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Whitby Chronicle, 3 Aug 1888, p. 4

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54</G 5/lOT! -1 DESTRDYS TE Ca~ageWorm, BUY IT AT TH4 MEDICAL HALL. ONLY Si oc PZR ANNUM. Whity, Friday, Anust 3, 1888. TIE c+ of the unfortwiate J. H. upen oîh »w inesrcersted îù Toronto ir ccpia.eu issued by lie Ou - Central bauke, ta a very sad 'has bcontwice tnied fer for- sequitted sudd ta bailed -ont er charge. cf a like character, but pro ly weak cases as the strong- ýest ane a wseried finit. f.e cannot ie b ail or the capian sd therefore lito ngera il ùntil--God knows wheu. t i..sllyacase of impriso- ment for debi. nu hie pro' .nee et On- tario ee w o tse much te bout *of over Qu ec afler a&l,-or a man could net be hldte linger la 3sil for debt while hie hoipbee famiiy starveas ud becmea l' Unaliceou acont ul fùaeor- , and diagrace. T là abouit au l wish te hl wsy tiOke take-tho w rogsrding licketcalping i.. ig a humbug as one .could 've. I a person buyes a- ril -. i sud tllon do'l requuire te ide ocannol soUit, uas tathe e.withj other property, but must take il back loj the compsuy snd watt about tye mont tapeistu o sud brant it la rodee only h'sd minutes ed tho lv usie.T Atone World o0 $dl mem who did ben fviÏni *OI oilbe 1 tr.Fifi ve.thus The thing -corruption vays gel seema thal over the.r« order -te pî fÉs ides.. muet havfe bto get it trough the yod- ftransmission to ail the head h office of the read, before med. Il the eempauy ha. he money for-tholtickets ive efore î itasked lo b. refund- menths' delay ocour just the cwhole ef cor parliaments la the service ef railway8,, ce laut winter th. Teronto ~red tu publish he lic azes cf or f Parliament la Canada ~travel free ou reilways. hundred suda.ighty "mcm- . . an tlalh e ïmas and Âssmbly only three mon maun whe honostly pai4 Iheir Y-aine eut cf every Oizty proven le b. d.a.eads. is simply s piece cf retten suil a sne.wonder.,the-rail- e-rything lhey ask for. Il tarn afler eory elbctien in k ont Ihose who are te have cRc tTberah Iwnship, changed hie mind a good des reg lg lb. eomtAct wus dovu iere at Whiîbïyj Iii. ceuntyj counoil. AI ual rnsitaine4 steutly h thle jiefSeotvod could net- bei sinco ho alfending lime ho vas +euldt~ upnorth pe9ple ca4rod the sale Of~ ôiur me they:pleased,ý sud 1ev w, e d ii lb.te!uorlh the v.re aeRe~le At a meet*g of v4sky- avortop Iset v eek, uwIhad m«terog anligbeeei the Morden, Man., July l4th 1888 Dra uFRxDr-The people in Ibis lowm don't seoin tbe sarnes in Ontario and I fiuc il very difficult te gel scquainted. It wouic nie te send y on down a sample cf ontrnmer bers of Parliamont, Tbey are only fit foi th. rnuseurn cf mental borrors. ln Ontaric w. would regard tbe mosl cf thei as bein@ iateilectuslly disquslifled for coucelman. Yetii îu ea by lbe paper I send yon lb. resuit of tb. elections. There 'a goinR te b. a change made in a&H lbe offices of tbe Pro. vine, and yeu may believe sme foolis ar going te get a fat job. I wish youand 1 vers arnong tb. numbor. The G'renvay Party asa pack cf woiveal ville intellect b.- low, par, bu 1 don't put il quite as strong a. tbstuphbre. lamo afraid yen viiinet re- gard me as a very'gond Reforemer and yen wvfoii haI 1 amrnot a irst rate Tory. ain' .ivrsshad no show, but l'v. gel a nuddliZ lght . 