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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Aug 1888, p. 2

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Mnd' non. TaO@. 4cO' th b. dont f hiese nite oaee. Wbh a lad hli i4 ih ti -s if'h*i.in thé ,villageofH shtup of Darimgin- Tence be,'oir.oved 'ho- HuonhG., vich hîpêêndl b Hons cfGomonsdurug ti&tà Mac- kiusis regine. Io 1818 he removed wo Manitoba sud soon look s front Seat in lb. t.glaslnecf Ibat Province. - Mu. Glbert Birdl pasturee s cov ava>' cnt Division streot, north. Mr. Bird, It appoer, hd boîn inminsfing cvei thée ides&t"al sdevaike are au invented uisance piculiar to the âgo, sud in visv fubhe fuct prooeeded lo emra up snob portion or Portios urom time tb lins h.o ould onùvinieuîl . huai saA>' Thi-iomlotuflight of 1h. luamber lsdep- bird shruok uight watoh-, manufflystI sdecidodly erratio, sund ettaigbîvay tiaI officer oocluded ho cage tbe Bird by book or crook. He suoeesd, and hie Bfrdebip et lthe reé- qusst cf P. M. Dambli oontibutnd -to. lbaovu wcoffors 010 aud 00818. 11 Cobourg i; unqgetionabiy oue of tb. e rettÃŽectat nome~resmorts ini Ontaio o towa iniCanada poammeses Sa nu boautiful, lavas.- Or reporter srnoun- ous no leis han 24 tennis omurte, aIl daily luin NIswing. Man>' of our- citi- ,sono roui theïr houae..forLbheommer 10 AsuejicanoansditTorontiaus ubo have learod, thst Cobourg is the cooluui, the. heaithiost, snd the mont aujoyable rc. sort lu Ontario as wbit o spend th. h.ated toru. The Arlington i, orowd- od -it b gnsts, - 200 at present, -i@on, of lb. best appointed -botée inluCanada, sud fuly deserves the. eztenuive patron &go il irelvées. Boating, fisbing, driv- lg,' dancing, tennis, basebail sud erloket fronilb. Abief amufements at Ibis favorite hotelry. For sera) cessos lb. Arlington basebali club Lai. d.f.st.dlubs froçp Cobourg,Port sup ad other towna ;;snd froin heur akfil as bat sud ini field, v. believe tb.> ea âsi)>' def.a sit a>'am in lb. Mid- issi district. At lin minules past six o'olook '0 Tuday MOrning lait, Mi. Robt. COook uagil oporator as thé G. T. B. station loft the, ticket office for s few minau Durlug-bis absence, como pirson ou terod tiii.offlo.sud abotruted thb.0con toetsof zhbeuah box, assuounngug b hi sum cf $26.45.--As&@soonaes tle robberj Vas discovered, suspicion rested on tramp, who vas last seen standingi lb. dcor-vay ou the. orthb side cf th, Igeneral waitlug room,at thec morneu viapu Mr'. Jasl. O'Neil, who qarries thb mail s u d rom th. posroffie, e. leued 1h. station and si -ed 10 o iteit lthe tioke -o018ce, viere, stands the strong box, in whleb the. mait. su-e p lscd ou the aurival of post-trainsi Fidg ltii doors looked, Mr. O'Neill Offeetid sautnrance by erawling thic 80 oenwioketStlaiWbieb conduaohoz rote.Ie deepaîohes. f. hock Ish muaft ù ont th box, unalooed -lb. dôa. on tbe norti aide cf, the of4le sppcd, eut on tbe platfori, hbew ths mail). * bage iuto tbe wfggon, andidnl a fe. miutes vas driviug idpidly dovu street te th@ posa-ffice, Iiftle dresming lis-t ho bad prepaied thb.,vs>' fer s rob6eu-y. ibe tuamp muet bave iateh.