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Whitby Chronicle, 27 Jul 1888, p. 5

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IltIed wth Boonllfq A.euxýoy bF th. u»e of Opthalmaso pi TOp This instrument in cndorsed by the "-Soientiflo Amert6an," sud indios to a oertitt he 1619 is odiity t correct LOIG, FAR and SHORT SIGHT An& the more dlfficftlt cases of AS TIGM ATIS Ma OOULISTS prescriptionis, filled Frame. of ail kinds képtinw stock at du8 SeýBA RNARDU8 JZWELLER sd OPTIQIÂN, FRIDÂY, JULY 27, 18'88. LOCAL LACONICSO CHAT lBS fOINS ON lN ANC AROUNO TOWN-'-A SUOBET OF LIYELY LOCAL NEWS OLEANEI) ey OHRONWCLE REPORTERS âÂWhel'.a MDMan .,lki otes, -An, failliholl pront il. Tas vcrk of taking dovu lte shteds et lb. cld agrîcuttural grcundes ad -,re. inrg tem te lte nev le pregresi- iug as rapidty ai posibfle, and looksas if it wou.Id b. ornpleted in ac couple of veeki. Tme Women's Foreign Mïmiouar Socîety cf lte Pr'ebyteriafl cittrcitare piepering for au unuusuaily large lawu party at lte College gronndis nuit Wed- day night. There is ample reomtitore for a grand parly and we trust the ladies May baive a1l th. viiois they eau at- tend to - Woan comnes from Oebha cf au attempi'ed bnrgleiy aI Col. Mufligau's tee,.àudise Made by thée 1argm a eoke lire Co' servante matire fellovu hbad te fIyv ithoul aybooty. No burgiar evae euld pay bis vay lu Ooit.wa. Titere ls't nioneyenuigh iying arouad. Tas Baptist congregtieni of WhitbY and Brooklit eld Ibeir ,annusI pic-uic st Cerbslt's Point ou Frîday let.t The vitole, pàîly uumbering about six hundred, drovo down lunlte ferenoon sud had a grand dinner puaty, aller wviotich ie pleoisaut d*y vas spunt in, boallug oud cUrer arnusemni,.t las -lire targesi pic-nie of ltue séascuand passed cf plesisently. Mt . Jams Uroillno.Oe[nnt, cddrm.s es us sfoltovu :-"Hen-viug gel hold et a- dollar b"t and iaviug lire fiear cflire burdock graneysrd before my q..s, I hImten le send il to pmy mynbmSeiption for lte ONiL, ses- I ocould' 'set do Shail I eddie'il to Point Corbetî or te Wiritbys I dunno ?" Buliy fox James Minet1 Hé ina it and adeoétitfollow, aud May ire live ferevor. T» gaee et cicket played hore on Tuesdy, btv.On Peterbor# sd Ontarieo conntlest, vas n"table only for aurail scres aud gpe ow evi4. ,Ou botit ides-tirroou uthlie 4aylit vickets ver, subjeoedo 0a thorougir The battwg vasgenerolly opaufdre weak » amecly aàscore i1rQu<hd bave reached double figures lid tl, Pe1 ai, littbte urnptresi eer' beaU .leÛy. This latter 0utylsio Wad tohbave cool Onta$0- 4tylir tb.egaine,#A s blrtaltof 'r' â>oo ais, tbirl lyohf-hoh.vie eut ai obfrdl 10toh18 own opinion. R~ifrIual oonnty, 414 soins dean» gSt lb. bat, vbilliClark. eud Gold [id 1 fiai. bowling lilr ane e~.Lge. -m oa*ruied off get hnoe vling for - Ieterboro, sld. , a M.bat. 1 M- 1.-à-nhtin, liai h Bu 10k BavrmaATil 7.K. ag»iP K 'il b. asà fllcws-a mn.t'christ Ahe >ok" 1 Cor. z:4. p«oe. "BoulRst# Ilt. x:8 RLalingsa-sd Derusha, of Claregnont, voie bore on Menday by appointment cf Scot Ad&tMagistrale Hein., 10 cuevr ares câ f taving violated the Canada Temen AO. A vituuafi was elE o ore h o eltiquer et cash cf the pla , bui tho dofendants aked a poolpouernent runecoibcae, each claimiu lihtIb.e ould prove on Friday neu l mornf bis vife's relations vers theones le bleme. Titey seem to, have been reading eoflite American humorisa vite outd isorificu bis vifu's reletieus t ovme immelf. Being a bit ef a itumorist himisîf Magistrale Hrne grau"t lte olargemunt. If titey do net appear 10-day Ihey vît! b. couvicl. ed, aud lbecharges are for third cifenose. Iv is cérninen suggesiti6na moug levu people just nov th"laftclr lb. griculturaI sheds are removed fror lte oid agriculture-I grounde, lte tcvu ehould take an esrly qpprlunity le set out trse sumddecam th&traIpartîm Wa Porion cf their. rundi for aePark. The troublie itaI lbthetoim sinksutfitb se muicir bouusuu sud olter bomfolery bt it Iloen't a%0ord 10 speud enougb te make itseif look decent, nor even