'p;&, "O heb.bandirul cf Ibinge I kn.ew. As for vie. I cannol 5m lb acsty cf belonging te any particular partyeorsct inrder tebemp>y. A pet- son cachot taes muelepride ithelb.tlougbt Ibat bis opinions coïncide with bis fore. fathers, sud that he prsbhair mat th. saine a ley did.I t may boa source cf C~rde toe .fuliber to bave bis idems. sd bits 1perpeluated but iinlanet rucb credil te the son. But W isl net what I started ont te write, se vii drop off riglet boe sud start a nov subjýet. ThiA, la a Sabbath day and it'. razning. The âcetie on the prame smretbingg-,rgeous. ln place the wdfover ilermlly cover the greunai thb.e dor tbsy lbrov off is de- licious. Thegrain la mest bosding out and il wouid do yeunme good te sem the siglet. I nover sav. sý_ting M, Ontario te ooi- peswîth it. 1 v a. ney er à pester prospect of a good crop thia Iis year, sud if vo get a god erop w, Gare aIl rigkt andi do's't yen forgetît. Last week we were at a pîcice bed on the bigheul point cf the Pembiua mounulins. A panorama prasents itsif te the view frein thal point thaltai actually vorth coming bers te sam. Witb my field glass I could see Rinerson 60 miles say, Gretua 32 miles, Walleollow in Da- kola &bout 30 miles. and frein 20 te .10 Mennonite villame scmltered cuir tlhis vast gI5l* .Il justlooksau iif yen cam sesabout million miles, sud is a amoothe, sud level 'A il'il"waszpsukstd do"uby-the baudof providence. T -s would b. a grand spotlfer Gabriel te hold bis littleeuterainmeset when ho cem,-s .pendid place on the tint ledge for tb. foot liglets. When lb.he hr biowa I1viiihump myself for Ibis spot sud apea a out for yon sud the test of the1 boys wbo are vortby. Thers are ao-me pion gentlemenWho Willsoarcely gel thone ia time, I wsbyen vould lake ad vauta«eocf sorne ef 1he cleeap excursions sud corne bore aud tulc. a tîp ville me. 1 viii shov yen whsre, Paradise ongltte bae bensd I vill shov y ou ducka tial îasted ?fy1ig, viii rua off thesland outof yoarva&y tt thevaiter. I viii show yensalke viere w. cap catch 3,000 pib, ia eue day. Il ha& been doue oy oe nnd mrhy can'I ve.'- I viii ahoiv yen a lake that ia tle home of mma peliýcan, geese and asl vadoUelisof ducke, 1 noble .1k play together, and* wbere te ltle whiàlli*b lletâ played smd bavos ville 14 in ene dà. 1 viii show y-on 1h.esok rsbbit thalaugs >te .ape -lighL'niag sud ma es .gri yousa lng 1or su eanly ,deste. If a is lan Do sufficient induce- ment I vili show yeu th. souîh edg«e of tb. norlh pele, sud tbe gorgeons tinta ef the ,&nrorm bnîreiia--&nd ii fue l Iii giYeu acébnkof illtotake batk'vith Yen. Will yen carne'? yen eaugel a'relnrn ticketgpoil for 40 day. fer U25, snd the chances are il viii psy Yeu. I l .ie oney veninl- vestid sud don'lyou makp any-mîalake about tbat. WsU you com 1 If somnebody dont emne up here soon 1-viii s.end money dcvn le biang Ilesai up, sud yen may as voll bave ilta anycue-else. The weather la everylhing tha lbe beant eofissu conld viae. The àsnheclobed inittabest and asweel odor frein ~ Wi Ttai l. u~ou Co» ? Write suri ~ ~ WI meiyevi comuL Don'l wait aptil fal, before' *ouwnits.Tell meill about us boys, 1 dot lesar any 'nmva fri= J. T.P1. nhe N-s" 5ab"on lthe Z3t" j sifmme by r.efus*ing b ebknighted. Prof. DanielWilson, predettofe. To- ronte Unîversity, bs t iamt boéei gazetted. When ho refusod the hoor last spring it was.asserted that se great Ia man as tho presideuxt of Toronto Uni& versity would have to corne down a peg to accept anythmng iko Ihi.. from a party like VictÃ"oia 1 ; and now, join- -gular and. incônsistent asit may Boom. rlho is Uiloged. te have borne the distaste- fui ordeal with the best grace ho could muster for the sake of the honor it would be te the university. When 4 man makes a fool of himeof ho goner- ally tries te offer somne excuses which tend to mako the thing look worse. If the great Daniel II dont feel ovezü yet that the most worthy and. virtuous qbueen. who ever saw the eath ean honor hlm by tendering hlm special aud distinguished .mention, as well as oonferrnng on hlm a grand titis, ho had botter refuse it. Ânything would look botter than to say that il would bo per. haps acceptable to the uuiversity but flot to him. -Prof. Daniel Wilson