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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Aug 1888, p. 1

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IIITBY HRONIC LE. With calm Prluted wordo, gros: :houghtop snd untiring igidustry, w a:4dvocat» Pesce, Progrese, Knowledge, Brotherbood. VOL, XXXII. WhbitbiP (!flrouickt, E9stab1ished 1856. The LeadIng weekIl In Ontario County1 SUBSCRIPTION BATES. $1 per anu=in lu dvance-$.60 oller- Vise. Subsoripionsiar always payable si le o0fce cf pihbictioii. Steani equpmenMt and beat fnrnlshed Book and Job printing plant lu Rastein Ontario, capable o! executtng al classes cf work f rom the large poter te the mmallet handbil. Speclal mention la made cf the inwupassed press f"ailties cf Tâz Oman.. îswlth is o.lebiated N. Y. OottreIl aytiner presssdohrmdmcue oes o vrider recotTes prompt ae fu attention.picre TERMS OF ADVERTISING. Pluot inserton, yà Une, 10 cents; euhl subsequent insertion, ô cents. Dlsplai'ed Advertlsementi are meaaured bt i sosle cf molUd Nouparehl, sud ohargedl woordngly. Advetisements sent without wrtten instructions lnserted until forblddeu, sud chied for ful ime. Orderufor discontlnutng advertlsemeuta must be lawritlng, otherwise 1h. publith. ors wiii net be responslile. À liberal discount for contisot advertlpe- menti by the year. Oopy for changes cf controt slvertisements sheuld b. hsuded iu net later than Wednesday ; sud notice cf anylntended change&s slould b. given bal cre Tuesday noon. Other adiertise- menti received up te Tliursday noon. Business notices lu loc>l or nova colunn Fl,. cents per lino weekly. Locals, 10 cia. pr Une veekly. Oorrespondence solicited frein ail parts 6f the Oouaiy or nelghborlng townships. c0ospoudeùts are requesied te moud lu thei communications as piemptly as possible, HENDERSON & GRAH9A 9 Proprieters. OUN STANTON, Supt Meehanical Dep't. wlng, court Hoas, Whitby -48 JAMES RJJTLEDGE, TARRISTER, &o. Office formerly ce. B3 oupled by Farewel& Rutledge,et cHRoyal Hotel, Brook St., Witby. DAVID OJEISUTON, U.&, AMTOY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN Ch oery, vyancer, ho. O7n02-lIb e Offie South cf th.el>oit Offce in McKillan's Block, Brook Street, «. YOUNG SUITU, L 16..E., le g&r 0Oar-agUte«.p Onou-Smith'a Blook, Southiof Makot, Brook St., Whltby. Jan. 29, 1878. (tf-6 JOHN BALL DOW, B A.RRISTER-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR tu Ohunoory, Ocvocr, &or. Offio-Deverill'sBlock, Brook tret, Whtby. MONEY TO LBND-Pxtvate Pund- n smonisup te $800, ai àlowraef - rest. l-I LYMAN ENG1SH, L L. Bi, P. GORIDON UELDIRIJN PhyBicla, Surgeon sud Accoucheur. Office hous,-8 40e 10 a. Ma., 2 tc 4 sud No. 8, THEIlTBRACB," BYBON-BT., a. C. CRÂAWFORTNSIX Graduate cf the Out&drbo Vterinaryol- loge, Toronto. Ordeirs by mail or telegh raplprcnty -attended to. LIVERY and 8BALE 'ý8TABLEB, ROK STERET; WEITT. toot Us sual ola TOMSS. ste wltli Lau 1y' Langley& Burke, ARCHITE CT. Desigus for Ohuiclies, Villas sud Vol- tages da spclalty. Drawi.pppared 'or Orrxo-Flrst fiat over Howes Dra.g Store. P. 0. Bex 202, Wm"uY. Dominion' LineofetRoyal Mail LIVEMPOL SBRVICE. Prom Montreal Prom Quebec *Sarnia...Thur. Au&.....ri. Au"ust Org . We4.'I 8 ... .Thur id9 Mo :a . Thtr. Âug. lL.. ..... *Vncouver. . Wed. 22. .. .Thumu Aug. 23 Toronto ...