-i -ed bis chancesi, sud wien be as O'Noil leave the dcci op4.n. b. ileliberatel>' vahked imt île office sud bob the mouey. Ho. be Rot sae> no ou. kuows,, but it i.s ruppo.sd Ibal b. bosard. - a spsssug freigbt. «,- is deeoribed' 4a sYoung minu&bout 25 yeauis of aàgi, vitb s Jewuab caste cf eouutenance sud dressed in s browa plaid @oit of eloîles. Mr-. Cook bas wad "eRod lt.hemlva>' Gomp4ny'e lo-.-World. PZTER*Oao. On Tueeday evcnîiigIbere sUiÃŽV*d on tbe eveniagO. P. a. tra'inu rom i ebit a Mau wbost. ege vas giVen a4 108 yeore. fie.remsined over uîgbt aI. e Qaeen'a Hotel asud Ic t on Weduaedhy iiiorxUzi on tife G. T. B. for Linxdo'. Ilie name is Joba Brownansdbhoaine. frocuaTanawortb, noir Napanie. For» many years he bas regided wllb a -sÃ" whorementl v died,and liewua os -va>' to lb. residence of tuothor sou, uear-Liodsay. Wbou lu bis primo Mfr. Brown weigtbbd over Ibre. lundri iounudsansd ,to cneari' neveu freohigb. * For Mie paiton or twelve yesus be bhs net bad l b. ose of bis limbse eept bis hands, sud ta almost perfeeti>' hep. les. H lya n astetoerwth au * olevated 4lao est the h.ad»tand on Ibis' la o4 arried froua place ho plac. Bron * lu, lte cou4ition thst h. is in ai pic. -,ent it ýýk Iur trongmn u o crr * tb ite rteber. EHo is vithont teebhh sud esunot opealk.. For rua>' years lie bas aeten Baold food cf any description, but; li"e on eoupp, rue], porridge sud, On -Tueuda>'at our' villagors lurned ont And~ i.Nsf8tod Mr. Hoover in raising bis Duew mille ',IL >will boa oubstantial I(esre. Broad, Winnasoottsusd Gorna. 1,t> .b ien'beeu càmpiluat M Waat. mi tfigarcn 14tét *eaUI» cth' thau o~1hie *e a~ad*5jfe.n i 047.1 thrcl.sibdOleiwusîAtfoirh~r hwnyfteares peurda&' cf"vie thaýt vili average fioo 25 lb 80 buhols pir acre. Théegrain id -umped -off latu eséok-tw o ahs iÃŽlteivals anl cvii thei field. This machinewould aimplif>' thèwoýrk alarge tarin. Tii. Ganningtcu Gltm an sd othor p&Papr se blowug a-bout people in their noiglbos-bood caiobing 118 or 115 fih hr bic ouri As -voesunoqt l ava>' flshlo vo Winijusl Mein Ocr i record. AÂfîv yesrs mgo vi.n w. vire learnin oitiade up north, vs liti the ofie0 u a diel cf worm., walked ave mileso the river, caught 188 ipoOklod Iront, walked borne galu bieng abseut. azacti>' 8 hLouis Zu 5; minutes. Boudes, ve had a ver>' soro too te ie nsd ouoldn't valk <ast, and evieibcdy ackuovled id that ht va s.apoor day for liolt fisbiug. W. deepi>' iptgol 5 sa>'hat vo cunot fonièb tbo poil office addreucf su>' cf the usinerons parties who eau certif>' Wb.