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Whitby Chronicle, 3 Aug 1888, p. 2

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tems eîolenfro>t ot-ir rchnFZi 'bha) Xouea, lote of Ibis 10w», are pir. ohiapfd abook endI ~ bsnu ýaluable borýeO1 j:,bv -Mr. j '- bat tiy in future., alanou>, o!O-.1blotOW. gtue f-etheatin tbý t8 rot .ci g-e.i.. ~O ..ipîtÂt~.. fLlF!-!:'~rday oeo e e i.trretteceÉ-Ji-iflj.Go. <.~, ~ ~ Ly- a wpy. Thé - ýrivec was vi posn djutbenapinke, rW]n Off the rtilky, Lut eesped un- =rsig logee, eat or: lieked the cut on eue of ite bhind legs aud cou. I. euiently w«unuable tb participate ln Wbih ayuugmannamed Lac iv wunlg a band-car on the G. T.'B., ouet of Gratte» station, ou Wednesda3 ufleriooon cf lut weck, tic bandle ,of fIeocar eaMO out end ho was thfrown - for ad on h tinack. The. coe of the wk" 1 struk bina below thLbuolder and tie lory atan againet hum, ornshing lbo. feo of ene arm ansd' cutting a piece out et tbe bon.. James Hall, a bar-tender of ,'Burke- toni. a suasil C. P. B. station in West * Dnnham,,hsa. bou commiited te Guv- orner Cnive.r'asate eepinit on 9, charte cf diasiaugbtIci. Oue nigbt hast weck H3all found that' the crowd cf lestera lu his bar-room buti ne money lftI, sud so ho proeeded to fine them out. When Jatùaesregeon resisled, Hall seized tie youug man sud tbrew hian off the st.up andi agsinst a etnmp with s8nob Vioilaîcm s terupture bis boweio. Aber reufeing intense agony, Gregeon died, saymng tal Hal> bad kicked lin. Drt.. Fiai sud Mitchell beld a- peut mertexn ezamication, and lu tbeir evi- donc. istsîed that Groesoa?'eEie te hie doti by a bard kick or eometiing etf * that nature, as tbcy did flot think is doath onuld resuit from a tiirow unise he vas sent witi great tbics againut a etone or root. The conon er'st jury found a verdietot eaaslaughtir alziinet Hall, Who Nua arrested sud ocomitted te gacitte avasit his trial. - About ten e'cleck -ou Wednesday clgbi'et lasI weet, wbilc Mn. John Me. Caroy vas .diiviug borne froua tie villagefe- astiugs,-wieuneuar lie DatiB"ln ogate, tii. poleof et waggensllpod tbrougb lh. neok-yoke sud ti. boises -becaneunuaageable. Mr. IMcCary vas ibrowu eut cf the wsggen, and oeefethle viieeîs pased olr iei ternach. Mr. Stiikles, vio hep.the tonl.9at¶. beaing a vebiole * approaohing abi a rapad rate, opcued the gales u theb.hoises paased tironfli, hé tai0POUGen.on uthe veblicle sud, ObÏtludOd that au accident bad bappen. 64. 11,9immediately vent iluth. direc- Oigil trm vbicb lt vaggen b.d orne, Mmd bond lMOary' iyiag insensible --"«tt ar hnndicd yards nertb of, lhe gâ*à. Ho Reused lie unfertunale man oed thon senl hlm i6nàe. Âltiengbh aq&IÇ) 0 m.nufrIbolieshock, lhe injuries dui tat apffli le be serions, and next uoing WOMoOry vas up s"dste bis bsk as- aUBusualbut about urne 0'gTp1ek hiso oftplained of soute paiinu t.eabdomen, sud lrnwediately droppedl A bfigittulaccident bappend aM the. SMatgiI tery about ton O'elpek Me. Swynioap, . young aduawd *b-c e o, se .main lsuais vzl14snob vioence as te break hi. neoc.i, ecx- plvcd almest lmmsdiateiy. *-H.evas *aigag.d " -vork in thei. tcey ou Basandsy lais sud vas vailiug for in- structionis vben h. began feeling witb tii. fatal bell,- W@ regret to leau liaI MisW. -H. Hamilsen, vite et eur vority Beeve, id W" 11 vlitver. --Hie Worsblip Mayas- asem, in s-e- Oponse te areqlion sigued by some fo*tyoet le basin.ss mou et th. tevn. Uemos Chas., Kelly, Et. J. Goùl&dN. ~.