is a great mnan and a good mnan, but when he compares bis worth with that of our Bôvereign queu, ho will find the publie wiil return a majority for Her Majesty. She is'a botter man tbain he is any day - th al his learing-and she wears longer hair, too. A I.etter. W. are in reeeipt of the following very readab1ý letter writteo by a friend, a Young min Who went to Manitoba liss winter : Il. mrox. ao.p=vala mlons ef Ies a of- do.et o ttn m0nl, mor Aluee sefl only l ms PEICU BAXINO POWDER CO. NICW TORIL CECAO T. LOUI. saleman vit god p&yý to may reliable ÂJy to Boqhesler, N. Y. Fmito Lt Thal ver eial aa capled hilia. i d o Lot M6 cou. S. Tevnsbip cd lathe of het l.Z pIty,>or tle .uaderiiý4 T. lH. mmu Joly, 251h, l803-8e-t. Ml pressaI os- Ler or lesua o n1Barrster OEce -to %et The. office just vacsta bKayor Long wuii b. leaaed on ressonable Lerm. pply k> a~8o W. TO R:1E N'117 100OacreFa=i, belng p otLMsn& 10, in rear Ofet5h co.0f koz Greeawood. TItis lua, tra, a parie deinaginformatte am te terme aaoonditin.am r»Masplyt Fam for P- 1o. ThenortleIiulmtoaue nine, In4th~ aoncelon cf the Tswnma l Pbkesing in offer.d for sale on veryfaseribeterus. On the p remismes l. a aI& o PU4Iy simed haas (Qne having8 atone cel1ar uunde, tý a large .sIecld.g bliag.":TÏ S IaoIWal@A*t.r adeuye ar4 6 Â ~ ~ " u.aletgof e - Boa"à' f Eduaaton wu hold on? W*d ieeday, ýt0 onides' lbri queption of 1h. appoint. ment of &£ principal, redbdàvacant by, tb. retfrement et li. ýimbee -W,*. arc plmaed to e . ble te anupuOcO 1hàa$ Mr. W. 'W. Tamblyn,- M. A., bead master of, th. BowmaiaviJe high solhool, waà the unanimons ohoio. of the b.,ar-d. W. bave roeau te ongratulat. 001 only the board, but the.!parente and pupis as well, oln the choce.that has been made. lMr. Tamblyn is a gentle- man of blameleee reputntion, a ripe scolar, and a mont sueeesfnl teacher, one wheee record ua 1eacoer,, ilt e stated, je ueoon4 te t c :f but oee high school master in Ontario. ie record aI' the University wae an un- nuully brillant oe, ho having taken, during hie coonrse, sohbolarehipe and prises i lsaies, moulera languages, and general proficiency, with the French e«@ay rize ; and ho' W&@ graduatcd a medallist in môdern ian- gpages, neit the Prince of Wale prise. man. Ho went hotu Newcastle te Oshawa wbere h. wasU$en years, and ho has been six years at Bowmanville. le ie ne email reoaGmmendation cf him $bat dung ailthe lime bh'oehas laught, upwardseof twonty years, ho bas been' engaRed shead master eaiy, and in tb. xeighbrhood of hie native plao.. W. believe the board, in appointiog Mr. Tamblyn, have seleoted -the bout of ail te appliomuts, a gentleman wbosee cholarship and tes :hiug ability is as good s that ef aay -principal tb. town has had the services of, ene who wiIl givo hie individual attention t> tb. work of the Institut., sud under whom, we entertain ne doubt, il. higb repuIs- tion wil b. fally maintained. t. I Opthalin IUT RZ~U(.TI O~ sAILE' This ins .rumenl 'il LNFAR ail And tles0.more &dif l - Remnauts are the weeds of our Business. With a big Trade and big Stock they will spriug up, but wo HOE THEM Remnants of Dress Goods, Remnants of Print8, Remnants of Shirting, DOWN.- Remnants of Cotton Remnants of Cretonne, Remnants- of Ticking. et ail kind5 kePt i okk d8, BA R! MEWEI.La anudý You eau have them aI next te nothiug-because lhey take Up space wanted for Profitable Goods. Here.is the opportunily cf the year. COIdE ALONG. PEINT DEPArtTMENT. 15c. Prints reduced te 12le, l2jc. Prints reduced to 10c. 10c. Prints redneed to 7c. 8c. Prints reduced to 5c. Chambrays at 17c., original price 20c., Chambrays at 12je., original price 15c. 