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Whitby Chronicle, 3 Aug 1888, p. 3

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'as Yuf.oiL Letter. (Frein ot>r.regrlar correipondent.> WIBrnNGTON, Jiily 27, 1888.-Senator CnlleD bni à er1 )rentuÙl9 itn-1'i .1 solution i r ji ¶I monapoly hale br coçritroiiflg all the appro,ýcos. tthe bridg', over the St. Màr.V'm River, on the beund.%ry lino, betwoee the U uit- cd State sud Canada, and direoting the Interst6te Commerce Commission te inquire jute theso matters and re- port te Congrnesi if any additiousl legîs. lation îB e ee55y te proteet our in- tereqte. The Heunse committee on agriculture, which receutly dêcjdid te postpoue the fartber consideration of the varioue bille relating to compounded lard until net December, bas reconsidered ite sction, sud deaidsd te report te the floa8se the Lee bll lu preveutt île sale, nianffacre or trans3porttio adnl- teratel rti3les of food, drink and drug8 ; asIo as eiý,itaie for the Butter.- wvorLh bill lefining lard and inaposing s tax- ni u c i inonun 1I lurd sut rAR4glat.t in t us eke, imnp,)tation andi exporta. TLhe ruleq; of th9 S8nati have boen aMnfid se as te shloW the priVîlege Of tne diý.or ta ex-spekers cf the H1ause et lppr@Len tatrve. The r@puýlicu SýýnatorR have hsd na en 1 of trouble in reschin wau agree. ment on the tariff, but wth the aid et a CUC heli Wodne8day evensug, they have iuliy docided te report,thorough- ly 3ienngg, snd pass a isubgtitute for the Mille bill. The messure. they sy, is nearly roesdV te report. Sagar sud the interntitonal revenue will futaish the principal netiuctionS. The Uiu.ee bas pr5ssed sa bilî tecreate a Uuitfid 3ttea Land* Cmnri, for tue purpope of jadieial investigationi and @ttii eof pivate land daîims iù Neqw M-4xicoesnd Coloraîo. Arizqna wae orî-ginally inclunded in the bsdl, but Delegate Smith, of tht Tsrritory.made such a vigorons opposition that beesuc- ceeded in bsving uMF amenumt ex euipting Arizona adopted, Curionsè things cerne ont sornetitnéàý ini Congressejefl î pvoisti-autiofls. There- i!s s committee uow engag"d iu inves-ti- g%tilg Ithe publication o e W e cords. The other day a wituese ýtesti- fied that the wonk et ths War Recorde office w&4 tines menthR sbeatl of ths Goverument printiiu2 office in its werk; n ow the foreman of that inetitution testifits that on.the veny day that thei et ber tes tirfley wus given ho received a verbal request fromn thé War Reèords office, te stop composition until îhey conld catch np. Botb gentlemen eau- net poseibly htbve told the trnth. A service pension bill has been in. trodueed by Senator Rigcock. Under fts provisione every peroon who served three menthe in tbe army or navy dur. iug the civil war je eutitied te a penu sien. Chainman Geo. O. Jones, et the Na. tional cornmittee. of the greeoubse panty, is in this city ; for thé purpose cl ising a cali for a national conventiom of that psnty., Mr. J'ones sayu tIb finaucial question comptetely over. shadows thal cf the h>tifi. It je nuderstood that Seusten Inaali je preparing a speech on the flubonse treaty, that will attsck the wholt foreigu pelicy ef the administration. Speaker Carliseodoclinded te allenè tbe Piedtmont Chatsnqna gathening si o! lb. largest elotiwe majorities evî given. Now, on@ of these gentlemeni bound te, be wrong. Whioee? Look ont -for another deadlook in th Rouse.. Thit district tax bitl, whie c.nsed