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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Aug 1888, p. 7

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MiIk t0a1 E' b1.~. Thoifil~O k oô smeÏitýg &boit t Yo'ugpyBOih ,ô f Ww ~~y et loi't ébey o sm imies fomad ou "iFine day" Said thé Jiidm, éégthe 75%b manB WOUI îhrough th. Mil for # 1 "Aà w0IRîn8face" je th. tit. of a ce* WOOk Il ought le b. full of alliao. üive folatIfoS. Why je it foolish tb bandyW«ordSwith aoheint ? Boause ho hueý alwaye a t'tort hafldY. Now thal the oaptain of the ?ill.burg Basebailiclub hie b.d hi. jawbone brokOfl ho hie nothing but hie bande and fot te pay bail with. qtl', queer thsl whén a native # of Borne goGso rzy ho b.oomes a Roumn, reoeaikd Squüidp. "How- le Ih*l ?", auketi blc8willigOn, l'Ho become. a Roman off. Adain (usl afler getting aoqiantedl wilh Eve)-"Wil you go wiîh me 10.- night tomoe. tbe animais ?" Eve-"«I've nothing tb vear 1" Down on the semehore a cingle vive fromu a Prttly woçba8jidkorohief viii attraot more attention, %an al lb.h vives of au oid ocean put together. Huband (despondently) - '?bngm look tongh my dear but lbe vouid owee me a living." Wife (impatintly)- "oWell, for every sake John brioe -up and Colleot il." Adam and Ev. Iiadmny trials, but theyý dldn't have 1h. baof et heir.mo.ka filled wlth rie., nor hhir bead& knooked off wilh old shoes theu they etar.d on their wedding jouruey. After Tommy had ohaaud the oov aIl over thepsasture aud falled 10 drive ber through the gi. e aiestdown and wieb- eti h. vas a locomotive, thon h'd hav" i eev catcher. Arkan»s ie th. kiud of a clate for au enterpuiting Young filUov 10 emierate te. à min va. ootIy. taken ont f=4~ hinged on hi. wedâwng day, dowc there, jualfor -ulailuç* herse. Brown-"lTbal'8a a home nin brella yon've got there, Robineon. Robinson - "'Y..." ýBrovu - "ÂAboui what do.. il coul le, ean'y an umbrella lik. thas ?" Robinon-"'Eterral vigi Firaeoo pt rioenury or m0 aègo)-"iIlm'inlu aver et nomînalluf ,George Wasington for presideul. Second ouolWalpatriot-"Kin ho MMr~ New York ?" "He Kin." "'I'm tei Eila-"Are you tond ot bird. ? Jmck-I adoe the" EuI-'Wbih i your favorite siuglng bird 1'Jaek- -The. bird I love moStmî ds -h s t E&Il&-.-" b hal le&Il? Jftk-t-"09 Impecuiqnu Svel-I Say, Harry Gjolug 10 ha"e a box Kt the epera nezl seeon ? Second ]biîm-No; don't b. Raeve I shall demi boy. Mach au I oiu do nov as le keep boz at the posboffice Tvo latilvidualser. s mei b monite et an famateur p.errnauic ven oeuefet hem preferred lb. prompl er anUtihiltir hersengaget,8s0o.b has isard hlm boutanti seen hlm boas PlmVvngbl--What do yeuhn bic my lut play ? Iitie, Um--er--- ohouldu't bmvebeeu your lit.aI. ia wright-You mafa, tim-. Odnu.- Yom, yeu, lhe eue belone it sboul4 ha' bea tire lut. Wie-'Johu, tsar vhal voulti yo do if I vere 1tode ?" Haebs-Don' Speak of aueha hlug. I Vonla b*de n-no ; Idon'tt hbnk I wonldbe wodé perate as ail thqh."- Lady (terlng edtor's roem)--' ealti 1k. e t n ut .omelhlug " 1h. condition et lb. poor l ila 1ev.ow Bditer-"WsU, m 84uahpieseul i' are upplediotlhpolaleesand o.e wood, but auev -pair ot pacte or fan overooai voulti bc giiami oe -i dlon oral Oum Ni pute sa il phyl cou i"çý "Do..ho eùô W- yen well 2"', .Ui." <Ppor ,Qorbipsi Us BIb. a bot bouseé$* w heeps but if Mille b0l goem threugh, it wQIl b. a t*loÏïeÏfor lthe fineul I.ee obe fourn >iakotsa, e'll b. ready 10 fil Our ira from aIl over 1he oountry nei imer. ro mediole » lb.hewopa lu in botter -re- i or more wl&ely knov Ibm Ayer's