*are I-atoimod liaIt thenahural gas outleh'ÏM t.efarin of Mi. Campbell on tle Sud,,ou, o! Piokoring, las beon luvostig*tW b>' suAmerlcan oxpert aI the. réquust of local capitalista, sd the' report be m"konleînooraglng in lie oxtreme. Ouriuiformnt . bt a coxapan> is a51usd>'formed, wllb the writinga dravu, sud evoiyblg an cer- tain. as m eavl b.. We do mot fui disposai 10-mention lb. pmara oucf th« comps.y as o sari>' a ducbut purpose interviewing the prineipal moisis butor. oui nozt issue. TIeon àe *o doubl ibis naturalgas existe lu abundance aAtlias pointansid, sMd Il villlikol>'provo aboomhto Ibis ogh- borboci sud t101h. gentlemn vIoe eutorpriae praam1ted them. -to <o ilt the.1 scIe.*cyuIl.. cioevr>' suceées ansd hope aolblug vW!in u-p to frustratsdevelopmouis.-Noa4. ~' Seven or .Jgh stons-ceum e »We o Spropug the sIca. for lb. fouadatom of sb. now POUofi a. sd ustom bs4lig&. Boeygoon ae aIsth ïekin4 oued. of Wh" ha largo quantt> wilt!b. requirsd. a The detadof au adI.od ariov e [a cap. <touadrovniug aitIthestuamboat le wbarf one day laut vek have ]oai It piquscy tesa certanextent aine. it imua be»cmekuovu $hot IL. deptb .f vafer at tbat spot is oui>' thrétestf,, o SIippreied. eTrafie i. booanlng a&U slong the là».. a Thuiea>'front Landu>'etaicasia.»- loal sbipmons-way.lm wvr.m aime Iout fer about t tv7«arsfour or a," b.lng loaded wltb su for quebse. On Fuis>,Jo!>' 27tl4 A. W. IParbi beinïg op.ratsd by on!>' 1h.nasal gan of. mou. Vis sai - "theb. lga ec Dlot 4y au>'mean e .b.u erWfer Zoodiwork. On IL. cme day iL. b.dpmerMr. Y. BoottS, Jr, p e vieb ele.Mosh"ht ac Owrrbée r .in o . da0" bS i bocli elbe, " argpe '0"ouIe qeds lbo*.ycemW. l bi caa vlie uimshInglaîsa11. Wbull, J. IL BlUte L D. eLt su P. Olbkedtslg 3.T. E m m lbradlisfoa.An rc pormlsssd lt.e juily t b10 .sani ami fm ore, paiy "ihl*My: t e ev utal.mm a ,saitat>lc bunidlu <c,< *o*& AI-pue- ont-ofth-vey pis...,6 auteof eIp Undor 1h. hoadlUg i ef nlln &'An 1lQUMafflaené ot Peteiborovho vas l Linsay TU~.~ of~ ta x eting WeeIee. h a u s jeveie>'stoe «M e aqla, sud aaerbe vent 0#aà lua"lnw Wu mmicd. The in vas 6011cibuacu s#srobed, Hse k= a1v-,rattha I Son li' ivs -i s insu u. ee rnal. &long the lRabof th* St. Louis expgess, wéhilst train o. 54 use dasbingalod Iond oo man hi off té trae hbs " ,the ir n camne ihud.i 9ug ss Thei. 0 otuine, apparooisurg , h Innfourage-in eàvlmg thb., wou tif. st the. riek .i bis own, preaed hzm vith a donie purs. Ver>' sari>'Tuesday morning buriaus 'ontered the cillai of Mr. J. Lunoan Mount Joy b>' jumping through aàolla wiadow ftve fées froua tb. dlo. The>' won. evidenti> afttr a square mes! oui>', &as nothian vas touoh.d but'tb. butter, mU1, v.getables, sud a pie or two for desert. The. faml>' ver. awakcned b>' a-noise ln th. cillai sud srmlug tlb.. selvres cations!>' crept dowu s an sd --hcce.ded in bsgging >wo burgiars two oi Mr. Luuoan's own pig.-- COonomiagt. Do tb. followlug things lu 1h. order named: 1. Carrythec-patient 10theB.eares shade, preferabl>' a ding stor. 2. Place the patientt% se . baud slightly rised, wvbe ther. la a draft of air. 8. Open tbhelo0b0"8 arouith. n.ok andaMtonoëapply oold vater 10 the head sud n.ck, levalez prof.rred. 4. Kéep Speetators, away. 5. Bodfor a physdiisa 6. 