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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Aug 1888, p. 4

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WrY. SLUG. ~271OT DBOTBQTS -THE Ir Caba~oWorm, % BUT IItÂT ~TWr~ i t-, THE MEDICAL HALL, veMo, ~.J Ion of uouneu ,.o saver a4b0dedorseof The relie f 4 udfire sudi valèr oDIn. mithees psas.d somaeiooouts, andlaea roerta voie idoptel. ,inance .ommveoe.reportaI ualt lit. Major Harper bsd lanedin a soer. lifloale ubowing tha& proviionsof lh. R.» Patterson bonus by-lav b.d boom faifill, sud the oooeoitteor.oommend liai lie lovai soicitor b. mstruol op proooed vila earcaof the titi. of lb. foundry property villa a slow to lthe Pâyaieuî of the bonus. Tie amouai cf #9 sent-le by Ruogl Fraier, returning 01ofole ntie7laI.eati yard eéeotion, vas ordered te buÀ ain le .report, viola vasdoptel. in the. abucia.. of lMuFarevell, K:.. To.A. MoGiilivray, LL. D. vas appéiniedscutjng solioitor.* -Durlug lhe absence of the Mayor Lu th. norliveat Re"@o Sijlw»va p. poiniel tte place The Mayor vaso, on motion, sethoris. ed to slgihe 810,000 debentures for tie B. Palirson bonsus, -ite obairman of finance ordored teo eil hein, aud tbe treauwer autborized 10 baud tb. money over go bMr. B. Patterson er his repre. Te. ocunoil adjourued le meet tb.- firit Monday an September.c I l EL 0111V. 6' Qf~ttbg 9J#ront.t, OIiLY Si co PER ANNRUMU Whltby, Frday, August103 1888. aI u ordinsry ctise o! Oshawa bal bom fuel, for vlelatina lie t.vu by. la» by emutig dive bad. treos, io voonlbave balnoesyupatby ; but vies Obsreas Diotie cf lhe street a sud Inrseena omiie asU x. fl45 su"aolreeemtly fqr lb.esaine ibingbe b eoouueilvô olid epsy lie ft..- Besides fon i m187 lie provîi '01 )f1 aStudtba sfportsd lenvlaesi 4,775,. 00*,0 wfluamsd brun 41,25,000; lax sud péoduota 1120,000; 'barley 0140,. 000; lart piolets detohhr or de 1600,000. Total -17,066,00. This mach et au ineome beide tar. -Tii. eiop 01 wvisi reaiel #14,000,«.0 mne oef vbioh vus oensumeda asbome ef course. To thoe.of pur finnois vie oomnol-make hhiaeago le Ontêrjo v oId s«Y te nmove tle Mauitobaed~ try tboirluck. WU itbio snob yes & a hast p adsudbs a"Y Mautoba lamer honU b b.rida. 8fr Obas. Tapper, lion. O. Mowat, Dalton -Mc0arthy, sud a number of others, hsd a big feed ie London, Eug., lately, aMd indulged ie soin@ -speeli., ffiug. The reporte of what llaey sàid in their after-dinuur revelzy ove: thoir vIns,.bave ju resebed Oanada, sud il a ismuing 1 nole boy eaeh of *Iae droppod lb. polioy of bis part oi lbe oeession snd tbld wlaat h. houesty t,. lieved vau the buot intereus of 6"ad. And t i. aise eédifing te 'noti.. th*% euoh mmaa k blaua.d for vhal b. sai by the eif pauty papota ain'Canada.: The. fiait v.find villa lhem lau»tfor toteUge4 ér mbd mis tu1y for ono., but for eot Mlng lia. yute' s-a:0 ishaodi et Uuupe.,If Our ollele wo~1 b. omeaatboul.eutsdo abreui lb.eepl. e