Bora bae lt luy, WIth ber lientity Shrouded lu mystery? MLA 4of -hoezýIça, (k Sn-kuedSaubla ? Who vat heriather? ~Wus h. a ikIn'g, Cruiulng about Juet te hIeeliking; out of the Over the watsr, Jnte the Whore, Bringing hie daughter? Native of sorway, Demrk or Swoden, Lureti by the. oharma 0f the Garden of Eden 7 Blonde or burneste ? Bouncled or alender? Fiery or frigid ? .Haughty or tender? Where diti Cain meet her? What was bo name?2 Whueper it aoftly Theolady we seek he" Was la. Haggardli 'gi Tei me, ye sages, Studonts of lite Who as wife? p O The Rugg Documents.' QONTAfIING TE EXPERIENCS OI' JEBUSHA RUGO IN SEARCE 0F PART I. (Oontinued.> AUl ER. '<T :1 .IdAj4W v2el? T- son - ?d1JW! S 70U1 pa and uma 1» 4"Vu - Weil," ss ho. "Oaa you1.11 M~e Ãtiore4l hallbolikely tofIud !bs. 3.Buq Ponkine, the author cf the B«ite bore 1 Ȉ es1. 11411S lhe,'womau îquir., omtI hope you'Ixenzoso my toilebut rI. beatroublet i wth the nounrollogy -laiely, and l" o#el=y-boid 'tied up into à tablecioîh te keep tram ketohing olti; antimy gounti, as yeon Can see, je pinueti Up te kesp it eut of tbo mud. -I*m a bauging thh.i stock. inge of Jonaîhan'. out te, dry, anti I okon l'v. get as gooti a bine on 'oui s over yen seeti." "'Exactiy t'" sez ho. "Whou yen are ast leisure, I want te, interview yen. Vve. ce m al the way frein 2lew York on purposo.", $&The.landi sake 1" sez I, "Bs yen a peulice ? If yecn ho, I ain't the. ons yon'rs aflen. I haru t done nothing eut of oharastor; I baiu't robbod nor murtiér. cd, non stole nobody nez' notbing-s'-o yen mîgbt as walPtravel 1" 641 m an i»ter4Iývr 1-a reporter, V' e ho.; -and, as I remiukod before, 1 vaut te interview yen." «4What is that 2" se£ I. "ÂnDytiiing iiks puiling a ioetb, or souiping a toiler, or 9ettin' a bonse?2' Ho laffeti anti sîseketi town his whisk. ors jeet as you'd sa i own the. eat's tail. "Ohb,-ne, indeeti, my tioarmatiain I oniy wish te ask you a few simple questions.". "O41h, isw 17 lez I. IlWhy dltin't yen "yayo iiitheofuet placeP Come into the biouse andi take a obeer suIe tho sofy, adt make yersoif te home." He set tiown anti epeneti bis beok, anti took bis penoil ont of - bis pookot,1 anti began te whittls il with hibisleU. i "1,Yeur Rame," lez h., 4"le Rngg "ýNo 'tain't 1 'Tis Penkins." "4Ah, ye-Rngg Porkins ? Jerusha Y "&Exaotiy." *etI-1you've bit il 1 thern, qnire."-t 46Whers wae ytiu boru ?" lez ho. i "To home," sez I, "whsre ail decent foiko alersgo.. te b. boru."i 4Wbsn P" sez be. 'tt '"None of your consaruz," sez 1, for i kuoed tbat 11ke tii. retote m nuv etet, ho was a fiehing te finti eut My IEvor Lad tii. mumpe ?" p ,"Chieken-poz 2'! b "Nilo." .k "'What kinti saarattu. de yeun ue 2"a siDomt use nons. I allers amkoa ris,_or sody."* "4Jeu se. Got aDy cern. ? "No, soir..!1 But Jonathau bas gel& .Il the. corne of 1h. tamily. H. biles ov.r with 'oui." 4"Ever been go a thealer 2 "'Lots of limes." lu "Piaysarde2', O "No l'a a ohuchmeuh.,,« thmnk, hi "Ever taesauj of Jenkitis' e - opumnIo l Tii. more I ponliceti my bile, thongh. thme harder aud tougiier il growed, anti the. furthen off il seemedto'te b. rom bneakiag Lt began te b. -the.taik efi lhe neighborheed. Evsrybody vas a- salhing iintiu remarking ente il. Olti Maria -Smith sho vont anti sot the. eooy a-goiag that Jonathasudt I hati foU