868d for a pairol Wagon. Wbils valiig for dmlb.pyslelsuor rIe1, continu. to app>' 1h. cold vator. =pongos or cdoduhe mttd wîlb vat sud appflc toILte usek cier ts jugulai velus afford sp.edy _reni n mogu e. It is b.liev.d that man csées basv. saded tait>' for vaut od prompt aleuüt t b.pationh bavlug bepu lsft atone nau thé bephysicanor ,wagon urd Docnt wattla »Y 'ouce; ot promp!>' sud mae 1h. patten People la u etàwves hm ao tr sxplu~ah PuamsPan Top ceeU ure t sver7vhcW. i. lUn c"ln bP y tlCeanci i cm 0.. Lhvù_uaguton lmlvile nt.,am& «I bave mula uesre la4r,-omuaiadlu »r- Thons.'3 .-uoWi 0, hm "lig usi 5 mgl. sMd havlug " l fo«comm «,l, 0 myo1siw uIy fS à t tu Gumbleshlwug a *sus At i Bsridu tanS. Thuusa>. Do»li as IMs 9094ymm jeg o r~m».. ooufrou A usstlug cf milieu. IsosIlel for Âng. 81 a k Louis, Mo.,jo fora a lour tract. .Win .e vu met. iadlcahlous ci Dispepei"nba ca mtb>' Burdoek Mau»uta a a orl bri ?miy oeb m iv me n6=. eu i ~ asu>' om us Pecq&&aBtmlar.Tlmg ME hap:oq UndeLt I a I j I I I Ei r' hi k a Il i il q hi i I I I i TIMCMTIM omm, 7 B oM ol d A Sohool Thorougaly Equlpped for Business Training. BOOK-KEEPING, I I ) E,. PENMANBHU BUSBINESS8 COIRE SPONDRNCE, BUSINESS ÂRITHMETIO, SHOBTHÂAND AND TY P-E-W OOMMEBRCTIL L AW, FINEST ROOMS IN CANADA. Send for Gireular.-.. -ddross. 2î C. O'DEL, Secret ary. jwra«v- rjwA " in MAX. .1 Heofrf«ng, and Kebsocrof Mediee, g~ table teririble e.meq...o el1Inifsnreu.up Whao aisbroken confrom lthe effects of abuse viidi dAn No. 8Sa radical 'Cmre for eveuc debJity. orga.nlo weaknssa, involuntary vital lousec. etc. STunvox boawmcu NO. 8 lsaoulIDnBuusinu-Want of energy, -vrtigo, waaft of purpome 0luu 1 8sglgba verion b o eitY, 'Van$ fcf onfidence, avoidance of conversation. dei.frsolitude, lslIeunesesud inabflhty to ftz lb. attention on a pàu.clar subjedt, eow-rdio edpreson of spirite. giddinesa, lop of. morv, ezellabliity of tlepr. sper msioeWoaRM or loaeo!fdth e i uid-the resuli of solf4buse tor marital excesa-ijipô. tsnCY, Inutritlon, emaclatlon. bar--à in - 4-I.,.- _____ - palplaflion of tlb beait.bterte fêellnueIi lDo yen feel doiL languld, low.menfr, ls, a su dedsoibobly mlsersblE4,1j" oeIIy and meutally-; oxperleuce A ag ' fullmes.or blostlug atur atlng, ofo66 ness," or emptlnese cf stoxach Ou lb. lng, tangue coated, bitter or bad ig Mout rr~appe Uk dzz îUê6-re butore the ei, nerrous rsmino z haustion, tza cy. f -temper, hot u4. aitrntin tbeily ensations, b,, bitngai%ÏSetPa oi eesud Ibere. ,~ feet, drowsiness sfter meals, wakefun00M 1 dlsturbed aud- uurefresblug -sieep, counmt Indeserbable feeling of dreid, or of 1unpe If you bav ail, or an>' coaslderablen of thsse -symptome, yen are sufferu r -tht moat oommOo f American Me&snj_ Billous Dyspepsia, or TorpdLvr soi wlt Dypepola, or Indigeation. The mou. * oonplicdted your disease bas become, th greater the nusuber sud. dtversity of ".M>. toms. No matter -what .s taeI bas reacbh, Br. Pieree'u Golen lWedLal*Iiseu- will subdue il, If taken according ta dlreo. tions for a reasonable leagtb