*-Thur." 0..... BEIsTOL SElvic s von Avoxom Doci. Ontario tram Montreal about Ang. L. Texas < Sit ~ 6 Cabin Rates froin Mont"ea or Quebec. Prom $60 1 $80, acoording te steamer sud position cf State Boomwltli equal galoon privileges. Seooncl Cabin (vory au- jeror accommodation), 80. Stee st a loetrates. * These Steamers have Saloon, State- reoms, Musio-room, S8moking-room sud Bath-rooms amidship, wliere but litte mo- tion in fet, sud they carry neither Cattle nor slieep. The Booms are ail outside. The accommodation for Second Cail on theae Steamer s laexcptlonafy gcod, sud Weil worthy the attention cf th. travelling public. The .'Vaneouver" je lighted Ibrouglicut witb Electrie Light, and boas vdhermeif te b. one cf the fastest Steamers lu th.At- lantic trade. Passengers oan embark'aI MonuIrealif they go deire. DAVID'TORRANCE à 00., General Agents, Montreal. E. STEPEEBNSON, TelegrapliOtee., Local Agent.iWhitbj. ~an [ine Royal Mail Steamers LVNUUNPE.KN T, GLASGOW.- SUMER ARRANGEMENqTS. DATICS 0F 8AMLIGS. Steamer. PromKreal Prom Quebe t <Iylgt. 9.. Cicsaa . ug. 9 .......... Aug. 10 Peynesu Âu.15... ..-....u. 1 Sarasan u............ AUg. S Bardinla... Au. 29 ..........ug. 80 Clrcanall...sept ........ W 4tl BÂTES 0F PASSAGEBYM AIL TESTEAimS Qnebec te LIvrpooL Cibla, M , 9.670 sud $$aceedlft til accommodation. Intermedale r &go $2000. ReUîà"Ot, maUG,9100, 5156.00, im>00mI eiadite. po. O.Steer- ai=le. ior Sheep are net eerrled on the"e steamers. BIPRTANT NOTICE. Cabin, intumealte andSteage Paeugff MayCarerdst enatL bled taSbectomtbd on boadthé oman Steamers witbla iy n bourgrailIUoY Cardiff1 2.00exra SPaisenger sd thoir baggge are putea board the Ocean Stesmabipi at Quabo.fie 01 aul expeuse Partes .aug for their blonds lu th. Old Country ean outa PERPAII) -?As- SAGE OEBlTWIOATES aut bovestrates. For Tickets sud aàlother Infomation, apply té W. A. Yule, Agent, Express Office, BROOK miWITY 1888. 1888. SPIRING AGAIN. THE LARGE8,T' AND BE8TI Deoorat ~ng1he 1.1- Pure Hellebore -AND- Pure Paris Green FOR SALEB B IOwEIý, CHEMIST and DRUGGI8T Tooth B rushes, Hair Brushes, Combs, Per fumes, Tooth Soaps, And ail other Articles neoesgary te the Toilet, are kept ingooil variety by W. R. HOWSE, Chemist sud Druggiî4, Whitby. UýLJzxfjLDJ Horse . & Ca ttie1 FQOID lu lots te suit purhaser. LOCAL. NEWS LEtISI~ OxaoNxcLuCorrespondence. Mi. B. eot, theo. P. R. agent haie, and bi# wlfe nae avay for a few veeks holidajy. The O.P. B. ompsuy are 1engtlienlng one cf thei sidingu here no se 10 give more îoom foi grain cars to stand on the track. Mi. llOT&guat lest a good boune lait week. The animal wustsken sick during 1h. ni hf ble out ai Pasture sud died 1h. nexi dsye Mr, Vikeryon th. Hodge faim, near -Miyrl,Iays-ThWe Manitoba seed b&rlsyj purcb»W laut spring trom Mir eigii ofte0.P .store, liasgivenopledid sisfdaetlo. The yleld la bettersud re tha- th"1 fro=Ontario seed beiley. Mr. LIddyloft tht. circuit Tuesday even- ing last te spend asfev das st the Osuadian Chatauua Niagara Falls sud Grimsby Park. lis fmui lgoing vtahinas far asaToronto, sudve bear tathe Wbhitby PraylngAd ave coinsnetetk Mi Lidy'werk on 1he circuit next sunay. Tlie b w us here some f ev yeara ago sud wv verSpiable aI the diferent appoint. mont$. Mi. 8. 