habe "Moro "hJetheÉ4 aedthorsvwould not ha no imb in figbt about. Sam Hghesof thelndsay Wr bas gailâmhusi jt. s b",sp p~b.. ton» bu- iey osmothodifftvho ok#suledlth. réoan't oneoe hit6es a Uttalie"ffolt" or "séhort" for theu utomsoh' 1s36 1.mayehe kovu lia. me*, btiut s Wvihug *ogw. their usine. W. ose go Bis. ïiughsglu$ elr.W. buowlovera in ediffenpt uutof. Ibis omuty, vho u tom lve êýa;omuaenip the . Mooi. filso toIhvo -du tboumilves dé- eetyfeU qmt oflen, aud we knov porbape s m ai1c bl t.gbotie ohuroeeevlo do us-saine. And lie bot put ofour storYla thsi w. men pormey w$liug I. 111tel lb.th e vs keov. W. bave knoive noue of bs 'l Our NevwK..4Master. Sizice Mir. Tamb4lyn'aDpoiutment as head. master %of our COilegiate Institut. hlm praim have be mung on a&H bandsand. i noar. in which heis knwn. Ouraspaoe wül not cemi f eu inserting mer ail liai hm coe under our notice. Rer.arc a four speeimen bricks : Wifryey, A. 2.-Athe 0M Of lhe Board cf Eùoation held lut 'Wlndy Mr W. WTamtdILynM.A., ioad master of th. iý => '_ o l, vuun- am eua bcosed by 9 board le SU lite positon of pincipal e oColeguate In- statuts, made vacant by lie resiguatiou of Mr. Embree. bMr. TaizbILn.aà adistin- guisbëd graduat, cf Toroto uivoentyav- mng takou sciolarshps and prise u in is modem langu&an d gêneraiprdficlesio sud tb. Prom uaiesanpzo~sd iavlng C auWamedillist immoder ngr. !Uarooàmaaa esfl eairl as mou exceiai eue, bisbeing second tohi"lof but onek amimstrl h provinos. Whitby ai t o eogauss upea iaving seewred lie arv0e c8s0al W. 'bave to conga dmae eBoard of Eduestion of Wi=yUpou lb. abo"e.tbeV bave inade of head master for their el leglate Institute. At à meeti g of!'lie Board on Weday eMngj.Mi. W. W. Tamblyn, ucu boad mauter o ho Bournan. vle hzgrh sol, urs Fp ted le lie posi- tion. MKr. Tmiyn eoi D~aiiio ae surpasul fw ihe Provotà,adaen thévebeau a embedtoiigataefpogaff Vun4«ýrwbilltesOmbvahglàaio va I or~to'im lim ib abdïlg oi -àc ilite province, sud vi!. Tarablyn'sa we38liehpeople of Whitb(v need have De fear eoft le sceso boir0Ce. logiate Inmttte.Cea<.RPene , At tb. meeting; cf 1b Board of Educatio beld lait Wdemaxee ing . W. W. Tâmbjlvn- M. A.. huad muster o!et i. .Bow- EMoe VZM sult4 nguaUcof 1Mr. Embre, TýMYw8standmig Mai tb4cher le a c u o ucuradu sira nec !eWesting. Rsrsr i ucsu eoe inaià o s t exellent Ock% is avwone ho- ing second t th"laiot but oi me aou eongratuml&Wa mb»cd N- i -th m vices o! sesb ed uoaionWiislaii. GenoMral M >; viIi ejloser us -the tundOfrs . . W. et b.fon 30 h% e M 1il, o! hieO= y *eiase gtüe.We congratull. & ai tiie;t*n Ã"uolie appokmt"st.