofr any threo cheeneskiaI were not given trany tb iaw oonid noS îegaiîy b. col- c-atarrh. catarrhal Deafnem ansd wîtk ill~v1." leoled for. Mr. H.amrnond put in tkie Bay Foyer.AnA Lt s uecfSh pculantis f higipies thal bis clienS wass nuwarecf tbe Tme microscope has proved that thesa dis- man1 lu general tsiatSke fresheat cf meu defeudats intention te regail Ski ecases are contagIons, and tisaS they are due te o generaly tel thestalet stoies.ving parasites in thse iuterliuinlg ae geueraly bu he stbat atnies.liquor ; hk. isit have required il for prsenrae of iseuprarpsgsudes Se.skihe flexîbility Of the Engihieua- bis ownunue. This argument feil a tachian tubes. The ominent scientiste, Tyn- . Rue, guage : A boy b. inangled and a in litho flat, hie honon noS cooiprehendi>g duil, Huiey and Boule endors. this. and thseFot be oyoted.bo ~<,ninrymenalooîdauthoitesCannet bdi ted. The regnlar ca eau yotd o noriaymra ol dispoee motisod ef treating tise. ses bas been to AI8 The. rosse ýwkysome meu can't make cf seoumuoki beer in tbe short space cf apÉly un irritant remedy weekly, and evan both eds mýçt isbecaut theyare, oo thr monts. Weghty, neee arioniseild thusSee membraneli ae ru$7râOhunrch pt et boîi ndeu~ isbesus tey retoc5k.. onhe.WeghS dka ver bataccnssntstate ef irritation, slloiring 15 ne bueyinmaiugone ud dink wer lb.argment addcedon bîkichance to boul. sud us a natal cosoquence zeie-"'How ckiarming 1 BosS thauks t1___ wornu t socieiy belle is like olill") d igbtosen W. F. Be ufeUO msple sugar. It bas a cenlainkid o Bull")gd ri nCoîylorado an. e sweotness buS bas ho b. laid on the doonl Clrao aboli wheu Skie new cncp comas in. Lile Tin Loy, dangkitem cf a Chines. s yur osiionlu h. torcopitalisl cf San FranoiUsceà 0i. Ocf Smitb-"Teyu oitoSnkhitoete incaS niolly-dreîeed wemen on Skie - permanent?~" Brown-"'Not I amnpacifie coat. juet ike a minu iding in a wheelbar- 1.1 is made known te tb. wcrld ihalt rcw." BSmith-l'Ah, yen; oxpeoingMnsuMi.halrl.ltt fn- eveny minute So goS dumped." elyMise Amolia Rives> are lIkely to Fond wife-,"Tbo Siithe muai b. mako thein borne in New York. awfnl poon, lbey nover give suytiiig Mmi. RendaEUtheb. Eglh actras, isÀ ejihen." Fend wife-"lOhl, but il adtednv huimoncm c '* q~uo~ n because we baven'S gel pIeuly.' a b au fatri u adesae eMïscjIeaslia" cu I skeanv nsd psienied, sud whioh 09 joues (reading)-«"I sea two bainlols éhe .ateu~ amatil auve Iwo MI"____ale have been destroyed by au avalanche in by roveraing ber se. Switzerlsud." Bmith-"L don'i know A beveJnHyePr, A~~ ihal I am se very n~ Thon. are .Lecre eot >êblen- "g f RN togthr ee nSlY ailoi ci e12 sud 1 lu ibe aterooon, nineêteUathi cf*bu otg."the -girls taipas. have. $ulr fae$ Don t rige aman blbisolhe.I .I.dieeeboê ylse they are shsbby, thée hanoese ve Ihat ho b s movoy h b.bnk f-à- -hi. ~te u thoy are oqesx e l squit. llkely th at nePlu thétaler tuIcwn thn.voution of au higenions -wouua. The Mn. oeboe-"Idrés typoidpointe tutt u oppolto 4In"uÏkThey __________ Mre.Verose'll ebdtypoi apelaUy uufti forIDlulle5U foyeémr.th*an any ditossoIknowofY jC A<> Illa wo isia C US Mn. Vabos" 4IYe oié t.is liaibou prise me 1 I shoc kk ockJaw 1 b. mdtgather. wouid a >or bote noir."héaelarafsonudp d e1 "Wki," sid ié ycug wfe cf 6 oommends two pockets i& b oýâ le phyicin, howas giving to boastiiig ulster or dolman when $walltag, e f bon busbud's profeesiona 5EiI olehold lumps fsuan d ith W 1haýï §ho oured a patient ofcoolsseiice in for e au ini le poeobhsidkictf0- leis than 24 heurs." wiela tl b e.noie with, Mis Etkoi-.'I W"u sesorry to enae Prs. Ouest Wilde la Baia to*eOir lte Y * cf your papsfelluaClam na.