eut, sud my bile was nothiag only viieno ho hatipoundetime, s antagooti many believed' il, But il vas only them as war't soquainteti vith yen Anal Jenueiy, for evsrybodytiy ia kuoee ber kuowe liaI eh. weuiin't be lHkely te setand stili anti let Jonathan Penkins, -or any ethen Perkin.j, peunt ber nos. off. 1 vont te se. Dr. Stewpil, anti ho eouldn't ee.m te do notiing for lu. He es t at il ont te break, andti t if it tida'î break Il voulti grow fteîte my nos. sndîI shoulti b. a aigu worîh going tonty mile t e s. 1veut hoen.andi shedisoins teare, -i ehoulti bave shiedimoe, but I iti foime tennovers leotz'y, sud I conldlt' affrd tii. lime. Mos. White h. eed ho knewed boy tobbreak hsilei; bestedihoeasesariu ne coulti break # in lee'n tweaty-tour hoq-M unt though, me andi Jonathan I1, I ug by tb. gré a-groanlng sud nitherlug ae in (rmuthb.barn vitb s et oorn'ente hie bhek, anti viat titi a one bestiiondo but éing et th bg ndbi me dap rite on my bile. It kaock.d me Blton th. Bloon ant Ibust the bile se easy amyen couiti buh aegg vith-a hammen. But waan'h I hepping 1 I jppeti Up.and took sftsr Mos. tlà he, ii brooni, end I duno but I 0huiti have been lhe desti et hlm if ho bati9't rua intoe i. oin bons., sud ut 1h. door, sud fashened me out., Ilbkok tobil.. sayhow," ses h., m,1 =t o alllugblna U thebad ý t- I oulti "hnlioe-"!IIbroke the. bilse b# hooky."f Anti se bu 4i4audI1em gîhing bot- t r, hhon1 noas 1à b*-,uoghfor Ivo ost. b.pesMa 'tlgstthe olle Sate.svay #my iglil »'liI I î!t-ue write pilain. Be ne more aI peesul fromt No. 88.-Aww xanm ze brrua. living hein privat. affaimdrag. out lutI lie»gaoethie pflie, ud ~mu.tor of Mn. JenessMd thie sei. -oe er. i«. mih. N;Ow!ýays every cousaruet10ol,-tha te.j tay i vr aku'son1esp1nbu- "'Of a4l er bnow. it iAl it ses h*.-"4ol York North"n "No. I take oatnlVp tes sud penny.. ""T su len 'aiupsot.' &4taven et wiemsiauigitu ?1" "To., coloua up te *andle." "lWhah bandie ?Il "Tii. breoin batle." ,,Wh&s color.d fannele do yewoam 2" ",Non, ci jour bisnesl" ses I. "That slu'ta mode# question le ask. Anti if yen don't look ont, yon'll gel siowed to thé. doon." "Des jour pardon. Do yjeu "9<alve posufl vitiour huebantir :,Yu, when ho do~t sucre toc badt. "Haive abuj4b4opee.kl t. unel'" deep-sklus o o oviulaMy vnltlngfor ";t our heati est tlovel.b "What ou. PI" &. UnitedBajs. Wat do ieuthinli f-b. eekà ~0 .p ._aOPêov Ws#au bii. 'Be aeabe4luupubd 'j E th mi il ~1d Coh (Te b.e otnuae..)- Gil 'ugOtisGrief sta sselng ber chameeof face sund forai de., Ipatinç, anti ber healifl ieot by fuimo.. tinalmngulaities , ah b@r onticaierlot et 'lite, vu turuetite jey sdgrt tmter a bnief self-hrestmont vith Dr. Plro.s Favorite Prescription. Il pr ud an n- lie kitineje, stoinacibovels sud olhar organe, sud ber roera teo robut bealti spuoduy Ifoirle.I.l jei te aly Mniiol fôrvoen motibjtmngglsls=ura ostlve çuaisutee f rom ibîe mnnfesirrs bu ou, iiib.reuntteti. Th-surue 'à "-b" d nia" te bottls-wrpper, an =ycazidont formn jas li 1oE Iuglau evisiheti tiuniim e w.ok by ,ls-t*u hsavy ratus vMoh h.eve been "diia hre âe. oxôo A " du l mla b. heela . p tlVa., asud ==a fatlmIthu d ktiliieoIanl 4m--et eommuty«"'b -116 -.