Bar- rufa. As a Mafsat cain remeti for manner of blood islorders, leadng rman ant raggits everywhere r. imended inlupreferenoe te mny other. Fight With a Black Buake' New YorF. f!sma. M.ong Young Woman'. (Jreek. in the. souîbvoaleru part of PoIler Oouuty, Pa., i. a elreloh ef deep, dense woode, kuovu as tbe Blaok Ferest. For lime ont et mmnd a great den et blaok eskes b.d bee!a kuowvuta .1181 lu lbesouthoîns parI t f te oreul, sud enormeus rep- tile, o et lat kintibave! frequenlly been killed ti uhé, vioiy. Bkok enske. elgl ee lngar nt ujicommon iu lb.iooliy, nt lu smmer au in. habitant oet lui part oethébeoouuty. aid- ed by bie t'. danghtere, kfillet Io of Iheme anakes, ene ton santhlb.other eleven feet long. Tii... voie the larg' est ofet lb si@ver beard ot in tire- glon OUnlaeushWâneeday. On liaI day Oharées Wolfiug, a young black- apiltb,*anti a Menti . eerelumnug beome from a trip lu lb. Blaok Pareut region. Tbey were, valhing abong lbe rod leadiug lbrough, the foreest vien they mmv a black muakeemerge from lth. bushes ilteue aidieetofhe roati anti etretoh itseit trom oee ide ho the ether, oaby a few fet.ol saofethbem. Welflinale ocupaulon rebrealed inl alarm, buh th. blbuomitb pleketi up a beaovy club Ihat lay by the wayside anti slruok lii gpoil serpent a poverful blov in lie mididlfie et sbak. Those suake. anepugnaoeus, andtiaison. lumed ti lonce ounluheo. Tbey are bnel venoineus, but belgatahe l. on- strictor family. Tins big suake veunti ilmeif about Woliling betore he coniti dem i i a second bievo, ant iplned oe of bfisuarmta bis ide. SislrghlurM, feiluaeay, vie fie, andi h. Soledthlb buge un&ke by lhe uèek vith bis riabt r baud anti uhouledta 10bie,- ompanien t, cmoe abis aid. Tii. aller, see- ilft lhe danger Wolfiidg vu e , huurioti book, and ilsi WolBing beldthelb black * eke huet iwaraengli bis c.m panion beal Il vlth a club -unti Il re. Iaze&41s .lIi about the bleksiihand wus flually kIhhsti. The enake, vblch la nov beiug prepmrod for uhipuient to thIe Smnithhu niau utuion, meaeured t14 felt 8 lube, santislendoubtediy thIe largeel et ils kinti ever kileti. t' ke le 2 4t gel t 'e t ia ÂÀouffle al.ly hook plm a.. lee sorne Irish laboier. ou a bridge' ni a batleoonniug, oeeoet$hem v*s tery auatiy-turned irer hsparapel, anti vile liwuv00s',oadün thle va"eW loudly lhe exolaimett e opul "'Ooh, YOîz OPalpee orne ani Md lme nov if yen daisl" Que *blng laore .M4oul iu lia-tle readanees vhiuh Nadi gave up ,lebieco whù vie .bem»e aadet. Moher- WhaS llà oi.4tgi~?Daub- l.-~le5jlIb l" " le*o*I S.w omrnKinguDie. Henry I. et glutteny. Etived IV. et deonue. Ouarles I. on thre 808901d. Riebar I II. via-kiein ubatth.. Henry VIII. of carbanoles, fat sud George III. Sho b.d lvd-a mati. Mon. George IV. et glullouy sud tirunken- Jau.aL-ofnlnk Md ath ie effectu Oharus L suduul là l»mide 0 wuwedV.va tracéletiiluthie Tovw or by bis uanole. Biohud III. Wil5UIW atns died, the dahh cfi be poor stage vlsi le bouneti.e Rinu I. et a brebu bo" tocs ion- ed byhea d tiucOf hmbis iren. Géorge Lfrom rntrkennees, vbis hie pbyuieimn e lY calaI an APPO- plOhie fit. WilliamIII. eofconsumptve habita et bodiy anti fromernlb umblng et iie bores. Baivardi III. ottiotage, sum Bbrw d IL, clu*r"vMt-tip very r*me et Hsewm VI. lupnison, by momne ievuo lisa4Mlp1 o bis janlipi, .ind anov lY known tZ.b"uao. WUJas l..oomparorlie= onor- menataI.hemriiimKandifrom lb@ .1 t 'r. Loi hi T ol the ai 4w r a i I tebe for 1 1Noi time. Tbi Mr Parr. boum hand Cron Tb netc or el wou Who Ti mue Thr coit Shei Ic ofa moi wld blc Ir pro mif wil e«0 the i b tor heu. h. bas t ietadosbn p and notbhelJs.ber. ,I am sorry, Isaieb1e for eue tlýbe .aréuntiber.' )W, Sh. iti ud &Dr sage$ a Oatlatb à tiybere 1woulblave bmn uoàtblng 9 o Bati a, for Il vili dure oat.