te ligitt îlsslf nigittaend privent stubbing île toees i Il aks. Thée ladies vite have patronlzud sports during lb. sumumer bave ted t. oil ounlte grouud or stand becanse oflb. sîupldltY cf th. authorities, vite vould neiiter sp.nd a fev dollars te buitd secte nor a11ev gay one. elso tQ de se vllb any piospeet cf a retûmu. ýAbout hslf lb. lime lb. grounudi are fro teaRlduring gme.and vo fan! Cfev cets rounor retepayer vOuid botfir deeraethelb.place c»d $sa àt deoentl. ju sootirer coluino-th@ Llndicy Items o belina-ev f ake fs irs.lv .4 egedin ntes front farum-Ice toit knovîm le bave been lb. custont for the ioOudbe#virt10k ltse note te gîvo -il "0,a, ln.c trr pertl, ire vont lt.o rê vith b a oug.drewu iresct facesanAgot a verdict. -Tihis uev style ot osfekîr pjqe te keptire »te himsel »d ite. "Sot trensfer. ia" on Il. Thonman au sh. esves lie adds a ototho vo4 'Not sud i r8eed,,INotoewmtrasp1" 8., farne vtegin.. hisr note ,vii ltitUeri bave te-pey ià under auy ciru*stances or manad a ilevunt, and vhs»eu Saof Item fenees hoiraI.ibirp ,ongir t Paus bis noee oa soo4él in snobr e ,,y tt-ttvWoot bave 40 b. eib oiuiht tobe put tOoeilt- ÂÀmn vio ANbadvertiueeî in anotiter colmi calte th. attention eoui eaers10the fiut tiret ee Daýld Diobso'n, a Scotch. mnu, 4ied in Bureka, Cal fouiâ lust Decembers leaving sorne real and -per- soual procperty;- and aeking -for hoire. The Diekeons b.d belIer hunt op their farnily biesory andse wbo the boodle belongs 10. Tnuei.s àgang of Young t<shows in Wiitbywho eau show equally sbad areoord as any Oshawa boys, lte only difference beiug tlitIOshawa rougits don't fsar the, police while Whitby rougits skip in aiU directions and bide wbeD lte coustable cornes in sigi The performances cf these young scamus hau beaucf lte mcml uhameful description during te-put monlb or Ivo, and it soems a *oay strange titing if Ibere eau- not b. ornâe 1ev brougitl forward t10 shut op young mon vite are working bard to dcbauoh theinselves and toui companiens. l isult a very niée sub- jeet to take op, butlte conduct cf thos youthu ls a crying shame. UP tilt 8'unday night test at 10:80 il vas out firm intention ta have staid np. aud watei t1h. progrese cf thte eclipsÏ cf lte moon. But when te lime came force cf habit prcved tee slrong, aud wé obéerv.9d our custom cf rutiring early Sanday nights. In negteting te take scientiflo observation cf the event vo do flot Voel &bat auy apology is du e 10 tes bo arranged for te pheno- mena. The heur for thre programme to begin was net an opportune one, nor was tb. nigitt suisable for snoh business. Hovever, ail may orne rigitt in tito end, as smont f the leiser scientiste, whose reputation ie not yet made, may have laken smre notes'of thé evunt. jtasppursafte&a if the buatle le 'pot togeILr. levlud'5 ap e&iin ou* moinug abon&tbm Àiwe sag v ihot -eWb$ ouly au ov.ragbt. Bbe hbd uwdberSthe nlght befôtre bt *oakexl papere for ber bain m wus no$t inwbeaxhe lig,1 o*1t thé »d rôom md Ê' lvo -some pld, wor na w lo go - ina lly b sa m w h .a bo ussduh 1lb. be 10 oi»r a 1>nadl, bigsuough foa a trunk fsUog: o the bmu& of 'a e. -- culc+Ig potis mou potaM lu 1$. *vrbu yt sfa sor o h&m** D U-1 TH E WIV. rr~'WTIT T SARGAINS Il ~O~A1~ V V ALLiA ~J.I. A. J.~.a.v PJ ~ SUIFER DRY I 'i town Ibi veskb' 7 1>3 roasen eygo ,tt rto ust nov, the dust brnng dboe Ieî1nent i yroin.. Wx. lilItu, Oobéurgi ro#. set mùile mercis Lake Onlarto on-Moiay nlght, fr-om -Rochester- 10 @bourg. IHo *11 ûoit bein need of ozeroise tor &"dY THE Port Perry band paesed tbrcugb* boe on Teday night, on its -Way te Berlin to-compote in the gret band compétitiona. Ir la a vsry fortunate thing to b. able tg reord tbe facs, that with aIl the boating don. nt Oorbett's at noverai - pie -nies net a boating sccident bau Tne Corbett's Point camping brigade, bas been reinforeed tht. week by a con- tingent frern Ihe'Vollege, a camp front Oshawa, sud the mont respectable por- tion of the firrn whieh publishes tbis greal journal. Mir. John