- Ou. no a*bdon. eomd isul piano for, T .34ý4 d tby- I. R' *ad bo6'è r sel vy bina iýt air st s W . G b_ Wn":a tiereg lovesnduni, re% i Wana carpdod rloésPi, aitW. G.W a; wtej, t I I i f ( q !DIDIIG ,0U-1T UV pthe REVU C TII! SALE aUded tle il. The, Do mluIniýé Orgm , OM1aiy'O baud,- Bovoesuvlê, oarwled o flret prise oit thé SBéuieud làueont Toronto, iook second sl lm. Fouàslîby orioki ', tosars.T M . Greeewood mo. --(Jsileli, A. Lavis:, asud A.Mewbray, veut t. Oshiva Teday sud soored tip 184 oui 164 rue for - b. Osbawa feliovi. Greeàvoodoauued off bis bait for 48 OolbuÀiwas xtlgufbed .Vy. be 100= û~n v i uiei esale ou mnu0oseplai. any -Oùoh gaine at Pickering' lO.day. IN the toesos examinatlons for seoud sud thrd ohm. oriàiehe h followlng Lu lhe remit :-WhLtby--80eo- ond oison-W. Thomn, M. Foley. Third clan&-W. Greenwood, A. Yal., H. Gullarie, W. Hffts, 0. Vali, E. A. Dîvey, M. Linton, 2. Âlmondv O. Anderson, A. Sloop, E., Moore, A. Anderson. Port Perry-BSeono lama-E. Was"in, G. Evers. Thfrdcl-M Burnett, M. Grant. L. gavage E. Sbheir, *T.HRobbs, N.gavage, G.- Vallentyne. Wbutby bad ln ail six esoounda liis Voir sud Ivelve thrds.: Tii. exlalbltlon association lu getting out two boetiful sud ver expensive litbograpiiedpostérs t. annonc lth. e>.jgbjtjon vhicb as t. ho heid boeou the 2nd, 8rd sud 4tb of Ootober. echa of the. poster s s<cheU« p Mi many oolors. The shedisud grounds are bo. ing ut inorderas faut au possible sud vork don.@eauy. A more energetie Oxeoutiveooimithee oould not ho asked for, sud baoked uphysa good support tha. oomlng show sbould bu a good on. Iespeelor Porgmaon vnt t. port Perry on Prlday lait te destroy Dan. listera mese barrels o1 beer, but -vas Dot allowed 10, do -so, flanester,'s mnus etili offoidng thé. Dominion >arliameut bas ne ragla toe&moud lb. 8»# ott Aeî hhut submittieg overy enel amendament t.. vote of the peopi. lir. PerUso lhadtabou bonds for theo Produetioe of lbe beer viienvanted, and lntsds to aufor the mousy. ,Tvo sai!. ers kilied, at Audley by ý bc= stori udsy uOLg.The. spots On d. belles of the sat!. vlare the 4hbaiumgstruk vers e reed a lver solor. Il vas a frlgbtfuù negt of 4htiMgi but lbe .maiu OnlY out 9 te om0»sud a baNi mo.. Tho mmnp ai O«oeil'expeuLenced soin. ex. aordarY Usestions, soins being .vet wal othors frigbtened ouI t ofbsir l'uisou palful dely&iseek to menonos0 hodiesthof 3obm Perey qous, s formertWmaeat o obonwg rblebmsdevuttbob pis.. n th. 4tb R&4t.,aIil"aI rsdesie, Nov York. levW" *4efrd son of I"laiâe Wae. @ubB<~ lia son. isH~e' aOoSp y" M Dî.lin t-ýen msnhleolyexlended abous ivo nelssu vasborne vila Chrisha rhlle. Deeemd wva sbroher of "Ezuso,: EAwz. s imz'.A base bain Ml" vas plajdaiWhié Bshurdy. but il04i wau MOàbsva ban. But lb. usme 10"o v qErs &0a.wih h le Oshasclub j IdL %0 c tsoee ieubi ite; obae s em n l .b a i h b a tn - thl r tlaspapsus of Ibaé ovu, have Id n a te71 o! lit roince VI Mas s polng Yon can have ihem ai non teo noihiug-because they take Up upace wanted for Profitable Goods. -FHore is the' opportunity cf the yesr. COME ALONG. PRINT DEPARTMENT. 15c. P$inta redueed te 12 je, 121c. Prints reduced to- 10c. 10c. Prints redueed te 7c.. 8e. Printa redueed te Se. -Chàbrays at 17c., original price 20o., 'Chambray stai121., original price 15c. Cretonnes at 10e., 12j., 16c. and 20c. worth j more.. Every thing marked in plain figures. 