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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Aug 1888, p. 3

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~g5~lU~OULettor. (promnoù 10<0151 orflespoildeflt) resdelce ~'IbI 047.Il là Stl Bivmr i i 5ouet 9w oiou , 1euie priSiS resldeiù o t oerncle bar., SVylp0081ii, jeissaldg, 120,000, euu ofve thte thneOSactée eoflandin -1h* O.ntrc 0f whicb il is bùilt. It lw. wlth-. in~ à si0ess ivov eftbits. LoganIrs home. The ton daugbiers vib whîo ,thé Dov Ohef Justioe le blesas, willl ,oe havenlYgbaved&bouse fi whiiob. The Uouse billoretiug au ezonitse deparm@fefit c f the preoet depart- ment cf agriculture, bas leoo favorably roported te ibe Sous@, vîth the clause irmnsfrring lb. voath*r bureau 1.ft ont. The feeling, s- c ld almciS ou Govern meut, on the part cf members of th. Hiouie, thaite.Sonate demi. neerod over ihat bodys droppod oui thig week agmin. Beprementativee B3louat snd Criep, cf Goorgia made vigurouh proteels againet the House confoeee ou the Arwuy appropriation bill giving up everything t te Bons- sors. An sîtempl vu asmde Ibis week to atacih the direct tai bill as mu amend. mont, te the $andry Civil appropriation biJlulb.theSonate, bus t i« vasrled oni OU& ou a point of order $btalil vs gonral legisamilcu. This je veil encugh ico, cue-demd loak is quite enough for .nue session. Reprsentative Borne, ef Miseouri, in a speeoh cpposlug :lb.eitem lu th. &rmy appropriation bill for th.esutab. lighme»i of a GoV.erment gun faotory, called 1h. orduanos offien of ibe Amy "lb. pepieja> s of tho var department." Whonoertvo or lhree ongressmen are gaihered together, poliloal prophe. oies are apiteobe poieul. Kere arM smre seiin.Rpresentative Wil. km., cof Oblo, &&y& the noît bouse b sure te b. domodrlhiO; Bpestlv For»a, of thé aineme O ate, umys ill ibe republiomu by frein ton te fifeen ima- jority ; Boproeouative Bynuin, cf, lu diana, amys Itlai impossible for lb. re- publ1oans 10 get up-* tariff bill thâi vill paos theSonate, owlna le divereity of opinion ; BepreéUMýtivi "Osu of tDI lino'.,samye itmep<oslium 10 Cpthib sagardauty flfty p~ea, or t hlm il sîtogoîher, vould g*telery uspubli- eau vote in beih Bouse aud Sonate. The Premdent rturnd frein bis font day yachting trip lu lime te aiu 1 he *joint resolution extending lb. old mp- p ropriaixons lhirty days longer. Mr6n CleveIaund carne home mveral daya aler. The Outhvaite bill bas.'basafavot- ably reorled to the Senate freinlbe select cemmlite ou Pacifia Bailroade. Thé Sonate Mbilproviding for a 650- 000 equestrimu siatute cf Zscbmry Tsyý lors lu Ibis city, bas been favorabhy rn portodteo lb. bouse.. B6ntor Hoar olutlob fWrthe a; pointmint ef a ooàunilteee s01%vMs se amors le luveilgate our traie relatiez viii Canada, bas bien sgreed te. The prelirninary report of lb. bo»i comiliees lnvostlgmting trusts, sMy ihcy (the truste> have ai' hen orgau izmd soe ste avoi lb. lav &gains& bon