- Macdou ansd B. J. Broc» reluru- od on 13ludarmornlng tram a Mm$s S bit=W00'e fisain g aI Troul-Lako, 'Thi.Uxbs-dg* sud 8touffvililacrsoe. leame Pla7ed lier. oWn Saturdy after- *pon, lie match rosig ltre ulraight , àfor Uxbridge and lie fluai eàtùe for -8t6uffvile. -TMi'band vas lu allsundanc Md playsdBOine choice Al! ti.a mrnezeulefor tie great tsof Laiot demionslralion te b. oe ou Augnuel 4th aie nov cern- posand a fin.l-ciaea Programme bas beau aopîged. Ti. pOO' tanfp zotonte, brngfng tl ias t&qlslorn lbe olb$', wiii arrive bue am 10.80, iôse asgo A. vcay add4on d"ooeouned hbe 'cmi ~ ~ wt Kedyeeiçaî...Mrs.MBihai-. ~61 vot 4v»te cal! ou ber daugites-,I un# IfêaieIaar4Dales,'ad ahOrild 4e résoblug lier., wbiheoisltlug ii a cbaan,i Apporcutiy lu ber usuAl healli, Mi ,DaYtâsboard hos-rgaalngjo ýýae . the. remaining boîte. M r. Joseph Merifield hias been very xnuch auuoyed et laie wltb young lads hangi»g around the station and jump- ing .on aud off passing trains. W. think it would be advisble for the. zPâarente eft lese lads te look after. them e u future aud if possible preveut them from going te the station. Ou Friday morning laut vile Master tCharlie Cari, sou of Mr. Samunel Kari of tuas place, was engaged in Mesura. Bick & Sous' plauing miii, hie, by Borne meaus,- became entangled in tie shaft. ing, learing iii. rgit anoff'u-ear the shoulder joint. Madios stedac W55 at once procured sud amputation performed ùimnediately below the. joint by Dru. Gillespie aud Iisrt. The patient, at last accoant, was doing au well as could be expeoted under tic air- Tic work of excavating for thie ten 'atibns di tie nev pest offie sud eue- toms building vas commrnced Ibis week, sund tie undertaklug vili b. puebed forward rapidly. The goveru- meut inspectai bus beon in tevu, sud has arrangcd ail neceasary details ne- epecting position, etc., cf the. edifces. The attention of tic fisi sud gams inspeclor fer Souti Scugog-if tien. ho snob a ueful officiaI-la direoted le tii. tact tiaI on several occasions lately a certain -sport" bas beau detect.d shoot- ing. 1 flcppers"-rnnig yeung dueka -up lb. Esi Creak. 'Tie &&id ha la fend cf scup, but tiat tia aforesaid fondneon seould hNad te suci unsponhe. manlike action te, be daplered. Mr. J. W. Flavelle, cf the firm ot Dundas & Flavelle Bros., met viti a painlàfacident Sunday morning lait vile engaged fioritiug hie Orb stabis stoebou nsethelb.eùi ward by srepping upon a 'pike,,vbicb penetratod tlb bc and eutcred t4ea foot about su inch. It cansed a ýpaluful sud dangerous veuutd. Mn. FPI&rcîle ia nov oui et danger sud expecta tu be about lu a fcv dan. Au axciting incident eecunred et lb. Grand Trnnk station lait Saiurday afleinoon as the 6.05 train vas ceminq lu, A. man ovidently.. under tbe in- fluenteoet ilquor sppr acied a veîy fon. looking vomsuantl iia the meut un- oercmouiont manuer palied off ici bat sud tore It le sirode. The emran brook- od thi muand sud sqnickly supplied villa a felt bat by su cobiig railway agent. The mean, a felloar namod Mon- "*n, tnor Peterbose, levauted at cote. The. vonisu cernes broui the.noth ceimt y, snd, il nome rifssodhl# ase v=46c, bonée the mnsu. Bis ,proeee&- *a horme on tbe 6.20h*aIn. Bsunday morning latsi r.M. O'Leary, arbo boaudestaItle Centrai bonée, aWae bis b.d-r-o in mnow su lie tIirdtory tloo bouot, hi. attention bévlug been attracted by îotue nouse. etîlde. sud lu sem ntuuexplanablo manner lest bis hala».. sud fel! 'ont, slibiing upontlia. *lllovalk bebw. H.evas dcovorod siortly afiervards, couveyed te ils rcorn' sndsa phyuiela set for, vie founcliai bee- b.d ometained a diioea. lion of lie sboulder.blad., iadauoS-m broken lu bye places, svodnai i huhctus e sd lyti0»,ouf thi. visa vas bady twisted. For couacday.is condition va. serions, but i. is nov piogressing favorably.