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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Aug 1888, p. 1

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WIth «la rPintad- Word% gret boghoand untiring Industryp advocat. Poate, Proplfosa,Knw.g, Brothenhood. VOL* XXXII. WIIITBY 'ONTAtiot FI~AY, MJGUST 10, 1888. NO. 35. Whîtbp Q.Tlrouick, Established 1856. The Leading Weekly In Ontario ChUnty1 S SUBSORIPTION BATES. >îpe annu in l advauce-81.50 other- vIs. Substi... lUare alvays payabls Lt .86 .. FOsT MIe with Langley, aney & Burke, Toronto, A RCHITE CT. Dbeigne for Ohurohes, Villas andce-t- aesi affpeialty. Dravlugi rear1 o Ouwou.-lxs fatoîr Howso's Drulg Store. .t P sS 00, WxMTB. hoofice Of Publication. Book and Job aid bushlan in Bute Dominion Lino' Royal Mail Ontario, capable cf execerting ailclasses ol work f rom 1h. large poster te 1h. amalleitST A S . handbill. Speciai mention is made of the LIVERPOOL BVICE. IOLE, Wîth itSs cesbratsd N. Y. Oottreli PrOocntrýa1 Prom Quebec cyanderose ansd other modern conveul- . ir.Ag2 Fr.Aus3 One. v order receives prompt, care- 'rgn wd" 8.. Tn f al attention. Montrea....Thur. Ânug. lth .... 'Vancouvor ... .Wed. $2..Churs.Aug. 23 TERMSOF AVBRTIING .Toronto..... Thur. FrTintERM Un0F 10Vote;SING. BaIsTOL SERvicE irl!TO oiqxeuvu DOCcx. Fin lnerhoner ne,1.0oens; aohOntario fi-cm Montreal. »out Aug. 1. subsquelit insertion, 5 conta.Tea1. Displayod Advertisemens à re msauied Txs " *" ~ s by a, sosieo0' "id Neupareil, sud chargea Cabin Rates trcm Montroal or Qnebec. Advortuomntsesnt ithont vritteu From $0 te $80, accordino ho steamer instructiions inserted untîl forbidden, ind dPosition. cf St&te Boom, vitia equm.l chargea for:fanU lime. saloon privileges. Second Cabin (very su- Orden for discontlnuing advertisem e vest ates.dto), SeraeE inuit b. in wrting, othorvise the ula-= its ors vili not ho respouaibîs. pbih * Theso Steamers have Saloon, State- A. liboral discount f qr contract advenuie- rooms, Musho-reena, Smokiug-room and met ythe yean. -top y for changes cf Bath:roome &midships, whevé but 11111. me- mont by Id hdedtion as teit, aid thqy carry ueither Cattie conîract advrtisemneti shoe be ai e nor saeep. The. oomi are ail outlde. i a net lalon than Wednesday ; sud notice ThacomdtofrS.udO ino of auyiuteiided change@ sboula ho given Thoe Stemrsiu xoieai y goom d aid bfo re Tuesday noon. Other adverhiie- veli vsti ames attenctiona S the trandi mout.arnoivea up tW Thursday ucon. e Sâ thatniéofhervlig Business notices iu local or nevu columu publie. Fivo cents per lins wsskly. Locale, 10 et.. The'IVnoi>uver" falihhW throughoat v-hEeereLighh, aiduba prove.l herseif per lias w.ekIy. - W be on. of th. fauteat Steamers in the At- Cornespoudeuco seicited fi-cm 4art lantic trade. 1 cf the Oounty or neighboriug tovuibipa. Pusssgers, cai embark ah Motroal if oorrsspoudelits are requestod t o ud in ley laedar6, Iheir commun cal 011 ai proimptlY as DAVID TORBANCE & 00., possible, G- - lAgets.Moutreal. HBNDERSON & OHIN STANTON, Sup't Mohamnas Dep't. GRAHAM, Proprietors. JOHIN E. FAREWELL, LL.B., * JAMRS RUtlEDGE, 1>AERIMTE, &o. Office tormerly oc- en dpie by Farewell & Butledge, nexi to IUoYa Hotel, Brook St, Whitby. DAVID OKNISTON, »-&-, Orncu-In the. Ofice ota of the7Pool Offein Uo M lai Block, Brook Sbina Whitty.ly1 G. YOUNG- 8SE1IH, Io L Bu. B Aa nIB, kot &.