tl.te dead.look lin tbe Boni 'atir itm passage by the Sonate, ho been added " au ameudmenlte tot Suudry Civil Appropriation billint»t Sonate. Reprôseutative Mashaite, of Nebi ba sesnt &0te b ahileot cf tb. Capit a painting repre.euting the firsi hon etead laken np in thre United Stei under tbe bomestead taw. It i looated lu Gage County, Nebr.,1 Dem1.! Freeman. That distende» etolte tomacit whi many peope feel afttr eaing, ma-y bho te imnpropon mastication efthtie food; b in Most cases, ilt adicatus a weakniesoft digestive organs, th. béat romedy for wbi is eue-etf Ayér's PF11,, to e b. aken î& dinner. Wit and Elumour. Hood asuggested that tbe phrase"I buplie of loltere" vwas bit upon to, sinuate t the b.whele lt fanloru aether, had'nt a overeigu asIn tbern. Young Silkinu sayshe lsh.u'l mlep eharge go misoh.'Leut yrlhyelauM ed hlm witb eteuliug olver sPOOnL-\, 'Genteuess oenot b. kiaked ïuàc toduessor Chu vo<ldo't-besgo vii lougi .fen- , troor-By the way, Mr~. Straddls 'wbibb i. tle mouit gouers! tenm'poee or potes?. Mn. Straddle-Poet "Cau «yen glivoîbe esson for il ?" 'I lhink f4e, Bir. Il le probably. beosuse the pool is not Iboru snaid." Mre. Witfoli-Whalt happy people yon Pàrs#to bave six nie. daughtere : Whbsî resounees for your etd age.. Mn. Qiverfutr-Yes. RBesources enough. But the diffieulty snowadays -consiste iu busbaudiug one'e recourees. "Please air bave yen se.» à gentle- man withont a 11111e girl ?"WelI, sud what if I have, litIle one 2" "y uncle John bas lest me aud 1 tbenght if yon'd seen a gentleman withenl a 11111e girl yon could 1011?me whero ho was. "I have read every book "in my hueband'e library. I really don't know what to do for sométhing te read," said a newly married woman te a friend. "Wby don't yon get another hnsband ?" waS the reply of thoeother -woman. à down eaet militia captain, on re- ceiving a note from fa lady, reqneeting thse "pleastire of hiscoempany," undor- stood it as a compliment to, thoee under hie coommand and marcbsd the whole ot them te the lady'a honse. à littie Frenob-Canadian boy in Oll1town je credited witb the shorteet arid most comprebensive composition on reoord. l'bo toacher told him te write about anything ho could ses, and thie was the roanît. "-The steve. She be oracked." Bd. (entering club)> Old Smith is a beast. AI -Lndoed ? Ed-fle &aid he'd remnembtr me in bi@ wil. AI-Wel? Edi-I hoard the will read, yesterday and in the codicil wae this line I wish to ho distinctly remembered te My friand Edward Srith." "-Yen think thie man cau be dcpend- éd upon ?" I"I know ha eau. Wby, ho told me ho st in s ganie et drsw the other nigbt and when the game br&ke np he was theonely loor et the party. Any man Who w;ill. admit that tnoh doeen't kn'ow how to lie." III don't see how thst dinged fire went ont," ho said savagely as he got ont ef bed W estrt it again. III put on lots of kindling wced." PerbapO John" bngse ie wife, turning over luxrn. onsly fer another nap '-It went out by the fine escpp5. Mn. Switchell-home from a club! dinner st dnYlight,full efthlie speech ho bas been msaking and champagne. Fellen (hic) eltizenu the dayle not far dis;tant.", Mise Switcbel-mt an uppor wiudew-6"No. John lte day is net mono than au hour, yen bad botter corne in sud go te bed." "-Miss Clans," hé said, jeoeuleuily, 1 wsnt t tel, hyou-en- 4he otd otd story," and, thon for a moment on two bis; %Ritation gel thbe btter et hlm. "Go on