-k, Atiulspluvu : ilî liai e'ieelti-u ufto Tou fwad vustni it eglslpaie iïe iii*h ~udaua bg H l "Uns of. Tlidme otF ki$ M usaea thora la anywhess round, 4idi i fum IBIib n u god shffpo. TberWsa red sà d greearpoten cùote o l4o-Ib ýoQt ixty.lwo cents a yard, aii4. »brei Ivaces forez' lb. to ltmail-e of' the noeiety te put Bewers ijute, t tbere'î a pioter of Daniel capt into the lion'î tien with a bine coaê on, snd tuer.'. a marbie boni, te baptise feike iet, and thorose a roti bounti Bible as big as a good. sieti ottoman. The. pews i. ail cuhhioneti, andti tey bain*t ail onehioned alike. kIrs. M4 Joues sed they ought to, be. She, seti that unanimity was the tbing- in psw. cushions, but me anti Mro. Dr. Sanhorn we gotel i. iÃŽe traok of ber, aùe gel a vote te loet evsrybody oushien 'Ihoir pews as they was a minai te. For 1 bad a bine mereen petticoat that 1 wanted te use for miy oushion, andi Mre. San- boru ehe hadtheii lining of a green oloak that, se. wanteid te ue for hemD, andi w. uiiedi em, Aflor we'd got the. meeting-'us doue, and after we'd go& tbrough witb quarsi. ling over everytbing, froin the book- marks iu the Bible down te lthe epit- boxe@, we began te Iok about ne for somnetbing te pay tiAe debte. We went tO baving faire, end levees, and sewing.eooietye, and suob thinge as that, but ail of tbsëm didn't bcRin to raie the money. W. had a meeting to ses about it, and Mrs. Deacn Trim preposeti thas we sbould bave a Dow kinti of a fair-an agrîcultnrai fair, go te speak. 8he porposedti îLt we tahould glu a place teoxhiibit iute, and thon go round tbrough the contry a solioiting do- scriptioes from the peopis andi gittinR ontributions. Andi after wo'd go& il ait >ollocted togother', ýwe wus toeexibit it at go mueb admittance, andti thn Beli tho thinge at Onction anti Rive the pur- oe te the meeting 'ns. Everybody agreeti, andi I wae apinted in the. sommittee to go about alter con.- tributione. 1 hati som >e rallier amne. in stvenînrea that it would b. worîh nuie t telsl, if I only 4>ad room. Deacon Groundiut, hs'ti juet lest bis Vifs andi wanted te inake a gooti im. Preesien on -the. ontuarrieti wirnwuen l>1k., ho give a fon*.year.old colt &bat lad badloeeoye knbked ont andi oould ick lik. bine blaza.W. hadti teput kplacard ente, hum ~arketi tbusly: "eep CLar of u HeeW" Mue. Brewn, tte idtge. @ho gave wo pair of striped *tockinge and a )oah in Obiny rooster. ne wmas, overful fine bird, and coulti co* as Dut as ever I heardi one.of bisguizo, &us ifOrtiuitlY h. hatiliris hie oomb, aud be top of itad conieoff$ v hMjCj Mte im Iook o« GÈ.aî se"lstsW dit her the wîndtilest fail blewd the. cuper- w off. - ' IWHITBY. of Gea Bftîn OAPJTAI,, ~,seoo. ugi ani al su me 0ý!tid,tetMe Oncer eald tliât *e so! c gond healiJu con*ited Wlukeeping the- heade-ol, the. tetWsz'n, ud ,tii bowela open. -Rad this emnent physlciai- Jlivetila uiday, and known the ramente ýt AyerPs Puis- as an aperlent, ho weuld certainly bave reoommended thon>, as se many et hia distlngnlbed aucessora are dolng. The celebrated Dr. Farnworth, et Norwich, Conn., reconunends Ayer's1 P418 as the best ot ail remedies for "Intermittent Feyers."1 Dr. I. F. Fewler, et Bridigeport, Couzi., says:> "Ayers Pilla are highly and universaily spoken et by the people about here. Inmke -daily use ofetthen in my practice."1 Dr. Mayhew, ef New Bedford, Mass., Baye : " Having prescribed many thon- sanda of Ayer's