spiraey. Il surely did net need menti of investigation te maoriain that. "Are vo te have a rooses ?" vms ti question ehlohbeRpresentatlve Bake of NewYork, àéked lu lb. house t chter deys te vis ie hespeaker ze spouded : "The ohair omunot inter ibm gentleman." Iu n eudmeut te tie Landry Oiv &ppropration Bil, gavng $2Ù5oO00 fe Ïhe prelizn& naoealiitlh lêvazi The HomiJeo »ni.sotor« &Ugt ii. Tie lem*pprl eus crillqbm on Dr. John A.Broause as preociar being No. VII. lu hube m OImSymg in the1a i eii nm douces muiModera nloim" P B. B. Warfleld of Puincoetaa &ay vorthy of 1bis usp!SM"ot ton mii mai orlheiêny, Dr.# ifowwani- O.t tiena aI n beace. 1POU" sc i. Disunsi lu tWPI? % bave aualbg.f mirabie pap« elousb <Uni vnter on "~touag Biu Oram;lon Dr. es.e obltson60 i bthu :r dw 4 b -v w t bdyWii. I -tino. I t ST. IEPÂRTEL' I *ventl 1oféu id 4,Oen~- v~dMay I on uyourvt , Boer-ia m hercf thiemi~~n.A an open pelitical meetingtiMuan cnled, "Hurrah for Jackson 1" te vilci- a by- siancer rislorteWiH I4ra l ad- au V" "Ahi rlght, uay mc, .ean id Ibm fluai speaker;, "yen 6oA* uurra for yen? f.vWouiàcndidate miii e'Ude te sane for mine." A ,nvisbie qulcouaietrepense vas shovu by à Fronob acter vbon lie bond e01gs. ase w« *»vn upon th stage. Advaiiing te th. foot hugits, ho mid : "Geutlement if ady one mmong yen bas let your homi, I mitai b. glai te restoeil mi lie epuoluelon aet ho pleue." Dsorvedhy sevore mise was lie reply cf Deacarts te a, noblemm, Wbo, seiug liaIho " enicy'theb pleasures of te.tablo, reMarked:" seo, ain, th&& philosophers csn some. limeis induige lu goodobheer." "Wiy nol? 2" akod Desiarles. "De yen reahly imagine liai providence inteni. ed the goci thingsofetbis sali only for tie féolisb andiIgnorant Pl" 0f vit bordcring; on the maliolous thora are mmny examplos,ud some et Ltic ropartèe are faily demrved, wbile othere are only oalculalod te <ive pain, Amoug lie imiter is on. teld st tie ex- peume cf an eldeuly French vidov vie, bai taloen lu love friti a yonug noble ina, vborn ah. vas nover lire& of pralsingte ber frionds a- "baudmomi as oeeoetDamas' tire. muketeer." "Tes," sald a lady vbo board ber, aid vbo vas posaibly joaleii ; "b. e ibmý h * unkoteor, gui yen mn. "Twecty Tiare Aller.'"i Moci more merltéd lim thlisabove, Iprob*bly, vas the anlvor givonkII F om ots e -lspatsdduh Whovie m him binuialneowcharmeter he miould o 0 tlhle masquerai. :'"Go sobWnil, Amo &mtbout sovu" sai te a youu lady : - "No,,I'rnôt o .acty ngagei 1bu I have th. refusai eftwvaor lirsi elgçi." ]go uudoubi.dhy dessrv.i iii 'méon yen have asktd7ibin gli tel Shave $sai No.' 1hsteaf"s, is v- he sali b a, idleptikyerna-. - lWij do yen lie bqre aIl day ifth vour adi Ir in yenr pooketa ?' must hvs b«s teutken àbaek by tihéol reply : "Ca4» mis haumaboeu far enoûùgi sentihb S. learu te pu% he in u oirpeople'&.", r# Beadyvwit s eahb.sai te b nalursI le yeuug, for i e anaver given by neseeusseiolboys *» ne le viity, but uu&W1ythe ottoýs