- 44 sov Tan Bonor à *A WELYMXONTRRA5 OONTEAOTOR WuS BEtOKEN P--TE PARiT KTUEDEiNKA PLAXE» BT A DABENG NEWupzxs Meuaw~,JuIy80.-A ftIle sdver-- a notice.liaI Axlaur Wsrd, coutm~as,'- Wil! appiy le-tie Panient et cAnada at lb.he es ofra divorce tra bis vite on lie qtro*uds eoaf le yi d- seli ïmnggôel &oa scandais Kontha Arhur Wrd ,iseofot0 oathy contactr, ai adea fortune a b city "ud soagmfoar, mentis affanie Misjetan Danaiola, lias besutfo daugiter t a.Chsch hof BsEngud~ cloarmn L sceuIs- nalei. sud, 'v Botter TU»a a ner. "WIVt a oow'ard th&t major Smith la," caïd Joues tLu Sobinson, "vbhy the Tory slgbî of guu-puvdcr would. make hlm il1. Hov diii bc even manage tle beonie su officer iu the. army" ? "Do't aay anythlng againet Smith " ansvered' Robinson, 'h. once savcd ;my lite." "Slaved jour lie 1 Nonsense, impossble 1 Whst do yenama"? "II mean thst I va u-Itheé ai stages of censumption ; I vas loeing strngth sud viality every day vith lhe terrible dsae wh.u Smih advlsed me tt aie Dr. Pa' Golden Miedical Dlsoovery. I b.d trled ai kinds cf medisine vithout sucaes, a"d my physknIean . giron me ne hope; -yeitl bere etau a vo a tvii Wea*.adîna Sien bas aplin eused much destrujc, lien sud legsof Ileine luNorthh.Wesierni France. ý Indieatlns cf Dyspepuia, imui»asSour Stqmao, Roarttbur, Sici Beadashe, Blsng1 and Souig of Food, Wlnd einthe Stouaaob, or a Cbeig or Guaving sensation aI lb. pilt fite stèmwam arfUly metiby Burdock Bcod Bittera w.bieha. cuod tbe vonst caseson reord. A. iesuar oul bâ ies te'lrot Mcndaj Okt Peruadale, CaL, sud toei poi6on. Bi Have yen bed oloays0enCure P Il bas neoqua lfe e mov te trouble some ereonseai 48m"uyi avlýïtostfl 'Who bav e ld Ùil Mr. W. P. Lesle, UOMUtei effor ai (irelua M0240 bas sij ud e ttsW . H.defiaealloens be abdul 81,50. CONSUbiPTION CUR4J3. Au eld phystiie, retired fc acie ha__ gbâd placedin bis ban&-daun-a nui usinay Il*b frmua aai p enmt cue-et OoneMpuonbèl Oatarrh, i»abma a 4a& bea 4Lp for aarnsD~ nd Il Rvg Om l th i«bsd t temû, ilk»»wto iw_ tute g rlleve &ct ua$d >yIbsn&.li wiI sena ire.-et charge, t. .31 i odiaix 1 th an, renlit egi The l rack layera on th. ,BM ' iter ViIy rem aosedMris eb 0n Stud Tbe7yu ar nw forty ileshm roiWlzilg.- iugk4W l4lrurg as wlia# agpod cuieo for igi i". RaIIway Timo Table. GRAIf» I Tinie Blil. ~J s.oured s ntonopoly- cf estaional uaws v ii exleti~d e sl i. fil. Iwain. ÂAftr being introdtcocd to Mn.. Wtard b.e beosme a fiequeàt vwoo4r le ber 0o " e *eoall lth. aflernoon vhun Wadw.ae sthie buases. the ueigh- bori began ko talk nsu ueighbors viii do sud tbheuanjid-hosbsnd-'gradiy bW- came cognliant cf bis danger aud eider- ed George eut of the. bouse. A fow dayu ister Mdre. Word left on s vieil te Quebec, àceompauied 'by a voran wicie bueband, just thon dead, b.d for mauy years iield the. mosi important office in tbe gift of the citizens, sud ouriously enougi George aise vent te Quebec. Mre. Ward alter à v.ek's absence returued berne, said sbe bsd beau away with Mr. B. sud rcsnmed ber place at borne. A few days 1.1er the, citizens were startled ny the. errent of Mns. Ward on a charge cf iiaving atternpted te poison ber busbaud by putting powdered glass in bises". Tii. beverage vas analyzed by a leading chamiat and a qunuity cf the glas found, but meauwie Mne.