Mn. Sampiqen," sid lte girl with a ehy encouradgemelnt. "nover mind if il je s choit nul ; penhap Ivie nover heard il before." Il vas bie firet visqit te lbe City. Au ho ebeed on lbe curbget osaklg bie sideg vllh laughler ho vas acoested by oue of the oîty'e fineul ; Wbal'e 1he fun otrauger ?" "Fun 1 Can'l yen see il ? Juet lookk aI that thing (point- inR te a wateriwf carl) leakés ; why the blemed tool 'won't have a drop o! vater vhen ho gels home, A renebifan eaw a negio Siting cloué by a fife whicb wu o 5 bot tbat it seemed almeet a oerlaiuty te hlm tiret the man muet hé melting. «II zink I know vy hoe set se noar zo fine," ueid the Frenehul&aft er lookinst woedr- ingly aItbh oolened man. '"Hé make himpesf intce a white In." ."BeyO eau yen do thal pleasé ?" "Ah4, Yeu ses ho hebétehi teotheWlb.zevwhito heat." The proof cf the pudding -isnte ealing, sud lte proof ofthlie extraordiulry povone over pain etf olsou's Norvîline te in using il. Polson'î Nerviliné néver fails te por- ter n ouers in vory case et peain. Il eau- net fait, for il is compoued et poveut ipain subduing re»'.&ies. -Il am rwitlte lte bottes», sud pain inlu aI stonce. Norviline cures a&U kind et pain, internai or externat. Go to au y drng store sud gel a botte, and o dolightled by ils promptiturde i doing iis vert. A dagithte et the tmons dreumaken, Madaime 'Wevasmarriesi toLord Beau- mont in London lestweok. A Hoit et Bod-ay Troubles are engeudor- ad by obroulo indigestion. Titoe, howevor, as voU as tioircause, dirappeou vIe»lte bigbly seccrd dinvigonaasi alerative, Northrep &t Lymen's Vogetable Discovery sdaDaspeptieCure, ilu 1heagent omployesi fon tem removal. Anegular habit otbody, sud a due screllen sud flow et bile, lu. varlably remilt fr0»' ils persistent use. I clefnles the sysftes»fros» ahliriregulaities, sud restones lte veat sud bretoen dovn consitution te heuitnsuetreugt. l r. AnLo The Point. DyspepsIe s»dadfn1. Disondered liver is miery.li a fce te geod nature. Thte huma» digestive appanalus la oe eoe te mcml cos»pitleed sud vouderful thinga i existence. l lu eail puteut oetaiere. Greasy if o lugitfodsleppy food. Wa aookory, mental vonr, lite houii regulir habitei1$admsny otiter tiino whkst engtl net te be,'hive made lte âàimtiPeople a nation 01 dyoptos. But (ireaus Angust Ployer hme doue a vondentul ventin nefonmlng Ibis sed b usinessMud m1 iugLiteAmoe n people se iteatbhy thM theoeu eujoyeyiumls and ho iappy. iteatt. But Groen's Augusl Powà bxfu teeltit sud hppineaste iadyg ie. Ask yeur drugigt. ilot abote.. ïonztyfve, Henderson.to e liemtIbilr v Ta wml to tý rse mi Wli Wh, Who WiûmriýfrqeIhel.erroas 4aorétous ye&, uêveusweSk- l99'ew-mauhood -,0.,I lUi -WO4fG.the etreed iS.covÏibd b = ieSicnSry lu senti erica. Oenda-al-ddeedenveloe Ie ByJomu T. IquAn, 8S"on W. York 0kv. ;ven sud a hai lfl Oon dollars, itu been sljved Ires» icensos'for tho sale etfliquer Bngland and Wales lest yeer. 'on Baby wua slck, wo gave her Castol bon ae.wuasàaChils, &h.orsosi for Cmstorimý bon she bécame Mise, she clung te Caatonla boa shobh" Childisu, s"0egave thom GCatoria, Lord Lansdowne bas juet eold threofe bis fineet pioturos, twe Rembrsndte snd s Cuyp, for a reported price. et 250,000. ConsnmptIof laSroly Cnred.1 To TEEDITOR: Pleso intorin your readers that I have sa pstive rémedy for the above namnoe disàesse. By its timoly use thousandu 'et hopelese cases-have heen pentnaneutly cur- ed. I shall be glsd tl) seud twe botties et my remedy YRuEz te sny et your readers who have ceneumptien if they will send me their Ex pre sud P. O. sddrese. 