Thompson, ourlown sprint- or, went tc, Oakvilte on Wodnesday t10 th. harnese-makes' pie.nie and won &Il tbe fast foot races, hurdie and flit. Hoe bronght home an armfui of silver cruets, cake baskets, lap-ruge, etc. Mr. Barnard bas on exhibition ini bis shop vindow an oit painting on maibie. The Pubject is *"Tbo Adoration of- tb. Maqti."' It i. the property cf Edward S. Shrapnel, Esq., and is nearly 800 years old. AT the meeting of the Grand Cundil of cryptie masonry, held in Toronto, Jaly l7tb, Bl. IIL Comp. W. R. Howeo was elected te the position of Inspectar -gênerai of the Georgian Divis!"n; and a t hémeeting cf the Grand Chap- ter cf Royal Areit Menons heid in To- ronto on July 209h, R. B. Comp. W. R. H3owse as eleeted te lte position of Grand Superintendant cf Ontario Dis- 7No. 1, DEYERELL'8 BLOCK, - ÏHJN - - WHtoi, DEEPLY When you are oontemplating a purohase of anytbing 'In our Uine, no matter how emai may be the amouult involved. A cT WISEL By coming to look over our large and.weil assorted etook df ail that, is new and:; D ECIDE To buy of us. QU IGKLY Mter iseei.g the irioes and examiin the quality -of ourG0 resiet thenm. It is impossible to do better elsewh4ere. NO0 Can be found. VALUEËS -We get thechoice of the-beatgod u heMrkt LOW Wei-are alwayýs ready to e you MUour,-Goodg. "0EýW. ý GAS GIJW 1~ DRE GEJ~ -etonne, 18 of ~Tic) os. - >SIery. 1 a pair np n't want 10 any prie. to maake la down te aly and teÀ ing of -the Sept., 1 l don lu Oeag [Il to ààodg )regerg ip aersa fuit t k freaIn Éort w~ ILEÎ 6on titi firut-CIs d ler undru id stonuw ion. Th looaItsyi BETTER AS THE L 1 - -1 1 1; 9 &ugnst 7th., gcod til Oct. 7th le re- tura. Coloniet tickets reading titréngit le, Wisconsin (&siniboia) (220 miles West 4 innipeg) .vis 0. T. R. Nort Bay and C. P. RL and returu saute roule, ouly $28. Tickets good te, lay ever et, any station, Winnipeg or vestI thereof. For tickets and fartber in- formation apply 10 EB. Stepheniou ~telg àan . P'. .uptowu ticket Fre thlie large posters il ý&ilbe sen the Highland club itore ie preparing 10 recoive their Higitland fiuda frein To. ronto, ou civie holiday, Aug. iBtit, viton e royal day vii 6e *ent ilu carry. ing cultirhe annuel gae..and sport* of lthe Royal Culedenlan. Society. ;More kilts, and bagpipes, and mualo, and dancing vît! b. seun and huard bore that day titau bas euliveuéd thiéto 0à for rnany y«»r. It in te hie a daya etoady amusement. The Toronto con- lingent oornee by- boat, and e guett event- of ltae day vill be te go dcvii 10 tbhe rber d meet their exeursion - Peo ery portion fotut" county vs have been fortunate, ln mi"etg Men Ibsweek, and viti lte exception et oue or Ivoâmait blocali"thélb.promise of a big barvestie bouinteous. Avry ti lbe northem tevusiipu lte seac«ba been like ours beîe-evcry -1 î~c spriug ralsed the hopes cf farinersanéd- sooc tbhe fies: wMb. fat for reap4o. Sbould tire midge Ieave the. whoatàaloie tel crop là Iikety le flodri h %yer, vhile e splendid yleld cf oct. and b$le la auedy 'assured. Boots, toc, arc goncg amIthièk lu tiroir growtbà, not a fild of turnipe being heard of where te eeed 814 net cirvigoronly.. 9 1 à 1 1 1 DMILINIY.-We will cletar outt he balancd. or traàw, Hand »onnets~Fo s Festher,et. st very Reduoed'>rices. Cocre and, get the benefit eot.New ana Fashionable-.GodhsatLow Prices.- *W. 'Winl also offer Special Bargzains in Dreés Goods, Oa8hmeres, L&wfls, .MuÈliusi, Gighamz, priasB arslEmbroideries, (Jotton Hosiery aud Gloves,an su unmer Dry Goods in gènerale., Perfection in Styl and Âssortment. Satisfaction in Quality andPrices. Beliable sudServiceable Goods rmrked at Bocik Bottom Prices. CENTS' FINE ORDERED CLOTHINOè Gents can rely on perfect-satisfaction in both quality and style of CJlotho, aud havin~ their garmentsoiiCt, fit, and made in superior manner. t, Gents White Dress Shirts, Cambric Shirts, (Jollars, luffs, Bri.ces, Soi, andI cQmplete assortnientof 'Oum- mer Scarfa and Ties. F

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