érrb every, ýe yul ,forEmat Asatuibola was iseueai Hgome Hmats, re. Robert WilIIamge~, of Glenila ry Sona, Ont., gays, fi coulti net keep«- se witheut H.agyard's Yeliow OÙ) at d. I bave use t in =y rfamily for CBoetbroat and a outfoot,ana -car ilt t eerybody., he Parnell commission will probab)y commence the lnqniry tili November. AE.aflbh. ope >ne tbat la baietion previcus knowlodge )penience, tberbfore those wbo use B. B. may reasonably hope for a cure bo- se the previcus expenenceocf theussutis b ave useti it, shows it lb, bave succeed- von lu the worst cases. ,e tension between France and Ifily -i brdod as cf the most serions character. Part Of' The He[useheld. Ibave useti Hagyard's Yellow 011 with oh, satisfaction, for- Ooldn andi Bore roat. I woula not b. vithout il at any te as I look upon il as the best medicino d for family se.,, Miss. B. Brainhail, erbrooke, P. Q. :amense clamago bas been cau'ted by vol- iîc diaturbances in tbe Lipaii Islands. À Rare Cibasln modicinea liai meetas nommuy require-t Sls as ices Biùrdock Bicood Bitters ie ils de range cf power over such cbronic dia- su as Dyspepasa, Liver snd Eidney ýlalinl, Serefubo anti ai huchers cf the 'rack iaylng ou lh. Red River Valley la o.eedlug at lhe rate cf oeeasd a hall iles per day. Lti bis Wild Wesî show causes immense nitemenl, nearly equai 10 Ibat cauaed by l introduction cf tsa whoiesoane anti ire article kuowu as the, Imperiai Cream1 rtar Baking Powder. Beld-byaigrocers. At a meeting cf Ottawa m"k mon, il vas aulmously agreed to raise tire prioe of ilk to eigirI ceûts. L New ae«»eTrealialfer t"e CUreOf Csarurh. Caturba ai wfamuand iy Fever. Tire mierdacepe iras proved tira tirese dis- sMe &re contaion4s, udti irttheY ire due la prosence cf living parasites lu tire lnterlUnini membirane o! the n.per air passeges au.eu- bRéhia tubea Tire emineut actêntlosa, Tyu. aIl, Huxley and Beule endorme Ibis, sud lirese .utherltiea cansu e b. te&The regelaz mrthod ef treallug these dimeasea irasbeen t1 1pl su irritant remedy weekly, sud oven Lal, trus keeping thre deticate membrawne in 00 tenaaul tembof lrriltfcn, aliowîng il uo banco e heâa sud au a satuai cooaquence of sioli trealment, not oue permanent ceroai ever been recordea. It luau ebsotutefMtt l thre disese caunol beenuret by an Irapplos tion made oftonor "Da onde iu two velka, fS: the membirane muat get a chance to ealeub fort thre application la repeateti. Il lu uci seven yearm mince M1r. Dixon diecovered lbd raite lu catarrh and formulat ieirsni brealm an su incethen bu. remedy bras be oome a hcuseireid word lu cvery couni virer.tire Enib Languago ia speer OsM'e.. fsted b hm eren pars fcla"a cures ae#Ul, t>kgrehtwig beu ngo-r»v eh. dîise. 90 hlahlrsà tires. rmettes vutlbà igoat isit&er bave starled up *verh wheré iadig todestroy tire païpsite,é wbieb Xseiruw nothlnp by romes, th resua c f tir, application cf viricir tiey ax = aly §ILor Ut. Mr.T>lon'a remiedy sla a pliedny onoe le two weeks, sudtfi e u =ire applications effeot a perma&nent c ure î th. molS a.ggravated css Mfr. Dixcu mouds a pamphlet describlug hl new treatment on tie recelpl of stsnip toin. Crae h addlr:w.tr l . . io5II&c-&Î tiSeo Ameicanl.e '"Dd n't knowl't-a r o v y i. w f t r- 'f 10 'e- n la by IL. o- Loaded" May do for a sîupid beY's excuse; but what cau be aid for the parent