&d f &à aie-s~ rs bçghteis It really Iue ?" Miss latr-lYiS I ot-th.saeedreu.,litier.etth aud for only sixly lhousnd dollarsMmrneplat, biug fl* oun gl , ýi4 à Mamma sua I féol tee moriffied fèrornd 'h ik 'hg anythlsg ~standing nuffl 1 % 'QaSoue~. Flvervbodylu .hurch eueptlb.he w Deoatm fl.,1,ot 0 i ý,W," ,ntrfftii» wt uIlsho, as ate-w j ho s i ealasue orabilvnt M 8t ndp*ff ,ùr oi Mo-a" ulgnhi 1î1C ý - ..~ ~.tALt wl"»0"a an- -Y 0O1WX~8 iase Dandeion Liver 1 kili, curing al Aver. Distressing aches and pains in the in the bladder and ing urine often ob- Durinate,1 ospeci- persons- hot, dry Ld whi.te deposibs, ln under shoul ler blades, Jan ,weary, tired feel- Ldache, dyspepfia, &o. NID. are nature's Liver with Kidney reme- Cure, will almost .iver troubles. It ating the clogged Lneys, and luvigor- by ail dealers at Dh alone is worth 's Pila are the '-Liver Pulls made. ýtly yet effectual- taken during em- They cure Kidney- Ies, headache, bil- Sons pin1 a dose. e cents. ýeuon gang plow,i oller, Ayer's imon ster und usower, Hcnay fanulng etc. W'ÂRD A1NNES. l'oR SPRAIN5, CURES, AN~D SPLINTS WHMB FORK£ING. v'on OÇR.EOH5,OAlpPD HELS, wflm GALLO. FO&RLHElUMÂTI5M IN HOBES. FOR SoRE TIEOATS AB»DIn;LTRMZÂ. FOR BROKEN MMRES, BBUIBES, OAPPED HOCILS. FOR Sn BORE OULD)ERS, BORE RES FOR FOOT ROT, AIM D BE KOUTHS IN 5HEEP AND LAMBS. FOR BPRAINB, OUTS, BRUIBES nE DOGS. -SPECIMEN TESTIMONIALS. From His Grace the Duke cf Rutland. "Belvoir, Grantham, Le. 1, 1879. fe'grs,-EUimansBoyal Embrocation la used in my stables. I îhinki very usefuL. "B1rxTLÂND, Master of Belvoir Hunt" ««Castie Welr, ]Kingstonl, Herefordshfre, "Dec. Brd, 1878. "Gentlemeft,-I use the Royal Embrocation in my stables and hennels, and have found it very servloeable. I have al80 used the Universal Embrocation for lumbago and rheumatisf for the last tw~o years, and have sufferod very Uittie since ulng it. norshire Hunt." ELLIMAKt'S ROYAL EMBROCATION, *Sold by Chemises, Stores, a.nd Baddlers, Pric e. fl ~f~ IEXFIAUSTED VITALITY, [nufatturers of LUSSES "FICIA L &panufor a inte !the Hi Body-Spinal Di Diseas o f t) and Ankie, Io Bow Legs, Clu eto; Toronto, On T..LIFB, SkiheB grasSF Me&diclWork o!fSkie age on Manhcod, Nonvous sud iPhysbcai Debility, Promu-s Sur e Dodue, Enro! -o Youth, and Skis uutold miserbescclileqflen tSker. son,800 pages, 8 vo.,1 reBil"n o 92 &Îsses.Ciatk, futl) gilit, onlyl'O1,O by an Mail,sealed. Iii. smplo free te aut Young [. sud middls-aged men. Smnad now. The ,ig Gold an&Jeeled Meai awarded te Skie ,h anIser by Ski. National Ntedical Associa, ek Sien. Addresa P. 0. box 1895, Boston, ib Mass., or ho Dr. W. H. Parker, graduate ci Harvard Medical Collage, 25 yeans' practice in Boston, who maY b.ee onunted cenfidon. lialy.cltI, iseases cf Mon. Offie No.4, oh Street. IYOU WÂNT Choice Tarnip- 8eed, Extra, Sed'Cor'n, or Good, Flour AT RGTPIE Veitbng and aBýi. u9, b' 7 ' m<4not at rnlght-worse ý by' r'cac n-evdjstrc.sslig,. -1f, lowed te continuse tumors form w i bieed and ulcerate, becOD-1-flg very3 SWAYt4E:'S 0ll4TrAF-tlTr The Wondors of MWaglo Try "Dornedwen&5 Magie, To tkie eiderly manwilh is ick-ledcy Try "Doeen'Mai" A rioki bead cf hair, Le ae preciour.s rre - Try "ene'ns' age' The lay's mlsiortune who ezi ", 09' Try f'qDemen s ge" S k i. ea q uul " . ý.!h Ç-ap ly z e a ht fBKrs 5s!Oh gtàuauy 80 1 ton ycu. Try "Doreud'agie. Take time by tkie forelock an d uil ke yeur owu, Try DnwnL'150 Thié Tenie, a fiuehan ye et kùwD Try "DorneweàîcT Mageo.t Try Iismetto e ohoa, Try tilt yen sneoeedp SeItelyci This ucw fameous Prepartica for invige- ntinq suddsimulitgthe ýgrow*h ci the, hair.is uivsrysaaoeepted -a the" moat, voluable epecie-on Skie zuarkot. Au DlaeaEeSOfhbél-O5lp awe altier mi- 31 ve4 ,6 o 1r 1et M nu ti ,l glOlre & A v4h su tSiioWhS aX il 0 àa sola by,àll Drng e- boultes for0..1 A.DON W.B.PB r R^%sUM FtuisM LUM BFrNaQO. SOR<£TWROAT ..-..COLO. CHIILSTC0 1.S. T TheSaf'est. Quickest.rnost 14t fcertai n re medy /L1 WSILO U CH, E NCLÂND.] ý cure. 1

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