-Ward, who baid been releaeed on bail, orossed ii. border, going te New York, viierea ah. stillie ibalievad le be. The developmeuts of lhe cae ere tee rnnob for George wbo aie left for pastures uew, going to Ottawa viiere for a lime ho acted asi the.liai on space cf Tii. World sud ether papers. Even the Capital soon grew t00 warrn fer bim and h. b.d te leave tbere aise, nul openly, however, for lb. day uf bis do- parture varions Canadian papers publîshed a despatch descriptive cf hie drowniug in the St. Lawrence. H. bobbed up serenely 'al 1th. saine sud vas nezI beard ut ai Little Rock, Ark., wbere i. bad ases1!of regularity, but some mentis age vas dîscbarged ignsrniausly froua hie peut ou oee ef lb. pspers liions for bsving slandcred tie Governor cf the sîated during s political campaigu. Mr. Wsrd bausmeanwhilp beau eu- deavoning to, rocover bis let wife but ail efforts bave failod te juttuce ber te 'return sud h. bas açcordiugly entercd sction for a divorce. Tii. revival cf lthe scind'aI, htierto only ku.own to à tev, boa caus.dl a pain. fui feeling sud sympathy ja felt for tie injuned bnsbsnd. promotes di- TE CEwr.ua oxzà'.,77 Murray Street, N.Y. ARCADE, TORONTO. A Sohool Thoroughly Eàquipped for Business Training. BOOK-KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE, BUSINESS AR1THMETIC, COMMERCJIAL LAW, SHORTHA.ND AND' TYPE-WRITING. PBÂOTIOÂLLY TÂUGHlT. FINEST ROOMS IN CANADA. Send for Ofroular, Addreeis. 27 0. O'DE.4, Secret ary. A Positive Cure@ >1< A alnless Cure. FÂCTS PORPKENM(10F Ar£ ÂGI& THE GReJT UFJ.4L jrm, AtU7EfER9 .Mfiwe etUf Iailg. aid kObJnýiqr of Mediçises, g 3 A I~~~ ILtheseririblle @ euucsfIdl rti, Whoar broken dorai from th. effectî o! abuse wri ftnd lu No. 8 a réïdieal eu*' for nervous debiliy, organle sancs.in olunlarv vital lusesetc. SYKPO on aivuenNO.5SnOvCýLuBc UsEn.-Wautocfenerg, vartigo, vaut cf-ptrpcse. dimnesuof sight, aversion lu soclelywaul o! hnfidence, avoldance of conversation, 4esire for solitude, llslcgansdOlability Lu *4z tha attention on s parlicular subject, buwardice, depresson of spirM itgddinesa. lues f me moreotablllly oftemper. spcn- matorbýor,on uso! the senicl u iid-.the resuiflo! elf-abusa or marital czcess-i.npe- tency, innutritlon, omemacaton, bai-renees, ptf.tion ofthe heart, byute*ic feelings lu females, treubliig, m.blaihcholv, dl tubingdreanjs, etc., are all symptome of Ibis terrible habit, ofkn-tirnea Iinsnly aequlred. l% eh te prngetvital forcehavlng lestite isnaaen, -very funcîleon anoluconsaquence. Scisntfflc wrrteansd the anprlntndents o! lsaae,ê'lwiumite min ,irblni toe e flepta of self-abuse the greatmajerîly of vasteci Ilve.i whth, coiue under ttear notice. 1$ you are incorupetent lon the arduous dutesha o ass, lncapaclsat.d fur Lb. enjoyn!snîs of l!e, Nu. 8Soffern an ecefrum the effeciolfeanly vice, . yuaeavpe uyas o l)gv e i lu u strepgl. f-on are broken downpl. aihviaa "d namoi-aIl- fi-m arnaI iito- thw.~..Ga. i A Permanent Cure. IMPORTAN T ~f APIea~ntcure. (jproni Our The reatmelt o!ut<many thousande of cases of those chronic -weaknesses and dlstressing aliments peculiar to femaiea, at the Invalidq' Hotel and uca Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., has afforded à vast experience in nloely ada pt- lng and thorQughly -testing remedies for the cure of woman;a pecullar maladies. Br. Pierce a Favorie- Prescription la the outgrowth, or resuit, of this great and valuabie experlence. Thousanda of teÈtimo- niais, recelved from patientà and from physi- cdans who have tested it in the more aggra- vated and obstinat.e cases which bad baffed their elkili, prove it tu b. the muet wonderfui remedy erer devised for the relief and cure of suffering wumen. It la flot recommel3ded as a "6cure-ail," but as a muet perfect Specifie for woman s peculiar ailments. As a powierful invlgoratinig tonie, It imparte Strengdi& t h e whole system, and tu the womb and Its appendagds im RartIclar. For overworked. 