of tinie. If not cured, complications niultiply and Consun~ tion of the Lunge, Skin DIsesse, Heart Dise Rbeumatism, Kidney Disue or other gisy maladies are quit. ableMto s'et lu sud, moQe or later, Induces fatal termination. Dr. Pierce's Golden iSiedical »ia, covery "ctaPow-erfullY upon the Liver, aaw tbrough that great blood- punifj q u-ua cleanses the systezu of ail blood uts snd I1m. purities, from whatever cause arieing. it l .equally efficaclous ln acting upn th U neya, and other exoretory 0or ciéa Pstuengtbeniug, sud beallngW theï irea an pjetizin-<F.restoratIve Ioul, t prmotu d1gstfr. nânutr-ition. tbereby bulidug q, both flesb and atrengtb. lun.aari1ldisthbt Ibis wonderful medicine- bas galned eelebrityln curlng Fever and A e' Chis d Feve, Duntb Ague sudldreddièease, Dr. Pierce's <àolden itIedIca is. ie covery CURES ALL liUOS frozu s common Blotch, Or Ery tion, t theý worst Scrof nia. Salt-rheuin, 6"evereoeS,1 Scaly or Rugh 5kmn, lu short, ail disease caused bybffdblood ar-e conquered- by _tbis- powerfMýul rfyint and lvga~Med. oins. Tisa Eatlng hicers rfn!,illly hea Un Ils benigu influence. Espeelilly bhs it MaU& fested -lts poteucy ln eurqgTetter, czema, Brysipelas, BoUs. CarbuncleA, Sore Eys Serof.- nions Sou-es sud Swellings. Hip.-linî Disse "W1iJIO Bwelliug, Goitre, or Thick Neck, sud Enlarge-d Qada Send ten cetslu stnpo'for s large Treatise, with coiere,] rlaeeon- 8kim Dlseaees. or the raine amount fera Teatseon Serofulotis A.Sectio. bhoroughllem ei =busing- Dr. Pierese Goldn odei cOver>', sud good digesion,-a tti ekin, bucysut spfrtvit ObrugtLaud bodlly JlbwAlL ýRbu Sahoe] AsAe ft _ _a n%1 rst, eaiieu stages f lb. disess. PÉmu irelous po*ir- ovet hteï Ps-o aw île wuei-t offérlng ».d now weid-fmd rem. edy to te publie, -Dr. Pieu-S tluougbt ues-iou*l Of cihlg4 gIt bis 'COziauxprOerCuni" but absud-td bat naine as tocs-ettve -for s medicine wblob, frein 1Wita nderful coi. a o a r pte ,btfor Liver, B4odadLns r c a fi b I bid, atharSeven Qians.sd kindre CeciosilAssuefiientseaody. )ok on Ouuuto.Âoe br':DIpuyN41àIhlea00-Irm, mIre f Tito he dstgbl1 trande - tha9, grasdi âh~lfg se old. Go.ve eut,-oflthe-Pa of th. eoeht h ered ovoi ltabody tIhia ek again. - Bloufl; sud Ouiisp, of- =oýonrroson-the.-Arw bu gji ng up .verythin lors. - Au Itempt was mai' ahiso 1h. direct tai b!P en't, 1o the Sundi>' Ci bil, 1h. Sonate, but 0n a point of o gener 1logisation. -Th Ioo, o adeadile" is qu one -"n B resentative Bar. in a eeoh opposiflg I A&rm appropriation bi astenof;s Gorerun asilet.heb.orduanceoffi "itii.epiejaàs 'ôfhh.0 w enoyer two oîhhU are thred togethor,. 0o i;pe.isqmeJ B" bine of oÉio, mays i éurébe 9mOPIt o _ofthesmc-u& îou blipsu b>' romton tr7~a rayttip1oelW pu ]ou e l u a uss t1 Wenlm' OwU~ g mo lb a Bâiec ci 51 hihe amui ya aeli abj;yreporté le se"n Wh, en wTfi se e. ru mu vil s Buugtroke-How to Troat Came. 1 ARCADE, COMMERCIAL LAW, LUÇE«T. TORONTO. 1 -W ai -W ai 1 il 1

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