cii. à- ef mlundoesing or of; "ohsek. )0 Tioes aeceptions, hovier, te lti Y« -nul.. A leoher aikai hie clane via ,e v»m mmii l>y "divers disOasa" au vas ra surprlsod, vien eue of th P- boys@muetrW«edo "vale.th* he. ond ft A litle dotleta' gil inqulred cf bo 03 mother tb. msning of "tranmio, and vastold 1%mo. èeAllims se "Do«e 'trans always nan sereas Ys mamma 2?" aie thon mekij. s"Tee, Sreplidber mother, "bfll io'i bothi me auY more." "Thon Igua en Ir ho parent' me»anssroseuo" vas th oonulmloz-thun onesu 1111e hum~ r, Tsmti~ f'omspnsime~repartes, ~ ho fi"i liat lige muabe n les.vitl at e- mauner lu -wbkk, writos s m u~ in lemeolrs.Forinstancoe, s ave -upon rlemd- -Iba$î vii.» GIsagl [r donald oie9î, *0 ~~ n w1dý %Î mi obllvrotlsle 'vs:oe ' v DEa GLNO=.Imax: A eixj ~ ytt anj~ovSyouret,»y* c1lef, Maill1i.resdyo akuovledje yett. rie mai omu le carul. pululole a ly ba poIc'.On.ovwlôy Wse4d m s~~~t lngtfldece oee '@Wsheo 15toi. voy ùn paru4of.heap, te2, m unomba" te-"pie7wu inrà il.4 evit, bey le btai o-tWom vi- -d l I m~L _l»ior Ill*w 1 - Fià 5 àam b on' a Mn seouh"d »Y Jaok Robbus etf siefl 'stsayvl vasiequm 5~u 1Ynueb ,ý bio bWag waie 4 LOi Loi t 1qh~ba .jo or % =~~ ers vua s eool girl iu Liverpool aud Bill sltb& Ra.fughest Ml g ',so' mthilui of thé sz-premier's i yko6 sah. kuev il. "Tbey lvd u lepart eOt LiveÙpool, faeung a tuk. I vu 6-B 'il. girl of Oor 7, atteuiug a gil' sehool smre distmnoo froin my home. ~BUiîGldone veut te a boys' seheol net far from ours. Ou pathe aoomd. Ooming homne fom asool vo hmd te go long a vay whloh lb. boys .from the etheroeols aise vent. They use t10amnuse themseiveohaeing us. :W. voue mfrmld et theni. I remember Bll Gladutone as on.et the boys vbo usod te do this. W. vould ru» se bard" as voould. Who e oomught boy et us ho vould tee sup over bie sbouldor or do somethiug te suare un. Ther. were eor boys verse sud smre quioter 1h.» ho vas. I re member hum tas boy et mdinin-aise, strong sud flaU fsprite. H. hmd s Setoh look about hlm. Ho vas thon 18 or 14 por- hape. Tbere wansn ything remmrk- ahie about hlm, sud I should nover have remomb.red &bout hie runang gîter aslittle girls sudsoariflg ndif le hadu't beoome a promineut mma Mer- "Mfy poople vent avay frein Livem.- te Wales sMd Ivws gons esten years,"e Mms Hughes eoutinud. "Whou I ommo baok Bill Gladstoeowva stand- ing fer omreborouçl4 1 have forgotten i Us wer, orparbasmeni. I remem- I eoOple "Ued abouit il a greM 4dem Ibe.aushebuwmseo yonu. R& oould net have been mueuh more lima of &go. 1 dwut rznembew tha" luebai stuaied for suy professIn. Perbap he 'hmd orn be bofren ut.eniversity gMa entsred lb. megoastll. ude n.. l whloh the faly vas sgiaged, Hov- over tbat vas I -oa't remember, but I kno* usp e goo' l d <tl *0 %seYoung mm gogtep- iïwLazsa.B9ulfww sae d d vent on belng s.eeful ugh"ag hg Spolitios. I came te Ibis ountry tu, o MI5, ai, =mUrM. Glatope -bocane 0 mesM4ndmesproilenl, Mr momory Svould go booku &gaiu sud