1tospetfnlly, DR. T. A. SLOCIJM, 87 Yonge etreet, Toronto, Ont-15.ly. Mayor McHngh, et Sligo, has been con- victed ef pubh.hîing boycettiting notices sud sBentenced te four menthe. Low'a Suiphur Soap.8houldbefouasd with every toilet. It je cleansing a.nd hcaling. A farmer who wus boycolted sud a labourer were siliot in Irelsnd by mauked mon. Dr. Lowv'sPlea8ant Worm Syrup is a safe and reliable wcorm remedy for ail worn a agiceting ehildren or adulte. 1 - JOHN FA IiQUHA RSON, 'F1 [Jc Lo Gnweral Insurance Agent. Agent fer 'oenix Pire Office, London, Eng. Ire Insurance Association, London, Eng. itizon'e Insurance Çompany, Montreal. nebec Fire Assurance Compa.ny, Quebec. Etna Pire llnsurance Company, Ha.rtford. endon & Lancaubire Lufe, London, Eng., ýondon Guarantee & Accident Cu., England. lamilton ProvIdent & Lean Se'y. Hamilton. OFFICE.-POST-OFFlCE, WHITBY. The Pease Furnace. The following testimonial.- epeak for themeelves: Freom Judge u ha: Whitby, May 41Ib, 1W&8 J. F. PzszasENACoc., Toronto, I have mncb pleasuaro ini tating tht No. 14 Rconomy Furasoe, piaeed by yeu in My reuidence last Ma han given uns eom- fort sudsatisfaction, warmîng beth uppor aud iower roomm with an even temperature vithout dust or gai. W. did net roquie W use Our <rates ove» in tbe ooldest weather md tae. ploasure îu reeoüuxndlng youri Furnace te my Mzenda boe. md olewhur. Yours truly Z. MBURHM Judige,Whlb p Pr . Carowefl,]Coq.: J. sLITsm', sq.,OstvMy11,. Dee.r sin,-AU'lte goed thi n«gayon a about the, No. 10,Peaso Féurnae en ýwn more rooms sud l u".fur moroe omfairtsbe nialuoniti> leueutiO14--ro &Bd 0eil04 s ,vImrowflisso18laro,4lt I SPRING JOHN Scotch, SUITS. FEROUSON, 18 SHOWING àA8UPEBIOR STOCK CF English and Canadian Tweeds, And other fine Unes of Clotho, for Spring rute. ÂAU garments made up inx latest style on shortest notice. ,eady-made Men's and Boys' Suit8, Gents' Furnishing8 and Underclothing of ail Kindâ. INDESTRUCTIBLE OVIERÂJo\LS!1 HAT51I HAIS!1 HAIS! Latest styles in IHara and Soft Feit Hats 'VEB«Y OHEAP. JOHN iUERGUSON, Dundas St., Whitby MEDUCAT'ED ELECTR1C Meicsted for a» diseases of the blo&1 and. ner- vous systems Ladies' BeIt $2 lor female com- ainsthasnoequai. Mens' Beit $3, combined. ('~ Il ~ errors of youth.losa C R E S manhood, nightly - eisioeEtc. The only appllac givlng a ct urrent ofElQtci totie aretg.can be worfl mnt or day wç?djount convenience.4Ufld roda f Te- 1 na n inthose cured cf feinale diseases. painse in back and fipis,bead and 1 mbs. nerv de ty, general debility, lumbago, rheumatism, paralysie, ne rliaBciatlc deseof the kldneys, spinal disease, terpid iver, gout, leucorrhoea, catarth o! th e r oezual exhaus±ion, gominai emissions. e.sthmaheart disease, dyspepsea, constipation erysip- ois rniestion. impotec.1pie, p Lepy umb ague snd diabetes. Senid stamp for hmnsomly illnstrated bo and healThjournal. Correspondence strictly conltdential. Con- sultation and eleotrical treatment tfe. Agents wanted everywhere. Pat, Peb. 26t,1Mf Cures Cuaranteed Meclloated Electria Beit CO.