PlUs, i my practice, I can unhesitatingiy pronounce tien> the best cathartie iuse." The Massachusetts StateLAsayer, Dr. A. A. Hayes, certifies: "I bave mode a careful analysis of Ayer's Pis. They contain the active principles of weil.. known drugs, iselated fron> inert mat- ter, which plan la, cbemically speaklng, of great importance te their usetulness. ht Inures à ctivity, certainty, and uni- forrnlty of efleet. Ayer's Pila contain skitllc omain."lsusace u the virtues et vegetable remedies i Ayer'-s Pulis, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., LoweII, Maus. SoId by ail Dealers la Medicine. This Company issues svery desirable foin ot Lite policy, and hlas depositeti with ti Receiver Genoral in'approveti Canadiait seourities ovsr 8100.00 fer each 8100.00 oi liability, tins affording ABSOLUTE se- cnrity. Parties desirous cf assuring their live. wil find it te their ativantage ote'onsul' thme inersignedi before asmuring elsewhere JOHN FARQUHARSON, Genersi Agoni Wiutby, Moy 18, '86. .ly s f £Uonetarp. T]wE W ESTERN BANK 0F - ONTABIO. THOMAS DOW, Manager. WHITBYP Wliitby, Nov. 7tho 1882. MONEY TOI LOAN' *ON EALREINE STIT.- TWO SCHOLA RSHIP6, JNIEL SÂESEUIY W. have for sale at ibis office ive scol. anehipa cf Toronto Business Collego, anti shall dispose et theux te any person who viahes te attend th"t institution, Il aa gond opportuulty tor uwo young mon vho wish to polls'1 up them kuowledge of busi- ness moîhotis. Apply ah tLe C13130SCLE office. 'v. 9. 115b7 P. 1 AIRAM, BIGN W.RTERB aLAzIER, PAPR HNUR KÂLBOMINJffR, Ppr foi At lieon living rates <if intez'ent. Money scued ithin 10 dayd et &p. Diléatien - MAJOR R.A.KEB- JOHN FARQUHARSON 187 Aller ýfivo ysars use of the White Sewh Sy iBuL, 1880. 9- machine in jny la-miyl pan fily enti the, above certificat. anti cen fuly recel men theiLsmachine as -a .flan4uy ae'i ( TO OA N achine cesîs lesa tonrepaira thon a Y T O L A N nmi chi n eI L av e ev er - a an y th in g te '- Mortgage at Loy iRate with. MAJOR HUARPZB. Interst. - e Solti chsap as ths chsapest, ana is, t) Lest oethe Lest. iCaadaTft. jSole Agent, otohuaDistrit. A&pply tle WhItÊy, Februa MONEý On Real Eetate e.aniagent for the Western Ass anc'e Co. OFFIQEB-Over Gerri&à s Block, Whitby AMAZING PHENOMENA OPfTEZ < OLR ÀÂD JfSTAB~BYTEMS HErQty DvnPoi% Nozswno, D.,P Embellisheti with over 800 fine engravingo, Liberal terms te, Agente. OXFORD PIJBLI8ING -CO. 5 JOBDAIN ST.,- -TOROÈTO, O±lT.- -Certiflcate of major Harper, Esq., of Whitby. -1882- To whom it , may conSein. This i. ote esnify tiat having examined, epairoti anti useti a gr-et vaiety et Sewing Macines. I have come tethe conclusion tat the White Machine solti y L. Fai. banke is on. of le est matisas in my opinio n il i. a machine that wil net easily get eut et order, and ill ilast muci longer tien meet machine,a cane Las been taken te prevont wear as much as possible., I con ionestly nacemmend ti 1oleparties vaut.: ing a gooti anti lasting sewing maohin., 1I purcianeti one cf the White's some montia 'r LtTMMB, wholeosale and retai1, o lhe car load. Planing, Mouldings f every tescip Ploening, SheetiDg BShelving, Re-saw4 Shaping, Tnmng, âorol Work, et., etc.' N OW EADYOur e.w bok I de.t, soiption et ail îLot le- wonderlul M eVsr continent cf the Globe, in -the vno!i