agelu te lie a time vien h.ovau Bill Gladstone, in la flovrpool, amudsng bmlusifby oChas- hmxu limte girls, going home frein sohool 4 sud tossinq Ibe aluthemf.B. One o tbesharput ooenls tbat bas d vil b. Ihat for tbe vaomy in Montrea. That lut. smy y= rlange.Aie syU, bwetbn maiu. -Vir vneruna ob«J Ne Bt enly filb age&irps thé lboaaad cfliti. ubes miii0 e.vtls ladngfio= thSm. Whma lsshe » ogpd ail choisI viii rnsllirvbcb uait uclae bs ,your aéluots h&aei UiSt l m idot. Theresjuel uesur W lb« la 1 _90M4 1%0h* AIb" akm sbe. yen st 75 cmnts labot"lts Beniff .vsy- lblag s"-ombaifl lelyn e uydpn uapon tblafor etn. The KngIoeLoa l. llusolya latingto-ieaaoecâen et- lie mine u; atulnosutgl' vbei"yo aore.cWvIm.ea soseb itiuaWi A blesdIohsl* »J» Mrn su lumpe mma asirneatelae.Ile AzrlUr 104 0 Ma eWOF H 00v .ý re [hi c tl 1I t o. Cou rauco m~at pOmP57,Krf lPPIOZ.-POBT-OPP1OE, WHIT~Y. The -Pea&,e, Furnaoe, Tii. taocing testmoniale speak for Wbitby, May lth,18889 P. . Passa Fua.cu Co., Toronto,' I haro muoh plessure ln ststing tiaI No. 14 BcouomyF&Urusos, placed by you in may realdence lauItatàui;h gironniuecern-- tort suddmtistcon, varming boli upper and loer recismihsu aesu temperture, vilieu duel or gem. W. dii net requhlrete use eut gran mv.» luin he ochdest veather, and take piessure in reeemmendlng ycur Puama.. tegif1nds hors sund elswer. 'O"truly, - , Z. BURNHÂM. incisec, Whltby. Whitby, May 4h, Iao J. F. Psu sFvENca oE., Toronlo. Gentleniten,-The "EBoonorny WiVuAi Puruace," bh I 1purchaafid frein yen hst in emmy te o utrol, qui o ereqSpd. sud busus ccii tdecams, requlring ne sliftlng of mahes. AiheU hMybu5Bjgla àv 4ye frm ou sud ve br~tr ta .yrba pu in ind rln baie givem <ccd smuotio. Tourset..,. 0"ba»tMay Sas%, lme I 111 a~.tblqtàN. 10Pss uamvh.yi tié tubu p*ovid usuv ptsvlusly thadi 7t il en more Imms adinua tir - mes ombiora »m«viliasm atltiUon troubloset#al vimte .(Olargeff ud. tii. z veri al intr.Aidfm -yaouse thns.they b aventbsn luJ=reor slekly vlhh etu <s&tmafrmiFy. IteE. Br. Bar*, To Ibth sdu. .Pae Purmâci Ce.j, Torento:; sir-We bave baidee*èi tilc lbe NO. la Booucoey P*ome, mai axe nmet mi mOa hm epahin A elav womu bfhyoil mpremoul Monuments, Headstonea~ .QImfa sud- LIou'hIo Mention ,JI~Iu iiil5 5V5~IUU5U iVE U.~I~DPi'Jg And ganyother vod AU Work guara t. suit lbe limes. I bave nov moi businmu lu Bruil is tulino.@ îe t ev place cfi mdBOD aoth cf lice R. WOLFENDEN. TBECOOKSBEST FRiN !?lEuMOVET) ivgarno MAIBHISON1 &HBA WkENI* ma,. loased the promises of the. astate oti 3. ~.Wofenonarpreparod tO furnish Maiblbe sand Oranite Mouents, Head 8ton7es, and ail other-Jemetery Work. Parties wieln9ng ohase vifi ftûd *fbte their tùInýto«Uon us beoo ,buylng AU Sodezpromxptly uda.sieto I 'ALUM., Z. W. Agent for wkd VEFERIM z - 4~ mdfo*~o. 2~O*n Ue.ppoùst lofa. Abeyalz'uekby Lakerlew, a Obicago -*.; 4 e RELII THI I '1:'Ioù 1 1 ý <11 ;Uug A. A. POST, A»hit9clý 1

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