-Money $0 Loab Iiour farge iâcenme. Opnou-Smlth'u Block, outiafXub Brook St., Whltby. Jan. 22,1878. tfO-S 1 JOUX BALL. UOW, B àRalf;lllA-LA OLMMOIR Offo-D.veriUweo~ BokBni Whitby. MONEY TO LàBND-1>rlvate Punda n um.up te$800, At i aloy rate of . LYMAN ENGL1SH], l lg a*- cou MStree, OuAT £va. oSan BUeaim.i Physiolu Bree meAcuoer OfIos honrs,--8 te100a. rm., 2 to4 1iè 7 to9 p.m. NO. 8 H" EaO, tlNS. Telagrpia Offie, LocalAgent, Whitby Royal Mail Steams LONDONDERRYs GiLASGOW. SummmiaRABNGEMENîTS. DATBS 0F SAILINGB. steamer. Prom Meutneel Prom Quebes ah dibyight. 9sm. Cicasin. ua........... 10 Foyein Aug. U........... A& 16 Pariai. Seh5.......Sp RAE !P4iB&LexBT MAIM TAES Quebs o MLMepooL Cabl. 50,SG,%iM nd 00 Ioedlf~ ?alIe>luoOr ffiep are nMt ariid Cu b he LsseM.ý"&liuem m Cid ounltry un pbtau "aFEBPW ?5M SAGXE ORUTIÇATB aliv$al For qIle$s aid a!butanff rmalo W. A.Yule Pure Hellebore Pu're Paris Green ]FOR SALE B 3' CHEMIST -and DRU901ST Tooth BruBhe8, Hait' BruBhe8, Combs, Perfumes, Tooth Soaps, And aIl other Articles noesamary te 'the' Toilet, are keptinl good vmniety by W. IR. HIOWSE, Ohemist and, Drggiat, Whuhby. "TT :pool: la lots le autpvureaoa Wm R HOWSE, OHEMIST AND DBUGGIBT,. LNEWS LE1'TERSe et=Zec, cmn b. readily understood by'the redr f the EOnMOî. Thanking yon, I ana y,._ <We-insertDd, stars to show where vs b.d strucia ont àa eetnýê beating ou ô ther matters. This discusiion loDg suoigh vwithout introduoiiig newsub300ts.-ED. OHà.> ib bc lm -M Sru,-The communication h-eaded D~r. ic Warren!s viewi, in pyur lait isiue apparent- si lypartakes ,eft1peiïiisies tes a very Cou- saderable citent w cnet bd ho any sstisfactory resuit, thereore I wiii sudoavor te refrain hlm froi maki'ng aaay référence tW sains xcspt tW a 1ew estements P net fouunded on fas. I vs of 0 puon that thé' question vas of -public rtn. e. and waviewlng 1h eiftirely tfrou ta sad- peint. The Dr.. however,apparently cana ses amythain thoespou _ion ex'spDr. P are,BaLour aid efrio"'.»I w'ieh to M ay, for the bèîeet'cf 'theDr.that bisase- meut-for 188va not iucreased ,50O0 or $600 over the provienis.Yearon hbçQ sanie pr*pertyuer $84000,that James,,Balfour h > mmsd;and that: apparently ho, the' Dr.~ kuowsibetter what rnY assessient slhenld bho than -hé doos bas owu. That the terrile coots thé toývahp 'suhave te p'W in te about "equldtô, busquarter-cf anu average -dayis eaîmigs f the D»'s. I gum.sthe town- ship o=ustand ýtho'pressure,- the Dr. atates thatlIhavebeon aaztytothc!atseoý f hie aunoyaos h e dée .net say iii vhat maiiUer, nieir can ho ttuthlully slow in vhatmnan- uet l'have causedbuin annoyance excopt in, the' proper dischargo el etnofcle dtiaw capèsaxad . @mntsacte aisthm cm.ý ani hry i ow-6ula khev mors thani heow4oa.WonIïbobfor advice aé to mydutio, lvIii uotxýa ,thxe Dr. exd the md c o hsarcd ivakei bec 1 rpid by l. I"ee der hlu ie busines bàà reoi I thWitlis t.ne vedoi 1bat ths emylofotthii MId d Division, G. * euit _,en #tiike laut Friday iorn- ~$Inî in*ref ésa emové tbc tran;, baded' Oeh-hW Oi(IO*ôuta -the laseigh rty comunjeatien oethe Dr's., nl theirlv;a vesincress Mr. E4itorl if hsmte hss' ho bu entiiaiued on psrem algroudsI quit, àe hil hcanuot lie*eredifyin î tè e cpublie.