whe sees ie cild languiabing dally sud1.1 te recoguiz e bÎvat ot a tonic andi biood-pnrifier? Formerby, a course et ettters, or asùlpbnr sud molasses, vas lhe rb ulu well-regulated familles ; but nov; a&l lulellgeut housebolda keep Ayee S.rmaparilbiawbich bsat once pleassnt,. toe bta&Îe, andth Ie most samcblug asud- ellective blocti mediciue over discvere&i Natian S. Clevo1audsf_27,. Cauton ut., Boston, writes: " My dangbler, nov 2k years olti vas lu perfect beali untli y'a go vircu miebegan tecomplaln Ï4 faiu, beabacbe4, debllly, dizzinesu, lu~etion. and Iboss01 appeýfte. Icou' eu thst al ber compl"aterî0inated lu impure blooti, andlinduceti boite lake Âyer s asaparia. This medicine-wen boallby action, -andin due. lime reOtuir Ilabd et erformer beath. I fluti Ayere saranialaemeut.valuable îeme«Y for, l. lah ud nidéblity lûcident tl& sprlng lune." .7. Ilt.»ool~ oerO., -V S 2r &M , 'M = ii jnmr WI M - 10E OBOVIE-EEAR3oEI, EA!D » W IN Dr. G*sh a Se î: Eui a weîldvlwdo reputation hBcs o n 1Z50çIu e5lffl e i, GlOMM IMM. and author. Ris Mairake Dandelion Lver r M o u ovriM4aso. j Ê40X c ure l-&atrium h o f m e<icale Uski% curlng SaI l a yô oe _am à = w u disssuof he idny aud Laiver. OTM k IONE COMPAINTIDlstresslng aches ~~ back; a dU Pain Or weight lu the blatidersnti Prom RIis rame the Duke o!t a' È base cf the abdom&n; sealding utinê Otton ob- strueteti'- troquant dosire le urluale, espeol- B1oiOmbne.1 17 ,ifly aI ulght.smoug agedi porion. hot. dry Ui lm.'lylEmbrocatio n ud skin, pale complexton, rod aud white depomits, lu mv stables. 1 thlnk iteMY ufai drcpSlO&l iwligs, &c., luEuàv»y, Master oe! Belvoir lMunI." SY2ME'TrOMS OQMP 0asllcW,.Kngton, eeorle "~~"' Pain under shoul &de ii, s' LIE OP INI ,der blae., 35 "enJmasIu.1. osEbrcle &cIVER 1 m l exio, a woary, tired bol- lu my stables audkn es.s bave foünd Il Inoli M re nrg headacho, dyepsla. vg serviceable. I aveaistue b It spiols. pipios&0. 17 versai mbrocalion for lumbago and HOW OURE». sffrhem.0sm isO enin Iti. at bv Mandrake snd Dandolion are nature's Liver "E.3.Pmou Lient.-OL, Master ef Bâd. cures, and when ceebined with Kiduey rMe- noishre;àI die,as in Dr. Cha»e'sLiver Cufre, vil)almnoit poultlvolycuro ail Kidu.y-Llvor troubles. Il EL 0KWROYALEMBROCÂTION, acta 1k. a chars. stimulatIng thecl 4 lver. strougtheulngthe kldneysan d ln or- bold by Ohoulute, stores, anti Btdleu> îting the wboledy. Bll by ah dealo et~ iPie~ el, wlth Receipt Book, wbich -&louen o r a thie monoy. Lt VER utT The ur# j Us- W IiBAC 1U PI LLS Mertroubls eadc ,bn-79 lilucaega, coslvonsamg, &é.()ne pi a- dole. R gU W P* IS IL..Ut WaSa00 . Bold bya&H dealers. Price25 conts. a P PtA 1teS.BtImIss.8r1r I'Ni8. FA RU IMPLEMENTS FORSALE T1esafest.ÇQutekest.mcst certâain reftied. Wilker ion plow, PatteronSgang pis! fscwdur4 (Jîsyton rooltirll, baud relier, jura Irout wàOn, rcka boise-hou, Heney fanng [~ L U H~ C A mndobesett harnossuetc. _________________ P. HOWLBD ANNES.M Whitby, Apil6IM,'8. MA T AIJTHORS&CO I~"' iTRYSsEs~ mouti ihtWK~b oUwed4o coulun uO lorin leetid ulerte qInveryseriK ,t h. te ilng sud l lleedlg ', kaa uleerttofal. ud lu o<s1 k-44'4 FARM TaLT 900 ace fbudcnltu c bàol bbree-~usT e ie 1. bila 5bZ cen et Psisli heMe on i,ARTIFICIAL LIM8~ ~~ loi SUa" nal.eaei.fM mnBody-Spinal DWs-Golant eel ea MDissUM Oftbo th*aer b b ueatiAm, Knoek tlnA Idu.P, Ke.Boy 'Ulgsbb i.,oleD. Feet t e. UivrdMeilm AJIB CBIT. ~ 8oitl Machine 011, J' ~o1e~uoP. Sm M"94 reaMi s»r09 -'tt tobaom 4 hlm toià 00. ONT. 1 t d s c . IlLigi

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