waters andtheii StamrrHeavens, cena thrilling adventurea on landi and 1554 Éowned scveic f the world's gsea, >g explorer. in -ail ageaj anti remarkablepla nemena ievery realin et nature. , braclng the stnuki g physical featuresof ib earth, the peculiar ciaracteiatics oet b. hurnan race, cf animale, bird., insecte, ot4 iclndimg a viviti description of the Atl:1 tic, Paocie anti Indian Oceans, and o ethi Polar Sea, thé Monsters eoftthe Dee-, beautiful seashelle anti plants, singuii, fishes anti dwellers i-the woild ot wate's I v.hstchoe aboti ie)i ri 'BIS, PAPER may ho tfouxit on file -LGo. P. Revel &Oo's Newspaper. vsrtaingBurau (10 Spruce St.), wher6 vorisng onracte may Le matie for if 500»10E55, ew, lues LIYERY *and ALL STABLE Dlbx»AS-ST., WHITBY. Ms- O.ORAWFORTF FMUT. CLUB TJRN-OUTI FurInhie4\on Shertest Nelice, I House Affl UAL IaWOMB,-41,00,000. MAXEFaim Propsrhy mat Dwellg' RoHedes a Spooialty. Very 1evratce. Easy terme et paymeuh. Simple policies. Nol vexation, conditions. Prompt- settiemýent et losues withont discount. Be sure you do net lnuer until yen know our ternme and conditions. Enquire cf E. B. B. HAY- WABD, our General Agent for Seuth On- tarie. Offiein Whltby-Part et D. Oumig. ton's Law-QlBe. Ail lethers atidressti te Loch-Box 78, Whitby P. O., wil receive prompt attention. Reaidence-Hlam Clot- tage, Byron street, Whitby. 21 L ondon zand i anca8hire Life Company, fA.Willam Alber't ciÃd Torýo o by, *h t bhzongh au evenlfl Vfflturs and bi-b - d wao e:xiýuted in 0u 1878. Hie liM. reada Byuwue &bora modt cf the 10W men Who al* ýAuitinug, sud eonldn't go Mtbs timaQ fihi.e x«ca jhe wass a litho ovez' 80. ý'u1innsd soidionly ai iug' e.11 qf six fétethall, isp au eÃeot, milit&ty ornai gual s~ienôio fae. ra otiwn LieehonuIdere, peSl'0d on he 6street,,1 wenld aheop and look spirit oft avonturd ho li isce 0-éIfightora. EHi. gr J,,ai ?alrick lyam, 0 Welngtefl ah Watez'lc O'aplin John Rysu, vu Bpiiii-battlefiel 1, uni à ia se On bis motbir" sido ho laie stock os Tem-pa Gen. Byan was bon Oauda sdreoeied a 1 HisPn eolswite proprietoi pat&et fst. Thom"s,Oui yonng _Rymnienedti t, aoqùiî&rs aieatyleof contriLuting te the. ce pa H' le vas lu 'Neý thé.' ar of the rebeiià I although ouly amèes#ah ahhlfiert. opportunity à ta the front. Re 'envo the War, anti beingjust i soldiez', .«rose irapidlyi -At I4edbum S . O., he Vw au, semlve bulîet Wvhii tiiple2plotie, Th i v ed tue with veniez'. IB tuzgh l.the ket c sti4 t? hemi: achanmd, .dangeons ilittie miaule e hie 9de, anti, monnted fi sfd2nwardiýwone it8aain Lu186he loftSt. Pau peditien te sutlea# He@4 Hswsplaoea i u comau CAUSE AND EFFECT. Many pensons wonder sit the tireti, wrn and wCary feeling îhatoppes9 them wîth- out any apparent cauFe. It m y e poverty cf the blooti or a disordered stomach ; in eïthen case lhe stomacli, bleed andi liver are net perfonming themr nogular fanctiens, sud, with many pers theno wili foiiow a duil, heavy headache, nausea anti many othen syniptozus that precede a weii devel. epet case of Dyspepsia. Punify the bicod, cl oanse the systeni cf tho olegged sacre- tiens y using1 Meacham's Mandrake Mixture, pnopared by J. B. Meachani, 133 Ynnge St., a' Chemigt o1 nineteen years' expenience. Sold in Whitby by W. R. aowse. General Agent Whitby, May 18,186. -ly ly-47 1 1