«n, jmvi Aber. Kteben returued frousOttawa )uoc ana the injury t pblehoui esuitiugw 9hrfoe 18daua and body on theO Cenoil .1its next Monday.. meeting, sud urg e la necsiily cf im.- mediate and deoisivëestops bsig l ak.en ta havre the water kipt np b t. pa roj1ei level. [t wao-opàthat sio. ess Needler sudDundois b. plaeed '-addit.. imal steàm POWer i àtheir miisaiLina- Ray that ws'w'ould -net be troubled any more in ibis imatter, btns e uch ii Dot the ceee, stp r e b. lkenb, conpel tiloe 10 Oée Using it. lu In'& probabilitysa strong deputation wiU b. appointed t te atlpou lb. Goenimn at Ottawà aima. f be aufget lthe (ovorument te tik. i là u bad. ,ýThi., publie-0bealtaof-thiaooimunity deîmatd- Lindsay Poat :-,W»dnada nolng lait' t 5-80 Sam Christianaà, il-known, grain buyer-oi-Manohesteal;Qd ýPort FerrY, 9 >erlenoed .a',very nsuow escape bn Irowu.Ding in the- Llndsam os r Christion b.d arlved in Lln-dsay lth.èven- - ir ompauy vl engineer. > cW l0 tho--luk, Lew 'Ulsni. «or oros batle once gm ban Bequeetbefrombesdlig site ho o Thougiibaffl doft b nu ewon." M bienàm dl kuii d eaiM.Jmesbu laritSus"denyuonr ut " h.e m. - MM a] maaefing-W vtht. neaithbe, s>ad Pae Mv ift IMy a b1 e yl. (i FOR SAM~ IIJ.WWL. DI;., W.UJ.L DZ. 1888. AfflR. Orduro by c;nsu- attended toa - Office44 s14es Dr'.BogsnV. ,lDmd LIVER Y VWfJ~ ~I lat P 4,night vas lthe iaaj asummer -Ud I do au ira- met m«,»unt 01 goed.. O -b*ubzg.latuiy a ecople drove lkore lm l&cu e LQ the 1Bey. Mr. 0:Iofpr.yreetiug,,veutt tes and.wer a 4e one. ba l i~menoedi this heg~éooa. Barlsy lu abount ai nmest- %7 l4,Oiut ram. 2The orop vau light aci sbe<but goed sapie..Peal' sud cati are o4vlaeawtïtpromises tq e b. aàiryield and B"; Aht tu busy hlme, dgy la'morersare idle bal! thé lime. Thiree left here lat week for Foulon FaUs to vork ln the. saw mifl but aithongia they vaes sfered $SU permenh and theïr hoard hhey oould not faooythe eray-backed occuipants, of the ul.eýp$g aza tnit »udrturnsd hônie 1h. tantday. DWding Uic storm on Friday nigbt the. liahnin atunkand set fire te the honse ZÎ 'MalI re on theé121h -concesson., The lre upreadino rapldly Ibat thé- family bsrey sOap& in the.elgthes thSyworead tmnea-.their nlaht-el9ýthes. .The7r savad ntlgbt a edand eln9icilt Th# i la calamni « té Marks uaiéia, a Mau agm n d the hanse sud lot vas il h. ed. There w» an ionlusano. on thejionse viicl a. shel& b! Uie moýrtg>e e eproperty.  subsorptln as îatart- e8 fýet mornlng fer 1hd amftyanddusa beÏillberally re#polded te, v'it imne, prédulont and clothlng.z on oui oet'MY maui .y1cistesehrohiug for' daja work he vas set,,upon by tvo land-' lorda audlkclrblr& bat-id.,bo;&itrilge te relu tà :hey vers thin suber aosaed or of lywd4! gré-reoù aslir theW vitobrusautsa Af1rhi nOtietboeu& iey aavltaea ins dlin bh a quaid 1, Lep-"T amDyhiug mas «býýîlu iai ý e =utlindum îo d"d iflfoin ,ON$ -nan: )dsi an .isli nbrc ~A] 'UJEXCE 1>1c on "~dY' W. T. BAn [A IRER Eye, Çataraol ;4iadesa Tic RAIITri Os li ed bock aud est, Teronte, 0 ie iS. ua d the aged ,LONbON, ,bol-I

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