- 1U55 Queen et. West, Toronto, Canadai WOLFENDEN'S STEAM 1IAPEHIALMARBLE WORKS, W]EITR Y* ALUM, AMMONIA. LIME. PHOSPHATES, or any ainuious mateunlls E. W. GILLETT, TOEONTO. £ "aaf r otha eEL-018AROTAL TIAZCAMl O I lAVER GOUPLAIlIT éYSPEPSIA KONET TROUBLES 8LQDFR01 WHAT* EÉRtAUSEARI8INB TU REAT S7RIG, MEICIIE8 MPrie 75c. (wfth Pilla,$1). DR. HODDER'S LITTLE -LIVER ýILLSeM (Véry mail and easy te te.) NO GRIPING.. NO .NÂUSEÂ. Sold sverywhere P rias12e oe pte.. maiy Fflendsansd Oustemer Ia sinee tankus for tou rlîberal patronage lunlte f aat , and i 10 asu re t eza t a I h o as b tter acildes titan even fon executing &ail edo ontrnsîed te hlm for M onhmeflt8, Headstones,, Siate and Marbie Mantlà8, Andi "y alter vokn M»bli. Au! Work gutarteed f s-os.OF rimO, tosuit lte limes. I have now move od 1 te nev placeoe business lu Sznîth's Bl0 osultfelte j Mrte ILR WOLFNDEN. RE M 0V ED 4~2 OUR ELEGANT PREPARATIONS. Bemembot vs moanufture andare thb.*so PprpnlfioM of the foongpeciaitle and tht tae cm bohsd fre»noneehrom.,e. 'yH6YARE WMO OISALE BY DRUCOSSIS.. correopSdenio màaniotynfldenAUl900&smata»U»tiue a SU=e»'. Olml»did, co MOMSEoxcpVo Ceàdr. ee.nd ample of huAi vlan erdoring. Pnice, la peubotte. Torontole tcine 00., TOILET REQUISITES Incrderlng ploase specily vbch Yon cequfrS vo guarano. hem» legive eni» BOaL=!.O1U No 8 Impartg leé lb ti»e 0celer end. freelinli ef inaidenhoed; harmlesand cszmibe detecteG. 01.25. No. 9 Bemoveà WrkleU., #% Ne. 10 Be. , moveeLivor Spot&. SL5.No. Il BeinoveePes Worms. $1.25. No. 31tlnoves E'recles. .25, No. 13 Removeu Pi=ples.-*1.2. NO. 1 eoe Tom. $1.25. No. 15 Lemovea Moles. $2. No. la Bemoves Peoaksrs.5 . N 7 Beiovos uno Prespiratlon. 1.25. Ne. SAn absolennalfg Cpecifictonrthe retention develcnent er rester. ton c! lhe Hair. 81.25. T oronto n -C THE BUST No.1Io leàacomblned.liiernul sud eeml treatmont which speedily dovelqpes. oïýreïores thp fmale bast tothe pcpetosoà'fVbiUPtUeUd nature, lneontlrely harmleus sud'certain lI.. » suite. Fric. *t% Toronto Modiolue Cb.'Torouto,ý No. 20) Àeut-sin e=rofor lAeo=hN Or M,!Wié Falling ofthe.Womb U1certIoÉS i ul MoM- struatien, "Bearlngd own2pains" aud &UDieeaffl aud Wesknesees pecullar ttemaules, 1 end by the highest. medicma anlonif iie mgu - nivalled-renmdy. Fric fiperbotll. ere* Me iCêo,Torento, Ont PULL Par superlor to Ergot. - Tansy, -Tonn]bo Ar o flvfAe Sindorsâd hvthenloB~~iôet lsdls*b -NEURALCIA,£RIUITU Con b. ourod by ungsofi voSWon- dorMt n i sdneto, Wuim l at -aSdmo aU thoàt la ClImed foIL.Pi.P ca MeiieCO., Toront9l 0". ; ~ IDO NT î Sold EPv«ywhere.,at 26 Becommended-by Evez I am acqtAýnted withlthe' Fernin's Fihe Tir Cordial, &aI mend il as being lte meut e: Remnedy.I knov eof. P.P PAlIE BRmW {Memben of lbthe àicsu Ft Associatioâ, and Froaidenl of live Associalion et Heait! [ Perr.in's-Pine -Tàr Cn IiNDSÂ&Y, OM seaodli te1pre 15ùof Itehe ttè f J. B WItbdzs ae pmpared 10 futnfsb, MonumntsHead Stonesi and ail other OeMete6rý ik.. THE UN IEDICIHE 00, PO'. OOTlT HOIUSE£S_ FOR- SALEIS1 ,wLo o ,w t a;q .aheham -* l&c Umm Wb 1 Wbitby' May4It, 1888. J. F. PEÂsE PuanuÂcn Ce., Torntno. Genlesen,-Tho "Eeeuomy Wmrm Air Funnp»e," viticit 1 purchasesi tis»yen lai coulebr bas given me<ood satllefaclion. Il lu easy liccontrol, quiekto te spond, and. burnnitire miecsn, reqnining ne. iftlgget ashes. Althongh my bouse ii ruàa"veryeo ipoeed situation 1 found no dlfleulty i.» eop in g up a cemfonlablo even Iomrrsbtnre e from gas sud dust. I mgtam c ua Y twI thte fognaces viticit ?cnr agent Mn. MaIn- lyre itasput i n ib is tcwu and eist have glven geed "uactiolin. Tours --ete. A. A. POST, A.rohitle, 1 -1 -

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