1. Briggu fromý the firm o! Steel BicsàhGoc., sud lies wife sud cbild. Mi. Fisher frein the Christian Guaidia esftablbmtToroute. Miss Maggie Blekell of Buwmanviâle sud MissHawkins cf Oshlw voe haie on Sunday sud Mcaday last. Thee summer holiday. are gi in pwple a splendid chance te visit their At Manchuster lait Monday Mi. Ledfiug ham cf the 0. P. B. store, Myrtie, met with what Miglit have proved a serions a"cdent. on ge*tlg luto bhs buggy th. boise started. befo» ' bé oould get control of the Unes suad am t he buggyno suddenly:nte o e i e.Lêdlnghsm a d g distanced before the horse vas secured. He wau bsdlybiuddabout 1h.efae sudight alie. Bel. J. A. carmiclàis a pending a two veoktvsboWrtio Loudon, Oui. ma"n S. J. Fareveil, c f Hamilton, la viailt b s padfgsteS. BeaU.,Esq. Thé Salvaton Aimy bairacslibeabu ue'wly pçluted sud nov presenis a very usa )au-'ux"Outre», cf Trlnity Squar, Tbronot pliebr civieholiday with k»de of Mi. Drydm's shme M Ssaunuseiaped kora su. rorcuto uya m Snly nigLM IMM a. AiU et- forts te flud hor up te Iisdate have proved dom d3the DomdnuoOmeilB. T. of T., fI lHamlten, as a reprosentatve ef the (3?adOcouneilO Qato. Thoe eiii b. ne servkic uth. Piesby- trisa church neit Babbth afleruocu. The meeting ulilbe held lu th.evoulng instedi ocmoeing at 7 olclook. Tb*.jlacl no f th. new relIer machine- ÏL, -OOLMrJoues, cf T z e n- vegnter of the ae laer s uperiatending 1h. work.-Twsea. W. R. HOWSEO~ CHEMIST AND DBUG4OISTP Agemif r Whitby. Wriçght's. Rhieuinatk'r flemedy, FOR SALEB T WHITBYOU ý,DOWLI N';- u,-Mrk. Jas. Balfour's assrton, ihal elmst a» the sltents in My former latter me ntm1 Mas a iao t iis jar -elo M met laf 188? sudte t1888:- Ros igt. Tsi. lis. IPe. PZOP. tWthi$00 $14lm 1 ofs 0l$800 #TÇ Ineraol assesment Bibce wxiting Mny foi learnd Ibal about $»,i b. iât dowato au addit nolme 140. dtemeprw NEAVEETON. ALTONA.' NO. 360. Mr. snd Mrs. Jo.. Hoover of New Market were in town laut week. - Mr. and Mus. H. B. Beesor and fsmily cf Mfarkham iaid un a flying visit lastweek. Bey. Mr. Wiau preaohed lnu'Union church Sunday evening. H. halls frein nome north era town. Mis. Abrahain Lehmag with lier daù gl- ter MissMai aespending a few weeks vacation wità h. rfrends in Waterloo. I wisli thein agood Urne. Our citizens had better make a boa, and clean the.«Union Cburoh of the pronence of grasa-hoppors. Thora is general noise enougli witlicut aucli creatuies putting in their mouth.* Mis. KasI Poisyth of-the 4th oncession is very sick of typlioid feveo. 8h. inattend- ed by Dr. Eastwood of Olaremç>ut, a"soMr. Gormely of Glasgow .1s very low of samo diseaise. Helasattended by Dr. Paei of stouftvllle. Those ciazy loons cf doge are agau mk- lng havo. amou¶jthe uheep cf1ths-eigh- bdroilodOne ls ked and saveiul report- ed te be-badly worriod. Our citizens had botter organize a vigilance committe, sud make say with those mneaklng pents. A rogolullon wo. paqed- by the- W... torm Baptiet Association, of Nova -Scotia of sympalhy with Mr. Spurgeonin hi. attitude on tbe so-oalled ""Down- grade, Càoàtroveroy," whioh has brought, from, hlm.a oandid snd oharaoteristio reply, pubh.ed in the Mmaemger andZ Vikn fo.-W. give it bolow thst Our keadersM May snebis own statement of;&'o. o often rofprred 10 by tbe pross of 'Mte ,but more eaPeOiillYthat theY'may ses88 hi. firinstand upon grond hieh nome ppers ave been busy in sayiu h had desrted--the baptisin o! believ- ers only : - Westwood. Beulalih IMl UpperNorwood, Leadon. To th. Brothr,n of thse Nova Bcofia West- -tomnBapti.at Aaociatioi: -- Dm zBRUImM -YourMost fraternal' reeclution afforda me gincl COnsolation lu th. midst cf mai17 WSsonal and rlatve trials. Il iewusstkind cf youto notice MY" contention for 1h. old failli. nNosma malter buaslled forth My protest. .