7Yen can see the price for yourseIlt Bear in mind ibis is a Gennine Reduotion Sale. W e guaraniee te Produce exsily what we advertise. TWEEDS I TWEEDS: EED ce r? An al.wool Tweed for Moe., original price S A bétter grade of Good.s for 50o., original price 75c. A Dollar Tweed vo are selling now ai 75c., only a Lew pieces. COME QUIOKI1 ROSS BARGAINS IN GLOVES. gilk, Ligie Thread, Taffetta or Kid. Bargains in Ladieis' and Oblldrens' Hoiery. Bargains in Gents' j Hose, 5c. _a pair npwards. PARASOLS 1 PARASOLS!1 PARASOLS 1 We have them from 85e. up te $5. We don't want te -carry- them ýmrse corne and taire them away at any price. 'Wîê aé determjned te reduce.oustock te maire room for Fail Importbations. Se we ,put the (doods down te prices that leave ne reom fer questions. Corne Eryan eth best bargains. al n e h BRO-TH ER J, FOR A TP.RK 0oùYARS CempoedOf 75 acres on lot 'No .1 nortih end o! tii he Wonl. Pickerîiggand 50. acre on lot 8f nortit end cf th, »,.cen. Wbitiby townsbi-12oef thi. lied in a iegi tat. f -Ekod V g-W t icouses, huýre ans, qiLùl1sG tOoe beld 8; yeue.acrop, good stouestabllùêde both. PoBUessin finit Novembernoet. Privilege of plowing atter humvest, 7GBOBGE JONES, -Wlaltby P. 0; Jue201h, 1888.à-tf.' BERANT WANTED, Good Ge-nl omet in OK -3ARGAI N SlBARG_'AIN S Evuou,d o go 1oui cf tbi. ,ory, Tinvaresud PuyGoE Subunesgwo a ~lnsriosle.regsrdhbo f oeil or vauUo sudyexJ4tr -in set,] #00.10 1-0 Wm Cle8tobss. sefts v 11h.00 for &50. ýPAlaledObi=a Toe"0.44 paOpWot& 2.60., Pshitea Tnd sotIo i.6eso .wouhh 6.6o for8.0 Ipu 4fate'~çd1ê~8%p IOeo<. ofti£ r st ro - o LONFAR ani -S And ho e diff AST1*G.M OOULIST'8 prescip of a&l kind kept Le ZIoI J,.BA-ll-- iEWLmE mG FBI-DAYAG LHTi GGOCAL I-2 BUDGET 0F LUYELY' LC "A ai' ama Ane faitihea Po Beducel rates on a Wiithy sud relaie 0 Douaibui anv -o""y nont el.1 Tus ladies and-sam pib sn n oY dyl lormeérly ocoupied bi ON1accOuel mtofo ivi .of Sens of. Temperoi nexl reglarimetial isrequeuted, asbtwi 2w1be ea.ussm THE Fa8hionable Dry Goold8 and Tai/Dring. Emporium. , '. ýý- m Th4 uerignwdrpcfyinterna tu te public lat hha >urohase h Grooery Busineîs lately oauried on lu 1h. Town of Whitby by- B. H Ja meson, and thaItbey wil continue th.esinme in th. old stand, The Italia Wareous., unda S tret. New Goods-arriving daiy, whic 1h khey oGrdiaJy invte tie publid tb inspeot Â1fhir, share of, patronage kindly solioited. No trouble tb show goodu. >AU! orders preomptly délivered. MATH ISON m BROS. iTALIAN WAREHOUSE. OF BUS/ffESSI- CYMIGYE 1 e Remnants are the weeds of oui Business. With a big Trade and big Stock th ey w"lsrn ubtw HOE THE Remnants of Dresu Gooi1s, Remnants of PrintsY, Remnants of Shirting, Remnants of Colioli - Remnant& of Creton'zne; DOWNI LO CA L -, -L

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