6'worn -out," run-dowu,4"- debilitated teachers, milliners, dresuînakers, sasrse,"ehop-glrla," bouse- epersgn mothée, and feeble Women greneraly, Dr. lerce's Favorite Prescription la the greateat earthiy. boon, being. unequaled as an appetlzing corial and restorative tonlc. Au. a soothing and strengthening nervine l'Favorite Prescri~ption" la une. âuldM la luvaluable lu ailaylng and sub. uig ervous excitabllty, frrltabillty. ex- haustion, prostration, hysteria, sa anrd other dlstr«eng;' nervous symptoms com- moniy attendant upon functionai and orgaulo disease of tb. womb. IL luduces refreshing aleep and relleves mental auxlety and de- spondeuc Dr. Pt~ree9s Favorite Prescription lSa- alegItimate mOdicine# caîefully compounded by au experienced and skliliul physiclan, and adapted to wôman'a delicate erganizatilon. It la purely vegetable lu Ite composition and perfectly harseleas luinLs effecte In any condition o! the system. For murning elckneas, or nausea, fromn whatever Cause arn .wa tmcIndigestion, ds Seel ad ndedsypLumé, ita use,lusal oss Iwl prove very benteficial. "11Favorite ]Prescription 9e la aposia tive cure for the most compllcated aud ob- stinate caste ot leticorrhea, excessive fiéwlng, Paluful menstruatiDn, unnatural suppressions, Rroiapeus, or !aliin-, of the womb, weak back, "femisie weakness," anteversion, retroversion, besriug-down seuns-rWons, hrrnnIc congestion, Infiammation audulceratior. oi the wosnb, lu.. flammatioir, pain and tenderîjeas in ovarieg, accompanied with Iliniternai lient." Aàs a regulator and prombter of lune. tIonai action, at that critIcal veriod-o! change from girlboud Lu wumanhood, "Favorite Pro- scription" Ioaa pergectiy 'sale remedial- ar.t and can produce' only good resulta;I t is 'h »li efficacious and valpabie In fts eùffects wben taken for thoee disor-derg, and deraugx.w ment@ incident Lu that Inter sund most critied, perlod, known as"I The Change o! Life."1 "Favorite Prescription1» 9when takoni lu 0ounection with Lbe usé of: Dr. Perce's Golden Medica)Dlscovery, sud amail laxative »16- et-Dr. Plere's Pr-tie enets <lattls Uver Pilla>, cures Liver, KLdfeysund' Bladder disesses Their combined -use -alsu- remnoves blood -taluta, and abolis"éscàncous sud sanôfulous humers- froim lb. syaem "]Favorite Preseribtioun5 la the ouily medicine for women, sold 'bidrugglesa, under a positive SUMU4n0% frm the manu- facturera,.thatitulwlUgiveatiafactiou lu every Seetrmoeywifberefunded. TUs guaran- teeahmbeen pr-inted on Lbe. bottlhrapei- and faithftully drrled but :for mauy years Lag btl,.(10Wdoses) $giAO, or six Wea ustMps.l Ibn ÉOn t, VFPALO' U 1 . I NOTICE I - *ON. ACOUNT 0F ItNESS IHAýVE Decîded to -go out of the Crockery Bu8ies.i A ND WLL ELL Wit .OUT RBESERIVE DINNEIR SETT Si TEA SETT1 CHÂMBER BtTTS, ý CHINA GO-ODBi FANCY WA.RE, GLAS&WARE TABL~E LÂPS;, EIANXGING D. i LAMP GOODS AND SIL-V Au- Lalet 6fyies and Patternu. Doul tdel&y in kTEýAS - AND«, COFFEES. Tii fêmuaLouise Bcéldng P~OU a-ýdsoZdo nlyby SI-QN -1S Devrei'.BlokBrook't. *'6Cater" asno we adsptsd tocbndrm that 1 recommend làa« supetr rkufay prescripUmo Inev aome-,, ]EL . Ammca, ILD., l U OxtaS L., BroekijuX. Y. le preps liestyt forInfnts n titrn Gon b ond l oltion i era 'porticonges Te hebln'3ti whu ic bèoendl - hetr Cuflit toeqleO intel itionian. -neci teraedttS. 1e Tàic vu cmp tionsu dc Homusle L80ac thear auexorai mentunon the .uc Cang i ls sae, Tave nuisy eô tile lrluTex- mteunt o naic l oaudntoStated s bave f liy e Iysese, ni pa riial eduo DeUni1ed Stat a purpueo ud eortimentom lew a xcomtae wsungte pli- fiaieghaï e Smit sncb a vigorn Caûcath upvi eplipi &niz Curions ùn si Cngi iOi code ii i %»l4m i, - 1 bu and'

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