-1, fel in my soul that th. fundaàmentaltrutha are bing ausaileand a sort fcf harity ?reveaite belovýed andstrue bribrenfrom miting -the enemv. H. who ,dais 1 tad for Il mlght beAutlteolug 10 knov boy , fcm I d mmybottiisQojbrandy sa e ly sent. oui "duu- frei th. varous rustors'luIbis Stt 1hm-1h. Act eocuty dUiy1a ed 11k. 1h.eue foadqu i by your ecrsodn sotdsac f- dn soulli of Ibis lli$nlth. 411db. <'«Smerlr iam, >yl Quinie vine on vine "a omtal-ins jj and eue grain of tQuminine." eue n o»day O Muci lstely tht vswu ilbthe Ud o! toule v o m outi, wauted, vdieee t uwte5o , , sa take a bupero ud msirew*heun ;fard it takeS oui broath-tbe ol'oSin ug - as Brelli inntotcf quine asopossible. -te liveas OroPu h.e ax ia" ,olaQ i 1hZsil WaY te suit Ourfamr.1 sabbhh bot 10 tay iC ~in& bttii I 1 WIIITBY, ONTAIRIO. FIRIDAY, AJGIJST 17, 1888. Mr. Wm. St0ddI" lia returned frein Vancouver, B. 0.1 Bey. Mi. MoBain, cf Providence,. R. IL, was arcnnd Ilst week.1 1-Bd. Hambly, Bobté. Rosa, jr. sud,"S;ooty" M!oLsen are pnding their holidays lier. About 20 campors 1.11 bore Wediiesd 1 for their homes lu Uxbrldge, afler a stiy c *bout two weeks, FI Capt. Thos. MeCullocli ba once more Mu in bi e arano. lu Beaverton. Iae Ea been salhng on sait water sud lsan good-natured as ever. A yourg obild cf Mr. A. Murry was ver! nearly kMled on Mouday luat by a wioked oow. As it was the 11111e one vas net ver1 mnuol hurt, but lis clothea were tom suÎ dlrty snd the youngster nealy frigliteued out cf Ils wis. Beaverton lanot oelebrated for mysterles except as regardesthe Scott Aot. However, la oeebàser hnglng overOu Ut5 vith agreafltsudwfulgloom. That m= hu telios ih Dunshesth's hors. It n wy des unsoata brnese disllke salt? A meeting of Thoiah farmers vas lield lu the tovu hall Satuiday at 8 o'etook p. in. te disouss measuies for th.ere-establishment cf the Beaverton Pcundiy. A loan of $2000 was talked about, but Ibis amenIvas thought toc UitIe.Mr. Smith. vantsaa bonus of $2,000 sud Joan of $4,000. It inour saduty te cbioncle the dealli of Mr. Bon. Birchardinlu.Vancouver, B, O on Sstuiday cf latweek. Mi. BizohaxdbsJ beouwvorklng in a drgstre thei fpr abouta& month wbeu the osa event teck place The particulais as te liew it hasp pened are net jet knowa, except that1. cause vas poison., The niglit cf the 1. 0. O. P. excurvion te Barrie, those who were te getLocf at Biochin weie unablete do noand had te go e nte OdUil, O! course if Biechin lied a wharf 111e there la hors no dfioulty would b. ex- perissted lu Iandlng. The Ezeeheultes vilussexcusethe Beaverton poople for net boalhn thm e »r for a nZht sud, driving themite, Breebin, nei day. Mi. Box» of Port Peiry h.& beaun se- gagdduingtii pa w vek tting nov Bey. Mir.Ph.lpsocul eà 'lb.pulpit of Ibm resytran ch=rehatt Babbath lu th. absence of Bey. J. A. ermdchael Who ie taking s couple cf veeka holiday..ý Berne good thzeUhln sd gocd ie"dail bsrley, are reported now ibtat th. machine soies l wès ions da a are ~ P Harpelot- u 1 wl as

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