'Cretonnes at 10e., 12io., 15c. aud 20c. worth j more. Every thing msrked in plain figures. You ean soe the price for yourseiL Bear in mind tii is a Genuine Reduction Sale. W. guarantee to Produce exactly what wo sdvertise. TWEEDS 1I-TWEEDS!1 TWEEDS! An sil-wool Tweed for 35e., original prico 50c. À botter grade of Goods fer 50c., original price 75C. A Dollar Tweed we are aelling now aI 75c., ouly a -few piecos. COME QUIOK 1 ROSS BÂRGAINS IN GLOVES. Silk, Lisle Thread, Taffetta or-Kid. Bargains in Ladies' and Childrens' Hosiery. Bargains in Gents' 4 Rose, 5c. a pair upwards. PARASOLS! PARASOLS!, PARASOLS!1 We have them'frotu 85e. Up to $5. We dou't want to carry them over, se come and take them swai at any price. We are determined te reduce our stock to make roomn for Fail importations., Se we put the Goodls down te prices that leave no room for questions. Come Early and get the boat bargains. BRO-THER THE Fashionable Dry Goods and Tai/or/n g Emporium, CI/ANGE 0F BU1SINESS.!l The undersigue~ would respectfuly inflorm Ùe public'thst they have purch2ed the. Grooery Business lately carriod on in tho Town- of Whitby by B. H. Jameson, and that they will continu. -tho samin uthe. old stand, The Italian Warohouse, Dunas Street. New Geeds arriving daily, which1 they oordially invite the. public ho' inspeot. A fair share of patronage kindly solioitedl. No trouble te show goods. A4B orders; promptly delivored. MAT HISO N BROS ITAIANWAREHUE BARGAINS BA RGAINS 1 GREAT. -SACRIFICE SALE!I Ha-ring oolud.d to Igonet o et .rockery, Tiaaresud Fanoy Gonds business, v. will ~ ~ »uî comne tean acrificsale.regardis Of osl or. value, onu smlnday nel, july liaI. t lb. oIowbig BeAutul Dluuer 8.11., 118 pi"ceWorth 60 o 1.0 ,.~ s' 1.00 for 6.50. whites fionsChias Tea Betis f4i.ece Worth 8.00 fer 1.8b. Paltod- Chi»aTeu Setle, 44 pieceorthille400fer -,2,50. Painted Tollet 8.11., lOpléeo4lýevne60 8.0 Pat.d Toilai 8.11..10 nlwoti 1.5010fw M. Platss80e. per dms, for 00.. Caps sud Saucerm .0 er dsfrOc ls ee sotte, 6 plac., esile**1-2 for 90e. Gobleta *adTumllene760., per dos., for 50c. -7 vmAns slyor ova prie.. .dein selýle f5 pIeces, 'Worlh 62.WOfor #1M2. Psney go toi lesm a aiWrie Abni OUer $1.00. 11.00 feono. Pana fo 20.,25e velepel &50 ton 250. &o., e. Thus ra Ïll s civthe barg>a=.W. alwsye ýdo msve tdrervme s Oaee Mud soeean*tem beorse'they re»eleea"dout. Huring teuhtala , ,n ofetvlnegar i aolawov~ e ViIIgive 1 86êc. pueP,;,gai. Wsrr ,No. ~ ieu o 5.pr aWn ie PRIiNGLE'8. TAILORING EWTASLI8HMEN' FARKTO -LET FOR A TERLU 0F YEA2BS. Composed of '75 acres on lot'No. I nord end of -the 6Ui cou. Pickering,- and 50 &m on lot 84 north end of tlbe file con. Whiti townsip-10 etthe land inabigh staté a ~utvtin.Gioà brick dwmJiagpod ç bouses, two barne, quite-lâzgeen0o4,b t hoid a year's crop$ good asIes stablng ndel botte. Possession firat Novisaiber nezt Privilege of plowimg alter harvesî. GEORGE JONESi Whitby. Jaune 251h, 1888.-tf. 8ERVANT WTD Good (loeai Servant. Âpply te- MEs. HOUCI July 251h,,1888.-.tf. FOR SALE.' A good brick h<ise, hsamn acres!ci md oonaaningail lunds cf àhjie fruit t IreL boming. ' A 1ew minutes valk froni-Hmrbor or Grand Trnnk Sistipn. -Apply te 3nlyAh lme 18.-lt.'Po'rt Wiitby. F]RIDAY, AUGlI I.OCAL L WHAT lB ON 9 NA BUDGET 0F LUVELY 'LN,; By CHRONIOLE R <A -JùeF>s mman Ys An' f ailh helIr W. do net unîos --:uBhool masters on the The regalar-meetiîn Boom tbis (Friday)- o'cleck.. Harr's 1111.boy, lB; npdtair windogr of hig lie Royal belel. The bsidly hurt. màalion .1 yachtsmen putses butIwo or hi'e et boits sud thofr ;elly e Port. - ' TheBO.L Gam er Geo. licGillivrày Esq. occvpy th. pulpitoôf Si daring tbhesbsnoe Abraheam Who h- taui W-i understsnd' tw~ holiday qki. ug. 131h i snn ty largeo 1e wisneie the Osiedouui Prom th. report ci P..aassud from par* Il -lu one Séhe»r VIEMI Aýx D

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